Insight Lighting Analysis Help
Insight Lighting Analysis Help
Insight Lighting Analysis Help
of Contents
Introduction 1.1
About Insight Lighting Analysis 1.2
Requirements 1.3
Workflows 1.4
Overview 1.4.1
LEED Studies (Single point in time) 1.4.2
LEED sDA & ASE Studies (Annual simulation) 1.4.3
Solar Access 1.4.4
Custom Illuminance Studies (Single point in time) 1.4.5
Including Electric Lighting 1.4.6
Perspective Illuminance Renderings 1.4.7
Managing Results 1.5
Accessing & Saving Results 1.5.1
Analysis Display Settings 1.5.2
Customizing Analysis Visual Styles
Room Parameters 1.5.3
Best Practices 1.6
Additional Settings & Considerations 1.7
Model Requirements 1.7.1
Views & Schedules 1.7.2
Design Options
Material Settings 1.7.3
Transparent Materials
Opaque Materials
Light Analysis Settings 1.7.4
Sky Models 1.7.5
Analysis Costs 1.7.6
Cloud Credit Pricing
Manage Cloud Credit Costs
Validation 1.8
Support & FAQ 1.9
Troubleshooting 1.9.1
About Insight Lighting Analysis
Insight Lighting Analysis with Revit leverages the A360 Rendering service, a cloud based
rendering service, to provide quick and accurate lighting analysis results. The diagram below
represents how Insight Lighting Analysis with Revit works.
About Insight Lighting Analysis
Insight Lighting Analysis is supported for Revit 2016 and above. More recent versions of
Revit will often feature more functionality. Refer to theInsight Lighting & Solar Analysis
Forum for available versions and functionalities.
Firewalls should allow ports 80 and 443 to everything if possible.
Regardless of the type of analysis you wish to do, to get started with Insight Lighting
Analysis with Revit, you should:
1. Install the most recent version of the Insight plugin. Find out which versions are
available here.
2. Prepare your model: Set the project location and select a weather station. Define
surface reflectivity and glazing material properties.
From there you will be prepared to complete any of the workflows outlined.
This video shows a quick overview of Insight Lighting Analysis: Autodesk Insight Lighting
Open a building element model in Revit. Note that for lighting analysis studies you must use
a building element Revit model. A conceptual mass model will not work. Also be sure to login
to your A360 account. Lighting analysis consumes Cloud Credits, so Revit will need to be
able to access your A360 account to complete the analysis.
For new projects, make sure that your location is set and a weather station is selected.
From the Analyze tab, select Lighting from within the Insight panel. The Lighting command
is a separate plugin you can download from here.
The first dialog that appears provides resources and best practices for conducting a lighting
analysis study. These best practices are not required, but will help you achieve more
accurate results. Select Continue.
Next, you will have the option to run a new analysis type or recall previously saved results.
Select Run New Analysis and then Go.
The Lighting Analysis in the Cloud dialog box will allow you to control your study settings.
Daylight Autonomy Sample calculation for LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 (sDA & ASE),
(sDA preview) Reduced cost & calculation time
LEED 2009 IEQc8
Automated settings for LEED 2009 IEQc8 opt1 settings
B. Select which Levels you would like to visualize results for. Drop down the menu, and
double click on your selection. To select multiple levels, hold down SHIFT, select the levels,
then click outside of the drop down menu.
Note that Cloud Credit costs are tied to floor area included in the analysis. Learn more about
Cloud Credit costs.
C. The Environment settings include Location and analysis time or range. The Location
specified for the Revit project is what will be used for the analysis. The date and time
settings are automatically populated for LEED analysis types, however if you select
Illuminance Analysis or Solar Access, you have the ability control your settings.
D. Illuminance Settings are also automatically populated based on LEED criteria, but can be
manually controlled for Illuminance Analysis and Solar Access studies.
E. Resolution includes two analysis grid sizes; a 72 inch grid and 12 inch grid and also
drives cloud credit costs. For some analysis types, these grid sizes are preset and cannot be
Note that Cloud Credit costs are tied to analysis resolution. Learn more about Cloud Credit
F. Select Start Analysis to begin the simulation. Cloud credits will not be charged until the
analysis is complete.
After selecting Start Analysis, the model geometry will be uploaded to the cloud rendering
engine. Do not close the project or Revit during this process.
Once the model is successfully uploaded to the cloud and the project is saved, it is okay to
close the project or continue working in Revit. Note that any changes you make to the model
geometry or material settings will not be reflected in your analysis results, as the model has
already been uploaded for analysis.
