Lecture 1 Vectors

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Physics For Engineers: Vectors

Andhee M. Jacobe

January 2018
Scalars and Vectors

Scalars and Vectors

Definition (Vectors and Scalars)
• A vector is an entity which involves two components - the magnitude and
the direction.
• A scalar on the other hand is an entity which only involves magnitude.

Examples of Scalars:
• Speed
• Distance
• Work
• Energy
Examples of Vectors:
• Position
• Displacement
• Velocity
• Acceleration
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Scalars and Vectors

Vectors and Its Components

We have stated that a vector has two parts - the magnitude and the direction.
Aside from these two major parts of a vector, a vector can also be decomposed
into several components, each of them are vectors in their own right.
Definition (General Form of a Vector)
~ be an n-dimensional vector. Denote its magnitude as |V
Let V ~ | = V . Further,
denote its directions with respect to the n dimensions be θi with i = 1, 2, ..., n.
Then the n components of V ~ are given as:

Vxi = V cos θi (1)

~ , the magnitude can be derived by :

Conversely, given the components Vxi of V
V = Vx21 + Vx22 + ... + Vx2n (2)

and the directions are given as:

θi = arccos (3)
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Scalars and Vectors

Vectors and Its Components

For the usual 2-dimensional case, we simply set x1 = x and x2 = y . Thus we have
the following results:

Definition (Two-Dimensional Vectors)

Let V~ be two-dimensional, for simplicity, Cartesian in nature. Let θx , θy be the
directions with respect to the positive x and y axes respectively. Then, the
components are given by:

Vx = V cos θx = V sin θy (4)

Vy = V cos θy = V sin θx (5)

Conversely: q
V = Vx2 + Vy2 (6)

θi = arccos , i = x, y (7)

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Scalars and Vectors

Vectors and Its Components

For extension for space problems (three-dimensional):

Definition (Three-Dimensional Vectors)

~ be three-dimensional. Let θx , θy , θz be the directions with respect to the
Let V
positive x, y and z axes respectively. Then, the components are given by:

Vi = V cos θi , i = x, y , z (8)

Conversely: q
V = Vx2 + Vy2 + Vz2 (9)

θi = arccos , i = x, y , z (10)

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Scalars and Vectors

Vectors and Its Components

A vector can also be denoted using its components:

Definition (Component Notation)

~ with components Vx , Vx , ..., Vx in component form is:
A vector V 1 2 n

 
Vx2 
Vx1 i1 + Vx2 i2 + ... + Vxn in = (Vx1 , Vx2 , ..., Vxn ) =  .  (11)
 
 .. 

Sample Problems:
1 A vector on a Cartesian plane starts from the origin and terminates at point
(5,10). Determine the magnitude of the vector and its direction.
2 A car travels at a speed of 60 mph at 60◦ to the North. Determine the x and
y components of the vector.
3 A vector is given as (3, 5, 6, 2) in component form. What is the magnitude of
the vector and its directions with respect to its axes?
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Scalars and Vectors

Vector Operations

Definition (Vector Addition)

~ and W
Also known as the resultant, the sum of two vectors V ~ is the vector
whose components are the sums of the corresponding components of V~ and W ~.

~ +W
V ~ = (Vx + Wx , Vx + Wx , ..., Vx + Wx ) (12)
1 1 2 2 n n

Definition (Negative of a Vector)

~ , denoted as −V
The negative of vector V ~ , is the vector with same magnitude as
~ but going towards the opposite direction.

Definition (Vector Subtraction)

The difference of W ~ from V
~ , denoted as V
~ −W
~ , is defined as the sum of V and
the negative of W .

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Scalars and Vectors

Vector Operations

Definition (Scalar Multiplication)

~ and a scalar k, the scalar multiple k V
Given a vector V ~ is defined as the vector
whose magnitude is |k| times the magnitude of V ~ . If k is positive, then k V
~ has
~ ~
the same direction as V . If k is negative, then k V has the direction opposite to
that of V
There are two types of vector products - the dot product and the cross
product. The former yields a scalar while the latter produces a vector

Definition (Dot Product)

The Dot Product, also referred to as inner or scalar product, is given as:
~ ·W
V ~ = Vx Wx + Vx Wx + ... + Vx Wx = |V
~ ||W
~ | cos θ (13)
1 1 2 2 n n

where θ is the angle between the two vectors.

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Scalars and Vectors

Vector Operations
Definition (Cross Product)
~ ×W
The Cross Product is given as: V ~ with

~ ×W
|V ~ | = |V
~ ||W
~ | sin θ (14)

again θ is the angle between the two vectors. The direction of V ~ ×W ~ , φ, is

perpendicular to both V ~ and W ~.
~ = (x1 , y1 , z1 ), W
In three-dimensional cases, if V ~ = (x2 , y2 , z2 ), then

~ ×W
V ~ = (y1 z2 − z1 y2 , z1 x2 − x1 z2 , x1 y2 − y1 x2 ) (15)

• Vector addition is commutative and associative.
• Vector subtraction is neither commutative nor associative.
• Scalar multiplication is commutative, associative, and distributive over vector
addition and scalar addition.
• Dot products are associative and commutative.
• Cross products are not commutative but are associative.
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Scalars and Vectors

Vector Operations

Sample Problems:
4 Find the resultant of the three vectors: (1, 0, −1), (2, 4, 3), (1, 1, −1).
5 An object moved 5 meters at 40◦ North of East, 6 meters at 30◦ North of
West, then went 7 meters Southwards. Determine the resultant of the
vectors involved.
6 The components of the resultant of vectors U = (1, 3, 5), V = (2, 4, 6) and
W is twice as the components of W + U. Determine the magnitude of W
and the angle between U and the resultant.
7 Determine (2, 3, 4) · (5, 6, 7).
8 Determine (2, 3, 4) × (5, 6, 7).

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Scalars and Vectors

Answers to Sample Problems

Sample Problems:

1 5 5 units at 63.43◦ North of East.

2 30 mph East and 30 3 mph North.

3 V = 74 units. θ~ = (69.59◦ , 54.46◦ , 45.77◦ , 76.56◦ ).
4 (4, 2, 2).
5 6.97 meters at 11.66◦ North of East.

6 W = 3 units and θR,U = 6.35◦ .
7 56.
8 (−3, 6, −3).

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