Darikas Georgios Thesis BMS
Darikas Georgios Thesis BMS
Darikas Georgios Thesis BMS
Diploma Thesis
Georgios Darikas
Γεώργιος Δαρίκας
My coworkers at hofer eds GmbH deserve my gratitude for all their contribution and interest
in the project. I would especially like to thank Mr. Juergen Kohn for believing in my abilities and
allowing me to take on such an interesting and demanding task, as well as Mr. Matthias Buerchl
for his advice and technical expertise.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Fotios Panteliadis, for introducing me to the
people of hofer eds GmbH. Without his contribution this collaboration would not be possible.
My sincere gratitude also goes to the PhD candidates of the Electrical Machines Laboratory,
for their continuous support and constructive criticism throughout the years. Mr. Nektarios
Karakasis and Mr. Nikolaos Jabbour, who introduced me to embedded systems, and guided me
through my first battery management system project. Mr. Evangelos Tsioumas, whose advice and
support extended far beyond engineering, and helped me evolve to the person I am today.
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank my family and friends for their love and
support. I would not have been able to complete this work without their sustained
George Darikas
The use of sustainable energy is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. Therefore,
electric vehicles are currently the best choice for the environment in terms of public and personal
transportation. Because of its high energy and power density, lithium-ion batteries are widely
used in electric and hybrid vehicles. Nevertheless, this battery technology can be dangerous if not
operated within its safe operating range. Therefore, a control system, commonly referred as
battery management system, must be used in every lithium-ion battery system, especially in those
used in electric vehicle applications.
The scope of this thesis is the design and implementation of a battery management system
for lithium-ion batteries, suitable for automotive applications. This includes the definition of the
system requirements, the development of the system’s architecture, the design of the hardware,
taking into consideration the automotive industry standards, and the implementation of a sample
test component of the system for the evaluation of its functionality.
The first two chapters cover a literature review, about battery technologies and their use in
automotive applications. Chapter 3 describes in detail the purpose, functions and topologies of
battery management systems. Then, in Chapter 4, the developed battery management system
architecture is introduced along with its major features and advantages. The basic component of
the system, the module management unit, is presented in detail, and its components and design
solutions are elaborately explained. Chapter 5, provides a thorough description of the hardware
design, including the schematics and PCB layout, while Chapter 6 presents the software
architecture of the system. The experimental results of the testing hardware are depicted in
Chapter 7. Finally, Chapter 8 concludes the thesis work, containing the conclusions from the
experiments and possible future improvements for the system.
The project was carried out in collaboration with hofer eds GmbH. The overall design
procedure was co-supervised by the people in hofer eds GmbH, which also funded the
manufacturing and material costs of the test hardware. The testing process took place in the hofer
eds GmbH facilities in Lenting, Germay, in the electronics laboratory, which was equipped with all
the necessary equipment for the experiments. Aside from the equipment and funding, hofer eds
GmbH provided valuable technical expertise and experience, which contributed significantly to
the completion of the project.
Η χρήση ανανεώσιμων και ενναλακτικών μορφών ενέργειας γίνεται ολοένα και πιο
σημαντική στον σύγχρονο κόσμο. Επομένως, τα ηλεκτρικά οχήματα είναι προς το παρών η
καλύτερη επιλογή για το περιβάλλον τόσο για δημόσια όσο και για προσωπικά μέσα μεταφοράς.
Λόγω της υψηλής πυκνότητας ενέργειας και ισχύος, οι μπαταρίες ιόντων λιθίου
χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως σε ηλεκτρικά και υβριδικά οχήματα. Παρόλα αυτα, η συγκεκριμένη
τεχνολογία μπορεί να γίνει επικίνδυνη έαν δεν χρησιμοποιείται εντός της προδιαγεγραμένης
περιοχής ασφαλούς λειτουργίας της. Επομένως, ενα σύστημα ελέγχου, το οποίο συνήθως
αναφέρεται ως σύστημα διαχείρησης μπαταριών πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται σε κάθε σύστημα
μπαταριών ιόντων λιθίου, και ειδικότερα σε εκείνα που προορίζονται για εφαρμογές ηλεκτρικών
Ο σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι ο σχεδιασμός και η υλοποίηση ενός συστήματος
διαχείρησης μπαταριών για μπαταρίες ιόντωςν λιθίου, κατάλληλου για εφαρμογές αυτοκινήτων.
Στα πλαίσια της εργασίας περιλαμβάνεται ο καθορισμός των απαιτήσεων του συστήματος, η
ανάπτυξη της αρχιτεκτονικής του, ο σχεδιασμος του υλικού, λαμβάνοντας υπ’όψιν τις απαιτήσεις
της αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας, και η υλοποίηση ενός τμήματος του συνολικού συστήματος για την
αξιολόγηση και επιβεβαίωση της λειτουργικότητας του.
Το σύστημα αναπτύχθηκε με βάση την διανεμημένη αρχιτεκτονική, καθώς αυξάνει την
ευελιξία του και διευκολύνει την υλοποίηση του. Πιο συγκεκρίμενα, η αρχιτεκτονική αυτή ορίζει
δυο ξεχωριστές μονάδες, καθεμία απο τις οποίες μπορει να θεωρηθεί ως ξεχωριστό σύστημα,
και διαμοιράζει τις λειτουργίες του σε αυτές. Η πρώτη είναι η μονάδα διαχείρησης μπαταριών,
η οποία είναι η μονάδα ελέγχου του συστήματος, και έχει την δυνατότητα να λαμβάνει
αποφάσεις που αφορούν τη λειτουργία του σύστηματος. Η δεύτερη είναι η μονάδα
παρακολούθησης μπαταριών, η οποία είναι υπεύθυνη για την συλλογή δεδομένων απο τα κελία,
όπως είναι η τάση τους και η θερμοκρασία τους. Οι δύο αυτές μονάδες συνδέονται μεταξύ τους
μέσω διαύλου επικοινωνίας CAN, ο οποίος αποτελεί και την πιο διαδεδομένη επιλογή στα
συστήματα αυτοκινήτων.
Στα πλαίσια της εργασίας, μελετήθηκε και σχεδιάστηκε λεπτομερώς η μονάδα
παρακολούθησης μπαταριών, καθώς περιλαμβάνει όλες τις βασικές λειτουργίες που είναι
απαραίτητες για την λειτουργία ενός συστήματος διαχείρησης μπαταριών. Η κάθε τέτοια μονάδα
είναι ικανή να μετρά την τάση 12 κελιών μπαταριών ιόντων λιθίου, και την θερμοκρασία τους,
μέσω 4 εισόδων για αισθητήρες θερμοκρασίας. Επίσης, στην μονάδα αυτή βρίσκεται
ενσωματωμένο ένα κύκλωμα εξισσορόπησης των κελιών, βασισμένο στην “passive” τεχνική. Η
επιλογή της τεχνικής αυτής έγινε λόγω της απλής της λειτουργίας, του χαμηλού της κόστους, και
του μικρού αριθμού στοιχείων που απαιτεί. Το σύστημα δέχεται τροφοδοσία απο εξωτερική
πηγή, αλλά περίεχει την επιλογή τροφοδόσιας απο τα κελία τα οποία παρακολουθεί. Τέλος, η
μονάδα διαθέτει γαλβανική απομόνωση, η οποία είναι απαραίτητη για την προστασία του
συστήματος απο σφάλματα που μπορεί να παρουσιαστούν στις μπαταρίες, που κατά κανόνα
αποτελούν σύστημα υψηλής τάσης και ισχύος.
Στα αρχικά κεφάλαια της εργασίας, περιεχέται μια βιβλιογραφική αναφορά σχετκά με τις
διάφορες τεχνολογίες μπαταριών και της χρήσης τους σε συστήματα αυτοκινήτων. Το κεφάλαιο
3, αναφέρεται με λεπτομέρεια στα συστήματα διαχείρησης μπαταριών, αναλύοντας το σκοπό
τους, τις λειτουργίες και τις τοπολογίες τους. Στο κεφάλαιο 4 ξεκινά η παρούσιαση του
συστήματος που αναπτύχθηκε στα πλαίσια αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας. Το κεφαλαίο
παρουσίαζει την αρχιτεκτονική τους συστήματος που επιλέχθηκε, και δίνει ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στο
βασικό κομμάτι του, τη μονάδα διαχείρησης των κελιών. Η περιγραφή του υλικού γίνεται στο
κεφάλαιο 5 ενώ η παρουσίαση του λογισμικού που αναπτύχθηκε για την λειτουργία του
συστήματος περιέχεται στο κεφάλαιο 6. Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα που προέκυψαν απο τις
πειραματικές δοκιμές του συστήματος παρουσιάζονται στο κεφάλαιο 7. Η εργασία
ολοκληρώνεται με το κεφάλαιο 8, στο οποίο εξάγονται τα συμπεράσματα απο την ανάπτυξη και
λειτουργία του συστήματος και γίνονται προτάσεις για περαιτέρω βελτίωση του στο μέλλον.
Η εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε σε συνεργασία με την εταιρία hofer eds GmbH. Η συνολική
διαδικάσια σχεδιασμού και ανάπτυξης του συστήματος έγινε υπο την επίβλεψη της εταιρίας, η
οποία επίσης χορήγησε το κόστος των υλικών και της κατασκευής τους συστήματος. Τα
πειράματα διεξήχθησαν στις εγκαταστάσεις της εταιρίας, στο Lenting της Γερμανίας, στο
εργαστήριο ηλεκτρονικής, το οποίο διέθετε τον απαραίτητο εξοπλισμό για την διεξαγωγή των
πειραμάτων. Πέρα απο τον εξοπλισμό και την χρηματοδότηση, η hofer eds GmbH παρείχε
σημαντική τεχνογνωσία και εμπειρία πάνω στο αντικείμενο, πράγμα που συνέβαλε σημαντικά
στην ολοκλήρωση της εργασίας.
Acknowledgements ...........................................................................................................................i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... iii
Περίληψη.......................................................................................................................................... v
Contents ......................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures................................................................................................................................... xi
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. xiii
Battery Technology.............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Components of Cells and Batteries ............................................................................. 1
1.2 Classification of Cells and Batteries ............................................................................. 1
1.3 Cell Electrical Properties .............................................................................................. 2
1.4 Battery Terminology .................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Traditional Battery and Cell Chemistries ..................................................................... 4
1.6 Types of Cell Construction ........................................................................................... 8
Batteries Automotive ................................................................................ 10
............................................................................................................... 10
................................................................... 10
................................................. 12
............................................................ 14
........................................................................... 15
............................................................................................................ 16
2.6.1 Voltage Levels .................................................................................................... 17
2.6.2 Battery Management ........................................................................................ 17
2.6.3 Thermal Management ....................................................................................... 18
.......................................................................................... 19
............................................................................................................... 19
......................................................... 20
.................................................... 21
............................................................. 21
3.4.1 Module Management Unit ................................................................................ 22
3.4.2 Battery Management Unit................................................................................. 30
................................................................................................. 32
3.5.1 CAN Communication ......................................................................................... 32
3.5.2 Data Communication Topologies ...................................................................... 34
......................................................................... 36
Battery Management System Concept ............................................................................. 37
4.1 General Description ................................................................................................... 37
4.2 System Requirements................................................................................................ 39
4.3 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................ 41
4.4 Component Description ............................................................................................ 43
4.4.1 Battery Monitoring IC ........................................................................................ 43
4.4.2 Microcontroller.................................................................................................. 48
4.4.3 Isolated Flyback Converter ................................................................................ 50
4.4.4 Step-Down Regulator ........................................................................................ 58
4.4.5 CAN Transceiver ................................................................................................ 63
4.4.6 Power Supply Switch ......................................................................................... 64
Hardware Description........................................................................................................ 67
5.1 Schematic Layout....................................................................................................... 67
5.1.1 Monitoring & Balancing Circuit ......................................................................... 67
5.1.2 Microcontroller Circuitry ................................................................................... 67
5.1.3 Power Management Circuitry ........................................................................... 67
5.1.4 CAN-bus Circuitry .............................................................................................. 67
5.2 PCB Layout ................................................................................................................. 68
5.2.1 PCB Technical Description ................................................................................. 68
5.2.2 PCB Design Methodology .................................................................................. 68
5.3 Circuit Board Presentation ........................................................................................ 69
Software Description ......................................................................................................... 70
6.1 Function Summary..................................................................................................... 70
6.2 Software Architecture ............................................................................................... 70
6.2.1 Operation Modes .............................................................................................. 70
6.2.2 Scheduling ......................................................................................................... 71
6.2.3 LTC6811 Firmware ............................................................................................. 72
6.2.4 uController Functionalities ................................................................................ 76
Experimental Results ......................................................................................................... 82
7.1 Hardware Testing ...................................................................................................... 82
7.1.1 Isolated Flyback Converter ................................................................................ 82
7.1.2 Step-Down Regulator ........................................................................................ 83
7.1.3 Power Supply Switch ......................................................................................... 84
7.2 Balancing Experiments .............................................................................................. 86
7.2.1 Experimental Setup ........................................................................................... 86
7.2.2 Commanded Balancing ...................................................................................... 88
7.2.3 Autonomous Balancing...................................................................................... 90
Conclusions and Future Work ........................................................................................... 93
References ..................................................................................................................................... 94
Appendix A Module Management Unit Schematics ..................................................................... 97
Appendix B Microcontroller Software ......................................................................................... 101
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Lithium Ion Battery Cell Structurel ................................................................................. 6
Figure 1.2 Cell Types: Cylindrical, Prismatic, Pouch ........................................................................ 9
Figure 2.1 Electric Vehicle Energy and Power Demand ................................................................ 11
Figure 2.2 Battery Technologies Specific Power - Energy Comparison ......................................... 14
Figure 2.3 Automotive Battery System Example ........................................................................... 16
Figure 3.1 Resistance Divider Measurement Scheme ................................................................... 22
Figure 3.2 Relay Switching Measurement Scheme ....................................................................... 23
Figure 3.3 Forward - Flyback Converter Equalization Method...................................................... 26
Figure 3.4 Shared Converter - Half Bridge Converter Equalization Method ................................. 27
Figure 3.5 Switching Capacitors Equalization Method .................................................................. 28
Figure 3.6 Energy Dissipative Equalization Method ...................................................................... 29
Figure 3.7 Open Loop Hall Current Sensor .................................................................................... 31
Figure 3.8 Closed Loop Hall Current Sensor .................................................................................. 31
Figure 3.9 CAN-bus Structure ........................................................................................................ 33
Figure 3.10 Electric Vehicle CAN network ..................................................................................... 34
Figure 3.11 Parallel Independent CAN modules ........................................................................... 35
Figure 3.12 Parallel Modules with CAN gateway .......................................................................... 35
Figure 3.13 Series Modules with CAN gateway ............................................................................. 36
Figure 4.1 Battery Management System Proposed Architecture ................................................. 37
Figure 4.2 Module Management Unit Block Diagram ................................................................... 42
Figure 4.3 Linear Technology LTC6811-2 Block Diagram .............................................................. 44
Figure 4.4 LTC6811-2 Operation State Diagram ............................................................................ 45
Figure 4.5 LTC6811-2 Cell Balancing Circuit .................................................................................. 47
Figure 4.6 LTC6811-2 External Temperature Probe Reading ........................................................ 48
Figure 4.7 ST Microelectronics STM8AF5288 Block Diagram ........................................................ 49
Figure 4.8 Linear Technology LT8302 Block Diagram .................................................................... 50
Figure 4.9 Flyback Converter Snubber Circuit ............................................................................... 53
Figure 4.10 Isolated Flyback Converter Topology ......................................................................... 56
Figure 4.11 Isolated Flyback Converter LTspice Simulation Model ............................................... 57
Figure 4.12 Isolated Flyback Converter Simulation Results .......................................................... 57
Figure 4.13 Linear Technology LT3990 Block Diagram .................................................................. 58
Figure 4.14 Step-Down Regulator Topology.................................................................................. 61
Figure 4.15 Step-Down Regulator LTspice Simulation Model ....................................................... 62
Figure 4.16 Step-Down Regulator Simulation Results - 1.............................................................. 62
Figure 4.17 Step-Down Regulator Simulation Results - 2.............................................................. 63
Figure 4.18 Analog Devices AD3054 Block Diagram...................................................................... 63
Figure 4.19 Load Switch Simplified Topology ................................................................................ 64
Figure 4.20 P-channel MOSFET Load Switch Circuit ...................................................................... 64
Figure 4.21 Power Supply Switch Circuit ....................................................................................... 65
Figure 4.22 Power Supply Switch Pspice Simulation Model ......................................................... 66
Figure 4.23 Power Supply Switch Simulation Results.................................................................... 66
Figure 5.1 Module Management Unit PCB Board ......................................................................... 69
Figure 6.1 Software Scheduling ..................................................................................................... 72
Figure 6.2 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Configuration............................................................. 73
Figure 6.3 Address Command Format ........................................................................................... 73
Figure 6.4 Write Command Format............................................................................................... 73
Figure 6.5 Read Command Format................................................................................................ 73
Figure 6.6 LTC6811-2 ADC Measurement Method ....................................................................... 75
Figure 6.7 uController Software Flowchart ................................................................................... 76
Figure 6.8 power_supply_monitor() Routine Flowchart ............................................................... 77
Figure 6.9 cell_monitoring() Routine Flowchart ........................................................................... 78
Figure 6.10 cell_management() Routine Flowchart ...................................................................... 79
Figure 6.11 Commanded Balancing Algorithm Flowchart ............................................................. 80
Figure 6.12 Autonomous Balancing Algorithm Flowchart ............................................................ 81
Figure 7.1 Isolated Flyback Converter Experimental Results ........................................................ 82
Figure 7.2 Step-Down Regulator Experimental Results - 1 ........................................................... 83
Figure 7.3 Step-Down Regulator Experimental Results - 2 ........................................................... 83
Figure 7.4 Power Supply Switch Experimental Results - 1 ............................................................ 84
Figure 7.5 Power Supply Switch Experimental Results - 2 ............................................................ 85
Figure 7.6 Power Supply Switch Experimental Results - 3 ............................................................ 85
Figure 7.7 Power Supply Switch Updated Topology ..................................................................... 86
Figure 7.8 Module Management Unit Experimental Setup - 1 ..................................................... 87
Figure 7.9 Module Management Unit Experimental Setup - 2 ..................................................... 87
Figure 7.10 ST Visual Studio Graphical User Interface (GUI) ......................................................... 88
Figure 7.11 Commanded Balancing Experiment – Individual Cell Voltages .................................. 89
Figure 7.12 Commanded Balancing Experiment – Cell Voltages................................................... 90
Figure 7.13 Commanded Balancing Experiment – Board Temperature........................................ 90
Figure 7.14 Autonomous Balancing Algorithm - Individual Cell Voltages ..................................... 91
Figure 7.15 Autonomous Balancing Algorithm - Cell Voltages ...................................................... 92
Figure 7.16 Autonomous Balancing Algorithm - Board Temperature........................................... 92
List of Tables
Table 1 Battery Technology Characteristics Comparison ................................................................ 7
Table 2 Energy Non-Dissipative Equalization Methods Comparison ............................................ 28
Table 3 Energy Dissipative vs Non-Dissipative Equalization Methods Comparison...................... 30
Table 4 LTC6811-2 ADC Mode Options Comparison ..................................................................... 46
Table 5 ST Microelectronics STM8AF5288 General Characteristics .............................................. 48
Table 6 LTC6811-2 Configuration Register Group ......................................................................... 74
1 | Battery Technology
Battery Technology
1.1 Components of Cells and Batteries
An electric battery is a device consisting of one or more electrical cells with external
connections provided to power up external devices. While the term “battery” is often used, the
basic electrochemical unit being referred to is the “cell”. A battery consists of one or more of
these cells, connected in series or parallel, or both, depending on the desired output voltage and
A battery cell consists of three major components:
1. The anode, or negative electrode which gives up electrons to the external circuit and is
oxidized during the electrochemical reaction.
2. The cathode or positive electrode which accepts electrons from the external circuit and
is reduced during the electrochemical reaction.
3. The electrolyte which provides the medium for transfer of charge, as ions, inside the cell
between the anode and the cathode.
The most advantageous combinations of anode and cathode materials are that they will
provide a high cell voltage and capacity. In practical systems, the anode is selected based on
efficiency as a reducing agent, high coulombic output (Ah/g), conductivity, stability as well as ease
of fabrication and low cost. Metals are mainly used as anode materials, with Zinc and Lithium
being the most popular examples. On the other hand, the cathode must be an efficient oxidizing
agent, have a useful working voltage and remain stable, when in contact with the electrolyte.
Most of the common cathode materials are metallic oxides. As for the electrolyte, the needed
properties are good ionic but not electric conductivity, nonreactivity with the electrode materials,
little change in its properties over temperature and low cost. Most electrolytes are aqueous
solutions, but there are important exceptions, as for example in thermal and lithium anode
batteries [1].
Physically the anode and cathode electrodes are electronically isolated in the cell to prevent
internal short-circuiting but are surrounded by the electrolyte. In practical cell designs a separator
material is used to separate the anode and cathode electrodes mechanically, while the separator
is permeable to the electrolyte in order to maintain the desired ionic conductivity. The cell itself
can be built in many shapes and configurations – cylindrical, prismatic, pouch – and the cell
components are designed specifically to accommodate the particular cell shape. The cells are
sealed in a variety of ways to prevent leakage and dry-out [1].
Primary Cells – Batteries - These batteries are not capable of being easily or effectively recharged
electrically and, hence, are discharged once and discarded. The primary battery is a convenient,
1 | Battery Technology
usually inexpensive, lightweight source of packaged power with good shelf life, high energy
density at low to moderate discharge rates [1].
Secondary Cells – Batteries - These batteries can be recharged electrically, after discharge, to
their original condition by passing current through them in the opposite direction to that of the
discharge current. The recharge process can be repeated for hundreds or thousands of times
depending on the battery type and quality. They are storage devices for electric energy and are
known also as “storage batteries” or “accumulators” [1].
The applications of secondary batteries fall into two main categories:
Those applications in which the secondary battery is used as an energy-storage device, being
electrically connected to and charged by a prime energy source and delivering its energy to the
load on demand. Examples are automotive and aerospace systems, standby (UPS) power sources
and hybrid electric vehicles [1].
Those applications in which the secondary battery is used or discharged essentially as primary
battery but recharged after use rather being discarded. Secondary batteries are used in this
manner in portable consumer electronics, power tools and electric vehicles.