You can check the progress of the analysis by initiating the plugin again, and using the drop
down menu to find in progress analyses.
Revit will notify you once the results are ready. Accept or Decline the cloud credit charges
at this point. It is recommended you also save the project after accepting the charges, so
you will be able to recall the lighting analysis results after exiting Revit.
Open the _Lighting Analysis Model View under 3D Views (or any other 3D view). Note
that any “_Lighting…” views are automatically created to easily access results in plan, 3D,
and as a schedule. Analysis results will populate in whatever 3D view is currently active.
From the Insight 360 panel select Lighting to access your analysis results. This time, select
the results for the analysis that has been completed and select Go.
You’ll be prompted with a dialog box with a summary of your results. If you are doing a
LEED type analysis, then the amount of achievable points will also be included.
Use the Section Box to view the results in 3D or open the corresponding “_Lighting” floor
Note that “_Lighting” floor plans are only produced if rooms are placed for the levels.
For analysis types that represent a single point in time, you can toggle between the two
dates and times that were simulated by selecting the analysis plane, and changing the
Analysis Configuration in the Properties panel.
Open _Lighting Analysis Room Schedule. If you define rooms, those rooms and
corresponding analysis values will be populated here.
Any changes made in the schedule do not require you re-run the analysis. Simply select
Lighting and access the study results to regenerate results considering the information
updated in the schedule.
LEED Studies (Single point in time)
To conduct either of these studies, follow the steps outlined in the Overview and take note
of the following.
When selecting either LEED analysis type, note that the majority of the analysis settings are
preset according to the LEED specifications.
LEED Studies (Single point in time)
2009 As defined by USGBC, this simulation requires a clear sky condition within
IEQc8 15 days of September 21 at 9am and 3pm.
LEED v4 As defined by USGBC, this simulation requires a clear sky condition and
EQc7 uses average weather data within 15 days of September 21 and March
opt2 21.
LEED single point in time analysis times automatically use the Perez Sky model.
B. LEED 2009 and v4 specify different thresholds, so you will see these values change
depending on which version of LEED you choose for the analysis type. Additionally, LEED
requires the analysis occur at 30 inches above the finished floor. The analysis plane
automatically is generated at this height for LEED studies.
When you generate the results in your Revit model, you will also get a summary of
percentage of rooms passing and estimated LEED credit points the project is eligible for.
It is often the case that you will want to exclude rooms that are not regularly occupied from
the analysis so not to skew your results. You can control this through the schedule.
Automated Shades are also available to include and will extend the acceptance threshold.
LEED Studies (Single point in time)
Any changes made in the schedule do not require you re-run the analysis. Simply select
Lighting and access the study results to regenerate results considering the information
updated in the schedule.
LEED sDA & ASE Studies (Annual simulation)
To conduct this studies, follow the steps outlined in the Overview and take note of the
Similar to the LEED studies for a single point in time, many of the settings for this analysis
type are automatically predefined.
LEED sDA & ASE Studies (Annual simulation)
A. The time range will be automatically set to a full annual simulation, from 8am to 6pm.
LEED sDA and ASE studies automatically use the Perez Sky model.
B. Per the LEED requirements, sDA300/50 for at least 55% or 75% regularly occupied floor
area is achieved. Additionally, ASE1000/250 of no more than 10% for the occupied floor
area that is daylit per sDA300/50. LEED requires the analysis occur at 30 inches above the
finished floor. The analysis plane automatically is generated at this height for LEED studies.
C. sDA and ASE calculations require at 24 inch analysis grid, which is automatically set.
Since the sDA and ASE simulation is more intensive than a single point in time, the analysis
will cost more Cloud Credits and take more time than a single point in time analysis. Select
Check Price before submitting the model for analysis to see the required number of cloud
credits for the analysis.
Results summaries will provide guidance on how to improve design to achieve LEED
requirements as well as more information about the metrics.
LEED sDA & ASE Studies (Annual simulation)
Visual results and schedule results will present sDA300/50 and ASE1000/250 results, sDA
and ASE Annual Hours, as well as combined metric results.
LEED sDA & ASE Studies (Annual simulation)
Note that since the sDA and ASE simulations much more computationally intensive than a
single point in time analysis, the Cloud Credit costs and time will likely be greater than for
other analysis types. The Daylight Autonomy (sDA Preview) study type will analyze a
sampling of the 3650 hours used in the full LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 (sDA+ASE) analysis. The
sDA Preview study type will run faster, and cost less Cloud Credits. Results will be in line
with those from the full LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 (sDA+ASE) analysis.
Solar Access
Solar Access
You can use Insight Lighting Analysis to study solar access, or hours of direct sun over a
given day by selecting the Solar Access study type. Requirements like SEPP 65 can be
tested and validated using the Solar Access workflow.
To conduct this studies, follow the steps outlined in the Overview and take note of the
Solar Access studies are conducted for a day and selected time range, with several
customizable settings.
Solar Access
A. Select the date and time range for the study. For all hours selected, the Direct Normal
Irradiance (DNI) and Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) will be set to 1000 W/m2, and the
Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) will be set to 1 W/m2. Solar Access automatically uses
the CIE Clear Sky model.
B. Set the minimum number of hours that will be required to have direct solar access and
analysis plane height. In order to meet the minimum threshold, any point in the room must
exceed 4000 lux.
The results summary will use the threshold you specified to calculate the percentage of
passing rooms and produce in context results and a corresponding schedule.
Solar Access
Solar Access
Custom Illuminance Studies (Single point in time)
To conduct this studies, follow the steps outlined in the Overview and take note of the
Illuminance Analysis study type will allow you to select a date, time, acceptance threshold,
and analysis plane height.
Custom Illuminance Studies (Single point in time)
A. Select two different date and times for the analysis. Custom illuminance analysis study
types will let you analyze two different scenarios for the cost of one analysis.
Select a Sky model, Date, and Time. The weather data for the selected date and time will
automatically be filled in based on what is available in the corresponding weather file. If you
wish to override these values, uncheck Use Weather Data, and enter your own data for
Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), and Diffuse Horizontal
Irradiance (DHI). When using the weather data values, the sky cover percentage will be
shown for the selected date/time. 0% indicates a clear sky.
B. Specify lower and upper Threshold values and units. These values will be used to
calculate pass/fail results and populate the schedule.
The Analysis Plane Height dictates where the analysis plane will be in inches above the
Revit floor element.
The results summary will use the threshold you specified to calculate the percentage of
passing rooms and produce in context results and a corresponding schedule.
Custom Illuminance Studies (Single point in time)
Custom Illuminance Studies (Single point in time)
To switch between the two dates and times that were simulated, select the analysis plane,
and change the Analysis Configuration in the Properties panel.
Custom Illuminance Studies (Single point in time)
Including Electric Lighting
If you are new to using lights in Revit, review the resources available here.
To include electric lights in your simulations, you’ll need to make sure your model has
lighting fixture families, and specifically, associated IES files.
Initiate the Lighting Analysis plugin, and select Run New Analysis. Click on the settings
icon in the top right to access the Light Analysis Settings.
Uncheck Override “Lighting > Scheme” and press Save. When this setting is checked,
Revit will override any Rendering Settings and include only daylighting from the sun.
Unchecked, this setting allows you to change the Rendering Settings to include electric
Including Electric Lighting
Open the “_Lighting Analysis Model View” 3D view and select Rendering Settings from
the Properties panel.
Once you have selected an option that includes electric lights, you can select Artificial
Lights… and control which lights will be on (Dimming = 1) and which lights will be off
(Dimming = 0) for the analysis.
Including Electric Lighting
After you have included electric lights, and controlled which ones will be on or off, initiate the
Lighting Analysis plugin again, and this time set the date, time and other settings and start
the analysis.
After receiving your results, save the project. You also might want to open the Light
Analysis Settings and check Override “Lighting > Scheme” again. This will make sure
that all future analyses only include daylight from the sun. (Electric lights will be included for
future analyses for all projects until the Override “Lighting > Scheme” is checked again—
this setting persists with Revit, not the project.)
Perspective Illuminance Renderings
Open a building element model in Revit. Also be sure to login to your A360 account. Lighting
analysis consumes Cloud Credits, so Revit will need to be able to access your A360 account
to complete the analysis.
For new projects, make sure that your location is set and a weather file is selected.
The Render in Cloud dialog will appear where you can control your settings and
Perspective Illuminance Renderings
C. Set the Image Size and resolution of the output image. This will impact Cloud Credit
D. Select any Date and Time, or alternatively select to use settings from the 3D view
Perspective Illuminance Renderings
Enter the appropriate DNI and DHI values for the analysis. These values do not update
with your location and date and time settings. It is necessary you manually enter these
values in order to get accurate sky conditions.
Set the Units and Legend preferences. By default, a linear scale is used with 10 proportional
subdivisions based on the range chosen.
E. Predicted Cloud Credit usage will update as the settings are modified. Select Start
Rendering to begin the simulation. Cloud Credits will be charged once this command is
When the renderings are complete, you will receive a notification in Revit as well as an email
if you selected to receive one. From the View tab, select Render Gallery to access
Renderings in the Render Gallery are sorted by project name and date submitted. Locate
your project, and click on the rendering thumbnails to enlarge the images.
