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Installation &

Troubleshooting Guide
SUSE Manager 2.1
Installation & Troubleshooting Guide
SUSE Manager 2.1

Publication date: September 09, 2015

SUSE Linux Products GmbH

Maxfeldstr. 5
90409 Nürnberg

Copyright © 2015 SUSE LLC

Copyright © 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc.

The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at http://creativecommons.org/licens-
es/by-sa/3.0/ . In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide
the URL for the original version.

This document is an adaption of original works found at https://access.redhat.com/site/

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All information found in this book has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not guarantee
complete accuracy. Neither Novell, Inc., SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, the authors, nor the translators shall be held
liable for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

About This Guide ix

1 Conceptual Overview 1
1.1 Main Components 1

1.2 Process Flow 2

1.3 Setup Scenarios and Security 2

1.4 Benefits 3

2 Example Topologies 5
2.1 Single SUSE Manager Topology 5

2.2 Multiple SUSE Manager Servers—Horizontally Tiered 6

2.3 SUSE Manager with SUSE Manager Proxies—Vertically Tiered 7

3 Requirements 8
3.1 System Requirements 8
Server Requirements 8 • Supported Client Systems 9

3.2 External Database Requirements 9

3.3 Additional Requirements 13

3.4 Prerequisites 17

4 Installation 19
4.1 Summary of Steps 19

4.2 Installation 20

4.3 Setup 24

iv Installation & Troubleshooting Guide

4.4 Setup Without Internet Connection 29
Basic Configuration and Usage 30 • Additional Settings 32

4.5 Basic Configuration 32

Login to the Web Interface 33 • Setup of SUSE Channels and Prod-
ucts 34 • Client Setup 36 • Organization Management 43 • Man-
agement of System and Software Entitlements 43 • User Manage-
ment 44 • Management of SUSE Manager with Database 46

4.6 Server Migration 47

5 SUSE Manager on IBM System z 53

5.1 Introduction 53

5.2 Base System Requirements 53

5.3 Additional Requirements 54

5.4 Storage Preparation 56

5.5 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Required Functionality 57

5.6 SUSE Manager Installation 60

6 Importing and Synchronizing with Inter-Server

Sync 64
6.1 Exporting with mgr-exporter 64
Performing an Export 65

6.2 Importing with SUSE Manager Synchronization Tool mgr-in-

ter-sync 67
mgr-inter-sync 67 • Preparing for Import 70 • Running the Import 71

6.3 Synchronizing 73

6.4 Inter-Server Synchronization 73

Configuring the Master SUSE Manager Server 74 • Configuring Slave
Servers 75 • Performing Inter-Server Synchronization 76 • Mapping SUSE
Manager Master Server Organizations to Slave Organizations 77 • Automated
Configuration 77

v Installation & Troubleshooting Guide

6.5 Organizational Synchronizing 80

6.6 Inter-Server Synchronization Use Cases 81

7 Troubleshooting 83
7.1 Installation and Configuration 83
Installation and Basic Setup 83 • Basic Configuration 84 • Mail and Notifi-
cation Issues 84

7.2 General Problems 85

7.3 Configuring Reliable SUSE Manager Setup 86

7.4 Gathering Information with spacewalk-report 87

7.5 Changing the CSV Separator 90

7.6 Log Files 90

7.7 Naming Custom Channels 92

7.8 Accessing Local Channels without Proxy 92

7.9 Using a Proxy with Certificates to Access the Internet 93

7.10 Discovering Hosts and Subnets in the Network 95

Installation and Configuration 95 • Usage 95

7.11 Host Not Found/Could Not Determine FQDN 96

7.12 RPC Connection Timeout Settings 97

7.13 Connection Errors 98

7.14 SUSE Manager Debugging 99

7.15 Resetting the SUSE Manager Password 100

7.16 Registering a Client Manually with suse_register 101

7.17 Multiple Mirror Credentials 101

7.18 Invoking Spacecmd 103

vi Installation & Troubleshooting Guide

8 Maintenance 104
8.1 Managing SUSE Manager with spacewalk-service 104

8.2 Updating SUSE Manager 105

8.3 Creating Up-to-date Bootstrap Repositories 106

8.4 Backing Up SUSE Manager 108

8.5 Migrating Patches from Old to New Naming 110

8.6 Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba) 111

Control Options 112 • Starting and Stopping the Database 112 • Back-
ing up the Database 113 • Restoring Backups 115 • Archive Log Set-
tings 116 • Getting Overview of Occupied Database Space 117 • Migrating
Embedded Database from Oracle to PostgreSQL 118

8.7 Cloning SUSE Manager with the Embedded Database 119

8.8 Establishing Redundant SUSE Manager Servers with Stand-Alone

Database 119

8.9 Conducting SUSE Manager-Specific Tasks 121

Deleting Users 121 • Configuring SUSE Manager Search 123

8.10 Automating Synchronization 124

8.11 Implementing PAM Authentication 125

8.12 Enabling Push to Clients 126

8.13 SSH Server Push 128

Configuring SUSE Manager Server 128 • Client Registration 129 • Proxy
Support 130

8.14 Uploading and Maintaining Custom Packages 131

Generating a GnuPG Keypair 131 • Signing Custom Packages 132 • Upload-
ing Custom Packages 133

8.15 Configuring Audit Log Keeper 134

Installing Audit Log Keeper 134 • Configuring Audit Log Keeper 135

vii Installation & Troubleshooting Guide

8.16 Generating Spacewalk Reports 136
Options for spacewalk-report 136 • Using spacewalk-report 137

8.17 Online Migration with YaST Wagon 137

8.18 Performing an Offline Migration 139

9 For More Information 143

A Documentation Updates 144

A.1 xxx, 2015 144

A.2 July 31, 2015 145

A.3 February 12, 2015 146

A.4 February 6, 2015 147

A.5 December 5, 2014 147

A.6 April 30, 2014 147

A.7 April 29, 2014 147

A.8 November 22, 2013 148

Installation 148 • Troubleshooting 148 • Maintenance 148

A.9 September 9, 2013 149

Importing and Synchronizing with Inter-Server Sync 149

A.10 August 23, 2013 149

Meta Information 149 • Installation 149 • Importing and Synchroniz-
ing 149 • Troubleshooting 149 • Maintenance 150

A.11 January 25, 2013 150

Installation 151 • Troubleshooting 151

A.12 November 28, 2012 151

Troubleshooting 151 • Maintenance 151

viii Installation & Troubleshooting Guide

About This Guide
SUSE® Manager lets you efficiently manage a set of Linux systems and keep them up to date. It
provides automated and cost-effective software management, asset management, system provi-
sioning, and monitoring capabilities. SUSE Manager is compatible with Red Hat Satellite Server
and offers seamless management of both SUSE® Linux Enterprise and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
client systems.
This guide is intended for system administrators.
Many chapters in this manual contain links to additional documentation resources available on
the installed system and on the Internet.
For an overview of the documentation available for your product and the latest documentation
updates, refer to http://www.suse.com/documentation/suse_manager/ or to the following sec-
HTML versions of the manuals are also available from the Help tab of the SUSE Manager Web

Note: Obtaining the Release Notes

Although this manual reflects the most current information possible, read the SUSE Man-
ager Release Notes for information that may not have been available prior to the finaliza-
tion of the documentation. These notes can be found at http://www.suse.com/documen-
tation/suse_manager/ .

1 Available Documentation
The following manuals are available on this product:

Installation & Troubleshooting Guide

Lists installation scenarios and example topologies for different SUSE Manager setups.
Guides you step by step through the installation, setup and basic configuration of SUSE
Manager. Also contains detailed information about SUSE Manager maintenance and trou-

Article “Proxy Quick Start”

Gives an overview of the installation and setup of SUSE Manager Proxy.

ix About This Guide SUSE Manager 2.1

Book “User Guide”
Guides through common use cases and explains the Web interface.

Book “Client Configuration Guide”

Describes best practices for setting up clients to connect to a SUSE Manager server or SUSE
Manager Proxy.

Book “Reference Guide”

Reference documentation that covers administration topics like registering and updating
client systems, configuring the SUSE Manager daemon, monitoring client systems, and
more. Also contains a glossary with key terms used in the SUSE Manager context.

HTML versions of the product manuals can be found in the installed system under /usr/share/
doc/manual . Find the latest documentation updates at http://www.novell.com/documentation
where you can download PDF or HTML versions of the manuals for your product.

2 Feedback
Several feedback channels are available:

Bugs and Enhancement Requests

For services and support options available for your product, refer to http://www.suse.com/
support/ .
To report bugs for a product component, go to https://scc.suse.com/support/requests ,
log in, and click Create New.

User Comments
We want to hear your comments about and suggestions for this manual and the other
documentation included with this product. Use the User Comments feature at the bottom of
each page in the online documentation or go to http://www.suse.com/doc/feedback.html
and enter your comments there.

For feedback on the documentation of this product, you can also send a mail to doc-
[email protected] . Make sure to include the document title, the product version and the
publication date of the documentation. To report errors or suggest enhancements, provide
a concise description of the problem and refer to the respective section number and page
(or URL).

x Feedback SUSE Manager 2.1

3 Documentation Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this manual:

/etc/passwd : directory names and filenames.

placeholder : replace placeholder with the actual value.

PATH : the environment variable PATH.

ls , --help : commands, options, and parameters.

user : users or groups.

Alt , Alt – F1 : a key to press or a key combination; keys are displayed with uppercase
letters as on a keyboard.

File, File Save As: menu items, buttons.

amd64, em64t This paragraph is only relevant for the specified architectures. The arrows
mark the beginning and the end of the text block.

Dancing Penguins (Chapter Penguins, ↑Another Manual): This is a reference to a chapter in

another manual.

xi Documentation Conventions SUSE Manager 2.1

1 Conceptual Overview

SUSE Manager provides a solution to organizations requiring absolute control over and privacy
of the maintenance and package deployment of their servers. It allows customers the greatest
flexibility and power in keeping servers secure and updated.

1.1 Main Components

SUSE Manager consists of the following components:

SUSE Manager can be used in conjunction with a stand-alone database (for example, the
organizations' existing database) or with an embedded database. The embedded database
comes bundled with SUSE Manager and is installed on the same machine as the SUSE
Manager server.
Some differences exist when using SUSE Manager with an external database as opposed
to the embedded database. These affect mainly hardware requirements, but also some in-
stallation steps, maintenance or troubleshooting activities. Differing instructions are either
marked with embedded database or stand-alone database throughout this guide.

SUSE Manager
Core business logic and entry point for the update tool running on client systems. The
SUSE Manager server also includes an Apache HTTP Server that serves XML-RPC requests.

SUSE Manager Web Interface

For advanced management of systems, system groups, users, and channels.

RPM Repository
Repository for default packages (and custom RPM packages identified by the organization).

Management Tools
The following tools are available:

Database and file system synchronization tools.

RPM importing tools.

Channel maintenance tools (Web-based).

1 Conceptual Overview SUSE Manager 2.1

Patch management tools (Web-based).

User management tools (Web-based).

Client system and system grouping tools (Web-based).

An update tool on the client systems.

If you have Red Hat Enterprise Linux clients that use the Red Hat Update Agent
( up2date or yum ) or RHN Registration Client ( rhn_register ), these applications
must be reconfigured or replaced with spacewalk-client-tools to retrieve up-
dates from the organization's internal SUSE Manager server or SUSE Manager Proxy.
After this one-time reconfiguration, these client systems can retrieve updates local-
ly using the Red Hat Update Agent, or system administrators can schedule actions
through the SUSE Manager Web interface.
The SUSE Manager management tools are used to synchronize the SUSE Manager database
and package repository with the Novell Customer Center (NCC). The SUSE Manager im-
port tool allows the system administrator to include custom RPM packages in the package

For an explanation of key terms in the SUSE Manager context, refer to the .

1.2 Process Flow

When receiving an update request from a client, the organization's internal SUSE Manager server
queries its database, authenticates the client system, identifies the updated packages available
for the client system, and sends the requested RPMs to the client system. Depending on the
client's preferences, the package may also be installed. If the packages are installed, the client
system sends an updated package profile to the SUSE Manager database. Those packages are
removed from the list of outdated packages for the client.

1.3 Setup Scenarios and Security

The organization can configure the Web site for SUSE Manager server to be accessible from the
local area network only or from both the local area network and the Internet. Both setups allow
full control over client systems, system groups, and users. System profiles containing hardware
and software information of the client systems are stored locally on the customer's SUSE Man-

2 Process Flow SUSE Manager 2.1

ager server. When a client system requests package updates, only the applicable packages for
the client are returned. All package management tasks, including patch updates, are performed
through the local area network.
SUSE Manager can be used in combination with a SUSE Manager Proxy server to deliver a
distributed, self-contained deployment for the organization. For example, an organization can
maintain one SUSE Manager server in a secure location. Any client systems with local network
access to SUSE Manager can connect to it. Other remote offices can maintain SUSE Manager
Proxy server installations that connect to the SUSE Manager server. The different locations inside
the organization must be networked. This can be a private network—an Internet connection is
not required for any of the systems.


1.4 Benefits
Advantages of using SUSE Manager include:

Scalability — a single system administrator can set up and maintain hundreds or thou-
sands of SUSE Linux Enterprise or Red Hat Enterprise Linux client systems more easily,
accurately, and quickly than they could maintain a single system without SUSE Manager.

3 Benefits SUSE Manager 2.1

SUSE Manager may oversee an entire organization's servers in combination with a SUSE
Manager Proxy server.

Security — all communication between registered systems and SUSE Manager takes place
over secure Internet connections.

Control — clients' system profiles are stored on the local SUSE Manager server.

Access control — system administrators can be restricted to access only those systems
within their maintenance responsibilities.

Efficiency and bandwidth — packages are delivered significantly faster over a local area
network. The bandwidth used for transactions between the clients and the SUSE Manager
server is controlled by the organization on the local area network.

Overview about patches — easily view patch alerts for all your client systems through
one Web site.

Customized updates — custom channels allow fine-grained control of the delivery of cus-
tom software packages. SUSE Manager allows you to create a truly automated delivery
system for custom packages as well as any SUSE Linux Enterprise or Red Hat Enterprise
Linux packages required by client systems.

Scheduled actions — use the SUSE Manager Web interface to schedule actions, including
patch updates, package installations, and software profile updates.

Standard protocols — used to maintain security and increase capability. For example, XML-
RPC enables SUSE Manager to do much more than merely download files.

Simplification — maintaining SUSE Linux Enterprise and Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems
becomes a simple, automated process.

4 Benefits SUSE Manager 2.1

2 Example Topologies
SUSE Manager can be set up in multiple ways, depending on a number of factors like the fol-

the total number of client systems to be served by SUSE Manager,

the maximum number of clients expected to connect concurrently to SUSE Manager,

the number of custom packages and channels to be served by SUSE Manager,

the number of SUSE Manager servers used in the customer environment,

In the following, find a simple setup example and two examples demonstrating how to effectively
balance loads for larger environments.

2.1 Single SUSE Manager Topology

Using a single SUSE Manager to serve your entire network is adequate to service a medium-sized
group of clients. However, performance will be compromised if the number of clients requesting
packages grows.


5 Example Topologies SUSE Manager 2.1

2.2 Multiple SUSE Manager Servers—Horizontal-
ly Tiered
For larger networks, distributing the load of client requests becomes important. For this purpose,
you can use several SUSE Manager servers in parallel as illustrated in Figure 2.2, “SUSE Manager
Servers—Horizontally Tiered” or a combination of a SUSE Manager server with several SUSE Man-
ager Proxy servers to which clients connect directly as shown in Figure 2.3, “SUSE Manager with
SUSE Manager Proxies—Vertically Tiered”.

It is possible to synchronize content between SUSE Manager instances using the mgr-exporter
and mgr-nnc-sync -m commands. This feature is discussed in detail in Section 6.1, “Exporting
with mgr-exporter”.


However, using a horizontal structure causes additional maintenance.

6 Multiple SUSE Manager Servers—Horizontally Tiered SUSE Manager 2.1

2.3 SUSE Manager with SUSE Manager Proxies—
Vertically Tiered
An alternative method to balance load is to install SUSE Manager Proxy servers below a SUSE
Manager. These proxies connect to the SUSE Manager server for packages from NCC and custom
packages created locally. In essence, the proxies act as clients of the SUSE Manager server.
This vertically tiered setup requires that channels and RPMs be created only on the SUSE Man-
ager server. In this manner, the proxies inherit and then serve packages from a central location.
The Proxy Servers' SSL certificates should also be set up so that the SUSE Manager Proxy servers
become clients of the SUSE Manager. These Proxy servers should also be set up to serve content
to client systems simultaneously. This process is described in the Book “Client Configuration
Guide” 3 “SSL Infrastructure”3.4 “Configuring Client Systems to Use Certificates”.


7 SUSE Manager with SUSE Manager Proxies—Vertically Tiered SUSE Manager 2.1
3 Requirements
For requirements and prerequisites to be met before installation, refer to Section  3.1, “System
Requirements” and Section 3.4, “Prerequisites”. If you want to use SUSE Manager with an external
database, refer to Section 3.2, “External Database Requirements”.

3.1 System Requirements

The following sections inform about the system requirements and some prerequisites for SUSE
Manager, including hardware, database, supported clients, and other requirements. The base
system for SUSE Manager 2.1 is SLES 11 SP 3.

3.1.1 Server Requirements

Hardware Required/Recommended

CPU Required: a multi-core 64bit CPU (x86_64).

RAM Required: 4 GB when only managing a few client systems.

Recommended for production use: 16 GB.

Free Disk Space Required: 20 GB for base installation.

Additionally at least 25 GB for caching per distribution or channel; resiz-
able partition strongly recommended.

For examples of sizing requirements for SUSE Manager, see https://www.suse.com/support/kb/

doc.php?id=7015050 .

We strongly recommend to use disk space monitoring probes to avoid file system and
database corruption due to a lack of disk space. Set a lower threshold than you would
use for a regular system so as to notify the admin in advance of upcoming low disk space
conditions. For more information on monitoring see Book “User Guide” 11 “Monitoring —
[Mon]” and Book “Reference Guide” .

8 Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

3.1.2 Supported Client Systems
Clients with the following operating systems and architectures are supported for registration
at SUSE Manager:

System Supported Architectures

SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP3 and SP4 x86, x86_64, Itanium, IBM POWER, IBM Sys-
tem z

SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP1, SP2, and SP3 x86, x86_64, Itanium, IBM POWER, IBM Sys-
tem z

SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 x86_64, IBM POWER (ppc64le), IBM System


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 x86, x86_64

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 x86, x86_64

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 x86, x86_64

Novell Open Enterprise Server 11, 11 SP1, x86, x86_64

and 11 SP2

Warning: Do Not Register SUSE Manager Against Itself

You must not register a SUSE Manager instance against itself!
The reason is that if patching goes wrong, you would not be able to apply a patch to
patch the SUSE Manager instance back into a working condition.

3.2 External Database Requirements

This section applies only to SUSE Manager if used with a stand-alone database. The requirements
for the embedded database are included in Section  3.1, “System Requirements”. SUSE Manager
supports Oracle Database 10g and 11g. The stand-alone database must not run on the same
server as the SUSE Manager.

9 Supported Client Systems SUSE Manager 2.1

A single 6  GB tablespace is recommended for most installations. It possibly works for many
customers with a smaller tablespace. An experienced Oracle database administrator (DBA) will
be necessary to assess sizing issues. However, keep in mind that the exact size of the database
depends on many factors, such as number of systems managed, number of packages installed
on the client systems, and number of packages imported. For example, 1000 packages need
approximately 100 MB in the database. Due to these factors, database storage may grow rapidly.
Although you should be generous in your database sizing estimates, you must consider that size
affects the time to conduct backups and adds load to other system resources. If the database is
shared, selecting the right hardware and spacing entirely depend on what else is using it.
Additionally, block sizes must be a minimum of 8 KB for SUSE Manager to install properly.
The Oracle database should have a user assigned to SUSE Manager with full DDL and DML
access to that user's default tablespace. The user needs standard connection information for the
database at the time of installation.
Before installing SUSE Manager some system-level ALTER statements must be executed:

alter system set job_queue_processes=1000;

alter system set processes = 400 scope=spfile;
alter system set deferred_segment_creation=FALSE;

Also, the charset must be set to UTF-8. The following example script switches the character set
and executes the ALTER statements:

# Run this as user oracle:

cat - << EOF | sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba;
select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
shutdown immediate;
startup mount;
alter system enable restricted session;
alter system set job_queue_processes=0;
alter database open;
alter database character set UTF8;
alter database character set internal_use utf8;
shutdown immediate;
alter system set job_queue_processes=1000;

10 External Database Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

alter system set processes = 400 scope=spfile;
alter system set deferred_segment_creation=FALSE;

The precise access levels required by the Oracle user ( susemanager ) are as follows:

















Here's an example script to grant these permissions in one go:

cat - << EOF | sqlplus /nolog

connect / as sysdba;
create user susemanager identified by password default tablespace tablespace;

11 External Database Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

grant ALTER SESSION to susemanager;
grant CREATE SEQUENCE to susemanager;
grant CREATE SYNONYM to susemanager;
grant CREATE TABLE to susemanager;
grant CREATE VIEW to susemanager;
grant CREATE PROCEDURE to susemanager;
grant CREATE TRIGGER to susemanager;
grant CREATE TYPE to susemanager;
grant CREATE SESSION to susemanager;
grant CREATE CLUSTER to susemanager;
grant CREATE INDEXTYPE to susemanager;
grant CREATE OPERATOR to susemanager;
grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to susemanager;
grant EXECUTE on DBMS_LOB to susemanager;

Additional database requirements include:

Security Identifier (SID),

Listener Port,


UTF-8 character set.

Two additional suggested recommendations for the user's default tablespace include:

Uniform Extent Size,

Auto Segment Space Management.

Important: "UTF8" Charset Mandatory

Ensure that the NLS/charset is set to "UTF8" when using an external database, not
"AL32UTF8" or other charsets. Using other charsets may lead to problems later.

The disk layout on the database machine is independent of SUSE Manager and entirely up to
the customer.

12 External Database Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

Note: For More Information
For more information, see http://wiki.novell.com/index.php/SUSE_Manager/RDBMS .

3.3 Additional Requirements

Important: Network Setup

For correct installation and setup of SUSE Manager, make sure the following requirements
are met.

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN):

The SUSE Manager server must resolve its own FQDN correctly, otherwise cookies will
not work properly on the Web interface.

Hostname and IP Address:

To guarantee that SUSE Manager's domain name can be resolved by its clients, the server
and the client machines must be linked to a working Domain Name System (DNS) server
in the customer environment.
The hostname of the SUSE Manager server must not contain uppercase letters as this might
cause jabberd to fail.

Important: Renaming SUSE Manager Server Not Supported

Choose the hostname of the SUSE Manager server carefully. Once installed renaming is
not supported.
For more information, see http://wiki.novell.com/index.php/SUSE_Manager/Host-
nameChange .

Full Access:
Client systems need full network access to the SUSE Manager's services and ports.

Firewall Rules:
Protect your SUSE Manager with a firewall against the Internet by blocking all unnecessary
and unused ports.

13 Additional Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

Client systems connect to SUSE Manager via ports 80, 443, and 4545 (if monitoring is
enabled). In addition, enabling push actions from SUSE Manager to client systems, as
described in Section 8.12, “Enabling Push to Clients”, requires inbound connections on port
5222. If SUSE Manager will also push to a SUSE Manager proxy, you must allow inbound
connections on port 5269.


Port Direction Reason

67 Inbound Open this port to configure the SUSE Manager sys-

tem as a DHCP server for systems requesting IP ad-

69 Inbound Open this port to configure SUSE Manager as a

PXE server and allow installation and reinstallation
of PXE-boot enabled systems.

80 Outbound SUSE Manager server uses this port to reach Novell

Customer Center

80 Inbound WebUI, client, and proxy server requests come in

via either http or https.

443 Inbound WebUI, client, and proxy server requests come in

via either http or https.

443 Outbound SUSE Manager uses this port to reach Novell Cus-
tomer Center (unless running in a disconnected
mode with SMT—as described in Section 4.4, “Setup
Without Internet Connection”).

4545 Outbound SUSE Manager Monitoring makes connections to

rhnmd running on client systems if Monitoring is
enabled and probes are configured for registered

5222 Inbound Required by osad running on the client systems if

you plan to push actions to client systems.

14 Additional Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

Port Direction Reason

5269 Inbound/Out- Needed if you push actions to or via a SUSE Man-

bound ager Proxy.

For reference, here are also listings of ports to open on the client systems and the SUSE
Manager Proxy server.


Port Direction Reason

80 and 443 Outbound To reach the SUSE Manager server or SUSE Manag-
er Proxy server.

22 Inbound Required when using ssh-push or ssh-push-tunnel

contact methods.

4545 Inbound For connections from the server or proxy server for

5222 Outbound For push actions with the server or proxy server.


Port Direction Reason

22 Inbound Required when using ssh-push or ssh-push-tunnel

contact methods. Check-in on clients connected
to a SUSE Manager Proxy will be initiated on the
SUSE Manager Server and “hop through” through
to clients.

80 and 443 Outbound To reach the SUSE Manager server.

4545 Outbound For monitoring and probes connecting rhnmd run-

ning on the client systems.

5222 Inbound For push actions and connections issued by osad

running on the client systems.

15 Additional Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

Port Direction Reason

5269 Inbound/Out- For push actions with the server.


Synchronized System Times:

The connection to the Web server via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) requires correct system
time on server and clients. For this reason, SUSE Manager server and all client systems
must use NTP. If SUSE Manager is used with a stand-alone database, the machine running
the database must be set to the same time zone as SUSE Manager.

Novell Customer Center account:

For using SUSE Manager, you need an account at the Novell Customer Center (NCC), where
your purchased products and product subscriptions are defined. Make sure to have the
following subscriptions:

one or more subscriptions for SUSE Manager,

subscriptions for the products on the client systems you want to register with SUSE

subscriptions to client entitlements for the client system you want to register with
SUSE Manager.

Keep backups of login information in multiple secure places:

Record all relevant usernames, passwords and other login information. For SUSE Manag-
er, this includes usernames and passwords for the Organization Administrator account,
the primary administrator account on SUSE Manager itself, SSL certificate generation, and
database connection (which also requires a SID, or net service name). We strongly recom-
mend this information be copied onto two separate electronic media, printed out on paper,
and stored in a fireproof safe.

Supported Browsers
SUSE Manager supports the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Chrome and the version of Firefox
shipped with our latest SUSE Linux Enterprise version. Other browsers may work, but are
not tested and supported.

Virtual Environments
For running SUSE Manager server in virtual environments, use the following settings for
the virtual machine (VM):

16 Additional Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

At least 4 GB of RAM

Bridged network
The following virtual environments are supported:



For running SUSE Manager in KVM, VMware, or Hyper-V, use the SUSE Manager ISO

In addition to these requirements, we recommend to configure SUSE Manager in the following


The entire SUSE Manager solution should be protected by a firewall if the SUSE Manager
server accesses or is accessed via the Internet. An Internet connection is not required for
SUSE Manager servers running in completely disconnected environments. Instead they can
use channel content downloaded to Subscription Management Tool (SMT) for synchroniz-
ing SUSE Manager with Novell channels. For more information, see Section 4.4, “Setup With-
out Internet Connection”.

No system components should be directly publicly available. No users other than the sys-
tem administrators should have command line access to these machines.

All unnecessary services should be disabled using chkconfig .

The httpd service should be enabled.

If SUSE Manager serves monitoring-entitled systems and you want to acknowledge incom-
ing alert notifications via email, you must have installed and configured a mail transfer
agent such as postfix to properly handle email. This can be done with YaST.

Check the log files, if further tuning is needed—such as increasing OutOfMemoryError .

For more information, see Section 7.6, “Log Files”.

3.4 Prerequisites
For the basic SUSE Manager setup, you need to have your mirror credentials from the NCC at
hand. To look up your credentials and the email address with which you are registered in NCC,
proceed as follows.

17 Prerequisites SUSE Manager 2.1


1. Start a Web browser and go to http://www.novell.com/center .

2. Log in to the NCC.

3. Select Software Mirror Credentials. A Web page opens showing your credentials (username
and password).

4. Memorize the username and the password listed there.

5. Select your user name, then View Profile and memorize the email address with which you
are registered.

6. Log out from the NCC.

18 Prerequisites SUSE Manager 2.1

4 Installation

SUSE Manager is an appliance: a management server application combined with an operating

system. It can be deployed on industry hardware or in a virtual environment and used with an
embedded or a stand-alone database.
If your future SUSE Manager server is connected to the Internet, it will receive any updates
directly from the Novell Customer Center. For a disconnected setup scenario, configure SUSE
Manager to receive updates from an internal update server (like SMT) instead.
The YaST graphical user interface will guide you through the installation and the setup process.
It is started in text mode. Use the →| key to navigate among individual elements. To select
a value from a list, use the ↑ and ↓ arrow keys and press Enter . To activate an option,
press the Space key.
For new features and changes, see Book “Reference Guide” .
To migrate an existing SUSE Manager server 1.7 to version 2.1, refer to Section  8.17, “Online
Migration with YaST Wagon”.

4.1 Summary of Steps

The following installation and setup scenarios, including all required steps for basic configura-
tion of SUSE Manager are covered in this guide:

Setup From Scratch—With Internet Connection

For installation and initial setup, you need to execute the following basic steps:

1. If using a stand-alone database: Preparing your database instance according to the

formula provided in Chapter 3, Requirements.

2. Installing the Appliance

3. Setting Up SUSE Manager

Setup From Scratch—Without Internet Connection

For installation and initial setup, execute the same basic steps as listed above, but skip the
registration of the product at NCC. For details, refer to Section 4.4, “Setup Without Internet

19 Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

Migration from a Satellite Server
Instead of setting up a SUSE Manager server from scratch, you can also migrate from an
existing Satellite server. For details, refer to Section 4.6, “Server Migration”.

Important: Renaming SUSE Manager Server Not Supported

Choose the hostname of the SUSE Manager server carefully. Once installed renaming is
not supported.
For more information, see http://wiki.novell.com/index.php/SUSE_Manager/Host-
nameChange .

4.2 Installation
The following procedure describes the installation on a physical machine. Make sure the ma-
chine you intend to use fulfills the “Server Requirements”. If you want to install the appliance in
a virtual machine, additionally check the settings listed in Virtual Environments.


Warning: Loss of Data

Installing SUSE Manager on a physical machine will completely erase any data on
the hard disk that will be used for installation. Before you start the installation
process, create a backup of your hard disks.

1. Boot your future SUSE Manager server from the installation medium. Select Install/Restore
SUSE Manager.

2. If your machine contains more than one hard disk, you are asked which one to use for
the installation of SUSE Manager. Navigate with the arrow keys, and use the space key to
mark the desired hard disk. You are asked if you want to continue and you are warned
that the installation will destroy all data on the disk.

3. To proceed, answer with Yes. The deployment process takes over. This step may take some
time as large amounts of data need to be unpacked and verified. After the verification,
YaST firstboot is started.

20 Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

4. In the first screen, set the system Language and Keyboard Layout for your future SUSE
Manager server. Proceed with Next.

5. In the next screen, read the licenses and agree to them. Proceed with Next. The installation
routine checks some basic system requirements and depending on the results, lets you
decide whether to proceed with the installation or cancel.

6. In the next screen, set the root password for your SUSE Manager server and confirm it.


Proceed with Next.

7. In the next screen, configure the network settings. Note the network requirements listed in
Section 3.3, “Additional Requirements”. Either choose to Use Following Configuration or Change
the network setup according to your wishes.

21 Installation SUSE Manager 2.1


Proceed with Next.

8. In the next screen, configure the Clock and Time Zone to use for your SUSE Manager server.
Proceed with Next.

9. In the next screen, configure the NTP settings according to your wishes. For more infor-
mation about the options, refer to Help. Note the NTP requirements listed in Section 3.3,
“Additional Requirements”. Proceed with Next.

10. In the next screen, your are asked to register and activate your product at NCC. During
registration, the respective online update repositories are automatically configured.

Important: NCC Registration and Updates

Proper registration is mandatory for the system to receive updates and to ensure
that any known installation problems are fixed. In case of a disconnected SUSE
Manager setup, skip this step by selecting Configure Later.

22 Installation SUSE Manager 2.1


If you decide to Configure Later, you can call the respective YaST module on the SUSE
Manager server with the yast inst_suse_register command any time.
If you need to check the registration status of your SUSE Manager, use the isRegistered
command on the server. If the system is registered, more detailed information is available
in the /var/lib/suseRegister/registration-status.xml file.
To register directly:

a. Select Configure Now (Recommended).

b. Confirm that you want to continue. A text-based browser (w3m) appears. Use the
→| key or the arrow keys to navigate among individual elements. To enter data
into an input field, activate text input mode by pressing the Enter key once, then
enter the value and press Enter again to confirm.

c. After all values are entered according to your wishes, Submit your input and press
Shift – Q to close the text-based browser.

11. On the Installation Completed screen, select Finish to close YaST firstboot. The boot process

23 Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

12. Wait for the boot process to finish.

Important: SUSE Manager Update Required

After installation, update your SUSE Manager server to apply the latest patches
before starting the setup process. To receive updates, registration at NCC (or a
connection to an internal update server like SMT) is required. For details on how
to execute the update, refer to Book “Reference Guide” 2 “Package Update Tools (SLE
and RHEL)”2.1 “Updating Packages on SLE”.

4.3 Setup
In the previous step you ran YaST firstboot and updated SUSE Manager server. Now use a setup
script to configure the basic data for setup and the database connection on several consecutive
screens. You run this via YaST. Enter a value in each input field, otherwise the setup may fail.
In the setup screens, you will also be prompted for two passwords.

Note: Password Criteria

Both passwords must match the following criteria (otherwise the connection to the data-
base or the creation of the certificate might fail):

Length: At least 7 characters.

Special characters: Must not contain any of the following characters:


Quotation marks (neither " nor ' )

Exclamation marks ( ! )

Dollar symbols ( $ )


1. Log in to the machine as root with the password you set during the installation in Step 6.

2. Execute yast2 susemanager_setup to start the setup process.

24 Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

3. The first setup screen lets you choose between setting up SUSE Manager from scratch and
migrating to SUSE Manager from a Satellite/Spacewalk compatible server. Choose Set up
SUSE Manager from scratch. Proceed with Next.


4. In the next setup screen, enter an email address for the SUSE Manager administrator. It
is used for notifications by SUSE Manager and is associated with the SSL certificate to
be created in the next step. In the same dialogue, decide whether SUSE Manager should
advertise its services via SLP under the name susemanager . Clients can then find the
closest SUSE Manager server to connect to. Proceed with Next.

5. In the next setup screen, enter the details needed for the creation of an SSL certificate. The
certificate is used for a number of purposes like connections to a proxy, HTTPS protocol
in browsers, and more.

a. Enter the name of your organization, the organization unit, and the city, state and
country that your SUSE Manager server is located in. The Organization name defines
the name of the default administrative organization that is automatically created
during setup.

b. Set an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) password and repeat it in the next field.

25 Setup SUSE Manager 2.1


Proceed with Next.

6. In the next setup screen, set the details for the setup of the server and the database:

a. Decide whether to use the embedded (local) or a remote database for SUSE Manager.
If you select Local Database, YaST automatically sets the Port and Protocol.
To use an existing, remote database instead, select Remote Database and enter the
following details for the connection to the database: the database system (SID) used
to identify a particular database instance, the FQDN of the remote database, the
external Port to use (usually 1521 ), and the Protocol to use (usually TCP ).

b. If you use the embedded database, set a user name and a password for the SUSE
Manager database user (that is used to connect to the database).
For a remote database, enter a user name that already exists in the database config-
uration, and enter the correct password for this user. Otherwise the connection to
the database will fail.

c. Repeat the password in the next field.

26 Setup SUSE Manager 2.1


Proceed with Next.

7. The last setup screen asks for your SUSE Customer Center (SCC) credentials. Select Con-
nect to SCC and enter your SCC Organization Credentials Username and SCC Organization
Credentials Password.

27 Setup SUSE Manager 2.1


Note: NCC Settings

In case you did not deploy all the offered packages, you might be asked to Connect
to NCC and enter your NCC Mirror Credentials Username, the NCC Mirror Credentials
Password, and your NCC Email Address.
Because registering new installations at NCC is now discouraged, it is strongly rec-
ommended to install the missing packages and restart the setup procedure.

8. Proceed with Next and confirm with Yes to start the setup.

Note: Long Operation

This step may take some time. Wait until the Setup is completed message appears in
the upper part of the YaST screen.

9. Click Next and read the instructions about the next steps. Close YaST by pressing Finish.

28 Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

The basic SUSE Manager settings are written to /etc/rhn/rhn.conf . If you have chosen to
use a local database, the initial database is created and populated. If you have chosen to use a
remote database, the setup script connects to the database.
The setup script also runs the /usr/sbin/mgr-sync command which downloads the subscrip-
tions listed in your Organization Credentials. The respective Software Channel Entitlements will
be listed in the SUSE Manager Web interface (select Admin Subscriptions).
To switch from a trial license to a full license, repeat server registration with the new registration
key (or keys, in case more than one applies). Replace EMAIL_ADDRESS and REGISTRATION_CODE
with appropriate values in this command:

suse_register -a email=EMAIL_ADDRESS -a regcode-sms=REGISTRATION_CODE

Then refresh SUSE Manager channels to reflect the new entitlements with the mgr-sync re-
fresh command.

Tip: Running SUSE Manager Behind an HTTP Proxy

If mgr-sync fails because you are running the SUSE Manager server behind an HTTP
proxy configured with YaST, check in the Web interface whether the proxy is actually
known to SUSE Manager. For more information, see Book “User Guide” 12 “Admin”12.5.1
“Admin > SUSE Manager Configuration > General”.

Note: Accessing SCC scc.suse.com

scc.suse.com uses proxy technologies to provide a fast download service world-wide.
Depending on the location, the real hostname and the IP address is different.
To correctly setup company firewalls, to allow access to the repositories, check which
proxy you are using with the following command:

nslookup scc.suse.com

4.4 Setup Without Internet Connection

29 Setup Without Internet Connection SUSE Manager 2.1

If it is not possible to connect SUSE Manager directly or via a proxy to the Internet, a discon-
nected setup in combination with Subscription Management Tool (SMT) is the recommended
solution. In this scenario, SMT stays in an “external” network with a connection to Novell Cus-
tomer Center and synchronizes the software channels and repositories on a removable storage
medium. Then you separate the storage medium from SMT, and let the SUSE Manager server
mount it locally to read the data.

4.4.1 Basic Configuration and Usage


1. Install SMT in the external network with SUSE Customer Center (SCC) or Novell Customer
Center (NCC) connection. For details about installing SMT, see http://www.suse.com/doc-
umentation/smt11/ .

2. In SMT, mirror all wanted repositories.

3. Create a “database replacement file” (e.g., /tmp/dbrepl.xml ):

smt-sync --createdbreplacementfile /tmp/dbrepl.xml

4. Mount a removable storage medium such as an external hard disk or USB flash drive.

5. Export the data to the mounted medium:

smt-sync --todir /media/disk/

smt-mirror --dbreplfile /tmp/dbrepl.xml --directory /media/disk \
--fromlocalsmt -L /var/log/smt/smt-mirror-export.log

Note: Synchronizing Meta Data

smt-sync also exports the subscription and entitlement data. To keep SUSE Man-
ager up-to-date with the amount of subscriptions and entitlements, you must export
and import these data frequently.

6. Unmount the storage medium to carry it to your SUSE Manager server.

30 Basic Configuration and Usage SUSE Manager 2.1

Continue with the configuration on your SUSE Manager server.


1. Mount the storage medium on your SUSE Manager server (e.g., at /media/disk ).

2. Specify the local path on the SUSE Manager server in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :

server.susemanager.fromdir = /media/disk

This setting is optional if you are still using NCC with mgr-ncc-sync , while it is manda-
tory for SCC using mgr-sync .

3. Restart Tomcat:

rctomcat6 restart

4. Do a full sync before anything else:

mgr-sync refresh # SCC (fromdir in rhn.conf required!)

mgr-ncc-sync --from-dir /media/disk # NCC

5. mgr-ncc or mgr-ncc-sync can now be used as usual. SCC, for example:

mgr-sync list channels

mgr-sync add channel channel-label

With mgr-ncc-sync using NCC specify --from-dir parameter to point the sync to the
mounted disk, if not set in rhn.conf :

mgr-ncc-sync --from-dir /media/disk -l

mgr-ncc-sync --from-dir /media/disk -c channel-name

Warning: Data Corruption

The disk must always be available at the same mount point. To avoid data corrup-
tion, do not trigger a sync, if the storage medium is not mounted. If you have al-
ready added a channel from a local repository path, you will not be able to change
its URL to point to a different path afterwards (this includes NCC).

31 Basic Configuration and Usage SUSE Manager 2.1

Now the up-to-date data are available on your SUSE Manager and ready for updating the client
systems. According to your needs, refresh the data on the storage medium:


1. On the SUSE Manager server, unmount the storage medium to carry it to your SMT.

2. On your SMT, continue with Step 4.

Warning: Data Corruption

The storage medium must always be available at the same mount point. To avoid data
corruption, do not trigger a sync if the storage medium is not mounted.

4.4.2 Additional Settings

To disable the forwarding of registrations to Novell Customer Center via mgr-register , set
the following value in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :

server.susemanager.forward_registration = 0

Without this setting, the log file will be populated with many error messages.

4.5 Basic Configuration

To complete the basic SUSE Manager configuration, you need to execute the following steps:

1. Creating the SUSE Manager Administrator Account

2. Importing SUSE Channels from NCC

3. Creating Activation Keys

4. Generating the Bootstrap Script

5. Editing the Bootstrap Script and Registering Clients

32 Additional Settings SUSE Manager 2.1

4.5.1 Login to the Web Interface
After installation of the appliance, you need to log in and create the first administrator account
for SUSE Manager. This administrator has access to all resources on SUSE Manager and has the
right to create and manage user accounts. Additionally, he is given the role of an organiza-
tion administrator for the default organization created during SUSE Manager installation
and setup.
To access the SUSE Manager Web interface, ask your system administrator for the URL of your
SUSE Manager server. It is shown on the console after completion of the installation— see Step
8 from Procedure 4.1, “Installing the Appliance”.


1. Start a Web browser. Enter the URL of your SUSE Manager server, using the Fully Quali-
fied Domain name as in the following example: susemanager.example.com . The SUSE
Manager Web interface appears. On first login, you are prompted to create the SUSE Man-
ager administrator account.

2. Enter the data for the administrator account and click Create Login.

33 Login to the Web Interface SUSE Manager 2.1

You will be logged in as administrator.

3. On the Overview tab, a message notifies you to finalize your basic system configuration. In
the message, there's a link to the Setup Wizard, where you can add and manage products
without having to pick individual channels. For more information on the setup wizard,
see Book “User Guide” 12 “Admin”12.1 “Admin > Setup Wizard”.

