8259 Pic
8259 Pic
8259 Pic
PIC 8259
The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PlC) functions as
an overall manager in an Interrupt-Driven system.
It handles 8 interrupts in the place of INTR pin.
It accepts requests from the peripheral equipment,
determines which of the incoming requests is of the highest
importance (priority), ascertains whether the incoming
request has a higher priority value than the level currently
being serviced, and issues an interrupt to the CPU based on
this determination
Each peripheral device or structure usually has a special
program or “routine” that is associated with its specific
functional or operational requirements; this is referred to as a
“service routine”.
The PIC, after issuing an interrupt to the CPU, must
somehow input information into the CPU that can point
(vector) the Program Counter to the service routine
associated with the requesting device
The PIC manages eight levels of requests and has built-in
features for expandability to other PIC (up to 64 levels). It is
programmed by system software as an I/O peripheral. The
priority modes can be changed or reconfigured dynamically
at any time during main program operation
Functional Block Diagram
Functional Block Diagram Description