Environmental Modelling in Urban Areas With GIS: L. Matějíček, L. Benešová, J. Tonika

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Environmental Modelling in Urban Areas with GIS

L. Matějíček, L. Benešová, J. Tonika

Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University, Prague, 128 01, Czech Republic
([email protected])

Abstract: More accurate spatio-temporal predictions of urban environment are needed as a basis for
assessing exposures as a part of environmental studies, and to inform urban protection policy and
management. This paper is focused on modelling in the GIS to estimate air, water and soil pollution in urban
areas. The basic environmental components are complemented by bio-monitoring, waste management and
noise exposure. The models, which use data from long-time monitoring, are developed using correlation,
regression and factor analysis; simulation of dynamic relation and spatio-temporal phenomena. Integration of
a wide range of relatively independent factors enables more complex analysis of environment in urban areas.
GIS, which can integrate a wide range of spatial and temporal data, is used for data management, input and
output of data, visualization and development of programming modules that extend GIS with other statistical
analysis and dynamic modelling. The analysis and models were built in ArcGIS with ArcObjects. In spite of
the fact that the models are calibrated and tested by application in the urban areas of Prague, the structure of
the GIS project is applicable on other similar areas. The fundamental part of the environmental models is
focused on modelling of surface-water quality, soil pollution and their relation to human activities and air
pollution. The models use data measured during decades, which are collected from manually and automatic
pollution monitoring networks. The map layers are divided into a few classes that represent basic maps of
urban areas in the scale 1:500, thematic maps, aerial photographs, monitoring networks, and outputs of
environmental models. The spatio-temporal analysis and dynamic environmental models are accessible
through the user interface of the GIS project.

Keywords: dynamic modelling; GIS; simulation; urban environment

1. INTRODUCTION automatic and manual-operated stations. Water

quality and soil pollution, usually measured in
Environmental protection of urban areas includes longer time periods, are evaluated in chemical
a wide variety of techniques in order to determine laboratories. Noise, waste management and
individual factors of pollution and stress of the landscape protection complement all the
urban environment. Within these fields, information about life conditions.
monitoring and environmental modelling have
Due to the increasingly more powerful desktop
been created with a few aims: to estimate short
computing systems with constantly improving
term and long term changes, to develop models
graphic capabilities and modest financial cost to
that can simulate a real environmental situation,
individuals and agencies, the collected data are
and to aid the decision making process. In the
processed and analyse in the frame of computer
past, air quality, surface-water, groundwater, soil
information systems. Considering to the nature of
pollution, noise, waste management and
collected measurements, the research requires
landscape protection were mostly monitored in
spatio-temporal data management. The increase in
the local urban scale of some larger cities.
computing power and graphics is facilitating the
Nowadays, environmental protection on a global
advance of geographic information systems-GIS,
world scale becomes necessary. Considering to
which can effectively satisfy these tasks.
the price of monitoring systems, for the present,
Capabilities of the GIS include mainly
areas with higher concentration of inhabitants and
management of spatial data in the form of map
industry represent main focus of environmental
layers, which can visualize real objects by vector
authorities and agencies. The wide range of data
and raster data formats together with graphs and
is collected to estimate and identify various
multimedia presentations. Data analysis and
sources of pollution and stress. Air pollution,
modelling in the frame of the GIS represent one
emissions and deposition are monitored with
of the next steps. Now the GIS itself still