4.5.2 Setup of SUSE Channels and Products

Channels are collections of repositories which are assigned to client systems. Without a channel,
clients cannot be grouped nor can they receive updates.

34 Setup of SUSE Channels and Products SUSE Manager 2.1

Note: SUSE Manager Server Without Internet Connection
This procedure only applies to scenarios where your SUSE Manager server is connected
to the Internet. For a disconnected scenario using Subscription Management Tool, refer
to Section 4.4, “Setup Without Internet Connection”.

During installation, a first synchronization between Novell Customer Center and SUSE Manager
is automatically done by mgr-ncc-sync . At this point, it only downloads the subscriptions to
the products you have registered for. When you first log in to the SUSE Manager Web interface,
there's a link to the Setup Wizard, where you can add and manage products without having to
pick individual channels. For more information on the setup wizard, see Book “User Guide” 12
“Admin”12.1 “Admin > Setup Wizard”.

Note: Expanded Support

After adding Expanded Support channels to SUSE Manager, the parent channel ( rhel-
x86_64-server-6 ) needs to be filled with the RHEL DVD contents using the following

spacewalk-repo-sync -c rhel-x86_64-server-6 -u file:///path/to/mounted/dvd/

Without that, RHEL servers cannot be managed.

To manually import and synchronize specific channel data after installation, perform to the
following procedure:


1. On a shell, log in to the SUSE Manager server as root .

2. Execute mgr-ncc-sync -l to view all channels that you are allowed to synchronize with
SUSE Manager. The output lists both parent and child channels. The following notation
is used to mark each channel:

[.] : A channel not imported or synchronized yet.

[p] : A previously imported or synchronized channel.

3. Select the channels you want to import. You can only import child channels if their re-
spective parent channel is already imported.

35 Setup of SUSE Channels and Products SUSE Manager 2.1

Note: Deleting SUSE Channels
By now, it is possible to delete SUSE channels with spacewalk-remove-channel .

4. For each channel that you want to import, run mgr-ncc-sync with the -c option and
add the respective channel label. For example:

mgr-ncc-sync -c suse_sles_11.i586-base

The respective channel data is imported into the SUSE Manager database and a full syn-
chronization is triggered for that channel.

Note: Client Tools Channel

Make sure to also import the client tools channel. It provides the packages that need
to be installed on a system to make it a SUSE Manager client system.

Any channel that has been imported is also displayed in the SUSE Manager Web interface. To see
a list of all channels, go to the Channels tab and select SUSE Channels from the left navigation bar.
For setting up automatic channel synchronization, see Section 8.10, “Automating Synchronization”.

4.5.3 Client Setup

For a list of client systems supported by SUSE Manager, refer to Section 3.1.2, “Supported Client
Systems”. Registering clients to SUSE Manager is done with a bootstrap script that deploys all
necessary information to the clients. The bootstrap script refers some parameters like activation
keys or GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) keys that depend on your particular setup.


Activation keys define entitlements and which channels and groups the client system is
allowed to subscribe to. This information is passed on to all systems registered with a key.
Each activation key is bound to the organization for which it has been created.

36 Client Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

Note: Activation Keys for New Organizations
If you need to create activation keys for a new organization, assign system entitle-
ments first. For details, refer to and Section 4.5.4, “Organization Management”. The
default organization has all necessary prerequisites by default.

1. Log in to the SUSE Manager Web interface as administrator.

2. Switch to the Systems tab and select Activation Keys.

3. Click the Create New Key link at the upper right corner.

4. Enter a Description to identify the generated activation key.

5. If you want the key to be generated automatically, leave the Key input field empty. If you
want to use a certain string for the key, define the desired string in the Key input field.

Warning: Allowed Characters

Do not use commas within the key string. All other characters are allowed. Commas
are used as separators when registering client systems with multiple activation keys
with rhnreg_ks .

6. To restrict the number of client systems that can be registered with the activation key, set
a Usage Limit by entering a maximum number of systems.
For unlimited use, leave this field empty.

7. With Base Channels, set the primary channel for the key. This can be either the SUSE
Manager Default channel or a custom base channel.
Choosing SUSE Manager Default allows client systems to register with the default SUSE-
provided channel that corresponds to their installed version of SUSE Linux Enterprise.

8. Activate the Add-On Entitlements that you want to give to the client systems that are reg-
istered with that key.

9. If all newly registered client systems of your organization should inherit the properties of
this key, activate the Universal Default check box. Only one universal default activation
key can be defined per organization.

37 Client Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

Warning: Changing the Default Activation Key
Only one universal default activation key can be defined per organization. If some
other key is already the default activation key for your organization, this check box
will automatically unset the check box for that other key.

10. Generate the key by clicking Create Activation Key. The prefix of the activation key indi-
cates which organization (by ID number) owns the activation.

11. To create more activation keys, repeat the steps above.

38 Client Setup SUSE Manager 2.1


Note: Activation Key Update

After modifying or adding any components that are bound to an existing activation key
(for example adding channels), make sure to update the key under Systems Activation
Keys KEY_TO_MODIFY Update Activation Key.

39 Client Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

The next steps are to generate the bootstrap.sh script on the SUSE Manager server, then edit
a copy of the script and run the modified script on each client machine that you want to register
with SUSE Manager.


Several options in the bootstrap script can be set via the SUSE Manager Web interface,
for example, if remote command execution or remote configuration of clients should be

1. On the SUSE Manager Web interface, switch to the Admin tab and select SUSE Manager
Configuration Bootstrap Script.

2. Check the options listed on the page and activate or deactivate them according to your

Note: Remote Command Execution and Configuration

If you choose to Enable Remote Configuration or Enable Remote Commands, make sure
that the rhncfg-actions package is installed on the client systems:

1. Switch to the Systems tab and select Activation Keys.

2. From the list of activation keys, click the one you want to modify.

3. Click the Packages subtab, enter rhncfg-actions into the input field and
click Update Key.

The required package for remote command execution and configuration will auto-
matically be installed on all client systems registered with the respective activation

3. Click the Update button. The necessary bootstrap script is generated and stored on the
server's file system in the /srv/www/htdocs/pub/bootstrap directory. It is also avail-
able from https://susemanager.example.com/pub/bootstrap/ .

4. Proceed with the following procedure,Procedure 4.10, “Editing the Bootstrap Script and Regis-
tering Clients”.

40 Client Setup SUSE Manager 2.1


Adjust the generated bootstrap script according to your needs. The minimal requirement
is to include the activation key. We strongly recommend to also include one or more
GPG keys (for example, your organization key, and package signing keys). Then execute
the resulting script on each client machine that you want to register with SUSE Manager
(either centrally, from the SUSE Manager server, or decentralized, on each client.)

Note: Access to Installation Media During Registration

The bootstrap process triggers installation of packages on the client machines. Be-
fore executing the bootstrap script on a client, make sure the client can access its
default installation medium: network access (in case of network repositories) or
inserted DVD (in case of physical media).

1. Log in as root to the SUSE Manager server.

2. Create a copy of the automatically generated script:

cd /srv/www/htdocs/pub/bootstrap
cp bootstrap.sh bootstrap-edited.sh

3. Edit the copy as follows:

a. Search for the ACTIVATION_KEYS entry and enter the activation key from Proce-
dure 4.8, “Creating Activation Keys”. Make sure to also include the organization prefix
in the key, for example:


b. Search for the ORG_GPG_KEY entry and enter one or more filenames, separated by
commas. The GPG key is located under the /srv/www/htdocs/pub/ directory and
must be entered without any path name, for example:


If you do not need or have a GPG key, search for the variable USING_GPG and set
it to 0 .

41 Client Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

Note: Package Signing Key for Red Hat Support
If you receive maintenance and support for your Red Hat client systems
through SUSE, make sure to include the package signing key you received
from SUSE. Otherwise RPM packages cannot be installed on the Red Hat client
systems. On the client system, run:

rpm --import http://sumaserver/pub/res.key

rpm --import http://sumaserver/pub/suse-307E3D54.key

c. Adjust further parameters, if needed. For details, refer to the comments in

bootstrap.sh .

d. To enable the script for execution, remove the exit 1 entry from the message block.
The last lines of the message block should now read:

echo "the exit below)"


4. Save the edited version of the script.

5. Use one of the following possibilities to execute the edited script on all client machines
that you want to register with SUSE Manager:

Log in as root on the SUSE Manager server and execute the following commands:

cd /srv/www/htdocs/pub/bootstrap/
cat bootstrap-edited.sh | ssh root@client_hostname /bin/bash

Log in to each client and execute the following command (all on one line):

curl -Sks https://server_hostname/pub

/bootstrap/bootstrap-edited.sh | /bin/bash

The clients are registered with the SUSE Manager server as specified in the bootstrap
script. The SUSE Manager Web interface shows the registered client systems on the Systems

42 Client Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

For more information about bootstrapping, refer to Book “Client Configuration Guide” 5 “Using

Note: Client-side PackageKit Conflicting with Remote SUSE

Manager package management
If client-side PackageKit conflicts with remote SUSE Manager package management, con-
sider to uninstall PackageKit.

4.5.4 Organization Management

During installation and setup, SUSE Manager automatically creates a default administrative
organization. It gets the organization ID 1 and the organization name that you entered in Step
5.a in Procedure 4.2, “Setting Up SUSE Manager”. For management of larger environments, create
multiple organizations: for example, for different departments within your company—or for
administering several distinct third-party companies.
For more information and details about creating organizations, refer to Book “Reference Guide”
5 “Managing Multiple Organizations”5.3 “Managing Organizations”.

4.5.5 Management of System and Software Entitlements

One important task after creating a new organization is to assign entitlements to the new orga-
nization. There are two types of entitlements that are important:

System Entitlements
Various categories of system entitlements are available: management, provisioning, moni-
toring, and virtualization entitlements. Having management entitlements is a base require-
ment for an organization to function in SUSE Manager.

Software Channel Entitlements

Apart from system entitlements, software channel entitlements are needed for each orga-
nization. For example, you must grant client tools channel entitlements to each orga-
nization (as this channels contains client software required for extended SUSE Manager
functionality, such as AutoYaST or Kickstart or virtualization support).

43 Organization Management SUSE Manager 2.1

For more details and instructions on how to transfer the respective entitlements from the default
organization to any newly created organization, refer to Book “Reference Guide” 5 “Managing
Multiple Organizations”5.4 “Managing Organization Entitlements”.

4.5.6 User Management

When first logging in to the SUSE Manager Web interface, the account for the first SUSE Man-
ager administrator needs to be created as described in Procedure 4.6, “Creating the SUSE Manager
Administrator Account”. The SUSE Manager administrator can then add more SUSE Manager users
and grant and edit permissions for each user.

Note: Users and Organizations

Each user belongs to the organization within which the user account has been created. A
user cannot belong to more than one organization. For creating or editing a user account,
log in with an organization administrator account for the organization to which the
user belongs or should belong.


Only organization administrators or SUSE Manager administrators can create and edit
user accounts.

1. Log in to the SUSE Manager Web interface as administrator. The top level row of the Web
interface shows the organization you are currently logged in to.

2. Switch to the Users tab and click the create new user link at the upper right corner.

3. Enter the Desired Login and the Desired Password for the new user and confirm the pass-
word. Both login and password must consist of at least 5 characters.

4. Enter the first and last name and the email address of the new user and click Create Login.
The Web interface switches to the User List, showing either Active, Deactivated, or All users.

With the creation of a new user account, the user can log in to the SUSE Manager Web interface,
but he does not have any administrative permissions yet. Administrative permissions are granted
via roles. Each user can have multiple roles. To assign roles to a user and to set other permissions
and options proceed as described in Procedure 4.12, “Editing User Accounts”:


44 User Management SUSE Manager 2.1

1. Log in to the SUSE Manager Web interface as administrator. The top level row of the Web
interface shows the organization you are currently logged in to.

2. Switch to the Users tab.

3. From the left navigation bar, select if you want to see Active, Deactivated, or All users.

4. From the list of users, click the user entry you want to modify. The Web interface shows
the User Details for the selected entry. Apart from the user's name and password, the Details
subtab also lets you assign roles to the user.

5. Select the roles that you want to assign to the user. For detailed information about the
roles, refer to Book “User Guide” 10 “Users — [Mgmt]” “User List > Active > User
Details > Details — [Mgmt]”. If you activate the Organization Administrator check box, the
user will automatically inherit the roles listed below. To assign or remove individual roles,
activate or deactivate the respective check boxes.

6. Click Submit to confirm your changes on the Details subtab.

7. To set or modify the user's permissions for system groups, systems or channels that exist
within the current organization, switch to the respective subtabs and follow the instruc-
tions on the Web interface.

8. To modify preferences, addresses or notification methods for the currently selected user,
switch to the respective subtabs and confirm your changes.


As SUSE Manager administrator, you can assign the permission to become SUSE Manager
administrator to other users.

1. Log in to the Web interface as SUSE Manager administrator.

2. For an overview of all users that exist within SUSE Manager (across all organizations),
switch to the Admin tab and select Users from the left navigation bar.

45 User Management SUSE Manager 2.1

A green check mark in the SUSE Manager Administrator column marks users that have the
respective permission.

3. To assign or remove the SUSE Manager administrator role, activate or deactivate the
SUSE Manager Administrator check box for the respective user.

For more details about user management, refer to Book “User Guide” 10 “Users — [Mgmt]”.

4.5.7 Management of SUSE Manager with Database

For maintenance and administration purposes, SUSE Manager with Database is bundled with
tools to administer your SUSE Manager database. Refer to the Reference Guide for more infor-

46 Management of SUSE Manager with Database SUSE Manager 2.1

4.6 Server Migration
If you have a SUSE Manager server installed in parallel to an existing Satellite server, you
can migrate the Satellite server to SUSE Manager. The YaST SUSE Manager setup module first
collects the necessary information. Then you execute the migration in several steps with the
migration.sh script as described in Procedure 4.14, “Migrating a Red Hat Satellite to SUSE Manager”.
Use -h to see the available options:

/usr/lib/susemanager/bin/migration.sh -h

Note: Supported Migration

SUSE Manager supports migration from Satellite 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 servers. We rec-
ommend you get assistance from SUSE consulting, sales or partners.


1. Log in to your existing SUSE Manager server as root .

2. Execute yast2 susemanager_setup to start the YaST module.

3. Select Migrate a Satellite/Spacewalk compatible server. Proceed with Next.

4. In the next screen, enter the Hostname of the Satellite Server, its Domain Name, the Satellite
Database Username, the Satellite Database Password, and the Satellite Database SID.

47 Server Migration SUSE Manager 2.1


Proceed with Next.

5. In the next screen, enter the IP Address of the SUSE Manager Server, the Database Admin-
istrator Password (belonging to the database's root ), and the email address of the SUSE
Manager administrator.

48 Server Migration SUSE Manager 2.1


Proceed with Next.

6. The next screen asks for details about the database to be migrated.

a. If you want to migrate data from an embedded database, select Local Database. YaST
automatically sets the Port and Protocol.
To migrate data from an existing remote database instead, select Remote Database
and enter the following details for the connection to the database: the database
system (SID) used to identify a particular database instance, the FQDN of the remote
database, the external Port to use (usually 1521 ), and the Protocol to use (usually
TCP ).

b. Enter or set the name and password of the SUSE Manager database user (that is used
to connect to the local or remote database).

c. Repeat the password in the next field.

49 Server Migration SUSE Manager 2.1


Proceed with Next.

7. The next screen asks for your organization credentials from the SCC. Enter your SCC
Organization Credentials Username and the SCC Organization Credentials Password).

50 Server Migration SUSE Manager 2.1


Proceed with Next.

8. Click Next to close YaST and to write the collected information to a file that will be parsed
by the migration.sh script during the next steps.

9. Using the -r option, first copy the RPM packages and configuration files from the Satellite

/usr/lib/susemanager/bin/migration.sh -r

Important: Long Operation

This step may take hours to finish.

10. Before you start the final migration process, make sure that nothing is changed on your
Satellite server from this point on. Log in to your Satellite server and shut down the Web

51 Server Migration SUSE Manager 2.1

rcapache2 stop

11. On the SUSE Manager server, start the final migration process:

/usr/lib/susemanager/bin/migration.sh -m

It synchronizes any remaining changes (that may have occurred during the first run with
the -r option) and migrates the database.

12. After the process has been finished successfully, shut down the Satellite server.

13. In the DNS server, change the name of the Satellite server to the SUSE Manager server's IP
address, so that the new SUSE Manager server gets the hostname of the former Satellite

From now on, use your SUSE Manager as a replacement for your Satellite server. Since the
hostname is the same, all certificates will still work. Any registered clients are automatically
directed to the SUSE Manager server.

52 Server Migration SUSE Manager 2.1

5 SUSE Manager on IBM System z

5.1 Introduction
This best practice guide is intended for z/VM administrators responsible for operating the IBM
System z Mainframe. The goal of this guide is to lead an z/VM administrator trained on normal
System z operating protocols through the installation of SUSE Manager 2.1 onto an existing
mainframe system. The intent of this article is not to cover the variety of hardware configuration
profiles available on System z but instead to provide a foundational overview of the procedure
and requirements necessary for a successful SUSE Manager server deployment.

5.2 Base System Requirements

The z/VM administrator should acquire and prepare the following resources for a successful
SUSE Manager installation. SUSE Manager 2.1 for IBM z Systems is delivered as an appliance
image. During setup it will be required to dump this SUSE Manager image onto a disk assigned
to your designated z/VM guest. The following sections describe this procedure using the tools
located on the SLES 12 installation media. These sections will provide you with the minimum
recommended system requirements for SUSE Manager to include: hardware, database, and disk
space. The base system for SUSE Manager 2.1 is SLES 11 SP3.

See this link : IBM System z (https://www.suse.com/products/systemz/technical-informa-

tion/#System) for supported IBM mainframes.

5GB Memory (3GB RAM + 2GB VDISK swap) for a small number of clients. For a larger
production system the ratio of physical memory to vdisk will need to be re-evaluated based on
the number of clients being supported.


A copy of the SLES 12 Installation media will be required for additional tools during the
installation procedure. SLE-12-Server-DVD-s390x-GM-DVD1.iso (https://download.suse.com/

SUSE Manager 2.1 System z Installation Media: SUSE_Manager_Server_Z.s390x-2.1.0-

GM.raw.xz (https://download.suse.com/Download?buildid=BGjVf-pTgjQ~)

53 SUSE Manager on IBM System z SUSE Manager 2.1

The following tables contain the network and device information used for this guide. Your
configuration data including network and device numbers will be different.

Network Type IP Addresses





FTP Server ftp://example.com

Device Type Device ID Number


5.3 Additional Requirements

There are a few additional resource requirements you will need to prepare before installing the
SUSE Manager appliance on your system. This section overviews these requirements.

Guest z/VM Network Information.  The guest z/VM should be provided with a static IP address
and hostname as these cannot be easily changed after initial setup. The hostname should contain
less than 8 characters. For example: SUMA21

FTP Server Accessible from Guest.  An ftp server must be reachable from the z/VM guest.
This must contain the SUSE Manager installation media and a directory containing the
contents of the SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 installation image. The extracted SLES12 direc-
tory is necessary for additional tools and will not be installed. For more information on
loop mounting See also: https://www.suse.com/documentation/sled-12/book_sle_deployment/da-


Directory containing the extracted SLES12 installation image.

54 Additional Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1


SUSE Manager image


parmfile for Network Configuration.  A parmfile is required during the initial installa-
tion of SUSE Manager for network configuration. See also: (The parmfile-Automating the
System Configuration) https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles-12/book_sle_deployment/da-

Pre-Installation Storage Requirements.  There are several storage devices that must be config-
ured and added before installation of SUSE Manager. You are required to calculate sufficient
disk storage for SUSE Manager before running yast2 susemanager_setup . The following infor-
mation will help fulfill these requirements.

Warning: SUSE Manager Default Volume Groups and Disk

The SUSE Manager installation defaults to creating one volume group and a single volume
for the root filesystem. The file system of SUSE Manager including the embedded database
and patch directories will reside within this root volume. While adjustments are possible
once installation has completed it becomes the administrators responsibility to specify
and monitor these adjustments.
If your SUSE Manager runs out of disk space, this can have a severe impact on its database
and file structure. Preparing storage requirements in accordance with this section will
aid in preventing these harmful effects.
SUSE technical services will be unable to provide support for systems suffering from low disk
space conditions as this can have an effect on an entire system and therefore becomes unre-
solvable. A full recovery is only possible with a previous backup or a new SUSE Manager in-


A read/writeable 191 minidisk with at least 100MB of available storage.

A 512-byte block EDEV emulated DASD device with at least 10GB of allocated space for
SUSE Manager system files.

55 Additional Requirements SUSE Manager 2.1

An additional disk is required for database storage. This should be an zFCP or DASD
device as these are preferred for use with HYPERPAV . This disk should fulfill the following
At least 30GB for


At least 100GB for


For more information regarding storage requirements see also: https://www.suse.com/sup-


5.4 Storage Preparation

This procedure covers the preparation of the required storage devices in the Addi-
tional Requirements section. It is assumed that the SLES 12 installation image con-
tents have been extracted to a directory on your ftp server. For more information on
loop mounting See also: https://www.suse.com/documentation/sled-12/book_sle_deployment/da-
ta/sec_deployment_remoteinst_instserver.html#sec_deployment_remoteinst_iso >

1. Logon to z/VM guest.

2. Give access to the ftp command with:

==> vmlink tcpmaint 592

3. Continue via ftp to your server:

==> ftp example.com

4. Log on to your ftp server.

5. On the ftp server change to the extracted SLES 12 installation media directory and execute
the following commands:

56 Storage Preparation SUSE Manager 2.1

==> get boot/s390x/sles12.exec sles12.exec.a

==> get boot/s390x/parmfile sles12.parmfile.a

==> bin

==> locsite fix 80

==> get boot/s390x/linux sles12.linux.a

==> get boot/s390x/initrd sles12.initrd.a

==> quit

6. Next prepare Initial Program Loader (IPL) with:

==> PIPE < SLES12 LINUX A | fblock 80 00 | > SLES12 LINUX A

==> PIPE < SLES12 INITRD A | fblock 80 00 | > SLES12 INITRD A

7. Advance to the next section.

5.5 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Required Function-

This procedure walks through the necessary steps of installing the SLES 12 tools to memory
which are required for dumping the SUSE Manager image.

1. Start the Installation of SLES12.

==> SLES12

a. After initial boot select 1 to start installation.

57 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Required Functionality SUSE Manager 2.1

Main Menu
0)<-- Back <--
1) Start Installation
2) Settings
3) Expert
4) Exit or Reboot

==> 1

b. Select 1 to continue with the installation.

Start Installation

0)<-- Back <--

1) Installation
2) Upgrade
3) Rescue System
4) Boot Installed System
5) Network Setup

==> 1

c. Select 2 as the source medium.

Choose the source medium

0) <-- Back <--

2) Network
3) Hard Disk

58 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Required Functionality SUSE Manager 2.1

==> 2

2. You will now configure your network. Select 1 as the network protocol.

Choose the network protocol

0) <-- Back <--

1) FTP
4) NFS
5) SMB / CIFS (Windows Share)

==> 1

a. Choose the network device appropriate for your configuration.

b. Enter the port number if necessary.

c. Enable OSI Layer 2 support (yes or no).

d. Enter a mac address if necessary.

e. Select automatic network configuration via DHCP only if your environment supports

3. Next input your ftp information. Enter your ftp server address.

Enter the name of the FTP server. (Enter '+++' to abort).

a. Enter the directory which contains the SLES12 installation disk contents.

59 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Required Functionality SUSE Manager 2.1

Enter the directory on the server. (Enter '+++' to abort).


b. Select user and password requirements, (yes or no) for your FTP server.

c. Select proxy information (yes or no). The installation system will load.

4. Select SSH as the desired display type. This will allow you to login via SSH.

Select the display type.

0) <-- Back <--

1) X11
2) VNC
3) SSH
4) ASCII Console

==> 3

Enter a temporary SSH password

5.6 SUSE Manager Installation

This section covers the installation of SUSE Manager on the required EDEV device.


The following procedure prepares the EDEV device for dumping the SUSE Manager image
to and sets it as the default boot disk. Log into your SUSE Linux Enterprise System z guest
as root and issue the following commands.

1. Log into the SUSE Manager server guest via SSH.

60 SUSE Manager Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

tux > ssh root@SUMA21

2. Bring the disk online with:

root# > chccwdev -e <EDEV_DEVICE_ID>

3. Use the lsdasd command to list devices available on your system and their assigned id's:

root# > lsdasd

Bus-ID Status Name Device Type BlkSz Size Blocks

0.0.0240 active dasda 94:0 FBA 512 10240MB 20971520

4. Continue by writing the SUSE Manager image to the EDEV disk device:

root# > wget -O - ftp://your_ftpserver/susemanager21.raw.xz | xzcat > /dev/


Run sync to ensure the buffer is empty.

root# > sync

5. Wait for the image to finish dumping to disk.

6. After the image has finished dumping to your EDEV disk, you must execute the following
command. This command takes the device offline and sets it as the default boot disk.

root# > chccwdev -d <EDEV_DEVICE_ID>

7. On the 3270 console run the following command:

==> #cp ipl cms

8. Create the SUMA21 PARM-S11 A file and add the required kernel parameters for
your setup. See also https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles-12/book_sle_deployment/

61 SUSE Manager Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

Warning: Parameter Contents
Configuration parameters in the parmfile are case sensitive. Note the following

InstNetDev=osa Layer2=1
OSAInterface=qdio OSAMedium=eth portno=0 portname=whatever
ReadChannel=0.0.0800 WriteChannel=0.0.0801 DataChannel=0.0.0802

9. Initial program load the edev device.

==> ipl <EDEV_DEVICE_ID>

10. Log into the SUSE Manager server guest via SSH as root. The default password is linux .

11. YaST firstboot will auto start. Accept the license agreement and Follow the steps to com-
plete YaST firstboot procedures

12. After firstboot procedures have completed continue by updating SUSE Manager using
online update and reboot the system.

After rebooting you will need to setup the additional storage required for /var/spacewalk and /
var/lib/pgSQL and swap space using the yast partitioner tool. This step is required before run-
ning yast2 susemanager_setup
After having configured the storage requirements, executed a yast update and completed a sys-
tem reboot, run SUSE Manager setup to finalize the SUSE Manager installation on your System
z mainframe:

root# > yast2 susemanager_setup

62 SUSE Manager Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

Proceed through the SUSE Manager setup until complete. For more information on a typical
SUSE Manager setup, see also:


63 SUSE Manager Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

6 Importing and Synchronizing with Inter-Server

After installing SUSE Manager, you must provide it with the packages and channels to be served
to client systems. This chapter explains how to import that data and keep it up to date.
Two tool chains come installed as part of the spacewalk-backend-tools package: mgr-ex-
porter for exporting and mgr-inter-sync for synchronization, as well as mgr-ncc-sync .

6.1 Exporting with mgr-exporter

The SUSE Manager exporter ( mgr-exporter ) exports a SUSE Manager content listing in an
XML format that the user then can import into another SUSE Manager. Export the content into
a directory specified with the -d option, transport the directory to another SUSE Manager,
then use the mgr-inter-sync to import the contents. These three steps synchronize two SUSE
Managers so they serve identical content.
The mgr-exporter tool can export the following content:

Channel Families


Channel metadata



RPM metadata



Support Information

SUSE Product Data

SUSE Subscriptions

64 Importing and Synchronizing with Inter-Server Sync SUSE Manager 2.1

To perform a SUSE Manager export ( mgr-exporter ), the following prerequisites must be met:

A successful SUSE Manager installation.

There must be sufficient disk space in the directory specified with the --dir option. This
directory will contain the exported contents.

6.1.1 Performing an Export

Export the current SUSE Manager configuration into a backup or storage solution by executing
the following command as root :

mgr-exporter --dir=/var/sw-export --no-errata --channel channel_name

When finished, the export directory may be moved to another SUSE Manager or a storage so-
lution using rsync or scp -r .
The mgr-exporter tool offers several command line options. To use them, insert the option
and appropriate value after the mgr-exporter command.

mgr-exporter OPTIONS:

Place the exported information into this directory.

Process data for this specific channel (specified by label) only. NOTE: the channel's label
is not the same as the channel's name.

List all available channels and exit.

List all of the steps that mgr-exporter takes while exporting data. These can be used as
values for --step .

-p --print-configuration
Print the configuration and exit.

Print a report to the terminal when the export is complete.

65 Performing an Export SUSE Manager 2.1

Do not retrieve actual RPMs.

Do not export RPM metadata.

Do not process patch (errata) information.

Do not process kickstart data (provisioning only).

Override the amount of messaging sent to log files and generated on the screen set in /
etc/rhn/rhn.conf , 0 - 6 ( 2 is default).

The start date limit that the last modified dates are compared against. Must be in the
format YYYYMMDDHH24MISS (for example, 20071225123000 ).

The end date limit that the last modified dates are compared against. Must be typed in the
format YYYYMMDDHH24MISS (for example, 20071231235900 ).

Create a channel dump ISO directory called ISOS (for example, --make-isos=cd or
dvd ).

Email a report of what was exported and what errors may have occurred.

Alternative email address for --email .

Include alternate database connect string: username/password@SID .

Export the RPM and kickstart files with hard links to the original files.

You can deselect some contents, such as RPMs, errata, or Kickstarts, which you do not want to
export, by using the --no-* command line options. The default is to export everything.

66 Performing an Export SUSE Manager 2.1

The amount of time it takes mgr-exporter to export data depends on the number and size
of the exported channels. The --no-packages , --no-kickstarts , --no-errata , and --no-
rpms options reduce the amount of time required for mgr-exporter to run, but also prevents
export of potentially useful information. For that reason, only use these options when certain the
content is not required and can be excluded. Additionally, you must use the matching options
for mgr-inter-sync when importing the data. For example, if you use --no-kickstarts with
mgr-exporter you must specify the --no-kickstarts option when importing the data.

When exporting a base channel, you must also export the client tools channel associated
with that base channel. This is because the tools channels contain the tools that install packages
for autoinstalling a machine through SUSE Manager. For instance, if you export sles11-sp1-
pool-x86_64 you must also export the sles11-sp1-suse-manager-tools-x86_64 channel in order to
autoinstall machines to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 x86_64.

6.2 Importing with SUSE Manager Synchroniza-

tion Tool mgr-inter-sync
Before distributing packages via SUSE Manager, the packages must first be uploaded to the SUSE
Manager server. This section describes the process for importing packages and other channel

6.2.1 mgr-inter-sync

The mgr-inter-sync tool enables a SUSE Manager server to update its database metadata and
RPM packages from a SUSE Manager master server.
The SUSE Manager synchronization tool mgr-inter-sync can be used in a closed environment,
such as the one created with a disconnected install, or it may obtain data directly from another
SUSE Manager. Closed environment imports can get their data from the XML data generated
by mgr-exporter .

67 Importing with SUSE Manager Synchronization Tool mgr-inter-sync SUSE Manager 2.1
mgr-inter-sync works incrementally, or in steps. To obtain patch (errata) information, it first
requires information about the packages contained. For the packages to be updated, the tool
first identifies the associated channels. For this reason, the SUSE Manager synchronization tool
performs the following actions in order:

1. channel-families — Import/synchronize channel family (architecture) data.

2. channels — Import/synchronize channel data.

3. rpms — Import/synchronize RPMs.

4. packages — Import/synchronize full package data for those RPMs retrieved successfully.

5. errata — Import/synchronize patch (errata) information.

Users can perform each of these steps individually for testing purposes with the effect of forcing
the tool to stop when a step completes. All preceding steps, however, will execute. For example,
calling the rpms step automatically ensures the channels and channel-families steps exe-
cute first. To initiate an individual step, use the --step option:

mgr-inter-sync --step=rpms

In addition to --step , the SUSE Manager synchronization tool offers many other command line
options. To use them, insert the option and the appropriate value after the mgr-inter-sync
command when launching import or synchronization.


-h , --help
Display the list of options and exit.

-d= , --db=DB
Include alternate database connect string: username/password@SID .

-m= , --mount-point=MOUNT_POINT
Import or synchronization from local media mounted to the SUSE Manager. Use in closed
environments (such as those created during disconnected installs).

List all available channels and exit.

68 mgr-inter-sync SUSE Manager 2.1

Process data for this channel only. Multiple channels can be included by repeating the
option. By default all channels on the SUSE Manager server will be refreshed. Use --list-
channels to see the available channel labels.

-p , --print-configuration
Print the current configuration and exit.

Not Advisable - Turn off SSL.

Organization to which the sync imports data (default: the admin account).

Perform the synchronization process only to the step specified. Typically used in testing.
By default, all steps are executed.

Do not retrieve actual RPMs.

Do not process full package data.

Do not process patch (errata) information.

Do not process Kickstart data (provisioning only).

Forcibly process all patch metadata without performing a diff.

Forcibly process all package metadata without performing a diff.

Override the amount of messaging sent to log files and generated on the screen set in /
etc/rhn/rhn.conf , 0 - 6 ( 2 is default).

Email a report of what was imported/synchronized to the designated recipient of traceback

69 mgr-inter-sync SUSE Manager 2.1

Direct synchronization output (from --email ) to this mail address.

-s= , --server=SERVER
Include the hostname of an alternative server to connect to for synchronization.

Add an alternative HTTP proxy server in the form hostname:port .

Include the username for the alternative HTTP proxy server.

Include the password for the alternative HTTP proxy server.

Use an alternative SSL CA certificate by including the full path and filename.

For debugging only - Include path to alternative digital system ID.

For debugging only - Set maximum batch size in percent for XML/database-import process-

6.2.2 Preparing for Import

To perform the SUSE Manager import, the following prerequisites must be met:

The SUSE Manager installation must have been performed successfully.

The SUSE Manager exporter ( mgr-exporter ) data or access to the master SUSE Manager
must be available.


To import data previously exported using SUSE Manager exporter, you must first copy
that data onto the local system. The following steps prepare the import as described in
Section 6.2.3, “Running the Import”.

1. Log into the machine as root .

70 Preparing for Import SUSE Manager 2.1

2. Create a target directory for the files, such as:

mkdir /var/sw-import/

3. Make the export data available on the local machine in the directory created in the pre-
vious step. This can be done by copying the data directly or by mounting the data from
another machine using NFS. The following is an example scp command copying the data
into the new directory:

scp -r [email protected]:/var/sw-export/* /var/sw-import

Now that the data is available, you can proceed to performing the import.

6.2.3 Running the Import

The susemanager-backend-tools package provides the mgr-inter-sync program for man-

aging all package, channel, and patch (errata) imports and inter-server synchronizations. mgr-
inter-sync is a symlink to satellite-sync .

The following process assumes the user has copied all data to /var/sw-import .
The first step in importing channels into the database is listing the channels available for import.
This is accomplished with the command:

mgr-inter-sync --list-channels --mount-point /var/sw-import

The next step is to initiate the import of a specific channel. Do this using a channel label pre-
sented in the previous list. The command will look like:

mgr-inter-sync -c rhel-i386-6 --mount-point /var/sw-import

Importing package data can take up to two hours per channel. You can begin register-
ing systems to channels as soon as they appear in the SUSE Manager Web interface. No
packages are necessary for registration, although updates cannot be retrieved from SUSE
Manager until the channel is completely populated.

71 Running the Import SUSE Manager 2.1

Repeat this step for each channel or include them all within a single command by passing each
channel label preceded by an additional -c flag:

mgr-inter-sync -c channel-label-1 -c channel-label-2 --mount-point /var/sw-import

This conducts the following tasks in this order:

1. Populating the tables describing common features for channels (channel families). This
can also be accomplished individually by passing the --step=channel-families option
to mgr-inter-sync .

2. Creating a particular channel in the database and importing the metadata describing the
channel. Individually, use the --step=channels option.

3. Moving the RPM packages from the temporary repository into their final location. Indi-
vidually, use the --step=rpms option.

4. Parsing the header metadata for each package in the channel, uploading the package data,
and associating it with the channel. Individually, use the --step=packages option.

5. Identifying patches (errata) associated with the packages and including them in the repos-
itory. Individually, use the --step=errata option.

6. Syncing kickstart data. Individually, use the --step=kickstarts option.

After running the preceding sample command, the population of the channel should be com-
plete. All of the packages should have been moved out of the repository; this can be verified
with the following command sequence:

cd /var/sw-import/
ls -alR | grep rpm

If all RPMs have been installed and moved to their permanent locations, then this count will be
zero, and the administrator may safely remove the temporary repository (in this case, /var/
sw-import/ ).

72 Running the Import SUSE Manager 2.1

6.3 Synchronizing
An update channel is only as useful as the freshness of the information in that channel. Since
SUSE Manager is designed to be a standalone environment, any update advisories published by
SUSE must be manually imported and synchronized by the administrator of the SUSE Manager.
During synchronization over the network, the SUSE Manager synchronization tool performs the
following steps:

1. Connects over SSL to the SUSE Manager master, authenticates itself as a SUSE Manager,
and triggers an export of the channel data.

2. Examines the export and identifies differences between the SUSE Manager data set and the
exported SUSE data set. For a particular channel, the following information is analyzed:

Channel metadata

Metadata of all packages in that channel

Metadata for all patches (errata) that affect that channel

All analysis is performed on the SUSE Manager slave; the master delivers only an
export of its channel information and remains ignorant of any details regarding the
SUSE Manager slave.

3. After the analysis of the export data, any differences are imported into the SUSE Manager
database. Note that importing new packages may take variable lengths of time. For a large
update, an import can take several hours.

6.4 Inter-Server Synchronization

Inter-Server Synchronization (ISS) allows a SUSE Manager to synchronize content and permis-
sions from another SUSE Manager instance in a peer-to-peer relationship. However, in the fol-
lowing section, a SUSE Manager which receives content will be referred to as a "Slave Server"
and a SUSE Manager which acts as the source, where the content is pulled from, is called a
"Master Server". When using ISS to synchronize content, the slave instance may have a differ-

73 Synchronizing SUSE Manager 2.1

ent setup from that of the Master for non-content entities such as users and organizations. The
administrator on the slave instance is free to add, remove, and change entities independently
from what occurs on the master instance.

Master and slave are legacy terms that carry connotations that are not enforced by the
ISS protocol. Keep their restricted meanings, as described above, in mind while reading
this section.

With SUSE Manager 2.1, ISS allows the slave SUSE Manager to duplicate the organizational trust
hierarchy and the custom channel permissions from the settings configured on the master. This
is accomplished by exporting information about specific organizations from the master SUSE
Manager to the receiving slave server. The administrator on the slave can then choose to map the
master organizations to specific slave organizations. Future synchronization operations use this
information to assign custom channel ownership to the slave organization, which is mapped to a
specific master organization. It can also map the trust relationships between the exposed master
organization to matching slave organizations, creating the equivalent relationships on the slave.

An inter-server sync between a SUSE Manager 1.7 server as master and a SUSE Manager
2.1 server as client will succeed but generate an error email to the admin. The error email
is harmless and can be deleted.

6.4.1 Configuring the Master SUSE Manager Server

Log in to the Web interface as SUSE Manager administrator. Click on Admin ISS Configura-
tion Master Setup. In the top right-hand corner of this page, click Add New Slave and fill in the
following information:

Slave Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

Allow Slave to Sync? - Choosing this field will allow the slave SUSE Manager to access this
master SUSE Manager. Otherwise, contact with this slave will be denied.

Sync all orgs to Slave? - Checking this field will synchronize all organizations to the slave
SUSE Manager.

74 Configuring the Master SUSE Manager Server SUSE Manager 2.1

Choosing the Sync All Orgs to Slave? option on the Master Setup page will override any
specifically selected organizations in the local organization table.

Click Create. Optionally, click on any local organization to be exported to the slave SUSE Man-
ager then click Allow Orgs.

In SUSE Manager 1.7 the master server used the iss_slaves parameter in the /etc/
rhn/rhn.conf file to identify which slaves were allowed to contact the master. SUSE
Manager 2.1 uses the information in the Master Setup page to determine this information.

To enable the inter-server synchronization (ISS) feature, edit the /etc/rhn/rhn.conf file and
set: disable_iss=0 . Save the file and restart the httpd service with service httpd restart .

6.4.2 Configuring Slave Servers

Slave SUSE Managers can be configured during installation with YaST or later via the Web
interface. During Installation with YaST

The SUSE Manager YaST module is able to setup a slave server.

In the dialog with the NCC credentials you can select between Connect to NCC and Connect to
SUSE Manager for inter-server sync. Choose Connect to SUSE Manager for inter-server sync. The
additional field Parent Server Name will be enabled. Enter the name (FQDN) of the master server.

Note: Inter-server Sync and SUSE Customer Center (SCC)

Organization credentials are only needed for SCC connections, for slave server organiza-
tion credentials are no longer needed.

75 Configuring Slave Servers SUSE Manager 2.1

The slave server forwards registrations to SUSE Customer Center by using the parent server as a
proxy. A SUSE Manager server acting as a parent accepts “register” and “de-register” operations
and forwards them directly to its parent. The top SUSE Manager server will send these requests
to SCC and return the answers back the chain to the originally requesting slave server.
There are checks implemented that need to be passed before a SUSE Manager server forwards
such a request. It checks, if the requesting slave is in the allowed list and it verifies the user and
password. These must match the first configured credential. Web Interface

Slave servers are the machines that will receive content synchronized from the master server.
To securely transfer content to the slave servers, the ORG-SSL certificate from the master server
is needed. The certificate can be downloaded over HTTP from the /pub/ directory of any SUSE
Manager. The file is called RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT , but can be renamed and placed
anywhere in the local file system of the slave, such as the /usr/share/rhn/ directory.
Log in to the slave SUSE Manager as administrator and click on Admin ISS Configuration Slave
Setup. In the top right-hand corner, click Add New Master and fill in the following information:

Master Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

Default Master?

Filename of this Master's CA Certificate: use the full path to the CA Certificate.

Click Add New Master.

6.4.3 Performing Inter-Server Synchronization

Once the master and slave servers are configured, a synchronization can be performed by run-
ning the mgr-inter-sync command:

mgr-inter-sync -c YOUR-CHANNEL

76 Performing Inter-Server Synchronization SUSE Manager 2.1

6.4.4 Mapping SUSE Manager Master Server Organizations to
Slave Organizations
The master SUSE Manager should now show up in the slave's setup page under Admin ISS
Configuration Slave Setup. If it does not, check the steps above.
A mapping between organizational names on the master SUSE Manager allows for channel
access permissions to be set on the master server and propagated when content is synced to
a slave SUSE Manager. Not all organization and channel details need to be mapped for all
slaves. SUSE Manager administrators can select which permissions and organizations can be
synchronized by allowing or omitting mappings.
To complete the mapping, log in to the Slave SUSE Manager as administrator. Click Admin ISS
Configuration Slave Setup and select a Master SUSE Manager by clicking its name. Use the drop-
down box to map the exported master organization name to a matching local organization in
the slave SUSE Manager, then click Update Mapping.
On the command line, issue the sync command on each of the custom channels to obtain the
correct trust structure and channel permissions:

mgr-inter-sync -c YOUR-CHANNEL

6.4.5 Automated Configuration

The spacewalk-sync-setup tool allows users to specify a Master and Slave SUSE Manager
instance and uses configuration files to set up the information described in both the master and
slave setup. It can create a set of default configuration files if requested. Essentially, it automates
the previous setup and mapped configuration for master-slave relationships.
For automated configuration to succeed, the following prerequisites must be met:

The spacewalk-util package needs to be installed on the system that will issue the
spacewalk-sync-setup command.

