La Damasajdjdjd Digest

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Sometime in the month of January, 1960, Antonio Co, the manager of the plaintiff corporation, called
the office of the defendant and told Mariano Lim, the President and general manager of the
defendant recommending that the plant of defendant needed a conveyor system. He therefore
offered his services to manufacture and install a conveyor system which, according to him, would
increase production and efficiency of his business.

The president of the defendant corporation did not make up his mind then but suggested to Antonio
Co to put down his offer in writing. When Antonio Co returned to inquire about the action of the
defendant on his said offer. The defendants president and general manager then expressed his
conformity to the offer made in Exhibit A by writing at the foot thereof under the word "confirmation"
his signature. He caused, however, to be added to this offer at the foot a note which reads: "All
specifications shall be in strict accordance with the approved plan made part of this agreement
hereof." A few days later, Antonio Co made the demand for the down payment of P5,000.00 which
was readily delivered by the defendant in the form of a check for the said amount. After that
agreement, the plaintiff started to prepare the premises for the installations of the conveyor system
by digging holes in the cement floor of the plant and they delivered one unit of conveyor

As a result of this trial or experimental runs, it was discovered, according to the defendant's general
manager, that the conveyor system did not function to their satisfaction.

It seems that the defects indicated by the said president and general manager of the defendant had
not been remedied so that they came to the parting of the ways with the result that when the plaintiff
billed the defendant for the balance of the contract price, the latter refused to pay for the reason that
according to the defendant the conveyor system installed by the plaintiff did not serve the purpose.

On March 22, 1961, the contractor commenced the present action to recover the sums of P8,250,
balance of the stipulated price of the aforementioned conveyors.

The appealed resolution of the Court of Appeals was, in effect, based upon the theory of prescription
of La Fuerza's right of action for rescission of its contract with the plaintiff, for — in the language of
said resolution — "Article 1571 of the Civil Code provides that an action to rescind 'shall be barred
after six months from delivery of the thing sold'", and, in the case at bar, La Fuerza did not avail of
the right to demand rescission until the filing of its answer in the Court of First Instance, on April 17,
1961, or over ten (10) months after the installation of the conveyors in question had been completed
on May 30, 1960.

Issue: WON the period of 6 months prescribed in 1571 has begun to run.

Upon the completion of the installation of the conveyors, in May, 1960, particularly after the last trial
run, in July 1960, La Fuerza was in a position to decide whether or not it was satisfied with said
conveyors, and, hence, to state whether the same were a accepted or rejected. The failure of La
Fuerza to express categorically whether they accepted or rejected the conveyors does not detract
from the fact that the same were actually in its possession and control; that, accordingly, the
conveyors had already been delivered by the plaintiff; and that, the period prescribed in said Art.
1571 had begun to run.

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