India Today 11-02-2019 PDF
India Today 11-02-2019 PDF
India Today 11-02-2019 PDF
www.indiatod Y 11, 2019 `60
RNI NO. 28587/75
Will her entry give the
Congress campaign a
boost or upset a
fragile Opposition
alliance in the
high stakes 2019 battle
for Uttar Pradesh?
RNI NO. 28587/75
Congress campaign a
boost or upset a
fragile Opposition
alliance in the
high stakes 2019 battle
for Uttar Pradesh?
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Hon'ble Minister
Bihar Department of Industries, Bihar
uildings can be allegories for the vision and of the Congress scion’s entry into a key battleground
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PG 4 PG 6
eportedly on the verge of being also named a number of senior bankers, ley’s intervention. He accused officers of
dropped, the investigations into either currently or formerly associated “megalomania” in a blog post, essen-
the conduct of Chanda Kochhar, with ICICI Bank, in its FIR, prompt- tially condemned the CBI as unprofes-
former ICICI Bank managing director ing a sharp response from Arun Jaitley, sional, and asked if its investigation was
and chief executive officer, took a sharp the Union finance minister who is now “a journey to nowhere (or everywhere)”.
turn on January 25 as the Central Bur- minister without portfolio as he con- While agreeing with the thrust of his ar-
eau of Investigation (CBI) booked her valesces in the US. Jaitley accused the gument, critics such as former finance
for “dishonestly sanctioning loans to the CBI, the country’s premier investigating minister P. Chidambaram, also under
Videocon group”. Raids were conducted agency, of “adventurism”. the CBI scanner alongside son Karti,
on Videocon’s headquarters in Mumbai His criticism that the CBI casts its wondered why Jaitley waited until (in
and an office in Aurangabad, while net too widely and, as a result, often the latter’s words) “the who’s who of
there were searches at the offices of fails to secure convictions, received nods the banking industry” was implicated
NuPower Renewables, an alternative of sympathy from politicians and com- before articulating doubts about the
energy company co-founded by Venugo- mentators across party and ideologi- standard functioning of the CBI.
pal Dhoot, chairman of Videocon, and cal lines, though some eyebrows were On the CBI’s part, it maintains it
Chanda’s husband Deepak. The CBI raised at the strength and tenor of Jait- is still only asking questions of some
65 1.5
55 1
45 0
MAR. 2013 DEC. 2018 MAR. 2013 DEC. 2018
The inability to create jobs was The fall in international crude
possibly the biggest failing of the prices, after an ominous re-
government. A CMIE household cent spike, has brought much
survey says 11 million jobs were relief to the economy
lost in 2018 alone
(Rs/ litre)
8 Jobs as 90
7 per EPFO 80
6 (in lakh)
4 60
3 Diesel
0 30
SEP. 2017 NOV. 2018 NOV. 2011 DEC. 2018
2 0
MAR. 2016 DEC. 2018 NOV. 2011 DEC. 2018
hen I first met George Fernandes in 1984 in to make a mark because the V.P. Singh government collapsed
Bengaluru, he was already a national hero. In soon after. George then set about building the Samata Party
the previous decade, he had built his reputation with compatriots Sharad Yadav and Nitish Kumar after
first as a fearless trade union leader who could breaking away from the Janata Dal.
bring the country’s railways to a halt. Then, as a fiery opponent It was when he was defence minister during the Atal Bihari
of the Emergency even willing to resort to violence to challenge Vajpayee government between 1998 and 2004 that he truly
the establishment. And, finally, as the champion of socialism came into his own. Always at the centre of a storm, George
by booting out Coca Cola and IBM when he was industries also exhibited a puzzling duality that was a hallmark of his
minister in the short-lived Janata government. chequered career. Having opposed the 1974 nuclear explosion
George was always where the action was. Except that in ordered by Indira Gandhi, famously saying that “without the
his home state Karnataka, while he was revered, he was never necessary economic infrastructure, all talk of a bomb can
regarded as a true local. He grew just be so much bombast”, he
up in coastal Mangalore (adjacent endorsed the 1998 tests Vajpayee
to my home district Kodagu). He conducted. “When I found that
initially wanted to be a priest and other nuclear weapon countries
even entered a seminary, but gave were unwilling to give up their
it up soon after, disillusioned by own capability, I decided we must
its practices. Thereafter, he left have them,” he told me at that
for Mumbai, where he earned time. George didn’t do himself
his spurs as a union leader and proud either when he failed to
then catapulted himself into the condemn the brutal killing of
national reckoning. Christian missionary Graham
He was contesting an elec- Stuart Staines in Orissa in 1999.
tion in his home state for the Controversy remained
first time—from the Bangalore George’s constant companion
North constituency—when I throughout his life. Soon after
covered his campaign as an the nuclear tests, he was involved
INDIA TODAY correspondent. in an unseemly battle with then
He was up against great odds as naval chief Admiral Vishnu
the election was being held soon Bhagwat and had him sacked
after the assassination of Indira for insubordination. Vajpayee’s
Gandhi and the sympathy wave coalition government sank after
for the Congress headed by Rajiv its alliance partner, the AIA-
Gandhi was evident. But George, ever the fighter, remained DMK, pulled out in protest over the sacking. The 1999 Kargil
undaunted. I recall him criticising Rajiv for building War saw Vajpayee return to power in the next general election
swimming pools for the Asiad games while the rest of the and George was back as defence minister. But, in 2001, he
country, including Bangalore, faced a water shortage. He had to resign when allegations of corruption implicated the
lost the election and though he became a member of the Lok defence ministry and Parliament came to a standstill. George
Sabha nine times, it was never from Karnataka. That didn’t stepped down and when I asked him how he saw the future, he
bother George—he was never parochial and fought and won said, “I have always fought against injustice in all forms and
most of his electoral battles from Bihar. will continue to do so.” Within months, Vajpayee reinstated
Five years later, I met him when he had become the Union him as defence minister. After 2004, he found himself out of
minister for railways in the V.P. Singh government. He was government but continued to champion causes of all kinds
his feisty self, his wavy hair askew, as he spoke passionately of till first illness and then death took him gently into the night.
the need to reform the railways. Though credited for having It would extinguish an extraordinary personality but not his
sanctioned the Konkan Railway network that connected contribution as a fiery and irrepressible socialist leader who
Mumbai to Goa and Mangalore, he didn’t get much of a chance left a permanent stamp on Indian polity. ■
Andaman’s Inner
Fault Lines
he recent Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB)
introduced by the National Democratic Alliance
(NDA) government has sparked widespread protest
in the Northeast over its repercussions on the demography
of border states. A similar conflict with troubling parallels
is brewing in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where a
strong demand for an Inner Line Permit (ILP) regime has
been voiced by local communities concerned about the
growing number of migrants settling in the archipelago.
In an emotional remark during his recent visit to the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi declared that there is no difference between the islands
and the mainland, and that for him they are one and the
same. The statement did not go down well with many local
residents, given the growing discontent over migrants from
the mainland competing for the scarce job opportunities and HERO WORSHIPPING In December, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
resources available here. renamed three islands as a tribute to Subhas Chandra Bose
Last year, this disgruntlement took the shape of a
movement when a joint action forum (JAF) was formed by the ILP issue, the Trinamool Congress has entered the fray
locals demanding an ILP to check the influx of new migrants. with a more openly pro-Bengali stance.
The movement was led by the oldest settlers’ group, the The islands, which have extensive forest land, have
Local Born Association (LBA), headed by Dr Prem Kishan reportedly seen large-scale encroachments by migrants,
(himself a descendant of a ‘penal settler’). The movement often in connivance with authorities, with politicians turning
also had its detractors, who claimed that the demand a blind eye. It’s notable that the Supreme Court in May
was unconstitutional. The ruling BJP initially supported 2002, while hearing a petition on mass-scale logging and
the cause, but soon changed course, demanding other uncontrolled plundering of natural resources in the islands,
instruments such as the domicile certificate and the National had accepted the recommendations made by the Prof.
Population Register identity proofs. BJP MP Bishnu Pada Shekhar Singh Commission. The commission had suggested
Ray declared that the ILP was against his party’s ideology. regulations to check population influx. It had recommended
The issue is bringing some long-standing undercurrents that to prevent any further encroachment and rampant
of ethnic rivalry to a head with some protesters raising immigration, the administration should regulate the entry of
slogans against ‘Bangladeshis’. In fact, Bengali islanders have people to the area within three months by having the islands
long been a dominant demographic here, and the islands’ declared as an Inner Line Area.
MP (whether Congress or BJP) has traditionally been from The elections may have pushed the issue off the agenda,
this community. There is a widespread perception here but Kishan says the demand for Inner Line Area restrictions
that Bengali migration has been tacitly encouraged and cannot be ignored whether or not there is political support
that encroachments of public land by Bengalis are swiftly for it. While maintaining that the new factor of the
regularised. Even the recent renaming of islands announced Citizenship Amendment Bill will only aggravate the problem
on Modi’s visit is viewed by many as pandering to Bengalis. of a migrant influx, he reiterated that the movement is not
Meanwhile, a parallel campaign by the Bengali against any community. For the moment, it seems that the
community, which felt targeted by the JAF, forced both BJP’s nationalist stance and the interests of a commercial
the Congress and the BJP to go silent on the issue. The ‘development lobby’ keen on migrant labour have stymied
community, formed the Bengali Joint Action Forum (BJAF), the demand for ILP restrictions. But the wider communities
and tried to outdo the JAF with bigger rallies and public of historic migrants are unlikely to remain silent on the
meetings, most recently with a show of strength on January perceived encroachment on their fragile islands. ■
23, Subhas Chandra Bose’s birthday. While most political
parties have been at pains to maintain their distance from The author is a journalist and researcher based in Port Blair
below one in 10—of India’s sex workers
ever work in brothels.
