Workplace Social Skills Review
Workplace Social Skills Review
Workplace Social Skills Review
Because most jobs require that workers interact with people, employers hire and promote those who have strong
social skills. Read the 12 sentences related to workplace social skills and use the terms from the word bank to fill in
the blank lines. Use each term exactly one time.
Word Bank
▪ cooperate ▪ listen ▪ polite ▪ soft
▪ inclusive ▪ manage ▪ positive ▪ understand
▪ interpersonal ▪ nonverbal ▪ self-aware ▪ verbal
10. Social skills include the 11. Having good social 12. A worker with good
ability to recognize and skills includes knowing social skills is genuine,
___________________ when to speak and when respectful, likable, and
conflicts effectively. to ________________ . _________________ of
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
Social skills enable employees to interact and communicate with others effectively. Directions: Complete the table
by categorizing each employee action as a workplace social skills do or don’t.
Employee Actions
● interrupt people when they are speaking ● be a dependable, trustworthy team player
● be polite and say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” ● complain excessively or nag others
● stand too close or too far when talking with people ● greet, acknowledge, and respect people
● use positive body language (e.g., smile, eye contact, etc.) ● be open to other people’s ideas and views
● cooperate with co-workers, customers, and managers ● have a bad attitude or negative outlook
● share overly personal information ● be confrontational or defensive
● use mobile devices when speaking with others ● learn how to manage workplace conflict
● let personal issues affect workplace performance ● be an active, engaged listener
Do Don’t
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
1. Read each workplace social skills statement and rate your current ability by circling the appropriate
number. Use the scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent).
2. On the blank lines, describe actions you can take to improve that particular social skill.
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_________
Circle the letter of the best answer. Read all choices before responding.
1. Darius enters his office building and sees 5. Mike and Ava cannot decide on the best
his supervisor, Amy. Darius should way to solve a problem. Their discussion
becomes very heated. Mike decides the
a. only speak if Amy says something.
best way to handle this situation is to
b. smile, make eye contact, and say “good
a. ask that they continue the discussion
morning, Amy.”
later, giving them time to calm down
c. nod at Amy. and reflect on the situation.
d. look at the floor and say “hello.” b. make an inappropriate joke to lighten
the mood.
2. Carla is a salesperson and is a naturally c. cross his arms and glare at Ava.
friendly person. An appropriate form of
d. tell Ava exactly what he thinks of her.
physical contact Carla can use at work is
a. shaking hands to greet someone. 6. Julian learns that Mia has received the
company’s annual safety award. Because
b. rubbing a co-worker’s shoulders if he
he has good social skills, Julian
or she appears stressed.
a. grabs, hugs, and kisses her.
c. tapping a customer on the shoulder to
get his or her attention. b. tells her “congratulations!”
d. any of the above. c. reminds Mia that he received the same
award last year.
3. A customer tells Antonio, a service tech-
d. does all of the above.
nician, about the problems with her laptop.
To demonstrate he is listening, Antonio
7. Georgia attends her office’s annual party.
a. finishes her sentences. Because Georgia has good social skills, she
b. interrupts her several times to make a a. makes an effort to talk to as many
comment. people as possible.
c. makes eye contact, nods, and asks b. invites a newly hired employee to eat
questions when she is done speaking. at her table.
d. does all of the above. c. thanks the organizers of the party.
4. Aisha eats lunch with her co-workers in the d. does all of the above.
company’s break room. Because she has
good social skills, Aisha always 8. Lamar’s boss brings in a cake to celebrate
Anika’s birthday. Because Lamar has good
a. cleans up her mess when done. social skills, he
b. uses proper utensils and a napkin. a. thanks his boss for the cake.
c. participates in the group conversation, b. wishes Anika a happy birthday.
but does not talk while chewing.
c. volunteers to help pass out the plates.
d. does all of the above.
d. does all of the above.
