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 Automatic control has evolved a lot over the years, and today’s industrial plants rely on

o An array of control systems, including

o Distributed control systems (DCS),

o Manufacturing execution systems (MES),

o Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems,

o And programmable logic controllers (PLC).

 Though has its own unique history, each system shares the workload of gathering data and controlling
disparate machines in the plant, allowing them to work in a cohesive fashion.
 Automation System maintain the

o Product quality,

o Consistency,

o Reduce start-up time,

o Increase speed of operation with

o Human safety.

 Control system required for the same purpose


o Distributed Control System (DCS)

 DCS : is a Control system which is functionally as well as physically distributed

 Evolution of DCS

4. Open Loop: offline

o Digital computers acquire and process plant data

o Operator read this data and store them, which was an offline process for acquisition and processing of


o No optimization and feedback control.

5. Open Loop : online

 In this era of 50’s computers were provided for process interface for data acquisition and process control, by

connecting inputs directly to the computer. But still used as open loop control
4. Closed Loop : offline

o Set point values were calculated by computer but still manually set by plant operator.

o Thus offline closed loop control was formed

o This was only acceptable when timing condition of process control is not severe as manual intervention

leads to introduction of time delay in the control of the process.

5. Closed Loop : online

o At the end of 50’s era output elements were also connected to the computers for online process

monitoring and control.

o Thus data transfer in both the directions was the first step towards online closed loop control.

5. Distributed Dedicated Computers

 Used for dedicated functions i.e. Data processing, data acquisition etc.

 With no interconnection or data inter- exchange between them (computers).

 Data inter-exchange is only possible via a transportable medium.





6. Centralized Dedicated Computers 13/09

 The information inter-exchange which was not

possible in the distributed dedicated computer control


 was possible in centralised systems by introducing

another central computer


o in which data from all the dedicated computers is

collected, which can be shared later on.


 This led to the information exchange but with

computational speed and reliability of computer at PLANT


7. Decentralized Computer System

 In the beginning of the 70’s it was accepted that CENTRAL COMPUTER

o the central computer will solve central automation

problem only and

 peripheral computers have to solve local problems in their

close surrounding.

 Thus, a 2- stage hierarchical automation system structure

was introduced

o called Decentralized Computer System

 Industrial automation system deals with advanced automation control technologies

o for better control performance over complex processes.

 To increase reliability, productivity and quality while minimizing the production cost,

o process control industries must be driven by integrated controllers with high distributed control


 Distributed control system

 Specially designed with redundancy and diagnostic capabilities

 To improve control reliability and performance

 Give greater flexibility to control distributed discrete field devices and its operating stations


 Initially DCS units were mainly focussed on control and providing an operator interface.

 Today, DCS technology has evolved to integrate plant -wide assets and operations information.

 integrated software is now essential to interpret this information in real-time,

o and manage operations effectively.


 These systems were gradually superseded (take the place) by new electronic versions.

o Further development resulted in modern control systems which utilise

 Digital Fieldbus networks (Hart, FF, etc) to gather much more data from field devices than
a single temperature or provide a setpoint.

o Recently the availability of Ethernet field instrument devices

 has allowed for a more common network throughout the system architecture

 DCS is a platform that includes

o Reporting,

o Interactive dashboards,

o Asset tracking and business system connectivity,

o Enables truly plant-wide decisions to produce

 a positive impact to plant operations

 and ultimately the manufacturing bottom line.

 Companies utilising the power of software in modern DCS process solutions,

o coupled with the ability to network through industrial Ethernet and digital buses to the
field allowing

 Plant visibility,

 Enable them to make business and operational decisions

 to significantly improve efficiency

 and yield in today's highly-competitive economic environment

What is Distributed Control System 13/09
 specially designed control system used to control complex,
large and geographically distributed applications in industrial

 The controllers are distributed throughout the entire plant area.