Perspective Illuminance Renderings
Renderings can be downloaded as JPG by selecting the drop down menu of the thumbnails
or selecting Actions in the top right.
To change any of the rendering settings for a particular view, select Re-render using new
You will not be able to change the 3D view itself, but you can re-render an existing view and
modify dates and times, sky models, or legend scales. To change a 3D view or any of the
material properties, you will need to initiate the rendering from Revit.
Perspective Illuminance Renderings
Change any of the settings and select Start Rendering. The new rendering will
automatically appear in your Render Gallery.
The Rendering Settings for each 3D view analyzed control if electric lights are included in
the analysis. To include electric lights, open the 3D view you will be submitting and access
Rendering Settings. Set the Scheme according to the desired outcome.
Perspective Illuminance Renderings
Managing Results
Managing Results
Results are accessed by selecting a completed analysis, and populating results in Revit.
From there, views, corresponding 2D floor plans, and schedules will be updated with results.
Accessing & Saving Results
The drop down menu will list all available analysis results. The analysis denoted with a “*”
identifies the most recent set of results that were populated in the Revit model. This is
important to indicate, because it means these are the results that are stored with the Revit
When you save and close the Revit model, the results with the “*” will be accessible by the
next user who opens the model; regardless of their user account ID. All other results will only
be accessible by the user account ID that originally submitted them.
You can change which set of results is accessible by selecting a different set of results to
generate in the model, then saving the Revit model. You will see the “*” move to the latest
set of results accessed.
In addition to accessing analysis results, you can also manage and export analysis results.
Accessing & Saving Results
A. The Analysis List Manager allows you to Delete or Rename the selected analysis.
Renaming can be helpful when you have multiple analysis types you are trying to organize.
Analyses you have renamed will appear above the break in the drop down list.
B. Export will export all the settings associated with the selected analysis. It produces an
XML file that includes information such as date and time settings, sky conditions, and
Analysis Display Settings
For most study types, multiple results are available. To change between results, select the
analysis plane and change the Analysis Configuration in the Properties panel.
You can also turn analysis planes on and off by level in 3D views. Open a 3D view and
select Analysis Display Settings from the Properties panel to select which analysis planes
are visible in the view.
Analysis Display Settings
Customizing Analysis Visual Styles
Open any view that has visible analysis results. In the Properties panel, select the […] for
Default Analysis Display Style.
The Analysis Display Styles dialog will appear. The styles on the left are all default styles.
Select any one of these to see change the visualization style in the current view.
Customizing Analysis Visual Styles
For lighting analysis results, Colored surface and Markers with text are the styles that
should be used.
Customizing Analysis Visual Styles
Adding values associated with specific colors will allow you to highlight specific thresholds.
Room Parameters
Room Parameters
When Rooms are specified in the model, and a lighting analysis is run, Room parameters
get automatically created. These parameters are used for the schedule calculations. These
parameters are editable in the “_Lighting Analysis Room Schedule” as well as when a
room is selected and the Properties are edited.
Best Practices
Best Practices
1. Generally we always suggest running an analysis on a single Level with a coarse
resolution (72-inch grid) to make sure everything looks right before doing the whole
2. Remember that you can always change Rooms settings after an analysis is complete,
without the need to rerun the analysis. If you change Room properties (eg Include In
Daylighting, Automated Shades), or add or remove Rooms, just regenerate the results
to update the schedules and plan views. Refer to the Managing Results section of this
3. The '_Lighting Analysis Model View' is the view that is exported for analysis. Check to
be sure that everything you want included or not is in that view. You can 'Hide In View'
any Elements that you don't want to include.
4. If you have any Worksets that are not visible in the view, these elements may still be
included. If you have that situation, remove the workset from the model if you don't want
to include the elements.
5. All Floor elements visible in the '_Lighting Analysis Model View' will be used to generate
analysis points (and therefore cloud credits). If you are using Floor objects for things
that are not actual Floors (eg shading devices), or if there are Floor objects outside the
building, put these on a separate Layer so you can exclude those layers from the
analysis run and reduce credit costs.
6. Since Floors are used to generate analysis points, check that your model does not have
un-joined layered floors. This is sometimes done to have a structural slab 'floor' with
different finish 'floor' elements on top. In those cases you will get two sets of points, and
the cost will be higher. For these conditions, either Hide the finish Floor or the structural
Floor, Join all the associated Floor layers, if possible, so they are recognized as a single
element by the Lighting Analysis, or put the structural Floor on a separate Layer to be
excluded from the analysis run.
