Case Digest
Case Digest
Case Digest
The plaintiff brought the action to obtain the nullity of the contract concluded between him
and the defendant on April 4, 1934. The plaintiff claims that the contract is a promise of sale of real
estate and that being forbidden by the Constitution the transfer of agricultural land to a foreigner, the
promised sale is no longer feasible and it must be annulled, both parts being reintegrated the land
and the price, with their legal interests. The defendant contends that the contract is an absolute
sale; That it fulfilled all the conditions stipulated, paying the agreed terms, and that the prohibition of
the Constitution is not applicable because it has no retroactive effect and because, in addition,
already had acquired a right that the same Constitution protects. The plaintiff appealed the part of
the decision issued by the Davao Court of First Instance that he ordered him to pay the defendant
the sum of P2,877.50 as value of the useful and necessary expenses made by the latter on the land,
,Because the defendant was not condemned to pay him the value of the fruits of the lands that
perceived. The defendant's appeal of the part of the same judgment that declared that the contract is
a promise of sale; That the improvements which he has introduced into the land may be acquired by
the plaintiff through payment by him of his value; That the contract is null and void; And that the
parties must reciprocally return the land and the amortizations paid, with legal interests over the
latter since
Whether or not the contract is a promise of sale or an absolute sale with the stipulation that the rest of
the price would be paid within the time limits set.
The contract clearly demonstrate that it is a promise of sale because it expressly stipulates
that after payment of the last term is when the definitive deed of sale will be granted, and cites in its
support article 1451 of the Civil Code Which provides, in part, that the promise to sell or buy, having
conformity in the thing and the price, will entitle the contractors to claim reciprocally the fulfillment of
the contract. In our opinion the contract concluded by the parties is the actual sale of the properties
that were the subject of the contract. According to their terms the parties agreed on both the land
that was the object of the contract and the price and the way in which the latter was to be paid. Not
only this, But the parties agreed that the land would be delivered to the defendant and that the
landowner actually took possession of the land, introduced improvements thereto and benefited from
its fruits, and also paid the agreed installments as they expired. Article 1450 of the Civil Code is
strictly applicable to the case, which provides that the sale is perfected between buyer and seller and
is mandatory for both, since they have agreed on the thing object of the contract and the price,
although neither the one nor the Another have been delivered. Moreover, the sale was also
consummated from the moment the lands were delivered to the defendant and the latter entered into
possession and enjoyment of them (article 1462 of the Civil Code). Introduced improvements in
them and benefited from their fruits, paying, in addition, the agreed terms as they expire. Article
1450 of the Civil Code is strictly applicable to the case, which provides that the sale is perfected
between buyer and seller and is mandatory for both, since they have agreed on the thing object of
the contract and the price, although neither the one nor the Another have been delivered. Moreover,
the sale was also consummated from the moment the lands were delivered to the defendant and the
latter entered into possession and enjoyment of them (article 1462 of the Civil Code).
Part 1
Case Digests
( 1 - 50 )
Submitted By: