Abstract: The vibration of a bridge must be determined in order to predict the bridge noise
during a train pass-by. It can be generally solved with different models either in the time
domain or the frequency domain. The computation cost and accuracy of these models vary a lot
in a wide frequency band. This study aims to compare the results obtained from various models
for recommending the most suitable model in further noise prediction. First, train-track-bridge
models in the time domain are developed by using the finite element method and mode
superposition method. The rails are modeled by Timoshenko beam elements and the bridge is
respectively modeled by shell elements and volume elements. Second, power flow models for
the coupled system are established in the frequency domain. The rails are modelled by infinite
Timoshenko beams and the bridge is respectively represented by three finite element models,
an infinite Kirchhoff plate, and an infinite Mindlin plate model. The vibration at given
locations of the bridge and the power input to the bridges through the rail fasteners are
calculated using these models. The results show that the shear deformation of the bridge deck
has significant influences on the bridge vibration at medium-to-high frequencies. The Mindlin
plate model can be used to represent the U-shaped girder to obtain the power input to the
bridge with high accuracy and efficiency.
Key Words: railway bridges; vibration and noise; train-track-bridge interaction; power flow
1. Introduction
More and more elevated concrete bridges have been constructed for the growing metro lines in the
suburbs of large cities due to its lower construction costs compared with tunnels. However, the noise
from the elevated systems under the moving trains has adverse effects on the residents’ well-being and
health. Rolling noise and bridge noise are the two dominant noise of the elevated metro system when
the train speeds are less than 120 km/h. The prediction and control of rolling noise has been
extensively investigated in the past, and a comprehensive review on this area can be found in the book
by Thompson [1]. Nevertheless, the structure-borne noise from railway concrete bridges [2-8] only
gained lots of concerns recently.
The vibration analysis of a bridge under moving trains is the basis for the bridge noise prediction.
Janssens and Thompson [9] proposed a statistical energy analysis (SEA)-based method to predict
vibration and noise from railway steel bridges in a large frequency range. Zhang et al. [4] studied the
low-frequency concrete bridge noise by employing the three-dimensional finite element method for
the vibration analysis and boundary element method for the acoustical analysis. Li et al. [2, 5] adopted
the modal superposition method to simulate the train-track-bridge vibration in the time domain, and
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MOVIC2016 & RASD2016 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 744 (2016) 012140 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/744/1/012140
the three-dimensional and 2.5-dimensional modal acoustic transfer vector techniques in the frequency
domain for the prediction of bridge noise below 200 Hz. To overcome the inefficiency of finite
element method based vibration analysis and boundary element method based acoustical analysis, Li
et al. [7] utilized the finite element and statistical energy analysis method to form a hybrid procedure
for bridge noise prediction. Another attempt to tackle the problem is the force-method based power
flow scheme proposed by Li and Wu [10] for the investigation of the train-track-bridge dynamic
interaction in the frequency domain. Li et al. [8] then combined this power flow method with the 2D
infinite/finite element method to predict the rail noise and bridge noise below 1000 Hz with good
balance between accuracy and efficiency.
In our previous studies, different methods have been proposed for the simulation of bridge
vibration during a train pass-by. It is then necessary to find which method can simulate the bridge
vibration with both efficiency and accuracy. In this study, three finite element models of the bridge are
first compared in the train-track-bridge interaction analysis by using both of the time domain and the
frequency domain methods. Then two infinite plate models are adopted in the frequency domain
vibration analysis to investigate the accuracy of the simple models for the representation of the
complex real bridge.
Train-track-bridge dynamic interaction analysis has been widely used to obtain the time-varying
responses of the coupled system. Li et al. [11] have proposed a mode superposition method based
scheme to deal with this problem with the aid of the developed computer program named as VBC2.0.
Wheel-rail contact
Track subsystem
Bridge subsystem
Ground Fastener
Figure 1. The train-track-bridge interaction model in time domain.
In VBC2.0 program, a coupled train-track-bridge system is divided into the vehicle subsystem, the
track subsystem, and the bridge subsystem (see Figure 1). Each subsystem can be expressed by an
equation of motion. For train-track-bridge system, the equation of motion could be expressed as [2,
q v = Φ Tv f v 2ξ v ω v q v ω 2v q v
q t = Φ Tt f t 2ξ t ω t q t ω 2t q t
b = Φ Tb f b 2ξ b ω b q b ω b2 q b
where q , Φ , ω and ξ are the modal coordinate vector, modal shape matrix, modal frequency matrix,
and modal damping matrix of each subsystem respectively; f denotes the combination of the pseudo-
forces within each subsystem and the external forces exerted by other subsystems connected to it; the
subscript v, t and b represent vehicle, track and bridge subsystems respectively; and the superscript T
is the transpose operation of a matrix. Equation (1) can be solved using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta
method. Roughness spectrum provided in ISO3095:2005 standard [12] is used for the excitation
source of the train-track-bridge system by transforming it into samples of rail roughness in the space
MOVIC2016 & RASD2016 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 744 (2016) 012140 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/744/1/012140
MOVIC2016 & RASD2016 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 744 (2016) 012140 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/744/1/012140
model has only 1048 elements. It is more suitable using shell element to model the U-shaped
girder, as it’s efficient and of high accuracy in terms of the computed power input to the bridge.