Gupta, who has long been Kristof ’s
and Steinem’s interlocutor on this sub-
By Siddharth Dube ject, equally absurdly claims in a Wall
Street Journal op-ed that, in India,
“the average age for beginning sex
work is between nine and 10”. Such
Lessons in Love, stunning disregard for evidence and
Leadership and Courage
ver 20 million people had from India’s Sex Workers
truth is only possible where the exag-
died of AIDS before the by Ashok Alexander geraters know they are unlikely to ever
world’s elite paid heed to the Juggernaut; be held to account.
carnage. Then, belatedly, `699; 287 pages While A Stranger Truth deserves
the disease became the global cause to be widely read, it is a strangely
du jour. Billionaires and movie stars destructive campaign of disinforma- uneven book. The quality of Alexan-
vied to declare their abiding concern tion on Indian sex work conditions led der’s writing deteriorates after the first
for the AIDS-stricken, notably for ‘in- by New York Times columnist Nicholas hundred-odd pages, to the point that
nocent’ women and children. Bill and Kristof, feminist Gloria Steinem, it almost seems the work of another
Melinda Gates were in the vanguard journalist Ruchira Gupta and a motley writer. The analysis deteriorates too,
of this elite, though with a commit- crew of far-right US legislators and with the early insights giving way to
ment to public health matters that has evangelical zealots, who heatedly in- reverential anecdotes about the Gates
been laudably sustained since—and in sist that sex work is indistinguishable clan and needlessly exaggerated
2003, the couple selected Ashok Alex- from sex trafficking and that the only claims about the Gates-funded HIV-
ander to lead an HIV prevention effort acceptable solution is to abolish sex prevention effort.
backed by a $200 million gift. work, irrespective of the views of sex The gravest weakness is Alex-
A Stranger Truth is Alexander’s workers themselves or the considered ander’s neglect of the far-reaching
journey from the moneyed world of advice of the United Nations’ human efforts by India’s sex workers to fight
McKinsey & Company, the American rights experts. for their rights since the early 1990s,
consulting firm, into the India of pov- “The brothels of India are the slave endeavours that testify to the strength
erty, scorn and injustice suffered by sex plantations of the 21st century,” Kristof of grassroots democracy. Readers of
workers of every gender. pronounced in his trademark sensa- A Stranger Truth would never know
Alexander is perceptive and icono- tionalistic take on brutish Third World that India’s sex workers do not merely
clastic. He writes, in insights that will nations, stridently adding, “India prob- display the individual leadership quali-
surprise the many well-off Indians, ably has more modern slaves than any ties that Alexander rightly celebrates,
who seem unaware that ordinary Indi- country in the world. It has millions of but also have for decades led pan-India
ans muster heroism every day to sur- movements demanding a cogent agen-
vive a lifetime of blows: “These women da of rights, a cornerstone of which is
stand out for the capacity to judge Alexander marshals the decriminalisation of consensual
character and negotiate well. They sur- evidence against the sex work. My hope is that Alexander’s
vive because of their personal courage, disinformation ahistorical ‘great man leading the poor’
charisma and sense of humour. They account will be the impetus for more
are selfless. They exercise leadership
campaign on Indian readers to turn to Nalini Jameela’s
in the highest sense of the word, and sex-work conditions truly revelatory autobiography of life
with a combination of attributes I have by those who insist as a sex worker or the other recent ac-
rarely seen in business leaders.” For that sex work is counts that document how India’s sex
such deep insights, Alexander deserves workers have actually won progress. ■
praise and readers. indistinguishable
He deserves praise, too, for mar- from sex trafficking Siddharth Dube works on
shalling evidence that rebukes the social justice issues
Vheartland states has
ictory in three Hindi
earned the Congress
attention from some political
Prime Minister? heavyweights in Bihar,
nion minister for road transport, highways and strongman Anant Singh,
shipping Nitin Gadkari is in the news for publicly who has a criminal past, has
questioning his government and the party leadership. launched a motorcycle rally
But if there’s one thing Gadkari would like to keep a distance to drum up support for Rahul
from it is the growing chatter suggesting his eligibility as the BJP’s Gandhi’s February
prime ministerial candidate. Gadkari was in Mumbai recently for 3 rally in Patna.
the wedding of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj And suspended
Thackeray’s son and inexplicably cancelled a scheduled meeting Rashtriya Janata
with the Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray. No reasons were
Dal (RJD) MP
given, but there is speculation this was prompted by a Mumbai
Rajesh Ranjan
daily quoting Sena leader Sanjay Raut as saying that Gadkari as
aka Pappu Yadav
prime minister was acceptable to his party. Raut clarified he had
is already seeking
been misquoted, but the damage had already been done. Gadkari
was not going to add a photograph to the caption.
support from the Congress
for his 2019 Lok Sabha
election bid.
We Need Education HAIN, PAR DIKHAYE
As the grim beast of the 2019 general election skulks closer, voters are
girding themselves for tall claims and empty rhetoric, but never a serious PURAY NAHIN KIYE
speech about something like education and expenditure. Are we spending TO JANTA UNKI PITAYI
enough on primary and secondary school education and are we making
the most of what we do spend? Earlier this month, the NGO Pratham BHI KARTI HAI. ISLIYE
published its 13th annual status of education report (ASER) and while the SAPNE WAHI DIKHAO
overall picture is marginally brighter, with government schools reporting
an improvement in reading and arithmetical ability, the quality of Indian
education remains dismal. Development in a country like India, where the
demographic skews young, must include comprehensive education for all. Union minister NITIN GADKARI
However, India spends only 2.8% of its GDP on education, well below the warned the politicians who inveigle
world’s average of 4.8% (2015). India is also doing worse in international people into voting for them by
assessments than its South Asian neighbours and fellow BRICS nations. spinning tales of a glorious, if
illusory, future, to watch out. Those
same voters, he said, will turn
children attend
government schools in
India, elementary and
private school in secondary, says Satya
2018, unchanged Pal Singh, HRD minister
since 2014 but up of state, in Parliament
from 18.7% in 2006 on January 7, 2019
out of school girls (15-16)
on 100 on the British journal
years of schooling for
in 2018, down from 2006 The Lancet’s score for Indians on an average
(22.6%); 12.6% boys, down quality of education based on (2016 estimate by The
from 2006 (17.3%). 4.1% international tests. Pakistan Lancet). Compared
girls (11-14), down from (68); Bangladesh, Nepal (69); to 12 (Russia, South
2006 (7.2%); 3.3% boys, Sri Lanka (75); Brazil (73), Africa, Brazil)
down from 2006 (5.5%) China (89), Russia (90) and 13 (China)
Back to Basics
By Reetika Khera
t’s budget season in an election year. No contribution to old-age pensions has been stuck
wonder the idea of a ‘Universal Basic at Rs 200 per month since 2006! Similarly, in
Income’ (UBI), with its all-too-obvious the name of indexation, NREGA wages were
surface appeal, is getting a thorough raised by Re 1/day in Jharkhand in 2017.
airing: from Rahul Gandhi’s attention- There is, in fact, a workable alternative
grabbing announcement of a ‘minimum plan, recently sent up to finance minister
income support’ for the poor to Sikkim’s Arun Jaitley: to raise the central contribution
announcement a fortnight earlier that it would to social security pensions from the frozen-
become the ‘first state to roll out UBI’. in-time Rs 200 p.m. to Rs 500, along with
The two key principles of UBI are ‘universal’ universal maternity entitlements of Rs 6,000
coverage and an entitlement to a ‘basic income’, per child for women in the informal sector.
to enable dignified living in the absence of other That would account for most working women
earnings. For its votaries, a big part of its appeal as less than 10 per cent of the workforce
lies in the fact that UBI sidesteps the messy is in the formal sector, where maternity
and flawed process of identifying beneficiaries. entitlements are fairly generous. The plan has
The oxymoronic variants such as a ‘targeted the support of over 60 economists, proponents
universal basic income’ or the Congress’s of UBI included. Even if pensions were
‘minimum income support’ for the poor—walk universalised at Rs 1,000, it would still cost
right into the targeting trap UBI is supposed less than 1 per cent of GDP.
to avoid by making the cover ‘universal’. This The proposal is better than the so-called
tailoring is done to get around the vexed UBI on several counts: one, it is a financially
question of affordability. Any amount that viable universal transfer. The target group—
might even vaguely qualify as ‘basic income’ all elderly, single women (including widows),
would be unaffordable on a universal scale persons with disabilities and pregnant
because it would be next to impossible to create women—is well identified. Besides being
the necessary fiscal elbow room. affordable, it steers clear of the flawed and
One such proposal is former Chief fraught task of identifying beneficiaries.
Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian’s Pensioners and young mothers are among the
‘Quasi Universal Basic Rural Income’. At most vulnerable demographic groups. And
Rs 1,500 per month per family, for 75 per cent the proposal scales up without displacing any
of the rural population—requiring an outlay existing form of support. Other UBI proposals
of 1.3 per cent of GDP—it’s neither universal, require either ‘restructuring’ or discontinuing
nor basic. Economist Vijay R. Joshi’s proposal ‘non-merit’ subsidies. Incidentally, the
of Rs 3,500 per person per year (at 2014-15 government’s Pradhan Mantri Matrutva
By proposing prices) would cost more (3.5 per cent of GDP) Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) violates the
and still fail to guarantee a basic income. Both provisions of the National Food Security Act
to ‘target’
proposals require creation of fiscal space: say, (NFSA) 2013, which mandated Rs 6,000 per
beneficiaries, by winding down the fertiliser subsidy or crop child; the PMMVY has cut this entitlement to
the proposed insurance etc. Rs 5,000 for the first child only.
variants of Besides its unaffordability, UBI faces Rahul Gandhi’s announcement is welcome
a Universal the question of equity: should I get the same only to the extent that it is the first substantive
Basic Income amount as, say, a rural widow? And if indeed proposal ahead of the upcoming elections.
become fiscal room can be created, aren’t there arguably What is urgently needed, though, is to fix the
oxymorons, better uses for it—directing it towards primary existing social security pensions, maternity
healthcare, for example? Another serious entitlements, NREGA wages etc. That would be
and they
concern is that inflation can erode the value of to put money where their mouth is. ■
are hard to the transfer. And the experience with inflation-
implement indexing, the obvious workaround, has been Reetika Khera is a development economist
disappointing. For instance, the central based in IIM Ahmedabad
headquarters in Patna, is buzz-
ing with activity. State leaders
For the first time in decades, the Congress
gress’s first ‘stand-alone’ public meeting
in Patna in years. Ninety-five ‘observers’
have fanned out to Bihar’s 38 districts to
bring people to the event.
“Rahul has laid bare the NDA, and
looks upbeat in the state
Narendra Modi has been exposed for
failing to deliver on his big promises.