7. Check the Materials that are In Use in the model for the following conditions (also refer
to the Material Settings section of this guide):
Appearance Properties are used for Render In Cloud and LAR, but the Graphics
Properties are what you see in most Revit Visual Styles. Review the appearance of
the materials in the '_Lighting Analysis' Model View by either selecting the
'Realistic' visual style, or select the checkbox for 'Use Render Appearance' for all
materials on the Graphics tab of the Material editor. The latter method is best, as
sometimes people use a Transparency property in the Graphics tab that doesn't
match the one in the Appearance tab.
Best Practices
Check that no materials are using 'Self Illumination' in the Appearance properties.
This will add artificial light to those areas of the model. Check with your rendering
team when doing that, as it's usually used as a workaround to make renderings
look better.
Check that no significant materials (eg walls, windows, etc) are using a Generic
Appearance property with 'Transparency'. This will indeed make the object
transparent, but not in a physically accurate way. It's fine to use for minor materials
like furniture, but not for windows and other primary elements. Instead, for
transparent elements, always use a Glass or Glazing material with RGB values
corresponding to the transparency for the thickness of the element the material is
applied to. You can download and use the Excel tool, "glass-Tvis-settings-in
Revit_worksheet," to help calculate that. (FYI, you can add things like frit patterns
using an overlay material with a Cutout pattern).
If modifying Appearance properties, remember that any Material that uses the
same 'Appearance Asset' will also inherit those changes. Best practice is to Copy
the Appearance Asset ('Duplicate this Asset' button in the upper right of the
Appearance tab), so it is unique before modifying it for an individual Material.
Additional Settings & Considerations
Model Requirements
Model Requirements
Insight Lighting Analysis with Revit requires a model composed of building elements (walls,
floors, roofs, windows, curtain walls, etc). A conceptual mass model will not work.
Floors Floor elements are required to produce analysis planes. Therefore, in order for
analysis planes to be produced in a model, floors must be present, and visible in the
“_Lighting Analysis Model View” 3D view.
Rooms Rooms are not required for all study types, however they can make parsing through
results easier and produce detailed schedules. This information can be accessed in the
“_Lighting Analysis Room Schedule.”
Additionally, Rooms are required for the 2D floor plan “_Lighting Analysis” views to be
created when results are generated.
The following analysis types require rooms to be placed in a model to get summary results
and schedules. This is because the calculations are based on room area.
All other analysis types do not require Rooms, but can prove helpful when working with
results and schedules. When trying to run one of these analysis types without Rooms, you
will receive a warning, but can proceed with the workflow.
Linked models When working with linked models, Floors and Rooms must be part of the
main model. All other elements can be linked in. The analysis will not run if Floors and
Rooms are linked in.
Views & Schedules
Title Description
3D view; This is the view that dictates what is included (or not included) in
the lighting analysis rendering; Can be overridden using Light Analysis
2D floor plan view created for every level that is included in the analysis,
and has Rooms specified; If a level has no Rooms, a floor plan view will
– XX
not be created for it; Can visualize which Rooms are included or not
included in this view
Analysis Schedule created showing percentage of area within results thresholds, by
Floor level included in analysis
Analysis Schedule created showing percentage of area within results thresholds, by
Room level included in analysis
The "_Lighting Analysis Model View" 3D view is used to define the geometry and settings
for the lighting analysis. You can create special settings for the analysis by making the
necessary changes in this 3D view properties before clicking Run Analysis. For instance,
you can hide or turn off objects in this view if you wish not include them in the lighting
Each time a lighting analysis is run, it will automatically change some of the settings for the
"_Lighting Analysis Model View" 3D view unless you change the settings defined in the
Light Analysis Settings dialog.
Design Options
Design Options
When analyzing and comparing Design Options make sure whatever option you want to
analyze is active in the "_Lighting Analysis Model View" 3D view. Whatever geometry is
enabled in this view will be used for the lighting analysis.
Material Settings
Material Settings
To make your results more accurate, you’ll want to assign the appropriate material properties
to your window glass and interior surfaces. If you find that you often use similar material
finishes or glazing properties in your projects, it might be worth add materials with proper
illuminance rendering settings to your Material Browser.
Transparent Materials
Transparent Materials
Visible transmittance (Tvis) for transparent materials is an important consideration for
lighting analysis. It will dictate how much light is able of entering the building through glazing.
Visible transmittance is controlled by the RGB values in the Revit Material Browser. Follow
the steps below to set visible transmittance for transparent surfaces.
