Digital Libray Today's Need

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12th MANLIBNET Annual convention “Knowledge Dissemination through Libraries and Information Centres: Sharing Vision for the Future”
Conference Proceedings – November 22-24, 2010

Digital Library: Today’s Need

Somvir1, Sudha Kaushik2
Librarian, Society for Develpment of Human Resources, Bahadurgarh
E mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Librarian, P.D.M. College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh
E mail: [email protected], [email protected]

The concept of libraries has been revolutionized by the Information and Communication
Technology. In digital era each and every library is slowly getting digitalization. The digital
collections, services and infrastructure to support lifelong learning, research, scholarly
communication as well as preservation and conservation of our recorded knowledge are
comprised in the digital library. The process of democratization of information is also involved
in it. In this paper the authors are discussed the factors that will necessitate the traditional
libraries to get digitalization, as well as the definition, need, resources of the digital library,
requirements for digital library and characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of digital
libraries. To describe the role of librarian in the new environment the emphasis is also put up in
this paper.

Our society has become a networked society in which all spheres of human activity has been
used extensively to record, store, and disseminate the information in the digital form by using
new technologies. The world has almost converted into a global village due to the impact of IT.
There is influencing in the information industry due to the revolution in the IT. The role of
Libraries is also changing to meet the demand put on them. The traditional libraries should be
developed as a well equipped and interconnected as digital libraries to fulfill the need of new
generation whose demand for information is never. The concept is accepted all over the world in
21st century that the information is for use and for all then the library should be for all. For all
those who seek for information, the libraries must become universal open. By accepting this
view a number of large organizations in USA and Europe like as University Micrographic Inc.
(UMI of USA), National Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (INIST of France) etc.,
have already more or less switched over to digital mode. They are making digital images of
periodicals which are not available in electronic form and there after no new procurement is
being made on print media if a digital version is available.
There are many definitions of a “digital library,” as synonymously “electronic library” and
“virtual library” terms are often used. The term Digital Library has a variety of potential
meanings, ranging from a digitalized collection of material that one might find in a traditional
library through to the collection of all digital information along with the services that make that
information useful to all possible users. A digital library is a large database for the people who

Somvir & Sudha Kaushik

12th MANLIBNET Annual convention “Knowledge Dissemination through Libraries and Information Centres: Sharing Vision for the Future”
Conference Proceedings – November 22-24, 2010

are working on hypertext environment which supports the full life cycle of creation, storage,
preservation, dissemination and use of data, information and knowledge.
The digital library federation in the USA defines the digital library as: Digital libraries are
organizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer
intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence
over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily and economically available for
use by a defined community or set of communities. A digital library is an organized collection of
digitized material or it’s holding in the digital form, which can be accessible by a computer on
the network by using TCP/IP or other protocol.
The Digital Library is:
1. Organized collection of multimedia and other types of resources.
2. Resources are available in computer process able form.
3. The function of acquisition, storage, preservation, retrieval is carried out through the use
of digital technology.
4. Access to the entire collection is globally available directly or indirectly across a
5. Support o users in dealing with information objects
6. Helps in the organization and presentation of the above objects via electronic/digital
means etc.

Time is a major factor for each modern user of the library and digitalization is the only solution
to the problem. Digital libraries are needed to provide quality-based service at the user doorstep.
In general digital libraries are needed for the following reason.

1. Easy to understand: The visual or graphical information system of digital libraries is

more popular as compared to text based information system.
2. Shifting of the environment: The new generation user becomes only happy when they
will be able to read from the computer screen.
3. Information explosion: Digital library is expected to be able to handle the problem of
information explosion somehow. It will be able to handle and manage large amount of
digital content by simply providing link, without actually procuring the document.
4. Multiple function of same information: In case of digital libraries by using hypertext it
is possible to structure and organized the same digital information in a variety of ways,
which serve multiple functions.
5. Information retrieval: By using digital library one will be able to retrieve the
information specifically for a particular image, photo, and definition etc.
6. Distance learning: Learning from home, office or other places, which are convenient to
7. To procure online publication: More and more information are going to publish over
internet, digital library is needed to procure the online publication and to provide link to
important sources of information.

Somvir & Sudha Kaushik

12th MANLIBNET Annual convention “Knowledge Dissemination through Libraries and Information Centres: Sharing Vision for the Future”
Conference Proceedings – November 22-24, 2010

All the material either print or electronic/digital material which can be stored, organized,
transmitted and displayed by the computer without any intervening conversion process, are the
resources of a digital library. For a digital library there are two types of resources:
On line resources:
1. E-book, v-book, electronic tax, map, image, sound, video, and multimedia etc.
2. E-journal
3. Local database of traditional books in machine-readable form.
4. LAN, MAN, WAN for web browsing, e- mail etc.
5. Well trained manpower for online help
Off line resources:
1. CD-ROM etc.
2. Audio visual aid etc.