concerned rather on digital mapping becomes 2.1 Simulation of Dynamic Models in the
more open to other data analysis and partially to Frame of the GIS
dynamic modelling. Some finite difference
models and predictions can be solved with GIS Environmental modelling has been growing up
capabilities, but extensions are necessary to separately for a long time, so simulation systems
achieve more complex simulation. of environmental models differ in data structures,
functions and methods for sharing spatial
information. Also the structure of each group of
2. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF environmental models is subordinated to the
URBAN AREAS IN GIS purpose of their field of a study. All these factors
represent obstacles for building common data
A number of definitions describes capabilities of structures and functions. Generally, a few levels
the GIS to solve a wide range of environmental of model integration exist in the GIS. The lowest
problems, which are related to urban areas. level is represented by moving data files or
Burrough [1998] defines the GIS as a powerful sharing database. The obstacles with a data
set of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at exchange can be overcome by rewriting
will, transforming and displaying spatial data environmental models into a form in which they
from the real world for a particular set of can directly use data from GIS data structures.
purposes. This definition is an example of the There is no need to carry out new mathematical
general description of the GIS. Some definitions, models. The basic laws governing the motion of
which are used by ESRI (Environmental Systems pollution in air, surface water and groundwater
Research Institute, Inc.), are more deterministic. have been elucidated in the intervening years. The
Mostly, they accent spatial data models, which are key is to isolate the principal phenomena and to
used in ARC/INFO or in the ArcGIS’s implement complex spatio-temporal data
geodatabase. The basic structure of the project in structures. Since the scope of environmental
the GIS, which is focused on data analysis of modelling is very broad, the main goal is to
environmental problems, is illustrated in figure 1. generalize and simplify the effects of individual
interactions, which are caused by many random
and uncertain elements.
Modelling The description of environmental dynamic
phenomena can be carried out by a few ways. The
algebraic equations with time-dependent variables
GIS Spatio-
Network are used to describe changes of separated
Layers temporal
Interface processes, which can be presented by vector and
raster data structures. The vectors are in the GIS
represented by points, lines and polygons. Spatial
RDBMS data structures describe their location, shape and
topology. The raster structures form regular grids.
Further more, both data structures can link data,
Figure 1. Environmental Analysis in the GIS
which represent their attributes (estimation or
prediction of air pollution, water contamination,
All the data are stored in a database, which is
noise level etc.). The attribute data managed by
managed by a relational database management
algebraic expressions can be derived from
system-RDBMS. The GIS contains a huge range
ordinary or partial differential equations. The
of spatial analyses and temporal comparisons,
dynamic models described by ordinary
which allow carrying out and display of output
differential equations form mostly the lumped
data in the GIS’s layers. A part of data and
models. The changes of state variables are
analyses can be shared through a network
separated into discrete space that is bounded by
connection that offers sharing data by GIS
vector data. The partial differential equations
browsers. A major part of the GIS project
represent continuous space modelling. The
represents dynamic modelling, which is
solution can be one, two or three dimensional,
developed to make predictions and optimisation.
depending on how many dimensions are used to
Whereas the GIS can produce spatial and
describe environmental phenomena. Maidment
temporal analysis, implementation of dynamic
and others in their contributions in Goodchild et
modelling and predictions requires new hardware
al. [1996] describe lumped and distributed
and software capabilities of computer systems.
models, which are used for modelling of flow and
Besides of the computer power, other numerical
transport processes. The lumped models are
algorithms for simulation of dynamic phenomena
described by ordinary differential equations
have to be developed.
whose dependent variables are a function of a