 DCS are connected to both field devices and operating PCs

through high speed communication networks

 Discrete Field devices such as sensors and actuators are

directly connected to input and output controller modules
through communication bus.

 These field devices or smart instruments are capable of

communicating with PLC’s or other controllers while interacting
with real world parameters like temperature, pressure, etc.

DCS operation
 Sensors senses process information and send to local I/O modules

 To which actuators are connected to control process parameters

 Information/ data from these remote modules is gathered to the

process control unit via field bus

 Collected information is further processed, analyzed and produces

the output results based on the controller logic

 Control actions are then carried to actuator devices via field bus.

 DCS configuring, commissioning and control logic implementation

are carried at engineering station

 Operator able to view and send control actions manually at operation

DCS control system
 Data acquisition and control functions are carried through a number of microprocessor based controllers,
distributed functionally and geographically over the plant and are situated near area where control or data
gathering functions being performed

 These controllers communicate among themselves and also with other controllers like supervisory
terminals, operator terminals

 Controllers are connected to field devices for sharing gathered data with other hierarchal
controllers via different field buses.

 Different field buses/ standard communication protocols establishes the communication between
controllers. e.g. Profibus, HART, arc net, Modbus, etc.

 Advantage of dividing control tasks for distributed controllers --- if any part of DCS fails, the plant can
continue to operate irrespective of failed section.

DCS Architecture

 Differs from a centralized control system

 Centralised control system : Single controller at central location handles the control function


o Each process element/ machine/ group of machines is controlled by a dedicated


o Consists of a large number of local controllers in various sections of plant control area

and are connected via a high speed communication network.

 Controllers are connected to operating and engineering stations for

 data monitoring, data logging, alarming and controlling purpose

 via another high speed communication bus.

3 Main Qualities Of DCS 13/09
1. Various control functions (data acquisition, data presentation, process control, process supervision,
reporting information, storing and retrieval of information)

 Distributed into relatively small sets of subsystems,

 Interconnected through a high speed communication bus

2. Automation of manufacturing process by integrating advanced control strategies

3. Arranging the things as a system ----

 DCS organizes the entire control structure as a single automation system where

 Various subsystems are unified

 Through a proper command structure and information flow.

Basic Elements of Distributed Control System

 DCS continuously interacts with the processes in process control applications

 After getting instruction from the operator.

 Facilitates to variable set points and opening and closing of valves for manual control

 HMI, face plates and trend display gives the effective monitoring of industrial processes.
 Basic DCS elements 13/09

1. Engineering workstation

2. Operating station/ HMI

3. Process control unit/ local control unit,

 Smart devices, and communication

 AC 700F and AC 800F controllers

o Local control for field instruments

o Communication interface between

 Field devices and engineering station

 Automatic control includes accomplishing two major operations

o the transmission of signals (information flow) back and forth and

o the calculation of control actions (decision making).

 Carrying out these operations in real plant requires a set of hardware and instrumentation that serve as
the platform for these tasks.

 Distributed control system (DCS) is the most modern control platform, which stands for

o all advanced control strategies

o And lowliest control system.

Commercial Distributed Control Systems

 In more complex pilot plants and full-scale plants, there are hundreds of control loops.

 For such large processes, the commercial DCS is more appropriate.

 Vendors who provide DCS systems : Baily, Foxboro, Honeywell, Rosemont, Yokogawa, etc.

 Conceptually, the DCS is similar to the simple PC network.

 However, there are some differences.

1. The hardware and software of the DCS is made more flexible, i.e. easy to modify and configure, and
to be able to handle a large number of loops.

2. The modern DCS are equipped with optimization, high-performance model-building and control
software as options.

 Therefore, an imaginative engineer with theoretical background on modern control systems can quickly
configure the DCS network to implement high performance controllers.

 A DCS is then a powerful tool for any large commercial plant.

 The engineer or operator can immediately utilize such a system to:

 Access a large amount of current information from the data highway.

 See trends of past process conditions by calling archival data storage.