The digital material may be of multimedia types or any other i.e. only digital audio, video, full
text information, photograph, drawing, digitized sound, e-book, v-book, electronic tax, map,
image, 3D representation etc. including structured /unstructured text, scanned images, graphic
audios, video recording etc.


For the development and operation of a digital library, the technological environment is provided
by the Internet and World Wide Web. The web provides tools and technique for publishing the
information over Internet while the Internet provides the TCP/IP and or its associated protocol
for accessing the information. To store the information output of the region as well as
information from outside the country in the digital environment, there is a strong need to create a
central back up or archive at the national level. Some of the basic requirements for a digital
library are:
1. Computer: Server, P.C. with multimedia, U.PS. Etc
2. Software: Any suitable software, which is interconnected and suitable for LAN and
WAN connection
3. Storage devices: Optical storage device, CD-ROM, Jukebox etc
4. Scanner: H.P. Scan jet, flatbed, Sheet feeder, Drum scanner, Slide scanner, Microfilming
scanner, Digital camera, Barcode scanner etc
5. Network: LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet etc.
6. Audio visual: Color T.V., V.C.R., D.V.D., Sound box, Telephone etc
7. Printer: Laser printer, Dot matrix, Barcode printer, Digital graphic printer etc.


Digitization has benefits beyond improved accessibility. Institutions can protect originals from
excessive handling and repeated copying; digitization can be a preservation strategy for the
institutes. The different characteristics of a digital library are as follows:

Somvir & Sudha Kaushik

12th MANLIBNET Annual convention “Knowledge Dissemination through Libraries and Information Centres: Sharing Vision for the Future”
Conference Proceedings – November 22-24, 2010

1. Collections: Digital library collections contain fixed, permanent documents. Not only
those current libraries have more dynamic collections, but digital environment will enable
of quick handling and/or ephemeral information.
2. Technology: Digital libraries are based on digital technologies. The underlying
assumption is that the digital libraries will contain only digital materials, may be wrong.
It is likely that both digital and non-digital information material will have to coexist.
3. Work: Digital libraries are to be used by individuals working alone. There is work
oriented perspective focusing on group of information analysts, work being done and the
documents and technologies that support it.
4. Transbordering of information: Breaking the physical boundaries of data transfers
within and outside the countries. It is viewed that the support for communications and
collaboration is as important as information seeking activities.


With the development of new technologies the development is already taking place. The
traditional closed access libraries are shifting towards the open access library and the open access
libraries are shifting towards automated libraries, the automated one towards the electronics, the
electronics to digital and finally end in Digital library. Nobody knows what will be the future of
libraries. On the basis of technology used the libraries can be categorized as :
1. Traditional library: The collection of the traditional libraries is mostly print media,
manuscripts etc and are not well organized. The documents are deteriorating at a rapid
rate, the collection information is not easy to locate and so does not easily reach to user,
Again the traditional libraries are confined itself within a physical boundary.
2. Automated library: A library with machine-readable catalogue, computerized
acquisition, circulation and OPAC are called as automated library. The holding of this
type of libraries are same as the traditional libraries.
3. Electronics library: When automated library goes for LAN (Local Area Networking)
and CD-ROM networking and started procuring E- journal and other similar kind of
publication then it is known as electronic library. The resources of the electronic libraries
are in both print and electronic form. The electronic Media are used for storage retrieval
and delivery of information.
4. Digital library: It is a later stage of electronic library. In digital library high speed optical
fiber are used for LAN and the access is over WAN and provide a wide range of Internet
based services i.e. audio and video conferencing and like other. The majority of the
holding of a digital library is in the computer readable form and also acts as a point of
access to other on line sources.
5. Hybrid library: The libraries, which are working both in electronic or digital and print
environment, are known as hybrid library. Actually it is a transitional state between print
and digital environment.

Somvir & Sudha Kaushik

12th MANLIBNET Annual convention “Knowledge Dissemination through Libraries and Information Centres: Sharing Vision for the Future”
Conference Proceedings – November 22-24, 2010


Some of the common factor which are influencing to change to digital mode are the limited
buying power of libraries, complex nature of recent document, storage problem etc., some other
factors are-
1. Information explosion: There is a boom in the Information generation & publication.
2. Searching problem in traditional libraries: In Tradition Libraries, it is not possible to find
out and provide the pin point information to the right user at right place.
3. Low cost of technology: When we consider the storage capacity of digital document and
its maintained then it can be easily realize that the cost of technologies is much more less
than that of traditional libraries.
4. Environmental factor: the use of digital libraries is the cleanest technologies to fulfill the
slogan “Burn a CD-ROM save a tree”
5. New generation needs