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_________
1. Imagine you are a service technician for the A 2. What distance (in feet) do you think is ideal
to Z Repair Company. How would you when talking to someone at work? Explain.
verbally introduce yourself to a new customer?
What types of nonverbal communication How does this differ from the distance you
would you use? use when interacting with friends and family?
3. Imagine you are eating lunch with co-workers 4. What should you say or do if a workplace
in the company’s break room. Why should situation upsets or stresses you?
you participate in the group’s conversation?
Why should you balance speaking and listening What should you not say or do if a workplace
(i.e., not talking too much or too little)? situation upsets or stresses you?
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
Directions: Find the workplace social skills within the box. The words may be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or
e a c o l l a b o r a t i v e l i k a
m n g e n u f r i p o s i t i b c p s
p x g c o l r c a o a p p r o e o e u
a o e a d a i n l s e n s i r f o r p
t c l d g g e n u i n e u a e i p c p
h o h i n e n e m t k q w c s n e e o
e o u i t a d l i i t a w o p c r p r
t p r f r e l a w v o c b m e l a t t
i a d a p t y e s e l o e l c u t i i
c p i n t e r a e r e n s a e s i o v
o p o s i t i r p e r c e p t i v e e
m r s u p p e m p a a o n h i v e n n
p o i n c c o m p o n o s u u e x g g
o p c o n f i d e n t p i m a m o a a
s r a i c o n f i d s e t b d f b g g
i i s e m p a t u t a r i l a r p l i
n a d a p t a b l e k a v a p i c o e
g t c o l l a b o c a d e s o p m o c
w e l c o m i n g e n u i c o m p o s
e m p a t h y s e v i t c a r e t n i
p a r e s p e c t f u l p o s i t i t
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Answer Key
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
Because most jobs require that workers interact with people, employers hire and promote those who have strong
social skills. Read the 12 sentences related to workplace social skills and use the terms from the word bank to fill in
the blank lines. Use each term exactly one time.
Word Bank
▪ cooperate ▪ listen ▪ polite ▪ soft
▪ inclusive ▪ manage ▪ positive ▪ understand
▪ interpersonal ▪ nonverbal ▪ self-aware ▪ verbal
10. Social skills include the 11. Having good social 12. A worker with good
ability to recognize and skills includes knowing social skills is genuine,
___________________ when to speak and when respectful, likable, and
conflicts effectively. listen
to ________________ . inclusive
_________________ of
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Answer Key
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
Social skills enable employees to interact and communicate with others effectively. Directions: Complete the table
by categorizing each employee action as a workplace social skills do or don’t.
Employee Actions
● interrupt people when they are speaking ● be a dependable, trustworthy team player
● be polite and say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” ● complain excessively or nag others
● stand too close or too far when talking with people ● greet, acknowledge, and respect people
● use positive body language (e.g., smile, eye contact, etc.) ● be open to other people’s ideas and views
● cooperate with co-workers, customers, and managers ● have a bad attitude or negative outlook
● share overly personal information ● be confrontational or defensive
● use mobile devices when speaking with others ● learn how to manage workplace conflict
● let personal issues affect workplace performance ● be an active, engaged listener
Do Don’t
be a dependable, trustworthy team player interrupt people when they are speaking
greet, acknowledge, and respect people stand too close or too far when talking with people
use positive body language (e.g., smile, eye contact, have a bad attitude or negative outlook
be open to other people’s ideas and views share overly personal information
learn how to manage workplace conflict use mobile devices when speaking with others
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Answers will vary
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
1. Read each workplace social skills statement and rate your current ability by circling the appropriate
number. Use the scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent).
2. On the blank lines, describe actions you can take to improve that particular social skill.
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Answer Key
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_________
Circle the letter of the best answer. Read all choices before responding.