By Amitabh Srivastava Radicalism has trumped the prime
minister’s promised vikas,” says Chandan
Amit Shah with BJP leaders
at the Jan. 22 rally in Malda
The probe into the alleged irregularities in Raman Singh’s tenure intensifies
By Rahul Noronha
Tom-tomming welfare schemes,
development projects and an
NTR biopic, Naidu prepares to
face the elections alone
By Amarnath K. Menon WAR CRY Naidu addressing the Jayho rally on January 27
howering benefits on back- ‘Sunrise Andhra Pradesh’. His rivals, per cent reservation for Kapus out of
By Amarnath K. Menon
home minister M. Mahmood Ali. Ap- with black-topped roads prescribed number of min-
parently the wait is for an “inauspicious that “shine like mirrors”. isters in the cabinet. But
period” to blow over. That said, despite He expects to spend Rs 10 KCR remains unfazed.
the Telangana Rashtra Samithi’s (TRS) lakh crore over the com- Analysts say it is the
commanding position—it won 88 of the ing five years, and possibly MINISTER CM’s way of establishing
120 assembly seats—KCR’s ‘managers’ an additional “Rs 1.5 lakh KCR has allotted supremacy within the party
are still out wooing legislators of the crore if there is a favourable only one portfolio so and government. And it’s
decimated opposition. government [in Delhi] far—M. Mahmood Ali working. There hasn’t been
“My government is passing through after the Lok Sabha poll”. To mans the home dept a peep from anyone within
a transition, from an old to a new reg- that end, he plans to present the TRS fold yet.
With the Congress revealing its new trump card in Uttar
Pradesh, the party’s political adversaries must recalibrate
their electoral calculations for the summer of 2019
By Kaushik Deka
FORGIVING SOUL: Visited Vellore
nessmen played a key elections the female turnout has been jail on March 19, 2008, to meet
role in the BJP’s 2014 higher than the male turnout. Nalini Sriharan, arrested in 1991 for
and 2017 successes, Despite the enthusiasm among her role in Rajiv’s assassination.
many of them are unhappy with the Congress workers, Rahul is not too “It was my way of coming to peace
party because of demonetisation and hopeful of a significant electoral divi- with the violence and loss I’ve
the rollout of the Goods and Services dend in the coming election. That’s experienced,” she later said
Tax (GST). The disconnect with farm- the reason why he keeps insisting that
ers is another factor the Congress hopes Priyanka’s appointment is not a short-
Believes in Buddhist philosophy and
to exploit, with Rahul making the agra- term strategy but the beginning of a
practices Vipassana
rian crisis one of the core themes of his grand revival plan that will be tested in
poll campaign against the Modi gov- the 2022 UP election. The timing of her DOTING MUM: Never misses her
ernment. UP farmers are particularly entry—a month after the Congress won children’s PTAs. Loves making
unhappy with the Yogi government the assembly elections in three heartland cupcakes for them
C O V E R S T O R Y: C O N G R E S S
states—was a carefully planned one. effective campaign in UP, the party need-
Without a victory, Priyanka’s entry ed a strong leader. Priyanka fit the bill
would have been seen as evidence of perfectly. What sets her apart from the
Rahul’s weakness. Instead, the Congress other members of her family is that she
president has now won three elections, doesn’t carry the baggage of the past and
engages on social media far more than can reach out to even those with whom
Modi, who has a larger following, and his the family has fallen out. Also, unlike
criticism of the Rafale deal has generated Rahul, she keeps in touch with most
some traction, as indicated by the INDIA leaders through SMS or on the phone.
TODAY Mood of the Nation poll. Now the “In UP, she kept in touch with even
Nehru-Gandhi family has the perfect those leaders who did not have a good
opportunity to launch a third member rapport with Sonia and Rahul, and got
into the organisational structure of the them on board,” says a Congress general
party from a position of strength. secretary. She had no qualms in admit-
ting that her excellent Hindi diction
hough the January 23 and vocabulary are a result of personal
announcement merely for- tutoring by Teji Bachchan, mother of the
malised Priyanka’s role in superstar Amitabh Bachchan (before the
nessman husband—a friend from
hough political rivals have schooldays whom Priyanka married
spared her personal attacks in a Hindu ceremony at her mother’s
so far, her formal entry into home on 10, Janpath, in 1997—faces
politics has opened the probes by the CBI and ED in near-
floodgates. BJP MP Subramanian ly two dozen cases related to land
Swamy was at his vicious best when acquisition and money laundering.
he announced, “She has a disorder of The couple, who stay at 35, Lodhi
bipolarity. She beats up people. Her Estate, Delhi, have a son (Raihan, 18)
ailment does not make her fit to lead and a daughter (Miraya, 16). Vadra’s
a public life. The public should know father Rajendra ran a brassware
when she is likely to lose mental export business in the west UP town
balance.” BJP leader Kailash Vijay- of Moradabad. Robert, his brother
vargiya said that the dearth of strong Richard and sister Michelle spent
leaders had made the Congress pull most of their childhood in Delhi,
out “chocolatey” faces. Bihar minis- where his mother Maureen taught
ter Vinod Narayan Jha said votes in a school. The family has seen hard
could not be won on the basis of times and personal tragedies, such as
The BJP’s aces in UP,
Modi, Yogi and
Amit Shah
when Michelle was killed in a road acci- from non-Yadav OBC groups, non-Jatav government posts are lying vacant as
dent in 2001, or when Richard commit- Dalits and farmers. One of the BJP’s poll the CM and the party apparatus cannot
ted suicide in 2003 or when Rajendra strategies will be a continuation of this agree on candidates. Yogi doesn’t know
was found hanging at a guesthouse in caste management. The party recognises the district level leaders well and spends
Delhi in 2009. The Congress has always the resentment among upper castes and more time in his home constituency,
maintained that the allegations against believes their announcement of 10 per Gorakhpur, than in the state capital
Vadra are a case of political vendetta by cent reservation for economically back- Lucknow. His supporters, on the other
the BJP. And that despite BJP govern- ward upper castes will alter the mood hand, claim that he is not getting enough
ments at the Centre and in several states, on the ground. The BJP also hopes to support from the party structure, which
they have been unable to prove a single coalesce all castes under a larger Hindu is virtually run by Sunil Bansal, the state
charge against Vadra in these five years. umbrella by raising the decibel level general secretary (organisation).
Going by her past record, however, it on the Ram temple issue. The RSS has BJP president Amit Shah has also
will be difficult to win against Priyanka been upping the ante on the issue since been planning to rope in members of the
in a political slugfest. She has shown her last year and has also been active on the old guard such as Rajasthan governor
ability to give as good as she gets. In 2014, ground, appointing prabharis in each of Kalyan Singh and West Bengal governor
when Modi claimed that the Congress the 71 seats the BJP won for feedback on Kesrinath Tripathi to iron out differenc-
had gotten old, Priyanka quipped in a the performance of the local MP. es in the state organisation. Union health
rally: “Do I look old to you?” Later that However, one factor that could crip- minister J.P. Nadda has been appointed
year, in another election campaign in Rae ple the BJP’s electoral management is Lok Sabha election in-charge. Gujarat
Bareli, she countered Modi’s RSVP— the disconnect between the Yogi gov- BJP veteran Gordhan Zadaphia has
Rahul, Sonia, Vadra and Priyanka—and ernment and the party. Around 600 been made party in-charge in UP, given
ABCD—Adarsh scam, Bofors scam, coal his proximity to Hindutva force.
scam and damaad ka ghotala (scam of Even as the BJP is yet to firm up its
the son-in-law)—digs with: “You’re not final strategy to counter Priyanka, the
teaching in a primary school, you’re add- THE BJP PLANS SP-BSP alliance may rethink its strat-
ressing the nation. Don’t teach people the TO PLAY THE egy. This alliance of two arch-rivals is
English alphabet like RSVP or ABCD. “
If not the English alphabet, Modi
CASTE CARD a repeat of the exercise that was able to
stop a belligerent BJP from forming a
and BJP will certainly focus hard on THAT STOOD IT government in 1993 in the wake of the
the caste arithmetic that helped the IN GOOD STEAD Babri Masjid demolition. At that time,
party sweep the state in 2014 and 2017.
The massive successes were a result of
IN 2014 AND 2017 the OBCs, led by Mulayam Singh Yadav,
and the Dalits, led by Kanshi Ram, came
well-planned social engineering at mul- together. This time the alliance looks
tiple levels—coalitions of upper castes formidable on paper, as it’s likely to win
(Brahmins and Thakurs) and support 58 Lok Sabha seats, according to the
Can Priyanka Gandhi’s star power revive the Congress in UP?
Will the disenchanted forward castes desert the BJP? Can
the SP-BSP alliance corner the OBC-Dalit-Muslim vote? The
changing poll arithmetic of India’s most complex state
BJP 10
INC 21
SP 23
BSP 20
Others 1
12 46 8 22
1 5
Votes % Votes %
*India Today-Karvy Insights Mood of the Nation poll
312 of the total 403 seats.
35 %
75 %
hat are the challeng-
11% es Priyanka faces in
reviving the Congress
in eastern UP? First,
BJP INC SP+BSP Others unlike in 2009 and 2014, which were
four-cornered contests, 2019 might be
a three-cornered one. In three-cornered
FORWARD contests, in a first-past-the-post-system,
CASTE OBC SC/ST MUSLIM the top player gets a disproportionately
larger number of seats, the second gets
% 6% 7% 10
23 1% 7 %1 much less and the third mostly gets left
2 2
12 % 1
15 6 8
% Nation (MOTN) January 2019 poll pre-
dicts the combination will win 58 seats,
with the BJP getting 18, leaving a mere
BJP INC SP+BSP Others four for the Congress.
A simple sum-up of the SP and BSP
votes from 2014 gives the two regional
Part of the reason for this was that parties an advantage in 53 seats, in
THE CIRCLE OF the Congress-led UPA had already been addition to the five seats the SP won by
INFLUENCE in power in New Delhi for five years. itself (a total of 58, as MOTN predicts).