single variable, which is time. By contrast, The more the dimensions, the more complex the
distributed models, which operate over a system, which causes lager amount of
continuous space, are based on partial differential calculations. From the GIS perspective, the two
equations. Their dependent variables are a dimensions enable to use directly grid formats,
function of time and one or more space variables. which can be included into the map layers.
The distinction between discrete and continuous Certainly, the data can be transformed to the grid
modelling from the GIS perspective is illustrated layers from one or three dimensions. The basic
in figure 2. arrangement of a two dimensional regular grid of
concentrations is in figure 2. All the data
Discrete modelling Continuous represent attributes of individual cells. The
in the space modelling in the deduced mathematical expressions have to be
transformed to the numerical models that provide
C1 C11 C12 C13 C14
approximate solutions. The first order
C21 C22 C23 C24 approximation for lumped models (1) can be
C31 C32 C33 C34 described be the following formula:
C41 C42 C43 C44
S k +1 = S k + ∆t ∑ inflow − outflow (3)
Vector layer Raster layer
Figure 2. GIS layers for discrete and continuous where Sk is the sequence of the amounts and ∆t is
modelling the time step. The calculation is carried out step
by step from the initial time (k = 0) to the final
The lumped model can be described as an time (k = n) in the isolate time points, which are
accumulation of matter or energy in the stocks by separated by intervals ∆t on the time axis. In
ordinary differential equation: practice, numerical solutions are used to be
dS calculated with more complex formulas, which
= ∑ inflow − outflow (1)
enable a higher accuracy. Similarly, the formula
for approximate calculation of continuous models
where S is the amount of the matter or energy (2) can be in the form:
stored in a particular object. The inflows and
 ci −1, j , k + ci , j −1, k − 4ci , j , k + ci +1, j , k + ci , j +1, k 
outflows cause the change of the amount of the ci , j , k +1 = τ  D +
mater or energy. They are functions of time, space  h2 
and other factors. The variable S in the equation  ci +1, j , k − ci , j , k ci , j +1, k − ci , j , k 
+ τ K x + Ky +
(1) represents the state variable. Instead of state  h h 
variables, normalized variables (density, [ ]
+ τ f i ,chj , k (tk ) + f i ,s j , k (tk )
concentration or intensity) are used to make
presentation of environmental models. In figure 2, where ci,j,k is the concentration in the cell of the
the amount of pollution is divided by a volume or grid, which is in the ith row, the jth column and the
mass, which enables to compare concentrations of kth grid in the frame of the time sequence. τ
pollution in the neighbour areas. represents the time step. h is the distance of the
centres of the cells in the grid. The time sequence
The distributed models can be assembled with a
is similar to the sequence of the individual state
few basic phenomena: diffusion, advection,
variables in the lumped models. Compare to
chemical reaction and source description. The
continuous models, mostly, the lumped models
fundamental two-dimensional system can be
require less calculations. In case of the formula
described by a partial differential equation:
(4), more precise techniques are used to minimize
∂c ∂  ∂c  ∂  ∂c  numerical errors. The demonstrated numerical
= D  + D  + solutions of dynamic models focused on the urban
∂t ∂x  ∂x  ∂y  ∂y  (2) environment can be implemented in the GIS.
∂c ∂c Some GISs, like for example the ESRI’s ArcGIS,
Kx + Ky + f ch (t , x, y ) + f s (t , x, y ) contains classes of objects that are used to
∂x ∂y
manage data, automate setting of parameters and
where c is a concentration, D and Kx, Ky represent running functions. Moreover, the programming
diffusion and advection constants. fch is the term, tools can be used to develop numerical
which contains all the physical or chemical calculation. Besides the described way of
transformation. fs describes the spatio-temporal calculation of the dynamic models in the frame of
input and output of pollution. The equation (2) is the GIS, the GIS programming libraries can be
formed to describe the diffusion, advection and used to develop standalone modules. This is one
other interactions in two dimensions. The of the most efficient ways, which offers the direct
equation (2) can be extended to three dimensions. solution of dynamic models inside programming
modules supported by GIS functions.

3. THE GIS BASED MONITORING AND aggregated and analysed together with the raster
MODELLING TOOLS algebra tools in the frame of the GIS. Figure 4
illustrates a basic schema of environmental
The synthesis of GIS and dynamic modelling is modelling and data interactions. The modelling
realized by programming modules inside the GIS. tools, which are focused on simulation of
The structure of the integrated system is in individual phenomena (air pollution, water
figure 3. Map layers are complemented with pollution, etc.), are closed to standalone modules.
attribute tables, which contain the experimental Some simulation (air and water pollution) can be
data and model outputs. Other data in external carried out externally by simulation expert
tables can be joined to attribute tables. Spatial systems. The results are imported backward to the
analysis and a part of environmental analysis can GIS. The modelling tools, which include raster
be performed by built-in GIS’s tools. The algebra, enable complex analysis of all the
environmental modelling and analysis is particular results from individual simulations and
developed with programming tools. GISs offer data analyses.
programming support on various levels. Due to a
high amount of numeric calculations, the efficient map layers: modelling and data map layers:
programming systems are needed. Among various pollution analysis tools complex
tools, the COM technology in the frame of analysis of
ArcGIS is used to build simulation modules. weighted
Another way represents sharing data between GIS factors
and a standalone simulation system. The database air
and the data files are used to realize the
surface water
Map layers landscape
A ttribute pollution
data soil
Environmental Models others
and Data Analysis
Figure 4. Data processing and aggregation