 Readily install new on-line measurements together with local computers for data
acquisition and then use the new data immediately for controlling all loops of the

 Alternate quickly among standard control strategies and readjust controller parameters
in software.

 A sight full engineer can use the flexibility of the framework to implement his latest
controller design ideas on the host computer or on the main control computer.
 In the common DCS architecture,

 The microcomputer attached to the process known as front-end computers are usually
less sophisticated equipment employed for low level functions.

 Typically such equipment would acquire process data from the measuring devices and
convert them to standard engineering units.

 The results at this level are passed upward to the larger /upper-level computers that are
responsible for more complex operations.

 Which can be programmed to perform more advanced calculations.

Description of the DCS elements


The typical DCS system shown in Figure 3 can consists of one or more of the following elements:

1. Local Control Unit (LCU). This is denoted as local computer in Figure 3.

 Can handle 8 to 16 individual PID loops,

 With 16 to 32 analog input lines,

 8 to 16 analog output signals

 And a limited number of digital inputs and outputs.

2. Data Acquisition Unit.

 contain 2 to 16 times as many analog/ Digital input/output channels as the LCU

3. Batch Sequencing Unit. contains a number of 13/09

 External events,

 Timing counters,

 Arbitrary function generators, and

 Internal logic.

4. Local Display : provides

 Analog display stations,

 Analog trend recorder, and

 Video display for readout.

5. Bulk Memory Unit :

5. Store and recall process data.

6. Usually mass storage disks or magnetic tape are used.

6. General Purpose Computer :

 Is programmed to perform sophisticated functions such as

o Optimization,

o Advance control,

o Expert system, etc.

7. Central Operator Display : contain
 One or more consoles for operator communication with the system,

 And multiple video color graphics display units.

8. Data Highway :

 Is a serial digital data transmission link connecting all other components in the

 May consist of coaxial cable.

 Most commercial dcs allow for redundant data highway to reduce the risk of
data loss.

9. Local area Network . : Many manufacturers supply a port device to allow connection to
remote devices through a standard local area network.

1. Engineering PC/ controller

 Is the supervisory controller over all the distributed processing controllers.

 Control algorithms and configuration of various devices are executed in this controller.

 offers powerful tools to perform engineering functions such as

 Creating new loops,

 Creating various input and output points,

 Modifying sequential and continuous control logic,

 Configuring various distributed devices,

 Preparing documentation for each input/output device, etc.

 Network communication between processing and engineering PC can be implemented by simplex or

redundant configurations.
1. Operating station or HMI 13/09

 Used to operate, monitor and control entire plant parameters graphically and log the data in plant database

 Can be a PC/ any other monitoring device having a separate software tool on which operator can view
process parameter values and accordingly take control action

 DigiVis software tool that can run on a simple PC-environment (ABB DCS)

 Can be a single/ multiple units

 Single unit performs functions

o Parameter value display, trend display, alarming, etc.

 Multiple units/ PCs --- Individual PCs performs individual functions

o Display parameters, some for trend archives, some for data logging and acquiring, etc.

 Operating stations types

 Monitoring only parameters

 Data logging and alarming requirements

 Trend displaying

 Configured to have control capabilities.

3. Distributed controller or Local control unit

 consist of a powerful CPU module, communication module with extended field bus capability and either
direct or remote connected I/Os.

 Placed near to field devices (sensors and actuators) and are connected via communication link

 Receives instructions like set point and other parameters from the engineering station and directly
controls field devices.

 Sense and control both analog/ digital I/O using analog/ digital I/O modules

 These I/O modules are extendable and collects information from discrete field devices and sends them to
operating and engineering stations.

o e.g. AC 700F and AC 800F controllers acts as communication interface between field devices
and engineering station

Local control unit (LCU)

 Operator’s console at central control room is a high level operators console

 Connected through a shared communication facility (data highway) to several distributed system


 Which can be located at central control center or in the field

 Such LCUs are provided with limited amount of display capability (i.e; low level operators


 Process I/O signals are connected to LCUs, which can be of various levels of cost and reliability

 Most critical loops are usually placed in dedicated card controllers

 Rest of the control loops are placed in unit operation controllers

 Monitoring and alarm functions are connected to local multiplexers

4. Communication media and protocol
 Communication media consists of transmission cables to transmit the data

 Coaxial cables, copper wires, fiber optic cables and sometimes it might be wireless.

 Communication protocol include ethernet, device- net, foundation filed bus, modbus, etc.

 Depend upon the number of devices to be connected to the network.

 For example, RS232 supports only for 2 devices

 Profibus for 126 devices or nodes

 Communication protocols are used in between

 Field control devices and distributed controllers

 Distributed controllers and supervisory control stations such as operating and engineering


 The I/O for the most critical control loops are connected to dedicated card controllers.

 Which should continue functioning even if the central processor/ data highway fails

 Most expensive method of control implementation in a DCS system

 Because a card is dedicated to a single loop

 Thus most reliable

 Dedicated card controllers can have 4 to 20 analog inputs, 1 to 4 analog output, and 2 to 8 digital I/O.

 Execution speeds range : 4 to 10 execution per second

 Individual card controller are connected to DCS data highway through a Data Concentrator

 If central processor or data highway fails, only the communication link to the card controller is lost; the control loop

itself continues functioning.

 Micro- processor based multiple PID controllers (Distributed controllers) have added more logic capability

to their products

 At the same time PLCs have added more PID capability

 These two devices merge into a device capable of handling both analog and logic sequencing control

tasks ----- called “Unit Operation Controller”

 Unit controller --- is capable of controlling a unit operation in the plant

 E.g. a reactor, distillation tower, compressor or any other susbsystem

 Logical step: plants do not sell or produce pressure , flows, and temperature BUT a product

 Thus relevant control variable is maximum productivity

 At this higher level, Micro processor helps in memorizing the complex nature of unit process for control to

take place


 Dedicated to a unit operation of the process--- e.g. a chemical reactor, distillation column

 Therefore all I/O associated with that unit operation is connected to that UOC

 Reliable : process remains under control as long as UOC is functioning, even if the central processor

or data highway fails

 If UOC fails , the failure will interrupt the control of only one unit operation, while rest of the plant

remains unaffected

 Therefore no. of loops at risk equals the number of loops serving the particular unit operations

 UOCs are provided with low level of interfaces to assist the operator with local displays and to

allow for operator access to set -points and other adjustable parameters
 Functions of DCS

1. I/O signal characterization 1. Control interlocks

2. Signal filtering 2. Sequencing

3. Alarming I/O modules 3. Batch control

4. Ranging and engineering 4. Passing on trending information

5. Passing on report information
5. Control logic

Performance Evaluation of DCS

 Available memory for configuration

 Available idle time (based on a given scan rate)

 I/O loading or criticality

 Number of available software addresses for Input/output blocks

 Number of available software addresses for control blocks

 Internals of DCS : DCS can be divided into two parts for understanding purpose.

 Hardware: It consists of the following

7. System Power Supply
1. Controller
8. Server
2. Power supply for controller
9. Professional Stations
3. I/O Terminal Block
10. Operator Stations
4. DIN Rail
11. Application Stations
5. I/O Interface Carrier
12. Remote Workstations
6. Bulk Power Supply
13. Relays

 Software: It consists of the following

 To view and control the process using mimic, same as the real process (SCADA).

 Programming environment wherein logic can be created.  Diagnostic Suite

 A hierarchical view of the whole system  Alarm Module

 Advance Control Strategy/ Schemes  History Module

 Configuration Suite to configure the hardware  Trends Module

 attached.  Database management module

 Network diagnostic software : help user and network administrators in 13/09
 Scanning: Rather than the network administrator/ manually looking for errors, it scans and
searches along all known network ports, paths and interfaces to find network problems

 Diagnosing and Identifying problems within a computer network

o helps in finding network connectivity, performance and other related problems.