Incumbency advantage and the long his- In 36 of these Lok Sabha seats the BJP
In UP, an OBC-Dalit-Muslim
axis is hard to beat torical ties the Congress has with eastern had won in 2014, the combined SP-BSP
UP helped the party bag 18.5 per cent of vote is much more than what the saffron
the vote and 21 seats in 2009. The BSP party got. In 17 of them, the combined
% 19 % had the highest vote share of 27.4 per vote trailed the BJP by less than 10 per
cent (Mayawati was then CM), but got cent. Clearly, the SP-BSP alliance is the
only 18 seats, while the BJP, with 17.5 per BJP’s main challenger.
cent of the vote, managed just 10 seats. UP BJP general secretary and the
The SP, with 23.3 per cent votes, had got party’s chief strategist there, Sunil
the highest number of seats, 23. Both the Bansal, admitted as much. “The SP-BSP
12 %
SP and BJP, though, won the maximum alliance is the most formidable chal-
20 % share of their seats in western UP. lenge for the BJP. In response, we plan
The Modi wave in 2014 complete- to highlight the achievements of the
ly changed the electoral contours of Modi government through 250 meet-
the state. The saffron party swept UP, ings planned between December and
Upper castes OBCs (Yadav) winning 71 seats (plus 2 seats for NDA February all over Uttar Pradesh. But,
Non-Yadav OBCs Lower OBCs ally Apna Dal) with a voter base of in the end, destiny will determine who
Dalits (Jatav) Other Dalits Muslims 42.5 per cent. The Congress won just wins this election,” he said.
W preferences, a com-
cal sociology of UP underwent a total 7 contrast and reveals a
22 22
transformation. A decimated Congress, lot about the three parties. While a clear
which won a mere two seats and 7.5 per majority of Congress voters are male (59
cent of the popular vote, ended up with 9 10 5 per cent), with only 41 per cent female
per cent of the forward caste vote, 11 per voters, for the SP-BSP it is the other way
cent of the OBC vote, 3 per cent of the Votes % around—53 per cent female voters and
SC/ST vote and 11 per cent of the Muslim 47 per cent male. The BJP also has more
vote. The SP, which won 5 seats, won 7 male voters (52 per cent) than female
per cent of the forward caste vote, 25 per 2012 (48 per cent). A Priyanka-led campaign
cent of the OBC, 8 per cent of the SC/ST swaying more female voters in favour of
and 58 per cent of the Muslim vote. The
Seats the Congress might correct the gender
BSP, which drew a blank, won 49 per gap for the party but, here again, it is
22 4
cent of the SC/ ST vote, but did dismally 4 likely to affect the SP-BSP more than
with all other caste groups. the saffron party.
separately in 2014, in the graphic (The 1 2019 polls” in UP, has quite a big respon-
Support Base), we have combined the sibility on her relatively young shoulders.
SP-BSP caste votes for the sake of com- While reviving the Congress’s fortunes,
parison with 2019. The MOTN poll pre- she has to see that SP-BSP votes take a
dicts that the BJP will get 69 per cent of Votes % minimal hit while effecting the maxi-
the forward caste votes, 39 per cent of BJP SP BSP INC Others mum damage to the BJP, which is easier
the OBC vote, 23 per cent of the SC/ST said than done. A more effective solution
vote and 7 per cent of the Muslim vote. would have been to negotiate an alliance
Compared to 2014, the BJP is losing sup- between all secular groups, the SP-BSP
port among all sections, but it’s the maxi- plus the Congress. An across-the-board
mum among the OBCs and SC/ STs as a anti-BJP alliance, the MOTN predicts,
result of the SP-BSP alliance. the party, especially the forward caste would have left the BJP in tatters with a
The alliance, on its part, is likely votes. After all, she is “one of the most mere five Lok Sabha seats out of 80.
to get only a paltry 12 per cent of the awaited entries in Indian politics...”, as It sounds far-fetched, though, given
upper caste vote, but it scores big with JD(U) vice-president, poll strategist the competition between the Congress
the OBCs (40 per cent), SC/ STs (60 per and former advisor to the Congress and the SP-BSP at the ground level.
cent) and Muslims (80 per cent), who Prashant Kishor tweeted when the But the reality of competitive politics
constitute the bulk of the UP electorate. news came out. and the formidable challenge from the
The MOTN poll saw the Congress Although the Congress vote base in BJP dictates that all secular forces need
ending up with 12 per cent forward UP is much smaller than the BJP’s, the to come together to oppose the Modi-
caste votes, 15 per cent OBC votes, 8 main fight between the two national led juggernaut. Otherwise, the battle
per cent SC/ ST votes and 12 per cent parties is for the upper caste vote. In the between the SP-BSP and the Congress
Muslim votes. But Priyanka’s arrival next 100 days, the Congress campaign might end up helping the BJP in the
should shore up the numbers a bit for led by Priyanka will seriously attempt Mahabharat of 2019.
Four years after the
exchange of enclaves
between Bangladesh and
India, the new citizens of
India are still waiting for
basic rights
By Romita Datta
Lack of street lighting
means the residents of
Shib Prosad Mustafir
chhit have to use lamps
if they want to step out
of the house after dark
corner. The new Indian citizens looked forward to a future
filled with hope and possibilities.
Almost four years later, they are still fighting for proper
documentation, land allotment, infrastructure and ac-
cess to sanitation and benefits from various government
schemes, such as the Kanyashree Prakalpa, incentivising
a child’s higher secondary education, or Yuvashree, to pro-
vide financial assistance to young job seekers. For a while,
government funds were available to build pucca struc-
tures like Integrated Child Development Services centres,
community development
centres, solar irrigation
pumps and greenhouses, “Yes, we have
but most of these are now voter ID and
defunct. Thirty tube wells
installed in Batrigachh, Aadhaar
a former enclave which is cards, but
now part of West Bengal’s
Cooch Behar district, in
we’re still
2018, have long stopped foreigners on
working, as have half the
solar panels meant to pow-
our own land”
er the irrigation pumps.
Fisherman in
“The government spent Batrigachh chhit
five lakh rupees to build
[a greenhouse] without
training us on how to use it. They should have used the
money for building toilets instead,” says Bipin Chandra Bar-
man of Bakalichhara, another former chhit (as the enclaves
are called), which houses 215 families but only 704 voters.
Batrigachh residents, too, are facing similar quandaries.
changed after the BJP increased its vote share from 10.5 government is giving us land without specific location and
per cent to 28.5 per cent in the 2016 Lok Sabha by-election demarcation. Even the quantities distributed do not match
in Cooch Behar. The penetration of the BJP in the former with what we had in the enclaves,” says Ali, who says that
enclaves, which are spread over five assembly segments of before the exchange, he owned 96 bighas of land, most of
Cooch Behar, as well as the rest of the district, might prove to which he had lost due to river erosion. The administration
be dangerous for the TMC ahead of the 2019 general election. has now allotted him papers for possession of a mere six
In enclaves with a concentration of Muslim population, kottahs, or about 0.3 bigha.
such as Mashaldanga, development has been fast. Accord- Siddiq of Poaturkuthi enclave has been allotted 16 kot-
ing to Diptiman Sengupta, the coordinator of the Bharat tahs of land (about 0.6 bigha) whereas he used to once own
Bangladesh Enclave Exchange Committee, this is the TMC’s nine bighas. “These are not isolated cases. There are com-
way to appease the minority group. Sengupta, an active plaints in close to 90 per cent cases. The papers or deeds
member of the BJP now, believes this tactic will not work handed over to them just mention the size of the land with
since a majority of the chhit people belong to the indigenous no other specification. This land allotment was done in
Rajbongshi tribe of North Bengal which constitutes 51 per haste and just prior to the election, obviously to serve a pur-
cent of Cooch Behar’s population. “Though the Muslims pose and not with serious intent,” says Sengupta. According
constitute 28 per cent of the population, they are essentially to Joinal Abedin, a resident of the Madhya Mashaldanga
Rajbongshis, and ethnicity cannot be ignored for religion,” chhit, land without ownership rights makes them ineligible
says Sengupta. He added that his party is trying to cash in for agricultural loans, kisan credit cards, potato bonds and
on the discontent among the Rajbongshis with the TMC. farm subsidy.
Meanwhile, the TMC has begun the process of land According to TMC MLAs Rabindranath Ghosh and
allotment. The land distribution started only a few weeks Udayan Guha, the BJP is trying to play with fire. “Every-
ago even though Mamata had asked the Cooch Behar ad- thing will be done legally. They are trying to incite the en-
ministration to speed up the process at a public meeting on clave people and Rajbongshis against the Trinamool, but
October 31, 2018. But the citizens are still unhappy. “The such cheap politics will not pay dividends,” says Guha. ■
How far are we from a cure for the most feared
disease of our time? Here’s what top doctors
have to say on the eve of World Cancer Day
2019. Plus, a look at some new research
I l l u s t ra t i o n b y N I L A N J A N D A S
Is cancer still OUTSIDE THE
or most of cure and survival. ing. As a society, we have
Fast and precise software that
cancers, there We find that patients particularly poor “sus- allows scientists to edit, remove
are warning often dismiss their early picion index” for cancer or replace abnormal genes
signs and symptoms, especially if and it leads to delayed
symptoms and the “red-flag” warning diagnosis and treatment.
