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Artificial Intelligence


Information Technology
SAMPLE Question


Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 3

1. (a) List the type of knowledge include in expertise. (8 marks)

(b) List the eight activities of human expert. (8 marks)
2. (a) What is the role of knowledge engineer. (6 marks)
(b) Briefly explain about Human elements in Expert system.
(10 marks)
3. (a) List the ten generic categories of ES. (10 marks)
(b)Define the Es development environment and contrast with consultation environment.
(6 marks)
4. List the type of Expert system. Define them. (16 marks)

chapter (4)

5. (a) Describe the process of protocol analysis. (10 marks)

(b) List several sources of knowledge. (6 marks)
6. What is the RGA and describe the process of RGA’s work. (16 marks)
7. Describe the process of automated rule induction and write down benefits of it.
(16 marks)
8. (a) Give four reason why knowledge acquisition is difficult. (10 marks)
(b) What are the major desired skills of a knowledge engineer. (6 marks)


9. Define semantic network and give two advantages and two limitations. (16 marks)
10. (a) compare and contract the production rule and frame. (10 marks)
(b) List three types of facets of a frame and explain their meaning. (6 marks)
11. (a)Describe advantages and disadvantages of rule representation. (10 marks)
(b) What is a slot in a frame. (6 marks)
12. Briefly explain about script. Develop a script about restaurant. (16 marks)
13. (a)Define a list and give an example. (10 marks)
(b)List the major knowledge representation method. (6 marks)
14. Prepare a set of frames of an organization given the following information. (16 marks)
Company : 1050 employees,$130 million annual sales,
Jan fisher is the president
Department : accounting, finance, marketing, production, personnel
Production department : five lines of production
Product : computers
Annual budget : $50,000+$12,000 × number of computers produced
Materials : $6,000 per unit produced
Working days : 250 per year
Number of supervisors : one for each twelve employees
Range of number of employees : 400-500 per shift (two shifts per Day)
overtimes or part time on a third shift is possible

chapter (6)

15. (a) Define deductive reasoning and contrast it with inductive reasoning. (10 marks)
(b) What is meant that a rule ‘fires’. (6 marks)

16. (a)Define model-based reasoning. (8 marks)

(b)Define case-based reasoning. (8 marks)

17. (a)List the name of the purpose of explanation capability. (10 marks)
(b)Define static explanation. (6 marks)

18. (a)Briefly explain about inference tree. (10 marks)

(b)Define meta rule. (6 marks)

19. You are given a set of rules for this question as follow. (16 marks)
Goal : whether or not to invert in IBM stock.
R1 : If a person has $10,000 and she has a college degree,
THEN she should invest in securities
R2 : If a person’s annual income is at least $40,000 and she has a college degree,
THEN she should invest in growth stocks.
R3 : If a person is younger than thirty and if she is investing in securities,
THEN she should invest in growth stocks
R4 : If a person is younger than thirty, THEN she has a college degree
R5 : If a person wants to invest in growth stock, THEN the stock should be IBM

Run a backward chaining with the facts : The investor has $ 10,000 and She is twenty – five
year old
20. You are given a set of rules for this question as follows. (16marks)
R1 : If inflation is low
THEN interest rates are low
ELSE interest rates are high.
R2 : If interest rates are high
THEN housing prices are high
R3 : If housing prices are high
THEN do not buy a house
ELSE buy it
Run a forward chaining with the fact : Low inflation
: rate as given
Artificial Intelligence
Sample Question

1. (a) List the type of knowledge included in expertise . (8 marks)

Expertise is the extensive, task-specific knowledge acquire from
Training, reading and experience. Expertise includes:
-Facts about the problem area
- Theories about the problem area
-Hard and fast rules and procedures regarding the general problem area.
-Rules of what to do in a given problem situation.
-Global strategies for solving these types of problems.
- Meta knowledge (knowledge about knowledge)

(b) List the eight activities of human expert. (8 marks)

Human ex parties includes a constellation of behavior that Involves the following

Involves the following activities:
- Recognizing and formulating the problem
- Solving the problem quickly and properly
- Explaining the solution
- Learning from experience
- Restricting knowledge
- Breaking rules
- Determining relevance
- Degrading gracefully

2. (a) what is the role of knowledge engineer. (6marks)

The knowledge engineer helps the experts structure the problem Area by interpreting
human answer to question drawing analogies, Posing counterexamples and bringing
conceptual difficulties. He or She is the system builder.