Organizations with custom permissions must exist on the master SUSE Manager.

Existing organizations within the Slave SUSE Manager must be present.

Mapping SUSE Manager Master Server Organizations to Slave Organizations SUSE

77 Manager 2.1 Configuring the Master SUSE Manager Server
Enable the inter-server synchronization (ISS) feature in the /etc/rhn/rhn.conf file:


Save the configuration file and restart the httpd service:

service httpd restart Configuring Slave Servers

Slave servers are the machines that will have their content synchronized by the master server.
To securely transfer content to the slave servers, the ORG-SSL certificate from the master server
is needed. The certificate can be downloaded over HTTP from the /pub/ directory of any
SUSE Manager. The file is called RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT , but can be renamed and placed
anywhere in the local file system of the slave, such as the /usr/share/rhn/ directory.
Log in to the slave SUSE Manager as administrator and click Admin ISS Configuration Slave
Setup. On the top right-hand corner, click Add New Master and fill in the following information:

Master Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

Default Master?

Filename of this Master's CA Certificate: use the full path to the CA Certificate.

Click Add New Master. Mapping Master Organizations to Slave Organizations

Log in to a system. It does not matter if it is a master or slave SUSE Manager, or a different
system altogether as long as the system can access the public XMLRPC API of the master and
slave SUSE Managers.
Run spacewalk-sync-setup on a command line interface:

spacewalk-sync-setup --ms=[Master_FQDN] \
--ml=[Master_Sat_Admin_login] \

78 Automated Configuration SUSE Manager 2.1

--mp=[Master_Sat_Admin_password] \
--ss=[Slave FQDN] --sl=[Slave_Sat_Admin_login]--sp=[Slave_Sat_Admin_password> \
--create-templates --apply


--ms=MASTER, --master-server=MASTER is the FQDN of the Master to connect to,

--ml=MASTER_LOGIN, --master-login=MASTER_LOGIN is the administrator login for the

master SUSE Manager,

--mp=MASTER_PASSWORD, --master-password=MASTER_PASSWORD is the password

for the SUSE Manager administrator login on the master SUSE Manager,

--ss=SLAVE, --slave-server=SLAVE is the FQDN of the slave SUSE Manager to connect to,

--sl=SLAVE_LOGIN, --slave-login=SLAVE_LOGIN is the SUSE Manager administrator lo-

gin for the slave server,

--sp=SLAVE_PASSWORD, --slave-password=SLAVE_PASSWORD is the password for the

SUSE Manager administrator login on the slave server,

--ct, --create-templates is the option that creates both a master and a slave setup file for
the master/slave pair,

--apply tells SUSE Manager to make the changes specified by the setup files to the specified
SUSE Manager instances.

For more setup options, run spacewalk-sync-setup--help .

The output from this command will be as follows:

INFO: Connecting to [admin@master-fqdn]

INFO: Connecting to [admin@slave-fqdn]
INFO: Generating master-setup file $HOME/.spacewalk-sync-setup/master.txt
INFO: Generating slave-setup file $HOME/.spacewalk-sync-setup/slave.txt
INFO: Applying master-setup $HOME/.spacewalk-sync-setup/master.txt
INFO: Applying slave-setup $HOME/.spacewalk-sync-setup/slave.txt

79 Automated Configuration SUSE Manager 2.1

On the command line, issue the mgr-inter-sync command on each of the custom channels to
obtain the correct trust structure and channel permissions:

mgr-inter-sync -c channel-name

6.5 Organizational Synchronizing

Inter-Server Synchronization can also be used to import content to any specific organization.
This can be done locally or by remote synchronization. This function is useful for a disconnected
SUSE Manager with multiple organizations, where content is retrieved through channel dumps
or by exporting from connected SUSE Managers and then importing into the disconnected SUSE
Manager. Organizational synchronization can be used to export custom channels from connected
SUSE Managers. It can also be used to effectively move content between multiple organizations.
Organizational synchronization follows a clear set of rules in order to maintain the integrity of
the source organization:

If the source content belongs to a base organization, it will default to this base organization
even if a destination organization is specified. This ensures that specified content is always
in that privileged base organization.

If an organization is specified at the command line, content will be imported from that

If no organization is specified, it will default to organization 1.

The following are three example scenarios where organizational IDs (orgid) are used to syn-
chronize between SUSE Managers:

1. Import content from a SUSE Manager master to a slave:

mgr-inter-sync --iss-parent=master.suma.example.com -c channel-name --orgid=2

2. Import content from an exported dump of a specific organization:

mgr-inter-sync -m /dump -c channel-name --orgid=2

3. Import content from SUSE Manager Hosted (assuming the system is registered and acti-
vated). If the source organization is not specified, the base channel is chosen):

80 Organizational Synchronizing SUSE Manager 2.1

mgr-inter-sync -c channel-name

6.6 Inter-Server Synchronization Use Cases

Inter-server synchronization (ISS) provides several different ways for synchronizing content,
depending on the needs of the organization. The following are some of the more typical uses
showcasing how to make the most of this feature depending on your environment.


In this example, the stage SUSE Manager is used to prepare the content and perform quality
assurance (QA) to make sure that packages are fit for production use. After content is approved
to go to production, the production SUSE Manager server can synchronize the content from the
stage SUSE Manager.


81 Inter-Server Synchronization Use Cases SUSE Manager 2.1

In this example, the SUSE Manager master is the development channel, from which content
is distributed to all SUSE Manager production slaves. Some SUSE Manager slaves have extra
content not present in SUSE Manager master channels. These packages are preserved, but all
changes from the SUSE Manager master are synchronized to SUSE Manager slaves.


In this example, the SUSE Manager master (e.g., a software or hardware vendor) provides data
to its customer. These changes are regularly synchronized to the SUSE Manager slaves.

82 Inter-Server Synchronization Use Cases SUSE Manager 2.1

7 Troubleshooting
This chapter provides tips for determining the cause of and resolving the most common errors
associated with SUSE Manager. For services and support options available for SUSE Manager,
refer to http://www.suse.com/products/suse-manager/ .
In addition, you may package configuration information and logs from SUSE Manager and send
them to SUSE for further diagnosis. Refer to Section 7.14, “SUSE Manager Debugging” for instruc-

7.1 Installation and Configuration

If you have difficulties deploying the appliance, proceed according to the following list.

7.1.1 Installation and Basic Setup

CPU: 64-Bit and Virtualization Support
For running SUSE Manager in a virtual environment you need a machine with a recent
Linux Kernel on either an Intel processor with VT (Virtualization technology) extensions,
or an AMD processor with SVM extensions (also called AMD-V).
Test if your CPU supports hardware virtualization (and which set of extensions is used)
by executing the following command:

egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

If this command returns no output, your processor either does not support hardware vir-
tualization, or this feature has been disabled in the BIOS. Enable virtualization support in
the BIOS and try again. If in doubt, consult your mainboard manual.
If the output contains a svm string, your machine uses the AMD V extensions, if the output
contains a vmx string, the Intel VT extensions are used.

Database Connection Error

If the setup script reports a database connection error, check if bridged networking is
configured correctly on your virtual machine. As repairing the current installation will fail
after a database connection error, fix the network settings in your virtual machine and
start from scratch with a new SUSE Manager image.

83 Troubleshooting SUSE Manager 2.1

Hostname and DNS
Make sure to fulfill the hostnames and DNS requirements listed in Section 3.3, “Additional

7.1.2 Basic Configuration

Client Is Not Registered
This is often caused by a missing channel assignment. For example, if you want to register
a client running a 64-bit version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1, you need to add
one or more channels for that version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1. Check if
the required steps mentioned at the beginning of Section 4.5, “Basic Configuration” have been
executed correctly.

Web Interface: Unavailable Functions

If any functions or entries in the Web interface are not available, check if you have the per-
mission to access these functions. SUSE Manager uses a role-based model for granting per-
missions. For more information, refer to Section 4.5.6, “User Management” and Section 4.5.4,
“Organization Management”.

Ports Required for Communication

The ports required for communication between SUSE Manager server, SUSE Manager
Proxy server, client systems, and Novell Customer Center are listed in Section 3.3, “Additional

7.1.3 Mail and Notification Issues

If you as the administrator are not receiving mail notification from SUSE Manager, check and
modify the following parameters in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :

Defines the mail address of the system administrator of the SUSE Manager appliance. This
mail address will only be used for error/warning/info messages from spacewalk services
(java process, taskomatic tasks, etc.).

This is the mail address used by SUSE Manager to send notification mails about error mes-
sages and daily status reports. You can set this address that is valid for your organization.

84 Basic Configuration SUSE Manager 2.1

7.2 General Problems
When having general problems, examine the log files related to the component exhibiting fail-
ures. For more information, see Section 7.6, “Log Files”.
A common issue is full disk space. For example, if you observe the halted writing in the log files,
or logging suddenly stopped during writing, you likely have not enough disk space left. Run the
following command to check the percentage in the Use% column:

df -h

In addition to log files, you can obtain valuable information by retrieving the status of your
SUSE Manager and its various components. This can be done with the command:

/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service status

Furthermore, you can obtain the status of components such as the Apache Web server and the
Task Engine individually. For example, to view the status of the Apache Web server, run the

rcapache2 status

If the Apache Web server is not running, entries in your /etc/hosts file may be incorrect. For
more information, see Section 7.11, “Host Not Found/Could Not Determine FQDN”.
To obtain the status of the Task Engine, run the command:

rctaskomatic status

If a SUSE Manager's embedded database is in use, run one of the following commands to obtain
its status:

service oracle status


service postgresql status

To determine the version of your database schema, run the command:


85 General Problems SUSE Manager 2.1

To list the character set types of your SUSE Manager's database, run the command:


If importing or synchronizing a channel fails and you cannot recover it in any other way, run
this command to delete the cache:

rm -rf temporary-directory

Note that Section 6.2.2, “Preparing for Import” suggested that this temporary directory be /var/
sw-import/ .

Then restart the import or synchronization.

If zypper up or the push capability of SUSE Manager ceases to function, old log files might
be the reason for this. Stop the jabberd daemon before removing these files. To do so, issue
the following commands as root:

rcjabberd stop
cd /var/lib/jabberd
rm -f db*
rcjabberd start

7.3 Configuring Reliable SUSE Manager Setup

It is important to get the server/client SUSE Manager communication parameters right. For
example, by default Apache is configured with 150 clients maximum (MaxClients). If you ping
1000 clients at the same time to perform a kernel update, this must fail. Even if you increase
MaxClients to 1000, you will run out of database connections, which is configured to 400 by
osa-dispatcher is able to set a threshold on notifying clients to run rhn_check . In /etc/rhn/
rhn.conf set

osa-dispatcher.notify_threshold = 80

to allow 80 clients in parallel to execute rhn_check . Note, clients doing "SSH PUSH" do not
count. This is configured separately with the taskomatic.ssh_push_workers parameter.

86 Configuring Reliable SUSE Manager Setup SUSE Manager 2.1

Both settings together should not exceed Apache's MaxClients option. Better allow some unused
connections for the webUI and internal communication. It is recommended to keep 20 or 30
free. As a rough calculation use:
notify_threshold + ssh_push_workers + 30 = Apache's MaxClients

7.4 Gathering Information with spacewalk-re-

There are instances where administrators may need a concise, formatted summary of their SUSE
Manager resources, whether it is to take inventory of their entitlements, subscribed systems,
or users and organizations. Rather than gathering such information manually from the SUSE
Manager Web interface, SUSE Manager includes the spacewalk-report command to fetch and
display vital SUSE Manager information at once.

To use spacewalk-report , you must have the spacewalk-reports package installed.

spacewalk-report allows administrators to organize and display reports about content, sys-
tems, and user resources across SUSE Manager. Using spacewalk-report , you can receive re-
ports on:

System Inventory: lists all of the systems registered to SUSE Manager.

Entitlements: lists all organizations on SUSE Manager, sorted by system or channel enti-

Patches: lists all the patches relevant to the registered systems and sorts patches by sever-
ity, as well as the systems that apply to a particular patch.

Users: lists all the users registered to SUSE Manager and any systems associated with a
particular user.

spacewalk-report allows administrators to organize and display reports about content, sys-
tems, and user resources across SUSE Manager. To get the report in CSV format, run the follow-
ing at the command line of your SUSE Manager server.

87 Gathering Information with spacewalk-report SUSE Manager 2.1

spacewalk-report report_name

The following reports are available:

TABLE 7.1: spacewalk-report REPORTS

Report Invoked as Description

Channel Packages channel-packages List of packages in a channel.

Channel Report channels Detailed report of a given


Cloned Channel Report cloned-channels Detailed report of cloned


Custom Info custom-info System custom information.

Entitlements entitlements Lists all organizations on

SUSE Manager with their sys-
tem or channel entitlements.

Patches in Channels errata-channels Lists of patches in channels.

Patches Details errata-list Lists all patches that affect

systems registered to SUSE

All patches errata-list-all Complete list of all patches.

Patches for Systems errata-systems Lists applicable patches and

any registered systems that
are affected.

Host Guests host-guests List of host-guests mapping.

Inactive Systems inactive-systems List of inactive systems.

88 Gathering Information with spacewalk-report SUSE Manager 2.1

Report Invoked as Description

System Inventory inventory List of systems registered

to the server, together with
hardware and software infor-

Kickstart Trees kickstartable-trees List of kickstartable trees.

All Upgradable Versions packages-updates-all List of all newer package ver-

sions that can be upgraded.

Newest Upgradable Version packages-updates-newest List of only newest package

versions that can be upgrad-

Result of SCAP scap-scan Result of OpenSCAP sccdf


Result of SCAP scap-scan-results Result of OpenSCAP sccdf

eval, in a different format.

System Data splice-export System data needed for

splice integration.

System Groups system-groups List of system groups.

Activation Keys for System system-groups-keys List of activation keys for

Groups system groups.

Systems in System Groups system-groups-systems List of systems in system


System Groups Users system-groups-users Report of system groups


Installed Packages system-packages-in- List of packages installed on

stalled systems.

89 Gathering Information with spacewalk-report SUSE Manager 2.1

Report Invoked as Description

Users in the System users Lists all users registered to

SUSE Manager.

Systems administered users-systems List of systems that individ-

ual users can administer.

For more information about an individual report, run spacewalk-report with the option --
info or --list-fields-info and the report name. The description and list of possible fields
in the report will be shown.
For further information, the spacewalk-report(8) man page as well as the --help parameter
of the spacewalk-report program can be used to get additional information about the program
invocations and their options.

7.5 Changing the CSV Separator

The character used as the delimiter in downloadable CSV files throughout SUSE Manager can
now be configured per user via the Web interface. When navigating to Your Preferences on the
Overview page, the following options are available:

Comma (",", default)

Semicolon (";", compatible with Microsoft® Excel®)

Whenever downloading a CSV file from anywhere within SUSE Manager, the configured sepa-
rator character will be used as the delimiter.

7.6 Log Files

If having trouble with SUSE Manager, examine the associated log files. Log files provide impor-
tant information about the activity that has taken place on the device or within the application
that can be used to monitor performance and ensure proper configuration. See Table 7.2, “Log
Files” for the location of all the relevant log files.

90 Changing the CSV Separator SUSE Manager 2.1

There may be numbered log files (such as mgr-ncc-sync.log.1 , mgr-ncc-sync.log.2 ,
etc.) within the /var/log/rhn directory. When the current mgr-ncc-sync.log file fills
up to a size as specified by the logrotate(8) daemon, rotated log files are created with
a .NUMBER extension. The file with the highest number contains the oldest rotated logs.
Not all files are fully covered by the logrotate daemon. For example, with every run
reposync log files get a new name containing date and time information—see its logro-
tate configuration in /etc/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-tools . If you want to
keep only recent files in the /var/log/rhn/reposync directory and thus preventing the
log process from filling up the storage space, specify after how many days untouched
log files should be removed. Set the MAX_DAYS system configuration variable in /etc/
sysconfig/rhn/reposync accordingly; then, the daily cron maintenance procedure re-
moves outdated files.


Component/Task Log File Location

Apache Web server /var/log/apache2/

SUSE Manager /var/log/rhn/

SUSE Manager Installation /var/log/susemanager_setup.log

Database installation (Embedded Database) /var/log/rhn/install_db.log

Database population /var/log/rhn/populate_db.log

SUSE Manager Synchronization Tool /var/log/rhn/mgr-ncc-sync.log

Monitoring infrastructure /var/log/nocpulse/

Monitoring notifications /var/log/notification/

Task Engine (taskomatic) /var/log/rhn/


zypper /var/log/zypper.log

91 Log Files SUSE Manager 2.1

Component/Task Log File Location

XML-RPC transactions /var/log/rhn/rhn_server_xmlrpc.log

If "OutOfMemoryError" strings appear in the rhn_taskomatic_daemon.log file, the parameter

taskomatic.maxmemory in the /etc/rhn/rhn.conf file should be set to at least 4096 when
dealing with a large number of packages and repositories. This parameter overrides the setting
in /etc/rhn/default/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.conf .

7.7 Naming Custom Channels

To avoid conflicts, do not use names for custom channels that vendors such as SUSE or Red
Hat use or might use.

7.8 Accessing Local Channels without Proxy

Even if a proxy is configured for accessing external Internet resources and a SUSE Manager
Proxy for NCC connections and channel synchronization, it is possible to access local custom
channels directly without a proxy.
To access local channels directly, set the server.satellite.no_proxy variable in /etc/rhn/
rhn.conf accordingly.

server.satellite.no_proxy is a comma-separated list of hosts that do not use the

proxy. Each name is matched as either a domain that contains the hostname or the host-
name itself. For example, example.com would match example.com , example.com:80 , and
www.example.com , but not www.notexample.com . Additionally, it matches all subdomains;
example.com would also disable the proxy for my.sub.example.com . This would be a valid

server.satellite.no_proxy = example.com, host.example.org

The only allowed wildcard is a single * character, which matches all hosts, and thus effectively
disables the proxy.

92 Naming Custom Channels SUSE Manager 2.1

7.9 Using a Proxy with Certificates to Access the
Some proxies need certificates to access the internet. Often these certificates are created on
the own CA of the company. This will cause problems when SUSE Manager wants to access
suse.com or novell.com servers. In these cases, you could see the following error messages:

In /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out :

2015-04-28 09:31:00,886 [TP-Processor6] INFO

org.directwebremoting.log.accessLog - Method execution failed:
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated


2015-01-08 17:07:20,240 [TP-Processor6] ERROR

com.redhat.rhn.manager.setup.SCCMirrorCredentialsManager - Error getting
subscriptions for 6419084,
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: com.ibm.jsse2.util.j: PKIX path building

wget will show the following:

wget http://updates.suse.com
--2015-04-28 11:12:23-- http://updates.suse.com/
Resolving xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
Connecting to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX|yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy|:8080... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: https://updates.suse.com// [following]
--2015-04-28 11:12:23-- https://updates.suse.com//
Connecting to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX|yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy|:8080... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify updates.suse.com's certificate, issued by `/C=XX/
Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
To connect to updates.suse.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.

93 Using a Proxy with Certificates to Access the Internet SUSE Manager 2.1
Unable to establish SSL connection.

To solve this issue use the following procedure:

1. Copy the root and—if needed—intermediate CA certificates to /tmp

2. Copy the files to /etc/ssl/certs and change suffix to .pem :

cp /tmp/filename_of_root_CA.cer /etc/ssl/certs/filename_of_root_CA.pem
cp /tmp/filename_of_intermediate_CA.cer /etc/ssl/

3. Update the information for the SSL certificates:

c_rehash /etc/ssl/certs

4. Import the certificates into the java keystore:

keytool -import -alias root -file /tmp/filename_of_root_CA.cer \

-keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
keytool -import -alias intermediate \
-file /var/tmp/filename_of_intermediate_CA.cer \
-keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit

5. The last step is to restart spacewalk:

spacewalk-service restart

To check whether everything works, run the following commands:

mgr-sync refresh
wget http://updates.suse.com

It works correctly, if the wget call will cause a 404 http error.

94 Using a Proxy with Certificates to Access the Internet SUSE Manager 2.1
7.10 Discovering Hosts and Subnets in the Net-
The SUSE Manager Network Scanner is a tool for scanning the network and finding hosts and
subnets in it. It consists of the SUSE Manager Network Discovery daemon and its client. By
default, the daemon runs on the network port 5000.

7.10.1 Installation and Configuration


1. On the SUSE Manager server install the SUSE Manager Network Discovery daemon and
its client with the following commands as root :

zypper install sm-network-discovery

zypper install sm-network-discovery-client

2. For configuring the network device on which the daemon is listening, see the sm-
netscan.conf manpage. Additionally you can change other defaults according to your
Background information: The Network Scanner does not need the SNMP protocol or any
other special hints about the network that you want to scan. However, it must be allowed
to send ICMP packets to ping its targets. Thus it can work on any network layout without
a specific configuration or assumptions that some credentials need to be sent somewhere
in order to get the needed starting info.

7.10.2 Usage
The Network Scanner consists of two pars: the daemon that discovers the network and the client
that returns the already captured data.
To start the daemon:

rcsm-network-discovery start

To view the scanned network, use the SUSE Manager Network Discovery client sm-netscan
that comes with the --help option to display an online help.