Secondary batteries are characterized by high power density, high discharge rate and flat
discharge curves, while their energy densities are generally lower than those of primary batteries.
Voltage: The standard potential of the cell is determined by the type of active materials contained
in the cell. The standard potential can be calculated from the standard electrode potentials as
𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒(𝑜𝑥𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙) + 𝑐𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑑𝑒(𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙) = 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙
Capacity: The capacity of a cell is determined by the amount of active materials in the cell. It is
expressed as the total quantity of electricity involved in the electrochemical reaction and is
defined in terms of coulombs or ampere-hours.
Energy: The capacity of a cell can also be considered on an energy (watthour) basis by taking both
the voltage and the quantity of electricity into consideration. This theoretical energy value is the
maximum value that can be delivered by a specific electrochemical system.
Energy Density (Wh/kg): The nominal battery energy per unit mass, sometimes referred to as the
gravimetric energy density. Specific energy is a characteristic of the battery chemistry and
Specific Power – Power Density (W/kg): The maximum available power per unit mass. Specific
power is a characteristic of the battery chemistry and packaging. It determines the battery weight
required to achieve a given performance target.
1 | Battery Technology
amount of the active materials that are used (this determines ampere-hour capacity). In practice,
only a fraction of the theoretical energy of the battery is realized. This is due to the need for
electrolyte and nonreactive components (containers, separators, electrodes) that add to the
weigh and volume of the battery. Another contributing factor is that the battery does not
discharge at the theoretical voltage (thus lowering the average voltage), nor is it discharged
completely to zero volts (thus reducing the delivered ampere-hours). All these factors reduce
significantly the specific energy. Experimental data has shown that the actual energy that is
available from a battery under practical, but close to optimum, discharge conditions is only about
25 to 35 percent of the theoretical energy of the active materials [1].
Battery Condition - This section describes some of the variables used to describe the present
condition of a battery [2].
1. Open-Circuit Voltage: This refers to the voltage between the positive and the negative
electrodes when there is no load on the battery. The open-circuit voltage depends on the
battery state of charge, increasing with state of charge.
2. Working Voltage: This is also called terminal or closed-circuit voltage and refers to the
voltage between the positive and the negative electrodes when there is a load connected
on the battery. Working voltage varies with SOC and discharge/charge current.
3. Discharge Rate (C-rate): In describing batteries, discharge current is often expressed as a
C-rate in order to normalize against battery capacity, which is often very different
between batteries. A C-rate is a measure of the rate at which a battery is discharged
relative to its maximum capacity. A 1C rate means that the discharge current will
discharge the entire battery in 1 hour. The discharge rate can be used to evaluate the
power output ability.
4. Depth of Discharge (DOD): This refers to the percentage of battery capacity that has been
discharged expressed as a percentage of maximum capacity. A discharge of at least 80%
DOD is referred to as a deep discharge.
5. State of Charge (SoC): An expression of the present battery capacity as a percentage of
maximum capacity. SOC is generally calculated using current integration to determine the
change in battery capacity over time.
6. State of Health (SoH): In general, SOH refers to the current state of health of the battery
as compared to its beginning of life measurement. In other words, SOH is intended to
indicate how long the battery will take to reach its end of life. In essence, it is a measure
of internal resistance, capacity, voltage, self-discharge, the battery’s ability to accept
charge and the total number of charge-discharge cycles that the battery has completed
at that point in time.
7. Internal Resistance: This is the total resistance of a battery between its two electrodes,
including the resistance from current collectors, electrode and active materials,
separators, and electrolytes. Usually, the smaller the internal resistance, the better the
performance that will be achieved. It is also dependent on the state of charge/discharge
1 | Battery Technology
of a battery. When the internal resistance increases, the battery efficiency decreases, and
thermal stability is reduced, as more of the charging energy is converted into heat.
8. Self-discharge: This is a phenomenon in a battery in which internal chemical side
reactions reduce the stored capacity of the battery without any connection between the
electrodes. Self-discharge decreases the shelf life of batteries and causes them to initially
have less than a full charge when actually put to use.
Battery Technical Specifications - This section explains the specifications you may see on battery
technical specification sheets, and are used to describe battery cells, modules, and packs [2].
1. Nominal Voltage: This refers to the average voltage during the total discharge process of
a battery at the rate of 0.2C. Also thought as the reported – “normal” - voltage of the
2. Cut-off Voltage: This is the final voltage between two electrodes of a battery reached
during a charge or discharge process. This is the minimum allowable voltage, and it
generally defines the “empty” state of the battery.
3. Discharge Curve: This refers to the change of voltage with time during a discharge
4. Nominal Capacity (Ah for a specific C-rate): This refers to the total capacity available
when the battery is discharged at a certain discharge current, specified as a C-rate (e.g.
0.2 C). Capacity is calculated by multiplying the discharge current (in Amps) by the
discharge time (in hours) and decreases with increasing C-rate.
5. Nominal Energy (Wh for a specific C-rate): This refers to the “energy capacity” of the
battery, the total energy available when the battery is discharged at a certain discharge
current specified as a C-rate (e.g. 0.2 C). Energy is calculated by multiplying the discharge
power (in Watts) by the discharge time (in hours). Like capacity, energy decreases with
increasing C-rate.
6. Cycle Life: This is the number of times that a rechargeable battery can be cycled (charged
and discharged) before it loses its ability to accept charge. Cycle life is estimated for
specific charge and discharge conditions. It is dependent on battery type, chemical
composition, depth of discharge, cell design and it is affected by other conditions such as
temperature and humidity.
7. Maximum Continuous Discharge Current: The maximum current at which the battery can
be discharged continuously. This limit is usually defined by the battery manufacturer in
order to prevent excessive discharge rates that would damage the battery or reduce its
1 | Battery Technology
Lead-Acid (Pb) - Lead-acid batteries are composed of a Lead-dioxide cathode, a sponge metallic
Lead anode an a Sulphuric acid solution electrolyte. This heavy metal element makes them toxic
and improper disposal can be hazardous to the environment. The typical cell voltage is 2 Volts.
Lead acid is a popular low-cost secondary battery, available in large quantities and in a variety
of sizes and designs, has good high-rate performance, moderately good low and high temperature
performance, easy state of charge indication and good charge retention for intermittent charge
applications. Cell components are easily recycled. Because of the irreversible physical changes in
the electrodes, failure occurs between several hundred and 2,000 cycles. The main drawbacks of
these batteries are their comparatively low energy density, long charging time and the need for
careful maintenance [3].
It is widely used in battery power for energy storage, emergency power, earlier generations
of electric and hybrid vehicles and for engine starting, vehicle lighting, and engine ignition (SLI). It
still dominates the stop-start battery and e-bike battery market. With continuous improvement
and the development of the advanced Lead acid battery, it will remain competitive.
Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) - These cells use nickel hydroxide Ni(OH)2 for the cathode, cadmium Cd
as the anode and an alkaline potassium hydroxide for the electrolyte. Standard Ni-Cd cells use an
aqueous chemical impregnation process for the fabrication of the electrodes. It has been used for
storing electrical energy in spacecraft since the beginning of space exploration. It has a long cycle
life, good low-temperature and high-rate performance capability, long shelf life in any state of
charge and rapid recharge capability. Memory effect is one of its biggest drawbacks, as is a fairly
high rate of self-discharge at high temperature. As cadmium is highly toxic, its use in batteries is
now banned, with the exception of medical and some military applications [3].
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) - These cells use nickel hydroxide Ni(OH)2 for the cathode. Hydrogen
is used as an active element in a hydrogen-absorbing anode. This electrode is made from a metal
hydride, usually alloys of lanthanum and rare earths that serve as a solid source of reduced
hydrogen that can be oxidized to form protons. The electrolyte is alkaline, usually potassium
Nickel Metal Hydride cells have higher energy density than nickel-cadmium cells, rapid
recharge capability, long cycle life and long shelf life in any state of charge. There are minimal
environmental problems. However, its high-rate performance is less than that of nickel-cadmium.
The poor charge retention, memory effect and higher cost anodes are the drawbacks. It has been
used in computers, cellular phones and other consumer electronic applications, with the possible
exceptions of high-drain power tools and applications where low battery cost is the major
consideration. It was the main choice for hybrid electric vehicles. However, lithium-ion batteries
are gradually taking the market [3].
Lithium-Ion - Lithium is attractive due to its low equivalent weight and high standard potential
and has been used in rechargeable batteries to provide over three times the energy density of
traditional rechargeable batteries. The field has seen significant advances in solid state chemistry
in effort to improve performance further. This includes a drive for increased energy density, rate
capability and the ability to provide high power, as well as long cycle life and thermal stability for
increased safety. Attention has also focused on fast charge capability as well as cost reduction,
through the use of inexpensive raw materials synthetic processes and using materials of low
toxicity and environmental banality [3].
1 | Battery Technology
Research and development has focused on many aspects of cell chemistry to improve overall
performance. However, large attention has been placed on positive cathode materials
development as it has a large role to play in determining overall specific energy density.
Depending on the electrolyte material choice, lithium-ion batteries can be separated into two
categories, the liquid lithium-ion cells, which use liquid electrolytes, and the solid-state lithium-
ion cells, which use inorganic or polymer electrolytes.
There is a variety of lithium-ion cell chemistry each with unique features and properties.
Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO) - Lithium Cobalt Oxide has been the most widely used positive
electrode material in lithium batteries for many years, being used for laptop, mobile phone and
tablet batteries. LCO cells provide moderate cycle life (<500 cycles) and energy density. However,
the chemistry is less thermally stable than other transition metal oxide or phosphate chemistries
under extreme abuse conditions such as cell puncture or short circuit making them more
susceptible to thermal runaway conditions [3]. These characteristics limit the use in Electric and
Hybrid Vehicles.
Lithium Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA) - Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide offers high
specific energy density and reasonably good power capabilities. NCA cells are considered
somewhat safer than LiCoO2. NCA cells tend to have superior life characteristic to LCO and is more
commonly available in some 18650 type cells than in large format automotive cells [3].
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) - Phosphate-based technology lithium ion materials possess
improved thermal and chemical stability than oxides and are generally perceived to be a safer cell
chemistry than other Lithium-ion technologies and less susceptible to thermal runaway under
abuse conditions. Automotive lithium ion cells are also durable and stable to long term cycling.
Although Lithium iron phosphate batteries have lower energy density than Oxide systems they
are typically able to support higher currents and thus suited to high power and longer life
1 | Battery Technology
applications. They are a significant improvement over lithium cobalt oxide cells in terms of cost,
safety and toxicity [3].
Lithium Manganese Oxide Spinel (LMO) - Lithium Manganese Oxide Spinel provides a higher cell
voltage than Cobalt-based chemistries and thermally is more stable. However, the energy density
is typically 20% less. Manganese, unlike Cobalt, is a safe and more environmentally benign
cathode material due to its low toxicity. Other benefits include lower cost and higher rate
capability. However, they suffer from lower overall capacities as a result of their spinel structure
and are unstable at higher temperatures in lithium-based electrolyte [3].
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese Oxide (NCM) - Although no single cell chemistry currently ticks
all the boxes of energy, power, cost, safety and life, the mixed metal oxide systems and in
particular those based on NCM type chemistry can be optimized to give high specific energy
and/or high specific power whilst being considered safer and more cost effective than LCO and
LFP but with reasonable life expectation [3].
Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) - These cells replace the graphite negative electrode with lithium
titanate. This negative electrode material is compatible with any of the above positive electrode
materials but is commonly used in conjunction with Manganese-based materials. They offer
superior rate capability and power combined with wide operating temperature range. They are
considered a safer alternative to the graphite material due to higher potential vs Li/Li+ than
conventional graphite and therefore have a degree of inbuilt overcharge protection. However,
lithium titanate batteries tend to have a slightly lower energy density than graphite-based
systems [3].
Compared with the original state of lithium-ion batteries in the early 1990s, their performance
has been improved significantly. Currently they have the following dominant advantages over
other traditional rechargeable batteries [2]:
1 | Battery Technology
• High energy density: Specific energy density per volume and mass for a lithium-ion battery
can be up to 500Wh/l and 230Wh/kg, respectively, which are continuously increasing with
more research and development.
• High average output voltage (~3.6V): This is three times of that for the Ni-Cd or Ni-MH
rechargeable batteries.
• High output power: This can be up to 2000W/kg for a short time.
• Low self – discharge: This is less than 3% per month, which is less than half the rate of Ni-
Cd and Ni-MH batteries.
• No memory effect: This differs from that of Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries, and leads to good
cycling performance for lithium-ion batteries.
• Fast charging and discharging: Capacity can be up to 80% of its nominal capacity at the
rate of 1C.
• Wide operating temperature range (from -25oC to +50oC): Current research is aimed at
widening this range to -40oC to +70oC with improvements of electrolytes and electrode
• Easy testing for the residual capacity since the discharge curve is not a completely
horizontal plateau.
• Maintenance-free since side reactions are minimal compared to rechargeable batteries
using aqueous electrolytes.
• Long cycling life: More than 1000 times can be achieved. More than 5000 times can be
achieved of a shallow depth of charge and discharge is carried out.
It should be admitted that the current lithium-ion batteries also have some shortcomings,
such as the following [2]:
• High cost: Mainly because of the high cost of the LiCoO2 positive electrode material. Along
with continuously developing positive electrode material technology, Li[NixCoyMn1-x-y]O2,
LiFePO4, and LiMn2O4 can be used as the positive electrode material to greatly reduce
their cost.
• There must be special protection circuitry to avoid overcharging.
• Poor compatibility with ordinary rechargeable batteries: Only in the cases that need three
ordinary batteries (about 3.6V), can lithium-ion batteries be used to replace them.
However, compared with its dominant advantages, these shortcomings are not a major
problem, especially when they are used in some high-tech and high-value-added products.
Therefore, lithium-ion batteries are considered a dominant technology, and will continue to have
a very wide range of applications in the foreseeable future [2].
1 | Battery Technology
• Cylindrical - The most commoditized form of lithium ion cell is that of the small cylindrical
cell type. The most common variant being the 18650 format, so called due to being 18mm
in diameter and 65mm long, being the most mature and used in many forms of consumer
applications including laptops, power tools and E-Bikes. A wide range of 18650s are
available, optimized for power and/or energy against the target applications. The cells
may contain internal safety features such as over-temperature and pressure cut off
features [3].
• Prismatic - Aluminum or steel cans are typically used as housing of prismatic lithium-ion
cells. The metal case ensures structural stability, mechanical robustness and humidity
protection. In addition, it allows the use of safety features such as pressure relief vents,
which are not possible to be used in pouch cells. In some cases, prismatic cells may allow
packaging to be more efficient than cylindrical cells because of their form factor [3].
• Pouch - Pouch cells are cells where the internal electrode stack is contained within a soft
plastic-aluminum package. Current collectors are welded internally to terminal tabs that
protrude through seals to allow external connection [3].
The minimizing of cell packaging material makes pouch cells attractive over metal body prismatic
cells but to potentially higher energy density for the same chemistry type but will typically require
complex module structure in order to constrain and retain the cells in the pack structure. The
large surface area may be beneficial for thermal management [3].
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
Batteries Automotive
Selection and sizing of a battery system depend on the requirements of the respective
vehicles. The term ‘hybrid vehicle’ describes a wide range of vehicle concepts. In the following,
various vehicle concepts are classified.
The used state-of-charge (SOC) region is specific to each vehicle concept. Related to this, a
suitable battery type or a combination is chosen. This is of relevance because the number of cycles
and the cycle depth are of the highest relevance to the battery lifetime. The number of achievable
cycles increases strongly with decreasing depth of discharge. For several batteries, the SOC during
operation is of relevance as well. Figure 2.1 compares all types of electrified vehicles with respect
to the energy and power demand.
Micro-Hybrid Electric vehicles - The first step of hybridization is a micro-hybrid vehicle. Vehicles
with a conventional combustion engine are equipped with options for reducing CO2 emissions.
The stop-start function which has been available on the market for several years is widely known.
The combustion engine is switched off during standing when the engine is in the idle state. During
engine-off, the battery takes over all electric requirements. In most concepts the engine starts
again when the driver presses the clutch. A further function is regenerative braking. In
conventional care, braking energy is lost by heat, while micro-hybrid vehicles use a part of this
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
energy for charging the battery (recuperation) via the existing reverse-operated power generator.
Some researchers do not count micro-hybrid as hybrid vehicles because they do not support the
engine. However, micro-hybrid vehicles extend the traditional functionality of the power system
in vehicles significantly and they allow an accountable increase in fuel economy [4].
The challenge for the battery is a largely increased number of cranking events and a higher
number of full cycle equivalents (due to the extra use of electrical power during stops).
Regenerative braking can save fuel only when the dynamic charge acceptance is high, which is a
challenge, especially for lead-acid batteries. Charge acceptance strongly depends on the SOC
(which is better at low values) and the temperature (which is better at higher values).
Furthermore, the battery needs to be capable of partial SOC operation.
Micro-hybrid vehicles are state of the art for many vehicle manufacturers. The batteries are
sized to deliver appropriate cranking power but also to deliver sufficient energy, e.g. during long
time parking for the remaining power consumption of various control units in the car (e.g. the
alarm, wireless door opening and radio).
Mild-hybrid electric vehicles - Mild-hybrid vehicles offer the same functions as micro-hybrid
vehicles. In addition, they provide boosting as an extra function which is the electric motor assist
for the drivetrain, especially during acceleration. As in micro-hybrid vehicles, the battery is
charged only during driving. This can occur either when the vehicle’s speed is reduced
(regenerative braking) by the generator or when recharge energy is provided actively by the
combustion engine. For the battery this is a high-power application. The battery is sized in such a
way that it meets the power requirements appropriately [4].
Full-hybrid electric vehicles - Full-hybrid vehicles cover all functions of mild-hybrid vehicles. In
addition, pure electric driving is possible as well as higher power assist during acceleration and
regenerative braking. The battery system is used when a high power is needed or the efficiency
of the combustion engine is low. In full-hybrid vehicles the battery is recharged only during driving
by the internal-combustion engine or during regenerative braking. Therefore, the pure electric
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
driving range is very limited (typically below 1km). However, it is an interesting option for silent
cruising in residential areas [4].
Plug-in Hybrid electric vehicles - Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles combine the characteristics of
both a full-electric vehicle and a conventional vehicle with an internal combustion engine. For
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, charging is carried out during standing times when the car is
plugged into the grid. Therefore, the pure electric driving range is higher than with full-hybrid
vehicles. When the battery is at an SOC level of approximately 20%, the ICE works as the power
source. From this point onwards, the car mainly behaves like a full-hybrid vehicle.
Generally, two different concepts can be realized to integrate the internal combustion engine
(ICE). The parallel drivetrain design allows the ICE to transfer mechanical power via the gearbox
directly to the wheels, and in addition it can recharge the battery to maintain the low SOC level.
This is the concept used by full-hybrid vehicles as well. A variation of the parallel drivetrain is the
power-split drivetrain (also called series-parallel hybrid drivetrain). The ICE and two electrical
engines (one for powering and one for recuperation) are connected directly to the axle by ta
planetary gear set. From the battery’s point of view, it does not make any difference whether a
parallel or a power-split drivetrain is used. In series drivetrains the ICE is used only for powering
the generator which is delivering electric power to the electric machine and for charging battery.
The used SOC range of the battery is larger in a series drivetrain than in a parallel drivetrain [4].
Complete equipment with an ICE, an electric motor and a traction battery system, with each
of the components designed to be able to drive the car alone, causes higher weight and rising
costs. However, plug-in hybrid vehicles are operated with significantly smaller batteries than full-
electric vehicles while at the same time having a maximum driving range due to the ICE.
Electric Vehicles - Electric vehicles are solely electrically driven and operate completely without
an internal combustion engine. Brake energy recovery is installed as well.
The possible driving range of electric vehicles is lower than that of vehicles with conventional
combustion engines. Larger driving ranges would require a larger battery but, since the costs and
the weight would increase as well, equipping electric vehicles with larger batteries does not make
sense economically. The need for machine maintenance is expected to be less for electric vehicles
as the electric motor works almost without attrition. Thus, the traction battery system constitutes
the main cost factor. However, even with slightly higher initial costs, electric vehicles can compete
on the market with lower maintenance and lower fuel costs [4].
An overview on battery technologies and application for electric vehicles are presented in the
Lead-acid - Lead-acid batteries are by far the cheapest energy storage technology with regard to
the raw material costs. Because of the low energy density, lead-acid batteries are the choice when
operating distance and weight are less important. This is the case for micro-hybrid vehicles. The
main drawbacks of this technology are the low energy density, the lifetime and the dynamic
charge acceptance, e.g. during regenerative braking. The advantages are the low material costs,
intrinsic safety and high recycling quotes [4] [5].
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
Today, in every car with a high voltage battery pack (e.g. electric vehicle) there is still a small
lead-acid battery installed as well, e.g. for security reasons, as an SLI battery and to serve the 12V
power system. In case of an accident, the high-voltage battery is disconnected from the electric
system and the lead-acid battery provides the necessary power for the emergency systems.
Nickel-cadmium battery - Nickel-cadmium batteries show a slightly higher energy density than
lead-acid batteries do and a significantly higher power density, but the specific battery costs are
much higher. This battery type is technically mature and the possibility of using nickel-cadmium
batteries in electric vehicles is similar to that of employing lead-acid batteries. However, it is not
expected that nickel-cadmium batteries will play a major role in the future electrification of
vehicles considering the energy density and costs [4] [5].
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
Li-ion batteries are capable of storing up to three times more energy per unit weight and
volume than the conventional lead-acid and NiMH batteries. This is approximately three-times
voltage level of 3.5V. Because of the high-energy characteristics, Li-ion batteries find widespread
applications including aerospace, EV, and hybrid EV designs. However, the scaling of the consumer
Li-ion cells is necessary.
While evaluating battery suitability for unique applications, it is important to understand a
variety of battery characteristics, including the energy/power relationship, battery and cell
impedance as a function of temperature, pulse discharge capability as a function of both
temperature and load, and battery charge/discharge characteristics.