the benefits of early symptoms are painless For any symptom that
detection are indisput- or sporadic. Some just continues for more than
able. How people with watch and wait, some are three weeks, do not rule
possible cancer symp- afraid of poor prognosis, cancer out. Treating
toms decide whether or some lack confidence in cancer early means you ARTIFICIAL
not to seek medical help doctors, some think their have a far better chance INTELLIGENCE
determines their chances problem is related to age- of beating the disease.” AI, machine learning and deep
learning are revolutionising
DR HARIT CHATURVEDI, Surgical oncologist, Chairman, Max cancer detection
Institute of Oncology and Indian Cancer Society
than average
TOP: Kidney, urinary
bladder, breast
OF CANCER TOP: Gall bladder, head and
neck cancers
cancers RISK: Water pollution, diet
RISK: Pollution, rich in animal protein
pesticide, toxin in
RAJASTHAN TOP: Oral and stomach
TOP: Head and throat RISK: Tobacco,
cancers household burning of
RISK: Tobacco and firewood
paan masala
TOP: Oral cancers
TOP: Lung, urinary
RISK: Tobacco and bladder cancers
paan masala SOUTH AND
GOA RISK: Air and water
TOP: Colon cancers
TOP: Stomach cancers
RISK: Red meat,
alcohol, tobacco RISK: Diet rich in spices
and salt
0.7 2.2 >30
New cases diagnosed Number of Number of 5-year survival of global cancer
in India each year deaths people afflicted rate in India deaths in India
7 in 10
Indian patients consult doctors at
the terminal stage
lower death rate from higher cancer in men
cancer in Indian men, than women globally;
30% in women, compared in India, cancer afflicts
with the UK or the US more women than men
What has
changed in the
way cancer is
understood, THE BIG TEN
diagnosed and The most common cancers that impose the
heaviest suffering in terms of years of lost
treated? health and expense for individuals as well
as society—expressed as percentage of
Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) of all
“T here are major
developments happen-
ing in cancer. Newer
techniques and tech-
cancers in India
5.2% 5.2%
chemotherapy but also several patients
can be considered to be cured. Another
major advance over the past few years Cervix Blood
is Immunotherapy, wherein the patient’s
immune cells are being helped to fight
and eliminate cancer. In particular, new
25% 40%
monoclonal antibodies targeting an
immune pathway called PD-1 and PD-L1,
which is used by cancer cells to escape Unknown: 200 Tobacco and
detection by the host immune cells, have different cancers from paan masala: Lung
shown some very good results in ad- blood, pancreatic, and oral cancers
vanced cancers and have been approved eyeball to bone
by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) for treating cancers, including that
of malignant melanoma [an aggressive 15%
skin cancer], kidney cancer, lung cancer, Obesity: Breast,
urinary bladder cancer, a form of lym- uterus, large
phoma. The downside, however, is that Genetic: Breast What affects
intestine, kidney
these newer therapies cost a fortune. and ovarian cancer risks cancers
Pembrolizumab could cost upwards of Rs cancers and how
50 lakh, which most Indians may not be
able to afford.”
6% 10%
DR T. RAJKUMAR, Professor and Diet and poor Lack of personal
Head, Dept. of Molecular Oncology, preservation of food: hygiene: Cervical and
Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar, Chennai Stomach cancers liver cancer
43 %
Red meat and processed meat have higher risk of A new study by the American Cancer
been linked to the increased risk of mouth cancer Society finds that higher circulating
colorectal cancers for those ex- vitamin D concentrations are
posed to high significantly associated with lower
air pollution colorectal cancer risk
higher breast cancer
risk from processed HAVE DINNER EARLY
meat, according to the People who have their evening meal
Wear a mask before 9 pm or wait at least two
International Journal
of Cancer, Oct. 2018 when going out, hours before going to sleep have
avoid smoking lower risk of breast and prostate
cancer, says the Barcelona Institute
The World Health Organization defines for Global Health, July 2018
processed meat as follows: “Meat that ALCOHOL
has been transformed through salt- Scientists have shown SAY NO TO FAT
ing, curing, fermentation, smoking, or how alcohol damages A 2017 study by the Michigan State
other processes to enhance flavour DNA in stem cells, helping University shows that a certain
or improve preservation” to explain why drink- protein (fibroblast growth factor-2
ing increases your risk or FGF2) released from fat in the
Go for whole grains, of cancer, according to body can cause a non-cancerous
Cancer Research UK, cell to turn into a cancerous one,
vegetables and fruits and a lower layer of abdominal fat is
Jan. 2018
the more likely culprit
here are many hospi- residual disease detection) test that expensive and many of our patients
tals and laboratories finds evidence of residual malignant can neither afford the tests required
in the country that cells are now being developed in many for personalised medicine nor the new
offer targeted next tertiary care centres and commercial small molecules which specifically
generation DNA sequencing which al- labs. The radiotherapy departments in target the tumour cell. A patient with
low us to determine the specific genetic many centres have the best equipment chronic lymphatic leukaemia with a
change driving the tumour. Thankfully, available anywhere in the world. Stem 17p mutation requires treatment with a
these labs offer such tests at a fraction cell transplantation for blood cancer is BTK inhibitor, ibrutinib, which costs Rs
of the current western costs. The FISH available in India at Rs 12 to 25 lakh as 24 lakh for one year. Also, the infra-
(fluorescence in situ hybridisation) compared with $250,000 for a similar structure to treat cancer is inadequate
test that maps the genetic mate- transplant in the US. considering the population that needs
rial in human cells and MRD (minimal However, cancer treatment is such treatment.”
Feeling extremely tired can be a
“T here are two cat-
egories. The first is
familial or cancer
running in the fam-
symptom of cancer in your body. Blood in the urine, bleeding
ily—gene flaws that can be transferred
A lump or thickening of skin can be between periods, bleeding
from one generation to another. About
an early or late sign from the bottom, blood when
10 per cent people belong to this. The
of cancer. People coughing and blood in vomit
other is when fam-
with cancers in the should always be checked
ily members have
breast, lymph nodes, out by a doctor. Unexplained
cancer, but there is
soft tissues, and bleeding, depending on where
no genetic inheri-
testicles typically it is coming from, can be a sign
tance involved. It
have lumps of cancer, including prostate,
could be because
cervical, bowel and lung
a family is living in
MOLES a coal mine area or
If you notice a mole that has an near farms that are
irregular or asymmetrical shape,
BOWEL HABIT always full of insecticides
CHANGES and chemical fertilisers. Such families
is more than one colour, is bigger
than 7 mm in diameter, and is See a doc- are exposed to so much environmental
itchy, crusty or bleeding, see your tor if you pollutants that they end up developing
doctor. It could be a sign of skin experience cancer. Another 10 per cent get this.
cancer bowel Cancer does not develop in a day. It’s a
changes complicated process that takes time.
lasting for Your stress levels, your body physique
more than a (tall people are at slightly greater risk
Always see a doctor if you few weeks. as they have more cells in their body in
notice a lump in your breast, or These can which dangerous mutations can oc-
elsewhere on your body, that include blood cur), if you are obese, if you are a red
is rapidly increasing in size. in the stools, diarrhoea, consti- meat eater, if you don’t take plenty of
Lumps can be caused by pation, pain while urinating and fibres and vegetables—all these factors
non-cancerous things like persistent bloating. Changes play a significant role. Cancers of the
cysts, but they need in bowel habits could also be a bowel, breast, ovaries, colon-rectum,
treatment sign of something less serious, kidney, skin (melanoma), pancreas,
regardless. like an irritable bowel syndrome prostate, eye (retinoblastoma) and
thyroid are some that have a genetic
COUGHING component. It is possible to get genetic
A persistent cough tests done to check if you are carrying
UNEXPLAINED any risk in your genes. However, I have
lasting more than
WEIGHT LOSS seen people with a strong genetic his-
three weeks could be
a sign of lung cancer Unexplained weight loss in the tory of cancer not getting the disease,
or throat cancer. A space of a couple of months, even at age 70, because they lead a
long-lasting cough which can’t be explained by diet very healthy lifestyle.”
could also be a sign changes, exercise or stress
of pneumonia, which is a symptom of cancer. It is DR AMIT VERMA, Molecular
would also need medi- important to see a doctor so oncologist and cancer geneticist,
cal attention that he can investigate Max Cancer Care, Delhi
THE BIG STORY Women in Art
The Guerrilla Girls, an anonymous collective of
‘artivists’ were guests at this year’s biennale in Kochi
Photographs by BANDEEP SINGH
THE BIG STORY Women in Art
women’s status in society continued Bharti Kher melted 10 tonnes of bangles among the hundred books by women
to be a subject of endless debate, the to make glass bricks to build a room. authors that form part of the ‘Sister
Indian art world witnessed a revolution She called it ‘The Deaf Room’. Library’, a travelling library conceptual-
of its own with women artists using ised and mounted by artist and activist
the “feminist aesthetic” to explore their *** Aqui Thami. The bright pink shelves are
social responsibility and finding a per- Enter Pepper House in Kochi, turn a stark contrast to their grey counter-
sonal and political vocabulary. Earlier left and you find yourself in a library parts, an exclusive space for women.
this year, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg in lined with grey shelves. Except one Originally from Darjeeling, but
Germany curated an exhibition, Facing corner. Here, on neon pink shelves now living in Mumbai, Thami calls
India, that featured six women artists Sister Outsider, a book by black feminist herself a ‘gender abolitionist’. “In a
from India exploring the past, present lesbian Lorde shares space with a book world where women are told there’s
and future from the female perspective. of poems by Emily Dickinson. They are really no point in studying too much,
Five years ago, while playing
golf, Indrajit Ghorpade had an
epiphany that would change
the course of his life.
Wildlife and
He overheard a conversa- rapher
photog ationist
tion about the golf club’s plan v
conser JIT
to bring out a book on the A
GHORP roduce
birds commonly spotted on the o int
hopes t tching into
course and it struck him that ist
wolf-w ineraries
tou r
he had little to show for the
four days a week he had spent
surrounded by nature on the
links for 30-odd years. Why
not take up wildlife photogra-
phy instead, he thought? After
all, he was familiar with the
wildlife around the grasslands near his ancestral home in the survival of the beautiful animals—of which only around
Koppal, Karnataka. Plus, he had dabbled in photography 2,000 to 3,000 remain in India. Working with the Bengalu-
in his youth and spent hours in the darkrooms of some of ru-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), he has made
India’s best wildlife photographers. great strides in eliminating poaching in Koppal.
However, Indrajit soon realised that he wasn’t content Indrajit hails from the Sandur royal family, which has
with just pretty pictures, and turned to conservation. It was historically been a patron of those studying and conserving
an encounter with the Indian wolf that sparked his pas- nature. Maharaja Yeshwantrao Ghorpade is known to have
sion for conservation. It had been about a year since he had employed wildlife photographer and naturalist M. Krishnan
started photographing seriously when, one morning, while in the 1940s and wildlife photographer T.N.A. Perumal
sitting in his 1947 4x4 Willys Jeep, watching later, to document wildlife in sanctuaries
a herd of blackbucks, his companion quietly across India for a book. M.Y. Ghorpade, the
pointed out a wolf to him. It was the first Not content titular Raja and Indrajit’s first cousin, was
time in decades that he had come across this with just photo- a renowned wildlife photographer himself.
dwindling species. He crept closer and took a graphing wild- Growing up in Bengaluru, Indrajit lived
picture. The shot marked a turning point for life, Indrajit next door to the naturalist Zafar Futehally,
Indrajit, who realised something: “There is no while O.C. Edwards, a pioneer in black and
turned to
wildlife photography without wildlife.” Soon white wildlife photography, was a dormi-
after, Indrajit founded one of India’s most suc- tory warden at his school. However, the most
cessful wolf-preservation projects—the Deccan
after a rare important reason for Indrajit’s interest in the
Conservation Foundation (DCF). sighting of the subject was that Koppal, his home, is teeming
He bought around 25 camera traps, hired Indian wolf with wildlife.
four workers, enlisted 20 volunteers and Located an hour’s drive from the spec-
started DCF in 2015 with the aim to ensure tacular ruins of the Vijayanagara empire in
Listening to
he much talked about Indian Music
Experience (IME), a first-of-its-kind in-
teractive music museum in Bengaluru,
has opened its doors to the public.