 Automating the process of network troubleshooting.

 Some of the ways network diagnostic software can be used, include:

o Internet/network connectivity issues such as unplugged wires, misconfigured proxy and more
o DNS analysis
o Identify and troubleshoot IP-addressing-related errors
 Provides insight into basic network availability and performance statistics

 It can be part of a network management/network performance monitoring application. Moreover, it can be

used to diagnose network issues on both general end-user and enterprise networks

Selection Procedure

 There are number of considerations for selecting a proper automation tool for a particular

 For multiple product manufacturing,

 Varied receipe parameters,

 Multiple procedures,

 Often changes required in receipes,

 Complex batch processes with number of regulatory loops, DCS is preferred.

 If the operator’s interaction is required to keep process to fulfill target performance,

 For observing process with

o Faceplates,

o Critical trends,

o For responding effectively during plant upsets, DCS is preferred.

 DCS gives

 Adjustable scan time, Online configuration changes,

 Simple to advanced PID control and advanced process control strategies

Features of DCS
1. To handle complex processes:

 PLC’s cannot handle complex structure -- Limited number of I/O devices

 DCS is preferred for complex control applications with more number of I/O’s with dedicated controllers

 Used in manufacturing processes where designing of multiple products are in multiple procedures such
as batch process control.

 PLC control and monitor the process parameters at high speed requirements
2. System Redundancy 13/09

 DCS facilitates system availability when needed by

redundant feature at every level.

 Resuming of the steady state operation after any outages

is better compared to other automation control devices.,
whether planned or unplanned

 Redundancy raises the system reliability by maintaining

system operation continuous even during abnormalities in

3. Predefined Function block

 DCS offers many algorithms, more standard application libraries, pre-tested and pre-defined
functions to deal with large complex systems.

 Making programming and control easy and in less time

 Powerful programming languages:

 Provides more number of programming languages like ladder, function block, sequential, etc for
creating the custom programming based on user interest.

4. Sophisticated HMI

 Like SCADA system, DCS can also monitor and control through HMI’s

 providing sufficient data to the operator to charge over various processes

 But SCADA covers large geographical areas whereas DCS covers confined area.
 DCS completely takes the entire process plant to control room as a PC window. 13/09

 Trending, logging and graphical representation of the HMI’s give effective user interface.

 Powerful alarming system of DCS helps operators to respond more quickly to the plant conditions

5. Scalable platform:

 Structure of DCS can be scalable based on the number I/O’s from small to large server system

 By adding more number of clients and servers in communication system and also by adding more
I/O modules in distributed controllers.

6. System security

 Access to control various processes leads to plant safety

 DCS design offers perfect secured system to handle system functions for better factory automation

 Security is also provided at different levels such as engineer level, entrepreneur level, operator
level, etc.

 Control system integration is fundamental to industrial automation

 Automation professionals with even a rudimentary knowledge of system integration

o realize and understand that isolation is coming to an end

 Control system integration provide maximum value to the client

o by designing the system called for by the project parameters

o rather than having to tailor a particular proprietary system according to the specific



 DCS can be integrated with a

 Process Management /Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

 Integrates

 business/ enterprise resource planning systems

 computer Program with real-time production data

 plant can schedule

 Production,

 Manage raw materials,

 And optimize equipment use, etc.

Optimizing batch process automation design in mes and dcs 13/09
 For pharmaceutical and biotech manufacturers,

 The flow and capture of information is as important as

 The flow of the manufacturing process in readying products to release for sale.

 Isa-88 standard to coordinate MES and DCS

 ISA-88 standard implements batch process automation and

 Includes a procedural model and an equipment model

 Procedural model defines objects hierarchy used to configure batch processing logic.

 This model includes a master recipe,

 Procedures, unit procedures, operations

 Phases that are configured into reusable software components (i.e., Class-based objects)

for common actions, such as ‘heat a tank.’