(b)Briefly explain about Human elements in Expert system. (10 marks)

The Expert
The expert, commonly referred to as the domain expert and Methods along with the
ability to apply these talents give advice and Solve problems. The experts knows which facts
are important and understands the meaning of the relation among facts.
The knowledge Engineer
The knowledge engineer helps the experts structure the problem area by interpreting and
integrating human answers to questions, drawing analogies, posing counterexamples and
bringing to light conceptual difficulties. He or she is the system builder.

The User

Most computer-based systems have evolved in a single-user mode. In construct, the ES

has several possible types of users:
-A no expert client seeking direct advice. In such a case the ES acts
As a consultant or advisor.
-A student who wants to learn. In such a case the ES acts as an instructor. An ES
builder who instructor. An ES builder who wants to improve or increase the
knowledge base . In such a case the ES acts as a partner.
-An expert .In such a case the ES acts as a colleague.

Other Participants

Several other participants may be involved in ES. A system builder may assist in
integrating the expert system with other computerized systems. A tool builder may provide
generic or build specific tools. A vendors may provide tools and advice and support staff
may provide clerical and technical help.

3. (a) List the ten generic categories of: ES (10 marks)

Generic categories of Expert system

Category Problem Addressed

Interpretation Inferring situation descriptions from

Prediction Inferring likely consequences of given situations
Diagnosis Inferring system malfunctions form observations
Design Configuring object under constraints
Planning Developing plan to achieve goal(s)
Monitoring Comparing observations to plans, flagging exceptions
Debugging Prescribing remedies for malfunctions
Repair Executing a plan to administer a prescribed ream
Instruction Diagnosing, debugging and correcting student performance
Control Interpreting, predicting, repairing and monitoring system
3. (b) Define the ES development environment and construct with Consultation environment.
(6 marks)
Expert systems are composed of two major parts : the Development environment and
consolation environment. The development environment is used by the ES builder to build
the components to introduce knowledge into the knowledge base .The consultation
environment is used by a non expert to obtain expect knowledge and advice.

4. List the type of expect system .Define them. Types of Expert Systems. (16 marks)

Expert Systems Versus Knowledge-based Systems

ES is one whose behavior is so sophisticated that would call a person who

performed in a similar manner an expert.
In the commercial world, systems are emerging that perform effectively and
efficiently tasks for execution do not need an expert. Such small systems are referred to as
knowledge-based systems.

Rule-based Expert System

Many commercial ES are rule based, because the technology of rule-based

systems is relatively well developed. In such systems the knowledge is represented as a series
of production rules.

Frame-based Systems

In these systems, the knowledge is represented as frames, a representation of

the object-oriented programming approach.

Hybrid Systems

These systems include several knowledge representation approaches, at

minimum frames and rules but usually much more.

Model-based Systems

Model-based systems are structured around a model that simulates the

structure and function of the system under study. The model is used to compute values which
are compared to observed ones.
Systems Classified By Their Nature

The system leads the user to a structured selection from among a reasonable
number of possible outcomes or actions.

Ready-made Systems

Ready-made systems are similar to application packages like an accounting

general ledger or project management in operations management. Ready made systems enjoy
the economy of mass production and therefore are considerably less expensive than
customized systems.

Real-Time Expert Systems

Real-time systems are systems in which there is a strict time limit on the
system’s response time, which must be fast enough for user control the process being
computerized. The system always produces a response by the time it is needed.

Chapter (4)

5. (a) Describe the process of protocol analysis

Process tracking refers to a set of techniques the attempt to track the reasoning
process of an expert. Tracking methods can be Informal or formal. The most common formal
method is protocol analysis.
Protocol analysis particularly a set of techniques known as verbal protocol
analysis, is a common method by which the knowledge engineer acquires detailed knowledge
from the expert. A protocol is a rcord or documentation of the expert’s step-by-step
information processing and decision making behavior. In this method, which is similar to
interview but more formal and systematic, the expert is asked to perform real task and to
verbalize his or her thought process .The expert is asked by the knowledge engineer to “think
aloud” while performing the task or solving the problem under observation .Usually, a
recording is made as the expert thinks aloud, it describes every aspect of the information
processing and decision making behavior. This recording then becomes a record, or protocol,
of the expert’s ongoing behavior. Later, the recording is transmitted for further analysis and
coded by the knowledge engineer.
5. (b)List several sources of knowledge.