The museum, which is planning a
formal inauguration later this month, is
spread over three floors with sound
exhibits, full of memorabilia and histo-
ry. While one section houses Ustad Bis-
millah Khan’s paan box within a glass
case, another displays Daler Mehndi’s
shimmery velvet gown. However, the
physical exhibits and the abundance of
textual information pale in comparison
nspired by the kafis (poems) of the
16th century Punjabi Sufi poet Shah
Hussain, vocalist Radhika Sood
Nayak and dastango Ankit Chadha
began collaborating on a musical sto-
rytelling piece in 2017. They hoped Poetic license
to premiere it at the Kabir Festival Hitesh Dhutia
and Vinayak
in Mumbai and someday even take Netke (top) and
it to Mela Chiraghan, an annual Sanjukta Wagh in
celebration honouring the poet at his shrine in Faqeer Nimaana
Pakistan—where he lies next to his upper-caste
Hindu lover, Madholal. However, Ankit, one of
the bright stars of the storytelling tradition, died
in a drowning accident in May 2018.
Nayak ensured that the project lived on. Her
efforts paid off and Faqeer Nimaana, dedicated
to Ankit, was performed at the Kabir Festival in
January. To make it happen, Nayak turned to
Kathak dancer Sanjukta Wagh, also an award-
winning theatre actress, who went on to com-
pose the melody for some of Hussain’s poems.
Faqeer Nimaana is Nayak’s first live collabora-
tion with a dancer. “Hussain’s poems radically
break across concepts of nation, gender, caste In ‘FAQEER
and class hierarchies, and need to be celebrated,” artists com e to ge ther
e th e
says Wagh. “Poets like him have the ability to to celebrat
Pu njab i Sufi
lead us to a space which is spiritually connected works of
poet Shah Hussa
and individually empowering.”
The two roped in guitarist Hitesh Dhutia
and tabla player Vinayak Netke. Sociologist
Gita Chadha came on board to strengthen the
script written by Nayak and Wagh, and Faqeer
Nimaana, meaning the egoless seeker, as audi-
ences will see it now, was born.
Wagh did not want to include unnecessary
ornamentation in the choreography. “We just
worked on the musical and sonic space that each
kafi creates before I began to inhabit them in
my body.” The team’s approach to each of the
seven poems is varied. In some, like in Jeti Jeti
Dunian Ram Ji, Wagh and Nayak simply sit on
stage and sing together. In others, Wagh dem-
onstrates her Kathak skills and her versatility
as she shifts effortlessly from classical to a more
contemporary dance style and even does baithak
abhinaya. In Faqeer Nimaana, the four artists
showcase a fluid amalgam of poetry, music and
dance. However, the biggest accomplishment
of the show is Hussain’s message of unity—the
need of the hour.
—Suhani Singh
Tabla maestro
Zakir Hussain with
the Symphony
Orchestra of India
Hussain, SOI music director Bisengaliev, too, will surely
experience a bit of exhilaration.
The season, beginning on February 4 at Mumbai’s
Jamshed Bhabha Theatre, promises variety and appeal.
While Berlioz’s concert overture, Roman Carnival, is a
crowd-pleaser with its exuberant carnival spirit, Carl Maria
von Weber’s Oberon has been described as “a masterpiece
or National Centre of of operatic orchestration”.
Performing Arts (NCPA) In Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade and Hus-
chairman Khushroo N. sain’s tabla concerto Peshkar (an SOI commission), east
Suntook, the Symphony Orchestra of will not only meet west, but merge ideas and perceptions
India’s (SOI) maiden tour of the UK this in a marvellous cross-cultural exchange. It is clear why the
spring season is “a dream come true”. two have been paired together. The former is music of the
For its spring
The tour is a realisation of the vision of Orient viewed through the filter of a western aesthetic in in-
season, the
NCPA founder Dr Jamshed J. Bhabha. strumentation and structure, while Hussain’s work “blends
It was Suntook who conceived the rhythmic elements of Hindustani music with expressive
the plan to create India’s first profes- melodies for symphonic instruments”, says Zane Dalal, SOI
of India will
sional symphony orchestra over a associate music director. “It is a great honour to introduce
tour the UK,
decade ago and convinced Marat this marvellous piece to British audiences.”
as well as
Bisengaliev (who was “intrigued by Dalal will share the podium with the English National
India, with
the challenge”) to form an orchestra Opera’s (ENO) conductor Martyn Brabbins, who describes
tabla maestro
of musicians from his native Kazakh- the SOI as “an orchestra that wants to give all it can”. Under
stan and India in 2004. his baton, the SOI will play Sergei Rachmaninov’s Sym-
This season, as he performs as phony No. 2 and Ludwig van Beethoven’s masterful Ninth
the soloist in violin concertos by com- Symphony. The choral movement of the latter will feature
posers Camille Saint-Saëns and Max soloists from both India and abroad, and a choir compris-
Bruch in London with his team, along ing Kazakh and Indian singers.
with the eminent tabla maestro Zakir —Nikhil Sardana
vocalist Beth
Hart headlines
this month’s
Mahindra Blues
Festival in
Theatrical note
Artist Pushpamala
N. has used
selective works
from her photo
series along with
her installations
for the show Body
The Last
Laugh Artist
PUSHP s her
N. use edium
body a on the
to t ke tate
nation s
Mata, dissembling the medical model
of a ‘bisexual’ torso in a satirical take
on the idea of the ‘ideal’ citizen. Simi-
larly, in the three videos of ‘Good Hab-
its’, the artist performs ‘operations’
on models of the human body, again
dressed up as Bharat Mata to com-
eople laughed at me presented at Gallery Chemould ment on government programmes in
P when I first started
photo performances,”
in 1998—is based on Bollywood’s
Fearless Nadia (aka Mary Ann
health and education.
In the ‘Transcripts’ sculptures,
says artist Pushpamala N., whose Evans), a superheroine, seen in a Pushpamala explores her experience
early work riffed on proto-feminist setting reminiscent of film noir. with a vitrine containing ancient cop-
legends like Fearless Nadia. In The Body Politic—a reference per plates on a visit to the archaeo-
However, with her solo show, to her use of the body as well as logical museum in Bengaluru. These
The Body Politic, hitting New a play on the phrase used to de- were records of land grants given by
Delhi’s Nature Morte art gallery scribe the citizenry of a state—she the kings centuries ago and for the
this month, it’s Pushpamala who illustrates how individual bodies artist, these connect to the idea of
is having the last laugh. “You have suffer political violence and wield body politic. “There is an attempt to
to keep fighting,” she says. “As a political authority. “It is a pun,” she make pseudo-history now,” she says,
woman artist, I am no the title.” explaining that the transcripts offer a
as seriously as I shou aborate tableaux counter-viewpoint to that notion.
In the early photo many nuanced To understand Pushpamala, you
Pushpamala cast hers rs. ‘Kichaka- have to ask her “silly questions”, like
as the Phantom Lady, andhri’, for insta- when did you start dressing up. She
wraith-like masked su e, is inspired by the lights a cigarette and talks about how
perhero who uses he 890 oil painting by her mother, an amateur theatre artist,
psychokinetic powers Raja Ravi Varma. would play pranks dressed up as a
to fight injustice in n the video piece sadhu, etc. “My work always has a
Bombay. ‘Phantom ‘Model Citizen’, she theatrical note to itself,” she says.
Lady or Kismet’—first appears as Bharat —Chinki Sinha
call the book ‘Clayton’s Bridge’, and to set it. That was when I knew there Q: You have said elsewhere that
then a few months later, I thought: No, was a book to write. instances from your own life have
not ‘Clayton’s Bridge’—make it ‘Bridge inspired bits of the book.
of Clay’. And that was when a whole Q: How did the book evolve in the It’s usually just the very small things,
new depth of meaning and emotion decade that it took to write it? and they never exist in a book exactly
instantly entered the idea. I thought When I finished The Book Thief, I knew as they happened in real life. In my own
of a boy who was building a bridge of somehow that I had published four house, for example, we have two
stone or wood, but it was also made books previously that really meant children, two dogs and two cats, and
of him—of Clay. I immediately saw something to me, and that book meant in the Dunbar household in the Bridge
the dual meaning of Clay (the name) everything. I never wanted to go back of Clay, there are five brothers and five
and clay (the material), which can be to writing books that meant just some- animals. There is plenty of chaos in our
moulded into anything, but needs fire thing to me ever again. household with our foursome of pets,
ft er the smas
A s of The
succes hief,
MARK re than a
spent m riting his
decade novel
The cat in the book named Hec- he protagonists are damaged children, star-
tor is based on one of our cats, ving and scrounging amidst the rubble of a
named Brutus, but he grows in ruined city. Nothing is clear at the outset of this
the writing of the novel. That’s science fiction novel except that some sort of
why I love writing. We see the unholy conflict centred upon Ceylon has pro-
world in a totally unique way duced tribes of feral youngsters.
that is also somehow familiar. Wait: Ceylon?
Yes. Because the British Empire is still
Q: The Book Thief had death intact, China never became Communist and
as a narrator. Do you feel
because this is 2033 and history as we know
that death continues to be a
it is just another mirage in the reader’s mind.
character in this book?
I guess death is a kind of friend Even the little children who seem so pathetic in
to all of us in a way, because the opening pages are not what they seem. The
knowing it hangs over us is Silent Girl for instance, is a vicious little war-
what makes everything we rior. She wields a wooden spear and can only
do worthwhile. Death is still a speak via a cassette player she uses in place of a
major force in Bridge of Clay voice. She befriends a boy named ‘the Pissa’, a
and there are a few cameos, word which, according to the internet, means
where Matthew imagines Death ‘crazy’. Together, these two scale a towering
hanging from the power lines,
mountain of garbage, and fight their way into
or sitting on the curtain rod in
a refuge called Halfway House. Except it’s not
the kitchen. This time around,
what hasn’t changed is finding a refuge at all and the man who runs it is to be
great life in the face of death. feared rather than trusted.