 Five factors involved in integrating different control systems

1. Software infrastructure:

 A modern automation system needs more than

 Just configuration and monitoring functions.

 Applications also need to be integrated,

 which is why software infrastructure is important for system integration.

 In an open software architecture employing a client-server scheme,

 client application displays data from a server application.

 Provides integrators more flexibility to integrate different systems in a desired configuration

 The standard's focus is interoperability

 and is designed to connect many devices

 to create a bridge from legacy products to new devices.

2. Process database:

 Database components primarily include three main components:

 One or more data tables

 A query language to interact with DBMS (e.g., SQL)

 Forms for displaying or entering data

 Customized page views of data and reporting tools, etc.

 Relational Database

 Is a collection of data items

 Which are organized as a set of tables

 From which data can be accessed in many ways

 Without the need to reorganize the database tables

 Database Management System (DBMS)

 Collects interrelated files and programs

 Which allow users to access and modify files

 An efficient way to modify, store, and retrieve information

3. Human-machine interface:

 Allows operators to monitor the state of a control process

 And issue commands to change the control objective.

 In emergency situations, it can also be used to manually override automatic controls

 The primary aspects of HMI configuration are

 Graphics,

 Historical trend,

 Alarms,

 Reports, and scripts.

 These capabilities may either be merged into a single software application or made available

as individual components in a suite.

4. Alarm management:

 Alarms mark the boundary between normal and abnormal conditions in the process

 Alert operators of abnormal situations in their facilities

 Plant operation requires alarms to be prioritized, relevant, and timely to be effective

 Alarm management systems need to be designed to help identify critical issues when

integrating different control systems

5. Network security:

 Integrated control and safety systems (ICSS) operate

 Within a complex environment with organizations

 Increasingly sharing information between business systems and industrial systems

 Industrial systems include

 Process Control Systems,

 Safety systems, and

 PLCs

 Which rely on Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) technologies such as

o Ethernet, TCP/IP and Microsoft Windows for critical and noncritical functions

 However, the isolation from the outside world is significantly less


 In an event of security breach, the potential loss of

 Life or production,

 Environmental damage,

 Compromise to operational safety are far more serious consequences than loss of

trade secrets.

 These may have ramifications beyond the targeted organization

 And may also damage the infrastructure of the host region or nation.

 A detailed cybersecurity analysis and cyber risk assessment are required

 Include specifications,

 Policies and procedures for OS management

 Antivirus implementation

 Backup and restore procedures.

 Automation includes higher control levels to manage

 personnel,

 materials, and

 equipment across all factory production areas.

 This is accomplished using Documented Procedures and Software collectively known as MES

 MES is a control system for managing and monitoring important tasks in a plant.

 It supports the planning and control all the way to finished product,

 Which brings transparency to the highly complex production tasks.

ISA-95 Functional Hierarchy Model

 ISA-95 defines enterprise and control systems in 4 categories depending on their roles.

 These categories are organized in a hierarchical model

 Level 0 -- Actual physical processes

 Level 1 -- Involved in sensing and manipulating the physical processes

 Level 2 -- Monitor and controls the physical processes

o These systems are typically implemented on PLCs and DCSs

 Level 3 -- Automated using MES

o MES acts as interface layer between control layer (Level 2) and

the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) layer (Level 4).

 Level 4 -- Business-related activities that manage a manufacturing organization

called Business Planning and Logistics

 Level 4 activities are automated using ERP systems

IEC Standards and Distributed Control Systems Modelling

 2 possible approaches based on

 IEC 61131

 IEC 61499, standards applicable for DCS development

 IEC 61131 is the basis of most yet used control systems

 Don’t provide solution for global problem of DCS

 Each vendor handles communication between own systems individually

IEC 61131

 Developed for PLC programming and widely adopted in Automation Technologies

 PLCs are designed according to IEC 61131, with some differences between various PLC brands

