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Technology trends: their impact on

the global accountancy profession
About ACCA
This discussion document does
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants) is the global body for professional
not aim to make predictions, but
accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first- rather to stimulate discussion
choice qualifications to people of application, ability and
ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career
about a broad range of emerging
in accountancy, finance and management. and converging technologies and
Founded in 1904, ACCA has consistently held unique
their potential to influence the
core values: opportunity, diversity, innovation, integrity accountancy profession.
and accountability. We believe that accountants bring
value to economies in all stages of development. We aim
to develop capacity in the profession and encourage the The propositions it presents are
adoption of consistent global standards. Our values are
aligned to the needs of employers in all sectors and we based on available, established
ensure that, through our qualifications, we prepare and emerging technologies, and
accountants for business. We work to open up the
profession to people of all backgrounds and remove the ways in which they could
artificial barriers to entry, ensuring that our qualifications
and their delivery meet the diverse needs of trainee
potentially impact on the
professionals and their employers. profession over the next five to 10
We support our 154,000 members and 432,000 students
years and beyond.
in 170 countries, helping them to develop successful
careers in accounting and business, with the skills needed
by employers. We work through a network of over 80
offices and centres and more than 8,400 Approved
Employers worldwide, who provide high standards of
employee learning and development.


The Accountancy Futures Academy contributes to

ACCA’s programme of research and insights with
powerful visions of the future. It provides a platform to
look forward, to tune into the emerging trends and
discussions in the global business and policy spheres and
the latest reforms facing the world of finance.

By looking to the future it helps the profession stay at the

cutting edge. The Academy’s work fosters fresh thinking
and innovative discussions, identifies the barriers to and
facilitators of tomorrow’s successes, and identifies the
potential strategies that will enable business and finance
to navigate the choppy waters that lie ahead.

www.accaglobal.com/futures Faye Chua

Head of Future Research, ACCA

Faye Chua is ACCA’s head of future research

and leads its global research and insights
programme that focuses on the future directions
of business and the accountancy profession
across a range of subjects. She has over 10 years
of experience in research across different
sectors of the economy and has worked in
North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe.

© The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,

May 2013

Accountants have always exploited Accountants in practice and in the

emerging technologies to help them to finance function are part of that As valued advisers to the
complete their tasks more accurately, connected world. This is changing the
quickly or simply: from the incised clay ways in which they communicate and organisations they work
tablets of the Sumerian scribes, through collaborate with those in the businesses with and for, accountants
the adding machines of the 19th they work with and for, and shaping new
century, to the calculators and working patterns. It is providing must maintain a watching
computers of the 20th century. But all of accountants with the opportunity to brief across a broad range
these technology developments were automate and de-skill time-consuming
simple propositions by comparison with and repetitive work and focus on higher
of technologies and
the myriad technologies that are now value work, so that they can consolidate trends.
rapidly reshaping the worlds of business their role as advisers on finance and
and accountancy. business.
Finance professionals
Heading into the 21st century It is impossible to predict the future need to consider the
technology trends in cloud, big data, with any degree of certainty. By keeping
mobile and social collaboration are informed about technologies as they challenges and
converging to change the ways in which evolve, considering new technologies opportunities created by
we consume information technology as they emerge, and then assessing
resources, share knowledge and their implications for finance new and emerging
experiences, and access products and professionals and those they serve and technologies, and then
services. At the same time, these trends support, accountants can be prepared
are also underpinning and influencing to minimise the burdens and maximise use their analytical and
developments in cyber security, digital the benefits. In this way the profession problem-solving skills to
service delivery, robotics, augmented can exploit technology and potentially
and virtual reality, and artificial change the scope of what it means to
assess their potential
intelligence. A ‘new normal’ is be an accountant. influence, so that they can
The ten technology trends are:
provide the financial
insights needed to guide
• mobility any affected tactical and
• cloud
• social collaboration strategic business
• digital service delivery decisions.
• big data
• payment systems
• cyber security
• robotics
• augmented and virtual reality
• artificial intelligence.