1. Darius enters his office building and sees 5. Mike and Ava cannot decide on the best
his supervisor, Amy. Darius should way to solve a problem. Their discussion
becomes very heated. Mike decides the
a. only speak if Amy says something.
best way to handle this situation is to
b. smile, make eye contact, and say “good
a. ask that they continue the discussion
morning, Amy.”
later, giving them time to calm down
c. nod at Amy. and reflect on the situation.
d. look at the floor and say “hello.” b. make an inappropriate joke to lighten
the mood.
2. Carla is a salesperson and is a naturally c. cross his arms and glare at Ava.
friendly person. An appropriate form of
d. tell Ava exactly what he thinks of her.
physical contact Carla can use at work is
a. shaking hands to greet someone. 6. Julian learns that Mia has received the
company’s annual safety award. Because
b. rubbing a co-worker’s shoulders if he
he has good social skills, Julian
or she appears stressed.
a. grabs, hugs, and kisses her.
c. tapping a customer on the shoulder to
get his or her attention. b. tells her “congratulations!”
d. any of the above. c. reminds Mia that he received the same
award last year.
3. A customer tells Antonio, a service tech-
d. does all of the above.
nician, about the problems with her laptop.
To demonstrate he is listening, Antonio
7. Georgia attends her office’s annual party.
a. finishes her sentences. Because Georgia has good social skills, she
b. interrupts her several times to make a a. makes an effort to talk to as many
comment. people as possible.
c. makes eye contact, nods, and asks b. invites a newly hired employee to eat
questions when she is done speaking. at her table.
d. does all of the above. c. thanks the organizers of the party.
4. Aisha eats lunch with her co-workers in the d. does all of the above.
company’s break room. Because she has
good social skills, Aisha always 8. Lamar’s boss brings in a cake to celebrate
Anika’s birthday. Because Lamar has good
a. cleans up her mess when done. social skills, he
b. uses proper utensils and a napkin. a. thanks his boss for the cake.
c. participates in the group conversation, b. wishes Anika a happy birthday.
but does not talk while chewing.
c. volunteers to help pass out the plates.
d. does all of the above.
d. does all of the above.
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Answers will vary
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_________
1. Imagine you are a service technician for the A 2. What distance (in feet) do you think is ideal
to Z Repair Company. How would you when talking to someone at work? Explain.
verbally introduce yourself to a new customer?
What types of nonverbal communication How does this differ from the distance you
would you use? use when interacting with friends and family?
3. Imagine you are eating lunch with co-workers 4. What should you say or do if a workplace
in the company’s break room. Why should situation upsets or stresses you?
you participate in the group’s conversation?
Why should you balance speaking and listening What should you not say or do if a workplace
(i.e., not talking too much or too little)? situation upsets or stresses you?
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities
Answer Key
Name___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Period_______
Directions: Find the workplace social skills within the box. The words may be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or
e a c o l l a b o r a t i v e l i k a
m n g e n u f r i p o s i t i b c p s
p x g c o l r c a o a p p r o e o e u
a o e a d a i n l s e n s i r f o r p
t c l d g g e n u i n e u a e i p c p
h o h i n e n e m t k q w c s n e e o
e o u i t a d l i i t a w o p c r p r
t p r f r e l a w v o c b m e l a t t
i a d a p t y e s e l o e l c u t i i
c p i n t e r a e r e n s a e s i o v
o p o s i t i r p e r c e p t i v e e
m r s u p p e m p a a o n h i v e n n
p o i n c c o m p o n o s u u e x g g
o p c o n f i d e n t p i m a m o a a
s r a i c o n f i d s e t b d f b g g
i i s e m p a t u t a r i l a r p l i
n a d a p t a b l e k a v a p i c o e
g t c o l l a b o c a d e s o p m o c
w e l c o m i n g e n u i c o m p o s
e m p a t h y s e v i t c a r e t n i
p a r e s p e c t f u l p o s i t i t
© 2017 Career and Employment Prep Job Skills Activities: Workplace Social Skills Activities