The self-discharge rate of the Li-ion battery is fairly low, <5% the capacity per month,
compared to the 15% for the lead acid battery and 25% for NiMH battery. There is no memory
effect in the solid-state Li-ion battery as is the case in the NiMH and lead-acid battery. The battery
cycle life is superior to the NiMH and lead-acid batteries. In case of the NiMH battery, the cycle
life typically drops to 80% of the rated capacity after 500 cycles at the 1C-rate. Li-ion batteries can
achieve more than 1200 cycles before reaching 80% if their rated capacity. Li-ion batteries are
efficient at charge-discharge rates other than the 1C-rate. In addition, the liquid Li-ion batteries
are not suited for use in EVs owing to safety reasons while the solid-state batteries are well suited
for high-rate applications. Solid-state Li-ion batteries allow for the development of virtually any
size batteries. In addition, the batteries can be stacked into efficient multicell configurations. From
a cost perspective, the solid-state Li-ion battery uses a relatively inexpensive metal oxide that is
fabricated in sheet form to allow inexpensive battery production. Thus, in comparison, solid Li-
ion batteries will be easily mass produced at less than a $1 per Whr. The NiMH battery, after years
of improvements, is being produced at approximately the same cost [4] [6].
A large number of characteristic of the Li-ion battery are favorable for electric and hybrid-
electric vehicle applications. These include:
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
• Series connections: Voltages add, Capacity is Constant – Adding cells in a series increases
the voltage by the value of the cell.
• Parallel connections: Voltage is constant, Capacities Add – Adding cells in a parallel
connection increases the capacity by the value of the cell.
• Series/parallel (XsYp) connections: Combining the two methods above makes any
combination of voltage and capacity possible, allowing a particular application’s need to
be met.
In addition to the energy storage cells there are a wide range of other vital components
required within the battery system architecture. Some of the key battery elements are shown
below [3].
• Cells: For automotive batteries, the most promising and attractive technological solutions
utilizes Li-ion cells.
• Busbars: These are highly conductive metallic bars used to connect the cells and/or
modules together electrically
• Wiring harnesses: Used to connect temperature and voltage sensors from the cells to the
battery management system
• Battery Management System (BMS): These are the electronics that control the battery,
and collectively are known as the Battery Management System (BMS).
• Traction Cables: A high voltage and current carrying cable that interconnects the cell
module string together into a circuit able to deliver the main power to and from the
• Vehicle Interface: A specific connection between the battery and the vehicle. Typically,
communication from vehicle to battery is via information transferred by CAN-BUS, an
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
Battery safety is a main feature for the successful introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles
to the market. The need for safety systems depends on the chosen technology, and the realization
of safety systems can produce significant costs. This topic is particularly important when lithium-
ion batteries are used as the management of lithium batteries is of higher complexity than that
of lead-acid batteries, for example, and the chemistry is more reactive.
Safety precautions are divided into passive and active systems. Passive safety takes place at a
cell level as well as at a system level. At a cell level, the choice of cell chemistry directly influences
the safety. LiFePO4 for instance is a relatively intrinsically safe material compared with lithium-
metal-oxide cathode material using cobalt, nickel or manganese. The higher the passive safety of
a cell, the lower is the cell voltage and the lower is the energy density. Moreover, safety
components such as ceramic separators, positive-temperature coefficient (PTC) elements to limit
the cell current, or flame-retardant additives can enhance cell safety. Additionally, the pack
should be protected against crash impact by the housing and by fuses against being short circuited
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
Active safety includes individual voltage control of each cell in a series connection, exact
charge and discharge control management, as well as temperature control and cooling systems.
The measured values have to be made plausible and a redundancy for faulty measurements
should be given. Even though the technically safe state of the battery is to open the switches in
the case of fault, this is only the ultimate option as the actual driving situation could be potentially
more crucial than the fault itself. In general, the battery management system will not open the
switches by itself unless there is at least one independent battery pack that ensures the
operability of the vehicle. This again is an advantage of modular battery systems [4].
To evaluate the safety risks, batteries are tested on the basis of electrical impacts (e.g.
overcharge or short circuit), thermal impacts (e.g. external heat source) and mechanical impacts
(e.g. nail penetration or crash).
In vehicle applications, different main voltage levels are used. Micro-hybrid vehicles make use
of the conventionally existing power system based on 12V batteries. The voltage of mild-hybrid
vehicles is usually below 200V. As the threshold value of 60V is exceeded, these systems have to
be treated as high-voltage systems. However, combined 12V-48V systems have been widely
discussed in recent years. The 48V systems server high-power loads up to 10kW using the electric
machine to support the ICE and to optimize its operations, as well as to recover braking energy or
for electronically assisted steering systems. The 12V system operates the low-power systems such
as light, entertainment, control units, etc. Staying below 60V lowers the requirements on
insulation, testing and system layout. Full-hybrid and electric vehicles mostly have a voltage level
of around 400V but there are also systems with a lower voltage and a more modular system layout
In general, the voltage level of large-scale automotive battery packs for electric vehicles or
full-hybrid applications depends on the system architecture. A mostly parallel connection of cells
leads to a relatively low voltage but serves higher current rates. On the other hand, having more
cells and packs in parallel increases the reliability of the system as a single cell fault does not
necessarily lead to a complete system failure as would be the case in a strictly serial connection.
In contrast with the parallel structure, a serial connection of cells leads to a higher voltage and
consequently to a lower current. On the other hand, a voltage measurement of each individual
cell in a series connection is necessary as well as a charge-balancing system. Moreover, a strictly
serial connection does not offer any redundancy in the case of a single cell fault [6].
Battery management systems secure safety aspects as well as long-lasting lifetime. Battery
monitoring, diagnostics, electrical and thermal management as well as cell balancing are typical
functions of such a system. Battery management systems monitor the battery pack’s SOC and
state-of-health and update its power capability. This information is used by the vehicle
management, e.g. for the overall energy management. The battery management also provides
the vehicle management with information on how to operate the battery to achieve the longest
possible lifetime [3].
Cell management is most important for the lithium-ion technology as this technology does
not imply any intrinsic overcharge mechanism. In addition, the SOC of each cell differs over time
caused by the production and temperature variations between the cells. Charge equalization
2| Batteries in Automotive Applications
systems are thus required to balance cells to a similar level. Different SOCs between the cells can
also be avoided by a high production standard with equal qualities for all cells.
A detailed description of the different battery management system architectures,
functionalities and applications will be given in the next chapter.
3 | Battery Management Systems
Battery management systems (BMSs) are real-time systems controlling many functions vital
to the correct and safe operation of the electrical energy stored in the battery system. This
includes monitoring of temperature, voltages and currents, maintenance scheduling, battery
performance optimization, failure prediction and/or prevention as well as battery data collection
and analysis.
Battery management systems are widely found in electric vehicles but are also commonly
used in other battery applications as material handling, uninterruptible power supplies, off-grid
power systems, marine and battery banks for alternative energy sources.
The requirements for the battery management system for these applications are often very
similar to those in the automotive market, i.e. it is always important to control cell and pack in a
robust, reliable and optimal way.
Electric vehicles always work in a complex operating environment with a variety of variables,
such as temperature and humidity, load capacity, pressure, atmospheric corrosion, vibratory
shock, input and output power, static placement, and so on. Therefore, the batteries also work in
a complex environment and these factors pose great challenges to their security, cycle life and
effective use. It is important to manage the battery to reduce its high cost and improve its anti-
abuse ability. The abuse of the battery (including over-charging, over-discharging, over-heating,
etc.) could cause a reduction in the battery cycle life, or even security accidents. These issues are
more prominent in the battery pack because of the consistency differences of single cells.
Ensuring the safety and cycle life of the battery pack in its use and management has become more
and more urgent [7].
Besides the growth of the battery technology, the battery management system is a key
element to make the utilization of battery systems in electric vehicles and other applications safe,
reliable and efficient. The BMS comes to address some of the concerns regarding the integration
of large battery systems in electric vehicles, that the progress of material in battery technology
alone cannot overcome. Some of these concerns are the following [7].
Technologies for scientific battery management include measures for monitoring battery
parameters, which can estimate battery states, ensure safe use and avoid fast reduction in cycle
life in practical application.
For the rest of this chapter, we will focus on the functionalities, topologies and architecture
that are relevant to the automotive battery management systems, mainly referring to electric
vehicle battery systems.
3 | Battery Management Systems
In electric vehicles, the battery management system has a great impact on safe operation,
optimization of the strategy for vehicles, choice of the charging mode and reduction of operating
costs. Either in the operation process or in the static charging process, the battery management
system should provide real-time monitoring of battery states and fault diagnosis and inform the
vehicle control unit or charger through communication. Then the vehicle control unit or charger
can adopt the corresponding control strategy to achieve effective and safe use of the battery. The
operation conditions of the battery pack vary according to vehicle type, and the relevant functions
and parameters of the BMS will also be different [7].
In low-cost systems, there might be some differences in the requirements or functions for the
BMS. Especially for a low number of cells in series (e.g. 12V systems with four cells in series), some
battery system manufacturers propose a simple external undervoltage shutoff circuit and a
charger with controlled end-of-charge voltage. For larger and more complex systems, the BMS
guarantees the protection of highly expensive components and adds to the system functionality.
To begin with, it is important to mention again the difference between the terms “battery”,
“module”, and “cell”. Basically, a battery is the completely assembled pack with electrical,
mechanical and communication signal interfaces. The pack may consist of several modules that
are wired in series and/or (less often) parallel. A module can be described as a part of the battery
is normally contained in the battery housing, although with very large batteries that modules can
also be connected separately through cables. In each module single cells are connected in series
or parallel. If the modules are connected in parallel, then it is possible to obtain higher currents
and a series connection leads to higher voltage [7].
In a module every cell has to be monitored to guarantee a proper function in the desired
operating range (voltage, current, and temperature). In the battery pack level, all the measured
values from all the modules are used to calculate historical values and incorporate any measures
to protect the battery and maintain the performance of the pack.
The different architectures and topologies, regarding the design and implementation of a
battery management system, based on the cell, module and battery terms that we introduced
above, will be discussed separately in the following section.
To summarize, in order to achieve the efficient operation and extend the cycle life of the
battery system, the battery management system should include the following functions:
3 | Battery Management Systems
The battery management system is constructed by using two basic architectures, the
centralized architecture and the distributed architecture.
In a centralized architecture, there is a single control unit, we will refer as the battery
management unit (BMU). The functions of the battery management unit are the measurement of
voltage, temperature, current, insulation resistance, states estimation and communication, and
so on. This is a low-cost option for a small number of cells and is usually assembled on a single
printed circuit board. The major disadvantage of this approach is that each measurement signal
has to be connected individually to the battery management system board, which increases the
wiring complexity when the number of cells is large. Moreover, due to the large number of
traction batteries and the limited space in vehicles, the batteries are usually distributed in large
or even different areas in the electric vehicles, so the centralized architecture has gradually
disappeared in EVs.
The distributed architecture term, includes many different topologies, but the most common
and widely used, it the architecture of the battery management unit (BMU) and the module
measurement unit (MMU). This topology is the standard topology for the distributed architecture,
and there are many different alternative different terms for the two building blocks (battery
control unit – BCU and battery measurement unit - BMU etc.). This topology can be regarded as
a master – slave topology, with the MMU being the master module, and the MMUs being the
slave modules.
The battery management unit is mainly used to process the battery parameters of each
module management unit, and estimate the states of the battery pack, including SOC, SOE (state
of energy) and SOH, which provide the basic data for the battery and charge control. Additional
functions can be implemented based on the specific application requirements. These functions
include: the total voltage measurement, current and energy measurement, insulation resistance
measurement and high voltage relay control. The unit is usually installed in the battery container
but it can also be installed in separate central control box.
The module management unit is mainly used to measure cell voltage and temperature,
perform cell balancing and thermal management according to the control orders of the battery
management unit. The MMU is almost always integrated in the cell module or is installed in a
short distance from it.
This model increases the flexibility of design and arrangement and improves the reliability
and safety of the system. Many variations of this topology can be implemented, regarding the
functionalities and intelligence levels of the module management unit. For example, the battery
states estimations can be carried out by the MMUs, and then communicated to the BMU, thus
reducing the workload of the BMU. This is a preferred solution for very large battery systems like
energy storage systems for grid connection. Overall, the final configuration depends heavily on
the application as well as on the degree of safety and redundancy level required. Generally, the
larger the battery, the more complex the configuration.
The battery parameters measurement module, or the module management unit MMU, in the
distributed architecture approach, is the key module of the battery management system for
3 | Battery Management Systems
obtaining battery states, and also is the core of the hardware design. Real-time measurements of
electric vehicle battery parameters in a battery management system include battery cell voltage,
temperature, current, the pack voltage and insulation and so on. Typically, only the voltage and
temperature of each module are measured by the module management unit, while the other high
voltage measurements are handled by the battery management unit [7].
The cell voltage measurement is one of the most important parameters for battery external
performance and the battery states largely depend on it. There are various voltage measurement
methods for series-connected batteries. During the measurement, we should consider the
problems of interference and high-low voltage isolation, and the cost and precision should be
carefully considered. Along with the increase in series connections, common-mode voltage is
applied to the battery cells. The common-mode voltage process should be considered during the
hardware design [7].
At this stage, the battery pack consists of hundreds of cells connected in series and parallel,
which is meant to meet the requirements of voltage and capacity. The normal performance of
each cell will affect the performance of the battery pack, so it is necessary to monitor each cell.
The cell voltage measurement is generally carried out by two schemes: discrete and integrated.
The discrete scheme consists of a sample and hold circuit, a strobe and an analog to digital
conversion circuit, which are made from discrete components and an AD integrated chip. The
main measurement methods are:
The Resistance Divider - The scheme is the common-mode measurement which turns the cell
voltage of a series battery into the common ground voltage by the resistance divider. If the
relative error λ of each voltage measurement, the actual value, the measurement value 𝑈𝑛′ and
the battery voltage 𝑈𝐵𝑛 are given, we can get the measurement voltage:
′ ′
𝑈𝐵𝑛 = 𝑈𝑛′ − 𝑈𝑛−1 = (𝑈𝑛 − 𝑈𝑛−1 ) + 𝜆(𝑈𝑛 ± 𝑈𝑛−1 ) = 𝑈𝐵𝑛 + 𝜆(𝑈𝑛 ± 𝑈𝑛−1 )
3 | Battery Management Systems
If there are a large number of batteries in series, the absolute value of 𝑈𝑛 will be large and the
relative error 𝜆(𝑈𝑛 ± 𝑈𝑛−1 ) will also be large, causing a major decline in measurement accuracy.
Relay Switching - By adopting this scheme, we could transfer the voltage of B1 into U1, B2 into U2
and so on. Although U1, U2, are non-ground signals in this way, we can regard the above voltage
as the common ground signals because only one relay is connected at the same time. This
measurement method is relatively simpler. Currently, with optically triggered solid state relays,
the realization of the above circuit is easier. Moreover, the relay uses a contactless switch, which
prolong the cycle life of the circuit [7].
The integrated scheme adopts the integrated voltage measurements chips of major market
leaders for battery applications in electric vehicles. These chips generally integrate the sample,
hold, strobe and analog to digital converter circuit, balance control and temperature circuit
together. At present, mainstreams chips in the market are bq76PL536 of Texas Instruments,
LTC6811 of Linear Technology and many others, but with Texas Instruments and Linear
Technology having the edge in the current market [7].
• They can be used to measure the voltage of a fixed number of cells (a maximum of 6 or
12 are the main choices, with the total voltage not exceeding 60V)
• They can be built in a stackable structure in order to support battery system up to 1kV
• They offer very accurate measurement devices, with the maximum measurement error
remaining below 0.25%
• Battery balance, on-chip passive battery balance switch which can also provide off chip
balancing circuit
• Temperature sensor or general analog and digital inputs
• Built-in high-speed communication interface (SPI, UART etc.)
• High EMI immunity
• Integrated LDO voltage regulator
• Low power consumption
3 | Battery Management Systems
3 | Battery Management Systems
distance, small size and low power. It is suitable for measuring temperature at a remote distance.
Nonlinear calibration is not necessary but it needs a complex processing unit.
Digital temperature sensor - The intelligent temperature sensor, also known as digital
temperature sensor, integrates a temperature sensor, peripheral circuit, ADC, microcontroller
and interface circuit into one chip, with the ability to measure temperature and communicate
with a microprocessor.
The digital temperature sensor can output temperature data and relative temperature
control data. It has good characteristics, such as high measurement accuracy, fast conversion
time, programmability, multipoint measurement in parallel, convenient measurement and
installation and easy positioning.
In most applications, the thermistor is the preferred temperature sensor choice, due to its
high sensitivity and stability, the high response speed as well as the small size and low cost. The
small size, and also the many packaging options are essential for battery applications where the
temperature sensors need to be placed as close to the battery terminals as possible. Its low
accuracy is not critical, since the temperature region is more significant than the actual
temperature of the cells [7].
Because of the different resistance of each cell, the different operating conditions, the
inconsistency of the initial SOC and the inconsistency of self-charge, the inconsistency of each cell
in a battery pack will increase after the battery pack has been used for a long time. In order to
optimize the utilization of the battery capacity and energy, it is essential to equalize the battery.
According to whether the equalization process consumes energy or not, the equalization control
can be classified into the energy dissipative type and the energy non-dissipative type [7].
The energy non-dissipative type adopts a capacitor and an electric inductance as the storage
components, uses the power conversion circuit as the topology foundation and adopts the
distributed or centralized structure, which achieves the scheme of unidirectional and bidirectional
charging or discharging. Several energy non-dissipative types of battery equalizer are described
in the following subsections [7].
3 | Battery Management Systems
Shared Converter - The centralized equalization method could reduce hardware consumption
with easy control. The use of unidirectional isolation fly-back converter and the multi-secondary
side windings transformer could realize the centralized equalization control. The primary side of
the transformer is connected to the battery pack ends and each secondary side is connected to
each cell.
In this way, it could send the battery energy to the low energy cell. The charging voltage of
the cell can be adjusted. When the system detects the low energy cell, the transformer secondary
switch will be turned on and the primary side will form the loop circuit with energy stored in the
transformer coils. When it is switched off, the storage energy will be released to the battery cell
and the low energy cell will absorb the energy [7].
As shown in the scheme, the primary side of the transformer is connected to both ends of the
battery pack. The energy comes from the battery itself. The loss of energy through the
transformer coils, power components and other components will decrease the energy of the
battery pack. Each secondary side of the coaxial multi-secondary side windings transformer is
connected to each cell. As the number of series batteries increases, the transformer secondary
side windings will increase and the design will become complex. Although the coaxial multi-
secondary side windings transformer has the features of low leakage and controllable leakage
magnetic flux, the secondary sides will bring more difficulty in transformer design and realization.
The centralized equalization structure is suitable for different kinds of batteries if the number
of batteries is not large. Its main features are the small total volume, light weight and high
maintenance. Once the high frequency transformer is broken, the entire equalization circuit will
have to be replaced. The complex and application specific type of transformer, its high cost, the
high maintenance costs, and its limited suitability for large number of batteries, makes this
equalization solution non-viable for automotive applications [7] [8].
3 | Battery Management Systems
The Half-Bridge Converter - The non-dissipative converter can transform the charging current of
the fully charged energy cells to an adjacent cell to avoid excessive charging. Figure 3.4 shows the
scheme of the non-dissipative converter, and this structure could also be used to realize
bidirectional equalization [7] [8].
Each module consists of a pair of power switches, inductance, and a pair of diodes. Each end
of the module is connected to one cell from the non-isolated half-bridge converter. When one cell
voltage reaches equalization voltage, the relevant switch will be turned on and the energy will be
stored in the inductance. When the switch is turned off, the stored energy will flow to adjacent
cells and the current direction is the same as the charging current direction of the inductance.
This method can directly release the energy of high voltage cells. However, it has small energy
transferring capability, complex control strategy, lots of power switches and large switching
3 | Battery Management Systems
The energy dissipative type equalization circuit realizes energy equalization using a bypass
resistance, as shown in Figure 3.6.
Topology A uses a battery bypass resistance to realize the self-charging balance. The energy
consumption of the resistance is proportional to the cell voltage. Therefore, the highest voltage
cell consumes the most amount of energy. This uncontrolled and passive equalization method has
large energy loss and low efficiency. Topology B is an improved version of A, which uses the cell
equalization module to control the bypass current. If the cells that reach the equalization voltage
are discharged, other bypass circuits should remain off [7].
This method is the simplest one and has the lowest cost by a large margin, but the equalization
current is usually small so that it takes a long time to reach equalization.
3 | Battery Management Systems
• Balancing power in Li-Ion applications is usually small, typically less than 10W per cell, so
“passive” vs “active” solutions effectively provide the same results.
• Generally, the higher cost of “active” balancing techniques makes this solution viable only
when the energy saving is significant
• The real advantage of “active” equalization techniques is in its rapid balancing
capabilities, transferring large amounts of energy in short periods of time
• SoC based equalization algorithms significantly increase the effectiveness of the
equalization techniques, regardless of “passive” or active”
Taking into account the progress in Li-Ion battery technology, the main reason for any
imbalance is the self-discharge of the cells, which is approximately 2-3% per month, but generally
differs from cell to cell. Charge and discharge does have only a negligible effect on the cell
imbalances. Therefore, it is evident that large balancing currents are not required in order to fix
these small imbalances. Advanced estimation algorithms are widely developed, which can
significantly increase the effectiveness and utilization of balancing. One more thing to consider, is
that especially in automotive applications, the discharge currents are pretty large in proportion
to the charge or balancing currents, therefore making the balancing procedure only viable during
rest or charging periods. In these periods, passive balancing can satisfy the balance time
requirements, even with small balancing currents.
3 | Battery Management Systems
Due to the high cost and complexity, active balancing techniques are rarely used in
automotive battery management systems. Their high design complexity, component costs,
increased circuit size and testing and reliability issues make the passive technique dominant in
such applications. Nevertheless, active techniques are widely used in academic or research
applications [7].
The battery management unit is the main control element of the battery management
system. The main data management and control actions are carried out by it. Moreover, it carries
out the essential high voltage measurements that are needed for the functional requirements of
the battery management system. These measurements include current, voltage and insulation. In
this section we will only elaborate on the battery current measurement, since its essential for the
SoC estimation algorithms, and overall is an integral part of the system. The voltage measurement
is typically implemented using a resistance divider, with high resistor values in order to minimize
the leakage current. The insulation measurement requires more complex techniques and is a key
safety requirement in electric vehicles. It is many times considered a standalone system, and there
are market products dedicated to this function. An in-depth analysis of the techniques is not part
of this thesis.