As broadband mobile connectivity to IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

the internet spreads and the scope and
availability of IT resources such as Reliable broadband networks are A recent survey of ACCA and IMA
software expands, smartphones and essential to the exploitation of the members identified mobile
tablets are morphing into seamlessly ever-expanding mobile ecosystem. For technology as the most important
integrated devices that are countries, investment can be crucial to for business in the years ahead.
indispensable in the workplace. economic recovery, as it contributes to Accountants will need to:
Businesses and their workforces have gross domestic product, stimulates
fingertip access to communication and employment and raises productivity. • identify and deploy effective
information whenever and wherever mobile solutions that can work
they need it. People are increasingly Opportunities in the decade ahead
interconnected in their personal and
professional lives and recent tablet and • Faster and more connected • manage the transition to full
smartphone incarnations, fonepads and workforce across the globe. mobility in a consistent and
phablets, have the potential to enhance safe manner
communications and connectivity • Improved productivity and efficiency
further and to blur barriers across the gains. • consider the potential offered
work and personal spheres, not to by an interconnected internet
mention geographic boundaries. • Improved client servicing. of things, from mobile devices
to appliances, cars, and
ADOPTION • Exploit Generation Y workforce to industrial equipment.
leverage technologies across
Accountants are exploiting mobile business.
technologies to deliver productivity and
efficiency gains, bring businesses closer Challenges
to their clients, and stay connected to
• The profession must understand
them whether they are in the office or
which services are best delivered ‘on
travelling. Numerous mobile devices
the move’.
are being combined with cloud services
to provide anywhere anytime access to
• Security concerns on potential theft
specialist software and the associated
or loss of information.
business and finance data. Businesses
and practices are developing their own
• Implementing the right mobile
mobile device applications to attract
technology at the right time is
publicity and new clients and to better
service existing customers. As those
entering the profession, or in early
• Working patterns will change as the
stages in their careers, become more
internet becomes more pervasive.
integrated into the workforce, mobility
is also providing businesses with a tool
to attract customers and talent across
traditional geographical boundaries.



The internet has evolved from a IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

platform that connects millions of
computers, into the network of Cloud has the potential to deliver many Being proactive can help
interactive computing platforms now business benefits but these can create accountants, and those they work
known as ‘the cloud’. It can deliver IT opportunities and challenges for with and for, to make better
resources (such as software accountants. tactical and strategic decisions
applications, computing power and and to gain competitive
data storage) flexibly and efficiently Opportunities advantage. Accountants will need
online, as a service. These resources to:
can be scaled up and down to meet • Ease of access, scalability, data
demand, and accessed anytime, sharing and collaboration. • explore ways of establishing
anywhere, from fixed and mobile actual costs – the devil is in
devices. Numerous services are offered • Reduced up-front costs and the detail
from ‘public clouds’, businesses are management overheads.
creating their own ‘private clouds’ and • educate those outside the
these are evolving into ‘hybrid clouds’ • Fewer physical and logical space finance function (including
that meet spikes in demand with public constraints. practice clients) on the
cloud services. complexity of total cost
• Basis for developing new products calculations
ADOPTION and services.
• clarify national and
Accountants and the organisations they Challenges international tax regulations
work with and for, are exploiting the and complications
• False perception that pay-as-you go
cloud - in business, practice and the
is ‘cheaper’ than other ways to
third sector. Accounting systems were • demand more granular use of,
resource IT.
among the first software to become and price data from, cloud
available online where they (and their vendors – particularly
• Difficult to monitor/control/analyse infrastructure providers.
associated data) have been joined by a
IT costs (particularly for
growing range of business ‘software as
a service’ (SaaS): from budgeting to
spreadsheets. Using cloud-based
• Inadequacy of traditional
infrastructure such as computers and
approaches to IT cost/benefit
data storage can provide access to
unlimited resources without the need
for up-front investment, maintenance or
• Expectation that IT systems will be
IT expertise. But the consumption-
available online (often 24/7).
based, pay-as-you-go approach is a
mixed blessing.