Wijeratne backs his way into this tale of
Q: The premise of The Book horror and degradation with a series of nested
Thief—a family shielding a revelations, involving the ruling élite of Ceylon
Jew from the Nazis during and their pale-skinned, Caucasian administra-
World War II—was familiar tors. He holds our attention by concealing the
to readers in the subconti- THE INHUMAN
RACE true scale of the betrayal ticking at the heart of
nent. Bridge of Clay is more the story until well past the mid-point. Once
b Y dh j
foreign ground.
the mystery is revealed however, the final third
It’s a very Australian book in
of the book settles into predictability. There’s a
some ways, and I think our
countries do have a bond over a clunky court scene, some amusing caricatures
particular sport. All of my books and a sari-clad heroine is introduced before the
are about family. About trying to story comes to an open-ended conclusion. This
live decently, to look for laugh- book is, according to the front-cover sticker,
ter and ambition in our lives the first of what will be the Commonwealth
and, having been to India once Empire trilogy.
before, I know the people are While the plot is mildly innovative in terms
generous and warm, and talk- of science fiction, what makes the
ative and kind. These are all the
novel interesting and strangely poignant is
elements I look to write with,
its setting. The depiction of lush, beautiful
and so I hope Indian readers will
connect with the Dunbar family, Ceylon/Sri Lanka as the site of extreme devas-
and with Clay, whose story is tation is an absolute perversion of reality. This
about building a bridge, to make is the kind of future we must hope will never
one perfect, beautiful thing. come to pass.”
—with Farah Yameen —Manjula Padmanabhan
Women at Work
wara Bhasker has more gumption than Writer Charudutt Acharya creates believable,
S most Indian actors. In just five years, she
went from playing the teenaged daugh-
upper-middle-class characters with shades of
grey, and they mostly speak like real people, but
ter of Deepti Naval (Listen... Amaya, 2011) to play- he succumbs to television dramatics with multiple
ing the mother of a teenaged schoolgirl (Nil Battey subplots involving affairs, workplace wars, past
Sannata, 2016). In 2015, she was both a hoity-toity betrayals, and even a long-lost offspring.
sister to Salman Khan’s stuffy prince in Prem Ratan Despite the low production values and Danish
Dhan Paayo and an evil seductress aunty in X: Past Aslam’s over-dramatic direction, there is fun to be
is Present. Her most recent big screen outings—as had and gender politics to be thrashed out, even if
Anarkali of Aarah’s irrepressible risque songstress in a slightly proselytising manner.
and Veerey Di Wedding’s rich Delhi girl caught In Season 2, streaming on Voot, the world keeps
masturbating—seem of a piece with her openly showing Mira her aukaat as a woman—and Mira
political, unapologetically feminist makes sure to point it out to us. Men
Twitter presence. who say such things as “You’re nothing
It’s Not That Simple riffs off this
Swara Bhasker but a c*** tease” and “Jab ladki gusse
persona, creating a female protagonist shines in mein ho, sorry bolne mein hi bhalaai
still rare for Indian television. Like a Season 2 of hai” are pretty grave provocations.
younger Alicia Florrick (The Good the politically Happily, the women are not beyond
Wife), Mira Verma is a single mother savvy, if some- professional intrigue, road rage or
trying to re-enter the world of work times preachy, social media fights.
after a long marriage-and-mother- It’s Not That Bhasker makes the most of her
hood hiatus. Still to get a divorce from Simple writer-backed role, ably aided by a
her husband, she finds herself the decent ensemble cast, especially Purab
object of attention of male friends and Kohli’s rakish journalist.
male colleagues alike. —Trisha Gupta
Admit it, you would even watch
Idris Elba paint a house. Luckily,
HITLIST Season 5 of Luther–a gritty,
sometimes moving police proce-
dural that teams Elba up with Ruth
Crew x 3 NETFLIX
he legends of televised motor- banter, the first episode leaves you SONI
ing series are back. With a total wanting more. Billed as Netflix’s best Hindi film
of 70 years of experience be- Named ‘Motown Funk’, the episode to date (okay, faint praise), this
story of two policewomen battling
tween them, it is only fair to call features highly tuned versions of the
sexual harassment has impressed
them masters of the modern Ford Mustang, the Chevrolet Ca- critics with its power and subtlety.
motoring shows on television. maro ZL1 and the Dodge Challenger NETFLIX
Jeremy Clarkson, James May and SRT. With a complete review of the
Richard Hammond have moved ahead McLaren Senna, Clarkson puts you in
with the times to now present their the driver’s seat of the limited produc-
witty takes on cars on The Grand Tour tion supercar, which goes on to clock
on Amazon Prime. the fastest time on the lap board, set
With two seasons of the promised by British racing driver Abigail Eaton
36 episodes already on Prime, 2019 on the Eboladrome track.
welcomes the third instalment of The May describes the battle be-
Grand Tour with the first episode that tween the three as good versus evil,
was released on January 17. referencing the names of the cars—the
The teasers posted on social Exorcist Camaro and Challenger SRT Everybody went, well, gaga over
media and a short trailer aired at the Venom. Of course, the less-powerful Lady Gaga’s feature film debut in
end of December last year, promised Mustang had to be given a nickname to a flick produced and directed by
a grand spectacle. Already garnering go along with the three and was called Bradley Cooper. Now you can see
for yourself if the Lady outdoes
over 2 million views, the introduc- the Blue Nun (a reference to a much-
Barbra Streisand’s 1976 perfor-
tion scene shows Hammond stuck in lampooned German wine brand). mance in the same role.
an old Chevrolet pick-up on a fragile Humour aside, no celebrities iTUNES
wooden bridge hoisted at a dizzy- came into the tent that doubles as
ing height. A series of breathtaking the show’s studio in the first episode.
views featuring period correct cars Clarkson signs off promising a mega
follow, before the real theme of the road trip beginning in the next
first episode is revealed—three episode, “the Grand Tour” of
American muscle cars storm- on 3 o f the season, and offering
In Seas AND
ing the streets of the original THE GR , top-class motoring
motor city, Detroit. Offering n entertainment for the
rem y Clarkso it
only a glimpse of the cars Je th next 13 weeks. ■
and his he original
and tongue-in-cheek –t —Abhik Das
Detroit ity
motor c
Stri k e
W otile
She’s H o r, o n ‘ josh ’,
a ct nd
i G a ut a m, e mini ster, a
Ya m e d e fe n c a l s t r i k e
g t h c
m e e t in l a te st s ur g i
he r
Q. Did you anticipate that Uri “More than the It’s unfair and disappointing
would be so successful? screen time, to do that to the army. We
I did. When I read the what’s impor- heard from people in the
script, I got the intent tant is that you forces about the levels to
with which Aditya [Dhar, are bringing which they go to selflessly
filmmaker] was making guard us. We don’t have
it and what he wanted to many patriotic films that
express. He said he wanted
substantial to
depict the army’s valour.
to make a film that not just
the film” Here’s a film on a real-
audiences love but also one life incident and we have
Are people still asking you the army would be proud tried our best to keep it as
‘How’s the josh’? of. It’s a sensitive subject We met them on Army Day. authentic as we could.
I will never tire of it. I am and he understood the They hadn’t watched it then,
getting videos on my social responsibility. I remember but they said that people Q. Would you have liked
media feed, some with two- standing at the air force base in the army had told them longer screen time in Uri and
year-olds asking ‘How’s in Serbia and watching the about how they loved the Batti Gul Metre Chalu?
the josh’ (a dialogue from choppers and feeling proud film. The President and his In any film, you have to
the film Uri: The Surgical of being a part of this film. wife loved it too. One could justify your work and pre-
Strike] and replying ‘High, see they actually meant it. sence in it. What’s important
Sir’. It’s just overwhelming. Q. You met defence minister is that you are bringing
I have happily made peace Nirmala Sitharaman and Q. What do you say to people something substantial to the
with the fact that I will be army chief Gen. Bipin Rawat who call Uri: The Surgical film. I feel I have done that,
asked this all year round. recently. What was their take? Strike a propaganda film? be it Batti... or Uri.
64 Volume XLIV Number 6; For the week February 5-11, 2019, published on every Friday Total number of pages 84 (including cover pages)
RNI NO. 28587/75
Will her
h entryt give
i th
Congress campaign a
boost or upset a
fragile Opposition
alliance in the
high stakes 2019 battle
for Uttar Pradesh?
HEALTH Saroj Sharma,
co-owner, Wabi Sabi
BEAUTY PRODUCTS & MORE co-owner, Wabi Sabi
Aroon Purie
Group Editorial Director
Raj Chengappa
Group Creative Editor
Cover Story
Nilanjan Das
Group Photo Editor
Bandeep Singh Road to Fitness
Whether it's going out for a meal or working
Deputy Editor out, healthy no longer equates to boring.
Prachi Bhuchar
Special Correspondent
We bring you fun ways to stay fit in the city
Malini Banerjee
Consulting Editors Cover photograph by SUBIR HALDER
Mohini Mehrotra, Rewati Rau
Photo Department
Vikram Sharma, Subir Halder
Photo Researchers
Prabhakar Tiwari, Saloni Vaid,
Visual Treat
Shubhrojit Brahma
Angshuman De, Rajesh Angira
Production Till February 11
Harish Aggarwal (Chief of
Production), Naveen Gupta, Check out Form And Play an
Vijay Sharma, Prashant Verma exhibition of the works by Ganesh
Layout Execution Haloi. Evocative abstract paintings
Ramesh Kumar Gusain
Pradeep Singh Bhandari in diaphanous colours are brought
to life by the artist who won the
Publishing Director Lifetime Achievement award In the
Manoj Sharma India Today Art Awards this year.