A representative list of sources includes books, films, computer databases, pictures,

maps, flow diagrams, stories, songs, or observed behavior .These sources can be divided into
two types: documented and undocumented. The latter resides in people minds . Knowledge
can be identified and collected by using any the human senses.

6. What is the RGA and describe the process of RGA’s work.

Experts may also be confused between facts and facts that actually influence
decision making. To overcome these one other limitations of knowledge acquisition by
gaining insight in the expert’s metal model of the problem domain, a number dictation
technique shave been developed. These techniques decision from psychology. Since they are
fairly structured, when applies AI technologies, these methods are usually aided by a
computer. The primary method is repertory grid analysis (RGA). The Process of RGA’s
The RGA works according to several processes. First, the expert identifies the
important objects in the domain of expert.
Second, the expert identifies the important attributes that are considered in
making decisions in the domain.
Third, for each attribute the expert is asked to establish a bipolar scale with
distinguishable characteristics and their appositives.
Fourth, the interviewer picks any three of the objects an asks .What attributes
and traits distinguish any two of these objects from the third?

Attributes Traits Opposite

Availability Widely available Not available
Ease of programming High Low
Training time Low High
Orientation Symbolic Numeric

Attribute Orientation Ease of Training Availability

Programming Time
Trait Symbolic(3) High (3) High(3) High (3)
Opposite Numeric (1) Low (2) Low (1) Low (1)
Lisp 3 3 1 1
PROLOG 3 2 2 1
C 2 3 2 2
COBOL 1 2 1 3

Example of grid.
7. Describe the process of automated rule induction and write down benefits of it.

Automated rule induction

Induction means a process of reasoning from the specific to the general .In ES
terminology it refers to the process in which rules are Generated by a computer program
from example cases.
A rule induction system is given example of a problem where the outcome is
known. After it has been given several examples, the rule induction system can create rules
that fit the example cases. The rules can be used to asses other case where the outcome is not
The heart of a rule induction system is an algorithm, which is used to induce
the rules from the examples.

Advantages of Rule Induction

As the domain gets bigger and more complex, experts become usable to explain
how they operate. They can however still supply the knowledge engineer with suitable
examples of problems and solutions. Using rule induction allows ES to be user in more
complicated and more commercially rewording fields.
Another advantage is that the builder does not have to be a knowledge engineer.
He or she can be the expert or a system analyst. This not only saves and money but it also
solves the difficulties of dealing with the knowledge engineer who is an outside unfamiliar
with the business.
Machine induction also offers the possibility of deducing new knowledge.
A big advantage of the rule induction is that it enhance the thinking process of the

8. (a) Given fours reasons why knowledge is difficult.

Expressing the knowledge to solve a problem a human expert Executes a two step
process. First, the expert inputs information about the external world into the brain. The
expert uses an inductive, deduction or other problem solving approaches on the information.
It may be very difficult for the expert to express his or her experiences are made up
of sensations, thoughts, sense memories and feelings.
Transfer to a Machine-Knowledge is transferred to a machine where it must be
organized in a particular manner. The machine requires
the knowledge to be expressed explicitly at a lower, more detailed level than humans use.
Human knowledge exists is compiled format.
Number of participants .In a regular transfer of knowledge there two participants. In
AI there could be as many as four participants the expert, the knowledge engineer, the system
design and the user. These participants have different backgrounds, use different terminology
and process different skills and knowledge structuring the knowledge. In AI it is necessary to
elicit not only the knowledge but also its structure. We have to repress the knowledge in a
structured way.

8. (b) What are the major desired skills of a knowledge engineer.

