Systematic Review (Pages: 8821-8829)
Background: Due to the low rate of breastfeeding among working mothers and support of
interventions to increase the duration of breastfeeding, this systematic review conducted to evaluate
psychometric properties of instruments measured mother’s perception of Breastfeeding Support.
Materials and Methods: The search was carried in English language databases including Medline (via
PubMed), Scopus, Cochran library and Web of Science since inception to March 2018 regarding
published studies evaluating the psychometric properties of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy. The
COSMIN checklist was used to assess the quality of related studies.
Authors of Perceived Breastfeeding Support Assessment Tool’ (PBSAT) suggested that instrument
seem to should be two factors "workplace environmental support for breast-feeding working mother"
and "the available social environmental support for working mothers". Total Cronbach's alpha was
0.85. In exclusive breastfeeding social support (EBFSS) instrument, based on exploratory factor
analysis, 16 items grouped into three factors "instrumental", "emotional" and "informational factors"
accounted 66% of total variance. EFA were followed by confirmatory factors analysis showed
Modified model was partially fitted to the data. In the Workplace Breastfeeding Support Scale
(WBSS), EFA identified four dimensions of breastfeeding support at workplace. These four factors
labeled "technical support", "breastfeeding-friendly environment", "facility support" and "peer
support". Cronbach’s alpha was 0.77 and split-half reliability was r=0.86. In Employee Perceptions of
Breastfeeding Support Questionnaire (EPBS-Q), data scaled by the Multidimensional Random
Coefficients Multinomial Logit Model. A two-dimensional model (company polices/work culture and
manager and her co-workers) were emerged. Cronbach’s alpha was excellent (almost 0.90).
Conclusion: Four instruments found to assess breastfeeding was valid and reliable to measure breast
feeding in social and workplaces.
Key Words: Adolescents, Aggression, Children, Life Satisfaction, Self-rated Health.
*Please cite this article as: Masaudeh Babakhanian, Soraya Sayar, Faezeh Sadat Akrami, Masumeh
Ghazanfarpour, Leila Kargarfard, Fatemeh Rajab Dizavandi, et al. A Systematic Review of Instruments to
Measure Mothers' Perception of Breastfeeding Family and Social Support. Int J Pediatr 2019; 7(1): 8821-29.
DOI: 10.22038/ijp.2018.33521.2959
*Corresponding Author:
Masumeh Ghazanfarpour, Department of Midwifery, Razi School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kerman
University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.
Email: [email protected]
Received date: Mar.27, 2018; Accepted date: Aug.22, 2018
OR confirmatory factor analysis OR CFA in details to extract the required data using
OR EFA OR Cronbach's alpha OR test- standardized data extraction form,
Retest reliability OR predictive validity). containing the name of first author,
We also checked the bibliographies of location of study, age of participants, date
related articles to detect any studies not of study, method of sampling, type of
retrieved via the above mentioned study, sample size, study population.
electronic databases. In the present review,
2-4. Quality of study
the bibliography of searched articles was
studied to find studies not retrieved Consensus based standards for the
through the electronic databases. selection of health status Measurement
instruments (COSMIN) checklist was used
2-2. Selection criteria
to assess the quality of related studies (19).
All instruments measured brestfeesing The checklist contained internal
family and social support of mothers consistency, reliability, measurement error,
published in Endlish databases. Also, content validity, structure validity, and
perimary aim of instrument was to assess hypothesis testing, cross cultural, criterion,
psychometric properitcs. responsiveness, interpretability and
2-3. Data extraction
The all related articles were evaluated
independently by two separate reviewers
10. Parsa P, Boojar A, Roshanai G, Bakht R. 15. Hirani SAA, Karmaliani R, Christie T,
The Effect Breastfeeding Counseling on Self- Parpio Y, Rafique G. Perceived Breastfeeding
Efficacy and Continuation Breastfeeding Support Assessment Tool (PBSAT):
among Primiparous Mothers: A Randomized Development and testing of psychometric
Clinical Trial. 2016; 24(2): 98-104. properties with Pakistani urban working
mothers. Midwifery. 2013;29(6):599-607.
11. Blyth RJ, Creedy DK, Dennis C-L, Moyle
W, Pratt J, De Vries SM, et al. Breastfeeding 16. Boateng GO, Martin SL, Collins SM,
duration in an Australian population: the Natamba BK, Young SL. Measuring exclusive
influence of modifiable antenatal factors. breastfeeding social support: Scale
Journal of Human Lactation. 2004;20(1):30-8. development and validation in Uganda.
Maternal & child nutrition. 2018:e12579.
12. Leung GM, Lam T-H, Ho L-M. Breast-
feeding and its relation to smoking and mode 17. Bai Y, Peng C-YJ, Fly AD. Validation of a
of delivery. Obstetrics and Gynecology. short questionnaire to assess mothers'
2002;99(5):785-94. perception of workplace breastfeeding support.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
13. Pérez-Escamilla R, Maulén-Radovan I,
Dewey KG. The association between cesarean
delivery and breast-feeding outcomes among 18. Greene SW, Wolfe EW, Olson BH.
Mexican women. American journal of public Assessing the validity of measures of an
health. 1996;86(6):832-6. instrument designed to measure employees'
perceptions of workplace breastfeeding
14. Tork Zahrani S, Karamollahi Z, Azgoli G,
support. Breastfeeding Medicine.
Akbarpur Baghian A, Sheikhan Z. Effect of
support from the mothers with positive breast
feeding experience on breast feeding pattern 19. Mokkink L, Terwee C, Patrick D, Alonso
and duration among primiparous women J, Stratford P, Knol D. COSMIN checklist
referred to maternityward of Ilam hospital, manual. Amsterdam: COSMIN; 2012 [Cited
2010. Scientific journal of ilam university of 2016 Nov 2].
medical sciences. 2012;20(2):9-16.
Table-1: The characteristic and quality of four studies included into systematic review
Reference, Age, Sample size Type of studies
Instrument Study population. administration of A B C D E F G H I J K
Area of study, Year
BAI, 2 () () (1) (3) () () () () () (2)
References (17) 66 mothers 6 to 12 months
27.7±5.8 WBSS Primiparous Cross-sectional
2008, postpartum
Hirani, Working mothers 2 () () (1) (3) () () () () () (2)
Reference (15), Pakistani urban
200 breast-
2012, working mothers
feeding Methodological
Pakistan 19-45 PBSAT had babies who Post partum
working research
were less than or
equal to 12
Boateng, 1 (n = 238), 2 () () (1) (3) () () () () () (2)
Reference (16), and 3 (n = Observational 1 and 3 months
25.2 EBFSS Uganda mothers.
2017, 237) months cohort Post partum
Uganda post‐partum
Greene, American - 2 () () (1) (3) () () () () () (2)
References (18), pregnant mothers Pregnancy or
30.5 EPBS-Q n=104
2007, or had recently postpartum
America delivered.
Empty boxes=not applicable, 0=poor, 1=good, 2= fair, 3=good and 4=excellent.
A: Internal consistency; B: Reliability, C: Measurement error; D: Content validity; E: Structural validity, F: Hypothesis testing, G: Cross cultural, H: Criterion; I:
responsiveness; J: Interpretability; K: Generalizability.
PBSAT: Perceived Breastfeeding Support Assessment Tool; EBFSS: Exclusive breastfeeding social support; WBSS: The Workplace Breastfeeding Support Scale; EPBS-Q:
Perceptions of Breastfeeding Support Questionnaire.