The default visible transmittance settings for most glazing used in Revit window families are
generally much higher than glazing values typically used in buildings today. Setting valid
glazing Tvis is important for getting valid illuminance simulation results.
Select the glass pane that you want to edit. Select Edit Type from the Properties panel.
For Window elements, this can be done by editing the family. For Curtain Panels, this can be
done by selecting the glazing element.
Glass panes that have a thickness of ½” to 1” (12.7mm to 25.4mm) will provide the most
accuracy and flexibility in range of transparency.
To change the visible transmittance for the glass pane, edit the Material. This will open the
Material Browser.
Transparent Materials
Note that the Analytical Properties of the glass will not affect lighting analysis results. These
settings are for energy analysis only.
In the Material Browser, open the Appearance tab. The Appearance tab is the only tab that
affects the results for illuminance analyses.
Make sure that the asset assigned to the material is an actual transparent material. If not,
replace the asset using the Asset Browser and assign a transparent material, such as
Glazing or Glass.
Transparent Materials
Transparent Materials
Once a transparent asset has been assigned to the material, under the Glazing section,
change the Color to Custom. Then, enter the RGB values corresponding to pane thickness
and desired Tvis.
Transparent Materials
The Reflectance setting is not used for illuminance renderings. The A360 Rendering engine
uses a predefined reflectance of ~4%.
The Sheets of Glass is also not used for illuminance renderings. The A360 Rendering
engine uses the actual modeled Revit geometry. For example, if a Revit window family
includes two panes of glass, the illuminance rendering will consider the combined effect of
both panels.
Diffuse glazing and the effect of light passing through frosted or fritted glass is not supported
by Revit’s material and asset definitions.
To determine what RGB values to use to represent the desired Tvis for your glazing, use the
table below, or download this worksheet. Defining the visible transmittance depends not only
on the RGB values used, but also the thickness of the glass and how many panes are
modeled in Revit.
It is recommended to always use RGB values that are equal to each other. This is for
simplicity’s sake and should not affect analytical results since illuminance renderings are
measuring the quantity of light, not the quality or color of that light.
Transparent Materials
Determine the modeled thickness of the glazing pane geometry in your Revit model and
the number of panes modeled. For multiple panes, the thickness applies to each pane.
These values are the rows.
Determine the overall desired Tvis. This value is the column.
For example, for a double pane window where each pane is 3.0 mm thick, and a desired
Tvis of 70%, the RGB values would be 50-50-50, and you would enter R50-G50-B50 into the
Material Browser. Note that a “perfectly clear” piece of glass would have a Tvis of about
The actual Tvis derivation for a single pane of glass is calculated as:
Transparent Materials
Where thickness_in = thickness of the pane in inches color = value in the Revit dialog [0-
The table above calculates the inverse of this function. The equation is derived from the
physics of light transport in glass. It combines the Beer-Lambert law of transmission and the
Fresnel equations (which are used to calculate the leading constant:1-R). The renderer
implements these physical equations because they automatically account for things like
directional variation in reflectivity and transmissivity and greater absorption in thicker panes
of glass. Further it ensures that glass is always handled in a physically correct and
consistent manner.
Opaque Materials
Opaque Materials
Material reflectivity is an important consideration for lighting analysis. It will dictate how much
light bounces off the interior surfaces and further into the building. Material reflectivity is
controlled by the RGB values in the Revit Material Browser. Follow the steps below to set
material reflectivity for opaque surfaces.
Element Reflectivity
Ceilings 85%
Walls 60%
Floors 25%
Download this worksheet to help quickly define RGB values for different reflectivity values.
Select the Revit element that you want to edit. Select Edit Type from the Properties panel.
To change the properties associated with the materials that make up the element, Edit the
Opaque Materials
Select the interior face of the element. This will open the Material Browser.
Opaque Materials
In the Material Browser, open the Appearance tab. The Appearance tab is the only tab that
affects the results for illuminance analyses.
In the Generic panel, editing the RGB values will control reflectivity for opaque finishes. If an
image is selected for the Appearance, the average colors of the picture will determine the
basic material reflectivity.
Opaque Materials
You can use the table below, or the worksheet available here to define RGB values for
specific reflectivity values.
Opaque Materials
When all other attributes in the Appearance tab are unchecked, the material will have a
matte finish and only diffuse reflectivity (it will not be “shiny”). You can simulate shiny, or
specular, materials by checking Reflectivity and changing the settings.
Opaque Materials
All other categories in the Appearance tab (Transparency, Cutouts, Self Illumination, Bump,
and Tint) define surface appearance properties. These will affect overall light reflectivity.