 Computer skills
 Tolerance and ambivalence
 Broad education
 Effective communication abilities
 Advanced, socially sophisticated verbal skills
 Fast learning capabilities
 Understanding of organizations and individuals
 Wide experience in knowledge engineering
 Intelligence
 Empathy and patience
 Persistence
 Logical thinking
 Versatility and inventiveness
 Self-confidence

Chapter (5)

9. Define semantic network and give two advantages and two limitations (16.marks )
Semantic network is composed of nodes and links. Semantic networks are basically
graphic depictions of knowledge that show hierarchical relationships between objects. It is
made up of a number of circles or nodes represent object. Nodes can also be concepts, events
or actions and attributes of an object. The might represent size, color, age, origin or other
The nodes in a semantic network are also interconnected by link arcs, show the
relationships between the various objects and descriptive actors. Most common arcs are of
the is –a or has-a type .Is-a show class relation that an object belongs to a larger class. Has –a
links to identify characteristics or attributes of the object nodes.
Two advantages are-
The semantic net offers flexibility in adding new nodes and links to a definition as needed.
The visual representation is easy to understand. The semantic net function in a manner
similar to that of human information storage.
Two limitations are-
Two standards exist for the definition of nodes or relationships between and among nodes.
Procedural knowledge is difficult to represent in a semantic net, since sequence and time are
not explicitly represented.

10. (a) Compare and contrast the production rule and frame (10 marks)
Production systems are developed by Newell and Simon for their model of
human cognition. The production systems are modular knowledge representation schemes in
these systems knowledge is presented as in the form of condition-action pairs: “If this
condition occurs, THEN some action will occur. If it is hot, THEN.
-If the stop light is red AND you have stopped, THEN aright turn is okay.
A frame is a data structure that includes all the knowledge about a particular
object. In a frame, knowledge is organized in a special hierarchical structure that permits a
diagnosis of knowledge independence. Frames are basically an application of object-oriented
programming for AI and ES.

10. (b) Compare and contrast the production rule and frame.
Values : These describe the attributes such as blue, red and yellow for a co slot.
Default : This facet is used if the slot is empty, that is, without any description
Range : Range indicates and disadvantages of information can appear in a slot .

11. (a)Describe advantages and disadvantages of rule representation.

Rules are easy to understand .They are communicable because they are
communicable because they are a natural form of knowledge. Inference and explanations are
easily derived.
Modifications and maintenance are relatively easy:
Complex knowledge requires many, many rules. This may create problems in both using the
system and maintaining it.
Builders like rules; therefore they try to enforce all knowledge all knowledge into rules rather
than looking for more appropriate representations.

11. (b) What is a slot in a frame . (6 marks)

A frame includes two basic elements: slots and facets.
A slot is a set of attributes that describe the object represented the frame. Each
slot contains one or more facets. The facets describe the knowledge or procedures about the
attribute in the slot.

12. Briefly explain about script. Develop a script about restaurant. (16 marks)
A script is a knowledge representation scheme similar a frame, but instead of
describing an object, the script describes a sequence of events. Like the frame, the script
portrays a stereotype
Situation: Unlike the frame, it is usually presented in a piratical or context. To describe a
sequence of events, the script uses a series of slots containing information about the people,
objects and actions they are involved in the events.

Track: Fast-food restaurant

Roles: Customer (c)
Props: Counter
Salt/ Pepper/ Catsup/ Straws
Entry conditions: Customer in hungry
Customer has money
Scene 1: Entry
• Customer parks car.
Customer enters restaurant.
Customer waits in line at the counter.
• Customer reads the menu on the wall and makes a decision about what to
Scene 2: Order
• Customer gives order to server.
• Server fills order by putting food on tray.
• Customer pays server.
Scene 3: Eating
• Customer gets napkins, straws, salt, etc.
• Customer takes tray to an unoccupied table.
• Customer eats food quickly.
Scene 3A (option): Take-out
• Customer takes food and exists.

Scene 4: Exit
• Customer cleans up table.
• Customer discards trash.
• Customer leaves restaurant.
• Customer drives away.
• Customer is no longer hungry.
• Customer has less money.
• Customer is happy.
• Customer is unhappy.
• Customer is too full.
• Customer has upset stomach.
• Options
13. (a ) Define a list and give an example. (10 marks)
A lists is a series of related items. It can be a list of names of things, products. List
are namely used to represent knowledge in while objects are grouped, categorized or graded
according to rank or relationship objects are first divided into groups or classes of similar
items. Their relationships are shown by linking them together. The simplest form is one list a
hierarchy is created when two or more related Lists are combined Figure 5.9 shows a
generalized format for a list. The List has name to identify it and two or more elements. You
can see an element in one list can be the name of another list containing sub elements.

