Simulation System Project Report
Simulation System Project Report
Simulation System Project Report
Case Study:
Group 1
Arfan Maulana 1610931005
AlifaSalsabila Putri 1610931026
Gilang Farhan Anugrah 1610932007
BimaSyiqta Kurniawan 1610932025
Ir. ElitaAmrina, Ph. D, IPM
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Formulation
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Scopes of the Study
1.5 Assumptions
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Suggestions
1.1 Background
1.3 Objectives
1.5 Assumptions
The most important aspect of a system model is that it leaves out detail. A
model is an abstraction of the system being studied rather than an alternative
representation of that system. Ideally, a representation of a system should
maintain all the information about the entity being represented but unfortunately,
the real world (also known as the universe of discourse) is utterly complex so
weed to simplify. An abstraction consciously simplifies and picks out the most
evident characteristics. It may develop different models to represent the system
from different perspectives. For example:
1. An external perspective, where you model the context or environment of
the system.
2. An interaction perspective where you model the interactions between a
system and its environment or between the components of a system.
3. A structural perspective, where you model the organization of a system or
the structure of the data that is processed by the system.
4. A behavioral perspective, where you model the dynamic behavior of the
system and how it responds to events.
(Sommerville, 2010).
Tests for the strength of the association between two ordinal variables (does not rely on
Spearman Correlation
the assumption of normally distributed data)
Chi-Square Tests for the strength of the association between two categorical variables
Comparison of Means: these tests look for the difference between the means of variables
Tests for the difference between two variables from the same population (e.g., a pre-
Paired T-Test
and posttest score)
Tests for the difference between the same variable from different populations (e.g.,
Independent T-Test
comparing boys to girls)
Tests for the difference between group means after any other variance in the outcome
variable is accounted for (e.g., controlling for sex, income, or age)
Regression: these tests assess if change in one variable predicts change in another variable
Tests how change in the predictor variable predicts the level of change in the outcome
Simple Regression
Tests how changes in the combination of two or more predictor variables predict the
Multiple Regression
level of change in the outcome variable
Non-Parametric: these tests are used when the data does not meet the assumptions required for parametric tests
Tests for the difference between two independent variables; takes into account
Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test
magnitude and direction of difference
Tests for the difference between two related variables; takes into account the
Wilcoxon Sign-Rank Test
magnitude and direction of difference
Tests if two related variables are different; ignores the magnitude of change—only
Sign Test
takes into account direction
This chapter consists of the identity of the project study, data collection
from the company, and the study stages to achieve objectives of the project study.
There are four cycle in each day in this company. Every process has arrival
time, starting process time, process time, and finishing. For roasting process,
grinding process, and packaging process are started in the beginning of the day,
because these process takes a long time. Mixing process and set a side process of
the coffee beans and coffee powder, the started time begin in every finished
previous process. In the roasting process, the amount of coffee beans decrease
about 22% of all the amount, so it does the grinding process that decrease about
5% in every process.
The raw data that have been taken from the inventory, are the real data
taken from the survey in the company. the coffee beans arrives in the factory
every week with amount of coffee beans of 4 - 5 tons. This company have 5 days
works with worker time from 08.00 until 17.00.
The data that have been collected for 22 days, are tabulated that shown in
3.3 Study Stages
This point explanation of the stages are carried out in the research,
methods, and techniques used in this study, including data collection, the object of
research, and application of theory in this research so as to facilitate in
determining the method used to solve the problems in this study.
1. Preliminary Study
2. Literature Study
3. Problem Formulation
5. Data Collection
6. Data Processing
8. Discussions
9. Conclusions
Preliminary Study
It can be done with field studies that are conducted to obtain
information related to the work system, management, and production
of the company as well as problems supporting the research.
Literature Study
Conducted to obtain concepts that support problem solving in
research by collecting theories related to the simulation modeling,
probability distribution, etc.
Problem Formulation
How to design a simulation system model for the Bubuk Kopi Das
industry so that the production process can run effectively and
To design a simulation system model in Bubuk Kopi Das company
which is valid and can be implemented to the company.
Data Collection
Secondary Data
Primary Data
Data that is not directly
Data obtained from
observed by researchers.
observations and research
This Data is the company's
directly in the field.
Data Processing
The stages of data processing carried out in the study are system
modeling, simulation modeling, statistical testing, verification and
validation, improve a scenario, and develop the simulation model.
Discussion is carried out to determine whether the scenario
developed in the simulation model is feasible to be applied in
company conditions.
Contains the conclusions obtained from research related to increasing
the company's business operations based on the objectives, as well as
suggestions for companies or next researcher.
Weather Bad
Roasting Process.
Mixing Process.
Set a side.
Grinding Process.
Smoothness Waiting
Level (Queue)
Set a side.
Packaging Process.
In roasting process, there are two machines that have capacity of each
machine is 80 kg. The process in this stage take time about 1,5 hours. After that,
the roasted coffee beans moves to the mixing process. This process only have one
machine that have capacity 400 kg. Coffee beans are dropped from the roasting
production floor through wind-fired funnels, so that they will be separated
between the beans and the charcoal shell.Coffee beans that have been mixed are
set a side for about 8 hours in sacks with a capacity of 50 kg.
The next process is grinding process. This is the process where the coffee
beans will be grind until it reaches the desired level of smoothness that take 8
hours process with eight machines that have 50 kg capacity of each machine.
Damage conditions that are often experienced by grinding machines are crushed
stone that wears quickly and is separated from each other. It causes the coffee
powder produced is still not smooth enough. Then this coffee powder will be put
back into the grinding machines. Then, if the coffee powder has been ground, it
will be left for 8 hours in a container which will then be carried by the crane to the
next production floor.
The last process in this factory is packaging process. This process uses a
total of 6 people to wrap coffee powder in packaging. On average each worker can
complete 60 kg per day. This finished product will be stored in a warehouse and
ready to be distributed.
4.2 Determining Probability Distribution
The distribution of the raw data drawn in Data Analyzer. Each of the
process has the probability distribution of each of them. For the mixing process,
roasting process 1 and 2, the probability distribution is Normal distribution, Beta
distribution, and Lognormal Distribution, respectively. The graph are shown in
the Figure 4.2, Figure 4.3, and Figure 4.4 below.
This chapter consist of the improvement of the system and the discussion
about the project.
The output report in Resources explain that grinding machine has average
utilization of 93.68% and the worker packaging has average utilization of 90.34%.
The limitation of the utilization that shown the process are good or bad is below
80%. It needs improvement in the system. So, the improvement that we built is
the adding of grinding machine, because this process takes a long time and will
affect the next process with the average queue time is 2.6438. Besides, we also do
another improvement when we adding grinding machine, we do additional
packaging workers, hire 6 people because the process of packaging has average
queue time 1.8842.
5.2 Discussions
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Suggestions
The suggestions that can be suggest to the company or the next research as
1. The model of this simulation system of the company’s production process
may applicable to the company to improve manufacturing productivity.
2. The company may add the grinding machine to the manufacturing process
and do additional of packaging worker.
3. The next research can study a good simulation model so that it can be
applied to the company.
Güneş, M., (2012), Chapter 10: Verification and Validation of Simulation Models,
FreieUniverstat Berlin.
Harrel, C., Ghosh, B., dan Bowden, R., (2004), Simulation Using ProModel,
SecondEdition, The McGraw-Hill, Inc., NY.
Law, Averill M. and W.D. Kelton (2000), Simulation Modelling and Analysis,
3rd edition, MC Graw-Hill, USA.