Simulacra and Fake News
Simulacra and Fake News
Simulacra and Fake News
Mr.Amer Akhtar
postmodern criticim
23 October 2018
account named ‘Fake News Buster’, with an aim to expose fake news, however, another account
sprang up shortly with the same title, prompting the government to issue clarification to
The original account has 19,900 followers so far, while the one implying to a genuine one has 476 followers as yet. A
close inspection can help users detect the fake account through its description that says: “Twitter Handle of Ministry of
Interior & BroadCoasting for Exposing #FakeNews”. The account has written ‘Ministry of Interior’ instead of the
‘Ministry of Information’, while mis-spelled broadcasting. Besides, it is surprising to note that the fake account’s Twitter
joining date is shown on the profile as June 2018. It is possible that the account was being operated under some other title
and its user a day ago changed the handle and all information to dupe users.
The Information Ministry’s FakeNewsBuster account posted a screenshot of the fake account and asked people to ‘beware
of fake and real’ accounts simultaneously being operated, one by the ministry and another anonymously.
an image without having any link with reality.The above image of a fake twitter page proves Baudriallard’s
concept of ‘Hyperreal’.It means to distinguish between real and imaginary is quite impossible.we became
uncertain of the reality.Although in the above images one is declared ‘Real’ and the other is ‘Fake’ yet we can’t
decide which one is ‘real’ in reality and which one is ‘fake’ in reality.
According to Bauldriallard’s concept of Simulacra,today the postmodern human beings consume images rather
than products .In the above fake image we see that the logo of the government of Pakistan is used .It shows that
people of our country accept whatever will be provided with the brand mark.They don’t go for details .They just
3-Media culture:
In the postmodern world media is very active and has control over the minds of the people.Due to the media
culture bloggers easily upload whatever they want to and they receive a positive response by their followers
also.So such fake news keep on coming on the ‘global screen’,the internet.
Today everyone wants to be prominent in the social circle .To achieve this objective everyone not only watches
the latest news but also shares it without verifying its source.The propagators of the fake news also know about
the psychology of people .So they paly with the psychology of people and achieve their objectives.
Baudrillard’s concept of simulacra also points to the constructs.These constructs are designed and propagated
for some motives.These constructs may be created by antipolitical parties to let the ruling political party down
or by some professional businessman for monetry benefits from a website.The more the website be visited the
Baudrillard’s concept of simulacra is proved a type of foreboding for the postmodern world where people are
only taking interest in images rather than objects.This blind trust in images and their use made the postmodern
world uncertain and confused .Love of media use,desire to be with the latest technological standards has
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