List A
Element 1 Element 2
2 Subelement a
3 b
4 c
5 d

Element 4
Subelement a
Subelement b Subelement c
Subelement c Sub –subele (1)

Figure 5.9 List Representing Hierorchical Knowledge

13. (b) List the major knowledge representation method. (6 marks)

Major knowledge –
1. Representation in logic
2. Analysis representation
• Semantic Network
• Scripts
• Lists
• Decision tables
• Decision trees
3 Coding Representation
• Production rules
• Frames
14. Prepare a set of frames of an organization given the following information. (16 marks)
Company : 1050 employees, $130 million annual sales, Jan fisher is the president

Departments : accounting, finance, marketing, production, personnel

Production department : Five lines of production
Product : Computer
Annual budget : $ 50,000+$ 12,000* number of computer production
Materials : $ 6,000 per unit produced.
Working days : 250per year
Number of supervisors : one for each twelve employees
Range of number of employees: 400-500 per shift ( two shifts per overtime or part
time on a third shift is possible.

Name Company Name Production

Employees 1050 Lines of 5
Annual sales $ 130 production
President John fisher Product Computer
Has a
Name Finance
Hierorchy Department
Name Department budge
IS-a Material $600 per unit

Name Annual budget

Name Personal department
Working –days 250 per year
From $50000
No: of supervisors 88
No: of shift 3
*no:of computer
Third shift Overtime produce
Range of employee 400-500 per shift
Chapter (6)

15. (a) Define deductive reasoning and contrast it with reasoning.

Deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning is a process in which general premises are used to obtain a
specific inference. Reasoning moves form a general principle to a specific conclusion.
The deductive process generally begins with a statement of the premises and
conclusions. It consists of three parts: a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion.
Major premise : I do not job when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees.
Minor premise : Today the temperature is 93 degrees.
Conclusion : Therefore, I will not jog today.
The whole idea is develop new knowledge from previously given knowledge.

Inductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning uses a number of established facts or premises to draw some
general conclusion.
Premise : Faulty diodes cause electronic equipment failure.
Premise : Defective transistors cause electronic equipment failure.
Premise : Defective integrated circuits cause electronic equipment malfunction.
Conclusion may be difficult to arrive at, or it may never be final on absolute.
Conclusions can charge if new facts are discovered. The more knowledge you have, the more
conclusive your inference can be.

15. (b) What is meant that a rule ‘fires’.

We say that Rule “fires”. Firing a rule occurs only when all of the rule’s parks
are satisfied. Then, the conclusion draw is stored in the assertion base.

16. (a) Define model-based reasoning.

Model-based reasoning
Model-based reasoning is based on knowledge of the structure and behavior
of the devices the system is designed to understand. Model based systems are especially
useful in diagnosed equipment problems. The systems include a model of the device to be
diagnosed that is then used to identify the cause(s) of the equipment failure. Because they
draw conclusions directly from knowledge of a device’s structure and behavior, model-based
expert systems are said to reason from “first principles”.

16. (b) Define case-based reasoning

Case – based reasoning
The basic idea of case-based reasoning is to adapt solutions that were
used to solve old problems and use them for solving new problems. One variation of this
approach is the rule-induction method. In rule induction the computer examines historical
cases and generates rules, which are chained to solve problems. Case-based reasoning
follows a different process
Finds those cases in memory that solved problems similar to the current problem,
and-adapts the previous solution or solution to fit the current problem, taking into account
any difference between the current and previous situations.

17. (a) List name of the purposes of explanation capability.

The explanation facility has several specific purposes:
- Make the system more into huggable to the user.
- Uncover the shortcomings of the rules and knowledge base.
- Explain situations that were unanticipated by the user.
- Satisfy psychological and / or social needs by helping a user feel more assured
about the actions of the ES.
- Clarify the assumptions underlying the system’s operations, both to the user and
the builder.
- Conduct sensitivity analyses.

17. (b) Define static explanation.

There are different methods for generating explanations. An easy way to do them
is to pre-insert pieces of English text in the system. For example, each question that could be
asked by the user may have an answer test associated with it. This is called static

18.(a) Briefly explain about inference tree.