The current of charging of discharging is the external reflection of energy transfer and also
the important base of the battery management system energy management. The current
measurement provides data for estimating SoC, and for the charging and discharging control of
the BMS. It is necessary to ensure its sampling accuracy, anti-interference ability, zero drift,
temperature drift and linear error. The schemes of current measurement include the Hall effect
current sensor, the shunt, and so on [7].
3 | Battery Management Systems
Hall Effect Current Sensor - The output signal of a current sensor is a secondary current, in
proportion to the input signal (primary current). The secondary current generally only has a value
of 10-400mA. If the output current goes through a measurement resistance, it will give a voltage
output signal which is proportional to the primary current. Then through amplification and
adjusting the circuit, the output signal is converted using an analog to digital converter. According
to the form of current, the Hall effect current sensor is classified into two types: DC and AC, by
the form of the feedback, it is classified into open loop and closed loop types [7].
Figure 3.7 is a diagram of the open loop current sensor. Its working principle is that if
semiconductor Hall components are put into the space of the magnetic loop, the Hall current
(secondary current) and the Hall voltage would change as the measured conductor current
(primary current) changes. The change in voltage will be amplified through the amplifier that
reflects the measured current.
In order to stably and accurately measure the primary current, compensation windings are
placed around the magnet ring, as shown in figure 3.8. The compensation winding and output
form the closed loop of the Hall negative feedback. The Hall equipment and the auxiliary circuit
produce the secondary magnetic compensation current IM, which reflects the measured current
IN. Through a sampling resistance RL, the compensation current can produce a voltage drop which
outputs in the form of voltage V.
The Hall effect current sensor has the characteristics of high accuracy, fast speed, wide band,
better isolating function, strong overload ability and no loss of energy in the measured circuit.
However, in the complex electromagnetic interference environment of electric vehicles, it is
difficult to ensure the linearity of the measurement with some issues like the zero-drift,
temperature-drift and so on [7].
3 | Battery Management Systems
The Shunt - The shunt comprises a rod resistor of nickel, manganese copper alloy and copper
strips with a nickel coating. When the DC current goes through the shunt, it produces a voltage at
the two ends of the shunt. Its structure consists of the slot type and the non-slot type. The shunt
connects directly with high voltage so an isolating circuit is required in the circuit design. The
voltage signal, obtained by the shunt sampling, will be connected to an analog to digital converter
after the filter and amplification.
In most cases, in order to utilize the shunt a dedicated analog to digital converter scheme
needs to be designed. Due to its wide use, many dedicated integrated chip solutions are available
in the market, which include all the needed circuitry for effectively utilizing the shunt. These
features include an analog to digital converter, programmable digital filters, calibration circuitry
and communication interface. The fact that the shunt is connected to high voltage and carries the
battery current at all times introduces some energy losses and heat dissipation, and also requires
a reliable isolation circuit. Though the hall sensors require less complex interface circuitry and are
easier to integrate in any kind of system, the shunt is generally preferred due to its linearity and
non-drift characteristics [7].
An important consideration for the battery pack management system is the communication
interface. Data communication is the important link for data transmission inside the battery
management system and data transmission between the itself and other devices. After sampling
the voltage and temperature, the module management units should transmit these data to the
battery management unit, which processes the information and makes control decisions
regarding the system state. The amount of communication data is very large. The reliability, timely
collection and transmission are the key premises for the performance of battery management
systems in electric vehicles.
The choice of the communication bus is based on the type of application, the number of
modules and the overall cost of the system. For communication between modules, common
options include the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus and Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus. Each
has low communications overhead, suitable for low interference environments. Another option
is the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus, which has widespread use in vehicle applications. The
CAN bus is very robust, with error detection and fault tolerance, but it carries significant
communications overhead and high material costs. While an interface from the battery system to
the main vehicle CAN bus may be desirable, SPI or I2C communications can be advantageous
within the battery pack [7].
Despite the increased cost and complexity, in most battery management systems for electric
vehicle, a separate CAN bus communication within the battery pack is preferred, mainly because
of its noise immunity and robustness. This is significant advantage since the battery pack contains
high voltages and currents which make it a high interference environment, which can really
compromise the data integrity.
CAN was developed by the German company Bosch and is one of the most widely used buses
since the 1993 standardization (ISO 11898-1). It is the mainstream network in automobile
electronics control. The network nodes of CAN are different electric control units (ECU). Currently,
3 | Battery Management Systems
many of the world leading car manufacturers have adopted CAN as the data communication bus
between the automobile internal control system. Also, most of the market high power chargers
which are used in electric vehicle applications, include a CAN interface in order to effectively
communicate with the battery management system during the charging process [7].
CAN works in a multi-master way. Each node can send information to other nodes when
The basic structure diagram of a CAN bus is shown in Figure 3.9. The communication data are
transmitted into the CAN through special CAN controllers.
A large amount of data is required by the management system with good real-time
communication. However, if all data are put on the same bus, the high load rate will lead to bus
congestion, and poor real-time data communication. According to the function, structure and
data type, these data could be sent to different buses.
One common method is to distribute the CAN data of BMS between three buses: the internal
CAN bus, the charging CAN bus, and the vehicle CAN bus. Each bus undertakes the relevant output
tasks for reliable and real-time transmission of the data.
The internal CAN bus is mainly used for collecting the battery management system internal
battery information and transmitting control commands. The voltage of each cell, temperature,
total voltage and current are all transmitted on the internal CAN bus.
The charging CAN bus is mainly used for communication between the battery management
system and the charger. Its main information includes charger state, start or stop charging,
maximum permissible charge current and so on. In consideration of the generality of electric
vehicle charging stations, it is necessary to have the same regulations for the charge interface and
protocol. In accordance with the national standard, the communication protocol of the charger
3 | Battery Management Systems
and the battery management system should produce a message at the handshake stage,
parameter configuration stage, charging state, end charging state and wrong stage [7].
The vehicle CAN bus is mainly used for communication between the battery management
system and the vehicle control unit. Besides the battery management system and vehicle control
unit, there are the motor controller and other devices as nodes in this bus, which is the most
important data bus. The BMS should transmit information on the SOC, total voltage, and
maximum permissible power/current to the bus.
Besides the general CAN bus architecture, with the separate buses for the different
functionalities of the battery management system, there is a variety of different architecture
approaches, that make use of other communication protocols, and may be useful depending on
the requirements of the system. CAN bus is still used for the communication between the battery
management system and the vehicle control unit, but other solutions are utilized such as SPI, for
the internal communication between the modules of the system.
Three architectures for the structure of the battery management system itself based on its
communication interface are depicted below. In every case, it is assumed that each module
management unit is monitoring a fixed number of cells, and the different topologies and
communication configurations are explored. Each case provides a CAN bus interface to the battery
management unit and is galvanically isolated from the rest of the electronic equipment of the
system [9].
Parallel independent CAN modules - Each module management unit is equipped with a
microcontroller, a CAN interface and a galvanic isolation transformer. The large amount of battery
monitoring data required for the system would overwhelm the vehicle’s main CAN bus, so the
CAN modules need to be on a local CAN sub-net. The CAN sub-net is coordinated by the battery
management unit, which also provides the gateway to the vehicle’s main CAN bus [9].
3 | Battery Management Systems
Parallel modules with CAN gateway - Each module management unit contains a digital isolator.
The modules have independent interface connection to the battery management unit, which
contains a CAN interface and a galvanic isolation transformer. The battery management unit
coordinates the modules and provides the gateway to the vehicle’s main CAN bus. The third
architecture is a simplified approach with minimal limitations, but is less reliable, since it is
susceptible to communication loss, even if only one communication line is problematic [9].
Series modules with CAN gateway - The module management units are in a daisy chain
configuration, which is coordinated by the battery management unit, which also acts as the
gateway to the vehicle main CAN bus. Once again, a galvanic isolation transformer is needed to
complete the architecture [9].
The first and second architectures are generally problematic due to the significant number of
connections and the external isolation required for the parallel interface. For this added
complexity, the design has independent communication to each module management unit, which
greatly increases the system’s flexibility and reliability [9].
3 | Battery Management Systems
There are at least five major requirements that need to be balanced when deciding between
battery management system architectures. Their relative importance depends on the application
unique features [3].
Accuracy – To take advantage of the maximum possible battery capacity, the battery monitor
need to be accurate. A vehicle, however is a noisy system, with electromagnetic interference over
a wide range of frequencies. Any loss of accuracy will adversely affect battery pack longevity and
Cost – Minimizing the number of relatively costly components, like microcontrollers, interface
controllers, galvanic isolators and crystals can significantly reduce the total system cost.
Power – The battery monitor itself is a load on the batteries. Lower active current improves
system efficiency and lower standby current prevents excessive battery discharge when the
system is off.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The module management unit features a battery monitoring IC, which is responsible for the
measurement of up to 12 cell voltages and temperatures. The selected IC is LTC6811 by Linear
Technology. The chosen data communication bus is the isolated CAN-bus. This is the widespread
standard for automotive applications, and also provides reinforced EMI immunity, which is
valuable in the high-voltage and current environment of a battery pack. A uController is also
embedded in the system. This is mandatory for the operation of the CAN-bus and monitoring IC,
but it also increases the design flexibility and function capabilities of the system.
The system will be supplied by the auxiliary battery supply, which is always present in
automotive systems, for the power supply of the electronic equipment. Nevertheless, there are
use cases where the system should be able to function when the auxiliary supply is off, for
example, balancing during the vehicle idle states or balancing during the charging process.
Therefore, the module management unit shall be able to remain functional during such use case
scenarios. A dual power supply scheme is implemented, enabling the system to select its power
supply, either from the external power source or from the battery module that it monitors.
One of the main goals of the design process was design and functional flexibility. The
presented architecture is suitable for this kind of design approach due to its following
Since we have presented the basis of the architecture, we should discuss the different
advantages and disadvantages that it provides. The trade-offs between these characteristics
played a major role during the design phase, in order to conclude to the desired architecture that
provides the best compromise between its features and problems.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
• Improves the overall system flexibility and performance, by distributing the total
computational and data transfer duties to several uControllers
• Makes effective use of each uController, concentrating its functionalities on each module
• Allows the usage of additional functional components which can achieve more
functionalities (extending cell temperature inputs etc.)
• Reduces wiring inside the battery pack compared to a centralized approach
• Provides robust data communication and integrity through the isolated CAN-bus
• Increased cost
• Increased power consumption, which is generally negligible compared to the high-
capacity cells that are usually used
• Increased complexity, due to the controller network
• In terms of monitoring, the same results can be achieved using a single central uController
4 | Battery Management System Concept
Data Communication
5. The system shall feature a uController.
6. The system shall support an isolated CAN-bus interface for communication with external
Power Supply
7. The system shall feature a dual power supply option.
8. The primary power supply shall be an isolated external source of 5-36VDC, providing up
to 200mA of output current.
9. The secondary power supply shall be the monitored cells, (Top (V+) and Bottom (V-) Cell
of the Battery Module: ~50VDC).
10. The power supply shall be uninterruptible, such as the secondary supply must be able to
automatically switch on in case of primary supply failure.
11. The uController shall monitor the primary power supply rail, and be able to switch to the
secondary, only in case that there is an ongoing cell balancing procedure.
12. A step-down regulator supplied either by the isolated external source or the Battery pack
shall provide a 5VDC supply for the uController and peripherals with a maximum current
consumption of 250mA.
13. The power supply of the CAN transceiver (connector side) shall be provided by a linear
voltage regulator supplied from the external power supply
14. The isolation barrier shall be able to continuously withstand at least 1500VDC minimum.
15. The isolation barrier separates the external primary power supply and the CAN-bus
connection from the balancing circuit and the uController.
Now that the system requirements are laid out, we can start to elaborate on them and discuss
their importance and reason behind their selection. The first set of requirements are associated
with the monitoring and balancing features of the slave unit. Following, we have the data
communication and power supply requirements. Another key feature that was not mentioned
before is the system’s isolation, which is a vital component in order to protect the rest of the
electronic equipment from the high-voltage battery pack. Finally, board temperature sensing is
included in the module management unit due to the “passive” balancing method, which can cause
heating problems on the balancing resistors.
As it was mentioned in the general description, the module management unit is able to
monitor the voltages of up to 12 series connected lithium-ion cells. Moreover, monitoring is
considered complete only when undervoltage and overvoltage conditions can be detected. In our
case, these conditions are detectable while the threshold values are adjustable, thus extending
the range of applications of the system. Moreover, the cell temperatures are measured through
4 NTC thermistor inputs. The number of temperature sensors can be increased using a
4 | Battery Management System Concept
multiplexer. Nevertheless, this was not used in our design, in order to decrease the overall
complexity since the number of sensors can provide adequate information about the module’s
temperature state.
A nominal balancing current of 60mA was selected for the equalization circuit. Although the
balancing value seems low, it is sufficient since the main reason for imbalance in the modern cells
is the self-discharge of the cells, thus the charge that needs to be balanced is significantly low.
Furthermore, the balancing process mainly takes place during idle or charging periods, hence the
available balancing time is sufficient to achieve equalization even with small balancing currents.
Nevertheless, the balancing circuit was sized to a maximum current of 250mA so that it can satisfy
even some more demanding rapid balancing applications.
As we mentioned earlier, the module management unit will be supplied by the auxiliary
battery supply. However, in order to maintain isolation between the electronic equipment and
the high-voltage battery system, power that directly supplies the battery monitoring equipment
shall be isolated. For this reason, an isolated DC-DC converter stage is used, supplied directly by
the electronics power source, which provides a stable isolated power supply rail for the
components of the module management unit that are connected to the battery module.
Moreover, since there are cases when the system shall be able to function although the auxiliary
battery would be powered off, the monitored battery cells are used to provide a secondary power
source. A power supply switch, controlled directly by the uController, is used in order to achieve
the uninterruptible power supply requirement. Finally, it is crucial to maintain stable operating
power supply voltage levels for the uController and the rest of the components of the system
regardless of the power supply option. Thus, a step-down regulator is introduced in series to the
power supply switch, which is able to provide a stable output rail in any case of input power supply
voltage level.
The isolated DC-DC converter provides isolation between the vehicle electronics power supply
and the system’s supply. In order to achieve complete isolation, an isolated CAN transceiver is
used, isolating the data communication between the module and battery management units. The
isolation barrier is set to 1.5kV. Appropriate circuit spacing and properly rated components are
used to ensure that this requirement is satisfied.
Since the balancing method used is energy-dissipative, the energy dissipation appers as heat
dissipation in the balancing resistors. Excessive and repeated overheating of the resistors can
cause minor changes in their value as well as result to unexpected failure. Moreover, since the
resistors are placed tight together, overheating problems can also affect the circuit board,
resulting in desoldering failures, as well as the adjacent components. Therefore, NTC temperature
sensors are placed near to the balancing circuit so that the temperature can be effectively
monitored. The board temperature monitoring allows the prevention of such failures and can be
useful for the definition of the balancing cycles.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The battery voltage sense lines, one line for each cell voltage and an additional line for the
negative terminal, which is the system’s respective ground potential, are connected to the system
through header-plug connectors. The connectors have different number of pins so that the
bottom and top part of the stack are easily distinguished. The temperature probes are connected
is the same way, using a signal and a ground line for each sensor. A screw terminal connector is
used for the system’s power supply as well as for the CAN-bus interface.
Apart from the battery voltage and temperature lines, the battery management IC is
connected to the uController. The monitoring and balancing actions are communicated by the
uController to the IC via the SPI interface. The analog inputs of the uController are utilized for
monitoring the board temperature sensors and the power supply rail. The power supply switch,
which connects the battery module voltage to the input of the step-down regulator, is controlled
by one of the uController’s digital output lines.
An isolated transceiver is used for the control of the CAN-bus. Since the chosen uController
includes a CAN controller, the data messages are constructed by the uController and then sent to
the transceiver via the Tx line. The transceiver then handles the message conversion and overall
bus function. When receiving data messages from the bus, the transceiver translates the received
data and sends it to the uController through the Rx line.
As we already mentioned, the monitoring circuitry is directly connected to the battery module
and should be isolated from the rest of the electronic equipment. For the monitoring circuitry,
the negative terminal of the battery module is used as the respective ground potential. So, in case
of a battery pack with many series connected modules, each module management unit is
grounded to the negative terminal of its respective module. This way, even if a unit is connected
4 | Battery Management System Concept
to a module which carries high-voltage in respect to the battery pack, the unit is always connected
to the module voltage regardless of its connection to the pack.
The battery monitoring IC selected for our application is Linear Technology’s LTC6811. Linear
Technology LTC6811 high voltage battery stack monitor is a complete battery measuring IC for
hybrid/electric vehicles that incorporates a deep buried Zener voltage reference, high voltage
multiplexers, 16-bit delta-sigma ADCs and a 1Mbps isolated serial interface. An LTC6811 can
measure up to 12 12 series connected battery cells with a total measurement error of less than
1.2mV. The cell measurement range of 0V to 5V makes the LTC6811 suitable for most battery
chemistries. Multiple LTC6811 devices can be connected in series, permitting simultaneous cell
monitoring of long, high voltage battery strings. Using the LTC6811-2, multiple devices are
connected in parallel to the host processor, with each device individually addressed. The LTC6811
can be powered directly from the battery stack or from an isolated supply and includes passive
balancing for each cell, with individual PWM duty cycle control for each cell. Other features
include an onboard 5V regulator, five general purpose I/O lines and a sleep mode, where current
consumption is reduced to 4μA. The LTC6811 is fully specified for operation from 40°C to 125°C.
It has been engineered for ISO ˗ 26262 (ASIL) compliant systems with extensive fault coverage via
its redundant voltage reference, logic test circuitry, cross-channel testing, open wire detection
capability, a watchdog timer and packet error checking on the serial interface [10].
In this section, the function of the key pins of the IC are described, in order to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of its basic functionalities.
S1 to S12: Balance inputs/outputs. 12 internal N-MOSFETs are connected between S(n) and
C(n-1) for discharging.
V-: Negative supply pin. The V- pins must be shorted together, external to the IC.
VREF2: Buffered 2nd Reference Voltage for driving multiple 10k Thermistors.
GPIO [1:5]: General Purpose input/output. Can be used as digital inputs or digital outputs, or
as analog inputs with a measurement range from V- to 5V.
WDT: Watchdog timer output pin. This is an open drain NMOS digital output. If the LTC6811
does not receive a valid command within 2 seconds, the watchdog timer circuit will reset the
LTC6811 and the WDT pin will go high impedance.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
CSB, SCK, SDI, SDO: 4-wire serial peripheral interface (SPI). Active low chip select (CSB), serial
clock (SCK) and serial data in (SDI) are digital inputs. Serial data out (SDO) is an open drain
NMOS output pin.
A0 to A3: Address Pins. These digital inputs are connected to VREG or V- to set the chip address
for addressable serial commands.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
SLEEP State: The reference and ADCs are powered down. The watchdog timer has timed out.
The discharge timer is either disabled or timed out. The supply currents are reduced to
minimum levels. If a WAKEUP signal is received, the LTC6811 will enter the STANDBY state.
STANDBY State: The reference and the ADCs are off. The watchdog timer and/or the
discharge timer is running. When a valid ADC command is received or the REFON bit is set to
1 in the Configuration Register Group, the IC pauses for a certain time interval to allow for the
reference to power up and the enters either the REFUP or MEASURE state. Otherwise, if no
valid commands are received for that time (when both the watchdog and discharge timer
have expired), the LTC6811 returns to the SLEEP state. If the discharge timer is disabled, only
the watchdog timer is relevant.
REFUP State: To reach this state the REFON bit in the Configuration Register Group must be
set to 1. The ADCs are off, while the reference is powered up so that the LTC6811 can initiate
ADC conversions more quickly than from the STANDBY state. When a valid command is
received, the IC goes to the MEASURE state to begin the conversion. Otherwise, the LTC6811
will return to the STANDBY state when the REFON bit is set to 0, either manually or
automatically when the watchdog timer expires.
MEASURE State: The LTC6811 performs ADC conversions in this state. The reference and
ADCs are powered up. After the ADC conversions are complete, the LTC6811 will transition to
either the REFUP or STANDBY state, depending on the REFON bit. Additional ADC conversions
can be initiated more quickly by setting REFON bit to 1, to take advantage of the REFUP state.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
When there is no valid command for more than 2 seconds, the watchdog timer expires. This
resets the contents of the IC’s memory, regarding its Configuration Register Group. The watchdog
timer is always enabled and it resets after every valid command with matching command packet
error code. The discharge timer is used to keep the discharge switches turned on for a
programmable time duration. If the discharge timer is being used, the discharge switches are not
turned off when the watchdog timer is activated. This enables the IC to enter sleep mode, while
the discharge circuitry is still on, reducing its power consumption.
There are two ADCs inside the LTC6811. The two ADCs operate simultaneously when
measuring twelve cells. Only one ADC is used to measure the general-purpose inputs. The
following discussion uses the term ADC to refer to one or both ADCs, depending on the operation
being performed.
The ADCOPT bit in the Configuration Register Group and the mode selection bits MD [1:0] in
the conversion command together provide eight modes of operation for the ADC, which
correspond to different oversampling ratios. The accuracy and timing of these modes are
summarised in the following table. In each mode, the ADC first measures the inputs and then
performs a calibration of each channel. The names of the modes are based on the -3dB bandwidth
of the ADC measurement.
Mode 7kHz (Normal): In this mode, the ADC has high resolution and low total measurement error.
This is considered the normal operating mode because of the optimum combination of speed and
Mode 27kHz (Fast): In this mode, the ADC has maximum throughput but has some increase in the
total measurement error. So, this mode is also referred as the fast mode.
Mode 26Hz (Filtered): In this mode, the ADC digital filter -3dB frequency is lowered to 26Hz by
increasing the oversampling ratio. This mode is also referred to as the filtered mode due to its low
-3dB frequency.
The other operating modes provide additional options for the ADC digital filter -3dB
frequency. The accuracy of these modes is similar to the accuracy of the normal mode.
The measurement of cell voltages is controlled by a single command, which has options to
select the number of cells to measure as well as the desired ADC mode. The measurement of the
sum of the cell voltages is also possible, using a similar command. The measurements are stored
in memory, in the Cell Voltage Register Groups.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
Whenever the cell voltage inputs are measured, the results are compared to undervoltage
and overvoltage thresholds that are stored in the IC’s memory. If the reading of a cell is above the
overvoltage limit, a bit in memory is set as flag. Similarly, measurement results lower than the
undervoltage limit cause a flag to be set. The overvoltage and undervoltage thresholds are stored
in the Configuration Register Group while the flags are stored in the Status Register Group.
