NBU Snapshot 1

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FlashBackup is supported on RHEL with VxFS/VxVM as filesytem and Volume manager.

Accelerator is perfectly supported for filesystem backups on Unix/Linux, but the file types on this
server are not good dedupe candidates.
You may want to try it and see what the results are.

If this filesystem is on a striped lun, you can also try to break the Backup Selection into multiple
streams: select 'Allow multiple data streams' in policy attributes, then divide folders into separate
streams, e.g:

If Max Jobs per Client is set to 4 or more, MPX in STU and schedule is set to 4, the above backup
selection will run 4 simultaneous streams from this filesystem and should backup at 4 times the
speed seen before.(See 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0' topic in NetBackup 7 Snapshot Client (CL):

Flashbackup and Flashbackup-Windows do raw device backups - they tend to be very fast as they
back up at block level and backup the entire drive

So if you have a 50TB drive with 15 TB used you backup will be 50TB!
You can however restore single file data from these backups - I would advise having a moderate
fragment size for you storage unit - say 5000MB - so that when seeking a single file from the back
up it can be located easily

Also test restores from the backup as very large backups can have issues

Two other differences are that you cannot do the system drive (C drive) using this type of backup
and the backup selection list is different .. A windows policy would say D:\ but a Flashback up-
Windows policy will say \\.\D:
1).Now I created policy with FlashBackup type.
2).selected Perform snapshot backups Option as NBU_Snap.(.And here I specified cache
location.) Except nbu_snap ,others are givin error. So I choosed nbu_snap
3). And also specified cache device on client settings :
Host Properties > Clients > Client Properties dialog > UNIX Client > Client Settings, -> Default
cache device path for snapshots
4). Backup selection is like this:

You have selected auto and yet your system has no way of creating a snapshot for you to back up.
When you choose auto NetBackup will use nbu_snap (Appendix A of the admin guide)

You need to select a cache location for it to work - see this tech note as a starting point:
If it is not suitable for your system then you need to select a suitable snapshot method.

Please note: Flashbackup require you to specify the block device e.g. /dev/vx/dsk/data_dg/{somth

You need to find a system that is using 'normal' Solaris disk management (not SVM/ZFS) or else
VxVM with a usable, unused CACHE partition.

And cache must not be specified in Backup Selection if 'Perform Snapshot backup' is selected in
Policy Attributes.

See this extract from Snapshot Client manual:

Note: CACHE entries are allowed only when the policy’s Perform snapshot backups option is
deselected. If Perform snapshot backups is selected, NetBackup attempts
to back up the CACHE entry and the backup fails.

And also:
UNIX only: if you selected nbu_snap or VxFS_Snapshot as the snapshot method, specify a raw
partition as cache, in either of these ways:
a) Use the Host Properties node of the Administration Console to specify the default cache device
path for snapshots. Click Host Properties >
Clients, select the client, then Actions>Properties, UNIX Client>Client
b) Use the Snapshot Client Options dialog to specify the cache.See “How to enter the cache” on
page 149.

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