Social collaboration

Social media has come a long way in IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

the 20 years that have passed since
people first started using the internet to As the use of social tools becomes the As social tools and their use
create, share and exchange information ‘new normal’ all accountants will be proliferate, the profession will
and ideas, but the biggest changes affected by changing approaches to, need to adapt its working
have emerged over the past few years. and expectations of, communication methods and reassess models in
Social media sites for blogging, and collaboration. business and in practice.
crowdsourcing, instant messaging, Accountants will need to:
internet telephony, and sharing pictures Opportunities
and music quickly gained critical mass • introduce better controls and
as popular personal tools for • Removing barriers to education to enforce
communication and collaboration. Then communication. governance
they were picked up and exploited by
businesses, government bodies, • Speeding up month-end processes. • develop new skills and attract
charities and other organisations that digital natives of Generation Y
want to improve communication and • Enhance decision-making and
collaboration with and between their productivity. • adapt to meet the changing
many internal and external expectations of the
stakeholders. • Opening up new routes to profession.
The professional lives of accountants
• Removing barriers to
are being reshaped by social
collaboration and the new possibilities
it creates. Crowdsourcing is being used
• Risk to sensitive corporate data.
to accelerate and improve the
development of products and services,
• Positioning finance as strategically
and crowdfunding is bringing start-ups
and projects together with sources of
finance. The US Securities and
• Assessing and explaining the
Exchange Commission recently
financial implications of new
announced that social media outlets
such as Facebook and Twitter can be
used to make disclosures to investors as
long as they have previously been
advised that this is a possibility. Social
tools are being integrated into systems
such as customer relationship
management and enterprise resource
planning to provide new ways for
finance to collaborate with its
‘customers’ in other parts of the
enterprise and outside it.


Digital service delivery

Digital services are transforming IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

business, practice, central and local
government, charities and other third As accountants and those they work As ‘digital by default’ becomes
sector organisations, by exploiting new with and for deliver more products and the norm in more scenarios and
IT architectures and technologies to services electronically, new skills are sectors, accountants wil need to:
deliver web-based business processes, required and new risks must be
e-commerce, mobile commerce, and addressed. • recruit those with the required
cloud-based software and services digital literacy skills and/or
using the internet and intranets. Many Opportunities develop them
digital services include key features
such as self-help and self-assessment • Potential to transform efficiency and • plan tactically and
solutions for service users, and use customer satisfaction. strategically to deliver
technologies such as chat bots (see competitive advantage
page 13, artificial intelligence) to handle • Business models can be automated
initial enquiries and requests for and streamlined. • consider the implications of
support (rather than, or in addition to, businesses, advisers,
email), offer interactive live chat from • Global standardisation. regulators, and others
websites and portals, and communicate becoming progressively more
using social media channels such as • The cost of public service delivery connected and exchanging
Facebook and Twitter. and compliance can be minimised. data automatically.

ADOPTION Challenges

• Digital connectivity is central to

Accountants are using digital services
cultures and hence business
to provide resources and to access
resources. Accountancy practices are
offering self-service features, such as
• Robust business cases can be hard
online data vaults that clients can use to
to build.
access statutory and management
reports and other material the firm has
• Lack of interoperability of legacy
worked on. Banking, shopping, booking
flights and more is being made more
efficient for customers and more
• Time taken to develop classifications
cost-effective for providers. Regulatory
and use of multiple taxonomies.
services are increasingly delivered
digitally: the eXtensible Business
• Financial benefits can be hard to
Reporting Language (XBRL) is being
exploited to streamline and automate
processes by regulators ranging from
the Australian Federal Government to
the European Insurance and
Occupational Pensions Authority.


Big data

The world creates 2.5 quintillion (1018) IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

