Intro To Stereo Logy Grain Size
Intro To Stereo Logy Grain Size
Intro To Stereo Logy Grain Size
3.3 mm
3.3 mm
Separation of
grains by sieving
after liquid metal
embrittlement of 3.3 mm
3.3 mm Brass in Hg 14 Sieve
8 Sieve
Actual Grain Shapes
1.1 mm 1.1 mm
NA = f[ n1 + (n2/2)]
f = Jeffries multiplier
f = magnification2/circle area
Average Grain Area = A = ——
G = (-3.322LogA) – 2.955
n1 = 68 and n2 = 41
For the preceding micrograph,
n1 = 68 and n2 = 41
M2 100 2
f = —— = ——— = 0.497
A 20106.2
NA = f[n1 + (n2/2)]
NA = (0.497)[68 + (41/2)]
NA = 44.02 mm-2
A = —— = 0.0227 mm2
d = (A)1/2
G = 2.5
This is an austenitic Mn steel, solution annealed and aged to
precipitate a pearlitic phase on the grain boundaries (at 100X).
There are 43 grains within the circle (n1) and there are 25 grains
intersecting the circle (n2). The test circle’s area is 0.5 mm2 at 1X.
NA = f[n1 + (n2/2)]
f = [(1002)/5000]
NL = ——
PL = ——P
where LT is the true test line length
Apply a test line over the microstructure
and count the number of grains intercepted
or the number of grain boundary
intersections (easier for a single-phase grain
structure). After you count N or P, divide
that number by the true line length to get
NL or PL.
Intercept Counts (N)
1/2 1 1 1/2
1 1 1
The test line intercepted 5 whole grains and the line ends fell
in two grains. These are weighted as ½ an interception. So the
total is 6 intercepts (N=6).
Intersection Counts (P)
1 1 1 1 1 1
G = [-6.644Log10(l)] – 3.288
N = 41 + 25 + 20 = 86
86 = 7.54 mm-1
NL = ——
1 = 0.133 mm
l = ——
G = [-6.644Log10(0.133)] – 3.288 = 2.5
Intercept Grain Size Example – Single Phase
PL = ——— = 15 mm-1
1 = 0.067 mm
l = ——
PL = ——— = 12.6 mm-1
1 = 0.0794 mm
l = ——
G = [-6.644Log10(0.0794)] – 3.288 = 4
N = Number of grains intercepted
l = ———
This 500X micrograph of Ti-6242 was alpha/beta forged and alpha/beta annealed,
then etched with Kroll’s reagent. The circumference of the three circles is 500 mm.
Point counting revealed an alpha phase volume fraction of 0.485 (48.5%). 76 alpha
grains were intercepted by the three circles.
l = ———————— = 0.006382 mm
G = [6.635Log10(NIS-G)] + 2.66
The 1000X micrograph above of a high speed steel in the quenched and tempered
condition has been etched with 10% nital. Two 5-inch (127-mm) lines have been
drawn and the number of intercepted grains were counted. For each line there
were two tangent hits (each weighted as (1/2). One line had 12 intercepts and the
other 13. So, N was 13 and 14, with an average of 13.5 (NIS-G = 13.5) and G=10.2.
A number of ASTM E-4 members counted intercepts using the three-
circle grid and then counted the grains within a test circle, and
intersecting the test circle, on seven micrographs. Three were at
different magnifications for a ferritic stainless steel and four were at
different magnifications for another ferritic stainless steel. All images
were taken from the same region. The people did not calculate the grain
size; they only collected the raw data. Prior to that, they used a
comparison chart, plate I of E 112, to estimate the grain size of each
A few people digitized the images and measured the grain size with
image analysis systems.
Examples of the micrographs are shown on the next slide. For the
counting, the micrographs were enlarged to 8 x 10 inches. Random grid
placement was used for the intercept method, but for the planimetric
method, the template contained five test circles, so the placement on the
micrograph was not completely random, but forced.
Examples of the micrographs used for the round robin. There were three
magnifications for the one at left and four for the one at right. Grain
boundary delineation was excellent.
Distribution of grain size by number % and area % (preferred) for the left
image in the previous slide (image analysis results). There is a slight degree of
duplexity in the distribution.
Distribution of grain size by number % and area % (preferred) for the right
image in the earlier slide (image analysis results). There is less duplexity in the
distribution than for the other specimen.
Results for the first specimen at three magnifications.
Results for the specimen with four magnifications.
“wild” value
A plot of the planimetric grain size measurement vs. the intercept grain size
measurements for all specimens reveals a normal scatter around the one-to-
one trend line (except for one point) indicating no bias between the methods.
If the true magnification is not used, but all images are assumed to be at 100X, the
different magnifications and give a wider spread of apparent grain sizes. Note that
the comparison chart ratings are consistently lower than the measured values by
0.5 to 1 G value indicating bias in the comparison chart ratings.
Naturally, when the intercept measurements are plotted vs. the comparison chart
estimates of G (similarly to the last slide where the planimetric data was used), the
same bias in the comparison chart data is observed.
Plot of the relative accuracy for the planimetric measurements indicating that
about 1000 grains must be counted to get <10% RA.
For the intercept method, <10% RA can be obtained by counting about 400
intercepts or intersections. Counting with the planimetric method is more tedious
as the grains must be marked off to get an accurate count.
Plot of the %RA as a function of the average count per grid placement
(per field). Counting errors start to results when the count exceeds about
50-60 per field.
Inadequate etch times do not reveal the grain structure so bias is
created as the grain size appears to be greater than it is. The above
example was for ferrite grains in low-carbon sheet steel.
It is possible to make measurements of the
diameter, lineal intercept lengths, or areas of
grains and plot these data in histogram
fashion. Many procedures have been
developed to translate these measurements
on the two-dimensional sectioning plane to
develop three-dimensional grain size
information. Nearly all models utilize some
simplifying assumptions about shape, such as
spherical grain shapes.
Grain structure of 304 austenitic stainless steel etched with 60% HNO3 at 0.6
V dc, Pt cathode, 120 s (this does not bring up twin boundaries) used for the
following grain size distribution study.
A log plot of the intercept length vs. the number percent per class yields a good
representation of the distribution. Note the slight skew of the data ( 1) while the
kurtosis, 2, is close to the ideal value of 3 for a Gaussian distribution.
A linear plot of the data does not reveal a good distribution as it is skewed more
to the right and the kurtosis is higher.
Three specimens of an experimental 5% Cr hot-work die steel were
analyzed for their grain size distribution. This one was austenitized at 1950
°F (1066 °C). The others were austenitized at 1925 and 1975 °F (1051 and
1079 °C). The specimens were quenched to 1300 °F (704 °C), held 1 h to
precipitate a pearlitic like constituent at the grain boundaries and air
cooled. They were etched with glyceregia.