Artificial Insemination - Docx1
Artificial Insemination - Docx1
Artificial Insemination - Docx1
- The
How does the artificial insemination procedure work, and is it right for you? Artificial insemination can
help individuals get pregnant when dealing with issues such as:
Unexplained infertility
Your doctor may also recommend that you track your ovulatory cycles by taking a daily basal body
temperature (BBT) and/or charting changes to your cervical mucus.
Your doctor may also ask you to monitor your ovulation by testing for an LH surge in your urine. This
LH surge will indicate that you are about to ovulate. Once the surge happens, you may choose to do
one or two artificial insemination procedures each cycle.
It may prevent you from having a possible allergic response to the sperm.
Step 5: Rest
After the artificial insemination procedure, a cervical cap or sponge is placed into the vagina to keep
the sperm near the cervix. This sponge or cap can be removed several hours after the procedure is
You may be advised to lie down for 15-20 minutes with the sponge inside of you. Some experts
believe that lying down after the procedure boosts your chances of getting pregnant.
To help this process be more relaxing, you may want to bring your partner, or a close friend, or a
book – whatever helps you to relax. If you are still unable to get pregnant after several cycles, your
doctor may want to do further fertility testing.
1. If your male partner’s sperm is of poor quality or quantity, donor sperm may help you get pregnant.
2. Some men with genetic disorders may choose to use donor sperm with the artificial insemination procedure so
3. Using a sperm donor is also a popular choice for single women or lesbian couples who want to build a family
of their own.
Before proceeding with donor sperm and the artificial insemination procedure, your doctor may
encourage you to speak to a counselor about any anxieties or concerns. You can usually select your
own sperm bank that will provide you with information about each donor. You may find out what the
sperm donor looks like, as well as his ethnicity, career and educational background, and personal
health information.
Donor sperm used in the artificial insemination procedure is analyzed for a variety of health
conditions and viruses, including HIV and other infections. Current guidelines recommend that the
donor sperm is quarantined for at least six months to ensure its safety.