bytes of data each day in the form of
barcodes, phone signals, digital The profession’s trademark analysis and As every aspect of business and
images, transactional databases, problem-solving skills can help personal life adds to the volumes
personal location records, statutory accountants to manage the complexity of information being amassed,
reporting systems, online searches, of the vast amounts of data being accountants will need to:
radio-frequency identification tags, generated.
social data, video clips, website visits, • apply their analytical and
and more. Converging technology Opportunities critical skills to establish a
trends, the shift from analogue to broader and more strategic
digital, widespread mobile device • Improve understanding of market remit
adoption, internet-connected systems conditions, forward planning and
and ‘exhaust data’ from physical objects risks. • explore ways to manage the
(the internet of things) are constantly increasing volume and
creating vast amounts of structured and • Potential to increase business complexity of the data to be
unstructured data. The ability to collate, effectiveness and lower process analysed and audited
manage and analyse it effectively can costs.
lead to better decisions and generate a • help other parts of the
competitive advantage for business, • Transform audit and forensic business to better analyse and
and the technology to do this is accounting by improving corporate. exploit data
becoming more accessible and
affordable. • Level playing field for small • investigate new ways to
businesses and larger organisations. estimate cost and return on
ADOPTION investment.
Amazon, IBM and Google are among
• Shortage of data mining and
the organisations using big data to
interpretations skills.
business advantage by targeting sales
efforts and personalising products,
• Knowing which questions to ask to
driving efficiency and quality, and
gain insights.
producing higher levels of customer
satisfaction and experience.
• Affordability, interoperability and
Researchers are exploiting big data in
aerospace, broadcast, genetics,
manufacturing, retail and transport.
• Obtaining high quality data. Lots of
Vendors of software for business
data is not the answer.
intelligence, enterprise resource
planning, sales management and more
• Data security, privacy and other
are adding the capability to analyse vast
important legal issues.
amounts of data ‘in-memory’, and
cloud-based platforms are emerging to
provide on-demand access to the tools
that organisations and individuals need
to tap into the ‘internet of things’ and
unlock the power of big data.


Payment systems

The internet has become both a centre IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

and a platform for commerce and this is
reshaping payment systems across the The speed and magnitude of change is Over the last decade new systems
world. Changes include moves to phase disrupting existing business models have been introduced while older
out cheques and a decline in the rate at and ways of working while creating systems have not been
which the use of credit and debit cards huge new opportunities and eliminated. Accountants have a
increases. But the most significant challenges. valuable role to play in simplifying
change to payment systems has been and streamlining the resulting
the rise of electronic banking – and Opportunities complexity and fragmentation
numerous associated payment and reducing costs. Accountants
platforms. Services offered by • Increased levels of transparency in will need to:
traditional banks are increasingly transactions can change business
accessed online from internet- and the role of finance professionals. • aquire new skills to adapt and
connected fixed and mobile devices; exploit new money paradigms
statutory payments must increasingly • Potential to overcome persistent and methods of exchange
be made electronically; payment market failures in business financing.
options using mobile phones are • use their experience and
proliferating; businesses and consumers • Simplified reconciliation process can insight to innovate current
have a myriad of ways to make and save time and money. systems and adapt to new and
accept payments for goods and emerging payment systems
services. • Full automation of transactions.
• position themselves as
ADOPTION Challenges advisers and guides as P2P
platforms reduce dependency
• New payment providers operate
E-commerce features are increasingly on banks
outside existing regulatory
being built into software and e-banking
is following: even entry-level accounting • develop expertise and
systems now automate links with bank guidance on areas such as
• Increase in number and value of
accounts. Consumers and businesses online and virtual payments
transactions will increase fraud.
are exploiting pre-paid smart cards and and their taxation.
mobile phones as ‘electronic wallets’
• Lack of interoperability between
using services such as Barclays (Pingit)
and the start-up Square. Affordable
access to mobile phones has enabled
• The demise of some existing
new players to introduce m-banking
payment systems.
services in developing economies.
Alternative online payment platforms
• A move away from traditional
are using virtual currencies such as
notions and concepts of money and
Bitcoin and the Linden Dollar, and to
peer-to-peer (P2P) lending sites such as
Funding Circle and Zopa are increasing
routes to finance. Not all emerging
‘financial services’ are regulated:
governments have been slow to act.


Cyber security

The world has become reliant on IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

computers and digital personal and
business information. This has exposed In the future most indicators signal that Today’s mostly reactive security
individuals, organisations and entire cyber attacks will become more models give cyber criminals
countries to significant threats, and complex, more severe, and more advantages that they quickly
these must be managed as new forms difficult to prevent, detect, and address. exploit. To counter the evolving
of cyber-terrorism, cyber-crime and cyber threat accountants will
cyber-fraud that are emerging. With Opportunities need to:
products and services increasingly
provided, sourced and accessed online, • Accountants can be crucial to • become more proactive
the security of sensitive personal and identifying, assessing and mitigating
corporate data and systems is vital if the risks. • take an integrated approach
cyber attacks are not to damage to cyber security that reflects
operations and reputations. Theft of • Constant monitoring/updating their business and risk profile
digital information has become the defences can reduce risk and costs.
most commonly reported fraud, • regularly review security
surpassing physical theft, and recent • Internal audit can provide assurance procedures in light of new and
research indicates that the relative on controls and policies to govern emerging threats and risks.
insecurity of small and medium-sized data privacy and security.
enterprises is making them a growing
focus for cyber attacks. Challenges