 That does not allow replacing one type of PLC by another

 Distributed control needs increasing flexibility and reliability

 Function block IEC 61131-3 is a subprogram with parameter and local data
IEC 61499 13/09
 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has developed a new standard IEC 61499

 designed to reconfigure management systems, increase interoperability and portability

 IEC 61499 is still under development, but has huge potential for future growth

 Design and planning of DCS should be Modular and reusable

 Modular code : greater efficiency and time saving especially for needs of medium and small businesses

 IEC 61499 is based on concept of function blocks improving the productivity

 Small companies can integrate IEC 61499 function blocks into components library usable in the future.

 Different vendors creates own program modules to solve and handle many aspects of DCS

 Result in decreased DCS performance and too much of programming

 IEC 61499 standard is intended for creating DCS : New and not implemented by device vendors in most cases.

 Initial attempts does not solve all issues appearing during distributed systems design and creation

 IEC 61499 does not define concept of application itself.

 It has to comprise every control requirements for execution, controlling and termination.

 Large PLC system can handle number of independent applications at one time because standard allows

resources to be executed independently

 IEC 61499 standard is based on function block concept defined in the PLC language standard IEC 61131-3

 IEC 61499 type function block is event-driven which differs from IEC 61131 type function block

 Internal algorithms of function block can be written in a number of languages, such as IEC 61131 programming

languages, functional block diagram (FBD),instruction ladder and high-level programming languages like C or


 IEC 61499 supports more generalized model where central mechanism to ensure planned execution does not

necessarily exist

 Execution of the function blocks is controlled by events and it is very fast, but it can also be called cyclically
 Communication and I/O functions in the IEC 61131-3 model are only loosely tied to the variables called in the


 No communication function blocks are present between systems when using industrial network.

 OPC (Object language embedded for Process Control) is used to create communication

channels on applications

 IEC 61499 communication function blocks are easy to implement & supports access to remote network


 IEC 61499 function block model allows existence of several alternative algorithms in the body of the function,

 Which can be selected according to defined external events or conditions

 e.g. initialization algorithm, standard algorithm or failure algorithm

 Possible because IEC 61499 function blocks can be designed using various programming

 IEC 61499 extends IEC 61131-3 programming languages by 13/09
 encapsulation of algorithms, subroutines and system applications

 Helping system designer with no programming experience to develop applications and re-use them

again in the future

 System designer becomes configurator more than the programmer

 Considering the entire life cycle of automation systems, the current work on IEC 61499 deals with small part

 i.e. aspects of creating and launching, which are very important

 but industrial automation requires that the system retains fully operational and in case of problems

(e.g., blackouts) betrays into a safe state and then quickly returned to operational mode


 Component Based Automation is the implementation of Profinet CBA for

 automation systems : Simatic S7 and Simatic NET ranges

 includes

 Simatic Step 7 as engineering tool for configuration

 programming of Simatic S7 and Simatic NET automation systems

 creating Profinet components

 Step 7 : best known and widely used programming software in industrial automation

 complies with IEC 61131-3 standard

 Simatic imap : engineering tool for

 Configuration of distributed plants

 Integration of device-specific programming, diagnostic tools into a profinet CBA engineering


Profinet CBA (Component-based Automation )

 Included solution for communication (fieldbus based on ethernet)---- well known

 Provides a methodology to engineer automation projects using multiple control devices

 An open automation standard based on IEC 61499-1 describes

 technology for implementing modular & distributed automation solutions on basis of predefined


 Can be represented as a mapping of the IEC 61499 elements to traditional scan based PLC systems

 CBA allows an automation plant to be divided in many cases into autonomous units, called as modules

 Allows to model the components interface and interaction between the components

 Components are programmed in engineering tool

 Consists of a large no. Of elements, can be seen on the CBA display even without events
 CBA component Programming is done with the software tool that comes along with the control device 13/09
 Components interfaces are provided in an interchangeable format