Acceleration Level (dB Re 1m/s2)
120 135
100 110
95 Shell181 Shell181
Shell63 100 Shell63
90 Solid95 Solid95
85 90
20 40 80 160 315 630 1250 20 40 80 160 315 630 1250
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3. Vertical acceleration level spectra Figure 4. Power input to the U-shaped bridge
of bottom slab of bridge. by time domain method.
Figure 5. The force-method-based power flow model of coupled train-track-bridge system.
The compatibility equation of the coupled system can be obtained by considering the internal
forces of the spring-dashpot pairs within the system as unknowns [8, 10]
δ F ΔP Λ F (2)
where is the angular frequency; is the unknown force vector of the spring-dashpot pairs;
is the relative compression displacement vector of the spring-dashpot pairs caused by the unit
harmonic excitation exerted on the released rail through the active wheel; is the dynamic
flexibility matrix of the released structure; and is the dynamic flexibility matrix corresponding to
the stiffness and damping of the spring-dashpot pairs.
The unknown spring-force can be obtained from equation (2). Then the vibration velocities
and power of the rail and bridge could be calculated based on the released structures under known
forces. The wheel-rail contact force could be obtained through the compatibility condition at
the wheel-rail interface [1].
The moving roughness method [1] is used in the frequency domain analysis but the wheel position
changes when the trains are moving on the bridge. In this study, two typical load cases were chosen to
MOVIC2016 & RASD2016 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 744 (2016) 012140 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/744/1/012140
include the effect of the wheel positions. In case A, the front and rear bogies of two adjacent vehicles
locate at the middle of the bridge symmetrically, and in case B the two bogies of one vehicle load on
the ends of the bridge symmetrically. In both load cases, each wheel is respectively chosen as the
active wheel in turn. And the vibration of the bridge is calculated by averaging the results obtained
from various load cases and active wheel scenarios.
3.2. Finite element models and infinite plate models of the bridge
Finite elements of the bridge can be used to calculate the dynamic flexibility matrix of the released
bridge in Equation (2) by using mode superposition method. Thus the three bridge models used in the
time domain analysis are also adopted in the frequency domain analysis. In addition, the flexibility of
the bottom slab of the U-shaped girder can be represented by an infinite plate [13]. As there are rail
support blocks on the slab, the thickness of infinite plate could be set to 1.4 times of the bottom slab
thickness according to parameter analysis. The infinite Kirchhoff plate (thin plate theory) and Mindlin
plate (thick plate theory) [13] are used to model the bridge separately in the power flow analysis.
130 130
120 120
110 110
100 100
90 90 Kirchhoff
80 Shell181 80
70 70
20 40 80 160 315 630 1250 20 40 80 160 315 630 1250
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Vertical acceleration level spectra of bottom slab of bridge: (a) finite element model;
and (b) infinite plate model.
Power Level (dB Re 10-12 Watt)
Power Level (dB Re 10-12 Watt)
130 130
120 120
110 110
MOVIC2016 & RASD2016 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 744 (2016) 012140 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/744/1/012140
Figure 7 shows the bridge power obtained with different finite element models and infinite plate
models. It can be observed that the bridge power will be underestimated by up to 10 dB in the
frequency range from 315 Hz to 1250 Hz if the shear effect is not included.
105 Time Domain--Solid95
Frequency Domain--Solid95
100 Frequency Domain--Mindlin
40 80 160 315 630 1250
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8. Power flow to the bridge obtained from different methods and models.
5. Conclusions
In this study, three finite element models have been used to calculate the bridge vibration during a
train pass-by in both the time domain and frequency domain. Two theoretical plate models have also
been adopted in the frequency domain analysis. The conclusions obtained from the calculated results
can be summarized as follows:
(1) Both of the time domain and frequency domain analysis method could provide reasonable
vibration results of bridge in the coupled train-track-bridge system. It is better to use the time
domain method in the low frequency range (below 200 Hz) for better accuracy and the
frequency domain method in medium-to-high frequency range for higher efficiency.
(2) The Mindlin plate model can give good results compared with the solid finite element model
but the former is more efficient in the modelling and computing procedures.
The simulated bridge power by the train-track-bridge interaction analysis can be used to predict the
bridge noise by combing it with the noise radiation models. The equivalent thickness of the infinite
plate for a real bridge should be further investigated in the future.
The authors are grateful for the financial support from the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai
(No.15ZR1442800) and China Scholarship Council.
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