Light Analysis Settings
These settings persist with Revit, not the project, so be aware that any changes that you
make to the settings will keep for all other projects until you change the settings.
Log debug file in This option automatically creates a log file in the listed
C:\Autodesk\RevitDaylighting structure. This can be helpful when troubleshooting.
Light Analysis Settings
The "_Lighting Analysis Model View" 3D view is used to define the geometry and settings
for the lighting analysis. Any changes you make to this view before selecting Run Analysis
will be represented in your analysis results. For instance, you can hide or turn off objects in
this view to not include them in the lighting analysis.
Each time a lighting analysis is run, it will automatically change some of the settings for the
"_Lighting Analysis Model View" 3D view, unless you change the settings defined in the
Light Analysis Settings menu.
If checked, the Lighting Scheme for the Rendering Settings for the
"_Lighting Analysis Model View" 3D view is set to "Interior: Sun
“Lighting >
only". Unchecked, this setting allows you to change the Rendering
Settings to include electric lights.
If checked, the Background Style for the Rendering Settings for the
"_Lighting Analysis Model View" 3D view is set to "Sky: No clouds".
> Style”
If checked, the section box for the "_Lighting Analysis Model View"
Turn off
3D view is turned off. Unchecked this setting allows you to exclude
parts of the model using the section box, but be aware any open areas
or floors will be subjected to “full sun.”
Turn off
This option hides the following categories of elements in the "_Lighting
visibility for
Analysis Model View" 3D view: Furniture, Furniture Systems,
Entourage, _and Planting_. Unchecking this setting allows you to
include these elements and their impact will be represented in the
lighting analysis results.
If checked, the Phase Filter for the "_Lighting Analysis Model View"
Set Phase
3D view will be set to "Show Complete for Lighting". This Phase Filter
Filter to
will display elements in New and Existing phases "By Category" and
elements in Temporary and Demolished phases will not be displayed.
If checked, the View Template for the "_Lighting Analysis Model
View" 3D view will be set to "None."
Results assistant
Check this option to be warned when a change is made to the model that
invalidates the lighting analysis results.
Export raw
Use this option opens an Excel window with analysis points and
illuminance values when results are generated. This export option is only
available for the following study types: Illuminance Analysis, LEED 2009
IEQc8 opt1, LEED v4 EQc7 opt2
large files)
Light Analysis Settings
Sky Models
Sky models
Customized Illuminance Analysis and Perspective Illuminance Renderings allow you to
specify Sky Models and irradiance data.
If you are unsure of which sky model to use, a good place to start is with the CIE Overcast
Sky model. This model will not have the unique characteristics of direct sun, and represents
an overcast condition that could happen at any time of day and is a good way to put your
design to the test. It is often standard practice to also render using the Perez model at an
equinox and the solstices to visualize a range of standard conditions.
Analysis Costs
Analysis Costs
Insight Lighting Analysis with Revit analysis uses Cloud Credits associated with your A360
account. Learn more about Cloud Credits.
You will be notified how many Cloud Credits are required and how many you have available
with each analysis. When changing study type, levels included in the analysis, or resolution
settings, selecting Check Price will recalculate your Cloud Credit costs. You will not be
charged any Cloud Credits until the analysis successfully completes and you generate
analysis results in your model. You will have the option to accept or decline the transaction
at this point.
Analysis Costs
Cloud Credit Pricing
Manage Cloud Credit Costs
Sometimes floor objects can be used to build exterior surfaces, shading devices, etc.
Analyze only specific levels or remove unwanted floor area from the 3D “_Lighting Analysis
Model View.” Also, make sure there are not duplicate floors overlapping on the same level.
Choose one level at a time to confirm model settings before running a full
If your level's floor area is within the free pricing threshold, you can often run these setup
analyses for free. Use these free analyses to get familiar with how the tool works and test
different setting before running an analysis for the full model.
Choose low resolution (72 inch) to confirm model settings before running a high
resolution (12 inch) analysis.
Use a low resolution analysis to check your settings and materials and get familiar with the
tool. Low resolution analyses are available for some study types, and require less Cloud
Credits. When ready for final analysis, you can use a high resolution.
Once you populate analysis results in your model, you can do a lot without having to run a
new analysis. If you modify Rooms, Room Parameter settings, analysis display styles,
schedule layout and column contents, or modify or create new 3D views, just select the run
to repopulate and update results. When you change the model geometry, materials, or light
fixtures, then you should run a new analysis, as the lighting conditions are changed.