95 Discovering Hosts and Subnets in the Network SUSE Manager 2.1

Note: Scanning the Network
Scanning your network may take some time. So after starting the daemon, wait some
minutes before running the client tool.

To see the found subnets:

sm-netscan --subnets

To see the hosts in particular subnets:

sm-netscan --hosts=SUBNET_IP

To retrieve the data in XML, pass the format parameter to the client tool.
For more details, see the sm-netscan manpage and the online documentation at http://
wiki.novell.com/index.php/SM_NetworkScanner .

7.11 Host Not Found/Could Not Determine

SUSE Manager configuration files rely exclusively on fully qualified domain names (FQDN).
Therefore, it is imperative that key applications are able to resolve the name of the SUSE Man-
ager server into an IP address. Red Hat Update Agent and the Apache Web server are particularly
prone to this problem with the applications issuing errors of "Host not found" and the Web server
stating "Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name" upon failing to start.
This problem typically originates from the /etc/hosts file. The /etc/nsswitch.conf file
defines the methods and the order by which domain names are resolved. Usually, the /etc/
hosts file is checked first, followed by Network Information Service (NIS) if used, followed by
DNS. One of the files has to succeed for the Apache Web server to start and the client applications
to work.

1. To resolve this problem, check the /etc/hosts file. It looks like this: this_machine.example.com this_machine localhost.localdomain \

96 Host Not Found/Could Not Determine FQDN SUSE Manager 2.1


2. In a text editor, remove the offending machine information so that the line in /etc/hosts
looks like this: localhost.localdomain.com localhost

3. Save the file and try to run the client applications or the Apache Web server again. If they
still fail, explicitly identify SUSE Manager server's IP address in the file, such as: localhost.localdomain.com localhost this_machine.example.com this_machine

4. Replace the value with the actual IP address of the SUSE Manager server.
Keep in mind, if the IP address is specified here, the file will need to be updated in case
the machine receives a new address.

7.12 RPC Connection Timeout Settings

RPC connection timeouts are configurable on the SUSE Manager server, SUSE Manager Proxy
server, and the clients. For example, if package downloads take longer then expected, you can
increase timeout values. spacewalk-proxy restart should be run after the setting is added
or modified.
Set the following variables to a value in seconds specifying how long an RPC connection may
take at maximum:

Server — /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :

server.timeout = number

Proxy Server — /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :

proxy.timeout = number

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Clients (using zypp-plugin-spacewalk) — /etc/zypp/zypp.conf :

## Valid values: [0,3600]

97 RPC Connection Timeout Settings SUSE Manager 2.1

## Default value: 180
download.transfer_timeout = 180

This is the maximum time in seconds that a transfer operation is allowed to take. This
is useful for preventing batch jobs from hanging for hours due to slow networks or links
going down. If limiting operations to less than a few minutes, you risk aborting perfectly
normal operations.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Clients (using yum-rhn-plugin) — /etc/yum.conf :

timeout = number

7.13 Connection Errors

A common connection problem, indicated by SSL_CONNECT errors, is the result of a SUSE Man-
ager server being installed on a machine with an inaccurate time. In that case, SSL certificates
are created with inaccurate times during the installation process. If the time on SUSE Manager
is then corrected, the certificate start date and time may be set in the future, making it invalid.
To troubleshoot this, check the date and time on the clients and on SUSE Manager with date .
The results should be nearly identical for all machines and within the "notBefore" and "notAfter"
validity windows of the certificates. Check the client certificate dates and times with the fol-
lowing command:

openssl x509 -dates -noout -in /usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT

Check the SUSE Manager server certificate dates and times with the following command:

openssl x509 -dates -noout -in /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt

By default, the server certificate has a one-year life while client certificates are valid for 10
years. If the certificates are incorrect, you can either wait for the valid start time, or create new
certificates, with an accurate time setting.
Do the following to troubleshoot general connection errors:

Attempt to connect to SUSE Manager's database in the command line using the correct
connection string as found in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :

98 Connection Errors SUSE Manager 2.1

sqlplus username/password@sid

Ensure SUSE Manager is using Network Time Protocol (NTP) and is set to the appropriate
time zone. This also applies to all client systems and the separate database machine in
SUSE Manager (if used with a stand-alone database).

Confirm the correct package:


is installed on SUSE Manager, and the corresponding rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert-

*.noarch.rpm or raw CA SSL public (client) certificate is installed on all client systems.

Verify the client systems are configured to use the appropriate certificate.

If also using one or more SUSE Manager Proxy Servers, ensure each Proxy's SSL certificates
are prepared correctly. The Proxy should have both its own server SSL key-pair and CA
SSL public (client) certificate installed, since it serves in both capacities. Refer to Book
“Client Configuration Guide” 3 “SSL Infrastructure” for specific instructions.

Make sure client systems are not using firewalls of their own, blocking required ports.

7.14 SUSE Manager Debugging

If you have followed the steps above but still need more help, contact the SUSE support and
provide SUSE Manager's configuration parameters, log files, and database information.
SUSE Manager provides a command line tool explicitly for this purpose. Log in to your SUSE
Manager server as root and execute the following command:


It collects several pieces of information and stores them in a tarball:

Collecting and packaging relevant diagnostic information.

Warning: this may take some time...
* copying configuration information
* copying logs

99 SUSE Manager Debugging SUSE Manager 2.1

* copying cobbler files
* copying monitoring moc logs
* copying monitoring scout logs
* copying ssl-build
* copying /etc/sudoers
* copying apache, oracle, tomcat, nocpulse entries from /etc/passwd
* copying apache, oracle, tomcat, nocpulse entries from /etc/group
* querying RPM database (versioning of Spacewalk, etc.)
* querying schema version, database charactersets and database
* get diskspace available
* get database statistics
* get schema statistics
* copying audit.log
* timestamping
* creating tarball (may take some time): /tmp/spacewalk-debug.tar.bz2
* removing temporary debug tree

Debug dump created, stored in /tmp/spacewalk-debug.tar.bz2

7.15 Resetting the SUSE Manager Password

If you want to change the password for your Web instance of SUSE Manager or you have forgot-
ten it, use the satpasswd command. Log in to your SUSE Manager with SSH and run it like this:

satpasswd admin

Type your password twice or cancel with Ctrl –C .

100 Resetting the SUSE Manager Password SUSE Manager 2.1

7.16 Registering a Client Manually with
If you have problems registering your clients or you want to do it manually, use
suse_register . Before you register a client, collect the following information:

Your email address.

Your product key, starting with regcode- . In the case of SUSE Manager, it is reg-
code-sms .

Your registration key. Get it from your Novell Customer Center.

To register your client, run suse_register as follows:

suse_register -n \
-L register.log \
-a email=YOUR_EMAIL \
-a regcode-sms=REG_KEY

The -n option ( --no-optional ) collects so called “optional data” which can be necessary for
your registration. However, this depends on your contract.
The -L option tells suse_register to write a log message to register.log . You need this
if you have to provide detailed information about the registration process to our support.
Find other options and their explanations with --help .

7.17 Multiple Mirror Credentials

The Spacewalk backend ( spacewalk-backend ) and the SUSE Manager Tools ( susemanag-
er-tools ) can handle multiple mirror credentials. Either log in to the Web interface and go
to Admin Setup Wizard, where you can add credentials on the Mirror Credentials page, or add
additional credentials in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf as described below. For more information on the
setup wizard, refer to Book “User Guide” 12 “Admin”12.1 “Admin > Setup Wizard”.


1. Add all your additional credentials to /etc/rhn/rhn.conf as follows:

101 Registering a Client Manually with suse_register SUSE Manager 2.1

# This is already configured. Do not change it.
server.susemanager.mirrcred_user = 111111
server.susemanager.mirrcred_pass = secret

# Add an additional set of credentials like this:

server.susemanager.mirrcred_user_1 = 222222
server.susemanager.mirrcred_pass_1 = secret

# Add as many additional credentials as needed by incrementing

# the suffix (mirrcred_user_#); e.g.:
server.susemanager.mirrcred_user_2 = 333333
server.susemanager.mirrcred_pass_2 = secret

The numbers appended to the mirrcred_ keys must be numbered consecutively. If you
skip one number, mgr-ncc-sync will stop looking for more credentials.

2. After editing /etc/rhn/rhn.conf , run:

mgr-ncc-sync --refresh

Now, if you type mgr-ncc-sync -l , you will see a channel listing with the combination of
all mirror credentials.
If you have configured client registration forwarding, all clients are registered against the com-
pany identified by mirrcred_user .

Warning: Changing Credentials

To change credentials, edit /etc/rhn/rhn.conf as needed. If the previous credentials
were used by one of your installed channels and the new credentials no longer provide
access to that channel, connecting to NCC for that channel will no longer work.
If mgr-ncc-sync detects that a channel is not accessible anymore with the so far used
credentials, it will test all credentials listed in rhn.conf and the first one that works will
be stored in the database for further use.
Only remove a channel (with spacewalk-remove-channel ) if you are sure that you do
not need it anymore!

102 Multiple Mirror Credentials SUSE Manager 2.1

For more information, see http://wiki.novell.com/index.php/SUSE_Manager/MultipleMirrorCreden-
tials .

7.18 Invoking Spacecmd

Spacecmd does not seem to accept commands or options, instead only prints a usage message.

When running spacecmd non-interactively, take care to escape arguments passed to the
spacecmd functions. This involves inserting -- before the function name to prevent the argu-
ments to the function to be treated as global arguments to spacecmd . Also escape any quotes
that are passed to the function so that the shell does not interpret them.

spacecmd -s server1 -- softwarechannel_create -n \'My Channel\' \

-l channel1 -a x86_64

103 Invoking Spacecmd SUSE Manager 2.1

8 Maintenance

SUSE Manager provides a unique environment not available to any other Novell Customer Cen-
ter customers. In return, SUSE Manager also requires maintenance. This chapter discusses the
procedures that should be followed to carry out administrative functions outside of standard
use and to apply patches to SUSE Manager.

8.1 Managing SUSE Manager with spacewalk-ser-

Since SUSE Manager consists of a multitude of individual components, SUSE provides the com-
mand-line tool spacewalk-service which allows you to stop, start, or retrieve status informa-
tion from the various services in the appropriate order. This tool accepts all typical commands:

/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service start
/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service stop
/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service restart
/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service reload
/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service enable
/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service disable
/usr/sbin/spacewalk-service status

Use spacewalk-service to shut down and bring up the entire SUSE Manager and retrieve
status messages from all of its services at once.
In case you need to do a database schema upgrade, do the following:


1. Stop SUSE Manager with spacewalk-service stop .

2. Run spacewalk-schema-upgrade .

3. Restart SUSE Manager with spacewalk-service start .

104 Maintenance SUSE Manager 2.1

8.2 Updating SUSE Manager
If any critical updates are provided for SUSE Manager, they will be released in the form of a
patch for SUSE Manager. Find a generic description on how to apply patches in Procedure 8.2,
“Updating a SUSE Manager Server”. Depending on the patch, specific instructions may apply.

For SUSE Manager systems connected to the Internet, the best method for applying these patch-
es is using zypper or YaST Online Update. Proper registration at Novell Customer Center is
mandatory for the system to receive updates. For details, refer to Section 4.2, “Installation”. SUSE
Manager systems not connected to the Internet (disconnected setup) will receive updates from
an internal update server instead.


As soon as SUSE Manager is up and running and the database is configured, updating
the server requires more than executing zypper patch (or running YaST Online Update
The steps below describe the generic procedure, but depending on the patch, specific
instructions may apply.

Warning: Read Patch Advisory

Before applying any updates, make sure to read the patch advisory. Additional
configuration steps may be required to apply certain updates, especially if they
involve the database. In such cases, the advisory will contain specific and detailed
information about necessary steps.

1. Log in as root user to the SUSE Manager server.

2. Stop the Spacewalk service:

spacewalk-service stop

3. Apply the patch using either zypper patch or YaST Online Update. For more information
about zypper or YaST Online Update, refer to Book “Reference Guide” 2 “Package Update
Tools (SLE and RHEL)”2.1 “Updating Packages on SLE”.

4. If the patch includes an update of the database schema, proceed as follows (otherwise
skip the substeps below):

105 Updating SUSE Manager SUSE Manager 2.1

a. If the SUSE Manager database is running on the same machine as your SUSE Manager
server, start the database instance with

/etc/init.d/postgresql start

b. Upgrade the database schema with


5. Start the Spacewalk service:

spacewalk-service start

Important: Restart of Services and Applications

Services affected by a package update are not automatically restarted after the update—
you need to restart them manually to avoid failures.
Also execute zypper ps to check for any applications that still use old code. Restart
those applications.

8.3 Creating Up-to-date Bootstrap Repositories

To get up-to-date packages for the bootstrap repositories, use the mgr-create-bootstrap-re-
po command, but first you need to uninstall all packages in the old bootstrap repositories:

# zypper remove spacewalk-client-repository spacewalk-client-repository-sle-10-4

spacewalk-client-repository-sle-10-3 spacewalk-client-repository-sle-11-1
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following packages are going to be REMOVED:

spacewalk-client-repository spacewalk-client-repository-sle-10-3
spacewalk-client-repository-sle-10-4 spacewalk-client-repository-sle-11-1

106 Creating Up-to-date Bootstrap Repositories SUSE Manager 2.1

4 packages to remove.
After the operation, 62.5 MiB will be freed.
Continue? [y/n/?] (y): y
Removing spacewalk-client-repository-0.1-0.7.1 [done]
Removing spacewalk-client-repository-sle-10-4-0.1-0.7.2 [done]
Removing spacewalk-client-repository-sle-11-1-0.1-0.7.1 [done]
Removing spacewalk-client-repository-sle-10-3-0.1-0.7.2 [done]

Now call the mgr-create-bootstrap-repo command for SLE-11-SP3-x86_64:

# mgr-create-bootstrap-repo
Enter product label: SLE-11-SP3-x86_64
copy 'spacewalk-client-tools-'
copy 'zypper-1.6.308-0.9.16.x86_64'
copy 'libzypp-9.37.1-0.7.1.x86_64'
copy 'satsolver-tools-0.17.7-'
copy 'zypp-plugin-python-0.3-2.5.38.x86_64'
copy 'zypp-plugin-spacewalk-0.9.5-0.5.5.x86_64'
copy 'spacewalk-check-'
copy 'spacewalk-client-setup-'
copy 'newt-0.52.10-1.35.113.x86_64'
copy 'libnewt0_52-0.52.10-1.35.113.x86_64'
copy 'python-newt-0.52.10-1.35.113.x86_64'
copy 'python-dmidecode-3.10.11-0.10.1.x86_64'
copy 'python-ethtool-0.7-'
copy 'python-openssl-0.7.0-1.17.2.x86_64'
copy 'rhnlib-'
copy 'spacewalksd-'
copy 'suseRegisterInfo-1.7.4-0.5.1.x86_64'
copy 'libcurl4-7.19.7-1.28.1.x86_64'

107 Creating Up-to-date Bootstrap Repositories SUSE Manager 2.1

copy 'slang-2.1.1-58.18.x86_64'
Spawning worker 0 with 26 pkgs
Workers Finished
Gathering worker results

Saving Primary metadata

Saving file lists metadata
Saving other metadata

Repeat the command for SLE-11-SP1-x86_64 and SLE-11-SP2-x86_64 if necessary. Now you have
the latest package versions for your bootstrap repositories. For bootstrapping SUSE Linux En-
terprise Server_11_SP_1 clients, you need to create a compatibility symlink:

cd /srv/www/htdocs/pub/repositories
ln -s sle/11/1/bootstrap susemanager-client-setup

For more information, refer to the mgr-create-bootstrap-repo manpage.

8.4 Backing Up SUSE Manager

Backing up SUSE Manager can be done in several ways. Regardless of the method chosen, the
associated database also needs to be backed up. For the stand-alone database, consult your
organization's database administrator. For the embedded database, refer to Section 8.6, “Config-
uring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba)” for a complete description of this process and the options
SUSE recommends backing up the following files and directories:

/rhnsat/ — embedded database only (never to be backed up while the database is run-




108 Backing Up SUSE Manager SUSE Manager 2.1



/var/spacewalk/packages/1 — custom RPMs









SUSE recommends to back up the entire /var/spacewalk/ tree. In case of failure, this will
save lengthy download time. Since /var/spacewalk/ (specifically /var/spacewalk/pack-
ages/NULL/ ) is primarily a duplicate of the package repository, it can be regenerated with mgr-
ncc-sync . In the case of disconnected SUSE Managers, /var/spacewalk/ must be backed up.

Backing up only these files and directories requires reinstalling the SUSE Manager RPMs and
re-registering SUSE Manager (see Section  4.2, “Installation”). In addition, packages need to be
resynchronized using the mgr-ncc-sync tool. Finally, you have to reinstall the /root/ssl-
build/rhn-org-httpd-ssl-key-pair-MACHINE_NAME-VER-REL.noarch.rpm .

Another method is to back up all the files and directories mentioned above but reinstall the
SUSE Manager without re-registering it. During the installation, cancel or skip the registration
and SSL certificate generation sections.
The most comprehensive method is to back up the entire machine. This saves time in down-
loading and reinstalling but requires additional disk space and backup time.

109 Backing Up SUSE Manager SUSE Manager 2.1

Regardless of the backup method used, when restoring SUSE Manager from a backup,
you must run the following command to schedule the recreation of search indexes the
next time the rhn-search service is started:

rcrhn-search cleanindex

8.5 Migrating Patches from Old to New Naming

Version 1.2 of SUSE Manager had the following syntax of patch names:


This has been changed to a simpler notation:


After the migration has been successfully performed, the patches are listed twice after the first
channel synchronization. The old names are still preserved and the new patch names are added.
If you wish, the old names can be deleted (see below).
To migrate the old names to the new names, use the mgr-clean-old-patchnames command. It
requires either a specific channel (using the -c option) or apply the conversation to all channels
(using the -a option). However, the -a option removes all patches from cloned channels.
If a patch is not referenced from a channel, it will be deleted. In case you have a patch which is
deleted from a specific channel, the patch will be preserved if it is also used in another channel.
For example, to execute the conversation process only for a SLES11 SP1 channel on a 64 bit
architecture, use the following command:

mgr-clean-old-patchnames -c sles11-sp1-pool-x86_64

110 Migrating Patches from Old to New Naming SUSE Manager 2.1
8.6 Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smd-
SUSE Manager provides the smdba command for managing the installed database. It is the
successor of db-control , which is not supported anymore.
The smdba command works on local databases only, not remote. This utility allows you to
do several administrative tasks like backing up and restoring the database, everything from
creating, verifying, and restoring backups to obtain the database status and restart the database
if necessary. The smdba command supports PostgreSQL 9.1 and Oracle 10g or 11g databases
with different feature sets.

Important: Running smdba Relies on sudo Enablement

Running smdba relies on proper sudo configuration. sudo allows you to invoke smdba
as a regular user and thus, you are save from executing unwanted system changes.
For example, to allow the user admin (the “administrative UID”) to execute smdba com-
mands, and thus manipulating the underlying database with the “operative UID”, make
sure something as follows is configured in /etc/sudoers :

admin ALL = (oracle, postgres) /usr/bin/smdba

With this settings admin will be allowed to access the target database account ( oracle
or postgres ).
For configuring sudo and its security implications, see the sudo and sudoers manpages
and the extensive comments in the /etc/sudoers configuration file.

Find basic information about smdba in the smdba manpage.

Note: Restart Spacewalk Services When Connection is Lost

If you have stopped or restarted the database, it can happen that the Spacewalk services
lost their connections. In such a case, run the following command:

spacewalk-service restart

111 Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba) SUSE Manager 2.1

8.6.1 Control Options
Depending on the database installed, smdba provides several subcommands; for the list of con-
trol options, see Book “Reference Guide” A.6.1 “Control Options”.

Note: smdba help Output Depends on the Database Used

For a list of available commands on your particular appliance, call smdba help . Each
subcommand can contain different options depending on the database used. To display
the help message for a specific subcommand, call smdba COMMAND help .

8.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database

There are three commands to start, stop, or get the status of the database. These commands
work with both databases. Use the following commands:

smdba db-status
Checking database core... online

smdba db-stop
Stopping the SUSE Manager database...
Stopping listener: done
Stopping core: done

smdba db-status
Checking database core... offline

smdba db-start
Starting listener: done
Starting core... done

112 Control Options SUSE Manager 2.1

8.6.3 Backing up the Database
Backing up the database depends on the installed database:

The smdba command can be used to create a “hot backup”, which is a backup that is
performed without shutting down the database.

The smdba command performs a continuous archiving backup.

To perform a hot backup for Oracle, do the following:

1. For Oracle, there is no need to specify the space where to store the backups. By default,
backups will be stored at /opt/apps/oracle/flash_recovery_area/uppercase SID/ .

2. Perform the hot backup:

smdba backup-hot
Backing up the database: finished
Data files archived:

Archive logs:

After the command returns without any errors, it contains some files in the
flash_recovery_area directory.

3. Get a list of available backups:

smdba backup-list
Getting available backups: finished
Backups available:

113 Backing up the Database SUSE Manager 2.1

Name: /opt/apps/oracle/flash_recovery_area/SUSEMANAGER/backupset/2013_06_13/
Type: Full Date: 13-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 13-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 13-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 13-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 13-JUN-13 File:

Name: /opt/apps/oracle/flash_recovery_area/SUSEMANAGER/backupset/2013_06_14/
Type: Full Date: 14-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 14-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 14-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 14-JUN-13 File:
Type: Full Date: 14-JUN-13 File:

To perform a hot backup for PostgreSQL, do the following:

1. Allocate permanent space on your remote storage, which you use for general backups
(NAS, iSCSI target, etc.). For example:


114 Backing up the Database SUSE Manager 2.1

This directory should always be the same and never change. It will be a permanent target
to store new backups and restore from it during a disaster recovery.