 Additional tool is used to interconnect the CBA components

System Use

 System model describes distributed control system as an entity at the top level of architectural hierarchy

 System consists of physical devices interconnected by communication network

 Standard process is controlled by multiple applications stored in one device, or distributed into several devices


 Device is a common term for various types of


 e.g. PLC, PC, embedded controllers of

intelligent fieldbus devices

 Every device includes process and

communication interface and contains of one or

more resources

 part of complex control task executes

independent function
Resource 13/09
 represent software needed for device operation

 software includes firmware and freely programmable control algorithm

 executes local applications known as function blocks

 Function blocks are capable to interchange the data with another function blocks using interconnections.

 Communication partners could be located in the same device, or device reachable by fieldbus

Function blocks

 Function blocks are basic elements of IEC 61499-1 architecture

 Include

 Interfaces

 Sending/receiving data

 Internal data

 Executable algorithms non-visible outside the blocks

 Performs technological functions of Profinet CBA : application oriented service function blocks

 SIFB, service interface function blocks described in IEC 61499-1.

 Function blocks should have

 Fixed structure (fixed functions – fieldbus devices, actuators, sensors)

 Freely programmable (programmable or loadable functions – PLC, PCs



 IEC 61131 standard is not intended for DCS design

 IEC 61499 is new BUT not sufficiently implemented by vendors

 which standard is more suitable for real systems modelling?

 Figure describes procedure for selecting more appropriate standard.

1. Platform selection 13/09
 prerequisite for parameters assessment is

 to use same hardware components in both systems

 ensuring that parameters will be affected only by using a different systems design and

programming approach

 IEC 61499 tools is not compatible with devices operating according to IEC 61131 but still preferred for

research purposes

 Making it necessary to select system components compatible to IEC 61131 and which can work with new

IEC 61449 as well

 Component Based Automation allows comparing systems built on IEC 61131 and IEC 61499

 based Profinet CBA considering ability of using the same hardware components (Simatic S7


2. Criterion selection

 To use same equipment and same communication network in both cases

 prerequisite : hardware performance of distributed system will be the same

 selected criteria :

1. Response time of remote system: time needed to obtain response from requested


2. Network utilization: amount of data transferred over the network per second

3. PLC scan cycle time: time taken to process all inputs, program blocks and outputs

4. Occupancy of PLC memory: amount of consumed PLC memory

3. Physical System creation

 Step 1 : physically create control system containing all stations and establish a communication


 Each station must be assembled and configured

4. Software System creation

 Next step is software configuration and composition of control program.

5. Criteria testing

 It is necessary to test all important comparison criteria on both systems.

 Control system should use identical control program for both approaches.

6. Criteria comparison and evaluation

 Based on tests results, it is necessary to compare the influence of important parameters on criteria


 Important parameters :

 communication time among stations or control program processing speed

 time needed to create whole system or financial costs

 suitability of standards largely depends on nature of the proposed system

 It is therefore necessary to consider all these aspects when choosing appropriate approach [1].
• System implementation can be carried out in a modular fashion due to which system growth can be
easily achieved as each processor has clearly defined set of functions; if carefully designed.
• System overloading is less in case of DCS.
• In case of failure of a part, DCS doesn't affect the whole system/ process.
• Backup i.e. redundancy feature possible in DCS.
• Reliability of DCS is more than that of Centralized Control.
• Reduction of cost of interfacing to computer due to reduction in wire usage for control purpose.
• DCS is more flexible in terms of altering configurations within a specified range so as to confrm to the
change requirements if any.
• Duplicate storage of critical data can be done easily.
• Independent or standalone processors communicate with each other which make management of
computers easy.
• Minimization of data loss as well as errors due to placement of controllers in the nearby vicinity in DCS.
• Advanced control strategies are easy to implement in DCS.


• Cost is high when compared with PLC/PC Combination.

• Specialized support from engineering personnel required.
• DCS’s require a clean control room environment compared to PLC/ PC environment.

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