The inference tree (also goal tree, or logical tree) provides a schematic view of the
inference process. It is similar to a decision tree. Note that each rule is composed of a
premise and a conclusion. In building the inference free the premise and conclusion. In
building the inference free the premises and conclusions are shown as nodes. The branches
connect the premises and conclusions. The operators AND and OR are used to reflect the
structures of the rules.
By using the tree, we can visualize the process of inference and movement along
the branches of the tree. This is called tree traversal.
The inference tree is constructed upside down. The root is at the top and the
branches point downward. The tree ends with “leaves” at the buttom.
Single inference trees are always a mixture of AND nodes and OR nodes; they are
often called AND /OR trees.
(b) Define metarule.
Conflict resolution is done in may cases by introducing inference
rules, for example, deciding about which rules to use next. In such a case, we deal with
metarules, or rules about rules.
Inference engines that include metarules are more complex than those
that do not. Futhermore, it is worth nothing that metarules also make the knowledge base
harder to read and understand.

19. You are given a set of rules for this question as follows. (16 marks)
Goals : wheather or not to invert in IBM stock.
R1 : If a person has $10,000 and she has a college degree,
THEN should invest in securities.
R2 : If a person’s annual income is at least $ 40,000 and she has a college
degree, THEN she should invest in growth stocks.

R3 : If a person is younger than thirty and she is investing in securities

THEN she should invest in growth stocks.
R4 : If a person is younger than thirty, THEN she has a college degree.
R5 : If a person wants to invert in growth r tock, THEN the stock should
be IBM.
Run a black work chaining with the facts: invertors has $ 10,000 and she is
twenty-five year old.
A= Have $10,000
B= Younger than thirty
C= Education at college level
D= Annual income of at least $ 40,000
E= Invert in securities
F= Invert in growth stocks
G= Invert in IBM stock

R1: IF A and C, THEN E

R2: IF D and C, THEN F

R3: IF B and E, THEN F


Fact: invertor has $ 10,000
She is twenty-five years old
A is true.
B is true.

19. Ans . Goal: whether or not to invert in IBM stock

: G or not
Staring point : We start by looking for a rule that include the
goal CG .In its conclusion( THEN ) part.
Step(1) : Try to access (or) reject (G). In a assertion base.
A is true
B is true
G is not in assertion base but is in conclusion of rul
Step(2) : R(5) says that if F is true, THEN G is true. F is not assertion base but F is in
conclusion rule R2 and R3.
Step(3) : We try R2 first. In R2, if both D and C are true, THEN F is true. D is not in
conclusion of any rule nor or fact. So we return to another rule R3.
Step(4) : R3 says that if both B and E are true, THEN F is true. Because it is given Fact, B
is true. E is not in assertion base. E is a conclusion of R1.
Step(5) : R1 says that if both A and C are true, THEN E is true. A is true because it is given
fact. C is no in assertion base but is in conclusion of R1.
Step(6) : R4 says that if B is true, THEN C is true. C is true because B is given fact. C
become a fact and added to assertion base.
Step(7) : E is true because A and C are true.
R1 fired and which valid F. So R3 is fired.
F is true, THEN G is true.
ES will recommend to invert in IBM stock.

20. You are given a set of rules for this question.

Goals: should we buy a house or not?
R1: If inflation is low.
THEN interest rates are low.
Else interest rates are high.
R2: If interest rates are high.
THEN housing prices are high.
R3: If housing prices are high.
THEN do not buy a house.
ELSE buy it.
Run a forward chaining with a high inflation rate as given.
A= Inflation is law
B= Interest rates are low.
C= Interest rates are high.
D= Housing prices are high.
E= Do not buy a house.
F= Buy it.


R2:IF C THEN D step 2

R3:IF D THEN E ELSE F step 3

Forward chaining
Fact: Law inflation rate (A is true)
Goal: To buy a house or not (E or F)
Starting point: start from fact A. We look for a rule that includes an A in the IF side of rule.
This is R1.

20. Ans:
Step 1 : R1 says that If A is true then B is true then B is true else c is true A is
true in assertion base, So B is ture and C is Flase. R1 fires. C is a
premise of R2.
Step 2 : R2 that if c is true, then D is true. D is False because C is false. R2
fires. D is added to assertion base. D is a premise of R3.
Step3 : R3 says that if D is true then E is true else F is true. D is false in
assertion base. So, F is True.

Es will recommend to buy a house.

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