2. Create a directory with the correct permissions in your target directory, e.g., with using
sudo :

sudo -u postgres mkdir /mnt/backup/database

Alternatively, as root :

install -d -o postgres /mnt/backup/database


mkdir /mnt/backup/database
chown postgres:postgres /mnt/backup/database

3. If you want to create a backup for the first time, run:

smdba backup-hot --enable=on --backup-dir=/mnt/backup

This command performs a restart of the PostgreSQL database. If you want to renew the
basic backup, use the same command.

4. Perform the hot backup:

smdba backup-hot --backup-dir=/mnt/backup/database


If the command exits without any errors, find the backup files in your /mnt/back-
up/database directory.

8.6.4 Restoring Backups

Use smdba backup-restore to restore to an earlier point in time. To restore the backup,
proceed as follows:

1. Shutdown the database:

115 Restoring Backups SUSE Manager 2.1

smbda db-stop

2. Start the restore process:

smdba backup-restore start

3. Restart the database:

smbda db-start

The above steps can be combined with:

smdba backup-restore force

In this case it will select the most recent backup and purge the rest. Every time you create a
new backup, it also purges the previous backups.

Note: Restoring the Most Recent Backup Only

Because smdba makes automatic hot backups, it allows to restore only the most recent
backup, and merging the current archive logs on top of it.

8.6.5 Archive Log Settings

In SUSE Manager with an embedded database, archive logging is enabled by default. This feature
allows the database management tool smdba to perform hot backups.
With archive log enabled, far more data is stored on the hard disk:

Using an Oracle database, the archive log data will be removed as soon as you create a
database backup with smdba .

With PostgreSQL only a limited number of archive logs is kept. With the default configu-
ration, approx. 64 files with a size of 16 MiB are kept.

Creating a user and syncing the channels:



116 Archive Log Settings SUSE Manager 2.1



will produce on PostgreSQL ~1 GB and on oracle ~7 GB additional data. So it is important to
think about a backup strategy and create a backup in a regular way.
The archive logs are stored in:

/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_xlog/ (PostgreSQL)

/opt/apps/oracle/oradata/sid/ (Oracle)

8.6.6 Getting Overview of Occupied Database Space

Database experts can use the subcommand space-overview to get a report about occupied
table spaces, for example:

smdba space-overview

Tablespace | Size (Mb) | Used (Mb) | Avail (Mb) | Use %

DATA_TBS | 193.5 | 306.5 | 500 | 61
SYSAUX | 38.75 | 631.25 | 670 | 94
SYSTEM | .75 | 719.25 | 720 | 99
TEMP | 76 | 0 | 76 | 0
UNDOTBS1 | 161.625 | 13.375 | 175 | 7
USERS | 3.6875 | 1.3125 | 5 | 26

This command is available for both databases, Oracle and PostgreSQL. For a more detailed
report, use the space-tables subcommand. It lists the table and its size, for example:

smdba space-tables

Table | Size

117 Getting Overview of Occupied Database Space SUSE Manager 2.1


8.6.7 Migrating Embedded Database from Oracle to Post-

SUSE Manager provides a tool for easy migration of an embedded Oracle database to Post-
greSQL. Simply run: /usr/lib/susemanager/bin/susemanager-oracle2postgres.sh .
This script performs all necessary steps. For transparency reasons only, we line out what happens
during the migration:

1. install_latest spacewalk-utils : installs all tools necessary for migration.

2. install_latest susemanager-schema : since schema versions must be identical, the

new PostgreSQL database uses the existing schema.

3. spacewalk-service stop : halts the spacewalk service while the database keeps running.

4. upgrade_schema : upgrades to the new schema.

5. dump_schema : writes all schema data to the hard disk as plain text, which should take
a while.

6. switch_oracle2postgres : stops the Oracle database, removes it from the boot process
( insserv -r oracle ), then deletes all spacewalk Oracle packages and installs the nec-
essary PostgreSQL packages.

7. setup_postgres : initializes and configures the database.

8. configure_suma : loads the database with the schema and rewrites the configuration files
for PostgreSQL.

9. import_schema : loads all data into the database, which will take a while.

10. spacewalk-service start : starts all services.

118 Migrating Embedded Database from Oracle to PostgreSQL SUSE Manager 2.1
8.7 Cloning SUSE Manager with the Embedded
You may limit outages caused by hardware or other failures by entirely cloning the SUSE Man-
ager server with its embedded database. The secondary server can take over if the primary one
fails. To clone the SUSE Manager server, perform these tasks:

1. Clone the SUSE Manager server at the operating system level (OS level) with your backup
tools (e.g., rsync ) to a separate machine. As needed, repeat this step daily.

2. Back up the primary SUSE Manager database daily using the commands described in Sec-
tion 8.6, “Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba)”. If this is done, only changes made
the day of the failure will be lost.

3. Establish a mechanism to copy the backup to the secondary SUSE Manager and keep the
repositories synchronized using a file transfer program such as rsync . If you are using a
SAN, copying is not necessary.

4. Use the smdba backup-restore subcommand to import the database backup data.

5. If the primary SUSE Manager fails, change DNS to point to the new machine or configure
your load-balancer accordingly.

The database backup is valid only on an identical system clone, which can be restored
only from the backup as described above. The database backup will not work on a system
that you reinstalled from NCC!

8.8 Establishing Redundant SUSE Manager

Servers with Stand-Alone Database
If you are using a standalone database, you can limit outages on SUSE Manager servers by
preparing redundant SUSE Manager servers. Unlike cloning a SUSE Manager with Database,
redundant SUSE Manager servers with stand-alone database may be run as active, as well as
standby. This is entirely up to your network topology and is independent of the steps listed here.

119 Cloning SUSE Manager with the Embedded Database SUSE Manager 2.1
To establish this redundancy, first install the primary SUSE Manager server as usual, except
that the value specified in the Common Name field for the SSL certificate must represent your
high-availability configuration rather than the hostname of the individual server. Proceed with
the following steps:

1. Consult your database administrator on how to prepare the stand-alone database for
failover, using Oracle's recommendations for building a fault-tolerant database.

2. Install SUSE Manager with stand-alone database on a separate machine, skipping the data-
base configuration, database schema, SSL certificate, and bootstrap script generation steps.
Include the same Novell Customer Center account and database connection information
provided during the initial SUSE Manager installation and register the new SUSE Manager
If your original SSL certificate does not take your high-availability solution into account,
create a new one with a more appropriate Common Name value now. In this case, also
generate a new bootstrap script that captures this new value.

3. After installation, copy the following files from the primary to the secondary SUSE Man-



4. Copy and install the server-side SSL certificate RPMs from the primary SUSE Manager
to the secondary. Refer to Book “Client Configuration Guide” 3 “SSL Infrastructure” in the
Client Configuration Guide for information on SSL infrastructure. Remember, the Common
Name value must represent the combined SUSE Manager solution, not a single machine's
If you generated a new SSL certificate during the SUSE Manager installation that included
a new Common Name value, copy the SSL certificate RPMs from the secondary to the pri-
mary server and redistribute the client-side certificate. If you also created another boot-
strap script, you may use this to install the certificate on client systems.

5. If you did not create a new bootstrap script, copy the contents of /srv/www/htdocs/pub/
bootstrap/ from the primary server to the secondary. If you did generate a new one,
copy that directory's contents to the primary SUSE Manager.

6. Turn off the Task Engine on the secondary server with the following command:

Establishing Redundant SUSE Manager Servers with Stand-Alone Database SUSE Man-
120 ager 2.1
rctaskomatic stop

You may use custom scripting or other means to establish automatic start-up or failover
of the Task Engine on the secondary server. It will need to be started upon failover.

7. Share channel package data (by default located in /var/spacewalk ) between the SUSE
Manager servers via a networked storage device. This eliminates data replication and en-
sures a consistent store of data for each SUSE Manager.

8. Share cache data (by default located in /var/cache/rhn ) between the SUSE Manager
servers via a networked storage device. This eliminates data replication and ensures a
consistent store of cached data for each server.

9. Make the various SUSE Manager servers available on your network via Common Name
and a method suiting your infrastructure. Options include round-robin DNS, a network
load-balancer, and a reverse-proxy setup.

8.9 Conducting SUSE Manager-Specific Tasks

8.9.1 Deleting Users

If you need to delete users, click Users in the top navigation bar of the SUSE Manager Web site.
In the resulting user list, click on the name of the user to be removed. On the user's Details page,
click the delete user link at the top-right corner.

121 Conducting SUSE Manager-Specific Tasks SUSE Manager 2.1


Confirm removal of this user by clicking the Delete User button.


122 Deleting Users SUSE Manager 2.1

The delete operation fails if the user has the organization administrator role. Remove
the organization administrator role from the user's profile before deleting the user from
SUSE Manager.
Any organization administrator can remove the organization administrator role, provided
there is at least one other organization administrator for the organization. To do so, click
on the Users tab and then click the Details subtab.

8.9.2 Configuring SUSE Manager Search

SUSE Manager search results can be customized via the /etc/rhn/search.rhn-search.conf
file. The following list defines the search configuration and their default values in parentheses.

Semi-colon separated list of classes to act as handlers for XMLRPC calls.


Maximum number of results returned for the query ( 500 ).

JDBC driver class to conduct database searches ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ).

Minimum score a result needs to be returned as query result ( .10 ).

Minimum score a system search result needs to be returned as a query result ( .01 ).

Minimum score a patch search result needs to be returned as a query result ( .20 ).

Minimum score a patch advisory result needs to be returned as a query result ( .30 ).

123 Configuring SUSE Manager Search SUSE Manager 2.1

Minimum length of n-gram characters. Note that any change to this value requires clean-
index to be run, and doc-indexes need to be modified and rebuilt ( 1 ).

Maximum length of n-gram characters ( 5 ). Note that any change to this value requires
clean-index to be run, and doc-indexes need to be modified and rebuilt.

Type true to limit the number of results both on search.score_threshold and restrict max
hits to be below search.max_hits_returned; type false to return all documentation search
matches ( false ).

Input the time in milliseconds to control the interval with which the SearchServer polls
the database for changes; the default is 5 minutes ( 300000 ).

Used during development and debugging. If set to true, this will log additional information
showing what influences the score of each result ( false ).

8.10 Automating Synchronization

Manually synchronizing the SUSE Manager repository with Novell Customer Center can be a
time-consuming task. United States business hours tend to be the peak usage time for Novell
Customer Center so synchronization at that time may be slow. Therefore, SUSE encourages you
to automate synchronization at other times to better balance load and ensure fast synchroniza-
tion. Continental United States business hours are roughly 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST (UTC -5),
due to four time zones, Monday through Friday. These hours may vary seasonally by one hour.
Further, SUSE strongly recommends that synchronization occurs randomly for best performance.
Use a cron job for automatic synchronization by editing the crontab as root :

crontab -e

This opens the crontab in a text editor.

124 Automating Synchronization SUSE Manager 2.1

Use the first five fields (minute, hour, day, month, and weekday) to schedule the synchroniza-
tion. Remember, hours use the 24-hour format (military time). Edit the crontab to include ran-
dom synchronization:

# connect to customer center every day at random time

# between 03:03 and 05:50
3 3 * * * sleep $[ $RANDOM / 5 ]; /usr/sbin/mgr-ncc-sync >/dev/null \

This particular job will run randomly between 3:03 a.m. and 5:50 a.m. system time each night
and redirect stdout and stderr from cron to prevent duplicating the more readable message
from mgr-ncc-sync . Options other than --email can also be included. Once you exit the
editor, the modified crontab is installed immediately.

Note: SUSE Customer Center with mgr-sync

If you already switched to SUSE Customer Center, use the mgr-sync command.

8.11 Implementing PAM Authentication

As security measures become increasingly complex, SUSE Manager supports network-based au-
thentication systems via Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM). PAM is a suite of libraries
that allows to integrate SUSE Manager with a centralized authentication mechanism, thus elim-
inating the need to remember multiple passwords.
SUSE Manager supports LDAP, Kerberos, and other network-based authentication systems via
PAM. To enable SUSE Manager to use PAM in your organization's authentication infrastructure,
set up a PAM service file and make SUSE Manager use it. Follow the steps below.

1. On a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 system, a typical generic PAM service file could
look as follows (save it as /etc/pam.d/susemanager to make it work with the settings

auth required pam_env.so
auth sufficient pam_krb5.so no_user_check

125 Implementing PAM Authentication SUSE Manager 2.1

auth required pam_deny.so
account required pam_krb5.so no_user_check

2. Make SUSE Manager use this service file ( /etc/pam.d/susemanager ) by adding the fol-
lowing line to /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :

pam_auth_service = susemanager

3. To enable a user to authenticate against PAM, on the SUSE Manager Web interface go
to the Create User page and select the checkbox labeled Pluggable Authentication Modules
(PAM) positioned below the password and password confirmation fields.

4. Then finally YaST can be used to configure PAM when packages such as yast2-ldap-
client and yast2-kerberos-client are installed; for detailed information on config-
uring PAM, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Security Guide. This example is not lim-
ited to Kerberos; it is a generic example and uses the current server configuration. Note
that only network-based authentication services are supported.

Note: Changing Passwords

Changing the password on the SUSE Manager Web interface changes only the local pass-
word on the SUSE Manager server. But this password may not be used at all if PAM is
enabled for that user. In the above example, for instance, the Kerberos password will not
be changed.

For more information, see http://wiki.novell.com/index.php/SUSE_Manager/Authentication .

8.12 Enabling Push to Clients

In addition to allowing client systems to regularly poll SUSE Manager for scheduled actions,
users can enable SUSE Manager to immediately initiate those actions on provisioning-entitled
systems. Thus you avoid the typical delay between scheduling an action and the client system
retrieving the action from SUSE Manager. This support is provided by the OSA dispatcher ( os-
ad ).

OSA dispatcher is a service that periodically queries SUSE Manager server for commands to
execute on the client. If any actions exist, it sends a message via jabberd to the osad instances
running on the clients.

126 Enabling Push to Clients SUSE Manager 2.1

It is mandatory to use SSL between SUSE Manager and the client systems for this feature
to work. If the SSL certificates are not available, the daemon on the client system will
fail to connect.

To use this feature, first configure your firewall rules to allow connections on the required ports
as described in Section 3.3, “Additional Requirements”.
Then install the osa-dispatcher package, which can be found in the SUSE Manager software
channel. Once installed, start the service as root using the command:

rcosa-dispatcher start

Finally, install the osad package on all client systems to receive pushed actions. The package
can be found in the Tools child channel.

Do not install the osad package on the SUSE Manager server. The osad client package
conflicts with the osa-dispatcher server package.

Once installed, start the service on the client systems as root using the command:

rcosad start

Like other services, rcosa-dispatcher and rcosad accept stop , restart , and status com-
mands as well.
This feature depends on the client systems recognizing the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
of SUSE Manager. The client systems use this name and not the IP address of the server when
configuring the YaST Online Update.
Now when you schedule actions from SUSE Manager on any of the push-enabled systems, the
task will be carried out immediately rather than after a client checks in.

127 Enabling Push to Clients SUSE Manager 2.1

8.13 SSH Server Push
SSH Server Push is intended to be used in environments where clients cannot reach the SUSE
Manager server to regularly check in and, for example, fetch package updates. Therefore the
server will contact the clients in regular intervals (using SSH) to perform all actions via an
encrypted channel.
This feature enables SUSE Manager within the internal network to manage clients in the DMZ. In
such a scenario, for security reasons no system in the DMZ is allowed to open a connection into
the internal network. Instead SSH Server Push with tunnel initiates the tunnel from the internal
network. Once all actions are performed, the tunnel will be closed again.

8.13.1 Configuring SUSE Manager Server

For tunneling connections via ssh, two available high port numbers (> 1024) are needed, one
for tunneling HTTP and another for tunneling HTTPS (while HTTP is only needed during the
registration process). The port numbers used by default are 1232 and 1233. To overwrite these,
add your values in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf like this:

ssh_push_port_http = high port 1

ssh_push_port_https = high port 2

Note: Specifying Ports for Tunneling before Registering Clients

The ports for tunneling need to be specified before the first client is registered. Clients
already registered before changing the port numbers, must be registered again, otherwise
the server will not be able to contact them anymore.

In case the clients should be contacted via their hostnames instead of their IP addresses, set
the following option:

ssh_push_use_hostname = true

128 SSH Server Push SUSE Manager 2.1

It is also possible to adjust the number of threads to use for opening client connections in parallel.
By default two parallel threads are used. Set taskomatic.ssh_push_workers in /etc/rhn/
rhn.conf like this:

taskomatic.ssh_push_workers = number

8.13.2 Client Registration

Registration of a client that is unable to reach the server needs to be done on the server. There-
fore we are shipping a tool called mgr-ssh-push-init , which obsoletes mgr-push-register .
The latter could only set up clients to be managed via an SSH tunnel. The deprecated mgr-push-
register script now simply calls the new one and will be removed with one of the next releases.

The new script provides the option to initialize and register a client to be managed via SSH push
with or without tunneling. This command expects a client's hostname (or IP address) as well as
the path to a valid bootstrap script in the server's file system as parameters for registration:

mgr-ssh-push-init --client client --register bootstrap_script --tunnel

For registration of systems that should be managed via SSH push, an activation key can be
configured to enable this contact method. Go to Systems Activation Keys and click on a key or
create a new one. Select your preferred Push method from the dropdown menu and click on
Update Activation Key.
All systems registered with an activation key will be pre-configured to be contacted by the
server using the method specified in the key. Currently, the following server contact methods
are available:

Pull via XMLRPC:

The longtime default: the clients contact the server.

Push via SSH:

The server will contact the clients using SSH and run rhn_check there.

Push via SSH tunnel:

The server will contact the clients and run rhn_check via an encrypted SSH tunnel.

For already registered clients it is still possible to change the contact method in the system
details Web interface: On the Systems page select the system, click Edit These Properties and set
the value in the Contact Method combobox, then click Update Properties.

129 Client Registration SUSE Manager 2.1

To enable managing a client using Push via SSH (without tunneling), the same script can be
used as with tunneling. Registration is optional since it can also be done from within the client
in this case:

mgr-ssh-push-init --client client [--register bootstrap_script]

Note that mgr-ssh-push-init will automatically generate the necessary SSH key pair if it does
not yet exist on the SUSE Manager server. The correct host keys of clients are being stored in
the known_hosts file.

When using the Push via SSH tunnel contact method, the client is configured to connect
to SUSE Manager via high port[1|2] . Tools like rhn_check and zypper will need an
active SSH session with the proper port forwarding options to access the SUSE Manager
API. To verify the Push via SSH tunnel connection manually, you can run the following
command on the SUSE Manager server:

ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_susemanager -R high port2:susemanager:443 client zypper


8.13.3 Proxy Support

Make sure that the latest maintenance updates with the registration tool are installed on the
SUSE Manager Proxy system.
It is possible to use the SSH push contact methods to manage systems that are connected to the
SUSE Manager server via a proxy. To register such a system, run mgr-ssh-push-init on the
proxy server that is next to the respective client.
This will even work with a chain of cascading SUSE Manager proxies. The only known limitation
is that the server needs to be able to directly connect to the last proxy in the chain.

130 Proxy Support SUSE Manager 2.1

8.14 Uploading and Maintaining Custom Pack-
The mgrpush application allows you to serve custom packages associated with a private SUSE
Manager channel through the SUSE Manager server. If you want the SUSE Manager server to
serve only official SUSE Linux Enterprise or Red Hat Enterprise Linux packages, you do not
need to install mgrpush .
All packages distributed through SUSE Manager should have a digital signature. A digital sig-
nature is created with a unique private key and can be verified with the corresponding public
key. After creating a package, the SRPM (Source RPM) and the RPM can be digitally signed with
a GnuPG key. Before the package is installed, the public key is used to verify the package was
signed by a trusted party and the package has not changed since it was signed.

8.14.1 Generating a GnuPG Keypair

A GnuPG keypair consists of the private and public keys. To generate a keypair, proceed as

1. Type the following command as root on the shell prompt:

gpg --gen-key

2. The command will prompt for key type. Choose option (2) DSA and ElGamal. This allows
you to create a digital signature and encrypt/decrypt with two types of technologies.

3. Choose the key size. The longer the key, the more resistant against attacks the messages
are. Creating a key of at least 2048 bits in size is recommended.

4. Next, specify how long the key needs to be valid. When choosing an expiration date,
remember that anyone using the public key must also be informed of the expiration and
supplied with a new public key. We recommended to not select an expiration date. If you
do not specify an expiration date, you are asked to confirm that the key should not expire.

131 Uploading and Maintaining Custom Packages SUSE Manager 2.1

5. In the next steps, provide a User-ID containing your name, your email address, and an
optional comment. When finished, you are presented with a summary of the information
you entered. Accept your choices and enter a passphrase.

A good passphrase is essential for optimal security in GnuPG. Mix your passphrase
with uppercase and lowercase letters, use numbers or punctuation marks.

6. Once you enter and verify your passphrase, the keys are generated. A message will ask
you to move the mouse or otherwise interact with the system to generate random data
for the key. This part of the key generation process may take several minutes. When the
activity on the screen ceases, your new keys are placed in the directory .gnupg in root 's
home directory. This is the default location for keys generated by the root user.
To list the root keys, use the gpg --list-keys command.