A similar command is used for the measurement of the GPIO ports of the IC. Again, there are
options regarding the number of GPIO to be measured as well as the desired ADC mode. The
measurement of the reference voltage is also possible with the same command. The GPIOs are
commonly used for the measurement of battery temperature sensors. The readings are stored in
memory, in the Auxiliary Register Groups. The synchronous measurement of the cell voltages and
GPIO ports is also possible with a single command, allowing consistent and time-stamped data
With passive balancing, if one cell in a series stack becomes overcharged, an S output can
slowly discharge this cell by connecting it to a resistor. Each S output is connected to an internal
N-channel MOSFET with a maximum on resistance of 25Ω. The internal switches (MOSFETs) S1
through S12 can be used to passively balance cells with balancing current of 60mA or less. For
applications that require balancing currents above 60mA, the S outputs can be used to control
external transistors. The LTC6811 includes an internal pull-up PMOS transistor with a 1k series
resistor. The S pins can act as digital outputs suitable for driving the gate of an external MOSFET.
If the discharge permitted (DCP) bit is high at the time of a cell measurement command, the
S pin discharge states do not change during cell measurements. If the DCP bit is low, S pin
discharge states will be disabled while the corresponding cell or adjacent cells are being
measured. If using an external discharge transistor, the relatively low 1kΩ impedance of the
internal LTC6811 PMOS transistors should allow the discharge currents to fully turn off before the
cell measurement.
Figure 4.6 shows the typical biasing circuit for a negative temperature coefficient (NTC)
thermistor. The 10k at 25oC is the most popular sensor values and the VREF2 output stage is
designed to provide the current required to bias several of these probes. The biasing resistor is
selected to correspond to the NTC value so the circuit will provide 1.5V at 25oC (VREF2 is 3V
nominal). The overall circuit response is approximately -1%/oC in the range of typical cell
temperatures, as shown in figure 4.6.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The STM8AF5288 is the selected microcontroller for our application. The STM8AF528x is an
automotive 8-bit microcontroller family. They offer 32kByte up to 128kByte of non-volatile
memory and integrated data EEPROM. The devices provide the following benefits: reduced
system cost, performance and robustness, short development cycles and product longevity. The
STM8AF52 series also features a CAN interface.
The key features of the selected microcontroller are summarized in the table below:
Type: STM8AF5288
Temperature Range: -25 °C to +85 °C
Package Type: LQFP-48
CPU Core: Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage
Clock Frequency: Max. 24MHz
Flash Memory: 64 KByte
RAM: 6 KByte
Core Voltage: 1.8V
Digital I/O Voltage: 5V
AD Reference: 5V
AD Channels: 16
CAN Interface: High speed 1 Mbit/s CAN 2.0B interface
SPI Interface: SPI interface up to 10 Mbit/s
Table 5 ST Microelectronics STM8AF5288 General Characteristics
The low cost and high performance, combined with the integrated CAN interface were the
key factors that led to the choice of the specific microcontroller for our applications. Furthermore,
the lack of need of a complex peripheral circuit for its proper functionality, makes it especially
effective in our design, where circuit board space saving plays a significant cost factor. A variety
of free software development and programming tools are also available, reducing the software
development and debugging time.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The programming and debugging of the microcontroller is implemented through the single
wire interface module (SWIM). The single wire interface module, together with an integrated
debug module, permits non-intrusive, real time in-circuit debugging and fast memory
programming. The device can be activated in all device operation modes and can be connected
to a running device (hot plugging). The maximum data transmission speed is 145bytes/ms.
The non-intrusive debugging module features a performance close to a full-scale emulator.
Besides memory and peripheral operation, CPU operation can also be monitored in real-time by
means of shadow registers. Read and write operations of RAM and peripheral registers is available
in real-time, while read/write operations of all resources are possible when the application is
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The isolated flyback converter topology is based on the Linear Technology LT8302 monolithic
isolated flyback converter control IC. The LT8302 is a current mode switching regulator IC
designed especially for the isolated flyback topology. By sampling the isolated output voltage
directly from the primary-side flyback waveform, the part requires no third winding or opto-
isolator for regulation. The output voltage is programmed with two external resistors and a third
optional temperature compensation resistor. A 3.6A, 65V MOS power switch is integrated along
with all the high voltage circuitry and control logic into a single package. The LT8302 operates
from an input voltage rang of 2.8V to 42V and delivers up to 18W of isolated output power [12].
The design considerations and steps for implementing a flyback converter topology using the
LT8302 are presented in the following [12]:
• Output Voltage
The 𝑅𝐹𝐵 and 𝑅𝑅𝐸𝐹 resistors as depicted in the block diagram are external resistors used to
program the output voltage. The LT8302 operates similar to traditional current mode switchers,
except in the use of a unique flyback pulse sense circuit and a sample-and-hold error amplifier,
which sample and therefore regulate the isolated output voltage from the flyback pulse.
The equation for the output voltage 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 , is given in terms of the 𝑅𝐹𝐵 and 𝑅𝑅𝐸𝐹 resistors,
transformer turns ratio 𝑁𝑃𝑆 , and diode forward voltage 𝑉𝐹 :
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 = 𝑉𝑅𝐸𝐹 ( )( ) − 𝑉𝐹 (1)
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The first term in the 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 equation does not have temperature dependence, but the output
diode forward voltage, 𝑉𝐹 , has a significant temperature coefficient, which produces
approximately 200𝑚𝑉 to 300𝑚𝑉 voltage variation on the output across temperature. To
compensate the negative temperature coefficient of the output diode, a resistor 𝑅𝑇𝐶 , connected
between the TC and RREF pins generates a current proportional to temperature.
With the 𝑅𝑇𝐶 resistor in place, the output voltage equation is revised as follows:
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 = 𝑉𝑅𝐸𝐹 ( )( ) − 𝑉𝐹 (𝑇𝑂) − ( ) (𝑇 − 𝑇𝑂) ( )( )−( ) (𝑇 − 𝑇𝑂) (2)
To cancel the output diode temperature coefficient, the following two equations should be
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 = 𝑉𝑅𝐸𝐹 ( )( ) − 𝑉𝐹 (𝑇𝑂) (3)
( )( )( ) = −( ) (4)
The LT8302 uses a unique sampling scheme to regulate the isolated output voltage which
contains repeatable delays and error sources. Therefore, a simple re-evaluation process is
recommended for selecting resistor values.
A rearrangement of the expression for 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 in the previous section yields the starting value
for 𝑅𝐹𝐵 :
4 | Battery Management System Concept
Secondly, with a new 𝑅𝐹𝐵 resistor value selected, the output diode temperature coefficient
in the application must be taken into consideration to determine the 𝑅𝑇𝐶 value. Extrapolating
data from a diode data sheet and with at least two data points spreading across the operating
temperature range, the output diode temperature coefficient can be determined by:
𝛿𝑉𝐹 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 (𝑇1) − 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 (𝑇2)
−( )= (7)
𝛿𝑇 𝑇1 − 𝑇2
An exact 𝑅𝑇𝐶 value can be selected, using the output diode temperature coefficient, using the
following equation:
( ) 𝑅
𝑅𝑇𝐶 = ( ) (8)
−( )
• Transformer Primary Inductance Requirement
The LT8302 obtains output voltage information from the reflected output voltage on the SW
pin. The conduction of secondary current reflects the output voltage on the primary SW pin. In
order to ensure proper sampling, the secondary winding needs to conduct current for a minimum
of 350ns. The following equation gives the minimum value for primary-side magnetizing
𝐿𝑃𝑅𝐼 ≥ (9)
In addition to the primary inductance requirement for the minimum switch-off time, the
LT8302 has minimum switch-on time that prevents the chop from turning on the power switch
shorter than approximately 160ns. Therefore, the following equation relating to maximum input
voltage must also be followed in selecting primary-side magnetizing inductance:
𝐿𝑃𝑅𝐼 ≥ (10)
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The choice of an 𝑅𝐹𝐵 /𝑅𝑅𝐸𝐹 resistor ratio to set the output voltage, gives relative freedom in
selecting a transformer turns ratio to suit a certain application. Typically, the transformer turns
ratio shall be chosen to maximize the available output power. However, it should be noted that
the SW pin sees a voltage that is equal to the maximum input supply voltage plus the output
voltage multiplied by the turns ratio. In addition, leakage inductance will cause voltage spikes
(𝑉𝐿𝐸𝐴𝐾𝐴𝐺𝐸 ) on top of the reflected voltage. This total quantity needs to remain below the 65V
absolute maximum rating of the SW pin to prevent internal breakdown.
These conditions place an upper limit on the turns ratio, 𝑁𝑃𝑆 , for a given application:
𝑁𝑃𝑆 < (11)
• Snubber Circuit
Transformer leakage inductance on either the primary or secondary causes a voltage spike to
appear on the primary after the power switch turns off. To clamp and dam the leakage voltage
spikes, an RC+DZ snubber circuit is recommended. The RC (resistor-capacitor) snubber quickly
damps the voltage spike ringing and provides great load regulation and EMI performance. The DZ
(diode-Zener) ensures well defined and consistent clamping voltage to protect the SW pin from
exceeding its 65V absolute maximum rating.
A 470pF capacitor in series with a 39Ω resistor provides a good starting point for the RC
snubber circuit. For the DZ snubber, care should be taken when choosing both the diode and the
Zener diode. Schottky diodes are typically the best choice. The reverse voltage rating of the diode
should be higher than the maximum SW pin voltage. For the Zener diode breakdown voltage, the
following equation can be used to make a suitable choice:
𝑉𝑍𝐸𝑁𝐸𝑅(𝑀𝐴𝑋) ≤ 60𝑉 − 𝑉𝐼𝑁(𝑀𝐴𝑋) (12)
4 | Battery Management System Concept
This section contains the design calculation for the isolated flyback converter of our system.
As we stated earlier in the requirements, the isolated flyback converter should operate from a 5V
to 36V input voltage range and deliver a 12V output voltage, providing 200mA output current.
Therefore, the design parameters are the following:
Taking into consideration that most transformers specify primary inductance with a tolerance
of ±20% as well as the design rule to choose a transformer with primary inductance 40% to 60%
larger than the minimum values, we can conclude based on the suggested transformer list
provided by Linear Technology, that the suitable transformer for our application is the 750313443
by Wurth Electronik, with primary inductance value of 𝐿𝑃𝑅𝐼 = 9𝜇𝐻.
Since the primary inductance has been selected, the maximum switch current limit can be
calculated as:
𝑁𝑃𝑆 (𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 + 𝑉𝐹 ) 1 × (12𝑉 + 0.3𝑉)
𝐷 = 𝐷𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 = = = 0.33 (15)
𝑁𝑃𝑆 (𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 + 𝑉𝐹 ) + 𝑉𝐼𝑁 1 × (12𝑉 + 0.3𝑉) + 24𝑉
2𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝐼𝑂𝑈𝑇 2 × 12𝑉 × 0.2𝐴
𝐼𝑆𝑊(𝑀𝐴𝑋) = = = 0.75𝐴 (16)
𝜂𝑉𝐼𝑁 𝐷 0.8 × 24𝑉 × 0.33
Where, 𝜂 = efficiency = ~0.8
4 | Battery Management System Concept
Two main criteria for choosing the output diode include forward current rating and reverse-
voltage rating. The maximum load requirement is a good first-order estimate at the average
current requirement for the output diode. A conservative metric, considering also output short
circuit conditions, is 6-% of the maximum switch current limit multiplied by turns ratio:
𝐼𝐷𝐼𝑂𝐷𝐸(𝑀𝐴𝑋) = 0.6𝐼𝑆𝑊(𝑀𝐴𝑋) 𝑁𝑃𝑆 = 0.6 × 0.75𝐴 × 1 = 0.45𝐴 (17)
Next, we can calculate the reverse voltage requirement using maximum 𝑉𝐼𝑁 :
𝑉𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 = 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 + = 12𝑉 + = 48𝑉 (18)
Therefore, a 3A - 60V diode is chosen as the output diode.
The output capacitor should be chosen to minimize the output voltage ripple. The capacitance
value can be calculated using the following equation:
𝐿𝑃𝑅𝐼 𝐼𝑆𝑊 9𝜇𝛨 × (0.75𝛢)2
𝐶𝑂𝑈𝑇 = = = 2.2𝑢𝐹 (19)
2𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝛥𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 2 × 12𝑉 × 0.1𝑉
This capacitance value corresponds to a desired voltage ripple less than ±1% of 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇
(100mV). Considering that ceramic capacitors can lose up to 40% of quoted capacitance with
applied voltage, a 10uF, with at least 50V rating, ceramic capacitor is chosen as output capacitor.
A 470pF capacitor in series with a 39Ω resistor is chosen as the RC snubber. For the DZ
snubber, the maximum Zener breakdown voltage is set according to the maximum 𝑉𝐼𝑁 :
(12) ⇒ 𝑉𝑍𝐸𝑁𝐸𝑅(𝑀𝐴𝑋) ≤ 60𝑉 − 𝑉𝐼𝑁(𝑀𝐴𝑋) = 60𝑉 − 36𝑉 = 24𝑉 (20)
A 24V, 1.5W Zener from Central Semiconductor (CMZ5394B) is chosen for optimal protection
and minimized power loss. A fast diode with sufficient reverse voltage breakdown shall be chosen
to complete the snubber circuit:
Using the following equation, we can calculate the starting value for 𝑅𝐹𝐵 :
4 | Battery Management System Concept
Since we have not implemented the circuit yet, we are not able to actively measure the
regulated output voltage. The adjustment is based on the simulation results that we are going to
present in the following section. The adjusted 𝑅𝐹𝐵 resistor value is calculated by the following
(6) ⇒ 𝑅𝐹𝐵(𝑁𝐸𝑊) = 𝑅𝐹𝐵 = 124𝑘 = 121𝑘 (24)
Using the output diode forward voltage characteristics, we can calculate its forward voltage
temperature coefficient, ( ), using values from different points on the temperature range:
The desired converter topology, derived by the calculations above is presented in the
following figure:
The circuit was simulated using Linear Technology’s LTspice simulator, schematic capture and
waveform viewer. The LT8302 circuit model library is provided by Linear Technology. The diodes
4 | Battery Management System Concept
used in the simulation were selected by the component library that is supported by LTspice.
Nevertheless, they have equivalent characteristics to those that were derived by the design
calculations. The simulation circuit is shown in the following diagram:
The output voltage and current waveforms, with 12V input voltage and 200mA resistive load,
are presented in the following figure:
As we can observe, the circuit is functioning properly, and meets its design requirements.
Therefore, we can safely conclude that the design calculations performed in the previous section,
provided the desired isolated flyback converter topology.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The step-down regulator topology is based on Linear Technology’s LT3990 monolithic buck
switching regulator control IC. The LT3990 is a constant frequency, current mode step-down
regulator that accepts a wide input voltage range up to 62V. A high efficiency switch is included
on the IC along with the catch diode, boost diode, and the necessary oscillator, control and logic
circuitry. The part is able to provide up to 350mA output current and consumes only 2uA at a
nominal input voltage of 12V [13].
The design considerations and steps for implementing a buck regulator topology using the
LT3990 are presented in the following [13]:
• FB Resistor Network
The output voltage is programmed with a resistor divider between the output and the FB pin.
The resistors should be chosen according to:
𝑅1 = 𝑅2 ( − 1) (27)
• Setting the Switching Frequency
The LT3990 uses a constant frequency PWM architecture that can be programmed to switch
from 200kHz to 2.2MHz by using a resistor tied from the RT pin to ground. A reference table
providing the necessary RT resistor values for different switching frequencies is provided by Linear
The selection of the operating frequency is a trade-off between efficiency, component size,
minimum dropout voltage and maximum input voltage. The advantage of high frequency
operation is that smaller inductor and capacitor values may be used while the disadvantages are
lower efficiency, lower maximum input voltage and higher dropout voltage. Lower switching
4 | Battery Management System Concept
frequencies are necessary to achieve high 𝑉𝐼𝑁 /𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 ratios. It is evident that a good selection of
switching frequency should allow adequate input voltage range and keep the inductor and
capacitor values relatively small.
The highest acceptable switching frequency for a given application can be calculated as
𝑓𝑆𝑊(𝑀𝐴𝑋) = (28)
𝑡𝑂𝑁(𝑀𝐼𝑁) (𝑉𝐼𝑁 − 𝑉𝑆𝑊 + 𝑉𝐷 )
The minimum input voltage is determined by either the LT3990’s minimum operating voltage
of 4.2V or by its maximum duty cycle. The minimum input voltage due to duty cycle is:
𝑉𝐼𝑁(𝑀𝐼𝑁) = − 𝑉𝐷 + 𝑉𝑆𝑊 (29)
1 − 𝑓𝑆𝑊 𝑡𝑂𝐹𝐹(𝑀𝐼𝑁)
The highest allowed input voltage during normal operation is limited by minimum duty cycle
and can be calculated by the following equation:
𝑉𝐼𝑁(𝑀𝐴𝑋) = − 𝑉𝐷 + 𝑉𝑆𝑊 (30)
• Inductor Selection
For a given input and output voltage, the inductor value and switching frequency will
determine the ripple current. The ripple current increases with higher 𝑉𝐼𝑁 or 𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 and decreases
with higher inductance and faster switching frequency. A good starting point for the inductance
value is given by the following equation, where 𝐿 is in μH and 𝑓𝑆𝑊 is in MHz:
𝐿=3 (31)
This simple design guideline may not always result in the optimum inductor selection. As a
general rule, lower output voltages and higher switching frequency will require smaller inductor
4 | Battery Management System Concept
values. If the application requires less than 350mA load current, then a lesser inductor value than
the one calculated may be acceptable. However, low inductance may result in discontinuous
mode operation, which is acceptable but reduces maximum load current.
• Output Capacitor
The output capacitor has two essential functions. The first function is that it stores energy in
order to satisfy transient loads and stabilize the LT3990’s control loop. Ceramic capacitors are the
preferred choice, since they have very low equivalent series resistance (ESR) and provide the best
ripple performance. A good starting capacitance value is given by the following equation, where
𝑓𝑆𝑊 is in MHz and 𝐶𝑂𝑈𝑇 is in μF:
𝐶𝑂𝑈𝑇 = (32)
A lower value of output capacitor can be used to save space and cost but transient
performance will degrade.
The second function is that the output capacitor, along with the inductor, filters the square
wave generated by the LT3990 to produce the DC output. In this role, it determines the output
ripple, so low impedance at the switching frequency is important. When choosing a capacitor,
care must be taken when looking at the data sheets to find out the actual capacitance under
operating conditions (applied voltage, temperature). A physically larger capacitor or one with a
higher voltage rating may be required.
This section contains the design calculation for the step-down regulator of our system. As we
stated earlier in the requirements, the regulator should operate from a 9V to 52V input voltage
range and deliver a 5V output voltage, providing 250mA output current.
Therefore, the design parameters are the following:
Since the desired output voltage is 5V, the LT3990-5 model will be used, which features the
output voltage resistor divider integrated in the package and is specifically designed for 5V
application. The switching frequency is set at 400kHz. Therefore, there is no need for additional
calculations regarding these design parameters.
Under normal operating conditions the step-down regulator will be supplied by the 12V
output of the isolated flyback converter. However, when the auxiliary supply is turned off, the
4 | Battery Management System Concept
regulator will be directly supplied by the battery module (~50V). So, it is necessary to verify if this
𝑉𝐼𝑁 /𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 is available by the selected switching frequency:
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 + 𝑉𝐷 5𝑉 + 0.7𝑉
(30) ⇒ 𝑉𝐼𝑁(𝑀𝐴𝑋) = − 𝑉𝐷 + 𝑉𝑆𝑊 = − 0.7𝑉 + 0.5𝑉 = 88.85𝑉 (34)
𝑓𝑆𝑊 𝑡𝑂𝑁(𝑀𝐼𝑁) 400𝑘𝐻𝑧 × 160𝑛𝑠
Therefore, the upper voltage limit is satisfied. Since the lower voltage limit is higher than the
minimum operating voltage of the LT3990, we can safely conclude that the lower voltage limit of
our application is satisfied as well. So, the selected topology covers the input voltage
requirements of our system.
As we mentioned in the previous section, a good reference starting point for the inductor
value is:
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 + 𝑉𝐷 5𝑉 + 0.7𝑉
(31) ⇒ 𝐿 = 3 =3 = 42.75𝜇𝐻 (35)
𝑓𝑆𝑊 0.4𝑀𝐻𝑧
Since the maximum load current requirement for our application is 250mA, we may be able
to use a smaller inductance value. Examining a reference design by Linear Technology for a similar
5V application, a 33𝜇𝐻 inductor is selected, so that we can minimize the physical size of the
inductor. After we obtain simulation results for this topology, we will be able to decide if this is
an acceptable inductor value for our system.
As we mentioned in the previous section, a good reference starting point for the capacitor
value is:
50 50𝑉
(32) ⇒ 𝐶𝑂𝑈𝑇 = = = 25𝑢𝐹 (36)
𝑉𝑂𝑈𝑇 𝑓𝑆𝑊 5𝑉 × 0.4𝑀𝐻𝑧
For 1% standard capacitor values, a 22𝑢𝐹 capacitor is chosen.
The desired buck regulator topology, derived by the calculations above is presented in the
following figure:
4 | Battery Management System Concept
As with the isolated flyback converter, the circuit was simulated using Linear Technology’s
LTspice. The LT3990-5 circuit model library is not provided by Linear Technology. However, the
adjustable output voltage model of the same family, LT3990 is available. Therefore, the R1 and
R2 resistor divider sets the output voltage level of 5V. The simulation circuit is shown in the
following diagram:
The output voltage and current waveforms, with 12V input voltage and 250mA resistive load,
are presented in the following figures:
It is evident by the simulation results, that the circuit functioning within its specifications. The
next figures, illustrate the circuit behavior, when the input voltage is 52V, representing the battery
4 | Battery Management System Concept
As we can observe, the circuit has equivalent behaviour within its specified input voltage
operating range. Therefore, we can safely conclude that the design calculations performed in the
previous sections, provided the desired step-down regulator topology.
The ADM3054 by Analog Devices was chosen as the CAN transceiver for our system. The
ADM3054 is a 5KV rms signal isolated controller area network (CAN) physical layer transceiver.