GIS Programming tools The raster algebra tools operate with cell-based
modelling. Each cell of the input layer contains an
Spatial 3D Spatial attribute (concentration, amount or other factor).
Analysis Analysis Statistics The attribute of the cell in the same position in the
output layer is calculated by the algebraic
GIS Built-in Tools expression from the attribute of the cells in the
input layers, figure 5.
air pollution
database or f ile
Environmental Models
and Data Analysis surface water pollution
Figure 3. Environmental modelling and data pollution
analysis in the frame of the GIS
soil pollution
The environmental models and analysis are data
divided into a few classes. The individual classes analysis
are focused on the air, surface water, landscape, others
soil and groundwater phenomena. Each class
contains its modelling and analysis tools. These
data and modelling tools are complemented by
other information needed for decision-making
process (cadastral maps and entries, public
Figure 5. Spatial environmental modelling and
services, etc.). The model solutions are
analysis with raster algebra

Pollution from the traffic
0,0000 - 5,6147 10,00 - 30,00
5,6148 - 15,1824 30,01 - 50,00
15,1825 - 33,4900
50,01 - 70,00
33,4901 - 72,0399
70,01 - 90,00
72,0400 - 170,0383
90,01 - 120,00

Figure 6. An example of GIS based data analysis:

pollution from the traffic in 1996 (the upper part)
and in 1998 (the bottom part)

p o in t s t a t io n s : s tr e e t s :
m e a s u r e m e n ts t r a n s p o r t in t e n s it y a e r ia l p h o t o g r a p h s

3 2

1 5 4

e n v ir o n m e n t a l s p a t ia l s p a t ia l s p a t ia l
m o d e llin g in t e r p o la t io n d is p la y c o rr e c t io n
t e x t a n d le g e n d s

s p a t ia l
m erge

Figure 7. Diagram of spatial data analysis processes, can be displayed, analyse and put
through the environmental modelling together
As an example, data analysis of air pollution from with their predictions.
mobile sources is illustrated in figure 6. Two
frames, which are chosen from the time sequence
of long-term measurements, contain layers with 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
aerial photographs, street networks and spatial
interpolations. The flows of the correspondent The paper was carried out in the frame of the
spatial analyses are illustrated in figure 7. The project VZ MSM 113100007, which is generally
input data are formed with map layers, which focused on modelling natural environment and
contain air pollution monitoring network, street society. The project primarily associates
network and aerial photographs. After individual geographic departments of Charles University in
spatial analysis of each layer, the spatial merge is Prague. The experimental data and digital maps
processed together with the results of used for simulation of environmental models are
environmental modelling. Consecutively, these administrated by the Environmental Department
particular results are combined by map algebra of the Prague City Hall. The environmental
analysis together with the similar results from modelling described in this contribution is
other environmental modules (water and soil planned to extend the Environmental Information
pollution, etc.). System of Prague, which is used by the municipal
authorities in the field of environmental impact
assessment, as well as by standard sections
4. CONCLUSIONS dealing with statistical data on Prague
Environmental modelling in urban areas was
developed to support decision-making process
and to mark some common guidelines that can be 6. REFERENCES
used in environmental analysis and predictions.
Due to the shortage of estimated data and Burrough, P.A., R.A. McDonnell, Principles of
complexity of studied phenomena, all the results Geographical Information Systems, Oxford
of simulations have to be validated. In case of University Press, 333 pp., Oxford, 1998.
predictions, the interpretation of results should
Goodchild, M.F., L.T. Steyaert, B.O. Parks, C.A.
include analysis of possible errors. In spite of
Johnston, D.R. Maidment, M.P. Crane, and S.
these critical conclusions, the presented complex
Glendinning, editors, GIS and Environmental
analysis and environmental modelling in the
Modeling: Progress and Research Issues.
frame of the GIS show new ways of assessment of
Fort Collins, CO: GIS World Books, 486 pp.,
the urban environment. The wide range of data,
which are collected by manual and automatic


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