7. To retrieve the public key, use the command gpg --list-keys command. The public key
is written to the file public_key.txt . This key must be deployed to all client systems that
receive custom packages from SUSE Manager. Techniques for deploying this key across
an organization are covered in Book “Client Configuration Guide” 4 “Importing Custom GPG

8.14.2 Signing Custom Packages

Before the rpm command can be used to sign packages, it needs to know the key to use. View
the uid of your secret key:

gpg --list-secret-keys | grep uid

Add the following lines to the ~/.rpmmacros

%_signature gpg
%_gpg_path /etc/rpm/.gpg
%_gpg_name secret_key_uid

132 Signing Custom Packages SUSE Manager 2.1

%_gpgbin /usr/bin/gpg

Replace secret_key_uid with exactly the output from the gpg --list-secret-keys | grep
uid command.

RPMs can be signed during or after build. Determine if a package has already been signed
with the command: rpm --qip filename.rpm .

If the RPM is already signed, check whether the signature is correct. If the existing signature
is not correct, resign the package:

rpm --resign filename.rpm

If the RPM is not signed, sign it:

rpm --addsign filename.rpm

Check the value of the "Signature" tag to ensure that the RPM has been signed correctly:

rpm -qip filename.rpm

8.14.3 Uploading Custom Packages

To use mgrpush , install the rhnpush package and its dependencies. This package is available
to registered SUSE Manager Server systems and is installed by running zypper in rhnpush .
mgrpush uploads RPM header information to the SUSE Manager server database and places the
RPM in the SUSE Manager server package repository.

133 Uploading Custom Packages SUSE Manager 2.1

When mgrpush is installed, a central configuration file is installed in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/
rhnpushrc . This file contains default values for all the options, which are described in the
mgrpush manual page ( man mgrpush ).
Additionally, mgrpush looks for settings in the current directory ( ./.rhnpushrc ) take prece-
dent over those in the user's home directory ( ~/.rhnpushrc ), which are used before those in
the central configuration file ( /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhnpushrc ). These distinct configuration
files are useful in varying settings depending on the directory from which the mgrpush com-
mand is issued.
For instance the current directory configuration file can be used to specify:

the software channel to be populated,

the home directory configuration file to include the username to be invoked,

the central configuration file to identify the server to receive the packages.

8.15 Configuring Audit Log Keeper

Audit Log Keeper buffers incoming messages and delivers them to several destinations. A des-
tination can be any type of storage, database, or search index as long as they are supported by
Audit Log Keeper.

8.15.1 Installing Audit Log Keeper

Install the package auditlog-keeper to get its core functionality. Audit Log Keeper supports
several output plugins, which can be installed if you need further logging capabilities. See Ta-
ble 8.1, “Available Optional Log Keeper Plug-ins”.


Package Description

auditlog-keeper-rdbms Stores log events into a relational database.

auditlog-keeper-syslog Stores log events on a remote syslog server;

supports TCP, UDP, and local connections.

134 Configuring Audit Log Keeper SUSE Manager 2.1

Package Description

auditlog-keeper-xmlout Writes its log events into an XML file.

Apart from the core package and optional plug-ins, you need to install at least one schema
validator. Schema validators are “sanitation filters” that reject inaccurate data from the client
components and assures that the logging events are described in a standardized format. For
SUSE Manager install the package auditlog-keeper-spacewalk-validator .

8.15.2 Configuring Audit Log Keeper

Audit Log Keeper is a solution which is independent from SUSE Manager. As such, it first needs
to be enabled before it can collect log events. To enable Audit Log Keeper to write its log events
to /var/log/messages , add the following line anywhere in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf :


Restart the SUSE Manager server by running the following command:

spacewalk-service restart

After the command is successfully executed, Audit Log Keeper is correctly enabled and executed.
To also enable Audit Log Keeper on system startup, use the following command as user root :

chkconfig auditlog-keeper on

Apart from the above first steps, it is a good idea to change the default credentials. Proceed
as follows:


1. Log in as root . Stop the Audit Log Keeper and SUSE Manager server:

rcauditlog-keeper stop
spacewalk-service stop

2. Remove table files manually:

rm /var/opt/auditlog-keeper/auditlog*

135 Configuring Audit Log Keeper SUSE Manager 2.1

3. Change the password in the config file for the backend.db.auth.user and
backend.db.auth.password fields:

auditlog-keeper --configure

Save the new configuration by pressing : – w – q and hit Return .

4. Start the Audit Log Keeper and SUSE Manager server again:

rcauditlog-keeper start
spacewalk-service start

Find further information about Audit Log Keeper plugins and how to configure at http://
wiki.novell.com/index.php/AuditLogKeeper . An FAQ can be found at http://wiki.novell.com/
index.php/AuditLogKeeperFAQ .

8.16 Generating Spacewalk Reports

The spacewalk-report tool creates a report from the SUSE Manager server in a comma sep-
arated value (CSV) format.

8.16.1 Options for spacewalk-report

The spacewalk-report offers some options, which are briefly explained in Table 8.2, “Options
for spacewalk-report”.

TABLE 8.2: OPTIONS FOR spacewalk-report

--db Passes alternative database string (user-

name/password@sid); default is taken from
/etc/rhn/rhn.conf (default_db keyword).

--info Prints available reports.

--list-fields Lists fields of the report.

--list-fields-info Same as --list-fields .

136 Generating Spacewalk Reports SUSE Manager 2.1

8.16.2 Using spacewalk-report
To get an overview of available reports, use the --info option:

spacewalk-report --info
channel-packages: Packages in channels
channels: Channel report
entitlements: Entitlement and channel list and usage
errata-list: Errata out of compliance information - errata details
errata-list-all: List of all erratas
errata-systems: Errata out of compliance information - erratas for systems
inventory: Inventory report
users: Users in the system
users-systems: Systems administered by individual users

This gives you a list of all available report generators and their description. For example, to list
all the available channels, use this command:

spacewalk-report channels
sles11-sp1-pool-i586,SLES11-SP1-Pool for i586,0
sles11-sp1-pool-x86_64,SLES11-SP1-Pool for x86_64,0

If you need to get a list of all users, pass the users option to the command:

spacewalk-report users
1,Penguin Inc.,1,admin,Penguin,Tux,,[email protected],Organization Administrator;SUSE
Manager Administrator,2012-03-19 15:59:40,2012-03-21 13:43:45,enabled

8.17 Online Migration with YaST Wagon

An online migration is conveniently performed with YaST Wagon.

1. Run /usr/sbin/wagon as root from the command line.

137 Using spacewalk-report SUSE Manager 2.1

2. Confirm the Welcome dialog with Next.

3. If Wagon finds that the requirements are not met (required maintenance updates are avail-
able but not yet installed), it will do an automatic self-update, which may require a reboot.
Follow the on-screen instructions.

4. Choose the update method in the following dialog. Select Customer Center to use the default
setup (recommended).
Click Custom URL to manually choose the software channels used for the online migration.
A list of channels will be displayed, providing the opportunity to manually enable, disable,
add, or delete channels. Add the SUSE Manager update source(s). This can either be the
SUSE Manager installation media or the SUSE-Manager-Server-2.1-Pool and SUSE-
Manager-Server-2.1-Updates channels. Click OK to return to the Update Method dialog.
If you want to review changes to the channel setup caused by the update process, select
Check Automatic Repository Changes.
Proceed with Next.

5. The system will be re-registered. During this process the Pool and Updates channels
will be added to the system. Confirm the addition of the channels.

6. If you have selected Check Automatic Repository Changes in the Update Method dialog, the
list of repositories will be displayed, providing the opportunity to manually enable, dis-
able, add, or delete channels. Proceed with OK when finished.

7. The Distribution Upgrade Settings screen opens and presents a summary of the update con-
figuration. The following sections are available:

Add-On Products
Do not select any add-on products during migration.

Update Options
Lists the actions that will be performed during the update. You can choose whether
to download all packages before installing them (default, recommended), or whether
to download and install packages one by one.

Statistical overview of the update.

Set backup options.

138 Online Migration with YaST Wagon SUSE Manager 2.1

Click Next and Start The Update to proceed.

Important: Aborting the Online Migration

It is safe to abort the online migration on this screen prior to clicking Start The
Update and on all previous screens. Click Abort to leave the update procedure and
restore the system to the state it was in prior to starting YaST Wagon. Follow the
instructions on screen and perform a re-registration before leaving Wagon to re-
move obsolete channels from your system.

8. During the update procedure the following steps are executed:

a. Packages will be updated.

b. The system will be rebooted (press OK).

c. The newly updated system will be re-registered.

9. After the service pack migration has finished successfully, reboot the server. Then, to
complete the SUSE Manager server upgrade run:


10. Your system has been successfully updated to SUSE Manager 2.1.

Important: Upgrading the Database Schema

During first startup several errors will occur because of an invalid database schema. Run
the script susemanager-upgrade , which prepares the database for the schema upgrade,
performs the upgrade, and converts configuration variables from rhn.conf to the data-

8.18 Performing an Offline Migration

This section deals with offline migration. In this case, the machine reboots and performs the
upgrade. The process is controlled by YaST and AutoYaST and not by zypper .

139 Performing an Offline Migration SUSE Manager 2.1

Only perform offline migration on client systems managed by SUSE Manager servers, not for
server migration. This is a viable method for major version upgrades like from SUSE Linux
Enterprise 10 to 11. Perform the following steps:

1. Make sure your SUSE Manager and all the clients you want to migrate have installed
all available updates, including the SUSE Manager tools. This is absolutely necessary,
otherwise the migration will fail.

2. Update the SP2 channels.

SP2 is not an extra base-channel, but the SLES11 SP1 base-channel will be enhanced by
two new child channels SLES11 SP2 core and SLES11 SP2 updates. Use the following steps
to integrate them:

a. Open a shell and list your channels:

mgr-ncc-sync -l --all-childs

The result will look similar to this:

[P] sles11-sp1-pool-i586
[.] sle11-hae-sp1-pool-i586
[.] sle11-hae-sp1-updates-i586
[.] sle11-hae-sp2-pool-i586
[.] sle11-hae-sp2-updates-i586
[.] sle11-sdk-sp1-pool-i586
[.] sle11-sdk-sp1-updates-i586
[X] sle11-sdk-sp2-core-i586
[.] sle11-sdk-sp2-updates-i586
[.] sle11-smt-updates-i586
[.] sle11-sp1-debuginfo-pool-i586
[.] sle11-sp1-debuginfo-updates-i586
[.] sle11-webyast-sp1-pool-i586
[.] sle11-webyast-sp1-updates-i586
[.] sles11-extras-i586
[P] sles11-sp1-suse-manager-tools-i586
[P] sles11-sp1-updates-i586
[.] sles11-sp2-core-i586

140 Performing an Offline Migration SUSE Manager 2.1

[.] sles11-sp2-updates-i586

b. Subscribe to the core and update channels with mgr-ncc-sync :

mgr-ncc-sync -c sles11-sp2-core-i586
mgr-ncc-sync -c sles11-sp2-updates-i586

c. Check the status again with mgr-ncc-sync -l --all-childs . You should see a
P this time.
In your SUSE Manager Web interface, go to Channels All Channels and click Show
All Child Channels to see the parent/child relationship of your channels.

3. Create an autoinstall distribution.

For all distributions we want to perform an autoinstallation, we need to create a SLES11
SP2 distribution in SUSE Manager. Use the following steps to create one:

a. Mount the SLES11 SP2 DVD

b. In the SUSE Manager Web interface go to Systems Autoinstallation Distributions and

click create new distribution.

c. Enter a label for your distribution and the mount point.

d. Select the SP1 base channel.

4. Create an activation key for your SP2 systems.

In order to switch from the old SLES10 base channel to the new SP2 base channel, we
need an activation key. Use the following steps to create one:

a. Go to Systems Activation Keys and click create new key.

b. Enter a description for your key.

c. Enter a key or leave it blank to generate an automatic key.

d. If you limit the usage, enter your value in the Usage text field.

e. Select the SLES11 SP1 base channel.

f. Decide the entitlements.

g. Click Create Activation Key.

141 Performing an Offline Migration SUSE Manager 2.1

h. Click Child Channels and select the required channels. Finish with Update key.

5. Upload an AutoYaST profile.

a. Create an AutoYaST XML file.

b. Go to System Profiles and click upload new kickstart/autoyast file.

c. Paste the XML content in the text area or select the file to upload. Click Create.

d. Add autoupgrade=1 in the Kernel parameters of the Details tab and click Update.

e. Switch to the Variable tab.

f. Enter in the text field registration_key= and the key name from Step 4.b.

g. Click Update Variables.

After you have successfully finished the previous procedure, everything is prepared for an up-
grade. If you want to upgrade a system, do the following:

1. Go to Provisioning Autoinstallation Schedule, and choose the AutoYaST XML profile you
have uploaded in Step 5.

2. Click Schedule Autoinstallation.

3. Click Finish at the bottom of that page.

Next time the machine asks the SUSE Manager server for jobs, it will receive a reinstallation job
which fetches Kernel and initrd and writes a new /boot/grub/menu.lst (contains pointers to
the new Kernel and initrd).
When the machine boots, it will use the GRUB configuration and boots the new Kernel with its
initrd. No PXE boot is required for this process. A shutdown of the machine is initiated as well,
effectively 3 minutes after the job was fetched.

142 Performing an Offline Migration SUSE Manager 2.1

9 For More Information

SUSE Manager
This guide gave you a short introduction to SUSE Manager. To discover more, refer to the
other manuals available for SUSE Manager. Find them at http://www.suse.com/documen-
tation/suse_manager . Alternatively, access them from the SUSE Manager Web interface
by selecting Help from the top navigation bar.

Novell Wiki
On the Novell Wiki you can read articles about this product and add tips and tricks yourself.
Find them at http://wiki.novell.com/index.php/SUSE_Manager .

SUSE Manager Twitter Account

Stay in contact with our Twitter account and get the latest news at http://twitter.com/
susemanager .

Novell Customer Center

For detailed information about the NCC, refer to the NCC guide available at http://
www.novell.com/documentation/ncc .

For detailed information about KVM refer to the guide Virtualization with KVM, available
at http://www.suse.com/documentation/sles11 .

143 For More Information SUSE Manager 2.1

A Documentation Updates
This section contains information about documentation content changes made to the Installation
& Troubleshooting Guide.
This document was updated on the following dates:

Section A.1, “xxx, 2015”

Section A.2, “July 31, 2015”

Section A.3, “February 12, 2015”

Section A.4, “February 6, 2015”

Section A.5, “December 5, 2014”

Section A.6, “April 30, 2014”

Section A.7, “April 29, 2014”

Section A.8, “November 22, 2013”

Section A.9, “September 9, 2013”

Section A.10, “August 23, 2013”

Section A.11, “January 25, 2013”

Section A.12, “November 28, 2012”

A.1 xxx, 2015

Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

Update feedback section.

Section 3.1.2, “Supported Client Systems”

As supported client systems also list Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 SP2.

Section 3.3, “Additional Requirements”

For debugging, link to Section  7.6, “Log Files” (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?
id=931239 ).

144 Documentation Updates SUSE Manager 2.1

Section 4.2, “Installation”
Add information SUSE Customer Center registration instead of NCC at the end of the initial
SUSE Manager setup (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=907525 ).

Section 4.3, “Setup”
Now use mgr-sync and SCC (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=907825 ).

Section 4.6, “Server Migration”

Now use SCC (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=907825 ).

Section 4.4, “Setup Without Internet Connection”

Add information about using SUSE Customer Center (https://bugzilla.suse.com/
show_bug.cgi?id=937046 ).

Section 4.5.2, “Setup of SUSE Channels and Products”

Now use spacewalk-remove-channel to remove SUSE channels (https://
bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=917771 ).

Section 7.3, “Configuring Reliable SUSE Manager Setup”

New section (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=919093 ).

Section 7.1.3, “Mail and Notification Issues”

New section (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=933298 ).

Section 7.6, “Log Files”

Recommend 4096 for taskomatic.maxmemory (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?
id=931239 ).

Section 7.9, “Using a Proxy with Certificates to Access the Internet”

New section (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=912339 ).

Section 7.12, “RPC Connection Timeout Settings”

Fix variable name for proxy timeout setting (https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?
id=929379 ).

Section 8.10, “Automating Synchronization”

Recommend using mgr-sync with SUSE Customer Center.

A.2 July 31, 2015

Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

145 July 31, 2015 SUSE Manager 2.1

Section 3.1.2, “Supported Client Systems” xrefstyle="SectTitleOnPage"/>
As supported client systems also list SUSE Linux Enterprise  12 and Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 7.
Warn about registering a SUSE Manager instance against itself (https://bugzilla.suse.com/
show_bug.cgi?id=919445 ).

Chapter 5, SUSE Manager on IBM System z xrefstyle="SectTitleOnPage"/>

New chapter.

A.3 February 12, 2015

Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

Section 8.2, “Updating SUSE Manager” xrefstyle="SectTitleOnPage"/>

Remove misleading database start command.

Book “User Guide” 3 “Systems”3.9.8 “Autoinstallation > Distributions — [Prov]”

More detailed description where you will find information about the installation data
(source) to be provided.

Section 3.3, “Additional Requirements” xrefstyle="SectTitleOnPage"/>

Also Virtual Environments require now 4 GB of RAM or more.

Section 4.5.2, “Setup of SUSE Channels and Products”

Add note about Expanded Support setup.

Book “User Guide” 3 “Systems”3.6 “Activation Keys — [Mgmt]”

Explicitly list the activation key separator.

Section 8.6, “Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba)”

Remove list of control options here; they are also listed in Book “Reference Guide” A.6
“Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba)”.

Section 8.6.5, “Archive Log Settings”

Fix link to archive logs.

Section 8.11, “Implementing PAM Authentication”

Update PAM settings.

146 February 12, 2015 SUSE Manager 2.1

A.4 February 6, 2015
Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

Section 3.3, “Additional Requirements”

Firewall settings: Add ssh port.

Section 8.13, “SSH Server Push”

Fix wording.

A.5 December 5, 2014

Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

Section 6.4.2, “Configuring Slave Servers”

Note on slave servers and SCC.

Section 8.17, “Online Migration with YaST Wagon”

Online applet does not exist on a SUSE Manager standard installation.
Add step to call susemanager-upgrade.sh .

A.6 April 30, 2014

Section 8.14, “Uploading and Maintaining Custom Packages”
New sections on generating GPG keys and signing custom packages.

A.7 April 29, 2014

Information on installation and initial setup has been consolidated.

Installation & Troubleshooting Guide

Quick Start and Installation & Troubleshooting Guide merged into one guide. Quick Start
is now obsolete.

147 February 6, 2015 SUSE Manager 2.1

A.8 November 22, 2013
Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

A.8.1 Installation
Section 4.1, “Summary of Steps”
Add warning about SUSE Manager renaming.

A.8.2 Troubleshooting
Section 7.2, “General Problems”
Move this section to the beginning of the chapter.

Section 7.2, “General Problems”

Add PostgreSQL as an embedded database.

Section 7.7, “Naming Custom Channels”

New section.

Section 7.8, “Accessing Local Channels without Proxy”

Enhance server.satellite.no_proxy description.

Section 7.13, “Connection Errors”

Fix location of ssl.crt/server.crt .

Section 7.18, “Invoking Spacecmd”

New section.

A.8.3 Maintenance
Section 8.2, “Updating SUSE Manager”
Add PostgreSQL start command.

Section 8.6.3, “Backing up the Database”

Cleanup the PostgreSQL related procedure.

148 November 22, 2013 SUSE Manager 2.1

A.9 September 9, 2013
Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

A.9.1 Importing and Synchronizing with Inter-Server Sync

Section 6.4, “Inter-Server Synchronization”
Fix title.

A.10 August 23, 2013

Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

A.10.1 Meta Information

Installation & Troubleshooting Guide
New title.

A.10.2 Installation
Chapter 4, Installation
Move listing of new features and changes to Book “Reference Guide” .

A.10.3 Importing and Synchronizing

Chapter 6, Importing and Synchronizing with Inter-Server Sync
New chapter.

A.10.4 Troubleshooting
Section 7.4, “Gathering Information with spacewalk-report”
New section.

149 September 9, 2013 SUSE Manager 2.1

Section 7.5, “Changing the CSV Separator”
New section.

Section 7.8, “Accessing Local Channels without Proxy”

New section.

Section 7.12, “RPC Connection Timeout Settings”

New section.

A.10.5 Maintenance

Section 8.6, “Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba)”

Add an explaining note: Running smdba requires proper sudo enablement. root no
longer is allowed to run smdba .

Section 8.6.3, “Backing up the Database”

Better distinguish between creating backups for PostgreSQL or oracle.

Section 8.6.5, “Archive Log Settings”

New section.

Section 8.7, “Cloning SUSE Manager with the Embedded Database”

Replace DB control with smdba and change procedure for clarification.

Section 8.10, “Automating Synchronization”

Fix and improve crontab entry. Specify full path to the command.

Section 8.13, “SSH Server Push”

New section.

Section 8.18, “Performing an Offline Migration”

mgr-ncc-sync requires --all-childs to list all channels.

A.11 January 25, 2013

Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

150 Maintenance SUSE Manager 2.1

A.11.1 Installation
Section 4.4, “Setup Without Internet Connection”
Refresh the data in the database ( mgr-ncc-sync ) before triggering the sync.

A.11.2 Troubleshooting
Section 7.17, “Multiple Mirror Credentials”
Clarify warning about removing channels.

A.12 November 28, 2012

Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

A.12.1 Troubleshooting
Section 7.10, “Discovering Hosts and Subnets in the Network”
This section is new.

Section 7.17, “Multiple Mirror Credentials”

This section is new.

A.12.2 Maintenance
Section 8.6, “Configuring SUSE Manager's Database (smdba)”
Some minor improvements for clarity.

151 Installation SUSE Manager 2.1

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