The device combines a 3-channel isolator and a CAN transceiver into a single package. It is
compliant with the ISO 11898 standard and is also qualified for automotive applications [14].
The logic side of the device can be powered by a 3.3V or 5V supply while the bus side can be
powered only by a 5V supply. Another feature is that loss of power on the bus side can be
detected, and also signalled by an integrated sense signal output. The ADM3054 creates an
isolated interface between the CAN protocol controller and the physical layer bus and it is capable
4 | Battery Management System Concept
of running at data rates up to 1Mbps. The device has integrated protection against shorts to
power/ground in the bus pins as well as current-limiting and thermal shutdown features.
For the power supply switch, a standard load switch topology was used to effectively control
the transition of the system from the primary to the secondary power supply. The load switch can
be controlled by a microcontroller digital output and connects or disconnects a voltage rail to a
specific load. It is comprised by two main elements, the pass transistor and the on/off control
block, as shown in the following figure.
The pass transistor is most commonly a MOSFET that passes the voltage supply to a specified
load when the transistor is on. The selection of a P-channel or N-channel load switch depends on
the specific needs of the application. The P-channel MOSFET has a distinct advantage over the N-
channel MOSFET, and that is in the simplicity of the on/off control block. The N-channel load
switch requires an additional voltage rail for the gate, while the P-channel load switch does not.
When using a P-channel MOSFET in a load switch circuit, the source is directly connected to the
input voltage rail and the drain is connected to the load. In order for the load switch to turn on
the source to gate voltage must be greater than the threshold voltage. Therefore:
The figure above shows an example load switch control circuit for a P-channel pass transistor.
A logic signal (EN) from the system’s control circuit (e.g. microcontroller) turns the load switch on
and off via a small signal NMOS transistor Q1. When EN is in logic low, Q1 is off and the gate of
4 | Battery Management System Concept
the P-channel MOSFET is pulled up to VIN. When EN is in logic high, Q1 turns on, the pass
transistor gate is pulled to ground, and the load switch turns on. As long as the input voltage rail
is higher than the threshold voltage of the PMOS transistor, it will turn on when EN is high without
the need of additional voltage source. The resistor R1 is selected so that milliamps of current or
less flow through R1 when Q1 is on. A standard range is 1kΩ – 10kΩ.
The power supply switch topology is illustrated in the following figure. The battery voltage
power supply line is considered the input voltage source (VIN), as described in the previous
section, while the rest of the system is considered as the switch’s load.
The 3.3kΩ resistor is used to control the turn-on speed of the switch. The R1 and R2 resistors
form a voltage divider that determines the voltage seen at the gate of the pass transistor. An
additional Zener diode, rated at the calculated gate voltage is also applied, in order to protect the
circuit from voltage spikes during the transition stages of the switch. R2 is the pull-up resistor
mentioned at the previous section, and its selected value is 100kΩ due to the relatively high
battery voltage applied to the switch.
A simulation model was created in Orcad Pspice, in order to verify the proper functionality of
the switch. The simulation circuit is presented in the figure below, and was created using
prototype resistor, capacitor and transistor models that were available in the Pspice libraries.
Nevertheless, the MOSFETs used in the model, have equivalent voltage and current characteristics
to the components that are needed for our application.
4 | Battery Management System Concept
The results of a transient analysis, using a 3.3kΩ resistive-capacitive load are presented in the
following figure.
5 | Hardware Description
Hardware Description
In the following sections, we are presenting the detailed schematic diagrams of the final
circuit implementation, the PCB layout design guidelines that were used as well as the final 3D
view of the designed board, highlighting the main points of interest. For the schematic layouts as
well as the PCB layout, the Altium Designer software suite was used.
The battery module cell voltage sense cables are connected to the board via the connector
headers H100 and H101, as shown in the figure above. The header H102 is used for the cells
temperature sensors. A decoupling RC filter is connected to each voltage sense line along with a
series inductance. A LED indicator is placed in parallel with the balancing resistors R136-R147,
which provides a visible verification of the activation of the balancing circuit.
Regarding the LTC6811, the address pines of the device (A0, A1, A2, A3) are tied to ground,
and zero-ohm bypass resistors are placed in the A2 and A3 lines, to provide an easy modification
of the device’s address. The recommended bypass capacitors are placed on the outputs of the
internal voltage regulator of the IC, and pull-up resistors are used in the watchdog and SPI data-
out pin, since they are recommended by the manufacturer. Moreover, a LED indicator is
connected to the DRIVE pin, which allows an easy verification of the device’s state.
The selected microcontroller, as mentioned in the previous section, requires a few number of
external components for its functionality. Namely, besides the bypass capacitors in the power
supply pins, a 16MHz ceramic resonator was used as an external clock source. A resistor divider
topology was implemented for the ADC readings of the board temperature sensors and of the
primary power supply rail. Four LEDs were placed for debugging purposes as well as for a visible
indication for various system functionalities.
The H200 header is used as the debugger/programmer connector, which provides access to
the microcontroller memory and allows the on-line monitoring of its contents.
The power supply circuitry is identical to the one presented on the previous chapter. The
single addition is the diode D404, which is placed between the isolated flyback converter output
and the power supply switch (V-M and V+ net), in order to protect the secondary side of the
transformer when the switch is activated and the battery module voltage is applied to this net.
The input for the step-down regulator is the V+ net.
The H400 header is the connector for the auxiliary battery supply. A reverse polarity
protection diode D400 is placed in series to the power supply input to protect the system from
false connections.
A CAN-bus protection circuit is placed on the bus side of the CAN transceiver along with the
termination resistors (R300, R301). The protection circuit consists of a common mode choke,
5 | Hardware Description
varistors, transient voltage suppression (TVS) diodes and bypass capacitors. The H300 header is
the CAN-bus connector, carrying the CAN_H and CAN_L lines.
The system was implemented in a 120mm x 72mm circuit board. The board physical size was
a major design goal, in order to meet the manufacturing cost requirements and also provide a
versatile product solution, which can be integrated in a variety of battery container mechanical
The PCB was decided to be a multilayer board and to have four layers made out of the
standard FR-4 glass epoxy panel. The four layers made it possible to have a ground plane, a power
plane and two signal layers. This layer structure was a very cost-effective approach in order to
reduce current loops and achieve an efficient layout for the microcontroller and power converter
circuits. Through-air cuts were also included in the PCB, in order to reinforce the isolation in
critical parts, like the flyback transformer and CAN transceiver.
Circuit noise and disturbances are a common problem when realizing a schematic circuit
layout into a PCB layout. This is mainly due to the fact that the components are not ideal and that
the signal traces cannot be made infinitely short and thereby give rise to phenomena’s such
electromagnetic interference (EMI) because of unwanted coupling to other circuits caused by
capacitive, inductive or conductive coupling. A first approach in order to minimize these
unwanted effects when designing a PCB is to follow certain PCB design guidelines. These
guidelines speed up the design process significantly but is necessary to investigate whether a
guideline is applicable to each design case [15].
Firstly, different circuits were placed relatively far from each other in order to reduce the risk
of coupling, while elements of the same circuit were placed close together to save circuit board
space. The battery monitoring IC and the cell voltage filtering circuitry were placed tightly
together. The power converters were placed far from the measurement circuit and the
microcontroller in order to ensure that chances of noise coupling in the analog measurements
and SPI communication are minimized.
A large ground plane, for the respective ground of the measuring circuit, helped to reduce the
signal current loop areas since they provided the signals with a close and low-impedance path.
The different power planes were placed on a single layer, while the power supply plane was placed
alone in a separate layer, in order to prevent coupling between two different power buses. To
furtherly minimize EMI, decoupling capacitors were placed as close to the power supply pins as
possible with direct via holes to the ground plane. Furthermore, certain ground plain cut-outs
were used in the proximity of high-frequency components, such as the ceramic resonator and the
inductor of the step-down regulator, in order to minimize high-frequency disturbances in the
ground plane.
All of the connectors onto the PCB were placed at the edges of the board in order to minimize
the length of the connector cables. The SPI lines were routed on the intermediate layer, buried
between power and ground planes, to minimize interaction with the rest of the circuit. The
distance of the microcontroller from the battery monitoring IC and the CAN transceiver was kept
as close as possible, to achieve the shortest trace length for their communication lines. For
5 | Hardware Description
balancing lines, 1mm trace width was used, while 0.3mm traces were used for all the other signal
Power Supply
As we already discussed, the monitoring and balancing circuit was placed tight together in the
left side of the PCB. The balancing resistors are located near the board’s edge, in order to provide
more space for heat dissipation without affecting the filtering and the measurement circuit. The
LTC6811 was placed in the center of the board, in order to efficiently route all the voltage
measurement lines. The microcontroller lies in the bottom part of the board, in a short distance
apart from the CAN transceiver and battery management IC. The power converters are situated
in the top part of the board, in order to minimize their impact on the rest of the circuits.
The through-air board cut-outs are placed directly underneath the isolation components to
furtherly reinforce the system’s isolation. A 6mm component clearance is implemented between
the measuring circuit side and the electronics side.
6 | Software Description
Software Description
6.1 Function Summary
The software is designed for the management of a 12-cell lithium-ion battery cell module. The
system continuously monitors the voltages of up to 12 lithium-ion battery cells. The board and
battery temperature are also measured, with 4 available battery temperature sensor inputs, and
4 integrated board temperature sensors. The cell temperature measurements are performed by
the battery management IC while the board temperature is monitored directly by the uController.
The system also controls the connection of a parallel resistor to each of the cell terminals, allowing
the implementation of passive cell balancing. The primary power supply rail is continuously
monitored by the uController, and the system is capable of switching to the secondary power
supply automatically, without brown-out problems, when a failure is detected. A CAN-bus
interface is also available but is not yet implemented in the current software version.
The software design is based on STMicroelectronics’s STM8 Standard Peripheral Library. The
STM8 uController peripherals that are used to achieve the system functionalities are the AD
converter, the SPI interface and an integrated programmable timer. The system implements a
simple clock-driven scheduling, using time triggered tasks, in order to meet the different
functionality requirements.
The SPI interface is used exclusively to communicate with the LTC6811 battery management
IC. The IC is unable to take any action on its own, and it requires certain valid commands received
on the SPI bus, in order to perform its different functionalities. These commands are transmitted
by the uController, which is responsible for the proper operation of LTC6811. The cell voltage and
temperature measurements are performed by the balancer IC, and the measurement data is then
transferred to the uController through the SPI bus. The balancing switches are activated through
dedicated drive pins of the LTC6811. The activation sequence as well as the switch selection is
decided by the uController and then commanded to the balancer IC.
The uController features a 12-bit ADC converter, which is used for the board temperature
sensor measurements as well as the power supply monitoring. The uController power supply
voltage is also used as reference voltage for the AD converter. The power supply rail channel is
measured continuously, while the temperature sensors are sampled every 500ms.
The data handling is implemented using static variables, global for each source(.c) file. This
approach was also used for visualization purposes. The global static variables can be monitored
in real time, using the debugger interface, while any local data, defined in functions, is not
accessible. Data can be also written on the fly, using the same interface allowing dynamic access
to the program data, which is very useful for development/debugging purposes.
• Normal Mode
• Autonomous Mode
• Sleep Mode
6 | Software Description
Normal Mode: This mode is entered when the module management unit is supplied by
the auxiliary battery supply and is communicating with the battery management unit. The
cell voltage and temperature readings are sent to the battery management unit in fixed
time intervals. The balancing actions, if required, are controlled by the battery
management unit, and carried out by the module management unit accordingly. This
balancing mode, will be referred as commanded balancing mode. In this operating mode,
the module management unit is functioning strictly as a slave unit, awaiting commands
from the master unit regarding the cell management.
Autonomous Mode: This mode is entered when the module management unit is not
supplied by the auxiliary battery supply, and power is drawn from the battery module to
supply the system. In the autonomous mode, the module management unit keeps
monitoring the cell voltages and temperatures and carries out any pending balancing
command that has been received from the battery management unit earlier. There is no
communication with the battery management unit as long as the system is in this
operation mode since there is no power supply in the bus side of the CAN transceiver.
After the pending balancing action are completed, the system can either transition to
Sleep Mode, or remain on Autonomous Mode and perform further balancing cycles. This
balancing mode is referred as autonomous balancing.
Sleep Mode: The sleep mode is directly entered when the module management unit is
not supplied by the auxiliary battery supply and there is no pending commanded
balancing request or the autonomous balancing mode is not furtherly required. In this
mode, the current consumption of the system shall be minimized and all the components
must enter a low-power mode. The system in this mode continues to be supplied by the
monitored battery module but remains in the low-power state until further action is
requested by the battery management unit.
The integrated uController timer TIM2 is used to provide a time base, for the clock driven time
triggered scheduling scheme that is used in the system. The internal oscillator is used as the
system clock, without prescaling, resulting in a CPU clock of 16MHz. The timer clock is prescaled
by a factor of 2048, and the reload value is set at 15000, which will provide a time base of 2
seconds, as dictated in the formula below:
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡
𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑(𝑠𝑒𝑐) = (38)
so, in our case,
2048 𝑥 15625
𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑(𝑠𝑒𝑐) = = 2 sec #(39)
The main function, after initialization of the uController and the balancer chip, configures the
timer, and enters an endless loop. In each execution, the counter value is stored in a variable, and
then compared to certain count values, which correspond to time intervals. When the timer value
matches a time interval compare value, the routine inside that conditional branch is executed.
6 | Software Description
The next figure illustrates the scheduling scheme of the system. The power supply monitoring
routine is executed continuously, while there are four major sub-routines, which are executed
every 10ms, 100ms, 500ms and 1s respectively.
The cell voltages are sampled every 10ms and averaged over a 100ms period. Along with the
cell voltages, the balancer UV/OV flags are read, in order to detect cell failure conditions. Every
100ms, a routine checks the UV/OV flags of each cell and starts an incremental counter in case of
a set flag. The most recent voltage samples are averaged, and the cell voltages are compared for
imbalances. In case an imbalance is detected, an incremental counter is set.
The cell and board temperatures are measured every 500ms. The battery temperature is
provided by the LTC6811, while the board temperature is monitored using the uController AD
converter. Moreover, the balancing parameters are checked and the cell balancing flags are set
or reset, regardless of the balancing mode. The control of the activation or deactivation of the
balancing switches is performed every 1 second, based on the most recent value of the cell
balancing flags.
The LTC6811 balancer IC can be interfaced via SPI communication. The main functionality of
the chip, is dictated by the contents of its configuration register group. The main configuration
options are made from the values of these registers. The chip is unable to operate or perform any
action without receiving proper commands from the SPI bus. These commands include read and
write register actions, as well as ADC triggering. A complete description of the registers and the
relevant commands can be found on the LTC6811 datasheet.
Each LTC6811 command has a unique 10-bit command code, which defines the command
functionality. There are 6 more extra bits, which are used for the IC addressing. Every data
exchange between the IC and the uController is verified through a CRC check over the transmitted
data, named packet error code (PEC). The correct PEC must be calculated and sent by the
uController along with the command code, in order for the command to be acknowledged and
accepted by the balancer IC. The IC calculates on his own the PEC of the data that it is transmitted,
so that a transmission data corruption check can be implemented.
The 4-wire serial port is configured to operate in a SPI system using CPHA=1 and CPOL=1.
Consequently, data on SDI (input port) must be stable during the rising edge of SCK (system clock).
The timing is depicted in the following figure. The maximum data rate is 1Mbps.
6 | Software Description
All data transfers on LTC6811 occur in byte groups. Every byte consists of 8 bits. Bytes are
transferred with the most significant bit (MSB) first. CSB must remain low for the entire duration
of a command sequence, including between a command byte and subsequent data. On a write
command, data is latched on the rising edge of CSB.
The Packet Error Code (PEC) is a 15-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value calculated for all
of the bits in a register group in the order they are passed, using the initial PEC value of 0x10, and
the following characteristic polynomial: 𝑥 15 + 𝑥 14 +𝑥10 + 𝑥 8 + 𝑥 7 + 𝑥 4 + 𝑥 3 + 1. The next
figure illustrates the simple procedure that can be established for the calculation of the 15-bit PEC
value. For longer data streams, the PEC is valid at the end of the last bit of data sent to the PEC
register [10].
The command formats are shown in the precious figures. Each command has a unique 11-bit
command code. Since the LTC6811-2 is used in our system, which is an addressable device, it will
respond to a command only if the physical address of the device on pins A3 to A0 match the
6 | Software Description
address specified in the address command. An address command has a value 1 for CMD0[7]
followed by the 4-bit address (a3,a2,a1,a0) of the device in bits CMD0[6:3].
There are two types of registers on the LTC6811 IC. The ones that store the data of the ADC
conversions and the internal diagnostics, and the control registers, that their content changes the
configuration and functionality of the IC. The registers are divided in register groups, depending
on their content. For a complete description of the registers and their contents, refer to the
LTC6811 datasheet.
The core registers of the IC, are found on the configuration register group (CFRG). The CFGR
consists of 6 registers, which store important values, and contain configuration bits for different
IC functionalities.
• ADCOPT: ADC mode selection, provides different ADC sampling values selection.
• GPIOx : Configures the GPIO pins of the IC (input/output – pull down on/off).
• VUV : Undervoltage Comparison Value = (VUV+1)*16*100uV (Default 0x000).
• VOV : Overvoltage Comparison Value = VOV*16*100uV (Default 0x000).
• DCCx : Discharge Cell x (1-> Activates Discharge Switch).
The cell voltage measurements are stored in four cell voltage register groups, (CVAR, CVBR,
CVCR, CVDR). The 16-bit measurements are stored in 8-bit registers, so every registers group
consists of 6 registers which contain the voltages of 3 cells. The auxiliary register groups (AVAR,
AVBR), contain the GPIO measurement data, as well as the internal reference voltage value. The
cell temperature values are stored in this register group. The status register groups (STAT, STBR),
contain the sum of cells measurement, the under-voltage and over-voltage flags, as well as the
internal LDO supply voltages.
LTC6811 Configuration - For the needs and requirements of our system the LTC6811 IC is
configured in the following manner:
6 | Software Description
The VUV and VOV are defined as constants in the source files and can be altered depending
on the application requirements. The DCCx values are initialized 0x00 (balancing switches de-
activated), but they are updated by software depending on the balancing modes.
Balance Switches Control - The cell balancing switches are controlled directly by the DCC bit
values of the configuration register group. In order to activate a balancing switch, the DCCx bit
must be set, and then the LTC6811 will activate the respective S(x) drive pins, which activates the
external pFET switch.
The process of triggering an AD conversion and reading the measurement data is identical for
the cell voltages, GPIO and status registers. First of all, a valid ADC command must be received by
the battery management IC, in order to initiate the conversion. Once the command is received,
the IC will start the conversion procedure. The uController needs to send an ADC poll command
to verify the end of conversion, or simply wait the necessary conversion time. The polling method
is preferred, because the ADC conversion time is different depending on the ADC configuration.
During the polling command, the balancer will pull the SDO SPI line low, while the conversion is
still in progress, and then release the SDO line when the conversion is finished.
Once the conversion is finished, the uController needs to send a read command, in order to
read the measurement results. Once the command is received, the balancer IC starts to transmit
the requested register data on the SPI bus. The next figure illustrates the ADC measurement
The LTC6811 offers some configuration options for the ADC conversions. The ADC is
configured by the ADC command code, which contains the following configuration bits:
• MD[1:0] : ADC Mode, offers different filtering option for the ADC measurement
• DCP : Discharge Permitted, when set, enables the ADC measurement when a cell
balancing switch is activated
• CH[2:0] : Channel Selection for the Cell Voltage ADC, selects the cell voltages to be
6 | Software Description
• CHG[2:0] : Channel Selection for the GPIO voltage ADC, selects the GPIO pins to be
• CHST[2:0]: Channel Selection for the Status voltage ADC, selects the status voltages to
be measured
This section describes the main system routines, and the way they interact with the
uController peripherals and balancer IC.
power_supply_monitor (): This routine continuously measures the primary power supply rail. The
rail voltage level is measured through a voltage divider. The system compares the measured value
to a critical threshold value. When the measured value is lower than this threshold value, an
incremental counter is set, representing a failure detection. If the failure is persistent for four
6 | Software Description
consecutive ADC readings, a power supply failure is considered present. In that case, the power
supply switch control signal is activated and the system transitions to the secondary (battery)
power supply.
ltc_monitor_cells(): This is the basic routine for the cell voltage measurements. After initiating a
cell voltage ADC command, the routine reads all the cell voltage registers of the balancer IC. Then,
the status registers are read, and the UV/OV bit-flags of the cells, are stored in 16-bit variables.
After the communication with the LTC6811 is completed, a moving average calculation function
is executed. This function sums up and averages the measured cell voltages, with a sample period
of 10 measurements.
cell_monitoring(): This routine extracts some basic data out of the cell voltage measurements.
The value of the 16-bit UV/OV flag variable is checked, and in case a bit flag is set, an incremental
counter is set, in order to determine if there is a real failure in the respective cell
(UV/OV_counter[cell]). The threshold values of these counters and the action regarding a failure
detection are handled by the cell_management() routine. If cell balancing is not activated,
meaning that the voltage measurements indicate the real state of the cells, the routine
implements a cell imbalance check. The cell with the minimum voltage is located, and the
remaining cell voltages are compared to a threshold deviation value. When a voltage deviation
value exceeds the threshold value, an incremental counter is set (inbalance_counter[cell]), in
order to determine if the deviation is persistent for a certain number of samples.
6 | Software Description
cell_management(): The control of the balancing procedure as well as the cell failure detection
are implemented in this routine. The UV and OV counter values set by the cell_monitoring()
routine are compared to certain threshold values, which represent time intervals. When a timer
value exceeds the time interval threshold, the corresponding cell is considered problematic, and
a respective failure bit-flag is set. The failure detection threshold values are adjustable and can be
set according to the battery technology specifications and needs.
Depending on the balancing state, the routine then sets the value of the cell_balance_flags
16-bit variable, which determines the state of the cell balancing switch. In the commanded
balancing mode, the value of the ubal_time[cell] parameter is checked for each cell. This value is
sent to the module management unit by the battery management unit and indicates the balancing
time for the corresponding cell, in minutes. If this value is positive, and is not exceeding the
maximum allowed balancing time, ubal_time_par, the system compares it to the last saved
6 | Software Description
ubal_time[cell] parameter value (ubal_history[cell]). In case the values are not equal, which
indicates that the value is updated, the respective bit-flag in cell_balance_flags is set.