Associate Publisher (Impact)
Anil Fernandes
At Akar Prakar, P238, Hindusthan
Impact Team Tel 24642617
Senior General Manager: On Monday to Saturday
Jitendra Lad (West)
General Managers:
Time 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Upendra Singh (Bangalore);
Kaushiky Gangulie (East)
Whether it's going out for a meal or working out,
healthy no longer equates to boring. We bring you
fun ways to stay fit in the city. ■ By Malini Banerjee
Photographs by SUBIR HALDER
f you prefer to play a sport rather than sweat it
out in a gym, here is your chance to try some-
thing new. Shatadru Dutt, 26, coach and co-
owner of VS Sports Arena coaches a women’s
football team thrice a week with no restrictions of
age, fitness or qualifications. Also coaching them
is Ria Rao, 23, a young footballer who represented
West Bengal in national competitions in the under
17 and under 19 category. A motley crew made
up of homemakers, national rowing champions,
marathon runners, basketball players and young
corporates, have now made it a point to play the sport
religiously for two hours thrice a week. More are fol-
lowing suit. “The batch is expanding so we might just
start another one soon,” says Dutt.
The idea behind the academy was two-fold. One
was for people like Ria Rao who loved the sport and
played it in school and college but had nowhere to
keep playing football as a working adult. The second
was to develop the game further. Dutt who coached
Rao in St Xavier’s College spotted the gap when he
met more women like her. “The Calcutta Football
League which is a fifth division football league has
one of the oldest women’s football team and not
many know about it. My aim is to build interest in
the sport from the ground up so that more can play
those leagues,” says Dutt.
The results of their experiment speaks for
itself. Barely a couple of months since the start of
the Academy, Dutt says that “the girls are already
fitter and have greater stamina and endurance,
better technique.” Rao believes that football can
transform your mind body and soul. “I am a differ-
ent person when I am playing. I eat better and sleep
better,” says Rao.
The women's
At VS Sports Arena, 5A Sarat Bose Road, Lane
football team at beside Chandrani Pearls, Opposite Ashok Hall Girls
VS Sports Arena Tel 7980116259 Price Rs 1,000 a month
Email [email protected]
ienna Cafe and Store started
as a space to promote the
brand’s range of ceramic
tableware and handicrafts
from their workshop in Shantiniketan.
The food and the menu became some-
thing of an accidental success. “We
started with some of the things that
were made in our own family kitchen,”
says Sulagna Ghosh, 32, co-founder,
Sienna. Its roots in a family kitchen
may explain the menu’s light whole-
some vibe. “People were sceptical when
they found light salads in a Kolkata cafe
menu. People in this city generally like
deep fried, cheesy dishes,” says Ghosh.
But the avocado tortilla salad turned out
to be a dish that has been there since
inception and lasted through at least two
new menus. Also on the salad menu is the
black rice salad with an Asian dressing
with sesame and peanuts. "This used to
be an Asian salad before. Later we added
black rice to it and the flavours ended
up working well together," says Anindita
Rawat who is consultant for the Sienna
menu. Rawat is a home cook and has
also introduced the popular Aubergine
pesto crostini on the menu. "Ingredients
like oyster mushroom and basil come
from Rawat's family farm and a lot of
vegetables from the Ghosh’s vegetable
patch in their Shantiniketan workshop."
If you are down with a cold, Ghosh
promises that the clear chicken soup
with bok choy, carrot, baby corn and
mushroom is an instant pick-me-up.
Their focus is not so much on calories
Sulagna Ghosh, as much as on freshness and authentic-
co-founder, Sienna
ity. Their breads, cakes and pesto are
made in-house and everything, if not
low calorie, is at least nutrient or fibre
out their couscous salad or chickpea salad. “Both have
very light vinaigrette-based dressing and are rich in
dietary fibre. Our watermelon salad is another option
that is so delicious that you don’t even think of it as eat-
ing healthy,” she says.
WABI SABI The gluten-free momos are made with potato
starch and are another light option that will spare
you the bloating caused by flour-based dishes. Want
afe-store Wabi Sabi is inspired by the your meal to pack in vegetables and proteins? Try
idea of “finding joy and acceptance the zucchini roll up which is a cold dish made up
in imperfections”. The store stocks of zucchini slices filled with crumbly cottage cheese
a number of organic or nutritious and asparagus.
cereals like black and red rice and organic pulses. Most of their rice-based mains use black or
The cafe on the other hand serves all kinds of Bhutanese red rice so it is possible to have a full meal
vegetarian and Jain friendly contemporary global here without feeling too guilty. “Even our pastas come
cuisine. “The menu is designed in such a way that with an option of whole wheat, and we do not use flour
none of the dishes will make you feel uncomfort- or corn flour to thicken our sauces,” adds Sharma.
ably full. Most of our dishes are very light and Price Rs 800 for two
fresh,” says co-owner, Saroj Sharma, 45. At Wabi Sabi, 10 Sarat Banerjee Road
Choose to
potency of the nutrient rich greens.
“We have had clients who say they
cannot stomach coriander and toma-
Grow organic
toes from the vegetable seller after
growing their own,” he says.
From your garden variety
beans to “exotic vegetables like bell
HARI MITTI peppers broccoli and oyster mush-
rooms” they grow it all. “We have studied
that if one opts for about 30 to 35 crates,
then a family of three can sunstain on
arm-to-table or garden to table and only bring plants to you once they what they grow and need to only buy
are concepts that may have are “hardy enough to survive beyond potatoes and onions,” says Chandra.
seemed unattainable for city the nursery.” “Most plants need a lot If you want to pass on the gift of
dwellers with busy lives till now, of care during the seedling stage. Our growing to friends and family, Hari
but Hari Mitti will make it possible for aim is to take away the hassle of urban Mitti has also designed pinewood
you. The New Town-based start-up gardening. All you need to do is water boxes of herbs. “These small pots
grows over 40 varieties of vegetables, them,” says founder Surhid Chandra. already come packed with enough
fruits and herbs and air purifying plants Maintenance of the plants is all natu- nutrients that they continue to grow
that you can plant in your own homes. ral and free of harmful chemicals. “You without needing extra maintenance,”
If you do not have a green thumb, may even call it organic but we avoid says Chandra.
do not worry. Hari Mitti provides soil- the label since there is no accounting Price Rs 500 per crate or box plus
free mulch lined crates that are loaded for acid rain or even groundwater,” says installation cost
with vermicompost and cocoa peat Chandra. What he can vouch for is the Details
country in this sport in Thailand
and Malaysia.
But Sen is not just a kettle-
ball athlete. He is also a Master
Kettlebell Coach as well as a certi-
SAMRAT SEN, COREFIT fied animal flow coach and a func-
tional trainer. If he were to have
a fitness mantra it would be
amrat Sen, 32, a former PR “lengthen your front and strength-
professional, was always en your back.” His outfit is called
passionate about fitness.“I Corefit, which as the name sug-
was into kickboxing and gests, is about focusing on the core.
martial arts and using the kettlebell Sen believes in a completely
as well. However, I started taking personalised approach where he
it more seriously as a sport when designs different programmes for
I began to benefit from kettlebell people of different fitness levels
training,” said Sen. Kettlebell lift- and different targets. His biggest
ing as a sport is a test of “endur- success? “One of my students, a
ance since it relies on an equal mix 53 kg mother of one, who couldn’t
of strength, endurance, flexibil- lift 12 kg kettlebells, recently rep-
ity and cardiovascular stamina. Also resented India and lifted two 16 kg
called endurance lifting, the sport kettlebells in tandem,” says Sen.
requires lifters to complete as many Price On request
repetitions as possible within 10 At
Samrat Sen,
owner, Corefit
founder and
MD, Auli
Au Natural
AULI LIFESTYLE such as cuts, burns, acne, tanning and rashes and can
also be used as a make-up primer and sunscreen. “In
fact I did not know it could be so successful until I heard
f you are eating organic, then it goes without saying that praise from my buyers who cannot get enough of it,”
you should opt for "natural" when it comes to skincare as she says. Also popular is Luminous, a fragrant all-natu-
well. Auli Lifestyle, a homegrown Kolkata-based com- ral shampoo that is good for all hair types. “It is packed
pany, makes a variety of skin and haircare products that with ingredients that are great for hair, such as brahmi,
are completely natural, paraben and chemical free. olive oil, aloe vera, essential oils and other ayurvedic
Founder and MD Aishwarya Biswas, 35, started using extracts,” says Biswas.
honey and beeswax from her country farm in suburban south Even if you don't have a beauty regimen, Auli has
Kolkata to formulate her products, and slowly expanded to starter kits for men and women, anti ageing skin ritu-
use “only the best organic and natural ingredients she can als and rituals for dry oily and combination skin, facial
from across the country.” kits, hair kits, pamper bath rituals, de-tanning kit and
She gets glowing reviews about her products online— the ultimate indulgence in the form of a bridal kit.
which is her primary market. An ex-model-turned-entre- They also make honey-based snack boxes that
prenuer,she is a firm believerin her ownproductsand it is easy include green tea, a small pot of honey and honey
to see why. Her bestsellers include Magic Potion, an aloe-vera roasted almonds.
massage gel that she says helps tackle a variety of problems Price Rs 300 onwards At
ntrepreneur and director of The
Yoga exponent
Belgadia Palace and princess from
Mrinalika Bhanjdeo the Royal Family of Mayurbhanj,
Mrinalika Bhanjdeo, 28, start-
ed practicing yoga seven years ago and
three years ago, she started teaching it
too. It seeped into my everyday life and
even though I did not enter the practice of
yoga with the intention of making chang-
es in my lifestyle, it made me aware of
how I live my life—from what and how
I eat, to having a phone-life balance,”
says Bhanjdeo.
The stress caused by the digital
medium is one of the main things yoga
helps address, says the hatha yoga expo-
nent. “The practice of yoga helped me
learning how to control my mind.
We are bombarded with external
stimulation which throws us off bal-
ance, especially as we live in the digi-
tal age where our biggest health
concerns are related to poor lifestyle
choices,” she says. Those choices are
what you can address with mindfulness.
Bhanjdeo especially recommends
“meditation to relax the body and
mind” with nadi shodhana (alternate
nostril cleansing) and sheetal pranaya-
ma which helps improve the flow of
oxygen into the body, lowers blood
pressure, and calms the mind and body.
For common ailments and problems
she suggests cat/cow poses to improve
circulation through spine and core and
the cobra pose to “open up the chest
and improve lung capacity” as well as
alleviate lower back pain. She also advo-
cates popular and relatively simpler poses
like the standing forward bend and tree
pose that help improve flexibility and
At Calorie Burn Centre, 3B
Lovelock Place; The Salt
YO GA House, 40 Shakespeare Sarani
Tel 9830290530