• CFOs and the finance function need

to act as guardians of data.
As internet use has increased, the tools
• Miniaturisation. Memory and
to manage cyber security and to
processing chips too small to see
protect against deliberate attacks and
with the naked eye will be
accidental loss of data have become
embedded into objects such as
widely available – and affordable. Those
jewellery as ‘smart dust’ with the
at risk have boosted spending on cyber
capacity to constantly collect and
security and introduced policies and
transmit information.
procedures, but these must be regularly
reviewed to ensure their effectiveness
• Further into the future, beyond
against new threats. A recent ACCA and
2025, biotech-engineered bacteria
IMA member survey found 60% of
will also be able to contain
respondents taking some measures
electronic circuits. If they are made
against cyber attacks: large
capable of reproduction, they could
organisations such as the Big Financials
become impossible to avoid – and
and the Big Four were more likely to
eliminate privacy and security.
take steps to mitigate cyber-crime risks,
and initiatives appear to be prompted
by a feeling that risks are becoming
more plentiful, threatening and costly.



A robot is a system that contains IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

sensors, control systems, manipulators,
power supplies and software, which all As robotics evolves and converges with The finance profession will not be
work together to perform a task or other emerging technologies a new alone in needing to adapt its
series of tasks. Science fiction has world of ethical, financial, practical, and working practices, but it will need
equipped us with expectations of a operational possibilities will emerge. to develop new ways to measure
physical body too, and many robots do value and success. Accountants
have one, but the emergence of Opportunities will need to:
software agents known as ‘bots’ has
created some room for debate about • The capacity to improve our • explore and anticipate the
what constitutes a robot (see page 13, personal and professional lives. possibilities and their need for
artificial intelligence). Basic regulation
characteristics include the ability to: • Separating skill and expertise from
power itself, using sources such as a the people and professionals who • consider the impact on
battery, light, electricity and biofuel; possess it. management accounting and
move around its environment; sense its control systems
surroundings; digest information and • Human brakes and overrides are
make decisions. needed. • devise new methods for
measuring robot performance
ADOPTION Challenges and return on investment.
• Robots are only as smart as their
Forget the androids in Terminator and
designers – today.
Star Wars. Being humanoid in
appearance or behaviour is not
• Self-learning systems make
necessarily helpful to the vast majority
progressively higher-level
of robots, which are being designed
judgement calls.
and used to do work that is too boring,
dangerous, or demanding for humans,
• Where accountancy is most rule-
and work that requires levels of
based it is easiest to automate.
precision and consistency of standards
that are beyond most people. As they
have become more cost-effective the
use of robots has become
commonplace in industries ranging
from medicine and manufacturing to
structural engineering and space
exploration. Online ‘bots’ are being
used to offer advice on finance,
pensions, and insurance. 


Augmented and virtual reality

Reality is not what it was. Augmented IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

reality (AR) can enhance our
perceptions of the real environment by As virtual experiences become more The profession will need to
overlaying images of it with sensory immersive and interactive, accountants prepare for changes in areas
input such as sound, graphical overlays, will face new opportunities and new ranging from education, through
video and various other types of data. challenges. customer service to data
Technology can also simulate our processing and analysis.
physical presence in virtual reality (VR) Opportunities Accountants will need to:
worlds where we can interact online:
some of our experiences of virtual • Make better sense of financial data • explore new ways to attract
worlds can be largely visual and aural using visual, aural and special talent and deliver and access
with simple interfaces such as keyboard, immersion. training
mouse and headphones, or they can be
much more immersive, using devices • Apply VR to areas of accounting and • develop new approaches to
such as wired gloves and head- finance. measuring and analysing costs
mounted displays to overlay and and return on investment
augment our perceptions. • Alternative approaches to business
activities and development. • consider new ways to conduct
ADOPTION business/enhance services by
Challenges applying AR.
Nanotechnology is being used to make
• The perception of AR and VR as
tiny objects (100 millionth of a
digital gimmickry.
millimetre or less) that can augment
reality: such as contact lenses with
• Cherry-picking the technologies
overlays and a Braille keyboard with
that have the most potential.
refreshable soft cells that will improve
interaction with computers. Apple is
• Assessing the financial case for and
among those developing technology to
against research and development
make our mobile use of AR more
and adoption.
interactive. VR has become essential in
industries such as automotive, oil and
• Identifying and managing new areas
gas, to the visualisation of complex
of risk.
processes. Accountants are using the
virtual world Second Life to recruit
trainees, attract clients and develop
new lines of business, and holding
meetings in online role-playing games
such as World of Warcraft.


Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) describes a IMPLICATIONS ACTIONS

machine or software that can
demonstrate behaviour Smart systems, bots and other AI tools As AI technology and expert
indistinguishable from that of the can deliver benefits in business and systems become more
human brain. This is not yet possible practice but, they can also create commonplace accountants will
but there are many examples of opportunities and challenges for need to become more adept at
software that can demonstrate limited accountants. monitoring, assessing and
‘intelligence’ (depending on how you exploiting them. Accountants will
define this). Most of us have used Opportunities need to:
software that can emulate the decision-
making processes of an expert: lots of • Automating routine and repetitive • stay informed and know what
software now has expert knowledge tasks and processes. is possible
built in and the capacity to ‘learn’ how
to improve its own processes and • Replacing humans with software- • assess the potential to
performance. The internet is awash with based entities. automate tasks and
software agents (bots) that mimic procedures
human behaviour as they make • Improving compliance and decision-
independent decisions, learn and making. • up-skill to take advantage of
interact with each other. the potential to focus on
• Delivering focussed services more higher value work.
ADOPTION efficiently and effectively.

Accountants increasingly rely on the Challenges

expert knowledge built into software in
• Deciding when to use professional
a range of scenarios. Auditors use smart
judgement/rely on software.
software to automate parts of the
auditing process, and there are other
• Progressive de-skilling of the
specialist applications to help with
accountancy profession.
compliance in areas ranging from
financial reporting to international tax.
• Managing expectations.
E-commerce businesses are using AI
chat bots to gain attention, engage
• Self-learning systems could become
users, and to act as sales people, as well
more effective than expert
as FAQs and support agents: the bots
use sophisticated algorithms to
interpret natural language questions
and then deliver answers using online
chat or computer-generated voice –
they even integrate back into
accounting, CRM, and inventory


Talking points

At the moment it seems clear that these

10 technologies are coming together to THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGIES ON THE FINANCE PROFESSION
create the ‘new normal’. Accountants
have a significant role to play in this 1. By 2015 every accountancy firm will give clients an app they can
increasingly connected and use to access their business/accounting data from a mobile device
interconnected ecosystem. The internet such as a tablet or smartphone.
and cloud-based technology resources
are reshaping myriad aspects of 2. Accountants will need to re-skill to retain their emerging role as
business: from the way we finance, the gatekeeper of corporate data.
resource and develop new and existing
enterprises, to the way we create, buy 3. The profession must develop new ways to measure and value
and sell products and services. Nothing technology costs and benefits for the world of cloud computing
in the future is certain, and the and social networking.
unforeseen interactions between these
technologies promise to be both 4. The accountancy profession will shrink as software vendors build
interesting and challenging. progressively more finance expertise into self-learning products
and services.
This document does not aim to make
predictions, but rather to stimulate 5. The CFO of the future will need to know as much about technology
discussion about a broad range of as they do about financial management.
emerging and converging technologies
and their potential to influence finance 6. Unless accountants embrace technology they will follow the
professionals. The following dinosaur into extinction – individually and as a profession.
propositions are based on available,
established and emerging 7. By 2020 audits may well be real-time. Regulators will conduct them
technologies, and the ways in which automatically pulling data in from business systems and sensors
they could potentially impact on the embedded in everything – from stock to livestock and even human
finance profession over the next five to beings.
10 years and beyond.
8. If accountants do not position themselves as subject matter
experts on emerging trends such as crowdfunding and new
payment platforms then other professionals will.

9. Accountants must exploit emerging technologies to attract talent

and to develop and manage existing talent.

10. By 2025 all digital data will be available to everybody.



ACCA 29 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3EE United Kingdom / +44 (0)20 7059 5000 / www.accaglobal.com

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