The value of an incremental counter (balance_counter[cell]), which represents the elapsed
balancing time for each cell is compared to the latest ubal_time[cell], in order to determine
whether the balancing interval is over, and the cell balancing needs to be de-activated.
When the system is in the autonomous balancing mode, the cell imbalance counters set by
the cell_monitoring() routine are compared to a certain threshold values, representing a number
of consecutive deviation samples. When a counter value exceeds this threshold, the
corresponding bit in the cell_balance_flags is set, and a balancing time of 1min is assigned for this
cell, through the ubal_time[cell] parameter. The same procedure as in the commanded balancing
mode is followed, in order to reset the triggered cell_balance_flags bit-values, omitting the
balancing history check, which in this case is irrelevant.
6 | Software Description
measure_temperature(): This routine implements the monitoring regarding to the battery and
board temperature. The routine triggers an ADC conversion of the auxiliary registers on the
balancer IC, and the values of the relevant registers are then read back. After the battery
temperature measurement is completed, the board temperature sensors are measured. The ADC
measurements are converted to voltage values. The sensor resistance is found using voltage
divider equations, and then it is translated to temperature, through linear interpolation and a
look-up table of the resistance vs temperature curve of the NTC sensor.
cell_balance(): This routine controls the activation of the cell balancing switches. The value of the
cell_balance_flags determines which of the switches is activated. In case of a set bit-flag in
cell_balance_flags, an incremental counter is set (balance_counter[cell]), measuring the elapsed
time since the switch activation. The value of cell_balance_flags is then written on the DCC bits
of the configuration register group of LTC6811, activating each of the switches that its
corresponding bit-flag is set.
6 | Software Description
7 | Experimental Results
Experimental Results
In this chapter, we present the hardware testing and experimental results of the system. The
testing procedure was divided in two separate parts. First of all, the power converters were
isolated from the rest of the circuit so that we could verify that the previously specified functional
requirements are satisfied. Afterwards, some basic balancing experiments were laid out, in order
to prove the firmware functionality. The commanded and autonomous balancing algorithms were
used in these experiments, and their results are presented in the following sections.
Regarding the flyback converter, the testing procedure was divided in three parts in order to
prove that the power converter is able to provide the desired output voltage and current under
different load conditions within the specified input voltage range. Namely, the first examines the
minimum load behaviour, the second part examines the behaviour of the converter under
different resistive loads and the third part examines the load step-response of the circuit.
The input-output waveforms of the converter with a 200mA resistive load, and the start-up
transient response are presented in the following figures:
Observing the waveforms, we can conclude that the voltage output waveform of the
converter is compliant with the one described in the components datasheet. The output voltage
is approximately 12V with a ripple of 1V, which is sufficiently suppressed. The ripple value may be
7 | Experimental Results
considered value, but it is not unacceptable for our system, since the flyback output is fed to the
step-down regulator input capacitance, which can effectively smooth these voltage transients.
For the step-down regulator, a different approach was taken regarding the structure of the
testing procedure. The experiments were performed twice. At first, a power supply was
connected directly to the converter input so that we could verify the functionality of the circuit
alone. Subsequently, the testing procedure was repeated connecting the flyback converter to the
converter input.
As for the flyback converter, the testing procedure was divided in three parts in order to prove
that the power converter is able to provide the desired output voltage and current under different
load conditions within the specified input voltage range. The first part examines the minimum
load behaviour, the second examines the behaviour of the converter under different resistive
loads and the third examines the load step-response of the circuit.
The input-output voltage waveforms of the converter are presented in the following figures.
Figure 7.2 illustrates the circuit’s behaviour with an external power supply as input, while figure
7.3 illustrates the combined behaviour of the two power converters connected in series.
Input Voltage 12VDC - Load 250mA Load Variation – Min. to Max. Load
Ch. 1. Output Voltage 2 V/div 500 mV/div
Ch. 2. Input Voltage 5 V/div 1 V/div
7 | Experimental Results
It is evident by the oscilloscope captures that the flyback converter transients are reflected
on the output of the step-down regulator. Comparing the output voltages of the regulator in each
test case, we can observe that although its output is stable at 5V, when it is connected to the
flyback converter its voltage ripple is significantly larger. Nevertheless, the ripple is acceptable
since the transients are sufficiently suppressed and each component connected to the regulator
output is equipped with adequately sized input capacitors, which can effectively reject these
The purpose of the test cases of the power supply switch is to prove that the switch is able to
turn on and off at different loads and voltage levels. Furthermore, the turn-on time of the switch
is also measured in order to ensure that the transient response of the system is fast enough so
that the output of the step-down regulator remains active and stable.
The testing procedure was divided in four parts. First of all, the switch was tested with voltage
connected to its source side, acting like a simple turn-on voltage switch. Then, voltage was applied
both to its source and drain sides, using two external power supplies, in order to verify that the
circuit can effectively switch between voltage levels. In the third part, resistive loads were applied
to the drain side, examining the effect of load conditions on the switching performance. In the
final part, the output of the flyback converter was connected to the source side, which is the real
use case of the circuit.
Throughout the testing procedure the output of the step-down regulator was disconnected
from the rest of the system making sure that unexpected responses will not cause any damage to
the other components. The uController was also not interfaced in these tests, and the control
signal was produced by an external signal source.
The switching performance of the circuit is presented in the following figures. The voltage
levels are chosen as 52VDC for the high-side, representing the battery module nominal voltage,
and 12VDC for the low-side, which is the nominal output of the flyback regulator.
7 | Experimental Results
Switching 12VDC - 52VDC - Load 200mA Switching 12VDC – 52VDC - Load 200mA
Ch. 1. pFET Drain 10 V/div Regulator Output 2 V/div
Ch. 2. pFET Gate 10 V/div Regulator Input 10 V/div
Ch. 3. Control Signal 5 V/div Control Signal 5 V/div
Switching 12VDC - 52VDC - Load 200mA Switching 12VDC – 52VDC - Load 200mA
Ch. 1. pFET Drain 10 V/div Regulator Output 2 V/div
Ch. 2. pFET Gate 10 V/div Regulator Input 10 V/div
Ch. 3. Control Signal 5 V/div Control Signal 5 V/div
As we can observe from the waveforms in figure 7.4, a voltage spike is introduced in the pFET
gate voltage. The drain switching is smooth without any transients. The gate voltage transient is
then propagated to the regulator output waveform. Its amplitude was increasing with the drain
switching voltage level, with its peak reaching two times the nominal regulator output voltage.
The regulator output transient is sufficiently suppressed in 5us, but this duration is capable of
causing overvoltage problems to the system. From the resistive loads tests, we can safely
conclude that the load conditions do not affect the switching performance. The switching
response times and waveforms are equivalent to the minimum load conditions. Nevertheless, the
regulator output transient is still present, but it is not dependent on the load values.
The flyback converter does not affect the performance of the switch, as it is clearly illustrated
in Figure 7.5. The waveforms and the switching response time are equivalent to the previous test
case. The regulator voltage transients are still present and are not affected by the presence of the
flyback converter.
7 | Experimental Results
Switching 12VDC - 52VDC - Load 200mA Switching 12VDC – 52VDC - Load 200mA
Ch. 1. pFET Drain 10 V/div Regulator Output 2 V/div
Ch. 2. pFET Gate 10 V/div Regulator Input 10 V/div
Ch. 3. Control Signal 5 V/div Control Signal 5 V/div
The voltage transients in the regulator output are not desired. A low pass filter was used in
the load switch control signal, in order to decrease the slew rate of the control pulse. In addition,
a capacitor was placed between the pFET gate and source terminals, in order to furtherly
smoothen the gate voltage switching waveform. Since, as we mentioned, the load conditions did
not affect the switching performance, the following test was conducted in maximum load.
As illustrated in Figure 7.6, the additional components significantly reduce the regulator
output voltage transients. The capacitor also affects the switching time, increasing the switching
response but not outside of the accepted range. The selected value of 22nF was considered
optimal since a large value of capacitance would increase the response time even more.
The updated topology of the power supply switch is presented in the following figure. The
components that were added to the original design are necessary to achieve the desired
performance of the circuit.
A battery module of twelve lithium-ion cells connected in series was used throughout the
experiments. The module featured integrated voltage measurement probes for each cell as well
as four NTC temperature sensor probes. The module management unit was connected directly to
7 | Experimental Results
the measurement lines and a PC interface was used for monitoring and data logging purposes.
The experimental setup is shown in the following figure:
7 | Experimental Results
The values of certain variables of interest are displayed on the right side of the figure, in the
form of bar graphs, which enables an easy real-time monitoring of the system. On the upper left,
we can see the full memory map, in which we can change any desired variable value. This way we
can for example, enable of disable balancing switches in the commanded balancing mode, change
the cell overvoltage or undervoltage threshold or switch between the different balancing modes.
For the commanded balancing experiments, the battery module was connected to the
module management unit without any charge imbalances. Then the balancing circuit was
manually activated, through the STM Studio, for a specific number of cells. The cell voltage
waveforms for each cell are presented in Figure 7.11. The board temperature was also measured
throughout these experiments, in order to monitor the thermal performance of the board.
7 | Experimental Results
7 | Experimental Results
The balancing circuits for cells 2, 5, 8 and 11, in respect to the bottom of the cell stack, were
activated for two minutes in this experiment, as illustrated in figure 7.12. These cells were
selected due to their proximity to the board temperature sensors. As we expected, a uniform
voltage drop is produced in each cell during the balancing activation, since the cells discharge with
an equal balancing current. In figure 7.13, we can observe the rise in board temperature during
the balancing cycle due to the heat dissipation of the balancing resistors.
For this phase of the experiments, certain cells of the battery module were externally
discharged, introducing small charge imbalances, in order to test the effectiveness of the
autonomous balancing algorithm. The cell voltage waveforms for each cell are presented in Figure
7 | Experimental Results
7 | Experimental Results
In figure 7.15 we can see the balancing cycles determined by the autonomous algorithm. As
we expected, the cells with the lowest voltage were not selected for balancing, while the over-
charged cells were discharged for 30 seconds, depending on whether or not they met the
imbalance threshold. Furthermore, we may observe that the selected cells differ from cycle to
cycle which indicates that the algorithm is sensitive to small voltage deviations. Nevertheless, the
voltage drops in the balanced cells are once again uniform, which is expected due to the equal
balancing currents.
The board heat dissipation distribution is different from the commanded balancing
experiment. As illustrated in figure 7.16, the board areas with active balancing circuits present a
significant rise in temperature in respect to areas where the balancing circuits are inactive.
8 | Conclusions and Future Work
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Appendix A Module Management Unit Schematics
Appendix B Microcontroller Software
1. /* Includes ---------------------------------------------------------*/ #
2. include "stm8s.h"#
3. define SECOND(7500 u) static uint8_t balance_type = 0;
4. static uint16_t current_time = 0;
5. void main(void) {
6. CLK_init();
7. GPIO_init();
8. ADC2_init();
9. SPI_init();
10. ltc_init();
11. TIM2_init();
12. while (1) {
13. current_time = TIM2_GetCounter();
14. power_supply_monitor();
15. if ((current_time % (SECOND / 100)) == 0) {
16. ltc_monitor_cells();
17. }
18. if ((current_time % (SECOND / 10)) == 0) {
19. cell_monitoring();
20. }
21. if ((current_time % (SECOND / 2)) == 0) {
22. cell_management();
23. measure_temperature();
24. }
25. if ((current_time % SECOND) == 0) {
26. if (balance_type != 0) {
27. GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_3);
28. } else {
29. GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_3);
30. }
31. cell_balance();
32. GPIO_WriteReverse(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_3);
33. }
34. }
35. }
36. void CLK_init(void) {
37. CLK_DeInit();
41. while (CLK_GetFlagStatus(CLK_FLAG_HSIRDY) == FALSE);
42. CLK_ClockSwitchCmd(ENABLE);
46. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_SPI, ENABLE);
47. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_I2C, DISABLE);
48. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_ADC, ENABLE);
49. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_AWU, DISABLE);
50. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_UART1, DISABLE);
51. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER1, DISABLE);
52. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER2, ENABLE);
53. CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_PERIPHERAL_TIMER4, DISABLE);
54. }
55. void GPIO_init(void) { /* De-Initialize GPIO Ports */
56. GPIO_DeInit(GPIOA);
57. GPIO_DeInit(GPIOB);
58. GPIO_DeInit(GPIOC);
59. GPIO_DeInit(GPIOD);
60. GPIO_DeInit(GPIOE); /* Initialize SS Pin */
MOSI Pins */
64. GPIO_Init(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_7, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_HIGH_FAST); /* Initialize ADC2 Channe
l Pins */
71. GPIO_Init(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_MODE_IN_FL_NO_IT); /* Power Supply Switch Control
Signal */
72. GPIO_Init(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_1, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_LOW_FAST); /* Initialize Status LED *
76. }
77. void SPI_init(void) { /* De-Initialize SPI Inteface */
78. SPI_DeInit(); /* Initialize SPI in Master mode */
t8_t) 0x07); /* Wait for Initialization */
80. Delay(0xff); /* Enable the SPI*/
81. SPI_Cmd(ENABLE);
82. }
83. void ADC2_init(void) {
84. ADC2_DeInit();
86. ADC2_Cmd(ENABLE);
87. }
88. void TIM2_init(void) {
89. TIM2_DeInit();
90. TIM2_TimeBaseInit(TIM2_PRESCALER_2048, 15000);
91. TIM2_Cmd(ENABLE);
92. }
93. uint8_t get_balance_type() {
94. return balance_type;
95. }
96. void Delay(uint16_t nCount) { /* Decrement nCount value */
97. while (nCount != 0) {
98. nCount--;
99. }
100. }#
101. ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT
102. /** * @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number *
where the assert_param error has occurred. * @param file: pointer to the source fil
e name * @param line: assert_param error line source number * @retval None */
103. void assert_failed(uint8_t * file, uint32_t line) {
104. /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line numb
er, ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
105. /* Infinite loop */
106. while (1) {}
107. }#
108. endif
1. #
2. include "stm8s.h" /*-------- Global Constants --------*/ /*-------
- Cell Voltage Deviation Threshold Value --------*/ #
3. define BALANCE_THRESHOLD(50 u) /* Value in (100uV) */ /*-------
- uController ADC Reference Voltage --------
*/ # define uC_ADC_REF_VOLTAGE(50000 u) /* Value in (100uV) */ /*-------
- Temperature Sensor Resistor Divider Fixed Resistance Value --------
*/ # define BOARD_NTC_R_REF(10000 u) /* Value in (Ohm) */ /* Board Temperature Sensor
Resistance LUT */ static
4. const uint16_t BOARD_NTC_LUT_RES[26] = {
5. 26444, 21493, 17586, 14481, 11998, 10000, 8355, 7004, 5891, 4972, 4211, 3579, 3053,
2613, 2244, 1934, 1672, 1451, 1263, 1103, 966, 849, 748, 661, 586, 521
6. }; /* Board Temperature Sensor Temperature LUT */
7. static
8. const uint16_t BOARD_NTC_LUT_TEMP[26] = {
9. 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100,
105, 110, 115, 120, 125
10. };
11. static uint8_t ubal_time[CELL_NUMBER];
12. static uint8_t ubal_history[CELL_NUMBER];
13. static uint8_t ubal_time_par = 5;
14. static uint8_t power_supply_fail_counter = 0;
15. static uint8_t cell_uv_counter[CELL_NUMBER] = {
16. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
17. };
18. static uint8_t cell_ov_counter[CELL_NUMBER] = {
19. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
20. };
21. static uint8_t shut_down = 0;
22. static uint8_t sample_count = 1;
23. static uint8_t fail = 0;
24. static uint8_t cell_imbalance_counter[CELL_NUMBER] = {
25. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
26. };
27. static uint16_t cell_balance_counter[CELL_NUMBER] = {
28. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
29. };
30. static uint16_t cell_balance_flags;
31. static uint16_t ucell_uv;
32. static uint16_t ucell_ov;
33. static uint16_t ucell_min;
34. static uint16_t min_index;
35. static uint16_t board_temp[4];
36. static uint16_t mmu_temp[8];
37. static uint16_t celsius_temperature[4];
38. static uint16_t ucell_moving_average[CELL_NUMBER];
39. static uint32_t ucell_voltage_samples_sum[CELL_NUMBER];
40. /** * @brief Returns the current value of @param (cell_balance_flags). * @param Non
e * @retval (uint16_t) cell_balance_flags */
41. uint16_t get_balance_flags() {
42. return cell_balance_flags;
43. }
44. /** * @brief Increments the value of @param (cell_balance_counter[index]) * @par
am (uint8_t) index, indicates the array element to be incremented * @retval None *
45. void increment_balance_counter(uint8_t index) {
46. cell_balance_counter[index]++;
47. }
48. /** * @brief Returns the current value of @param (board_temp[index]) * @param (
uint8_t) index, indicates the array element to be returned * @retval (uint16_t) boar
d_temp[index] */
49. uint16_t get_board_temp(uint8_t index) {
50. return board_temp[index];
51. }
52. /** * @brief Routine which triggers the cell voltage & status measurements * @pa
ram None * @retval None */
53. void ltc_monitor_cells() {
54. ltc_measure_registers(CELL_VOLTAGE);
55. Delay(0xfff);
56. ltc_measure_registers(STATUS);
57. Delay(0xfff);
58. calculate_moving_average();
59. }
60. /** * @brief Routine which triggers the cell & board temperature measurements *
@param None * @retval None */
61. void measure_temperature() {
62. ltc_measure_registers(GPIO);
63. Delay(0xfff);
64. temp_adc_conversion();
65. temperature_conversion();
66. }
67. /** * @brief Routine which monitors the power supply rail, and contro
ls the power supply selection switch * @param None * @retval None */
68. void power_supply_monitor() {
69. uint16_t supply_rail_ADC;
70. uint16_t supply_rail;
72. ADC2_StartConversion();
73. while (ADC2_GetFlagStatus() == RESET) {}
74. supply_rail_ADC = ADC2_GetConversionValue();
75. supply_rail = supply_rail_ADC * 5;
76. if (supply_rail < 2700) {
77. power_supply_fail_counter++;
78. } else {
79. power_supply_fail_counter = 0;
80. }
81. if (shut_down == 0) {
82. if (power_supply_fail_counter > 3) {
83. fail = 1;
84. }
85. if (supply_rail > 2700) {
86. fail = 0;
87. }
88. } else {
89. fail = 0;
90. }
91. if (fail == 1) {
92. GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_1);
93. GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_3);
94. } else {
95. GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_1);
96. GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_3);
97. }
98. }
99. /** * @brief Routine which monitors the cell status flags and detects UV and OV c
onditions, finds the cell with the minimum average voltage and detects cell
imbalances * @param None * @retval None */
100. void cell_monitoring() {
101. uint8_t cell_index;
102. uint16_t uv_registers;
103. uint16_t ov_registers;
104. UCELL_MIN = 50000;
105. min_index = 0;
106. uv_registers = get_uv_registers();
107. ov_registers = get_ov_registers();
108. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++) {
109. if ((uv_registers & (0x01 << cell_index)) != 0) {
110. cell_uv_counter[cell_index]++;
111. } else {
112. cell_uv_counter[cell_index] = 0;
113. }
114. if ((ov_registers & (0x01 << cell_index)) != 0) {
115. cell_ov_counter[cell_index]++;
116. } else {
117. cell_ov_counter[cell_index] = 0;
118. }
119. }
120. if (get_balance_flags() == 0) {
121. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++) {
122. if (ucell_moving_average[cell_index] < UCELL_MIN) {
123. UCELL_MIN = ucell_moving_average[cell_index];
124. min_index = cell_index;
125. }
126. }
127. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++) {
128. if (cell_index != min_index) {
129. if ((ucell_moving_average[cell_index] - UCELL_MIN) > BALANCE
130. cell_imbalance_counter[cell_index]++;
131. } else {
132. cell_imbalance_counter[cell_index] = 0;
133. }
134. }
135. }
136. }
137. }
138. /** * @brief Routine which sets the UV and OV flags, and controls the bala
ncing procedure by setting/resetting the cell balance flags * @param None
* @retval None */
139. void cell_management() {
140. uint8_t cell_index;
141. uint8_t current_balance_type;
142. current_balance_type = get_balance_type();
143. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++) {
144. if (cell_uv_counter[cell_index] > 30) {
145. UCELL_UV |= (0x01 << cell_index);
146. cell_balance_flags &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
147. } else {
148. UCELL_UV &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
149. }
150. if (cell_ov_counter[cell_index] > 30) {
151. UCELL_OV |= (0x01 << cell_index);
152. } else {
153. UCELL_OV &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
154. }
155. }
156. switch (current_balance_type) {
157. case 2:
158. {
159. if (get_balance_flags() == 0) {
160. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_inde
x++) {
161. if (cell_imbalance_counter[cell_index] > 50) {
162. UBAL_TIME[cell_index] = 1;
163. } else {
164. UBAL_TIME[cell_index] = 0;
165. }
166. }
167. }
168. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++)
169. if (UBAL_TIME[cell_index] > 0) {
170. if (UBAL_TIME[cell_index] <= UBAL_TIME_PAR) {
171. cell_balance_flags |= (0x01 << cell_index);
172. cell_imbalance_counter[cell_index] = 0;
173. }
174. } else if (UBAL_TIME[cell_index] == 0) {
175. cell_balance_flags &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
176. cell_balance_counter[cell_index] = 0;
177. }
178. if (cell_balance_counter[cell_index] > (UBAL_TIME[cell_i
ndex] * MINUTES)) {
179. cell_balance_flags &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
180. cell_balance_counter[cell_index] = 0;
181. }
182. }
183. break;
184. }
185. case 1:
186. {
187. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++)
188. if (UBAL_TIME[cell_index] > 0) {
189. if (UBAL_TIME[cell_index] <= UBAL_TIME_PAR) {
190. if (UBAL_TIME[cell_index] != UBAL_history[cell_i
ndex]) {
191. cell_balance_flags |= (0x01 << cell_index);
192. }
193. }
194. if (cell_balance_counter[cell_index] > (UBAL_TIME[ce
ll_index] * MINUTES)) {
195. cell_balance_flags &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
196. cell_balance_counter[cell_index] = 0;
197. }
198. UBAL_history[cell_index] = UBAL_TIME[cell_index];
199. } else if (UBAL_TIME[cell_index] == 0) {
200. cell_balance_flags &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
201. cell_balance_counter[cell_index] = 0;
202. }
203. }
204. break;
205. }
206. case 0:
207. {
208. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++)
209. cell_balance_flags &= ~(0x01 << cell_index);
210. cell_balance_counter[cell_index] = 0;
211. }
212. break;
213. }
214. }
215. }
216. /** * @brief Routine which performs ADC conversions for the board temperat
ure sensor readings * @param None * @retval None */
217. void temp_adc_conversion() {
218. uint8_t index;
223. ADC2_StartConversion();
224. while (ADC2_GetFlagStatus() == RESET) {}
225. board_temp[1] = ADC2_GetConversionValue();
227. ADC2_StartConversion();
228. while (ADC2_GetFlagStatus() == RESET) {}
229. board_temp[2] = ADC2_GetConversionValue();
231. ADC2_StartConversion();
232. while (ADC2_GetFlagStatus() == RESET) {}
233. board_temp[3] = ADC2_GetConversionValue();
234. }
235. /** * @brief Routine which converts the board temperature sensor voltage r
eadings to temperature values in degrees Celsius * @param None * @retval
None */
236. void temperature_conversion() {
237. uint8_t index;
238. uint32_t temp_voltage;
239. uint32_t voltage_divider_num;
240. uint32_t voltage_divider_denom;
241. uint16_t board_ntc_resistance[4];
242. for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
243. MMU_TEMP[index + 4] = get_ucell_temp(index);
244. MMU_TEMP[index] = get_BOARD_TEMP(index);
245. }
246. for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
247. temp_voltage = ((uint32_t)(MMU_TEMP[index]) * uC_ADC_REF_VOLTAGE);
248. MMU_TEMP[index] = (uint16_t)(temp_voltage / (1023 u));
249. voltage_divider_num = ((uint32_t)(MMU_TEMP[index]) * BOARD_NTC_R_REF
250. voltage_divider_denom = uC_ADC_REF_VOLTAGE - MMU_TEMP[index];
251. board_ntc_resistance[index] = (uint16_t)(voltage_divider_num / volta
252. }
253. convert_resistance_to_temperature(board_ntc_resistance);
254. }
255. /** * @brief Routine which translates the board temperature sensor
resistance value to temperature using linear interpolation * @param None * @re
tval None */
256. void convert_resistance_to_temperature(uint16_t R_ntc[]) {
257. uint8_t lut_index;
258. uint8_t lut_row_index = 0;
259. uint8_t ntc_index;
260. uint16_t numerator;
261. uint16_t denominator;
262. for (ntc_index = 0; ntc_index < 4; ntc_index++) {
263. for (lut_index = 0; lut_index < 26; lut_index++) {
264. if (BOARD_NTC_LUT_RES[lut_index] > R_ntc[ntc_index] && BOARD_NTC
_LUT_RES[lut_index + 1] <= R_ntc[ntc_index]) {
265. lut_row_index = lut_index; /*save the found interpolation st
art point and exit loop*/
266. break;
267. }
268. }
269. numerator = (BOARD_NTC_LUT_RES[lut_row_index] - R_ntc[ntc_index]);
270. numerator = numerator * (BOARD_NTC_LUT_TEMP[lut_row_index + 1] - BOA
271. denominator = BOARD_NTC_LUT_RES[lut_row_index] - BOARD_NTC_LUT_RES[l
ut_row_index + 1];
272. celsius_temperature[ntc_index] = (BOARD_NTC_LUT_TEMP[lut_row_index])
+ (numerator / denominator);
273. }
274. }
275. /** * @brief Routine which calculates the moving average of the
measured cell voltages every 10 data samples * @param None * @retval None */
276. void calculate_moving_average(void) {
277. uint8_t index;
278. for (index = 0; index < 12; index++) {
279. if (sample_count == 1) {
280. ucell_voltage_samples_sum[index] = get_ucell_data(index);
281. } else {
282. ucell_voltage_samples_sum[index] = ucell_voltage_samples_sum[index]
+ (uint32_t)(get_ucell_data(index));
283. }
284. }
285. sample_count++;
286. if (sample_count == 11) {
287. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < CELL_NUMBER; cell_index++) {
288. ucell_moving_average[cell_index] = (uint16_t)(ucell_voltage_samples_
sum[cell_index] / (sample_count - 1));
289. }
290. sample_count = 1;
291. }
292. }
1. #
2. include "cdd_ltc6811.h" /*--------- Static Variables ------------*/
3. static uint8_t cfgr_data[6];
4. static uint16_t adcv_cfg;
5. static uint16_t adaux_cfg;
6. static uint16_t adstat_cfg;
7. static uint16_t ucell[CELL_NUMBER];
8. static uint16_t ucell_temp[4];
9. static uint16_t ucell_uv_registers;
10. static uint16_t ucell_ov_registers;
11. static uint8_t command_data[12];
12. static uint8_t ltc_register_group[8];
13. static uint16_t gpio_voltage_adc[6];
14. static uint16_t status_voltage_adc[6];
15. static uint16_t calc_PEC;
16. static double UV_THRESHOLD = 3;
17. static double OV_THRESHOLD = 4.2; /*--------- Static Constants ------------*/
18. static
19. const uint16_t PEC_Table[16] = {
20. 0x0000, 0x4599, 0x4EAB, 0x0B32, 0x58CF, 0x1D56, 0x1664, 0x53FD, 0x7407, 0x319E, 0x3
AAC, 0x7F35, 0x2CC8, 0x6951, 0x6263, 0x27FA
21. }; /*--------- CFGR Default Values ------------*/
22. struct LTC_CFGR_PARAMETERS cfgr_default = {
23. REFON_ENABLED, DTEN_DISABLED, DEFAULT, PD_OFF, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00
24. }; /*--------- LTC ADC Configuration Values ------------*/
25. struct LTC_ADC_PARAMETERS adc_default = {
27. };
28. struct LTC_CFGR_PARAMETERS cfgr_current = {
29. REFON_ENABLED, DTEN_DISABLED, DEFAULT, PD_OFF, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00
30. };
31. /** * @brief Returns the current value of @param (ucell[index]). * @param (uint8_t)
index, indicates the array element to be returned * @retval (uint16_t) ucell[index]
32. uint16_t get_ucell_data(uint8_t index) {
33. return ucell[index];
34. }
35. /** * @brief Returns the current value of @param (ucell_temp[index]). * @param
(uint8_t) index, indicates the array element to be returned * @retval (uint16_t) ucell
_temp[index] */
36. uint16_t get_ucell_temp(uint8_t index) {
37. return ucell_temp[index];
38. }
39. /** * @brief Returns the current value of @param (ucell_uv_registers). * @param
None * @retval (uint16_t) ucell_uv_registers */
40. uint16_t get_uv_registers() {
41. return ucell_uv_registers;
42. }
43. /** * @brief Returns the current value of @param (ucell_ov_registers). * @param
None * @retval (uint16_t) ucell_ov_registers */
44. uint16_t get_ov_registers() {
45. return ucell_ov_registers;
46. }
47. /** * @brief Creates the ADC configuration data based on the given adc parameters
. * @param (LTC_ADC_PARAMETERS) ADC_config - contains the configuration bits * @retv
al None */
48. void ltc_adc_config(struct LTC_ADC_PARAMETERS ADC_config) {
49. adcv_cfg = 0x0000 | (((uint16_t)(ADC_config.mode << 7)) | ((uint16_t)(ADC_confi
g.dcp)) | ((uint16_t)(ADC_config.ch)));
50. adaux_cfg = 0x0000 | ((uint16_t)(ADC_config.mode << 7) | ((uint16_t)(ADC_config
51. adstat_cfg = 0x0000 | ((uint16_t)(ADC_config.mode << 7) | ((uint16_t)(ADC_confi
52. }
53. /** * @brief Creates the CFGR data based on the given parameters. * @param (LTC
_CFGR_PARAMETERS) cfgr_config - contains the configuration bits * @retval None */
54. void ltc_cfgr_config(struct LTC_CFGR_PARAMETERS cfgr_config) {
55. cfgr_data[0] = (uint8_t) cfgr_config.adcopt + (uint8_t) cfgr_config.dten + (uin
t8_t) cfgr_config.refon + (uint8_t) cfgr_config.gpiox;
56. cfgr_data[1] = (uint8_t) cfgr_config.vuv;
57. cfgr_data[2] = (uint8_t)(cfgr_config.vuv >> 8) | (uint8_t)(cfgr_config.vov << 4
58. cfgr_data[3] = (uint8_t)(cfgr_config.vov >> 4);
59. cfgr_data[4] = (uint8_t)(cfgr_config.dcc);
60. cfgr_data[5] = (uint8_t)(cfgr_config.dcc >> 8) | (uint8_t)(cfgr_config.dcto <<
61. }
62. /** * @brief Initializes the CFGR and ADC registers of the LTC6811 * @param Non
e * @retval None */
63. void ltc_init(void) {
64. uint8_t cell_index;
65. set_uv_threshold(UV_THRESHOLD);
66. set_ov_threshold(OV_THRESHOLD);
67. cfgr_current = cfgr_default;
68. ltc_cfgr_config(cfgr_current);
69. ltc_adc_config(adc_default);
70. ltc_write_command(WRCFGA, cfgr_data);
71. Delay(0xfff);
72. }
73. /** * @brief Controls the activation of the external balancing FETs * @param No
ne * @retval None */
74. void cell_balance() {
75. uint8_t cell_index;
76. uint16_t current_balance_flags;
77. current_balance_flags = get_balance_flags();
78. for (cell_index = 0; cell_index < 12; cell_index++) {
79. if ((current_balance_flags & (0x01 << cell_index)) != 0) {
80. increment_balance_counter(cell_index);
81. }
82. }
83. cfgr_current.DCC = current_balance_flags;
84. ltc_cfgr_config(cfgr_current);
85. ltc_write_command(WRCFGA, cfgr_data);
86. Delay(0xfff);
87. }
88. /** * @brief Function that initiates the LTC6811 register group data read-
out * @param (ADC_SELECT) adc_input - indicates which LTC6811 register group to be me
asured * @retval None */
89. void ltc_measure_registers(ADC_SELECT adc_input) {
90. switch (adc_input) {
91. case CELL_VOLTAGE:
92. {
93. ltc_cell_measure();
94. break;
95. }
96. case GPIO:
97. {
98. ltc_gpio_measure();
99. break;
100. }
101. case STATUS:
102. {
103. ltc_status_measure();
104. break;
105. }
106. }
107. }
108. /** * @brief Routine that initiates cell voltage ADC, reads out the cell v
oltage registers and decodes the cell voltage register data to actual cell v
oltage values * @param None * @retval None */
109. void ltc_cell_measure(void) {
110. ltc_poll_command(PLADC);
111. ltc_adc_command(ADCV, adcv_cfg);
112. ltc_poll_command(PLADC);
113. ltc_read_command(RDCVA, ltc_register_group);
114. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, ucell, A);
115. ltc_read_command(RDCVB, ltc_register_group);
116. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, ucell, B);
117. ltc_read_command(RDCVC, ltc_register_group);
118. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, ucell, C);
119. ltc_read_command(RDCVD, ltc_register_group);
120. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, ucell, D);
121. }
122. /** * @brief Routine that initiates GPIO ADC, reads out the GPIO registers
and decodes the GPIO register data to voltage measurements * @param None
* @retval None */
123. void ltc_gpio_measure(void) {
124. ltc_poll_command(PLADC);
125. ltc_adc_command(ADAX, adaux_cfg);
126. ltc_poll_command(PLADC);
127. ltc_read_command(RDAUXA, ltc_register_group);
128. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, gpio_voltage_adc, A);
129. ltc_read_command(RDAUXB, ltc_register_group);
130. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, gpio_voltage_adc, B);
131. memcpy(ucell_temp, gpio_voltage_adc + 1, 4 * sizeof(uint16_t));
132. }
133. /** * @brief Routine that initiates the LTC6811 status ADC, reads out the
status registers and decodes the status register data * @param None * @r
etval None */
134. void ltc_status_measure(void) {
135. ltc_poll_command(PLADC);
136. ltc_adc_command(ADSTAT, ADSTAT_CFG);
137. ltc_poll_command(PLADC);
138. ltc_read_command(RDSTATA, ltc_register_group);
139. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, status_voltage_adc, A);
140. ltc_read_command(RDSTATB, ltc_register_group);
141. decode_register_data(ltc_register_group, status_voltage_adc, B);
142. decode_uv_ov_flags(status_voltage_adc);
143. }
144. /** * @brief Decodes the 16-bit adc voltage measurement data from the 8-
bit LTC6811 registers * @param (uint8_t) register_data[] - LTC6811 raw regi
ster data (uint16_t) adc_data[] - 16-
bit adc voltage measurement (REGISTER_GROUP_ID) register_group - LTC6811 re
gister group * @retval None */
145. void decode_register_data(uint8_t register_data[], uint16_t adc_data[], REGISTER
_GROUP_ID register_group) {
146. uint8_t adc_index;
147. uint8_t register_index;
148. register_index = 0;
149. for (adc_index = register_group; adc_index < register_group + 3; adc_ind
ex++) {
150. adc_data[adc_index] = (uint16_t)(register_data[register_index]) + (u
int16_t)(register_data[register_index + 1] << 8);
151. register_index = register_index + 2;
152. }
153. }
154. /** * @brief Translates the decoded 16-
bit status register data and stores the UV and OV flags in a single 16-
bit variable * @param (uint16_t) register_data[] - LTC6811 decoded status register d
ata * @retval None */
155. void decode_uv_ov_flags(uint16_t register_data[]) {
156. uint8_t status_register_flags[3];
157. uint8_t uv_flags[3];
158. uint8_t ov_flags[3];
159. int i;
160. status_register_flags[0] = (uint8_t)(register_data[4]);
161. status_register_flags[1] = (uint8_t)(register_data[4] >> 8);
162. status_register_flags[2] = (uint8_t)(register_data[5]);
163. for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
164. uv_flags[i] = 0x00 | (0x01 & status_register_flags[i]);
165. uv_flags[i] = uv_flags[i] | ((0x04 & status_register_flags[i]) >> 1)
166. uv_flags[i] = uv_flags[i] | ((0x10 & status_register_flags[i]) >> 2)
167. uv_flags[i] = uv_flags[i] | ((0x40 & status_register_flags[i]) >> 3)
168. }
169. ucell_uv_registers = (uint16_t)(((uint8_t)(uv_flags[0] | (uv_flags[1] <<
4))) | ((uint16_t)(uv_flags[2] << 8)));
170. for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
171. ov_flags[i] = 0x00 | ((0x02 & status_register_flags[i]) >> 1);
172. ov_flags[i] = ov_flags[i] | ((0x08 & status_register_flags[i]) >> 2)
173. ov_flags[i] = ov_flags[i] | ((0x20 & status_register_flags[i]) >> 3)
174. ov_flags[i] = ov_flags[i] | ((0x80 & status_register_flags[i]) >> 4)
175. }
176. ucell_ov_registers = (uint16_t)(((uint8_t)(ov_flags[0] | (ov_flags[1] <<
4))) | ((uint16_t)(ov_flags[2] << 8)));
177. }
178. /** * @brief Routine that forms the command that writes data on the LTC681
1 registers * @param (LTC_CC) code - LTC6811 command code (uint8_t)dat
a[] - data to be transfered to the LTC6811 * @retval None */
179. void ltc_write_command(LTC_CC code, uint8_t data[]) {
180. command_data[0] = (uint8_t)(code >> 8);
181. command_data[1] = (uint8_t)(code);
182. calc_PEC = calculate_PEC(command_data, 2);
183. command_data[2] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC >> 8);
184. command_data[3] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC);
185. memcpy(command_data + 4, data, spi_data_length);
186. calc_PEC = calculate_PEC(data, 6);
187. command_data[10] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC >> 8);
188. command_data[11] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC);
189. ltc_spi_write(command_data);
190. }
191. /** * @brief Routine that forms the command that reads data from the LTC68
11 registers * @param (LTC_CC) code - LTC6811 command code (uint8_
t)rx_data[] - data read back from the LTC6811 registers * @retval None */
192. void ltc_read_command(LTC_CC code, uint8_t rx_data[]) {
193. command_data[0] = (uint8_t)(code >> 8);
194. command_data[1] = (uint8_t)(code);
195. calc_PEC = calculate_PEC(command_data, 2);
196. command_data[2] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC >> 8);
197. command_data[3] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC);
198. ltc_spi_write_read(command_data, rx_data);
199. }
200. /** * @brief Routine that forms the command that triggers an ADC conversio
n on the LTC6811 * @param (LTC_CC) code - LTC6811 command code (ui
nt16_t)config - ADC configuration bits * @retval None */
201. void ltc_adc_command(LTC_CC code, uint16_t config) {
202. code = (uint16_t)(code | config);
203. command_data[0] = (uint8_t)(code >> 8);
204. command_data[1] = (uint8_t)(code);
205. calc_PEC = calculate_PEC(command_data, 2);
206. command_data[2] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC >> 8);
207. command_data[3] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC);
208. ltc_spi_write(command_data);
209. }
210. /** * @brief Routine that forms the command that polls the LTC6811 ADC con
verter status * @param (LTC_CC) code - LTC6811 command code * @retval None
211. void ltc_poll_command(LTC_CC code) {
212. command_data[0] = (uint8_t)(code >> 8);
213. command_data[1] = (uint8_t)(code);
214. calc_PEC = calculate_PEC(command_data, 2);
215. command_data[2] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC >> 8);
216. command_data[3] = (uint8_t)(calc_PEC);
217. ltc_spi_poll(command_data);
218. }
219. /** * @brief Function that calculates the UV threshold value to be written
in the LTC6811 CFGR registers * @param (double) uv_threshold - UV threshold value
in Volts * @retval None */
220. void set_uv_threshold(double uv_threshold) {
221. cfgr_default.VUV = (uint16_t)((uv_threshold - 0.0016) / 0.0016);
222. cfgr_current.VUV = (uint16_t)((uv_threshold - 0.0016) / 0.0016);
223. }
224. /** * @brief Function that calculates the OV threshold value to be written
in the LTC6811 CFGR registers * @param (double) ov_threshold - OV threshold value
in Volts * @retval None */
225. void set_ov_threshold(double ov_threshold) {
226. cfgr_default.VOV = (uint16_t)(ov_threshold / 0.0016);
227. cfgr_current.VOV = (uint16_t)(ov_threshold / 0.0016);
228. }
229. /** * @brief Function that calculates the PEC value for the input data
* @param (uint8_t) data[] - Data Input (uint8_t) data_length - Dat
a Input Length * @retval (uint16_t)(PEC<<1) - Calculated PEC value */
230. uint16_t calculate_PEC(uint8_t data[], uint8_t data_length) {
231. uint16_t PEC = 0x10;
232. int i;
233. for (i = 0; i < data_length; i++) {
234. PEC = PEC ^ ((uint16_t) data[i] << 7); // Align and apply data byte
235. PEC = (PEC << 4) ^ PEC_Table[(PEC >> 11) & 0xF]; // Apply CRC 4-
bits at a time, 2 rounds
236. PEC = (PEC << 4) ^ PEC_Table[(PEC >> 11) & 0xF];
237. }
238. return (PEC << 1);
239. }
1. #
2. include "cdd_ltc6811.h"
3. /** * @brief Routine that writes data on the SPI bus * @param (uint8_t) spi_tx_
data[] - Data to be transmitted * @retval None */
4. void ltc_spi_write(uint8_t spi_tx_data[]) {
5. int Tx_Counter = 0;
6. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_BSY) != RESET) {}
7. GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_5);
8. while (Tx_Counter < SPI_DATA_LENGTH + 4) {
9. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) {}
10. SPI_SendData(spi_tx_data[Tx_Counter]);
11. Tx_Counter++;
12. }
13. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_BSY) != RESET) {}
14. GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_5);
15. }
16. /** * @brief Routine that writes and reads data from the SPI bus * @param (uint
8_t) spi_tx_data[] - Data to be transmitted (uint8_t) spi_rx_data[] - Data to
be received * @retval None */
17. void ltc_spi_write_read(uint8_t spi_tx_data[], uint8_t spi_rx_data[]) {
18. uint8_t spi_rx_bus_data[12];
19. int Tx_Counter = 0;
20. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_BSY) != RESET) {}
21. GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_5);
22. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) {}
23. SPI_SendData(spi_tx_data[Tx_Counter]);
24. Tx_Counter++;
25. while (Tx_Counter < SPI_DATA_LENGTH + 3) {
26. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) {}
27. if (Tx_Counter < 4) {
28. SPI_SendData(spi_tx_data[Tx_Counter]);
29. } else {
30. SPI_SendData(0xFF);
31. }
32. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET) {}
33. spi_rx_bus_data[Tx_Counter - 1] = SPI_ReceiveData();
34. Tx_Counter++;
35. }
36. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET) {}
37. spi_rx_bus_data[Tx_Counter - 1] = SPI_ReceiveData();
38. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_BSY) != RESET) {}
39. GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_5);
40. memcpy(spi_rx_data, spi_rx_bus_data + 4, SPI_DATA_LENGTH * sizeof(uint8_t));
41. }
42. /** * @brief Routine that waits for the LTC6811 ADC end of conversion * @param
(uint8_t) spi_tx_data[] - Data to be transmitted * @retval None */
43. void ltc_spi_poll(uint8_t spi_tx_data[]) {
44. uint8_t spi_rx_poll_status;
45. int Tx_Counter = 0;
46. spi_rx_poll_status = 0x00;
47. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_BSY) != RESET) {}
48. GPIO_WriteLow(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_5);
49. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) {}
50. SPI_SendData(spi_tx_data[Tx_Counter]);
51. Tx_Counter++;
52. while (spi_rx_poll_status != 0xff) {
53. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_TXE) == RESET) {}
54. if (Tx_Counter < 4) {
55. SPI_SendData(spi_tx_data[Tx_Counter]);
56. } else {
57. SPI_SendData(0xFF);
58. }
59. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET) {}
60. spi_rx_poll_status = SPI_ReceiveData();
61. Tx_Counter++;
62. }
63. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET) {}
64. spi_rx_poll_status = SPI_ReceiveData();
65. while (SPI_GetFlagStatus(SPI_FLAG_BSY) != RESET) {}
66. GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_5);
67. }