Through the internet the end user can get his/her information at the right time at his/her computer
screen, because a digital library is virtually distributed all over the world. Actually it is a network
of multimedia system, which provides fingertip access. In the new environment owing a
document will not be problem for the library because the user will pay for its uses.
1. Cost - A traditional library must spend large sums of money paying for staff, book
maintains, rent, and additional books. Digital libraries do away with these fees. The cost
of maintaining a digital library is much lower than that of a traditional library.
2. Information retrieval: Digital library will provide very user friendly interfaces, giving
click able access to its resources. The user is able to use any search term bellowing to the
word or phrase of the entire collection.
3. Multiple accesses: At the same time the same resources can be used by a number of
4. Networking: A seamlessly integrated resource sharing can be achieved by providing the
link to any other resources of other digital library by a particular digital library.
5. No physical boundary: People from all over the world could gain access to the same
information, as long as an Internet connection is available. The user of a digital library
needs not to go to the library physically.
6. Preservation and conservation: An exact copy of the original can be made any number
of times without any degradation in quality.
7. Round the clock availability: Digital libraries can be accessed at any time, 24 X 7.
8. Space: Whereas traditional libraries are limited by storage space, digital libraries have
the potential to store much more information, simply because digital information requires
very little physical space to contain them.

Somvir & Sudha Kaushik

12th MANLIBNET Annual convention “Knowledge Dissemination through Libraries and Information Centres: Sharing Vision for the Future”
Conference Proceedings – November 22-24, 2010

9. Structured approach: Digital library provides access to much richer content in a more
structured manner i.e. we can easily move from the catalogue to the particular book then
to a particular chapter and so on.


Every thing has its disadvantages with advantages. Digital library also have some disadvantages
The different standard of digital products, lack of standardization of digitized information, quick
degrading properties of material and the computer viruses, etc. makes digital libraries at times
1. Initial cost is high: - The infrastructure cost of digital library i.e. the cost of hardware,
software; leasing communication circuit is generally very high.
2. Copyright: - Digitization violates the copy right law as the thought content of one author
can be freely transfer by other without his acknowledgement. How does a digital library
distribute information at will while protecting the copyright of the author?
3. Environment: - Digital libraries cannot reproduce the environment of a traditional
library. Many people also find reading printed material to be easier than reading material
on a computer screen.
4. Preservation: - Due to technological developments, a digital library can rapidly become
out-of-date and its data may become inaccessible.
5. Band width: - Digital library will need high band for transfer of multimedia resources
but the band width is decreasing day by day due to its over utilization.
6. Speed of access: - As more and more computer are connected to the Internet its speed of
access reasonably decreasing.


The new environment is really challenging one for the librarian to decide who are author who are
publisher and who are user? In the new environment it is very difficult to decide what should be
organized? How to give citation? How to organize the collection? etc. In the new environment
any one can be a publisher by merely posting messages to an online discussion group or by other
means, which has access to the network of digital libraries. A virtual environment is really open
for all. In some cases, librarians have the opportunity to digitize unique material in their libraries'
collections. Thus the librarian is more or less a hypertext engineer, because they are needed for
packaging and repackaging of information, for electronic publishing, for reference purpose, to
advise the user about the strategy to identify relevant electronic sources etc.
The new environment requires a new technical set of competencies for librarians which were not
previously required. Skills such as creating web pages, building and maintaining computer
networks, designing search interfaces are sought after in today's library employment market.
Along with the need for technical skills is the ability 'to cultivate a level of comfort with
ambiguity and change'. Librarians must accommodate with the one characteristics of the digital
library that is rapidly changing and evolving nature of the environment. This environment is

Somvir & Sudha Kaushik

12th MANLIBNET Annual convention “Knowledge Dissemination through Libraries and Information Centres: Sharing Vision for the Future”
Conference Proceedings – November 22-24, 2010

subject to immense change very quickly, and a key role for the librarian in the future will be the
ability to adapt and to work effectively in such an environment.

The new generation whose demand for information is never met is always demanding that
traditional libraries should be developed as a well equipped and interconnected as digital
libraries. If we consider that the information is for use and for all then why not libraries for all?
Why not libraries become universal' open for all those who seek for information. By considering
this view a number of large organizations are working for the same. The Information explosion,
searching problem in traditional libraries, low cost of technology, environment factor and new
generation needs are the factors that show the need of the digitalization. The traditional libraries
are shifting towards the hybrid libraries. The initial cost of digitization is high but ones
digitization is introduced then the cost to manage this collection will be cheaper than that of any
traditional library. Day by day the cost of digitization is decreasing, the online publications are
increasing, and the needs of user are shifting towards a different environment. The physical
existences of document are not replaced completely by the Digital libraries but no doubt to meet
the present demand, to satisfy the non local user digitization must be introduced so that at least
libraries becomes of hybrid nature. We have new roles to fill. While the format of our resources
may change, while access to information may change, while styles of service may change, the
vision of high quality, service-oriented, information centres still fits the library's mission. We
will serve our user communities best by the digital library.

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Somvir & Sudha Kaushik

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