Join finish floors to underlying floor layers on the same level so only one layer is
Many Revit models include layers of floors to indicate different finish surfaces in different
areas of the building. This results in increased floor area, and increased Cloud Credit costs.
Best practice is to use Modify > Geometry > Join to join the layers. You will still be able to
show or hide finish floors in different views, but if floors are joined, only the top level will be
used for the analysis.
Manage Cloud Credit Costs
Insight Lighting Analysis with Revit leverages the A360 Rendering service.
A360 Rendering uses bidirectional ray tracing but with an additional intelligent algorithm to
determine the ray order such that the most important rays are generated first. The result is a
much faster convergence to final results. The engine calculates all the bounces that are
important for making conclusions. The algorithm is called Multidimensional Lightcuts
(Siggraph 2006), with trade secret/patented extensions. This approach differs from other
tools that follow the bounces of a photon even past the point where it practically affects the
The engine has been validated with the help of one of the top daylighting firms in the
country. They used a consistent model to compare A360 Rendering illuminance outputs to
both Radiance and to actual light level measurements of the space.
Support & FAQ
Be sure to visit the A360 Rendering Forum if you have specific questions about A360
All my results are zero (red)—this can’t be right.
This is often the case when transparent assets aren’t actually assigned to glazing materials.
The glass in your model may look transparent, but you need to make sure the material asset
assigned to it is transparent as well. Follow the steps for defining Transparent Materials, and
pay special attention to assigning a transparent Asset. Using clear glazing is a good option.
If you’re confident that materials are properly set up, make sure there are no opaque
elements blocking your windows. For example, sometimes when using layered wall
constructions, a window element won’t create a void for all wall layers. If there is a wall layer,
or any other element, blocking the windows, make sure to hide it in the “_Lighting Analysis
Model View.”
Check the Rendering Settings for your view and make sure they are including the daylight or
electric light inputs. Also check your Light Analysis Settings to make sure they support your
input conditions.
Finally, check to make sure that your simulation date and time is occurring at an appropriate
time. If you are analyzing daylight values at 12AM (midnight), there won’t be any daylight to
simulate (unless of course you are in an extreme northern or southern latitude!).
If your results don’t seem right, be sure to check the suggestions listed above for material
settings, glazing obstructions, settings, and simulation time. Additionally, you might want to
check the following.
Opaque materials (walls, floors, ceilings, etc) may have a "self-illuminance" modifier defined
in the Appearance tab of the Material Browser. This can happen artificial characteristics are
used to enhance visual renderings.
In the “_Lighting Analysis Model View,” make sure there is not Section Box cutting a wall
open, or any other part of your model. The Section Box is usually automatically ignored for
analysis, but the Light Analysis Settings option may have been changed.
It might be possible that there are two different Floor elements sandwiched together in your
model. Since the lighting analysis planes are created from Floor elements if there are
multiple Floor elements on top of each other or assigned to the same Level, there will likely
be multiple analysis planes on top of each other, creating conflicting views or double
markers. Try removing or hiding the unnecessary floors in the "_Lighting Analysis Model
View." Bonus, doing so will probably lower your Cloud Credit costs as well.
Can I exclude Rooms from the calculation before I submit the analysis?
Rooms that are checked in checked or unchecked in the “_Lighting Analysis Room
Schedule” will only impact results visualizations and threshold calculations. It will not impact
futures analyses.
To exclude areas or elements from future lighting analyses, you will want to control the
"_Lighting Analysis Model View."
Tubular skylights (SolaTube, Velux Sun Tunnel, ODL, etc) can be modeled as Light Fixtures
associated with an IES lighting distribution profile. The IES files should be specific to location
and time of your analysis and are available from most skylight manufacturers. Most
manufacturers also have Revit families that can be used to host the IES file, or you can use
any generic fixture to create a tubular skylight fixture.
After creating the fixture, follow the workflow to include electric lights, where the skylight
fixtures are acting as electric lights.
One of the differences between LEED v4 EQc7 opt1 (sDA/ASE) calculations and LEED v4
EQc7 opt2 (single point in time) calculations, is that for sDA/ASE analysis types, shades
need to physically modeled, versus just expanding the threshold limits. Currently, Revit
doesn’t include shades for sDA/ASE analysis types. However, it’s worth noting that including
shades should change the results by a great amount. In fact, including automated shades
won’t reduce the direct sun (ASE) liability, as ASE has to be calculated with shades open.
If your available Cloud Credits don’t match up with what is listed as available in, you may need to contact your Autodesk reseller or submit a support
What information gets sent to the A360 Rendering engine from my Revit model?
Revit creates an SPD file that gets sent to the A360 Rendering engine. The SPD contains: