Established in 1946, this series produces high quality scholarship in the fields
of public and private international law and comparative law. Although these
are distinct legal subdisciplines, developments since 1946 confirm their
Comparative law is increasingly used as a tool in the making of law at
national, regional, and international levels. Private international law is now
often affected by international conventions, and the issues faced by classical
conflicts rules are frequently dealt with by substantive harmonisation of law
under international auspices. Mixed international arbitrations, especially those
involving state economic activity, raise mixed questions of public and private
international law, while in many fields (such as the protection of human rights
and democratic standards, investment guarantees and international criminal
law) international and national systems interact. National constitutional
arrangements relating to “foreign affairs,’’and to the implementation of
international norms, are a focus of attention.
The Board welcomes works of a theoretical or interdisciplinary character,
and those focusing on the new approaches to international or comparative law
or conflicts of law. Studies of particular institutions or problems are equally
welcome, as are translations of the best work published in other languages.
A Comparative Outline
© Basil Markesinis, Michael Coester, Guido Alpa and Augustus Ullstein 2005
1. Introduction 1
Preliminary observations 1
The problem of terms, concepts and language 2
English law 2
German law 3
Italian law 5
The impact of history: juries, non-juries, academic
writers 8
English law 8
German law 10
Italian law 11
Levels of award: a first glance 16
English law 16
German law 17
Italian law 18
Basic principles of tort law, especially to the extent
that they affect compensation practice 20
English law 20
German law 22
Italian law 23
Size of judiciary, volume of litigation, delays and cost 26
English law 26
viii contents
German law 27
Italian law 28
Who pays legal costs? Is legal aid available and, if so, to
whom and on what basis? Does legal aid act as a brake
on litigation? Are conditional fee agreements or
contingency fees permitted? 29
English law 29
German law 30
Italian law 32
Social security, other sources of revenue and tort law 33
English law 33
German law 35
Italian law 36
Method of payment 36
English law 36
German law 42
Italian law 44
Psychiatric injury 90
Danno morale (pain and suffering) 91
Quantification of danno morale 94
6. Conclusions 197
General observations 197
The wider background 200
More specific conclusions 207
‘European’ and ‘American’ law 207
Punitive damages 209
Variations in awards within national European systems 211
Easy access to justice as a prerequisite to obtaining
compensation 212
Problems of comparison with non-pecuniary damages 214
Specificity about the size of awards 217
Nature and wealth of the defendant as a determinant of
the size of the award 219
Proposals for reform? 220
Index 228
xiv foreword
(at 117 to 118). Practitioners need to take account of the important lesson
of Fairchild that Continental jurisprudence really matters.
Now there is another great step forward with the publication of this
book. The subject of compensation for personal injury is of great practical
importance in all civil justice systems. The book compares the solutions
adopted in English, German and Italian law. The aim is essentially prac-
tical, namely to make available to judges, practitioners and academic
lawyers a detailed account of the decisions of foreign courts, packaged to
meet the needs of practitioners, in order to enable the comparative point
of view to play a dynamic role in the development of our law.
The book has been written by distinguished lawyers who share a pro-
found knowledge of tort law and comparative methodology. Not surpris-
ingly, they have produced a first class book which is a notable contribution
to tort law and comparative law studies. It contains much material which
those in practice cannot afford to ignore. I commend it unreservedly to
judges, practitioners and academic lawyers.
johan steyn
House of Lords, June 2004
Biblical texts warn us that no one can serve two gods. Lawyers, no doubt,
have occasionally done so; and comparative lawyers must, surely, have a
dispensation to do so regularly. For the raison d’être of the latter is to de-
scribe and compare different systems without fear or favour, largely for
the sake of the advantages and the insights that flow from any compara-
tive exercise. We have thus tried to present in a comparative juxtaposition
three major legal systems of the world and have addressed our text to two
readerships which are often described as being very different – practition-
ers (including judges) and academics. We have done this for two reasons.
Many have written about the respective tasks of these two kinds of
lawyers; and in England those who have done so have stressed how differ-
ent they are. There is, of course, some truth in these assertions; but in our
view these differences have also been exaggerated – at any rate whenever
one is trying to make the one group work closely with the other, as we
feel they must. For in such circumstances academics must try to present
their theories in any way that makes them palatable to practitioners; if
they do not, their dish (for which read ideas) will not be savoured.
To the extent that the book describes in modest detail what can be
claimed in the event of personal (not fatal) injuries in the three sys-
tems compared, it tries to serve the first constituency. Two of us – Basil
Markesinis and Augustus Ullstein – have encountered this need in our
professional careers; and one more – Guido Alpa – also practises as an
avvocato in Rome and Genoa and knows the needs of the profession.
If the first of our targeted groups needs ‘usable’ data, the second needs
thoughts and ideas that can promote further reflection. Here the effort had
to go into the ‘packaging’ of the information we assembled for this book
in a way that made it look more than just a list of similar and different
solutions. Here, two of us – Basil Markesinis and Michael Coester – took
xvi preface
more time to achieve this overall result by going over the entire text several
times and minimising, whenever possible, the effects of a presentation
that was too slanted towards national habits and methods. A few words
need to be said about the difficulties the authors encountered in carrying
out this enterprise.
Since this book was written in English and primarily addresses an An-
glophone readership, inevitably it had to take as its starting point the
classification structure known to the common law. If, as we hope, the
reader thinks that, overall, the presentation of the English, German and
Italian law makes good reading, it means that we have succeeded in our
‘packaging’efforts of the other two legal systems. But this was by no means
an easy task, as the specialist reader of any of these systems can attest. For
the truth of the matter is that the structures, divisions, concepts and no-
tions used in this book, being of common law origin, did not always fit
in easily with what exists in Germany and Italy, which is often very dif-
ferent to the English. Even the writing style of lawyers who come from
different countries is different and here, again, we have tried to produce
a work which will sit well in the library of a common lawyer. But ‘dif-
ferent’ does not mean less valid, less interesting or less attractive. This,
too, is made clear in several parts of the narrative; and tribute is here
paid to the two non-common lawyers who co-authored this book and so
generously agreed to comply with the demands of English language and
‘Packaging’, thus had to take place for, otherwise, the Continental sys-
tems discussed in this book, which have served as models for many coun-
tries, would continue to be a mystery to anyone but their own nationals
and devotees. In our view, the increasingly transnational nature of per-
sonal injuries litigation cannot tolerate such parochialism. Thus, the con-
tribution to the art of ‘packaging’ forms the first part of the intellectual
contribution this book tries to make to the art of comparison; the synthe-
sising conclusions form the other. Broadly speaking, the whole enterprise
follows the approach advocated by one of us on many occasions, most re-
cently in his monograph entitled Comparative Law in the Courtroom and the
Classroom: The Story of the Last Thirty Five Years (Hart Publishing, 2003) (this
will soon appear in French, German and Italian translations, an indica-
tion perhaps of the interest this method is attracting in these countries)
and has tried to avoid the format of a questionnaire which jurists from
different systems dutifully fill in. Such works may be useful in one sense;
but from a scholarly angle they seem less appealing.
One last word is needed on ‘packaging’.
preface xvii
Basil Markesinis QC, FBA (London and Texas); Guido Alpa, FBA (Rome and
Genoa); Michael Coester (Munich); Augustus Ullstein QC (Temple)
London, Genoa, Munich, 24 December 2003
Table of cases
Barnet Group Hospital Management Committee v. Eagle Star Insurance Co. Ltd
[1960] 1 QB 107 99
Barrow v. Bankside Members Agency Ltd [1996] 1 WLR 257, CA 36
Behrens v. Bertram Mills Circus Ltd [1957] 2 QB 1 54
Bell v. The Great Northern Railway Company of Ireland (1890) 26 LR Ir.
428 53
Bell v. Todd [2002] Lloyd’s Rep. Med. 12, QBD 134, 174
Birkett v. Hayes [1982] 1 WLR 816, CA 10
table of cases xix
Callery v. Gray (Nos. 1 and 2) [2002] UKHL 28; [2002] 1 WLR 2000 30
Cassell v. Riverside Health Authority [1992] PIQR Q168, CA 126
Chatelain v. Kelley, 322 Ark. 517, 910 S.W.2d 215 (1995) 215
Clarke v. Rotax Aircraft Equipment Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 1570, CA 10
Coenen v. Payne [1974] 1 WLR 984, CA 39
Connolly v. Tasker [2001] QB 272, CA 49
Cook v. J.L. Kier and Co. [1970] 1 WLR 774, CA 47
Cookson v. Knowles [1979] AC 556, HL(E) 122
Cooper v. Firth Brown Ltd [1963] 1 WLR 418 98, 123
Cunningham v. Harrison [1973] QB 942, CA 98, 100, 104, 129, 133, 172
Dunnett v. Railtrack plc (in railway administration) [2002] EWCA Civ 303;
[2002] 1 WLR 2434, CA 206
Fashade v. North Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust November 10th 2000, Wright
J. [2001] C.L.Y. 1712 42
Firle Investments Ltd v. Datapoint International Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ
1106 29
Fish v. Wilcox and Gwent Health Authority [1994] 5 Med. L.R. 230 101
Fitzgerald v. Ford [1996] PIQR Q72 100, 116
Fletcher v. Autocar and Transporters Ltd [1968] 2 QB 322, CA 47
Fournier v. Canadian National Railway Company [1972] AC 167, PC 36
Fuhri v. Jones [1979] CA (Unreported) 50
Milton v. Cary Medical Center, 358 A.2d 252 (Me. 1988) 215
Mitchell v. Mulholland (No.2) [1972] 1 QB 65, CA 118
Moeliker v. A. Reyrolle & Co. Ltd [1977] 1 WLR 132, CA 126
Moen v. Hanson, 85 Wn.2d 597, 537 P.2d 266 (Wash. 1975) 215
Moore v. Shah, 458 N.Y.S. 2d 33 (1982) 133
Moriarty v. McCarthy [1978] 1 WLR 155 58, 104, 133
Nash v. Eli Lilly & Co. [1993] 1 WLR 782, CA 176, 177
Nobles v. Schofield, CA, Judgment of 14 May 1998 53
North Glamorgan NHS Trust v. Walters (2002) EWCA Civ 1792; [2002] All ER
(D) 87 (Dec); [2003] Lloyd’s Rep. Med. 49 53
Page v. Sheerness Steel Co. Plc [1996] PIQR Q26. 122, 138
see also Wells v. Wells
Page v. Smith [1996] 1 AC 155, HL(E) 53, 54
Phelps v. Hillingdon London Borough Council [2001] 2 AC 619, HL(E) 55
Pickett v. British Rail Engineering Ltd [1980] AC 136, HL(E) 10, 161
Prather v. Lockwood, 19 Ill.App.3d 146; 310 N.E. 2d 815 (1974) 215
Pratt (Keith) v. Collie Smith Mr David Froskett Q.C. (Unreported) 59
Pritchard v. J.H. Cobden Ltd [1987] 2 WLR 627, CA 105
German cases
Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court
BVerfG 23 June 1999, NJW 1999, 3186 31
BVerfG 8 March 2000, NJW 2000, 2187 4, 18
BVerfG 25 July 2003, NJW 2003, 2598 205
Italian cases
Constitutional Court
Judgment, 20 December 1996, n. 399 in Cons. Stato 1996, II, 2090 85
Judgment, 11 July 2003, n. 233 7
Court of Cassation
Palermo (4 June 1898) in Foro sic., 1898, 486 93
Turin (22 November 1913), in Giurisprudenza torinese, 1914, 33 92
1967, n. 774 (28 April 1967) in Res.civ.prev., 1967, 572 95
1971, n. 174 (26 January 1971) in Foro it. 1971, I, 342 15
1979, n. 3996 (11 July 1979) in Resp.civ.prev. 1980, 436 95
1980, n. 537 (7 October 1980) in Foro it., I, 1051 95
1980, n. 5484 (13 October 1980) in Resp.civ.prev., 1981, 403 95
1982, n. 4815 (4 April 1982) in 1982 94
1982, n. 6234 (18 November 1982) 165
1983, n. 2396 (6 April 1983) in Resp.civ.prev. 1983, 760 95
1985, n. 4947 (11 October 1985) in Arch.giur.circ. 1986, 100 95
1990, n. 399 (Labour section, 10 March 1990) in Crit.Pen. 1995, 50 85
1992, n. 7194 (11 June 1992) in Foro it. 1992, I, 2079 196
1993, n. 5832 (24 May 1993) 166
1993, n. 11271 (15 November 1993) 166
1993, n. 13013 (30 December 1993) 168
1994, n. 6228 (1 July 1994) in Riv.giur.Enel, 1996, 467 195
1995, n. 755 (23 January 1995) 168
1995, n. 4255 (13 April 1995) in Resp.civ.prev. 1995, 519 212
1995, n. 12299 (28 November 1995) in Foro it. 1996, I, 3120 90
1997, n. 9742 (7 October 1997) 195
1997, n. 9959 (13 October 1997) 166
1997, n. 10923 (6 November 1997) 167
1997, n. 11439 (18 November 1997) 168
1998, n. 1285 (6 February 1998) 5
1998, n. 12195 (1 December 1998) in Dir.famiglia, 2000, 68
1999, n. 491 (20 January 1999) 89, 90
1999, n. 500 (22 July 1999) 15
1999, n. 1135 (10 February 1999) 196
1999, n. 4231 (28 April 1999) in Resp.civ.prev. 2000, 110 164
2000, n. 2037 (Labour section, 23 February 2000) in Giust.civ. 2000, I,
1655 88, 170
2000, n. 9228 (12 July 2000) 168
xxxii table of cases
xxxiv abbreviations
Preliminary observations
Cross-border claims for personal injuries are becoming more and more
common, particularly within the European Union. Furthermore, we know
from our personal experience that European nationals and/or residents
increasingly join, or seek to join, class actions in the United States of
America. This tendency leads to a need to know more about the law in
Europe including, of course, English law. Thus, though this book is not
about American law, it makes allusions to it where this is likely to be use-
ful to both American lawyers using it and Continental European lawyers
aware of the fact that they must constantly guard against the danger of
thinking that they understand the law in the USA because they usually
know something about English law.
Despite the growing importance of this subject, we believe that there is
a dearth of material available to practitioners in any of these jurisdictions
to assist them both in advising their clients as to the heads of damage
recoverable in other countries and/or the level of damages which they
might expect to be awarded. It is the objective of this book to fill that gap
in sufficient (but not excessive) detail and we attempt this in chapters 2
to 5. If the transnational trend we alluded to above continues, we intend
to flesh out our account further in a future edition.
In this work we have deliberately limited the scope to compensation
for personal injury. Fatal accident damages is a very large subject in itself
and would, we feel, either overburden a book of the size which we intend
or compel contributors to reduce what they say on particular topics to
a level which is unlikely to be really useful. Again, however, references
to this branch of the law of damages do occasionally appear in our text,
especially where this seemed to be required by the narrative.
2 introduction
To make this material more intelligible, and also satisfy our purely aca-
demic interest in developing suitable ways to present foreign law to na-
tional readers, we have included a fairly long introduction. In it, we have
attempted to set our material in the wider context of tort law. We thus
address eight, wider, issues in the hope that it will assimilate the foreign
learning into the narrative of the text and explain to ‘foreign’ observers
its background. This is especially necessary whenever we encounter ‘pecu-
liarities’ found in one system alone. These wider issues we approach from
the point of view of English, German and Italian law though we stress
from the outset that here, and elsewhere in the book, not all subdivisions
and headings are entirely appropriate (or of equal importance) to the three systems
under comparison. A closer synthesis, largely concerned with methodolog-
ical issues, will be attempted in chapter 6 in the form of comparative
conclusions. There we shall, again, pick up on some of the themes found
(mainly) in this (but also other chapters) and refer in greater detail to the
structural differences which make it impossible to cover in each system,
in an equal and precise manner, the various subtopics discussed in this
book. This is a point of considerable importance and one which national
lawyers must come to terms with early in this study of ‘foreign’ law.
‘Special damage’ is thus what the plaintiff must prove as part of his
cause of action in torts which are not torts actionable per se.1 This will
include quantifiable lost earnings up to the trial, damaged property (e.g.,
the plaintiff ’s damaged clothing) and other out-of-pocket expenses. As
indicated, this distinction between special damages (as defined above)
and general damages, which are the damages which are ‘presumed to
flow’ from the wrong complained of (and include future lost earnings)
is important for pleading purposes, but also has consequences for the
purposes of calculating interest.
‘Aggravated’and ‘exemplary’damages form another heading which may
cause some concern to civilians. What they have in common is that they
represent a way of enhancing the award of the successful plaintiff. They
also seem to frequent largely (but not entirely) the same areas of tortious
liability such as defamation and false imprisonment. But the similari-
ties end there. For the aggravated award augments the plaintiff ’s compen-
satory2 amount by taking into account the aggravated injury caused to the
plaintiff ’s ‘feelings of dignity and pride’. On the other hand, exemplary
damages require one to look at the tortious incident from the optic of the
defendant who is deemed to be particularly opprobrious, thus deserving
a form of (civil) punishment. Notwithstanding this attempt to maintain a
clear conceptual differentiation between these two notions, the fact that
they overlap may, in some specific areas of tort law, make the differences
between common law and civil law less pronounced than it appears to be
if compared at a purely dogmatic level.
German law
German law does not draw the line between past and future losses, or be-
tween special and general damages, but rather between damages which
can be compensated (and ‘repaired’) once and for all by a single sum of
money (restitutio in integrum, § 249 II, 251 BGB), and continuing losses or
costs of living which will accompany the victim’s life for the (foreseeable)
future (§§ 842, 843 BGB). If damages of the first category (e.g., the acqui-
sition of a wheel-chair) are not yet compensated at the time of the court
decision, they are ‘future damages’, based on § 249 II BGB. And if con-
tinuing needs of the victim (e.g., care) have been met already before the
decision is rendered, they are ‘past losses’, but recoverable under § 843 I
BGB ( just like the care necessary in the future). It becomes obvious, how-
ever, that – as a matter of fact – the bulk of future damages belongs to the
realm of §§ 842, 843 BGB.
Non-pecuniary losses are commonly referred to as ‘Schmerzensgeld’, a not
very precise and unofficial short-hand term for what the statute calls ‘non-
pecuniary damage’ (§ 253 BGB). The danger of translating ‘Schmerzensgeld’
as pain and suffering must thus be avoided since the German term encom-
passes additionally such well-known common law headings of damage as
‘loss of amenity’, ‘disfigurement’, ‘loss of expectation of life’ etc. But the
notion has also, from early times, been taken to include the ‘satisfaction’
of the victim for what has been done to him;3 and the ‘deterrent func-
tion’ of ‘Schmerzensgeld’ has also been stressed by the BGH in mass media
cases involving the invasion of the privacy of celebrities.4 In such cases,
therefore, the notion comes close to the concept of ‘punitive damages’.
The concept of a ‘damage per se’ (danno biologico) is rarely discussed in
Germany, but is, in fact, not totally unknown. According to the Code, a
‘damage’ is to be assessed by the comparison of the situation quo ante and
the situation after the injury. Where pecuniary damage is involved, the
monetary award that will be made to the plaintiff becomes a simple matter
of calculation, the point of reference being either the costs of repair (resti-
tutio in integrum, § 249 BGB) or – where repair is not possible or sufficient –
the economic loss of the victim (§ 251 BGB). The problem of non-pecuniary
damage is, in general, solved by pursuing the ideas of ‘fair compensa-
tion’ and ‘satisfaction’ (atonement), which provide some guidelines for
the pecuniary compensation of non-pecuniary losses (see p. 62). But these
concepts fail to produce satisfactory results where, because of a fundamen-
tal destruction of the victim’s body and personality, fair compensation is
3 BGH 6 July 1955, BGHZ 18, 149, translated in Basil Markesinis and Hannes Unberath, The
German Law of Torts: A Comparative Treatise (4th edn, Oxford 2002), p. 981 (henceforth
referred to as GLT followed by the appropriate page number).
4 BGH 15 November 1994, NJW 1995, 861; OLG Hamm 25 July 1996, NJW 1996, 2870; see
also BVerfG 8 March 2000, NJW 2000, 2187; GLT, pp. 472–7; cf. p. 22 and p. 64.
the problem of terms, concept s and l anguage 5
not possible and the victim cannot feel any satisfaction. In cases such as
these, the BGH has, not without some tergiversations, come to acknowl-
edge that there must be another, specific type of ‘damage’ which is inde-
pendent of pecuniary losses or the personal perception of the victim.5 The
severe physical impairment as such is the legitimating and decisive factor
for the assessment of damages which is not treated as a conventional and
paltry amount but, on the contrary, is treated as a substantial heading of
damages.6 It is, however, still unclear whether this will remain a narrowly
construed exception in German law or the first example of an emerging
new concept of a ‘damage per se’.7
Tort law (Deliktsrecht; Recht der unerlaubten Handlungen) refers only to the
relevant provisions of the BGB (§§ 823–853) which are based on the fault
principle (notwithstanding some statutory modifications and exceptions).
Apart from the BGB, however, there exist many specialised statutes which
also provide for compensation for harm caused irrespective of fault e.g.,
in cases involving public traffic, nuclear energy, product liability etc. A
general term, more appropriate for these types of harm, is ‘Haftungsrecht’.8
Italian law
Italian law does not draw a clear line between past and future losses9
or between special and general damages. The parallel thus seems to be
more with German than English law. Rather, its main distinction is be-
tween damages which result from non-performance of obligations (danno
contrattuale) and damages which result from a tort (danno extracontrat-
tuale) – a distinction which, of course, is not unknown in both English and
German law.
The measure of damages arising from breach of contract includes the
loss sustained by the creditor (danno emergente) and lost profits (lucro
cessante), insofar as they are a direct and immediate consequence of the
5 ‘Eine eigenständige Fallgruppe, bei der die Zerstörung der Persönlichkeit durch den
Fortfall oder das Vorenthalten der Empfindungsfähigkeit geradezu im Mittelpunkt
steht’, BGH 13 October 1993, BGHZ 120, 1 = NJW 1993, 781, 783 = GLT, pp. 997–9.
6 In the aforementioned case the amount thus awarded was DM50,000 in the form of a
lump sum and a further DM500 per month for the duration of the victim/plaintiff’s life.
7 Christian von Bar, Gemeineuropäisches Deliktsrecht II, no. 16–22 argues in favour of the
latter alternative.
8 Adherence to this terminology is breaking down in practice.
9 We use the term here in the English sense. In Italian law (unlike French law for example)
future loss, in the sense of loss of a chance, is not compensated as such. The problems
raised by these cases are dealt with as problems of causation. See, e.g., Corte di
Cassazione 6 February 1998, no. 1286, Foro it., 1998, I, 1917.
6 introduction
31 May 2003;11 and, a few weeks later, it was followed by the Constitutional
Court in its own decision of 11 July 2003. The evaluation of the damages,
expressly described as non-patrimonial but moral, would henceforth be
undertaken on the basis of all the relevant circumstances including the
closeness of the family relationship, the cohabitation with the primary
victim, the size of the affected family, way of life, the age of the primary
victim and the age of the relatives.
In the domain of personal injury (danno alla persona) some further com-
ments are necessary to take into account an important innovation that
took place in the 1970s.
In Italian law, health is looked at in a comprehensive manner so as to
include injury to the body as well as the psychological consequences (danno
psicofisico) which flow from such injury. This is seen as a subjective right
(diritto soggettivo) protected by the Constitution (articles 2 and 32 Cost.).
Due to a very long, complicated and controversial debate, which mainly
took place in the 1970s between academic lawyers and judges, a new
concept of damage to the person was created by case law. This is known
under the untranslatable heading of danno alla salute or danno biologico –
a notion which refers to any interference with the psycho-physical health
of the claimant which is presumed to be actionable if affected adversely.
This, then, is a third heading of damages which is awarded besides danno
patrimoniale and danno morale.
Danno biologico, as described above (and discussed in greater detail in
chapter 2), was originally awarded only to victims of traffic accidents.
Subsequently, however, it was extended to victims of accidents at work
and then, finally, it was awarded to other types of situations (e.g., damages
caused by defective products, tobacco inhalation, etc.).
Apart from the general rules provided by the Civil Code, many spe-
cial statutory rules govern specific circumstances or relationships. Indica-
tively one could mention the following: compulsory insurance for civil
liability arising from the use of vehicles;12 work-related accidents and oc-
cupational diseases;13 rail, sea and air transport;14 circulation of defective
11 Decision no. 8828 has, thus far, only been published on the Internet, 11 July 2003,
no. 233. See:
12 Law no. 990 of 24 December 1969, art. 18 ff.; Law no. 39 of 26 February 1977, art. 4; Law
no. 57 of 5 March 2001; Law no. 273 of 12 December 2002.
13 Law no. 144 of 17 May 1999; Legislative Decree no. 38 of 23 February 2000; Legislative
Decree no. 202 of 19 April 2001.
14 Warsaw Convention of 12 October 1929, implemented by Law no. 841 of 19 May 1932;
Bern Convention of 21 February 1961 implemented by Law no. 806 of 2 March 1963.
8 introduction
products15 and social security16 law. There are nowadays also special rules
which govern damage from vaccination and terrorist attacks for which
no compensation is provided but only a simple indemnity. One feature
of (some of ) these statutes is that they may provide ‘caps’ to damages
awarded under them. But no such capping of damages awarded under the
Civil Code is possible.
need for consistency and comparability in awards thus led the Court of
Appeal in Ward v. James18 to rule that juries should no longer be used for
the assessment of damages save in very exceptional cases.19 Lord Denning
MR, delivering the judgment of the full Court of Appeal, justified this as
recent cases show the desirability of three things. First accessibility: In cases of
grave injury, where the body is wrecked or the brain destroyed, it is very difficult
to assess a fair compensation in money, so difficult that the award must basically
be a conventional figure, derived from experience or from awards in comparable
cases. Secondly, uniformity: There should be some measure of uniformity in awards
so that similar decisions are given in similar cases; otherwise there will be great
dissatisfaction in the community, and much criticism of the administration of
justice. Thirdly, predictability: Parties should be able to predict with some measure
of accuracy the sum which is likely to be awarded in a particular case, for by this
means cases can be settled peaceably and not brought to court, a thing very much
to the public good. None of these three is achieved when the damages are left at
large to the jury.
It will be noticed that while the first two reasons given for the change
are related to what could be called the ‘fairness’ of the awards, the last is a
purely ‘administrative’ argument, though no less important for that. For
it is this consistency which makes it possible to proceed to settlement out
of court and thus expedites the administration of justice.
A second change of some importance to the law of damages came with
Jefford v. Gee,20 where it was held that judges must assess separately dam-
ages payable: (a) for accrued pecuniary loss; (b) for non-pecuniary damages;
and (c) for damages for loss of future earnings. This threefold division
was largely dictated by the passing of the Administration of Justice Act
1969, which made it obligatory for courts to award interest in any case
in which judgment21 was given for more than £200, all or part of which
consisted of damages in respect of personal injury or the death of a person.
Jefford v. Gee was, therefore, the case that elaborated the principles of the
award of interest, and it did so by dividing the heads of damages as above.
After some hesitation, these principles were confirmed in Pickett v. British
Rail Engineering Ltd22 and the position is as follows: (a) special damages
(i.e., pre-trial losses) carry interest at half the usual short-term rate; (b) for
non-pecuniary damages the interest on damages is at a more modest rate –
currently 2 per cent;23 finally (c) future pecuniary losses carry no interest
since they have not materialised at the time of the trial.
The final change was firmly established in George v. Pinnock,24 where it
was accepted that the parties themselves had a right to know how the
judge arrived at his final figure. The older practice, therefore, of allowing
an appeal only where the total figure was erroneous, was deemed to be
incorrect. Nowadays, therefore, the most common ground for overturning
an award is if there is an error in one of its component parts; and this,
typically, consists of the trial judge having failed to consider whether
there is an overlap between different headings of damages with the result
that the plaintiff has been enriched.25
German law
In terms of structure, the draftsmen of the BGB tried to steer a middle
course between the casuistic approach of the Roman law (and English
common law) on the one hand, and the vague general clauses of the French
Civil Code (articles 1382, 1383). Thus, three basic tort provisions of the BGB
(§§ 823 I, 823 II, 826) mirrored the status quo of the late nineteenth century,
though they remained open to new developments in the future.
21 This power of the court to award interest on a judgment meant that if the defendant
paid his debt any time between the commencement of the proceedings and the giving
of judgment he escaped having to pay interest at all. Now, however, as a result of s. 15 of
and Sch. 1 to the Administration of Justice Act 1982 the courts are given power to award
interest on any debt outstanding when the writ is issued.
22 [1980] AC 136.
23 Birkett v. Hayes [1982] 1 WLR 816; Wright v. British Railways Board [1983] 2 AC 773.
24 [1973] 1 WLR 118.
25 Thus, see, Harris v. Harris [1973] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 445, CA (future loss of earnings and loss of
marriage prospects); Clarke v. Rotax Aircraft Equipment Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 1570 (loss of
earning capacity and loss of future earnings). It is doubtful, but probably not finally
settled, whether there can be an overlap between pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses.
See Lord Scarman’s obiter dictum in Lim Poh Choo v. Camden and Islington Area Health
Authority [1980] AC 174 at 192.
t h e i m pa c t o f h i s t o r y 11
Italian law
Shadows of the past
Like the other two systems studied in this book, Italian law bears the marks
(or scars) of the country’s past. Three observations in particular need to
be made at this stage; others will emerge as the exposition of the detailed
rules unfolds.
12 introduction
First is the impact of Roman law. At the beginning this was, of course,
understandable. In the country where Roman law was born, its claim on
the present was obvious. The continued ‘relevance’ of the subject still
remains a discussed and disputed issue, some lawyers championing its
study merely for its historical interest while others argue that despite (or,
perhaps, because of ) its Ovidian metamorphoses, the ancient learning still
has practical significance. Happily, we do not have to enter into this debate
for the purposes of this book. For, at least as far as the law of damages is
concerned, the link with the Roman past has long been attenuated almost
to vanishing point.
The grip Roman law retained over the subject during the middle and
latter part of the nineteenth century later gave way to German ideas
which acquired new prominence with the enactment of the BGB. Soon,
however, they, too, began to be overtaken by indigenous speculation,
largely prompted by dissatisfaction with award practices which often dis-
tinguished levels of compensation on the basis of outmoded societal views.
The work of Gioja26 brought to the subject an approach that made great
use of statistics and was thus too novel for his times. When notice finally
26 Melchiorre Gioja’s main work was Dell’ingiuria dei danni del soddisfacimento e relative basi di
stima avanti i Tribunali civili (1821). In it he stressed that the assessment of damage to the
person must have regard for the two ‘substances’ which constitute the person, i.e., his
body and his mind. He thus argued that the sufferings of the mind also affect the body.
The emphasis of compensation law must be on satisfaction for both affected elements;
and it must be achieved not so much by focusing on the income of the injurer but on
the situation of the victim. Gioja’s ideas led him to criticise Justinianic law and
re-evaluate medieval law which paid more attention to injured feelings resulting from
physical injuries. But Gioja also had another aim. He was concerned to remove the
danger of abuse of assessment of damages by having recourse to the science of statistics.
The chosen criteria taken into account were thus the age of the victim, his life
expectancy and, above all, his working conditions. For, whoever injures a working person
prevents him or her from utilising his or her powers. The shoemaker, who makes shoes
and who has been injured in the hand, must be awarded damages related to the income
he would have produced if he had remained unhurt; the surgeon, rendered unfit for his
profession, must be awarded damages related to the earnings he would have made from
his activity. These premises enable us to elaborate an actual taxonomy of injuries. Gioja
thus compiled very sophisticated tables reflecting his criteria. But, in addition to these
damages, Gioja also considered it necessary to take into account some very intangible
assets such as the deformation of beauty, something which he thought could have
particular impact on a woman’s (plaintiff ’s) life. For all persons who have an income
greater than daily wages he thought one should also have regard to the negative effect
of the injury on their social life. Additionally, the individual limbs of the body were
classified and assessed on the basis of a particular ‘price’, which took into account their
use in one’s physical, working and social life. To all this, Gioja added the injury to one’s
feelings, which is not limited to pain, but includes the consideration of the victim in
the society of his peers, including also his commercial standing.
t h e i m pa c t o f h i s t o r y 13
came, it took a very Italian form; and this is the second feature of Italian
law which needs to be stressed.
The close interrelationship of academic writings and judicial work is
not a feature of Italian law alone. This symbiosis is a feature of the civilian
tradition and contrasts deeply with the common law – especially English
common law – practice of the first half of the twentieth century. But in
Italy, and because of the country’s rules of civil procedure,27 the judicial
acknowledgement of this academic inspiration and its subsequent em-
broidery by the courts is not obvious from the texts of their judgments.
Thus, as will be noted in the next chapter, the judicial tergiversations –
in particular over the way one should compensate non-pecuniary losses –
closely follow these academic debates. The fact that this theorising will
receive little attention in this book is dictated by the aims set out in its
Preface. Yet it is clear that the really interested reader must, at some stage
in his research, be able and willing to study this material if he is to un-
derstand better the judicial pronouncements on this subject. This adds a
further layer of difficulty in the presentation of Italian law which almost
makes it impenetrable to the outside observer – certainly the practitioner.
For present purposes, the last peculiarity of the Italian legal system
which needs to be stressed, particularly for the English reader, is the sys-
tem’s geographical fragmentation and complexity. By this we mean to
stress regional variations, both in the size of awards and, at times, the
proclaimed way of calculating them. The extent to which these judicial
variations can be linked to ‘local’ loyalties (e.g., legal theory developed
by the local law school) adds further ‘spice’ to this complex mixture. But
‘allegiances’ (and the reciprocal obligations they generate) are a notable
feature of Italian life as a whole. Here, we mention this feature only in
order to stress that it is also found in the life of the law.
Italy’s political fragmentation in the Middle Ages and, later, in the Re-
naissance and post-Renaissance years (lasting until its political unification
during the middle of the nineteenth century) is, of course, well-known.
Once again, one is bound to enquire if this picture is really that different
from the picture one encounters in post-1871 Germany (or, even, the
27 Article 118.3 of the Rules Concerning the Application of the Code of Civil Procedure
(enacted along with the Civil Code in 1942) expressly states that: ‘in ogni caso deve
essere omessa ogni citazione di autori giuridici’ [‘in any case all citation of legal authors
must be omitted’]. The reasons are not that different to those once utilised in England to
prohibit citing to English courts the works of living authors. But the citation of foreign
judgments is not caught by the prohibition and is beginning to take hold though,
admittedly, in a ‘supporting’ manner.
14 introduction
present United Kingdom). And yet, one is tempted to say that in Italy’scase
the difference may be quantitatively and qualitatively very pronounced
indeed. For one is not only talking of substantive differences in per capita
income – much higher in the North than in the South – but also differ-
ences of mentality, social structures and notions about family unity and
mutual obligations – all of which have a bearing even on a mundane and
technical subject such as the law of damages. To put it differently, the
regional variations in awards can be pronounced, something which has
led practitioners often to indulge in a sophisticated game of (internal)
forum shopping.28 If practising lawyers (and their clients) can gain (and
have gained) from such ingenuity, academics end up paying a substantial
price, at any rate whenever they are called upon to give to foreign lawyers
a simple presentation of Italian law.
Codal structures
In terms of structure the draftsmen of the Codice civile of 1942 had to make
a considered choice between the Code of 1865 (of the then recently uni-
fied Italy), which was inspired by the French model (Code Napoléon) and the
newer German Code (BGB) of 1900. (A third choice, never fully explored
by the Italians, was of trying to adjust the French model to the German
one and produce a synthesis of their own.) In the end, the decision was
taken to build tort law around a general rule, a sort of ‘general clause’
(article 2043 cod. civ.) which states that any malicious, intentional or neg-
ligent act which causes an injury to another ‘contrary to law’29 obliges the
tortfeasor to make amends.
As in the case of the French and German models, the fault principle
governs the model. Nonetheless, presumptions of fault were introduced
concerning the liability of parents, guardians, teachers, masters and em-
ployers, dangerous activities, things and animals in custody, collapsing
buildings and the circulation of vehicles.
As to what was protected, the codal provision was vague and generous;
and in practice it experienced a gradual expansion. Thus, during the first
28 Cases concerning torts are, at the plaintiff ’s choice, heard by the judge of the place
where the tort was committed (art. 20 Civil Procedure Code, cod. proc. civ.) or the place
of the defendant’s residual abode (the home for natural persons: art. 18 cod. proc. civ.,
or the place of the headquarters, for legal persons: art. 19 cod. proc. civ.). In car accident
cases, plaintiffs usually decide between the two depending upon which court is likely to
award higher damages in accordance with the tables concerning personal injuries
applicable to their location.
29 This requirement, a legacy of the Roman iniuria, brings Italian law closer to German
than to the French.
t h e i m pa c t o f h i s t o r y 15
decades of the Code’s life, the notion of danno ingiusto (in the key provision
of the Code: article 2043) was understood to refer only to interferences
with absolute subjective rights such as property, bodily health and per-
sonality (surnames, pseudonym, image and, later in the 1960s, privacy).
Since the 1970s, however, and thanks to a revolutionary decision of the
Supreme Court,30 even interference with contractual relations has been
included within the protective scope of this provision, in marked contrast
to the common law and German law which may afford such protection
only when additional elements are satisfied. Since 1999, following a sem-
inal decision of the Supreme Court,31 damages arising from an illegal act
of the administration have also been included within the protective ambit
of this provision thus leading to a damage award. The general rules of the
Civil Code have given rise to an enormous volume of decisions by Italian
courts so that one can truthfully claim that contemporary Italian tort law
is almost in its entirety case law.
Since the 1960s, the interpretation of the codified rules has been done
against the background of the Republican Constitution. This gave birth
to an entirely new framework of values (solidarity, equality and fairness)
which, in turn, provided new and intriguing foundations for private law
as part of the process which has elsewhere32 been described by one of us
as the ‘constitutionalisation of private law’. This new framework offers
the legal basis for some new policies for tort law concerning, for instance,
the rational distribution of wealth, the protection of the individual, the
balancing of conflicting interests, etc. Economic analyses of the law of
torts and references to the wider constitutional order have thus become
the main motors towards the introduction of strict liability in many in-
stances. Employers’ liability (article 2049 cod. civ.) and products liability33
are notable examples.
Legal machinery
In Italy as, indeed, in Germany, tort law has always been in the hands of
professional judges and juries are not recognised.
Since 1995 small claims judges (so-called ‘giudici di pace’, who are lay
judges and not employees of the state) are competent up to €2,500, and
30 Corte di Cassazione 26 January 1971, decision no. 174, Foro it., 1971, I, 342.
31 Corte di Cassazione 22 July 1999, decision no. 500, Foro it., 1999, I, 2487.
32 Shimizu Trust, ‘Comparative Law: A Subject in Search of an Audience’ (1990) 53 MLR.
33 Decree of the President of Republic no. 224 of 24 May 1988, enacting EEC Directive
85/374, art. 1.
16 introduction
in car accidents cases up to €15,000.34 All other tort cases are submitted
to courts dealing with civil matters, namely, the Court of First Instance
(Tribunale), the Court of Appeal (Corte d’Appello) and the Corte Suprema
di Cassazione – the Italian Supreme Court.
According to the figures of the Department of Justice (Ministero della
Giustizia) there are, in Italy, 848 locations of giudici di pace, 164 locations
of Tribunali, 26 Corti d’Appello and one Corte di Cassazione in Rome.
The total number of cases heard by these courts is very high. According to
the last Report of the Department of Justice covering the period 1 July 2001
to 30 June 2002, giudici di pace heard 726,845 civil cases. The Tribunali
heard 1,072,719 cases and the Corti d’Appello 7,899 cases. During this
same period the Corte di Cassazione had to deal with circa 15,000 appeals.
The average length of civil proceedings (from initiating the relevant
proceedings to decision) during this same period has been: 325 days for
the giudici di pace; 963 days for the Tribunali; 727 days for the Corti di
Appello; and almost two years for the Cassazione. So, theoretically, the
amount of time needed from the issuing of the writ to the final decision
of the Supreme Court could be something in the region of 2,320 days
or over seven years – a record which has not escaped the censure of the
European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
by 20 per cent and those of £40,000 by 10 per cent. The decision demon-
strates the caution which has always been adopted by English judges in
setting levels of general damages. In consequence, awards are very much
lower than those in the United States of America where a jury, not a judge,
sets the damages.
In common with Germany, awards in defamation cases (where the dam-
ages are set by the jury) have traditionally been much higher. Although
juries do not give reasons for their decisions and no one is permitted to
enquire into what happened in the privacy of the jury room, there is a
widely held belief that the jury’s intention is to punish the defendant.
It has led the Court of Appeal again to issue guidelines for appropriate
awards in defamation cases.
German law
The level of awards is influenced by the fact that there is no jury in civil
proceedings in Germany. The amount of compensation is assessed by the
judge who – with regard to mentality and personal income – could be
compared with higher ranking civil servants. Thus, middle class values and
economic perceptions determine the assessment of damages.36 Attempts
at the arbitrary redistribution of wealth, as one finds (or is said to find) in
American jury awards, are totally unknown in German law and, indeed,
the law of tort of Continental Europe.
Traditionally, German judges showed themselves very cautious in
awarding damages, though the current tendency points to somewhat
more generous awards. In the case of extremely severe injuries, the courts
have awarded under the heading of ‘Schmerzensgeld’ (non-pecuniary dam-
ages) up to €250,000 along with periodical payments of €1,000 per month
or more.37 Such amounts, though smaller (or much smaller) than awards
36 As to the social background and mentality of German judges see Heldrich and
Schmidtchen, Gerechtigkeit als Beruf (1982); Raiser, Rechtssoziologie (1987), p. 151.
37 In one case, a three-year-old boy was hurt in the face by an exploding bottle of lemonade
and became blind. The Court of Appeal of Frankfurt (OLG Frankfurt 21 February 1996,
VersR 1996, 1509, 1510) awarded DM500,000 (c. €250,000) plus a monthly pension of
DM500 (c. €250). In a decision delivered in 1993, the Court of Appeal of Düsseldorf (OLG
Düsseldorf 10 February 1992, NJW-RR 1993, 156, 158) had to deal with the case of a
thirty-three-year-old man who was hurt so badly in a car accident that he suffered
tetraplegia; the court granted him DM450,000 (c. €225,000) and a monthly pension of
DM750 (c. €375), which added up to c. DM600,000 (c. €300,000) when the annuity was
capitalised. In a case of paraplegia, the Court of Appeal of Frankfurt (OLG Frankfurt 21
March 1990, NJW-RR 1990, 990) awarded DM200,000 (c. €100,000) plus a monthly
pension of DM400 (c. €200). For cranio-cerebral injury resulting in an increased fluid
18 introduction
for pain and suffering made in the USA can, in fact, be larger than the
above figures may suggest once one has taken into account the additional
monthly amounts, especially where the victim has a long life ahead of
him or her.
An interesting feature of the German compensation practice is the sub-
stantial gap between the level of awards for physical injuries on the one
hand and compensation for infringements of personal rights on the other
(for a drastic contrast compare OLG Hamburg NJW 1996, 2870 (awarding
DM180,000 or €95,000 for a fictitious interview with Caroline of Monaco)
and AG Radolfzell NJW 1996, 2874 (awarding DM5,000 or €2,600 for the
rape of a woman)). This practice has been attacked with reference to the
principle of equality (article 3 I Grundgesetz) but, thus far, the attack has
not led to an upward adjustment of awards for non-pecuniary types of
The comparison of awards is facilitated by extensive private compila-
tions of court awards in Germany.39
Italian law
In Italian law the assessment of the amount of compensation is done by the
judge, usually on the basis of the findings of the technical report produced
during the trial by a medical expert appointed by the court (subject to the
right of the expert witnesses of the parties to contradict his findings). The
liquidated amount is assessed according to ‘equity evaluations’.40 We can
distinguish different kinds of methods.
‘Danno patrimoniale’ is calculated by taking account of expenses and the
loss of earnings.
‘Danno morale’ – pain and suffering in the meaning explained above – is
left to the ‘wise’41 discretion of the judge. In practice it does not reach half
the amount awarded for ‘danno biologico’. Currently, there is some pressure
pressure in the head and partial tetraspasticity, the Court of Appeal of Nürnberg (OLG
Nürnberg 21 June 1991, DAR 1994, 158) granted an indemnification of DM260,000
(c. €130,000). For more examples see Deutsch and Ahrens, Deliktsrecht (4th edn, 2002),
pp. 230–1, as well as chapters 2 and 3.
38 BVerfG 8 March 2000, NJW 2000, 2187; see p. 64.
39 ‘Schmerzensgeldtabellen’; see, e.g., Beck’s Schmerzensgeldtabelle (4th edn, 2001); Hacks, Ring
and Böhm, Schmerzensgeldbeträge (17th edn, 1995); see GLT, pp. 919–20.
40 The idea of ‘equitable evaluation of damages’ appears very frequently in Italian legal
literature and it really means judicial discretion. The flexibility (and vagueness) of the
notion must be noted; but it cannot be avoided.
41 Another of those Italian expressions frequently encountered in this part of the law. The
reader must note, however, how practice seems to have developed guidelines within
which this ‘wise’ judgment is exercised.
l e v e l s o f awa r d : a f i r s t g l a n c e 19
to apply tables which will give the same result for all cases, according to
the circumstances.
The most difficult problem is related to the calculation of ‘danno bio-
logico’. Every (local) court has in its possession tables drafted with the help
of statistics. In the Appendix, the reader can see the regional variations of
awards for ‘danno biologico’ in cases of permanent invalidity. The extent of
(permanent) invalidity can, of course, vary; and it is measured by a points
system fixed by the medical profession: 1 being the lowest; 100 being total
i.e., permanent disability.
The amounts given per point of invalidity vary according to standard
parameters (e.g., the age, sex, health, etc. of the victim). In the past, and to
some degree even at present, these amounts are (to some extent) affected
by fortuitous causes such as the judge’sleanings, regional differences, and
the like.
From a comparative point of view, what may be most interesting to
stress are the regional differentiations that have resulted from this prac-
tice. Thus, a five-year-old child, for each ‘point’ of permanent disability,
may obtain €550 from the Tribunal in Milan, €550 from the Tribunal in
Rome, and €1,200 from the Tribunal in Genoa; a thirty-five-year-old adult,
respectively €650, €400 and €900; an elderly person aged sixty-five, re-
spectively €500, €250 and €450.
For ten ‘points’ of disability, a five-year-old child, again in the same Tri-
bunals, may obtain respectively €15,000, €15,000, and €30,000; a thirty-
five-year-old adult, respectively, €12,000, €10,000 and €23,000; an elderly
person aged sixty-five, respectively €10,000, €6,500 and €11,000.
For 100 ‘points’ of disability i.e., for total disability, the minor may ob-
tain respectively €500,000, €650,000 and €300,000; the adult respectively
€450,000, €420,000 and €230,000; the elderly person aged sixty-five re-
spectively €370,000, €270,000 and €110,000.
As the text above shows, the value attributed to each point has var-
ied from one regional court to another. Such variations have not been to
everyone’sliking – hence article 5 of Law no. 57 of 5 March 2001 fixed a uni-
form price for ‘each point’ of permanent disability. This was set at €600.
This figure can be adjusted in order to take into account the rate of infla-
tion and the cost of living and, indeed, the Ministry of Industry (Ministero
delle Attività Produttive) raised this by decree on 22 July 2003 to €650.
Uniform tables thus now exist for permanent disability up to 9 points. For
higher forms of permanent disability, the value of each point remains to
be fixed in a uniform i.e., nationwide manner. Until this is done, regional
variations remain the rule.
20 introduction
a recognisable medical illness and pure pain or grief is known to all three
systems under comparison.
The same fears, but in a different area of civil liability, can also be found
in English (and American) law. This is the troublesome area of state and
local authority liability over a wide range of issues including potential
liability for the police, prosecution services, school authorities and other
social services bodies whose activities are primarily governed by a written
regulatory regime. The no-duty option has, it is submitted, again prevailed
widely in the common law systems; and this has largely been so because
common law judges have seen themselves as protectors of the fiscus. The
more liberal regimes found in Germany and France may, in part again,
be explicable by the fact that awards made in these systems for violation
of the rules of civil liability are relatively modest. Though these types of
claims are not within the purview of this book the idea herewith sketched
is one which the reader must constantly bear in mind. For the central
theme behind it is that in the common law, what often happens at the
liability stage of the enquiry is, in reality, determined by issues pertaining
to damages and procedure.
The last general point worth raising at this stage is the common law’s
willingness to use the notions of damage and causation to limit liability
and hence the possibility of awards. The bulk of these instances do not,
once again, concern issues of personal injury and thus do not fall to be
discussed in this book. Yet they do provide interesting insights into the
methodological need to look at foreign systems and the solutions they
provide to given factual situations from the angle of history, procedure
and wider societal policy concerns.
For we can see how judges could lay down rules about what kind of
damage was suitable, and the rules they laid down in fact differed accord-
ing to the type of behaviour in question. Just as the most objectionable
forms of behaviour (according to the early way of thinking, at any rate)
were made actionable per se, we find that the less objectionable the be-
haviour, the stricter is the definition of the requisite damage. And for
the least objectionable forms of damaging behaviour, such as the right
to start legal proceedings and the right to speak, this strictness was ex-
tended from the definition of that damage to the prescription of the causal
link between the behaviour and the damage. Thus, in an action for abuse
of legal procedure the plaintiff fails unless he shows that because of the
defendant’s conduct he has suffered damage in the form of risk of im-
prisonment, risk to property, actual financial damage or inevitable loss of
reputation. Other types of ‘injury’, like anxiety or a tarnished reputation,
22 introduction
will not suffice. Similarly, in all cases of slander (save the four exceptional
categories which are actionable per se), the plaintiff has to show that he suf-
fered special damage in the sense of damage which is capable of pecuniary
estimation. Indeed, the cases suggest that a tight causal link will also be
required, for it will not suffice to establish that the normal consequence
of the words complained of was to make others think worse of the plain-
tiff. It will also have to be shown that the words complained of directly led
others to deny the plaintiff some economic benefit. Finally, in negligence
the plaintiff must prove damage. Where the harm is physical injury to
person or property, the courts’ main preoccupation has been with issues
of duty and remoteness; and where the plaintiff ’s hurt has occurred invis-
ibly in the form of shock or pure financial loss, they have encountered the
greatest difficulties. Yet, a few cases apart, the courts have refused to deal
with these problems under the rubric of ‘damage’ and have tried to use
the concepts of duty and remoteness with which they are familiar. This
brings us back to our opening remarks about the tendency of common
law judges to use remoteness or duty terminology where they are really
expressing doubts as to the compensability of a particular type of damage.
German law
When we move to German law we note that the problems discussed under
this subheading become problems of ‘structure’ or arrangement of the
kind which one has to consider in systems operating under written civil
codes but do not arise in the common law systems. Thus, the principles
of compensation for injuries are not peculiar to tort law but are laid
down in the general provisions of the second book of the BGB, the ‘law
of obligations’ (§§ 249–255 BGB). They thus apply to contractual as well as
tortious liability. Indeed, only few provisions of tort law (§§ 842–845 BGB)
spell out or modify these principles. A very practical consequence of this
first point is that the researcher must be prepared to find the relevant
material not merely in tort books but also in treatises of the entire law of
The starting principle is ‘Naturalrestitution’– the wrongdoer has to repair
the damaged good (§ 249 I BGB) or to pay the money necessary for its
restoration (§ 249 II BGB).42 This principle goes along with the principle
of ‘Totalreparation’ – the damage has to be fully compensated.43 It is no
exception to this principle that the wrongdoer may only partially be liable
Italian law
As mentioned above, the basic rules governing compensation for personal
injury are set out in the Italian Civil Code art. 2056. In its basic structure
this system leans more towards the French and more ‘generous’ approach
to tort law than towards either the English or the German. By this we
mean basically that Italian law has not experienced the difficulties the
other two systems have with pure economic loss, being content to leave its
solution to the notion of causation. On the other controversial issue of tort
44 This rule does not apply, however, with regard to injured animals: § 251 II 2 BGB.
45 This rule may not be confused with the (irrelevant) distinction between direct and
indirect damages. If the tortfeasor is liable for the injury of the victim, this includes
direct damages (Erstschaden) as well as consequential damages (Folgeschäden) – as long as
the latter can, according to the theories of causation, be attributed to the tortious act.
46 For more details see GLT, pp. 925–30. 47 See p. 81 and GLT, pp. 115–44.
48 See chapter 3.
24 introduction
Given that car ownership is very extended in Italy and given also the fact
that insurance for motor vehicles is compulsory, the cost of car insurance
is one, effectively, carried by most Italian families. For this reason, mo-
tor car insurance has, nowadays, also become an item that interests the
government since it has to be taken into account in determining the statis-
tical index of the rate of inflation. The widespread claim for damages from
the use of vehicles is taken as the benchmark against which all claims for
personal injuries must compare, except for those cases where there are
reasons to intervene with specific rules, such as for accidents in the work-
place, catastrophic events, and so forth. Hence the widespread conviction
that the rules pertaining to personal injuries should not be separated from
the evaluation – of a macroeconomic nature – of their effects on the entire
economic system and on that in which the insurance companies operate.
It is against this background that one must see the interventions made
at the beginning of the twentieth century by the insurance companies to
standardise, according to assessment tables, the amounts to be paid out
to the victim in the event of permanent damage. The same is true for the
agreements reached at the end of the twentieth century on the premiums
to be charged to their insured parties. The Italian government assumed a
big say in this.
In the 1990s the tide changed. Various EEC Directives49 forced the Ital-
ian government to give up its right to fix premiums and leave their de-
termination to market forces. Most observers had assumed and, indeed,
predicted that this would lead to a decrease of premiums as a result of mar-
ket pressures forcing insurance companies to become more competitive.
Yet the premiums went up, not down, because the insurance companies
argued that ‘danno biologico’ and other kinds of rising costs could only be
met by a rise in car insurance premiums. This, however, was the façade;
the reality was different. For an enquiry by the Anti-Trust Authority sub-
sequently determined that seventeen insurance companies had reached
a secret agreement enabling them to increase premiums. For this, the
‘guilty’ insurance companies were fined €350,000,000;50 and an appeal to
the Consiglio di Stato was unsuccessful.51 It is, therefore, understandable
49 Directive 92/96/EEC (life) and Directive 92/49/EEC (non-life) respectively enacted with
Legislative Decree no. 174 of 17 March 1995 and Legislative Decree no. 175 of 17 March
50 Autorità di Garanzia della Concorrenza e del Mercato, delibera del 28 July 2000,
no. 8546 in Boll. N. 30/2000.
51 Consiglio di Stato, decision of 23 April 2002, no. 2199, see www.giustizia-
26 introduction
why governments over the last few years have put forward rules concern-
ing the criteria for the assessment of personal injuries, not so much with
the aim of standardising compensation in the event of identical or similar
injuries, but rather in an effort to contain the amount of the same, and
therefore inflation.
delayed. Even in a complicated head injury case (where, for example, the
claimant needs a lengthy period of rehabilitation) the court tends to set
periodic case management conferences in order that it may be informed
as to the progress of the claimant and ensure that the matter is brought
to trial as expeditiously as is practicable.
In these types of cases the intention of the Woolf Committee to drive
down the costs has not, thus far, succeeded. In a long, difficult and com-
plicated case the costs could easily exceed £100,000 on each side.
In multi-track cases the costs are not fixed. Each party is entitled to
spend as much as they think they need. However, once the case has been
decided the losing party, which normally pays the costs of the winner,
is entitled to have the winner’s cost assessed by a specialist cost judge.
He will determine what is reasonable. Normally the winner will recover
about 80 per cent of the costs actually incurred from the other side.
German law
There are many more courts and judges in Germany than in England.
More precisely, there are 708 Amtsgerichte, 116 Landgerichte, 25 Ober-
landesgerichte and one Federal Supreme Court in civil matters (BGH).52
Approximately 22,000 judges are employed by the single states of Germany
or by the Federal Republic (with 110 judges at the BGH). The output of pub-
lished decisions in civil matters, especially in tort law, is very high. The
more important decisions of the BGH and the Oberlandesgerichte are pub-
lished officially by the courts themselves (BGHZ, OLGZ), but any of these
or other decisions may be published by interested law journals.
The duration of court proceedings varies considerably, the average du-
ration for the court of first instance being six months (Amtsgericht) or
11 months (Landgericht), respectively. Proceedings before the courts of
appeal take (on average) six to seven months (Landgerichte) or eight to ten
months (Oberlandesgerichte). The third instance again takes up to one
year (Oberlandesgericht or BGH). This means that parties to a lawsuit may
have to wait for the final judgment of the BGH (or OLG) for four years or
The costs of the proceedings depend on the value of the matter in dis-
pute. They include the costs of the court and the lawyers’ fees. If the value
of the matter is low, the costs may exceed the amount of money the par-
ties are fighting for. (Example 1: value €600; costs of first instance €400,
second instance €550, third instance €500 = costs of €1,450 altogether.
Example 2: value €35,000; costs of first instance €6,500, second instance
€8,500, third instance €8,000 = costs of €23,000 altogether.)54
Italian law
In Italy, the number of ‘ordinary’ (i.e., career, full-time) judges is approxi-
mately 8,000. To these must be added thousands of judges recruited on a
temporary basis from practising lawyers to deal with ‘severance’ proceed-
ings, which have formed a huge backlog, as well as thousands of giudici
di pace.
Every town, regardless of size, has its court, whilst the districts of the
Courts of Appeal correspond, by and large, to the regional capitals of
Italy. The number of judgments dealing with tort litigation reached by
the Corte di Cassazione every year represents, approximately, 10 per cent
of this court’s total number of decisions. Most are published in the law
reviews, and in data-banks. Judgments by the Constitutional Court (Corte
Costituzionale) on this subject are few, but highly relevant, as we have
seen (and will note again, later on) concerning both damage per se and
non-economic damage.
The duration of proceedings varies according to circumstances and the
workload of each court. Usually, a trial judgment takes between three
and four years to be delivered counting from the date when the writ was
issued. An appeal takes a further two to three years, and recourse before
the Corte di Cassazione will delay the final outcome by a further two
years. These time periods are slightly reduced if judgment is sought from
a giudici di pace.
The length of trials is one of the chronic problems of the administration
of justice in Italy, so quite often victims have gone to the European Court
of Human Rights in Strasbourg, and have obtained judgment against Italy
for violation of fundamental rights.55 Individuals who suffered a loss due
to a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights may have
their damage liquidated on an equitable basis according to Law no. 89 of
24 March 2001.
The cost of trials is largely linked to the value of the lawsuit. The judge
awards by judgment the amount of costs, which include both court fees
and legal fees and expenses for the winning party. Court costs are not con-
sidered high – they vary from court to court, but do not exceed e.g., €3,000
to €5,000 for car accidents. Taxes for judicial acts and execution of judg-
ments are, however, high. As regards lawyers’ fees, these are set out by the
National Bar Council and are fixed by a decree of the Ministry of Justice.
They vary depending on the value of the case and the activity performed,
in or outside the court.
Who pays legal costs? Is legal aid available and, if so, to whom and
on what basis? Does legal aid act as a brake on litigation? Are
conditional fee agreements or contingency fees permitted?
English law
The general rule is that the losing party pays the costs of both sides. How-
ever, since the introduction of the Civil Procedure Rules in 1999 costs are
more issue-based than before.56 The overall winner may be deprived of his
costs for an issue he has lost. In practice that will only be done where the
issue on which he has lost played a major part in the case.
A defendant can protect himself by making a payment into court of the
amount which he believes that the claimant will actually recover at trial.
The claimant has the right to take the money so paid into court within
twenty-one days of being notified of the payment in. In that event the
defendant will pay all the claimant’scosts. If, however, the matter proceeds
to trial and the claimant recovers the same or less than the amount of the
payment, he will have to pay the defendant’s costs as well as his own from
the date of such payment in.
In the event that the trial is split and liability is tried first, the claimant
will be awarded his costs of that trial. If, when quantum is dealt with, he
fails to beat a payment in then he will have to bear the costs of the second
If the defendant is unable to protect himself by means of a payment into
court (as, e.g., where liability is tried separately) he can protect himself by
making an offer of settlement in a letter marked ‘without prejudice save
as to costs’. The letter cannot be referred to unless and until the question
56 A.E.I. Rediffusion Music Ltd v. Phonographic Performance Ltd [1999] 1 WLR 1507 and Firle
Investments Ltd v. Datapoint International Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 1106.
30 introduction
German law
Costs and legal aid
The losing party has to pay all of the costs – this includes the costs of the
court and the fees of the lawyers of both sides (§ 91 ZPO). If the lawsuit is
57 Callery v. Gray (Nos. 1 and 2) [2002] UKHL 28; [2002] 1 WLR 2000; Halloran v. Delaney [2002]
EWCA Civ 1258; [2003] 1 WLR 28.
w h o pa y s l e g a l c o s t s ? 31
Italian law
In Italian law, the losing party must pay all costs, including court fees
and the legal fees and expenses of the prevailing party. If the claimant
has obtained only partial judgment in his favour, the award of costs may
59 For an exhaustive discussion and references see Maubach, Gewerbliche Prozessfinanzierung
gegen Erfolgsbeteiligung (2002); Dagobert Nitzsche, Ausgewählte rechtliche und praktische
Probleme der gewerblichen Prozesskostenfinanzierung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des
Insolvenzrechts (München, 2002).
s o c i a l s e c u r i t y, s o u r c e s o f r e v e n u e a n d t o r t l aw 33
follow a different pattern, e.g., may end up being split equally between
the litigating parties.
Defence free of charge was an institution entrusted to the local bar
associations. They, in turn, would request their members, for reasons of
solidarity and professional dignity, to take on the defence free of charge.
Nowadays, however, such defence is no longer free of charge but is paid
for by the state.
The matter has recently been the subject of reform, Law no. 217 of 30 July
1999 having radically changed the previous regulations.60 To obtain legal
aid the applicant must have a personal income, if single, not exceeding
€9,000. For persons living as a family, the cut-off point is fixed by taking
into account the income earned collectively by all the family members.
Lawyers’ fees are paid by the state and, in the event that the defended
party prevails, court costs and legal fees are paid to the state by the losing
Legal expenses insurance can, nowadays, be found even in Italy but it
is one branch of the insurance business which is not greatly developed;
only a few insurance companies cover this type of risk. The relationship
between the insured and the company is governed by the insurance policy.
In Italian law any agreement on making the payment of lawyers’ fees
conditional on the outcome of the case is forbidden by the Civil Code
(article 2233). Lawyers are not allowed, even through third party inter-
mediaries, to stipulate any agreement with their clients either excluding
the payment of fees or connecting payment to the successful outcome
of the trial. They are not even allowed to stipulate agreements concerning
the disputed assets in relation to which they have been appointed to act.
Violation of this prohibition is punished by treating the agreement as
being null and void and by compensation being awarded for damages.
estimated at about 215,000, about 6 per cent of the grand total, received
any compensation in the form of tort damages. For the remainder, social
security, occupational sick pay or private insurance represent the main
if not sole sources of relief. But if tort victims represent only a small
percentage of accident victims, their share of the aggregate value of com-
pensation payments (estimated at £827 million at 1977 prices) amounted
to just over £200 million, so that just over 6 per cent of the accident vic-
tims received some 25 per cent of the total compensation paid out. This
category certainly includes a substantial percentage of the most serious
types of injury, but even allowing for this, it is not disputed that tort
victims fare rather better than the victims of other injuries. If these tort
victims are allowed to pile on to their tort awards other benefits received
from other systems of compensation (such as social security and private
insurance), the danger is not only that they may end up by being overcom-
pensated, but also that the overall compensation system may end up by
being unduly costly and wasteful as regards some victims and rather mean
to others. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to this problem of dou-
ble compensation. Professor Atiyah, who has written extensively on this
subject, has summed up the problem as follows:
If there [were] any rational pattern to the various compensation systems as a whole,
it might have been possible to construct a ‘hierarchy’ of systems under which a
man should be compensated by system A, if that were possible, and if not, he
should then be relegated to systems B, C and D in turn. But this is not how things
have developed. In fact, each system by and large decides whether it is willing
to shoulder a burden, irrespective of other compensation available, or whether it
wishes to push the burden on to another system, or whether it is willing to share
the burden. But the whole process is one of almost unbelievable complexity.62
62 Patrick Atiyah, Accidents, Compensation and the Law (Peter Cane (ed.) 4th edn,
Butterworths, 1987), p. 390.
s o c i a l s e c u r i t y, s o u r c e s o f r e v e n u e a n d t o r t l aw 35
German law
A victim may be entitled to benefits from various branches of the social
security system, especially from sickness insurance, workmen’s compen-
sation insurance, unemployment insurance (if he has lost his job because
of the injury), or from care insurance (if he needs permanent care). Besides
the benefits from social security, the victim may have taken out private
accident insurance. As to the effect of such benefits on the compensation
claim, see p. 143.
If the victim is an employee but unable to work because of his injuries, he
is nevertheless entitled to full pay from his employer for the first six weeks
of sickness. His claim against the tortfeasor is insofar ex lege transferred
to the employer (§ 6 Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz; see chapter 4).
63 Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997, for which see below.
64 See Richard Lewis, ‘Deducting Collateral Benefits from Damages: Principle and Policy’
(1998) 18 Legal Studies 15 (Select Bibliography).
36 introduction
Italian law
In Italian law the victim of a tort may draw money from several social
security systems. These include national insurance for work-related acci-
dents, national health insurance, unemployment benefits, and so forth.
In the event of a road accident, the victim also benefits from the compul-
sory insurance for civil liability (if the wrongdoer is insured) and from
the indemnity granted by the Insurance Companies’ Guarantee Fund (in
the event that the wrongdoer is not identified or is unable to pay for the
damage caused). As regards the procedures for compensation, see below.
One peculiarity of the Italian Workers Compensation Act65 should, per-
haps be stressed from the outset. Compensation here follows strict rules
which determine its percentage by reference to the injured employee’s
wages. The Corte Costituzionale, however, has had difficulty in accepting
such reduced compensation with regard to the non-pecuniary part of the
award that refers to the danno biologico.66 An appeal to the Italian legislator
to address the problem having fallen on deaf ears, the Corte has returned
to the issue and has held that the evaluation of danno biologico should in
these cases, as well, follow the general rules (discussed in chapter 2).
Method of payment
English law
The first thing to note is that in tort actions damages must be awarded67
once only in respect of each cause of action and they take the form of a
lump sum.68 The English courts have no power to order the payment of
damages in periodic sums unless the parties agree.69 Accordingly, they
Sooner or later . . . if the parties do not settle, a court (once liability is admitted or
proved) has to make an award of damages. The award, which covers past, present
and future injury and loss, must under our law be a lump sum assessed at the
conclusion of the legal process. The award is final; it is not susceptible to review as
the future unfolds, substituting fact for estimate. Knowledge of the future being
denied to mankind, so much of the award as is to be attributed to future loss
and suffering – in many cases the major part of the award – will almost surely be
wrong. There is really only one certainty: the future will prove the award to be either too
high or too low.
damages in an action for personal injury may, with the consent of the parties, make an
order under which the damages are wholly or partly to take the form of periodical
70 [1980] AC 174 at 182–3 (emphasis added). 71 [1979] QB 196 at 214 ff.
38 introduction
72 [1980] AC 174 at 183. See also Lord Steyn’s highly critical comments on the present
system of lump sum payments in Wells v. Wells [1999] 1 AC 345 at 384.
m e t h o d o f pa y m e n t 39
Interim damages
The idea of awarding interim damages is even older. It can be traced back
to the Winn Committee Report of 1968 and is nowadays regulated by Or-
der 29, Part II, rule 11 of the Rules of the Supreme Court. Such an order can
be made at the discretion of the court where ‘need’ can be shown by the
plaintiff.74 The money is meant to cover the plaintiff’s interim pecuniary
losses (such as loss of earnings, medical expenses, and the like) and can-
not include a percentage of his (possible) general damages. For a variety
of reasons this procedure, too, seems to be underused in practice. Some of
73 [1974] 1 WLR 984, now covered by the Civil Procedure Rules Part 3(2)(i).
74 Schott Kem Ltd v. Bentley [1991] 1 QB 61.
40 introduction
the reasons for this seem to be purely technical;75 and, nowadays, the
operation of the Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997 may also
have an adverse effect in so far as there is the danger that the new
scheme might swallow up all interim payments, especially in those cases
involving smaller sums. So this device, too, has been of limited use to
Provisional damages
Provisional damages provide the third, comparatively recent, innovation
that aims to improve the position of the deserving victim of personal in-
jury. They were made possible by section 6 of the Administration of Justice
Act 1982 which empowers the courts ‘to make a provisional award in cases
where the medical prognosis is particularly uncertain and where there is
a chance,76 falling short of probability, that some serious disease or serious
deterioration in the plaintiff’s condition will accrue at a later date’.77
In the debates in the House of Lords, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Hailsham,
did not envisage that frequent use would be made of this provision;78 and
events have proved him right. The example he gave of a case suitable to
be brought under this heading, was of a young child whose skull was
fractured in an accident and who, at the trial, may appear to have made
full recovery. Yet in cases of cranial injuries there is always a chance of
subsequent epilepsy. Section 6 will now enable the court to award nothing
in respect of the feared event but to give damages later if the feared event
materialises. This procedure will avoid trying to evaluate the possibility of
the feared event materialising and then awarding a smaller sum for this
‘chance’ that may end by being too low or too high. Unlike the Pearson
proposals on this point, it is not obligatory for the court to adopt this
procedure on its own; it will be for the plaintiff to claim that a provisional
damages award be made; and the interests of the defendant will also have
to be given due weight. The case of Willson v. Ministry of Defence79 has, as
already stated, revealed how conservative the approach of the courts has
The provisions of section 6 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982
were brought into force in July 1985.80 Under the new regime, as it was
75 They are discussed in the Law Commission Consultation Paper No. 125, pp. 71–2.
76 In Willson v. Ministry of Defence [1991] 1 All ER 638 the trial judge was of the view that
s. 32A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 was concerned with measurable not fanciful
chances, thus further limiting the opportunity of using this procedure.
77 It will be noticed that this section applies to contingencies due to medical reasons.
78 Hansard (HL) 1982, 28. 79 [1991] 1 All ER 638 at 641.
80 Rules of the Supreme Court, Order 37, rules 7–12, now Civil Procedure Rules Part 41.
m e t h o d o f pa y m e n t 41
81 See Bragg, ‘Provisional Damages’ (1992) 136 SJ 654, at 655. 82 At pp. 76–84.
42 introduction
Structured settlements
We shall discuss this mechanism briefly in chapter 5.
German law
As already mentioned before (see p. 3), German law distinguishes between
single losses and continuing losses. The first type of loss has to be compen-
sated by a single sum of money, while for the second type § 843 I BGB es-
tablishes the principle of periodical payments. These payments, however,
may be capitalised if there is a serious reason to do that (§ 843 III BGB).
83 For instance, the old s. 4 of the Defamation Act 1952 dealing with ‘unintentional
84 A case law search has disclosed only one recent case in which Willson was considered
and the judge in Fashade v. North Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust [2001] 4 QB 13 refused to
grant provisional damages for the claimant’s respiratory disability, on the ground that
the risk was not ‘clear and severable’ as opposed to ‘a continuing deterioration’. This
continues to suggest a highly restrictive approach on the part of the courts to
provisional damages claims, although some commentators justify this due to the need
to prevent the introduction of a ‘serious measure of uncertainty into the system’:
Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort (Horton Rogers (ed.), 16th edn, London, 2002), pp. 772–3.
m e t h o d o f pa y m e n t 43
In practical life, this statutory relation of rule and exception has been
turned into its opposite.85
For those cases in which the extent of the damages is uncertain, German
law of civil procedure offers two alternative ways of dealing with these
situations, depending on the degree of uncertainty encountered. On the
one hand, if it is not possible to foresee the future development of the
damage caused with adequate probability,86 German law (§ 256 ZPO) al-
lows that a declaratory judgment be passed which states the liability of
the wrongdoer for all damages incurred by the victim, without awarding
a certain sum or pension. Later on, once the damage has become certain,
either the parties will settle the victim’s claims between themselves, or
they can return to court in order to have the amount of damages judicially
determined. The court will then proceed on the basis of the first judgment.
On the other hand, if a pension (annuity) – this second possibility does not
exist for the case of a sum having been awarded87 – has been granted by
the judge, based on his assessment of how the damage will develop, and if
substantial new circumstances arise that make it necessary to change the
amount of the pension awarded, such a change can be effected through
new court proceedings (§ 323 ZPO). In this case, as well, the first judgment
in principle has a binding effect on the parties and the new judge. Only
circumstances that have arisen after the first decision has been passed jus-
tify a modification and may be taken into consideration when the amount
of the pension due is reassessed.88 For details see chapter 4, especially
pp. 138–42.
Inquiries with insurance companies have shown that an equivalent to
‘structured settlements’has not been developed in Germany. The two basic
methods of compensation (lump sum, annuities) may be modified in a
given case (annuities for five years, then lump sum for the rest of the life
of the victim, or the other way round; or non-pecuniary damages payable
in the form of annuities instead of a lump sum), but there is no ‘third way’
like the structured settlement. This might be due to different tax laws
in Germany and the United Kingdom: under German tax law, it is not
the method of payment which is decisive but the object of compensation.
Damages for increased costs of living are not taxable but income tax has
to be paid for payments which compensate the victim for lost income.89
For more details see p. 59.
Italian law
As regards the procedures for the actual payment of the amount of dam-
ages, we have said previously that the judge establishes whether to award a
lump sum or a life annuity. In Italy, however (as, indeed, in France), the an-
nuity option is rarely exercised. Provisional damages can also be awarded
if requested by the claimant. The mechanism of structured settlements
has not yet been considered in Italian law.
English law
The guiding principle for the award of damages in respect of a tort is, in
English law, to compensate the victim of the wrongdoing. That is as true
in cases of personal injury as it is for any other tort. Punitive or exemplary
damages may not be awarded for personal injury no matter how severe the
injury may be nor how gross the negligence on the part of the wrongdoer.
The difference here between English and American law is significant and
accounts in large part for the different size of awards found in the two
If, however, injury has been caused by a deliberate act, aggravated dam-
ages may be awarded. If the personal injury has been caused by a tres-
pass to the person rather than by negligence, the court has discretion to
make such an award.1 Such cases are rare, and judges have discouraged
the pleading of claims as a deliberate tort in an attempt to increase the
1 W v. Meah [1986] 1 All ER 935 where aggravated damages were awarded in a case of rape
and vicious sexual assault. The difference between aggravated and exemplary damages
has always been troublesome even though the prevailing view is that they are different.
The most recent (and thorough) discussion of the subject can be found in Thompson v.
Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis and Hsu v. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [1998]
QB 498 and Kuddus v. Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary [2001] UKHL 29; [2001] 1
WLR 1789, yet even this reveals the closeness of the two notions. See also the Law
Commission’s Consultation Paper on Aggravated, Exemplary and Restitutionary Damages
(Law Com. No. 132, 1993), which recommended the abolition of aggravated damages as a
separate head of damages, and their absorption into a ‘strict compensatory model’ (para.
8.18); see also Law Commission Report No. 247 (1997).
2 Letang v. Cooper [1965] 1 QB 232 but see Kralj v. McGrath [1986] 1 All ER 54. See also Appleton
v. Garrett [1996] 5 PIQR P1.
46 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
There may also be a sound practical reason for framing claims in neg-
ligence. A claimant who pleads trespass in the form of assault or battery
gives the defendant employer the opportunity to contend that he is not
vicariously liable because the deliberate act was outside the scope of his
employee’s employment. It also gives the insurer standing behind the de-
fendant the opportunity to avoid the policy. It is, therefore, prudent for the
claimant to restrict his claim to one of negligence in order to be sure that
he will be paid his compensatory damages. Furthermore, the limitation
period is different. If an intentional tort is alleged, the limitation period
is six years but cannot be extended under section 33 of the Limitation Act
As we shall see in chapter 4, in the case of pecuniary losses the law aims
at full compensation (though whether it achieves this or not in all cases
is another matter). Such full compensation, however, is not objectively
possible in the case of non-pecuniary damage and the aim here is thus to
achieve fair compensation or satisfaction. However, in English law, these
words are not used as terms of art as they are in German law.
3 Wise v. Kaye [1962] 1 QB 638. This is so even if the result of lack of consciousness or pain is
due to drugs or anaesthetics: H. West & Son Ltd v. Shephard [1964] AC 326. The greater
availability of pain-killing drugs may well reduce further these awards and, perhaps, lead
the courts into making larger awards under the heading of loss of amenity.
e n g l i s h l aw 47
Loss of amenity
The expression ‘loss of amenity’ is less easy to define. In H. West & Son Ltd v.
Shephard6 Lord Reid said:
There are two views about the true basis for this kind of compensation. One is that
the man is simply being compensated for the loss of his leg or the impairment of
his digestion. The other is that his real loss is not so much his physical injury as the
loss of those opportunities to lead a full and normal life which are now denied to
him by his physical condition – for the multitude of deprivations and even petty
annoyances which he must tolerate.
It is important in each case to consider precisely what has been lost. All
the personal circumstances of the injured individual must be taken into
account. That includes age, lifestyle, hopes and expectations, and disabil-
ities existing before the accident. Thus, a fit, athletic, active individual,
who in consequence of an injury is unable to participate in sport or an
outdoor lifestyle and who can no longer play with his young children in
the manner that he did before the accident, has lost more than a seventy-
year-old with a sedentary lifestyle who engages in gentler pursuits.
If the claimant’s injuries thus deprive the claimant of the capacity to
engage in sport or other pastimes, which he enjoyed before his injury, then
this must be compensated. Other losses compensated under this heading
include impairment of one of the five senses;7 loss or impairment of sexual
life;8 diminution of marriage prospects (an item which is additional to the
pecuniary loss that may result from such an event); destroyed holiday;9
inability to play with one’s children;10 and many others.
Until fairly recently, it was uncertain whether this heading of damage
was separate from or merely part of any award for pain and suffering. In
other words, what was unclear was whether the damages are awarded in
respect of the objective loss of amenities, or in respect of the subjective mental
4 Fletcher v. Autocar and Transporters Ltd [1968] 2 QB 322 at 340–1 (per Diplock LJ) and 364
(per Salmon LJ).
5 See Hicks v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992] 2 All ER 65.
6 [1964] AC 326 at 341. See also Lim Poh Choo v. Camden and Islington Area Health Authority
[1980] AC 174, per Lord Scarman at 183.
7 e.g. taste and smell: Cook v. J.L. Kier and Co. [1970] 1 WLR 774.
8 Ibid. 9 Ichard v. Frangoulis [1977] 1 WLR 556.
10 Hoffman v. Sofaer [1982] 1 WLR 1350.
48 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
suffering which comes with the appreciation of such loss. In Wise v. Kaye11
the claimant was rendered immediately unconscious and remained so at
the time of the trial three-and-a-half years later. Though she had suffered
an almost complete loss of her faculties, she had no knowledge whatever
of this loss. For Diplock LJ this was a good reason for awarding her a
comparatively small sum under this heading. However, the majority of
the Court of Appeal thought otherwise, and two years later in H. West &
Son Ltd v. Shephard12 the House of Lords agreed with this view. As Lord
Morris put it:
the fact of unconsciousness is . . . relevant in respect of and will eliminate those
heads or elements of damage which can exist only by being felt or thought or ex-
perienced. The fact of unconsciousness does not, however, eliminate the actuality
of the deprivation of the ordinary experiences and amenities of life which may be
the inevitable result of some physical injury.
This majority view was reaffirmed in Lim Poh Choo v. Camden and Islington
Area Health Authority,13 where Lord Scarman said that the cases draw a clear
distinction between damages for pain and suffering and damages for loss
of amenities. The former depend upon the claimant’s personal awareness
of pain, her capacity for suffering. But the latter are awarded for the
fact of deprivation – a substantial loss, whether the claimant is aware of
it or not. Nevertheless, his judgment leaves one with the impression that
an important reason for accepting this view was his desire not to disturb
what had become an established rule, since it has influenced both judicial
awards and extra-judicial settlements for many years.14
The levels of awards for pain and suffering and loss of amenities have
become an increasingly important issue over the past twenty years. In
1999, we noted that the highest awards for pain and suffering and loss of
amenities were around the £100,000 mark.15 Faced with similar (and, of-
ten, much larger) awards, various systems (e.g., Canada, Eire and a number
11 [1962] 1 QB 638.
12 [1964] AC 326. The vigorous dissents of Lords Reid and Devlin repay careful study.
13 [1980] AC 174.
14 [1980] AC 174 at 189. A second reason given was that this reform would be best effected
by means of comprehensive legislation. Other jurisdictions have not adopted this rule;
and the Pearson Committee recommended its abolition (Cmnd 7054–1, 1978), vol. I,
para. 398. The Law Commission recently recommended that no change should be made
to the position established since H. West & Son Ltd v. Shephard and confirmed in Lim
(Damages for Personal Injury: Non-Pecuniary Loss (Law Com. No. 257, 1999), esp. paras 2.19
and 2.24).
15 £95,000 was, e.g., awarded in Brightman v. Johnson (quoted by Kemp and Kemp, The
Quantum of Damages, vol. 2, para. 1–010) whereas in Housecroft v. Burnett [1986] 1
e n g l i s h l aw 49
All ER 332, O’Connor LJ thought £75,000 was an appropriate guideline for the average
incident of tetraplegia.
16 See Personal Injury Compensation: How Much is Enough? (Law Com. No. 225, 1994) and
Damages for Personal Injury: Non-Pecuniary Loss (Law Com. No. 257, 1999) for detailed
discussion, including the results of extensive surveys and consultation responses. The
1999 Report proposed that awards up to £2,000 should see no increase, awards between
£2,000 and £3,000 should be increased by up to 150 per cent of present levels and
awards over £3,000 should see at least an increase of 150 per cent (and, indeed, possibly
200 per cent) of present levels.
17 [2001] QB 272. A five-judge Court of Appeal was convened to hear the appeal, indicating
the importance attached to the issue, and Lord Woolf MR delivered the court’s
18 The judgment states that it ‘is our view that between those awards at the highest level,
which require an upwards adjustment of one-third, and those awards where no
adjustment is required, the extent of the adjustment should taper downwards, as
illustrated by our decisions on the individual appeals which are before us’. On closer
inspection, this taper does not appear to descend evenly: Warren v. Northern General
Hospital NHS Trust and Annable v. Southern Derbyshire Health Authority (conjoined appeals
with Heil v. Rankin) saw the Court of Appeal increase the award from £135,000 to
£175,000 (the new figure amounting to c. 130 per cent of the old), Ramsay v. Rivers saw an
increase of approximately 25 per cent (£110,270 to £138,000), Kent v. Griffiths (No. 2) an
increase of around 20 per cent (£80,000 to £95,000), Rees v. Mabco (102) Ltd around
10 per cent (£45,000 to £50,000), Schofield v. Saunders & Taylor Ltd 10 per cent (£40,000 to
£44,000) and in Connolly v. Tasker, the court reassessed damages on the conventional
basis but made no increase in the level available (the sum being only £4,000 after the
Court of Appeal’s amendment). In Heil v. Rankin itself, no order was made due to other
complications yet to be dealt with in the case, although the court stressed that it would
recommend no increase in the level of damages, since the sum fell below the £10,000
threshold laid down earlier in the judgment. Appended to the judgment is a diagram
showing the levels of increases made, which may aid the reader in placing these various
increases into context.
50 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
who may often live to a ‘normal’ average age in spite of their injuries.
However, doubts were also expressed about placing too much reliance on
evidence found in various surveys since the material collected might well
be susceptible to a number of interpretations and explanations, rather
than just dissatisfaction with the level of damages for pain and suffering
and loss of amenities.19 The very highest award available in England is
thus £205,000 for quadriplegia. No individual, however seriously injured,
can receive more under the heading of general damages.
The judge then has to make his assessment taking all these matters into
account. As has already been said, the exercise is neither an exact science
nor a mathematical calculation. The judge does not, for example, say that
an individual should have £5,000 for a broken leg and £3,000 for an injury
19 See [2001] QB 272 at 302–13. 20 Fuhri v. Jones, CA, No. 199, 30 March 1979.
21 [2001] QB 272.
e n g l i s h l aw 51
to his arm, making £8,000 in all. He will consider all the factors on the
checklist and arrive at a final figure.
Despite appearing remote, judges, even in England, are human beings.
It would be idle to deny that, inevitably, some claimants make a good
impression upon them while others do not. Likewise, while some judges
are parsimonious, others are inclined to greater generosity. Practitioners
in the subject would subscribe to these views and would deny a too rigid
differentiation between the judges’ aloofness and the jury’s proclivity to-
wards deserving claimants. The Court of Appeal will not interfere with an
award of general damages unless it is plainly outside the bracket of what is
reasonable, having regard to the broad tariff in the Judicial Studies Board
(JSB) guidelines. As a result, it is rarely possible in England to give an exact
figure for what a particular claimant is likely to recover in any given case.
The best any practitioner can do is to provide a bracket.
Psychiatric injury
Special considerations apply to psychological injuries which, once known
as ‘nervous shock’,22 now tend to be bracketed under the heading of ‘psy-
chiatric injury’.
The starting point is to specify what is meant by psychiatric harm. Dam-
ages cannot be recovered for mere grief or emotional distress at an injury
or death, even of a loved one: ‘in English law no damages are awarded for
grief or sorrow caused by a person’sdeath’.23 However, there is in principle
a distinction between mere grief and a more serious, prolonged psychi-
atric condition which may be identified with the help of expert medical
testimony. Medical science now recognises a condition known as ‘post-
traumatic stress disorder’, which may occur in reaction to the violent or
unexpected death of a close relative or friend.24 In Alcock v. Chief Constable of
South Yorkshire Police, relatives and friends of spectators who were crushed
to death inside a football stadium as a result of police negligence brought
actions for damages based on psychiatric illness suffered in reaction to the
event. Some had witnessed the scene at the ground. Yet others had not
seen the event but had suffered reactions from, amongst other things,
fear that a close friend or relative had been killed or injured; being told
that such a person had indeed been killed; and identifying the body at
the temporary mortuary set up near the ground. The nature of the condi-
tion from which the claimants were suffering was described in court as
The House of Lords restricted damages to those who had been within
sight or hearing of the event or its immediate aftermath. The House held
that the law should not compensate shock brought about by communica-
tion by a third party. It also dismissed the claims of those who had seen
the events on live television, holding that the television pictures did not
depict suffering of recognisable individuals since that was excluded by
the broadcasting code of ethics.
The next thing to note is that as a result of a complicated and not always
rational development of the law in the last ten years or so, English courts
have come to make compensation depend crucially upon whether the
claimant is a primary or secondary victim of the accident.
Primary victims
A ‘primary victim’ has been defined as one who suffers psychiatric injury
after being directly involved in an accident and is either himself physically
injured or put in fear of injury. A ‘secondary victim’ suffers psychiatric in-
jury as a consequence of witnessing or being informed about an accident,
which involves another. As far as primary victims are concerned, it is well
established that an accident victim who is physically injured through the
negligence of another may, in principle, recover damages for the psychi-
atric as well as the physical consequences of the accident, subject to the
Secondary victims
The real difficulties begin when the claimant himself was neither phys-
ically injured nor threatened with injury. Such claimants were termed
‘secondary victims’ by Lord Lloyd. The victim may have suffered a psycho-
logical reaction after witnessing the scene of an accident where another is
killed or injured or through fear of injury to another, which does not then
materialise. Witnessing a scene may take the form of being present at the
event itself, seeing it relayed on television or hearing about it on the ra-
dio, or coming onto the scene in its immediate aftermath.30 Alternatively,
26 In the unusual case of Meah v. McCreamer (No. 1) [1985] 1 All ER 367, the claimant
recovered damages for the consequences of a car crash which included a personality
change and his subsequent imprisonment following conviction for offences of rape and
assault. See also the Australian case of Jaensch v. Coffey (1984) 155 CLR 549, discussed by
F.A. Trindade, ‘The Principles Governing the Recovery of Damages for Negligently
Caused Nervous Shock’ [1986] CLJ 476 at 477.
27 Bell v. Great Northern Railway Company of Ireland (1890) 26 LR Ir. 428, not following Victorian
Railways Commissioners v. Coultas (1888) 3 App. Cas. 222; Dulieu v. White & Sons [1901] 2 KB
28 [1996] 1 AC 155. In Page, the defendant, driving carelessly, caused a collision between his
car and that being driven by the claimant. The latter, although receiving no physical
injury at the time or later, later suffered a reaction which led to the revival of the
condition ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) which left him chronically ill and unable to
work. In his leading judgment, Lord Lloyd said that in the case of a primary victim such
as the claimant – i.e., one directly involved in an accident – it was not necessary to
consider whether psychiatric injury had been foreseeable. It was enough that injury of
some kind, either physical or psychiatric, was foreseeable. For an application of Page, see
Nobles v. Schofield, CA, judgment of 14 May 1998, discussed by Nicholas Mullany, ‘English
Psychiatric Injury Law – Chronically Depressing’ (1999) 115 LQR 30.
29 See the judgment of Lord Goff of Chieveley in White v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire
Police [1999] 2 AC 455 at 473–7.
30 Atkinson v. Seghal [2003] All ER (D) 341 (Mar) (Court of Appeal Civil Division, judgment of
21 March 2003); North Glamorgan NHS Trust v. Walters [2003] Lloyd’s Rep. Med. 49. In both
cases the Court of Appeal extended the meaning of ‘immediate aftermath’. In the first
case the appellant’s daughter died in a road accident. The mother arrived at the police
cordon whilst she was looking for E and was told by a police officer that E had died.
About an hour and a half later, the mother visited the mortuary where she saw E’s face
and head which were disfigured. The Court of Appeal held that ‘immediate aftermath’
extended from the moment of the accident until the moment the appellant left the
54 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
the reaction may have been brought about by being informed of another’s
death or injury in particular circumstances. As the law presently stands,
however, the victim who has seen the events on television or heard about
them on the radio cannot be compensated.31 Psychiatric injury could oc-
cur without a ‘shock’ of any kind being sustained, for example through
the burden of caring for an injured relative. The nature of the relation-
ship between the claimant and the person suffering the injury in question
could range from that of a close family tie to the relations of friendship
or employment; the claimant could be a rescuer or a mere bystander. At a
further extreme, damage to property, such as a house, or to a much-loved
pet, could induce a reaction of this kind. In each of these cases the psy-
chological reaction suffered by the claimant may be entirely foreseeable.
However, for secondary victims, foreseeability of psychiatric damage be-
ing inflicted on the claimant is a necessary but not sufficient condition for
establishing a duty of care.32 If, for these purposes, the law regarded psy-
chiatric harm as equivalent to physical harm, there would be no difficulty
about a duty of care arising and liability would then depend on questions
of fault, causation and remoteness. Many cases might fail at these later
stages, particularly on questions of causation. But the common law does
not currently take this view.
The prevailing view instead is that the extent of the duty of care is
limited by a number of essentially arbitrary factors. In particular, the
claimant will have to show, in general, that: (a) he was not abnormally
susceptible to this type of harm; (b) that his illness or condition was caused
by a ‘shock’ of some kind; (c) that he either witnessed the event directly
mortuary. In North Glamorgan NHS Trust, the claimant was a mother of the baby son
who suffered severe brain damage as a result of the hospital’s negligence. Initially she
was sleeping in the same room and saw him coughing blood. She was initially told that
no brain damage had occurred. She followed the ambulance in which he was taken
from one hospital to another. The following day she was advised that the brain was so
badly damaged that he would have no quality of life. She agreed to terminate the life
support and her son died in her arms. The Court of Appeal held that the whole
thirty-six-hour period was one drawn out experience and that the claimant could
recover damages in respect of her injuries for all the events which occurred during
that period.
31 Alcock v. Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police, n. 25 above.
32 In some early decisions the courts denied recovery to what would now be classified as
‘secondary victims’ who were not in the likely area of physical impact: see Behrens v.
Bertram Mills Circus Ltd [1957] 2 QB 1 and King v. Phillips [1953] 1 QB 429, where the judges
were divided on the reason for denying recovery. In Bourhill v. Young [1943] AC 92, Lords
Wright and Porter argued for the test of foreseeability of shock or psychiatric damage,
and this was accepted by the Privy Council in The Wagon Mound (No. 1) [1961] AC 388.
These dicta should not now be read as referring to primary victims following the
judgment of Lord Lloyd in Page v. Smith [1996] AC 155 (see in particular at 189).
e n g l i s h l aw 55
or came upon its immediate aftermath; and (d) that his relationship with
the accident victim was sufficiently ‘proximate’ in the sense defined by
the judges. All these conditions have raised their own difficulties and the
reader who wishes more details must look for them in the specialised
textbooks on tort law.33 But the claims of two further types of victims
must be borne in mind to complete this summary picture of the law.
What these cases have in common is that here – unlike the cases thus
far considered – the claimant and defendant are known to each other in
advance. Indeed, one could argue that the defendant in these cases can
be regarded as having assumed a responsibility towards the claimant not
carelessly to expose him to the risk of psychiatric harm. In other words,
the existence of a pre-tort ‘special relationship’ of this kind may be the
basis for a finding of a duty of care when, otherwise, the conditions for
the existence of a duty would not be satisfied.
Thus, first, the responsibility owed by schools and educational author-
ities to children in their care or under their control seems fairly well
established. This principle of the responsibility of the individual teacher
to his students was accepted by the House of Lords in X (Minors) v. Bed-
fordshire County Council.34 In Phelps v. Hillingdon London Borough Council the
House of Lords refused to strike out an action based on the direct duty
owed by a public authority with responsibility for educational services.35
The potential for the application of this principle is apparent from a deci-
sion of the Court of Appeal, Bradford-Smart v. West Sussex County Council,36
in which an action was brought against the defendant for not taking steps
to prevent the bullying of the claimant by some of her schoolmates. The
bullying took place out of school, but it was argued that the defendant
should have taken steps to discipline the perpetrators. It was found, on
the facts, that the school had not acted negligently, but the existence of a
duty of care was recognised by the court.
The principle of assumption of responsibility may be taken further to
cover cases in which the defendant can be seen as being under a duty
of care to transmit distressing information to the claimant in a sensitive
and careful manner. In AB v. Tameside and Glossop Health Authority37 the
defendant sent out letters warning former patients that a health worker
33 For instance, Basil Markesinis and Simon Deakin, Tort Law (Simon Deakin, Angus
Johnston and Basil Markesinis (eds), 5th edn, OUP, 2003), ch. 2.
34 [1995] 2 AC 633 at 766 (per Lord Browne-Wilkinson). 35 [2001] 2 AC 619.
36 [2002] 1 FCR 425; [2002] LGR 489, CA, judgment of 23 January 2002; see also Gower v.
London Borough of Bromley [1999] ELR 356; Paula Giliker, ‘A ‘New’ Head of Damages:
Damages for Mental Distress in the English Law of Torts’ (2000) 20 Legal Studies 272.
37 [1997] 8 Med. LR 91.
56 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
from whom they had previously received obstetric treatment had tested
positive for HIV, leading to the risk that they would contract the disease.
The letters were sent by standard post and no arrangements were made
for counselling (although these were later put in place). Claims in respect
of psychiatric injury caused by the way in which the news of the possi-
ble risk to health was transmitted were rejected by the Court of Appeal,
but only after counsel for the defendants had conceded the existence of
a duty of care. As Nicholas Mullany has argued, this concession seems
justified: there was a pre-existing relationship and psychiatric harm was
foreseeable.38 The existence of a duty of care should not depend upon the
information being false. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that even
if a duty is established, there may be problems of causation: the claimant
will have to show that the shock would not have been suffered anyway.
Secondly, the courts have had considerable difficulty in classifying the
claims of employees who witness traumatic deaths or injuries of col-
In Dooley v. Cammell Laird & Co., Ltd39 an employee was allowed to recover
for the fear that his workmates might have been injured when the crane
he was operating, through no fault of his own, dropped a load into the
hold of a ship. In Alcock,40 on the other hand, Hidden J considered that it
was the nature of the activity or the task undertaken by the employee,
and not the relationship he might have with the accident victim, that
determined liability. This seems to be the best approach: the liability of
the employer in most cases should depend on the duty of care which
he owes to employees not to expose them to undue risk of harm, either
physical or psychiatric. An employee will only be able to claim as a secondary
victim if he comes under one of the categories of protected close friends or
relatives outlined in Alcock.41 In White, confusion was caused by the failure
of the courts to distinguish clearly between the two very different types
of claim being made by the claimants, namely their claims as secondary
victims and their claims as employees. The claim of an employee arises
from the relationship between him and his employer, under which the
employer is under a duty to take reasonable care for the safety of his
employee at work.42 This claim is not, therefore, parasitic on witnessing a
particular event, which causes harm to another. Indeed, for the purposes
of this claim (in contrast to an employee’s claim as a secondary victim) it
is in principle neither necessary nor sufficient that the employer’s negligence
(or that of an employee of the employer) should have led to the accident
in question. It is not necessary for the reason that case law suggests that
the employer may be responsible for avoiding causing psychiatric harm
to his employee in a number of situations. But nor is it sufficient, since
an employer may be entitled to expect employees to withstand a certain
level of exposure to stress. In particular, an employer is arguably entitled
to expect that employees who are trained in rescue services will be able to
withstand a greater degree of exposure to shock than ordinary members
of the public. Thus, in such situations, police and fire officers may expect
to have greater difficulty in showing that their employer has been in breach
of the personal duty of care which he owes them.
This last point is highly relevant to White v. Chief Constable of South
Yorkshire Police.43 It cannot be argued that the Chief Constable was in breach
of his duty as employer simply for exposing his officers to the harrowing
scenes which they witnessed. If the disaster had occurred through the fault
of a third party, it seems inconceivable that a reasonable employer would,
in the circumstances, have withdrawn his officers from the scene. Does
it make any difference that the employer, in White, was responsible for
the accident occurring in the first place? At this point, difficult issues of
causation arise. It is possible to argue that the claimants in White suffered
additional distress and abuse from the crowd and from relatives during and
after the events in the stadium because of the role of their fellow officers
in causing the deaths of the victims. More generally, the accumulation
of circumstances – the employer’s initial responsibility for the disaster
together with the highly stressful situation in which the claimants were
then placed – could be seen as placing the employer in breach of his duty
to have regard to their physical and psychiatric health and safety, as Lord
Goff argued in his dissent.
Unfortunately, the approach taken by the majority in White was to ques-
tion whether the employer owed his employees a duty of care at all, in the
situation which arose in that case. According to Lord Steyn, the liability of
42 Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co., Ltd v. English [1938] AC 57 and Alcock v. Chief Constable of South
Yorkshire Police, n. 25 above.
43 [1999] 2 AC 455.
58 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
There can be no doubt that there is a considerable feeling of fulfilment and sat-
isfaction to attend a fire, to extinguish it quickly and safely, and to rescue any
persons inside the building before they suffer fatal or other terrible injuries. I
consider this a real loss to Mr Hale and it is not mitigated by any enjoyment from
his present work.
The evidence required to establish this head of loss is, as appears from
that passage, fulfilment and satisfaction in the job and an obvious com-
mitment to it.
As with general damages, awards are not calculated on any mathemat-
ical or scientific basis. In Hale v. London Underground Ltd the award was
£5,000. That is probably the middle of the bracket for the average case al-
though it is capable of being considerably more in the case of a glamorous
occupation. In 2001, a claimant received £7,500 for loss of congenial em-
ployment as a kick-boxer and instructor!47 A similar sum was awarded to a
twenty-five-year-old woman who lost her career as a professional woman.
She was said to have been an exceptionally gifted double bass player, hav-
ing studied at the Royal Academy of Music under some of the foremost
double bass players in the world. Had she not succeeded as a soloist, she
would have obtained a post in a leading orchestra.48 The highest award
which we have been able to find, to date, is £8,750 for the loss of an exec-
utive position.49
As is apparent from the foregoing, the amounts under this head are not
German law
General principles
The German law of damages is based on the principle of putting the
claimant in the position he was in before the commission of the wrong
(Naturalrestitution). Thus, as a basic principle, damages aim at restoring the
46 [1993] PIQR Q30. 47 Langford v. Hebran [2001] EWCA Civ 361; [2001] PIQR Q160.
48 Byers v. London Borough of Brent, QBD, judgment of 24 April 1998 (unreported).
49 Pratt v. Smith, 2003 (unreported).
60 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
status quo ante. To this end, the situation of the claimant is considered
hypothetically as it would have been without the conduct or event that
entitles him to damages. The resulting difference is the object of the claim.
As for pecuniary headings, a claimant entitled to damages on the
grounds of violation of his person or property can, by choice, demand
payment of the amount of money necessary for the reparation instead of
‘restitution’ proper. Payment of money can also be demanded if, for cer-
tain legally defined reasons, the ‘restitution’ is either impossible or not
It is, however, in the nature of non-pecuniary headings that ‘restitution’
in the sense understood by German law (i.e., return to the status quo ante)
cannot truly be achieved.
The loss suffered by the claimant may, however, be compensated by
means of a payment of an adequate sum of money which can grant a
certain amount of satisfaction. It is therefore seen in this light rather
than as a straightforward indemnification of the loss. The abstract idea of
an appropriate indemnification thus prevails over the notion of restitutio
in integrum.50
This has led the German legislator basically to exempt, in essence, non-
pecuniary headings from the system of damages and to allow compen-
sation in the above-mentioned sense only in particular and legally de-
fined cases. The basic regulation is found in § 253 BGB, which in its first
paragraph states the basic rule, namely, the non-compensability of non-
pecuniary headings of harm. Exceptions from this basic rule require ex-
plicit legislative authorisation.
By far the most important regulation of that kind is to be found in
the second paragraph of § 253 BGB (formerly § 847 BGB). It grants com-
pensation for non-pecuniary headings as a consequence of any claim on
the grounds of an injury of the body, freedom, health or sexual self-
determination of the claimant. Here, the technical relation of rule and
exception is virtually converted into its opposite.
The legal basis for the original claim, formerly51 playing a crucial role
as non-pecuniary losses were compensable only under tort law, is now
irrelevant. Any claim for damages involving a violation of any of the in-
terests enumerated in § 253 II BGB, automatically entitles the claimant
50 On this see Basil Markesinis and Hannes Unberath, The German Law of Torts: A Comparative
Treatise (4th edn, Oxford, 2002), p. 981 (henceforth referred to as GLT).
51 Before the ‘Zweites Gesetz zur Änderung Schadensersatzrechtlicher Vorschriften’ took
effect on 1 August 2002.
g e r m a n l aw 61
55 BGH 5 December 1995, NJW 1996, 984, 985 (‘verfassungsunmittelbarer Ersatz des
immateriellen Schadens’).
56 See also GLT, p. 916 ff.
57 BGH 6 July 1955, BGHZ 18, 149–68 (the Great Senate has the sole function to
decide issues disputed between the Senates of the Federal Court, § 132
58 BGHGS 6 July 1955, BGHZ 18, 149, 154 ff.
59 See Hermann Lange/Gottfried Schiemann, Schadensersatz, § 7 V 2 with further citations.
60 Articles 47, 49, 60 OR; BGHGS 6 July 1955, BGHZ 18, 149, 155 ff.
g e r m a n l aw 63
This second element has generated substantial criticism from the legal
literature. To grant satisfaction regardless of the situation of the injured
person is considered a penalty under civil law and that, in principle at
least, is unknown to the German legal system. Furthermore, the German
Constitution requires procedural standards for the infliction of a criminal
penalty and also provides specific remedies against its wrongful imposi-
tion which German civil procedural law does not do. Some authors thus
find the element of satisfaction to be unconstitutional.61
The Federal Court, on the other hand, denied the punitive character of
the compensation.62 While punishment serves the interests of the pub-
lic, which would not be within the scope of civil law, satisfaction con-
cerns the injured person’s private interests. It is therefore entirely of a
private law nature. It is for this reason that the fact that the tortfeasor
has already been sentenced in a criminal trial has been held to have no
effect on the measure of the damages awarded in the subsequent civil
trial.63 To an outside observer, however, this result does not appear to be
In another decision of the Federal Court,64 the defendant bank rob-
ber had put his arm around the claimant’s neck while at the same time
holding an authentic-looking (but, in reality, fake) gun to her head. He
threatened to shoot her if he were not given enough money. The claimant
experienced great fear and, as a result, suffered sleep disorder and night-
mares for a period of at least six months. Even at the time of the judg-
ment, she complained of increased irritability with the consequence that
her ability to work under pressure was lowered, something which had
even forced her to give up her previous employment. Upon the defen-
dant’s appeal against the judgment of the Landgericht, the OLG lowered
the amount granted as damages from DM8,000 (c. €4,000) to DM4,000
(c. €2,000) on the grounds that the element of satisfaction was of no
relevance to the level of damages since the defendant had already been
punished by a criminal court.
(c. €20,000) going to the father, which was only about one-third to one-
half of what they had claimed. They filed a complaint of unconstitution-
ality on the grounds that the principle of equal treatment (article 3 GG)
was violated. They argued that in cases of interference with honour and
reputation significantly higher amounts had been granted.
The Bundesverfassungsgericht did not accept the complaint. It denied
a violation of article 3 GG. The principle of equal treatment could not
limit the respective courts in their independence from each other and
especially not hinder a diverging interpretation of a legal provision. More-
over, the different treatment was justified by special reasons. While the
ruthless commercial exploitation of another person’s personality could
be prevented by high damages, such an effect was not possible in traffic
accidents (leading to personal injuries) because the damages were in these
cases generally paid by the tortfeasor’s insurance company.
68 See also GLT, p. 915 ff. 69 BGH 6 July 1955, BGHZ 18, 149, 157.
70 The BGH uses the expression of circumstances which ‘dem Fall ein besonderes Gepräge
geben’, roughly meaning ‘leave their particular stamp on the case’, see BGHGS 6 July
1955, BGHZ 18, 149, 157 ff.
71 Hein Kötz/Gerhard Wagner, Deliktsrecht, no. 522.
72 See BGH 14 January 1992, MDR 1992, 349.
66 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
reaching his decision. But, subject to the above, it cannot determine the
amount of compensation itself.
Thus, in one instance,73 the BGH reversed a judgment for misuse of dis-
cretion. The fifteen-year-old claimant had suffered severe injuries to her
head (skull fracture, concussion) as well as shock. As a permanent conse-
quence of these injuries, she lost her senses of smell and taste. Further
on, a significant damage of the brain functions occurred and produced a
permanent change of character, diminution of intelligence and instabil-
ity of the nervous system. Even the development of epilepsy in the future
could not be ruled out. A pre-existing hearing disability also deteriorated
further. The claimant’s earning capacity was reduced by 30 per cent.
The trial court and the Court of Appeal ordered the insurance company
of the defendant to pay DM30,000 (c. €15,000) for pain and suffering and
an additional pension of DM300 (c. €150) per month. The Federal Court re-
versed the decision to the extent that it exceeded the amount of DM20,000
(c. €10,000) for pain and suffering and remanded the case to the Court
of Appeal for retrial since the BGH was not, as stated above, allowed to
fix the amount itself. The Federal Court did not object to the splitting up
of damages into a lump sum for the actual harm and a pension for the
continuing impairments. It did, however, criticise the fact that the reduc-
tion of earning capacity and marriage prospects was taken into account
in the assessment of the lump sum (and not the pension), although the
reduced marriage prospects would not, given the claimant’s youthful age,
manifest themselves until many years later. As for the risk of epilepsy, this
should not have been taken into account at this stage of the proceedings
for the purposes of increasing the annuity because this could be adjusted
upwards if epilepsy did indeed occur by means of a simple petition to
modify the judgment.74 Additionally, in the opinion of the Federal Court,
the lump sum and annuity were disproportionate to one another. For the
amount awarded for the one and a half years of past and actual suffering
was five times the amount of the respective annuity for the same length of
time. Given the length of the in-patient treatment of only about six weeks
and the duration of the acute medical treatment of only three months,
as opposed to the gravity of the continuing effects, this did not reflect an
appropriate balance between the two components of the award.
Even trivial inconveniences in principle entitle to compensation for
pain and suffering. However, it is at the discretion of the judge to deny
damages if the injury does not exceed a degree typical to the risks of
73 BGH 8 June 1976, VersR 1976, 967 ff. 74 This is made possible by § 323 ZPO.
g e r m a n l aw 67
75 BGH 14 January 1992, NJW 1992, 1043; the courts of first instance usually deny
compensation for petty injuries, see Küppersbusch, Ersatzansprüche bei Personenschäden,
no. 199.
76 BT-Drucks. 14/7752, 16, 25. 77 BT-Drucks. 14/7752, 31.
78 BGH 8 June 1976, VersR 1976, 967, 968.
79 See, e.g., Susanne Hacks, Ameli Ring and Peter Böhm, Schmerzensgeldbeträge (20th edn,
München, 2001), p. 20.
80 BGH 8 June 1976, VersR 1976, 967, 968. 81 BGH 8 June 1976, VersR 1976, 967 ff.
68 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
severe injuries to her head in a car crash. The injuries had led to a loss of
the sense of smell, hearing disorder, reduced brain performance, slowed
speech, hormonal malfunctions resulting in infertility, and the risk of
epilepsy. The court deemed it a relevant factor that through the loss of
the sense of smell the claimant could no longer be a professional chem-
ical laboratory worker. Furthermore, the court put emphasis on her re-
duced marriage prospects in consequence of the infertility and the speech
The degree to which a profession is associated with particular prestige
or self-satisfaction has not, thus far, influenced the assessment of the
damages. In the literature, it is argued that a professional tennis player
or surgeon should be entitled to higher compensation than, for instance,
a factory worker.100 This distinction is justified by reference to the basic
functions of ‘Schmerzensgeld’(cf. p. 62). It is argued that for a well-off person,
more money is necessary to obtain a noticeable rise in amenity. These
factors, however, may well be concealed under different headings of the
Change of personality
If the injury affects the personality of the claimant, this may justify an
increase in the amount of compensation.105
In a case brought before the Federal Court in 1979,106 the fourteen-
year-old claimant suffered severe injuries in a traffic accident. These led
to a permanent walking impairment, scars and substantial damage to
the brain. According to the decision of the Court of Appeal,107 the brain
damage resulted in a significant change of personality, evidenced in the
first place by a diminished intelligence as well as emotional and sexual
disorders. Whereas the claimant had successfully completed his primary
school education and, by the time of the accident, had been attending a
commercial school for six months, his education came to a halt after the
accident. The claimant ran away from home and ended up keeping ‘bad’
company. This, eventually, led him to becoming a delinquent. He was con-
victed for his activities by a criminal court but, because of his diminished
criminal responsibility, he was sent to a secure mental hospital rather
than incarcerated in a prison. The Federal Court reaffirmed the judgment
against the wrongdoer to pay compensation of DM70,000 (c. €35,000). The
court relied heavily on the findings of the Court of Appeal according to
which the mental disorder and the delinquency were connected to the
accident which had resulted in his cranial injuries. The argument that
the claimant may have been predisposed to such activities was ignored
in view of the gravity of the accident and its consequences. Contributory
negligence was also disregarded.
Loss of senses
As for the element of satisfaction, problems can occur if the injuries are
of such a kind that the injured person loses the ability to feel satisfaction
at all. It has been argued that in these cases, the compensation should be
lowered as it cannot fulfil the function of granting satisfaction (see p. 62
and p. 3). This argument, however, has been rejected in later decisions.
In one case that reached the Federal Court,108 the defendant physician
had not carried out a caesarean operation during the birth of the claimant
although this was medically indicated. The claimant’s health was seri-
ously damaged. Besides considerable physical impairments (such as palsy,
partial diplegia, spasms etc.), substantial mental disorders ensued. The
105 BGH 8 May 1979, NJW 1979, 1654; see also BGH 9 April 1991, NJW 1991, 2347, 2348.
106 BGH 8 May 1979, NJW 1979, 1654.
107 OLG Karlsruhe 15 December 1977, VersR 1979, 164.
108 BGH 13 October 1992, BGHZ 120, 1 ff.
g e r m a n l aw 73
claimant did not possess the ability to speak but could only make moaning
or grunting sounds thus expressing a general sense of wellbeing or discon-
tent. Nor could she develop sophisticated feelings beyond joy, wellbeing
and aversion, the latter related to the physical perception of pain or taste.
Moreover, her possibilities of experiencing such feelings were restricted by
anti-epileptic medication. The Landgericht awarded the claimant as com-
pensation a lump sum of DM50,000 (c. €25,000) plus a monthly pension
of DM500 (c. €250).
The Court of Appeal reversed this judgment and lowered the indemni-
fication to a lump sum of DM30,000 (c. €15,000) and likewise reduced the
monthly pension to DM250 (c. €125). In its view, account should be taken
in this case of the fact that monetary compensation could not fulfil its
function to satisfy the victim. She was not able to realise the connection
between the injury and the payment of damages and could thus not feel
satisfaction. On the other hand, it was accepted that her life could, to some
extent, be eased by means of money to assist beyond the ordinary degree
of care. In particular, she could enjoy the additional human attention
money could provide.
The Federal Court reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeal insofar
as it had reduced the damages granted by the Landgericht, and remanded
the case back for the final determination of the award. It found that the
Court of Appeal had misconceived the meaning of Schmerzensgeld. That
the claimant, because of the negligence of the defendant, was deprived
of the chance to develop her personality was the crucial fact which de-
termined the seriousness of the injury. It therefore could not justify a
decrease of the indemnification. A different view would misinterpret the
right of personality as envisaged by articles 1 and 2 of the German Consti-
tution. A symbolic payment was not sufficient because, by means of the in-
demnification, the impairment of the personality and the loss of personal
quality as such were to be compensated as non-pecuniary headings.109
In a later case, the Federal Court confirmed this approach.110 The de-
fendant had left the claimant, at the time twenty-two months old, unat-
tended for several minutes. During this time, the claimant fell into a
pond. Though he narrowly avoided death by drowning, he suffered se-
vere damage to the nervous system that destroyed most of his sensitivity.
The Federal Court reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeal which
109 See Deutsch, NJW 1993, 784; OLG Schleswig 24 February 1993, VersR 1994, 310 ff.; for
the former jurisdiction see BGH 16 December 1975, NJW 1976, 1147; BGH 22 June 1982,
NJW 1982, 2123.
110 BGH 16 February 1993, NJW 1993, 1531.
74 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
motherhood) she was, at the time of the operation, still only twenty-seven
years old and had thus been significantly restricted by the surgeon’saction
in her future family planning. Moreover, there was a chance that future
matrimonial and family problems would arise because of the sterilisation.
Similar considerations can be found in other cases.114 In the same vein,
the Court of Appeal of Saarbrücken115 granted DM150,000 (c. €75,000) to
a ten-year-old boy who had lost his genitals as a result of medical malprac-
tice. The court based the assessment primarily on the consideration that
the future mental and physical effects were not yet foreseeable.
114 OLG Düsseldorf 12 October 1989, VersR 1990, 852; OLG Stuttgart 6 October 1988, VersR
1989, 1150.
115 OLG Saarbrücken 17 December 1974, NJW 1975, 1467.
116 This proof indeed failed in BGH 5 November 1996, NJW 1997, 455; see also BGH 16
November 1961, NJW 1962, 243.
117 BGH 30 April 1996, BGHZ 132, 341. 118 KG 26 May 1989, NVwZ 1990, 406, 407.
76 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
were taken into account, but also the fact that an existing impairment
of the claimant’s blood circulation in his left thigh and foot deteriorated
further. The court left open the question whether the partial amputation
of the claimant’sleft foot was a necessary consequence of the fall. The acute
deterioration of the claimant’s pre-existing affliction was sufficient.
In another case, the claimant showed neurotic reactions as a result of
being involved in a car accident. She suffered from hypochondriac self-
consciousness which the court considered pathological. The undisputed
cause for this was a latent disposition from which she suffered. The Court
of Appeal of Frankfurt119 decided that the law of damages could not treat
a psychologically or physically predisposed person in a worse way than
a sane person.120 Although the accident was in a sense only a random
occasion for the neurosis, this aspect had little or no weight in view of the
severity of the accident. The Court of Appeal thus awarded the claimant
DM50,000 (c. €25,000) in compensation.
Most decisions, however, which have taken into account an existing
predisposition are characterised by a careful weighing of all aspects of the
particular case. A definite qualification of predisposition as a factor which
increases or decreases the amount of damages is therefore not possible.
Some decisions underscore this point.
In one decision handed down in 1981, the Federal Court121 had to deal
with a claimant who had been bitten by the defendant’sGerman Shepherd
when he entered a tavern. Because of a pre-existing severe war wound, the
dog’s bite led to further severe injuries which made necessary two opera-
tions, three months of treatment, psychiatric therapy and caused disabil-
ity. The Federal Court confirmed the judgment awarding only DM35,000
(c. €17,500), instead of the claimed DM60,000 (c. €30,000), as compensa-
tion for pain and suffering. The court pointed out that the injury had only
aggravated a pre-existing damage. On the other hand, one had to take into
account that the claimant had already been seriously affected by his war
In another case,122 a physician had badly performed an operation on
the nasal septum. As a result of this malpractice the claimant lost her
sense of smell. The OLG awarded DM7,000 (c. €3,500) as compensation for
pain and suffering. In reaching this figure, the court had to balance two
competing factors. On the one hand, the claimant’s sense of smell was
119 OLG Frankfurt 10 February 1994, VersR 1995, 796, 797.
120 Similarly, OLG Frankfurt 26 October 1994, VersR 1996, 864.
121 BGH 22 September 1981, NJW 1982, 168, 169.
122 OLG Köln 17 February 1993, NJW-RR 1993, 919, 920.
g e r m a n l aw 77
already deficient and this called for a decrease of damages. On the other
hand, it was to be taken into account that the loss of the sense of smell
was especially grave, since next to amenity, the claimant lost a warning
function which the sense of smell could perform e.g., in the event of fire.
In 1991, the Court of Appeal of Munich123 was confronted with a claim
by a twenty-one-year-old claimant who had been involved in a traffic ac-
cident. The court regarded as negligible the pre-existence of a mental
impairment, which had been severely aggravated by the accident. While
the claimant before the accident had an IQ of about 50 to 70, and had thus
been forced to attend a special school and had planned to become a carpen-
ter, he had, after the accident, an IQ of about 20 to 50. This rendered any
form of schooling or apprenticeship impossible. The court condemned
the tortfeasor to pay damages in the form of a lump sum of DM60,000
(c. €30,000), plus a monthly pension of DM400 (€200), which would total
about DM140,000 (c. €70,000) if the pension were to be capitalised.
Social background
In the calculation of damages, the claimant’s social background is princi-
pally irrelevant. An older decision of the Reichsgericht,124 claiming that
an impairment of the appearance was especially grave when the dam-
aged person belonged to the educated classes, can no longer be seen as
acceptable, especially given the provisions and spirit of the German Con-
stitution of 1949. Judges are thus not allowed to pursue values particular
to their own social background.125 As for the reproach of some authors
that the differences in the compensation for interference with honour
and reputation have, in fact, caused social injustice, see p. 64.
In German law, the pecuniary situation of the tortfeasor may be taken
into account when fixing the level of the award. Thus, a wealthier tortfea-
sor may be liable to pay a higher indemnification.136 A tortfeasor without
means must neither be ruined by the award of damages nor, on the other
Torts by relatives
In principle, the above-mentioned rules also apply to claims against rela-
tives. The fact that the parties are related to each other is, however, used
as an argument to decrease the damages.
In one case,138 the claimant was severely injured in a car accident while
on the highway. The accident was caused partly by her husband, who was
driving the couple’s car, and partly by the driver of a military vehicle. The
wife claimed compensation from the state, which, however, invoked the
privilege of § 839 I 2 BGB and argued that the wife had a claim for dam-
ages against her husband which had precedence over the claim against
the state. The BGH took the view that it was not against the nature of
marriage to allow a claim for damages by one spouse against the other to
proceed. The matrimonial bond was only to be taken into account when
fixing the size of the award. For the amount had to be of a size that the
respective spouse could afford without endangering the family’s finan-
cial basis. Damages that resulted in a shortfall of reasonable maintenance
would be inadequate.
Also, several Courts of Appeal approved a reduction of the indemnifi-
cation between relatives. So, the Court of Appeal of Hamm139 awarded a
son, who suffered quadriplegia from a car accident caused by his father,
an indemnification of DM250,000 (c. €125,000). It was taken into account
that his father had cared for the claimant since the accident and had thus
given him satisfaction. The element of satisfaction was therefore irrele-
vant in the assessment of the compensation. The same consideration can
be found in a decision of the Court of Appeal of Schleswig,140 where the
wrongdoer/husband was made to pay to his wife DM280,000 (c. €140,000)
for the quadriplegia he had caused her. The Court of Appeal of Munich,
however, rejected a reduction of the compensation in similar cases where
the claim was directed against an insurance company. The principles for
the assessment of the compensation between relatives were said not to be
applicable in these situations.141
137 BGH 6 July 1955, BGHZ 18, 149, 162 ff. 138 BGH 18 June 1973, BGHZ 61, 101.
139 OLG Hamm 17 December 1997, VersR 1998, 1392.
140 OLG Schleswig 9 January 1991, NJW-RR 1992, 95 ff.
141 OLG München 8 July 1988, VersR 1989, 1056.
g e r m a n l aw 81
Where a third party is responsible for the damage along with the rela-
tive, their liability is treated as a joint obligation. If the relative’s liability
is excluded as, for example, according to § 1359 or § 1664 BGB, the third
party alone is liable.142
142 BGH 1 March 1998, BGHZ 103, 338 ff.; further quotations MünchKomm-BGB/Stein
§ 847 BGB no. 44. This is the kind of situation which the English High Court had to
address in Greatorex v. Greatorex [2000] 1 WLR 1970, discussed by B. Markesinis in
‘Foreign Law Inspiring National Law: Lessons from Greatorex v. Greatorex’ (2002)
61 CLJ 386.
143 BGH 9 May 1989, WM 1989, 1481, 1482 (obiter dictum); BGH 2 December 1966, VersR
1967, 256, 257; OLG Düsseldorf 1 December 1994, VersR 1995, 1316, 1317; OLG
Frankfurt 22 September 1993, DAR 1994, 21, 22; OLG Nürnberg 25 April 1997, VersR
1998, 731, 732; OLG Celle 9 November 1967, NJW 1968, 1677.
144 LG Hechingen 9 January 1981, VersR 1982, 253, critical Riecker VersR 1982, 254.
145 OLG Düsseldorf 1 December 1994, VersR 1995, 1316, 1317.
146 OLG Frankfurt 7 January 1999, NJW 1999, 2447.
147 For fuller details see GLT, pp. 115–44.
82 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
extent that an impairment of his health is caused. In this case, the relative
is himself entitled to a claim for damages (§ 823 I BGB) and thus also to
compensation for non-pecuniary damages.148
Because German civil law principally denies compensation for injuries
to third parties, the standards for such claims are very high.149 It is nec-
essary for the psychological impairment to have relevant medical effects
and require medical treatment. The impairment of health has to exceed a
degree which could normally be expected if a relative is injured.150 This is
only the case when traumatic disorders with psycho-pathological failures
of some duration occur.151 It is not sufficient if the victim’s wife’s alcohol
addiction worsens in consequence of the husband’s injury.152 Although
there is no rule that the legal interests or rights enumerated in § 823
I BGB have to be violated directly,153 it has to be considered in these cases
whether the causal nexus can still be regarded as adequate and whether
the indirect violation could have been foreseen.154
The mental stability of the claimant, however, is of no relevance.155
Furthermore, only close relatives, fiancés and partners of an amatory re-
lationship are entitled to this claim.156
Finally, the injury of the related person has to be especially grave and
beyond the general risks of life. This is only the case with death or se-
vere personal injuries. The more severe the injury, the less relevant is the
presence of the claimant at the place and time of the accident.157
Italian law
In Italian tort law, as in its German and common law counterparts, the
guiding principle for the award of damages is the compensation of the
victim of the wrongdoing. But like the other two systems, with which it
is compared in this book, Italian law is fully conscious of the fact that
148 BGH 11 May 1971, BGHZ 56, 163; BGHZ 93, 351; OLG Freiburg 30 June 1953, JZ 1953, 704.
149 Erwin Deutsch, Unerlaubte Handlungen, no. 472.
150 Soergel and Zeuner § 823 BGB no. 27; BGH 5 February 1985, BGHZ 93, 351, 354 ff.; BGH
11 May 1971, BGHZ 56, 163.
151 BGH 4 April 1989, NJW 1989, 2317, 2318; OLG Nürnberg 31 January 1984, NJW 1998,
2292, 2294.
152 BGH 31 January 1984, NJW 1984, 1405. 153 GLT, p. 137. 154 GLT, pp. 126, 137.
155 BGH 11 May 1971, BHGZ 56, 163, 165.
156 OLG Stuttgart 21 July 1988, NJW-RR 1989, 477 ff.; LG Tübingen 29 November 1967, NJW
1968, 1187; LG Frankfurt 28 March 1969, NJW 1969, 2286. See GLT, p. 139.
157 BGH 5 February 1985, BGHZ 93, 351, 354 ff.
i t a l i a n l aw 83
by the earnings of the victim. Loss of earnings is taken into account only
in the liquidation of the danno patrimoniale (future loss).
Danno biologico is liquidated per se according to tables which differ from
court to court (see Appendix.)
Danno morale is liquidated by taking into account the circumstances of
the case, though the total sum tends, in practice, to reach about half the
amount (or less) awarded for danno biologico.158
Danno patrimoniale varies according to the category of the victim: employ-
ees are compensated according to the social security system, all the other
victims according to the evidence they can produce showing their loss.
In a tort action, the victim shoulders the burden of proof. The quantifica-
tion of the injury is calculated by the judge taking into account the views
of an expert witness (invariably a medical doctor) appointed by the court.
He, in turn, takes into account the estimates and opinions of the expert
witnesses appointed by the parties (claimant and defendant).
Danno biologico
In very general terms danno biologico means the interference with the
health of a person considered in and of itself as a legal interest worthy of
evaluation and, if affected, compensation. That the deprivation of health
or the loss of a limb should be compensated as such seems obvious enough
to us looking at Italian law from the perspective of late twentieth century
and twenty-first century law. But things were not always so in Italy since,
during the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth, the
compensation of any interference with the health of a person was linked
to the earning capacity and social status of the victim.159 This meant, for
instance, that poor people or old people could be considered as being
‘people without any value’160 and thus left without compensation, assum-
ing, of course, they had the means and the courage to chance litigation.
158 In a few court districts – for instance Genova – the courts have themselves prepared
tables which set out the amount of moral damages that could be awarded (depending
on a variety of factors indicated in the tables e.g., degree of relationship, duration of
pain and suffering etc.). In the majority of regions, however, the evaluation of the
amount is left to the discretion of the judge though, as stated, the total amount tends
to be approximately one-half of the amount awarded for danno biologico.
159 In Italian law, as well, prior to the introduction of the danno biologico, various attempts
were made to provide some compensation for these items of loss. But the way this was
brought about was oblique and the result, on the whole, unsatisfactory, given the fact
that the lower sections of society still ended up undercompensated for certain types of
160 See, e.g., Tribunale di Firenze, 6 January 1967, 1969 Arch. Resp. civ. 130.
i t a l i a n l aw 85
The compensation thus given to the victim under this new heading of
damage (danno biologico) covers all the different kinds of damage which
English law would compensate under such headings as ‘loss of amenities
of life’, damage to the aesthetic appearance of the victim, damage to the
working capacity in general, etc.
This new way of looking at things was strengthened by the Constitu-
tional Court and the principles it developed during the early years of its
existence. Health was thus seen as an essential value constituting the ob-
ject of a fundamental right of the person. Such a right required full and
exhaustive protection both in the public sphere as well as in the realm
of private relationships. Its object is the general and common claim of
individuals to such conditions of life, environment and work that do not
jeopardise this fundamental right. Such protection implies a claim, in-
cluding preventive measures, if this right is affected but also the obliga-
tion not to prejudice or endanger other people’s health through one’s own
behaviour. In the event of conflict between the right to health, protected
by the Constitution, and other behaviour, free but not directly covered by
the Constitution, the first must necessarily prevail.161
According to the law currently in force,162 such an approach implies
that danno biologico is to be compensated within parameters which do not
take into account the income-producing capacity of the injured party. The
injury is, therefore, considered per se, as the fact causing damage to the
legally (and constitutionally) protected interest of health. So the expres-
sion danno biologico is, in essence, identified with the expression (consid-
ered more correct by most commentators) ‘damage to health’ (danno alla
salute). Health is included among the interests protected by the law and is
recognised by article 32 of the Constitution. It is an absolute right, and as
such it is fundamental, inalienable and indispensable.163
Case law still acknowledges a variety of indemnifiable headings of dam-
ages. Decisions have thus compensated interference with peaceful fam-
ily life,164 damage from demotion in one’s employment,165 damage from
‘harassment’,166 damage due to loss of kinship and of enjoyment of the
161 Judgment of 20 December 1996, no. 399, Cons. Stato, 1996, II, 2090; Foro it. 1997, I,
162 Contained in art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 38 of 23 February 2000, repeated in art. 5,
para. 3 of Law no. 57 of 5 March 2001, and unchanged in the subsequent amendment
by Law no. 273 of 12 December 2002.
163 Civil Cass., labour section, 10 March 1990, no. 1954, Crit. Pen., 1995, 50.
164 Court of Milan, 18 February 1988, Resp. civ. prev. 1988, 454.
165 Court of Milan, 26 June 1999, Lav. nella giur., 1999, 1075.
166 Court of Milan, 21 April 1998, Dir. lav. 1998, 957.
86 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
167 Court of Milan, 1 April 1999. 168 Cass. 24 April 2001, no. 6023.
169 Cass. 27 November 2001, no. 15034.
i t a l i a n l aw 87
order to introduce legal regulations that could, once and for all, settle the
issues raised by the assessment of personal injuries. Though this attempt
has been patchy in approach and limited in its effect, it has opened up a
new stage in the history of personal injuries. One notable side effect was
also the fact that the discussion about compensation for personal injuries
was moved from the judges to the Italian Parliament.
At first instance, the provisions introduced concerned only minor in-
juries (9 per cent permanent incapacity or less). They further envisaged
tables which should be prepared in the future by the Department of Indus-
try with the co-operation of the Department of Health and the Department
of Justice.170 Moreover, article 5, paragraph 2 of Law no. 57 of 5 March 2001
did not deal with danno biologico in general, but only with injuries arising
from road accidents.171 Finally, article 5, paragraph 3 consecrated into
statutory law the rule established by the courts (and mentioned above)
that danno biologico ‘should be compensated without taking into account
the income-producing capacity of the injured party’.172
Soon after the passing of this statute and without prejudice to the
provisional regulation of the liquidation of danno biologico, the legislator
intervened again with the passing of Law no. 273 of 12 December 2002.
This introduced additional assessment criteria aiming to cap these levels
of award. Such intervention had two objectives. First, was the wish to act
as a curb against inflation. The second was to complete the parameters
given to judges by the first statute. More precisely, given the widespread
feeling that the first statute fixed the amounts in a rigid manner, the new
enactment chose to give judges the right to provide (limited) additional
amounts when the personal conditions seemed to justify them. The de-
sire to allow judicial discretion is praiseworthy. Yet, it also creates the risk
of regional or other inequalities and thus returns to the status quo ante
which the new statutes had aimed to terminate.
completed is hazardous; but the fact that it will happen in the foreseeable
future does not seem to be in doubt. Given this prediction, we feel it is
not necessary to describe in any detail the current and varied ways used
by the different regional courts to carry out this task. Here, then, suffice
it to mention the barest outline of the procedure.
In order to liquidate damage to health, the judge must use ‘ample equi-
table powers’. However, the discretional assessment inherent in the equi-
table method cannot turn into an arbitrary quantification. The Court of
Cassation has, therefore, specified that trial courts must adequately jus-
tify the logical reasoning through which they have come to fix the amount
of compensation, for the victim cannot be enriched at the expense of the
tortfeasor. The judge must therefore indicate in his judgment the ele-
ments he deemed useful in order to reach his decision concerning the
final assessment of compensation under this heading.173
According to the Court of Cassation the general limits to be observed by
the judge when using his equitable powers are essentially two: first, the
resort to an elastic criterion, allowing him to appreciate all the circum-
stances of the case; secondly, the justification of the use of such criteria
must have regard to logic, consistency and the completeness of the state-
ment of reasons. In practice, it is possible to resort to tables, mathematical
or statistical formulae, provided that they reflect these criteria. The judge
is therefore free to use formulae that are commonly accepted in practice,
or are even provided for in special laws concerning particular types of ac-
cidents. The tables are prepared by medical examiners, trade associations
and sometimes by the courts themselves.
As stated, it would be unnecessary to describe here the various methods
of evaluation devised by various regional courts such as Genoa, Pisa, Milan
and Rome, though one mentions this phenomenon in order to provide
yet another specific illustration of the regionalism of Italian law noted in
chapter 1. However, we feel it might be useful to draw the attention of the
reader to two guidelines.
The first is found in a decision of the Supreme Court which stated that:
According to the constant trend of this Court, on the matter of liquidation of
danno biologico, which is essentially an equitable one, the trial court may even
resort to predetermined and standardised criteria, provided it does so flexibly, thus
defining a general rule fitted for the particular case. The criterion that assumes
as a parameter the average ‘point’ of disability, calculated on the average of court
precedents, is a valid one: therefore the ruling that resorts to such method is not
173 Cass. Se. Lav., 23 February 2000, no. 2037, Giust. civ., 2000, I, 1655.
i t a l i a n l aw 89
174 Cass. 20 January 1999, no. 491, Giust. civ. Massimario, 1999, 115.
175 Cass. 2 April 2001, no. 4783, Danno e resp., 2001, 820.
90 g e n e r a l da m a g e s : n o n - p e c u n i a r y l o s s e s
right, and who should enjoy it by nature, has ceased to exist, as with death
the legally protected interest inherent in the individual is extinguished.
Furthermore, compensation for the right to health implies compensation
for all the negative effects to which the surviving person is exposed. If
death is immediate, or occurs within a negligible time lapse after the
accident, any physical and mental suffering cease at the same time.176 As
the Court of Cassation correctly pointed out:
[it cannot] . . . be considered absurd from the point of view of legal logic, that in
terms of the amount of compensation, ‘death’ can cost less to the wrongdoer than
a modest injury with permanent effects. If this occurs, it is simply the result of the
different entity of the harm caused in the one and the other case, and therefore of
the different legal positions of the individual affected by the tort . . . The diversity
of situations, therefore, derives from the diversity of the damage to the personal
or economic sphere that can be restored as ‘unjust damages’ caused by the tort
and not by possible anomalies revealing any irrationality in the discipline of the
damaging effects of the tort.177
Psychiatric injury
As in England and Germany, ‘psychiatric’ harm (in the English sense of a
recognisable illness) is compensable in Italian law under the heading of
danno biologico. The more difficult problems arise in marginal (extreme)
cases of pain or shock, usually referred to in Italian law as ‘psychological
damage’. The difficulties here are broadly similar to those encountered in
the common law; and some Italian authors even invoke the ‘floodgates’
This kind of damage may be ‘marginal’ but it can affect the victim and
his or her relatives.178 The prevailing view is that this being pure grief,
pain, etc., it is not included in danno biologico because it does not affect the
body. Because it also tends to be very difficult to ascertain, its effects are
usually not acknowledged. The possibility that some of this psychological
reaction may be real and closely linked to chemical reactions of the brain
does not appear to have received much attention by Italian courts which,
in their decisions, tend to resemble the more conservative positions taken
by the common law. But some courts have shown greater sensitivity to
claims of this kind.
176 Cass. 20 January 1999, no. 491, Giust. civ. Massimario, 1999, 115.
177 Cass. 28 November 1995, no. 12299, Foro it., 1996, I, 3120.
178 More generally see Emanuela Navarretta, Diritti inviolabili e risarcimento del danno
(Giappichelli, Torino, 1996).
i t a l i a n l aw 91
The said provision stipulates that this kind of damage can only be
awarded in cases ‘provided by law’. A strict interpretation of that for-
mula takes the view that ‘law’ means ‘criminal law’. It has thus led to the
view that this kind of damages should be awarded only where a crimi-
nal offence has been committed. This position is taken by most authors
and judges. Inevitably, however, such an approach has also had its critics,
mainly on the grounds that it runs counter to the Constitution. According
to this school of thought, danno morale should be awarded in any case, not
only in criminal offences. This dispute has been a long one.
The question whether, besides pecuniary losses, harm pertaining to the
sphere of feelings should also be compensated, arose in a number of cases
during the late nineteenth century. At this (early) stage in the (modern)
Italian law of damages, the courts showed a real inclination to favour the
victims. The reason was the belief that so-called ‘moral’ sufferings were
seen as being more serious than physical ones. Attributing to them a mon-
etary value was thus seen as compensation taking the form of satisfaction
for the injured party.184 The cases in which this happened were those
which amounted to both torts and crimes, especially where the victim’s
death followed the unlawful act. But non-pecuniary (or ‘moral’) damage
was also compensated in the event of conduct which amounted to a seri-
ous interference with the plaintiff’s honour or reputation.
The measure of the damages awarded was assessed equitably and was
calculated by taking into account the extent of the abuse and of the con-
sequences to the victim/plaintiff.185 Judges of the time were particularly
sensitive to the economic and social status of the victim and the persons to
whom compensation was granted. Allusion to such criteria was made in
various forms. The Court of Cassation of Turin, e.g., specified that ‘when
liquidating non-pecuniary damage caused to children by their father’s
death, the judge is to take into account the extent of the adversity, the
conditions of age and education of the claiming persons, and the fortunes
of the same’.186 Another court, when calculating the amount of compen-
sation, deemed it relevant to take into account the ‘quality of the persons’
and ‘the circumstances of the whole family’.187
The ‘social conditions of the person killed’188 were also seen as a
relevant factor. Others taken into account when fixing the amount of
184 e.g., App. Bologna, 11 October 1889, Riv. giur. bol. 1889, 309.
185 App. Bologna, 4 February 1889, Riv. giur. bol., 1889, 38.
186 22 November 1913, Giur. tor., 1914, 33.
187 App. Firenze, 13 September 1905, Monitore tribunali, 1906, 215.
188 App. Trani, 13 June 1898, Riv. giur. Trani, 1898, 747; App. Bologna, 14 February 1902,
Mon. trib., 1902, 750.
i t a l i a n l aw 93
compensation included the (killed) father’s true affection for his children
or, in the reverse case of the child being killed, the fact that the imme-
diate victim was the only child of the suing survivor. The intensity of
the claimant’s grief and the premature and violent loss suffered by the
father were also given some weight in the appraisal process.189 The cir-
cumstances clearly varied from case to case; and judges could pay such
attention to them as they thought fit.190
In the case of interference with honour and reputation, the distinc-
tion between non-pecuniary damage (consisting of hurt feelings for the
insult) and the economic consequences of libellous or slanderous state-
ments was not always made clear. Sometimes when compensation was
decreed, reference was made to loss of custom deriving from the injuri-
ous statement. Thus, in a case regarding a libelled lawyer, the Court of
Cassation of Palermo argued that not only should it take into account
the loss of custom flowing from his defamation, but also the contempt,
low regard and grief experienced by the defamed person.191 And there
were decisions following the principle according to which non-pecuniary
damage could be – additionally – compensated insofar as it related to the
material damage flowing from the injury.192
Who was entitled to such compensation? The distinction that slowly
emerged from the case law of the period was rather clear. In the event of
the death of the victim, non-pecuniary damage was given to the relatives
in accordance with the variable criteria indicated above. In the event of
injury to honour and reputation, the compensation was given to the victim
himself, whether he was an individual or, even, a legal entity.193
At the time, attitudes towards non-pecuniary damage followed the ups
and downs of particular decisions found in the case law. Thus, around the
1920s, the rulings of some Courts of Appeal expressed the opinion that
non-pecuniary damage could be compensated regardless of any reper-
cussion on the wealth of the injured party (the subject being the grief
and anguish, or pain and suffering, which then had to be quantified
as pure non-pecuniary damage).194 Among academic writers such decisions
provoked both approval195 and criticism,196 leading to lively debates but
This kind of reasoning and this kind of behaviour, again, raises the prob-
lem of equality in the treatment of victims. If moral suffering cannot be
the object of evidence, why compensate victims in different ways without
any justification?
In order to solve this problem, the Court of Genoa uses tables also for
the calculation of the amount of danno morale, while other courts appear
to have followed suit. But, as is the case with the liquidation of danno
biologico, the tables followed are not the same in all the courts.208 The
regional variations must thus remain a cause of concern.
208 See Court of Genoa, 13 January 1988 (unreported), quoted by Grappiolo, n. 201 above
at 242.
3 Special damages: past losses
English law
In English law the expression ‘special damages’ can, as we stated in the In-
troduction, have several meanings. In this chapter it refers to the amounts
payable by a tortfeasor to his victim for the pecuniary losses actually suf-
fered between the date of the accident and the date of trial or, in the
case of less serious injury, the date of recovery. Thus the basic principle
is that the claimant must prove, on the balance of probabilities, either
what he has lost in financial terms (as for example in loss of earnings), or
what sums he has had to pay, or become liable to pay, in order to meet
expenditure directly incurred as a consequence of his injuries.
It is not, of course, every penny expended which is recoverable as dam-
ages. The court will look to see whether those payments were reasonably
necessary. The principle was explained by Megaw LJ in Donnelly v. Joyce.1
While the claimant may say, and believe, that it would aid his recovery to
travel in the style and comfort of a Rolls Royce motor car and to spend an
extended holiday in a five-star hotel in the Caribbean, the court is most
unlikely to accept that it was reasonably necessary for him to do so. How-
ever, judges are disinclined, where the matter is marginal, to say that it
was unreasonable for the claimant to have taken a certain course if he
has actually expended the money. Past losses are likely to be viewed less
strictly than claims for future losses where the money has not yet been
1 [1974] QB 454 at the text: ‘The Plaintiff ’s loss is not the expenditure of money to buy the
special boots or to pay for nursing attention. His loss is the existence of the need for
those special boots or for those nursing services, the value of which for purposes of
damages – for the purpose of the ascertainment of the amount of his loss – is the proper
and reasonable cost of supplying these needs.’
98 s p e c i a l da m a g e s : pa s t l o s s e s
expended and where the sums are likely to be greater. But the size of the
expenditure is not, of itself, necessarily going to make it unreasonable.
Thus, receiving treatment in New York rather than London has been held
to be reasonable,2 as has been treatment at home even if it would have
been cheaper to treat the victim at an institution.3
Loss of earnings
The principles are precisely the same for past as for future loss of earnings.
This subject will be covered extensively in relation to future loss in the
next chapter so the reader is referred to the discussion found therein.
One must, however, note that in this instance the exercise is much easier
in so far as (a) the multiplier is clearly known and is fixed by reference
to the time that has lapsed between injury and trial, and (b) the same is
(approximately) true of the multiplicand in so far as it can be ascertained
what the injured person/claimant would have been earning at the time
of the trial. But one must remember that what is given to the claimant is
his net loss i.e., his gross lost earnings minus taxation4 and social security
2 Winkworth v. Hubbard [1960] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 150. 3 Rialas v. Mitchell (1984) 128 SJ 704, CA.
4 British Transport Commission v. Gourley [1956] AC 185.
5 Cooper v. Firth Brown Ltd [1963] 1 WLR 418. This includes the employee’s own contributions
to whatever pension scheme to which he belongs: Dews v. National Coal Board [1988] AC 1.
6 See also, Winkworth v. Hubbard [1960] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 150; Cunningham v. Harrison [1973] QB
7 Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Act 1948, s. 2(4). In relation to future treatment it is for
the claimant to prove that he will undergo private treatment rather than availing
himself of the National Health Service: Woodrup v. Nicol [1993] PIQR Q104.
e n g l i s h l aw 99
£2,856 for in-patient treatment and £286 for out-patient treatment.8 The
insurer must, however, have already made some payment in respect of
the injury and know of the hospital treatment.9
recently awarded such a claimant the cost of her husband doing some of
this work (even though the minority objected that the tasks performed by
the husband were not, really, performed for his wife but for the household
which they shared).11 The Law Commission has proposed that in these
circumstances of ‘loss of . . . ability to do work in the home’, the claimant
should be able to recover for the costs of work done in the past by friends or
relatives and the claimant should then have a personal liability to account
to those helpers for that work done. Where the claimant has ‘soldiered
on’ and done the work himself, the Law Commission prefer to treat such
damages as non-pecuniary loss, in line with pain, suffering and loss of
In many cases care has not actually been provided by paid third par-
ties but by members of the claimant’s family who provided it through
their natural concern, love and affection for the victim. In those cir-
cumstances the court calculates the commercial cost of the care which
has been provided and then applies a discount, which will normally be
25 per cent.13 The cost of care is recoverable by a claimant irrespective
of whether he or she is under any legal liability to make recompense to
the person or persons who have provided the care. Most spouses or family
members would provide the care without any consideration of whether
they have a legal entitlement to be paid for it. Nevertheless, the claimant
is entitled to recover under this head subject only to the discount. Any
money received is, technically, held in trust for those who provided the
care.14 In the vast majority of cases, however, that principle is honoured
more in the breach than the observance. Most family members decide
that they do not want the money for themselves and that it is better
used providing a fund for the future of the injured person. That is their
decision. It is not open to a defendant to say, after judgment, that the
money should be paid back to them because the claimant is in breach
of trust. That accords with the principle that it is no business of the de-
fendant how a claimant actually spends the general damages which he
The above rules do not apply to compensate a spouse who gives her
services to the claimant’s business in consequence of the injury.16 The
reason for the distinction is that in such a case it is the business and not
the individual who has suffered the loss. The word ‘business’ is, perhaps,
insufficiently precise. If the spouse is trading as a sole trader, the loss is
recoverable but not if the business is a partnership or a company.
In the case of family members there may be an alternative method of
calculating the loss. If the carer has given up paid employment to care for
the claimant there is an entitlement to the net loss of earnings of that
individual rather than the discounted cost of care. The overriding prin-
ciple is one of reasonableness. The question to which the court requires
an answer is whether it was reasonably necessary for the family member
concerned to give up work in order to care for the victim. Plainly, in some
cases it may appear disproportionate for the individual concerned to have
given up an extremely well paid job in order to provide the level of care
actually required. The court may well be sympathetic to the fact that, for
example, the mother of a young child has stopped work in the immediate
aftermath of the accident and not returned for a period of months, or in
some cases even years. That will depend upon the nature of the injury,
the level of care required and the strength of the evidence generally. The
court is far more likely to be sympathetic in the case of a mother-child or
husband-wife relationship than in others. It is impossible to provide any
hard and fast rule.
In normal circumstances the loss of earnings will be capped at the level
of the cost of commercial care had it been provided. Now, for example,
the court will have to assess the level of care required and what it would
have cost had it been provided by an outsider. That figure will then be the
ceiling of the claim for loss of earnings by the member of the family.17 It
does not follow that because a family member gives up work that would
have occupied him or her for eight hours but actually provides twenty-
four-hour care that she should be paid more than the amount which she
would have received in employment. On the other hand, in one case the
trial judge reached the conclusion that the claimant’s wife, who was a
nurse, had probably being doing the equivalent of the work of two full-
time nurses. He awarded one and a half times the net amount which she
would have earned in employment as a nurse.18
Personal expenses
This category covers claims for such items as additional heating costs
where an injured individual feels the cold19 or spends more time at home;
the provision of special clothing; extra clothing and extra costs of holidays.
That list is not intended to be exclusive.
The principle is precisely the same as it is in other areas, namely whether
there is, on all the evidence, a reasonable requirement for the additional
expenditure and whether the costs actually expended are themselves
In cases of more serious injury special clothing may be required. It may
also be necessary to wash clothes or bed clothes far more often than before
as a result of incontinence or sweating.20 In such case the household is
likely to use more electricity and soap powder and have to replace the
washing machine with greater frequency than normal.
Equally, a seriously injured individual may need to be accompanied on
holiday by a carer who will inevitably incur extra fares and additional
accommodation costs. Furthermore, the type of holiday undertaken may
well be more expensive. A younger person may have been used to going
camping or sharing a cheap apartment with others. That may well, as a
result of his disabilities, no longer be feasible. It must be remembered
that in accordance with general principles it is only the additional costs
incurred which are recoverable.
In relation to clothing one of the arguments, in the case of younger
individuals, which is frequently put forward by a defendant is that the
young person would, but for the accident, have spent a lot of money on
fashion clothes which he no longer does and that that is to be offset against
the claim under this head. Whether that argument succeeds depends upon
the judge’s impression of the evidence.21
Travel costs
In the case of past losses, this heading falls to be discussed under three
First, are costs incurred by the claimant himself in travelling to and
from hospital, medical appointments with his treating doctor and the
like. Secondly, the claimant is entitled to recover monies expended by im-
mediate relatives in travelling to visit him in hospital or, where reasonably
necessary, accompanying him to hospital and medical appointments. In
(a) Was it reasonably necessary for the claimant to purchase or hire the
various aids and items of equipment claimed in his schedule?
(b) If so, was the type and model of each item reasonable or ought he to
have purchased something cheaper?
(c) Even if a particular item of equipment was purchased as a result of the
accident was that item something which the claimant would probably
have acquired in any event? So, e.g., in modern times the court will be
dubious about a claim that an individual has purchased a mobile
telephone – or cordless telephone – purely as a result of the accident.
The same might be said of a claim for subscriptions to one of the
multichannel television companies or the purchase of a computer.
However, each case must be looked at on its own particular facts and
the surrounding evidence.
There is, inevitably, an overlap between past and future costs of accommo-
dation. In those cases in which all that is required are minor adaptations
to a property, the expenditure may well already have been incurred. How-
ever, where it is necessary to purchase a property and/or carry out major
alterations, the injured individual is unlikely to have been able to afford
to meet such expenditure out of his own pocket. In general, therefore, the
accommodation is likely to have been provided out of interim payments
which are advances against the total sum of damages which he is likely
to recover at trial.
Thus, those costs are more properly considered when looking at the
damages recoverable for long-term losses. One must restate the general
proposition against allowing the total cost of new accommodation.22
It is, however, appropriate to consider the type of case in which the
claimant resides in rented accommodation and has moved to a larger or
better property since the accident. As with all the other categories, the
court has to consider whether the move has been justified. That will re-
quire looking at the medical evidence about the nature of his disabilities;
whether a resident carer has had to be engaged (be it a member of the
family or an outsider employed at commercial rates) or whether there
22 Cf. Cunningham v. Harrison [1973] QB 942 and Moriarty v. McCarthy [1978] 1 WLR 155 at 163.
g e r m a n l aw 105
German law
Loss of earnings
Lost earnings will be calculated on the basis of the theory of difference
(Differenzhypothese) i.e., by comparing the victim’s actual state with that in
which he would have been but for the injury. The principle, it should be
noted, is the same for future, pecuniary losses though its application to
the present situation covering the period from injury to trial poses few
problems since it can be done on objectively available data and requires
no hypotheses and speculation.
23 Substantial sums can be awarded under this heading. See e.g., Jones v. Jones [1985] QB
704, CA (£28,000 including the Official Solicitor’s administration costs).
24 Pritchard v. J. H. Cobden Ltd [1987] 2 WLR 627.
25 [1985] QB 704 (where, however, the defendant had conceded the point).
106 s p e c i a l da m a g e s : pa s t l o s s e s
Travel costs
Travel expenses of the victim himself
Such expenses have to be compensated according to § 843 I BGB (special
needs) if they occur permanently (e.g., increased dependency of a handi-
capped person on public transportation).41 Travel expenses in connection
with the accident which are not permanent (cost of visits to the doctor
or to the hospital) are part of the damage which is recoverable under
§§ 249, 251 BGB.
35 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 386.
36 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker ibid. Cf. BGH 19 May 1981, NJW 1982, 757, 758: an aid which
would be useless for a healthy person has to be paid in full (e.g., a lift for handicapped
people in a private home); if the aid fulfils a basic function for everybody (a motorcar,
apartment), the tortfeasor has to pay only the surplus of the costs caused by the
37 OLG Köln 13 April 1988, NJW 1988, 2957; OLG Düsseldorf 19 November 1993, NJW-RR
1994, 352.
38 OLG Köln 4 October 1989, VersR 1989, 1309.
39 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 384 (€10–20 per week).
40 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker §249 BGB no. 384.
41 BGH 10 November 1964, NJW 1965, 102.
108 s p e c i a l da m a g e s : pa s t l o s s e s
Necessity of travels/visits
Since the starting point of reference is the needs of the victim, only such
visits by others are held to be compensable which are ‘medically necessary
for the recovery of the patient’.45 The Federal Court tries to distinguish this
medical necessity not only from the wishes of the relatives to see the vic-
tim (which would constitute only a ‘third party damage’), but also from
other needs of the victim himself, in a psychological or physical sense.
This has been criticised as disregarding the fact that medical recovery and
42 For further details (and a translation of the leading decision of BGH 19 February 1991,
NJW 1991, 2340) see GLT, pp. 42–548 and 909.
43 While this is the unanimous position of the courts, some authors would prefer a
different dogmatic approach: judge-made expansion of the statutory scheme in §§ 844,
845 BGB (Larenz and Canaris (1994) p. 586), or analogy to these provisions (Staudinger
and Schiemann (1999) § 249 BGB no. 240). For attempts to establish a direct claim on the
part of the relatives see p. 113.
44 BGH 13 February 1991, NJW 1991, 2340, 2341 = GLT, case no. 58, p. 544.
45 BGH ibid.; OLG Bremen 31 August 1999, FamRZ 2001, 1300, 1301.
g e r m a n l aw 109
46 Wolfgang Grunsky JuS 1991, 907, 909 rejects the ‘medical-necessity approach’
47 Visits compensable: OLG Saarbrücken 23 October 1987, NZV 1989, 25; LG Saarbrücken
18 December 1987, NJW 1988, 2958 (same case).
48 Yes: MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 380 (but not travels to the burial); Grunsky
JuS 1991, 907, 908.
49 FamRZ 2001, 1300. 50 As to the father see p. 110.
51 Publisher’s note FamRZ 2001, 1301.
110 s p e c i a l da m a g e s : pa s t l o s s e s
Scope of ‘relatives’
While the hitherto prevailing practice used to speak of ‘close relatives’,
the expenses of which would be compensable, in 1991 the Federal Court
narrowed the concept to the ‘closest relatives’.54 The exact definition of
this group remains in doubt. Generally speaking, parents, spouses or reg-
istered partners (§ 11 I Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz 2001) are regarded as
‘family members’. In one case the distinction has been made between
parents with or without parental authority.55 Although, in general, sib-
lings would also qualify, they have been excluded in the context of travel
expenses.56 Engaged partners, on the other hand, are said to be ‘close
family’,57 while de facto cohabitants are an especially disputed group.58
On the other hand, one should note that the current tendency seems to
be to look not so much at the legal relationship between the victim and
the ‘visitor’ but at the personal and emotional bonds between them. In
the light of the requirement that there is a ‘medical necessity’ for such
visits, this seems to be a preferable approach.59 Though desirable, visits
by friends, colleagues or other persons who have social contacts with the
victim do not fall under this heading.
Frequency of visits
In the light of ‘medical necessity’ and ‘unavoidability’, this question is
especially difficult to answer. There is much agreement that the answer
depends on the facts of each case: age of the victim, the nature of his
52 BGH 19 February 1991, NJW 1991, 2340, 2341 = GLT, p. 544; OLG Bremen 31 August
1999, FamRZ 2001, 1300, 1301.
53 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 380; Soergel and Mertens § 249 BGB no. 42.
54 BGH 19 February 1991, NJW 1991, 2340, 2341 = GLT, p. 544 (nearest family).
55 OLG Bremen 31 August 1999, FamRZ 2001, 1300, 1301 (see p. 109: The travel expenses of
the unmarried father of the child were excluded from compensation); cf.
MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 378: if there are two parents, only the costs of
the ‘cheaper’ parent are compensable.
56 OLG Karlsruhe 11 July 1997, VersR 1998, 1256, 1258; Palandt/Heinrichs (62nd edn, 2003)
§ 249 BGB no. 11.
57 Palandt/Heinrichs § 249 BGB no. 11, vor § 249 BGB no. 71.
58 Included: LG Münster 12 June 1997, NJW 1998, 1801.
59 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 379.
g e r m a n l aw 111
Compensable costs
According to the principles outlined above (see p. 108), only the ‘unavoid-
able costs’for visits or travels are compensable. The relatives have to choose
the cheapest means of transportation, accommodation etc.64 If there are
two parents of comparable importance to the child, the visit of only one
parent at a time is ‘necessary’.65
60 OLG Köln 9 January 1978, VersR 1979, 166 (six-year-old child); LG Saarbrücken
18 December 1987, NJW 1988, 2958 (daily visits for over one year); cf. OLG Frankfurt
2 November 1979, VersR 1981, 239, 240 (severely injured spouse).
61 OLG München 29 October 1980, VersR 1981, 560; OLG Koblenz 23 March 1981, VersR
1981, 887; LG Münster 15 May 1985, ZfS 1988, 69 (three visits).
62 LG Augsburg 11 March 1988, ZfS 1988, 239.
63 The regular costs of living at home would have to be deducted, however.
64 BGH 19 February 1991, NJW 1991, 2340, 2341 = GLT, p. 544.
65 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 378; but see BGH 21 December 1978, NJW 1979,
598, where the spouse, the child and the mother of an injured woman had temporarily
moved to the place where she was hospitalised (the BGH remanded the case).
66 OLG Hamm 2 June 1995, VersR 1996, 1515; OLG Bremen 31 August 1999, FamRZ 2001,
1300, 1301; LG Münster 12 June 1997, NJW 1998, 1801.
67 OLG Düsseldorf 18 June 1973, NJW 1973, 2112 (severely injured, temporarily
unconscious child).
112 s p e c i a l da m a g e s : pa s t l o s s e s
Costs of meals They may be covered, if necessary, but only to the extent that
they exceed the costs which the relatives would have incurred at home.70
up for lost work, and substitute home help had been paid for. Thus, the
courts have ordered reimbursement of the costs of a babysitter during the
time of visit.78
This rich case law gives some indication of how detailed, indeed, sophis-
ticated, the German law of damages has become through the development
of detailed legal rules over many years of court practice.
78 BGH 24 October 1989, NJW 1990, 1037. 79 Seidel, VersR 1991, 1322–4.
80 See GLT, p. 909; Völcker, JuS 1992, 176.
81 Cf. BGH 21 December 1978, NJW 1979, 598/9; Staudinger/Schiemann vor § 249 BGB
no. 56 with further references.
82 Selb, Schadensbegriff/Regressmethoden (1963), p. 71; Erman/Schiemann § 843 BGB
no. 20; Soergel/Zeuner § 843 BGB no. 29. Similar Hermann Lange and Gottfried
Schiemann, Schadensersatz (3rd edn, 2003), § 11 C V, pp. 753–4 (claim for assignment
based on the internal relations between victim and relatives).
83 Cf. p. 110. 84 Lange and Schiemann, n. 82 above at § 11 C V, pp. 753–4.
85 § 1649 II BGB. 86 Illustrative MünchKomm-BGB/Stein § 843 BGB no. 38.
87 BGH 19 May 1981, NJW 1982, 757.
114 s p e c i a l da m a g e s : pa s t l o s s e s
The tortfeasor has to pay the expenses if the existing apartment of the
victim has to be adapted to his special needs after the injury e.g., the
installation of a lift89 or even an indoor swimming pool.90
Sometimes, however, the victim has to look for another apartment
which is better suited to his handicapped living. In this case, the moving
costs are recoverable as well as a rent increase, compared to his previous
rent.91 Problems arise if the victim buys a new apartment or home. In
principle, the costs of acquisition have to be compensated too, but not to
the full extent: the tortfeasor owes compensation, but does not have to
contribute to the enrichment of the victim.92 The Federal Court has found
two aspects to be relevant: first, the normal costs of the use of a home have
to be deducted; secondly, the tortfeasor has to make possible the use of
the new home, but not the ownership of the victim. Thus, his share of the
burden of costs is limited to the costs of acquisition with the exclusion of
the property factor.93 How this share has to be calculated is not entirely
clear – the court refers to § 287 ZPO as last resort. One criterion mentioned
by the Federal Court as an example would be the costs of the bank loan
and the monthly instalments to be paid by the victim, which include the
interest as well as repayment of the capital.94 The method of payment may
vary: an annuity may be ordered under § 843 I BGB or a lump sum may be
preferable (§§ 249 II, 251 BGB), with which the victim could (in part) repay
the loan.95
88 BGH 8 November 1977, VersR 1978, 149, 150; OLG 17 September 1987, Köln VersR 1988,
61, 62; MünchKomm-BGB/Stein § 843 BGB no. 39.
89 Mentioned in BGH 19 May 1981, NJW 1982, 757, 758.
90 OLG Nürnberg 7 November 1969, VersR 1971, 260.
91 BGH 19 May 1981, NJW 1982, 757, 758; OLG Celle 22 January 1962, VersR 1962, 292.
92 A leading case is BGH 19 May 1981, NJW 1982, 757.
93 BGH, ibid. at 758: ‘bereinigter Anteil an den Baukosten’.
94 BGH, ibid. at 759; the inclusion of the repayment part of the instalments seems to be
inconsistent with the basic premise of the BGH: in the end the tortfeasor has paid for
the new property of the victim.
95 BGH, ibid. at 758 (not very clear with regard to the relation between §§ 843 III and 249,
251 BGB).
i t a l i a n l aw 115
Italian law
As stated in the Introduction, Italian law does not appear to make a clear
and rigid distinction between past and future losses. Though the first,
covering the period from accident to trial, are easily ascertainable and
can, in most cases, be supported by bills and invoices, whereas the later
amounts (arising from claims from trial to the moment the victim dies)
are open-ended, Italian judges tend to award one sum for both and fail
to specify in their judgments how their figures have been reached. If, as
a result of this approach, the reader fails to discover indemnifiable items
of damage comparable to those that exist in his own system, he must not
jump to the conclusion that they are left uncompensated in Italian law.
For one must never forget that the amounts awarded under the umbrella
notions of danno biologico and danno morale can be fairly substantial; and
in some instances could well be covering losses which in the common law
would receive individual attention. We offer this suggestion in a tentative
manner, more on the basis of our collective and individual readings of
each other’s materials, than basing it on specific judgments (which, in the
light of the above, is impossible). If this way of handling matters makes
Italian law more opaque, it does not mean that it also makes it ‘worse’
than others. Each system has to operate within its own tradition; and all
we wish to suggest is that understanding the solutions of a foreign system
often requires evaluating its rules within their wider context.
4 Future pecuniary losses
English law
In addition to general damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity
an injured individual will be compensated for pecuniary loss suffered by
him as a direct consequence of his injuries and residual disabilities. The
various heads of loss are considered later in this chapter. In essence they
fall into two categories; monies which the claimant would have received
but for the accident, and expenditure which he would not have incurred
but for the accident. The court, inevitably, is involved in a degree of spec-
ulation. It is incumbent upon the claimant to prove, on the balance of
probabilities, what would have happened in the future or what is likely
to have happened in the future. The court considers the position as it is
at the date of trial and makes its assessment at that date. Save in one
exceptional case neither side has the opportunity to return to court to
review the level of damages. Once the damages are paid it is entirely a
matter for the claimant how the money is spent.1 The defendant is not
entitled to insist that the money be used for any specific purpose nor is
he entitled to return to court to complain that the claimant has not, in
fact, done what he said he was going to do in the course of the evidence.
Thus, for example, if a claimant persuades a court that he needs a cer-
tain sum of money for a property but then, in fact, buys it for less – or
remains in rented accommodation – it is not open to the defendant to
e n g l i s h l aw 117
2 Robinson v. Harman (1848) 1 Exch. 850 at 855; 154 ER 363 at 365, per Parke B.
118 future pecuniary losses
cited where awards which appeared generous at the time of the trial have,
with the passage of time, proved to be inadequate. In fairness, however,
one must also note that the reverse may also be true i.e., the lump sum
award may turn to be excessive, something which will occur whenever
the victim dies earlier than expected at the time of calculation of his
The second factor that might lead to less than full compensation is the
refusal of judges to calculate damages on systematic actuarial evidence.
Though such evidence is admissible in court, the more rough-and-ready
method of multiplier and multiplicand, which will be explained below,
has always been preferred.3 There is, however, no conclusive evidence to
support this approach. What is more likely, however, is that damages tend
to be less adequate in all cases where the period of expected future loss
is great. This was clearly in the minds of the members of the Pearson
Committee who, by a majority, proposed a ‘modified multiplier’ system.
But Lord Hailsham LC informed the House of Lords4 that consultations
with the members of the legal profession had revealed great hostility to
this complicated proposal, so the government was not going to recom-
mend its acceptance.
The third and final factor undermining full compensation has been in-
flation. Courts tend to ignore it in their calculations except in the most
extreme cases, and the reasons they have given, though not entirely con-
vincing, are also not without value.5 Yet it is a matter of fact that inflation,
especially in the late 1970s and early 1980s when it reached record lev-
els, did eat into awards which, at the time they were made, appeared
generous, if not excessive.6 Nowadays, inflation rates are very low and
have been successfully kept under control so this factor is of diminished
3 For criticism by a leading actuary, see Prevett (1972) 35 MLR 140 at 257. In Mitchell v.
Mulholland (No. 2) [1972] 1 QB 65 at 77, Edmund Davies LJ put it as follows: ‘actuary and
accountant may to a limited degree provide the judge with a means of cross-checking his
calculations, and in arriving at the appropriate multiplier’. In Auty v. National Coal Board
[1985] 1 WLR 784, Oliver LJ used even stronger language when he said: ‘As a method of
providing a reliable guide to individual behaviour patterns or to future economical and
political events, the predictions of an actuary can be only a little more likely to be
accurate (and will almost certainly be less interesting) than those of an astrologer’ (at
800–1). See, however, the criticism of the traditional method by Thorpe LJ in Wells v. Wells
[1997] 1 WLR 652.
4 Hansard (HL) 1982, 621.
5 Taylor v. O’Connor [1971] AC 115; Lim Poh Choo v. Camden and Islington Area Health Authority
[1980] AC 174 at 193, per Lord Scarman.
6 For an earlier recorded instance see Thurston v. Todd (1966) 84 WN Pt 1 (NSW) 231.
e n g l i s h l aw 119
Method of calculation
The basic method of calculation for all but the most speculative of heads
of claim is the multiplier-multiplicand approach. How does that work? It
is best to discuss this topic under three subheadings.
General observations
The assessment of damages for the loss of future (prospective) earnings
is, inevitably, less precise and fraught with difficulties to which we have
already alluded. These are largely due to the number of imponderables:
in addition to those set out above, they may include such questions as:
how long would the plaintiff live? How long would he continue working
and at what rate? Would he be promoted and receive a rise? Conversely,
might he lose his job? What will the rate of inflation be in the future?
Would there be any significant change in his personal tax status? This
tries to discover so far as possible the net annual loss suffered by the
victim (the ‘multiplicand’)7 and arrive at a figure for the award of lump
sum damages by applying to this a ‘multiplier’, which must reflect not
only the predicted number of years for which the loss will last but also
the elements of uncertainty contained in that prediction and the fact that
the plaintiff will receive immediately a lump sum, which he is expected
to invest. Actuarial techniques are now built into this process since the
adoption by the courts of a set of tables (the Ogden Tables) which give the
multiplier applicable to the claimant depending upon the circumstances
of the case. The tables cover all aspects of damages for loss for life, loss
up to various retiring ages, loss of pension and loss for a number of years
certain. The discount rate is fixed by the Lord Chancellor pursuant to
section 1 of the Damages Act 1996. It is currently set at 2.5 per cent as
explained below.
The guiding principle is that the damages must be assessed on the basis
that the total sum awarded will be exhausted at the end of the period
contemplated and that during that period the plaintiff will be expected
to draw upon both the income derived from the investment of the sum
awarded and upon part of the capital itself. Any other calculation which
7 Note the comments of Lord Lloyd in Wells v. Wells [1999] 1 AC 345 at 377F, that careful
scrutiny is needed of the elements which go to make up the multiplicand, especially
since ‘the effect of reducing the rate of discount is to increase the multiplier in every
case’. This case was decided before the Lord Chancellor had set the discount rate. At that
time it fell to the courts to set the rate and Wells was the case in which the House of
Lords had to deal with the first substantial challenge to the long established rate of
4.5 per cent. See below.
120 future pecuniary losses
did not require the simultaneous use of income plus capital would result
in part of the capital remaining intact at the end of the contemplated pe-
riod and, consequently, in overcompensation of the plaintiff. This method
of calculation, however, also means that the chosen multiplier will be less
than the number of years taken as the period of the loss.
The multiplicand
The multiplicand is the annual figure representing each head of loss. So,
for example, if the injured individual requires care in the medium to long
term, evidence will be received of the current annual cost at the date
of trial. That is the multiplicand. In certain circumstances there may be
more than one multiplicand for a particular head of loss. Staying with
future care as an example, the evidence may well be that the claimant
will require a certain level of care for a number of years but, when he
gets to say sixty-five, more will be required and the cost will be greater.
In those circumstances the court will consider two multiplicands, one
for the period immediately following trial and one for a much later date.
The number of multiplicands is not limited. There may be any number.
However, that approach is only adopted in circumstances, such as care,
where there is a high degree of probability that by or at a certain date a
specific state of affairs will exist.
The multiplier
As already stated, the guiding principle is that the damages must be as-
sessed on the basis that the total sum awarded will be exhausted at the
end of the period contemplated and that during that period the plaintiff
will be expected to draw upon both the income derived from the invest-
ment of the sum awarded and upon part of the capital itself. Any other
calculation which did not require the simultaneous use of income plus cap-
ital would result in part of the capital remaining intact at the end of
the contemplated period and, consequently, in overcompensation of the
plaintiff. This method of calculation, however, also means that the chosen
multiplier may be less than the number of years taken as the period of
the loss.
For many years the courts assumed that the lump sum would be in-
vested in equities which, on average, yield a rate of return of around 4 to
5 per cent per annum, and reduced the multiplier accordingly. In Wells v.
Wells8 the House of Lords, in a decision which one expert commentator
His Lordship concluded that it was more appropriate for the court to
assume that the victim would invest most of the lump sum in index-linked
government securities. These offer a guarantee of protection against fu-
ture inflation but, in part because of this protection against inflation, also
offer a lower rate of return than equities. On this basis, he said that the
multiplier should be calculated on the assumption of a rate of return of
3 per cent per annum instead of the hitherto 4 or 4.5 per cent. The change
has led to an inflation in the size of awards. Section 1 of the Damages
Act 1996 confers a power upon the Lord Chancellor to set by order the
expected rate of return which the courts should follow in such cases, in
the interests of achieving greater certainty and consistency of practice;
on 25 June 2001, the decision was taken by the Lord Chancellor to set
the discount rate at 2.5 per cent,11 which has inevitably further increased
the level of awards. The Lord Chancellor also has the power to alter the
9 David Kemp, ‘Damages for Personal Injury: A Sea Change’ (1998) 114 LQR 571 and which
the press of the time thought would bring an unprecedented increase in the level of
awards (The Times, 17 July 1998).
10 [1999] 1 AC 345 at 366.
11 Damages (Personal Injury) Order 2001, SI 2001/2301. It is, nevertheless, possible for the
courts to take a ‘different rate of return into account if any party to the proceedings
shows that it is more appropriate in the case in question’ (Damages Act 1996, s. 1(2)).
However, early evidence suggests that the courts are extremely reluctant even to hear
arguments that a different rate is more appropriate: see Warriner v. Warriner [2002]
EWCA Civ 81; [2003] 3 All ER 447, where accountancy evidence as to the correct rate was
122 future pecuniary losses
14 Cookson v. Knowles [1979] AC 556; Blamire v. South Cumbria Health Authority [1993] PIQR Q1.
15 British Transport Commission v. Gourley [1956] AC 185; Cooper v. Firth Brown Ltd [1963] 1 WLR
16 Duller v. South East Lincs Engineers [1981] CLY 585.
17 Burns v. Edman [1970] 2 QB 541; Hunter v. Butler [1996] RTR 396.
124 future pecuniary losses
19 Brittain v. Garner, The Times, 18 February 1989, but see for an alternative approach where
the court used an average figure, Housecroft v. Burnett [1986] 1 All ER 332.
126 future pecuniary losses
anything else is pure guesswork.20 It is, however, more usual these days
for the court to take an average figure for the general type of employment
which the claimant’s family has undertaken as the multiplicand and to
use an appropriate multiplier.
In addition to loss of future earnings the court is entitled, in an appro-
priate case, to award an additional lump sum for the fact that the claimant
is handicapped in the labour market. This head of damage only applies to
an individual who is capable of returning to some form of employment
but who, because of his disability, may find it more difficult than the
average person to obtain further employment on his losing his job.21
This head of damage is not calculated in a scientific fashion. The court
makes a broad assessment of how long it is likely to take the claimant to
obtain further employment. It then awards net earnings for that period.
Awards vary between three to six months and three years.22
26 Lim Poh Choo v. Camden and Islington Area Health Authority [1980] AC 174.
27 [1953] 1 QB 617 at 635. 28 Woodrup v. Nicol [1993] PIQR Q104.
29 The Pearson Committee (Cmnd. 7054–1, 1978) paras 339–42 felt that such expenses
should be recoverable only if private treatment was reasonable on medical grounds.
Note, also, the Administration of Justice Act 1982, s. 5, discussed below.
30 Law Com. No. 144, 1996. 31 See ibid., paras 4.2 and 4.3.
32 Damages for Personal Injury: Medical, Nursing and Other Expenses; Collateral Benefits (Law Com.
No. 262, 1999).
33 See ibid., paras 3.18 (on the retention of s. 2(4) of the 1948 Act) and 3.43 (on recoupment
by the NHS).
128 future pecuniary losses
[in that case his wife and sister-in-law, who had given up their employ-
ment in order to nurse him] for what they had lost’. The italicised word
‘they’ could be taken to suggest that the loss in question was, in fact, the
third party’s (benefactor’s) though, for technical reasons, it was claimed
by what we have called the ‘primary’ or ‘direct’ victim of the tort. Indeed,
this position was adopted by Lord Denning in Cunningham v. Harrison39
where he also added the rider that the sum thus collected (by the ‘primary’
victim/claimant ) would then be held on trust for the third party (benefac-
tor). By a strange coincidence, however, one day later, in Donnelly v. Joyce,40
a differently constituted Court of Appeal reached the same final result
(i.e., that the tortfeasor should pay the loss of the third party/benefactor)
but via a different route. This was, quite simply, that the loss was that of
the primary (direct) victim and it consisted not of the expenditure itself, but
of the need for the nursing services.
The Donnelly v. Joyce ruling, which held sway for the next twenty years,
was probably prompted by the desire to put an end to uncertainties which
had crept into the practice of the law and concerned how the award thus
gained by the ‘primary’ victim should be handled (i.e., kept by him or held
in trust in the name of the benefactor, and should the latter course be
open only when there was a formal agreement to such effect between the
‘primary’ victim and the third party). These difficulties were, apparently,
avoided by making it clear that the claim for the award was that of the
‘primary’victim and not the third party/benefactor and it was then entirely
for him to decide how, in fact, the money would be used. But as Lord Bridge
put it in Hunt v. Severs,41 the decision which terminated the reign of the
Donnelly judgment:
By concentrating on the plaintiff ’s [primary victims] need and the plaintiff’s loss
as the basis of an award . . . the reasoning in Donnelly diverts attention from the
award’s central objective of compensating the voluntary carer. Once this is recog-
nised it becomes evident that there can be no ground in public policy or otherwise
for requiring the tortfeasor to pay to the plaintiff, in respect of services which
he himself has rendered, a sum of money which the plaintiff must then repay
to him.
39 [1973] QB 942.
40 [1974] QB 454. In Donnelly v. Joyce the young plaintiff claimed the cost of special boots,
which he needed as a result of the accident and which had been bought for him by his
parents, and for his mother’s lost earnings as a result of her giving up her job to look
after him. The defendant conceded the first claim but contested the second on the
ground that the plaintiff was under no legal obligation to reimburse his mother.
41 [1994] 2 AC 350 at 363.
130 future pecuniary losses
One reason why the House of Lords felt obliged to return to the Denning
rationale (that what is at issue here is the benefactor’sand not the ‘primary’
victim’sloss, so that the primary victim held the damages recovered under
this heading on trust for the carer)42 were the unusual facts of the case
which revealed a basic flaw in the Donnelly approach, and which clarify the
last sentence of Lord Bridge’s statement. For in the Hunt case the volunteer
offering the services (and suffering the loss) was the plaintiff’s husband
who was also the defendant tortfeasor in the action! So, if the Donnelly
reasoning had applied, the claimant (wife) would have claimed the loss
suffered by her husband who gave up his job to look after her. But the
husband, it will be recalled, was also the tortfeasor who had injured her
in the first place so, on this kind of reasoning, he would be paying damages
for his own loss. The House of Lords was able to avoid this result in the
instant case while preserving intact the basic principle that in the more
run-of-the-mill kind of case, claimants will still be able to recover for the
gratuitous provision of services by third parties.
The logic of Hunt v. Severs is clear enough, but the House of Lords’decision
gives rise to numerous problems in the case where the defendant is also
the provider of care for the claimant.43 One is that the ruling apparently
does not apply if the victim and the carer enter into a contract under
which the latter becomes obliged to render the services in question, in
return for agreed remuneration. The courts have consistently taken the
view that it would be undesirable to place the victim and carer in the
position of being required to make a contract of this kind,44 yet that is
precisely the effect of Hunt v. Severs. The ruling also provides a disincentive
for accident victims to accept gratuitous care from close relatives who may
be in the best (and most cost-effective) position to provide it for them.45
These were among the considerations that led the Law Commission, in
its Consultation Paper on Damages for Personal Injury: Medical, Nursing and
42 This is similar to the approach taken in Scotland: see Administration of Justice Act 1982,
s. 8, although this section involves only a personal liability on the claimant to account to
the carer. For a discussion of the ‘trust’ or ‘personal liability’ issue, see Law Com. No. 262
(1999), para. 3.55 ff. (esp. 3.62), where the Law Commission recommends legislation to
make this a personal liability only (and then only for past, not future, care).
43 See David Kemp, ‘Voluntary Services Provided by Tortfeasor to his Victim’ (1994) 110 LQR
524; A. Reed, ‘A Commentary on Hunt v. Severs’ (1995) 15 OJLS 133.
44 See, in particular, Donnelly v. Joyce [1974] QB 454 at 463–4 (Megaw LJ); Hunt v. Severs [1993]
QB 815 at 831 (Sir Thomas Bingham MR).
45 In support of the need to promote such voluntary care, see Colman J’s observation in
Hardwick v. Hudson [1999] 1 WLR 1770 at 1777, that ‘personal physical care can often be
most effectively and economically provided by a family member or close friend’.
e n g l i s h l aw 131
such services serving as an upper limit. But where this ‘caring’relative does
not give up paid employment, the commercial rate will be inappropriate.52
In its recent report, the Law Commission refused to propose the setting
of any limits or thresholds on such damages and did not suggest any
legislative changes to the assessment of such damages. However, it did
stress that the commercial rate for such caring services represented a
‘good starting point’ and that the courts should be wary of discounting
from this too extensively (to take into account tax and other commercial
expenses). Finally, the courts were encouraged to ‘be more willing to award
damages to compensate carers for their lost earnings even though these
exceed the commercial cost of care’.53
Finally, in this context, section 5 of the Administration of Justice Act
1982 should be noted. This provides that any saving to the injured person
which is the result of his being wholly or partly maintained at public
expense in a hospital or nursing home or other institution should be set
off against any income lost by him as a result of his injuries.
American, Canadian and German courts have also been called to ad-
dress a complicated variation of the Donnelly problem, where what is
at issue is not financial loss but physical injury sustained by the third
party/volunteer in the interests of the ‘primary’ victim. Typically, in these
cases a person has had a kidney negligently removed in hospital. Unfortu-
nately (for everyone concerned), this ‘primary’victim turns out to have one
kidney only (apparently something that occurs in one out of 100 people)
and thus is in need of an immediate transplant or else he will die. So a close
relative (e.g., father/the benefactor) is asked and agrees to donate one of his
kidneys in order to save the life of the ‘primary’ victim. Can the ‘primary’
victim claim for such harm suffered by the third party/volunteer? The fact
that the volunteer’s (relative’s) loss was the result of his own, voluntary
act can present legal difficulties; and the decision to donate an organ,
coming after due deliberation, distinguishes these cases from the typical
rescue cases (where the intervention is on the spur of the moment and
unaccompanied by the certainty of hurt) which, otherwise, would appear
the closest legal concept which could be used as a starting point in the rea-
soning process. Yet, despite these difficulties, the Canadian and German
courts have allowed for the compensation of the donors – a much bet-
ter solution (it is submitted) than by channelling the claim through the
primary victim.54 It must be hoped that if, or rather when, such a case
comes before our courts they will be willing to take note of the rich for-
eign case law on this topic.
54 Thus, Urbanski v. Patel [1978] 84 DLR (3d) 650 (Canada); BGH JZ 1988, 150 (Germany)
(English translation in Basil Markesinis and Hannes Unberath, The German Law of Torts: A
Comparative Treatise (4th edn, Oxford, 2002), p. 660 (henceforth referred to as GLT); cf.
Sirianni v. Anna, 285 N.Y.S. 2d 709 (1967); Moore v. Shah, 458 N.Y.S. 2d 33 (1982); Ornelas v.
Fry, 727 P.2d 819 (Ariz. App. 1986).
55 Cf. Cunningham v. Harrison [1973] QB 942 and Moriarty v. McCarthy [1978] 1 WLR 155 at 163.
134 future pecuniary losses
The claimant is entitled to recover the reasonable costs of adapting a prop-
erty to meet his needs by, e.g., installing a lift, widening doors to admit
a wheel-chair, installing ramps and the like. The amount recoverable is
simply a matter of evidence.
If, however, the nature of the adaptation is likely to enhance the value
of the property by, e.g., adding an extension to the existing building, the
full capital costs would not be allowed. The amount claimable would then
be calculated in exactly the same way as if capital was being used for the
purpose of purchasing a new property.
The converse is equally true. Many adaptations needed for an injured
person will actually reduce the value of the property. Its prospective
purchaser is likely to wish to restore the property to its ordinary condition.
56 Bell v. Todd [2002] Lloyd’s Rep. Med. 12; Ryan v. Liverpool Health Authority [2002] Lloyd’s Rep.
Med. 23.
e n g l i s h l aw 135
If it be proved that the adaptations have actually diminished the value the
claimant is entitled to the difference between the value of the property
as it was and the value of the property as it is after the adaptations have
been carried out.57
57 Brown v. Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth Health Authority (Teaching) [1982] 1 All ER 650.
58 Thomas v. Brighton Health Authority, sub nom. Wells v. Wells, n. 7 above.
59 Roberts v. Johnstone [1989] QB 878.
136 future pecuniary losses
How does a claimant, in fact, fund the necessary balance? That is not a
matter for the courts but the practical answer is either that he does so out
of his general damages for pain and suffering and loss of amenity, or by
making savings in some other area, or by taking out a mortgage for the
balance and paying for it out of the investment income which he receives
on the totality of his award.
Costs which do not provide any sort of capital value are recoverable in
full. Thus, removal expenses and legal and estate agents’ fees are recover-
able as a subsidiary head of damage.
Equally, the additional costs of running a larger establishment than the
claimant would have required had he not been injured are recoverable.
The court will look at the additional amount, at the date of trial, and apply
the whole life multiplier. The price of the property and its value is, again,
a matter of reasonableness. Where, e.g., the claimant purchased a house
which happened to have a swimming pool, the defendant’s attempt to
reduce the capital cost of the house by its increased value attributable to
the swimming pool failed because the overall purchase price was reason-
Loss of pension
There is no difference in principle between loss of pension and loss of
future earnings.
The question, of course, is whether the claimant was, or would have
been, in pensionable employment. That may not be such a straightfor-
ward question as it first appears. As one example, a secretary for a large
organisation may, at the date of the accident, be in pensionable employ-
ment. If, on the evidence, her employers would have shut that office so that
she would have been made redundant some two years after the accident in
any event, could she have obtained other pensionable employment? That
is a very open question and would need to be the subject of both factual
and expert evidence.61 In the actual case, the opinion of the employment
expert was that she would have been likely to obtain pensionable employ-
ment within nine to twelve months of the notional date of redundancy.
If, of course, there is no loss of pension rights there is no claim.62
One approach is to establish, first, what pension and lump sum the
claimant would have received had he retained his pre-accident employ-
ment to pensionable age. Consider, on the evidence, what pension provi-
sion the claimant is in fact likely to obtain, if any. The court can then adopt
61 The above is a real example from a case which settled shortly before trial.
62 Dews v. National Coal Board [1988] AC 1.
138 future pecuniary losses
German law
Future pecuniary losses
Basic approach
The method of calculation depends on the form of payment: annuity or
lump sum (see p. 42). In both instances, however, the starting point is the
‘differential method’(Differenzhypothese) which is the basic principle under-
lying §§ 249–252 BGB.66 This principle applies equally to compensation for
loss of earnings or increased needs. The question asked is ‘what would the
economic situation of the victim be but for the injury?’. In assessing the
difference (= disadvantage to the victim), all known or foreseeable factors
63 London Ambulance Service NHS Trust v. Swan, CA, judgment of 12 March 1999 (unreported);
Auty v. National Coal Board [1985] 1 WLR 784.
64 [1996] PIQR Q26. Upheld by the House of Lords, sub nom. Wells v. Wells, n. 7 above.
65 Harris v. Empress Motors Ltd [1984] 1 WLR 212.
66 See Hermann Lange and Gottfried Schiemann, Schadensersatz (3rd edn, 2003), § 61, p. 248.
g e r m a n l aw 139
Periodic payments
The annuity payable according to § 843 I BGB for all continuing and fu-
ture losses is in practice calculated on a monthly basis.68 Although § 843 I
BGB provides for a uniform annuity, which covers both lost earnings and
increased needs (even though the basis of calculation of the two is differ-
ent), the courts nowadays have to distinguish explicitly in the judgment
between these two parts of the compensation package. This is because the
annuity for lost income is subject to income tax, whereas the annuity for
increased needs is not.69
With regard to the loss of earnings, the judge has to prognosticate fu-
ture developments as accurately as possible.70 If a child is injured, the
likely beginning of gainful employment has to be determined, as well
as the date when the victim would have given up such employment. If
not otherwise indicated, this will be the age of 65, after which the victim
will be entitled to an old age pension (the contributions to the pension
scheme have to be paid by the tortfeasor, because without the injury they
would have been paid by the victim out of his salary and (partly) by his
As to the value of the lost income, two alternative points of reference
may be used: the income the victim would have earned but for the in-
jury, or the market value of his work.72 The latter approach is important
where the victim was not, actually, working for a salary at the time of the
injury – for instance a spouse engaged in housework – but must still
be compensated for the loss of his or her working ability.73 With regard
to the former approach, two methods of calculation are adopted by the
German courts, the result of which are essentially the same: according to
the ‘Bruttolohnmethode’, the calculation proceeds from the (hypothetical)
gross income, but costs and expenditures which the victim (as compared
to an actually working employee) does not have to incur will be deducted.74
The ‘Nettolohnmethode’proceeds from the net income, but the court will add
all payments which the victim as an employee would have paid out of his
gross salary to the state (taxes) or social security and which he now has
to continue to pay.75 The Federal Court has declared both approaches to
be equivalent methods of calculation which – if applied properly – do not
produce different results.76
Periodical payments based on increased needs are especially difficult to
calculate. If the necessary costs vary from month to month, the court has to
assess an average amount of monthly costs.77 If the needs can be expected
to end after some time, the court has to set a time limit for the periodical
payments.78 In case of foreseeable changes, the court may define different
periods of time with different amounts of monthly payments, respectively.
The plaintiff must, to the extent that this is possible, itemise and prove
his increased needs.79 Therefore, he may not claim an overall excess pay-
ment as compensation for future inflation – he has to show the specific
costs which will be necessary to meet his needs.80 If the future needs are
not foreseeable at the time of trial, he may, instead of suing for damages,
bring an action for a declaratory judgment (Feststellungsklage, § 256 ZPO),
which declares the defendant liable for all future damages caused by the
injury to be proved by the plaintiff at a later stage (see p. 43).
The plaintiff may also confine his claim to certain items of his damages,
and later bring another claim with regard to other parts of his damages
(Teilklage, § 258 ZPO).81 In pursuing this tactic, however, plaintiffs must
keep a watchful eye on the danger of claims becoming statute barred
(see pp. 191–2).
If, after a court decree ordering periodical payments, the health or
economic situation of the victim changes, either party may return to
court and ask for a modification of the judgment (§ 323 ZPO).82 Since
the original judgment was – by necessity – based on a prognosis of future
developments, a ‘change of facts’ (§ 323 I ZPO) requires that the actual
74 Cf. BGH 22 January 1980, NJW 1980, 1787. 75 BGH 12 July 1957, VersR 1957, 574.
76 BGH 15 November 1994, NJW 1995, 389, 390.
77 Gerhard Küppersbusch, Ersatzansprüche bei Personenschäden, no. 183.
78 MünchKomm-BGB/Stein § 843 BGB no. 44.
79 BGH 13 January 1970, MDR 1970, 315; BayObLG 11 July 1968, BayObLGZ 1968, 184, 187.
80 OLG Köln 19 May 1988, VersR 1988, 185, 186.
81 Thomas/Putzo/Reichhold, ZPO (24th edn, 2002) § 323 nos 39, 40.
82 BGH 20 December 1960, BGHZ 34, 110, 118; Palandt/Thomas § 843 BGB no. 17.
g e r m a n l aw 141
from the capital sum, and other aspects of risk allocation. Last but not
least, one must recall the imperative that the capital itself must be ex-
hausted at the end of the (hypothetical) periodical payments. The private
practice of the insurance companies has established detailed and compre-
hensive Kapitalisierungstabellen87 which though they have no legally bind-
ing force have much persuasive authority. Since the future income from
the capital is not exactly predictable, an average income of between 5 to
5.5 per cent is usually taken as the basis of calculation (Abzinsungsfaktor).88
These principles may be illustrated by a practical example. A five-year-old
child is severely injured and entitled to a monthly income for the rest of
his life. The income would be €2,500 per month (= €30,000 per year). The
statistical life expectation is seventy-eight years (for 2000), the duration of
periodical payments would therefore be seventy-three years. The overall
value of such payments would be 73 × €30,000 = €2,190,000. The multi-
plier (Kapitalisierungsfaktor) according to the established tables would be
19,755. The annual damages (€30,000) have to be multiplied by this factor;
consequently, a lump sum of €592, 650 would have to be paid.89
If, as sometimes happens, the Kapitalisierungsfaktor expresses only the
period of (hypothetical) annuities, the income from the capital has to be
deducted in addition (Abzinsungsfaktor).
The Federal Court has stressed that all dates in actuarial tables are no
more than a starting point for the judge and may be modified according
to the circumstances of the case and the overall economic situation. His
discretion to do so and to fix a certain amount of capital as a lump sum
is based on § 287 ZPO.90
Loss of earnings
In general
The basic rule is that the defendant who is bound to make compensation
must restore the situation which would have existed if the circumstances
making him liable to compensation had not occurred (§ 249 sentence
1 BGB). The claimant is to be put in the same position as if he had not
been injured, which also includes his hypothetical economic position, in
particular the loss of future earnings.91 This principle is specified in the
87 See, e.g., Schneider, Schlund and Haas, Kapitalisierungs- und Verrentungstabellen (2nd edn,
1992); Gerhard Küppersbusch p. 283.
88 Cf. Schlund BB 1993, 2025, 2027; BGH 8 January 1981, NJW 1981, 818, 821.
89 Example taken from Gerhard Küppersbusch no. 650 (adapted to the euro currency).
90 BGH 8 January 1981, NJW 1981, 818, 821. 91 See GLT, p. 909.
g e r m a n l aw 143
context of tort law in §§ 842, 843 BGB (cf. p. 138). The ‘damage’ which is to
be compensated as loss of earnings is the difference between the economic
position after the accident and the hypothetical economic position if the
injury had not occurred. Thus, the award and the calculation of future
loss of earnings are based on the court’s conclusion: what the claimant
would have earned but for the injury.
Concrete loss/damage
Compensation for future loss of earnings requires that the claimant would
have worked in the future or had other income but for the injury. There-
fore, the claimant cannot recover a loss of earnings merely due to the fact
that the injury to body or health causes the destruction or diminution
of his earning capacity. His loss does not result from the destruction of
the earning capacity as such, but from the non-utilisation of it in return
for payment.92 Likewise, damages are not awarded if the claimant would
have lost his income in any event e.g., through an imminent dismissal or
because of the insolvency of the employer.93 The ‘loss of a chance’ to make
a profit is not yet considered to be a compensable damage under German
law (but see pp. 144–5).94
The injury may, additionally, cause pecuniary benefits for the claimant;
alternatively, the loss of earnings may be compensated by other persons.
If so, the claimant actually does not suffer a loss or, at the very least, his
loss is correspondingly decreased if we compare his current economic po-
sition with his hypothetical economic position if not for the injury. The
rule in this respect is that even though the victim is to be indemnified
for his loss he must not make a profit from his injury. Thus, pecuniary
benefits due to the injury may exclude or decrease his claim if the rule
of ‘Vorteilsausgleichung’ is applicable. This is the case if the victim receives
benefits due to the injury, these benefits do not contradict the purpose
of the damages and a deduction of these benefits from the award is rea-
sonable.95 From there, the court must deduct tax advantages, tax or social
security contributions which the claimant may no longer have to incur96
92 BGH 20 April 1999, VersR 2000, 233, 234.
93 See GLT, p. 909; BGH 17 January 1995, NJW 1995, 1023, 1024 (insolvency); BGH 13 May
1953, BGHZ 10, 6, 9 ff. (dismissal).
94 For a different view see Gerald Mäsch, Chance und Schaden – Zur Dienstleisterhaftung bei
unaufklärbaren Kausalverläufen (Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2004).
95 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 227.
96 Palandt/Heinrichs, vor § 249 BGB no. 144 ff. with a summary concerning deductible tax
144 future pecuniary losses
Contributory fault
According to § 254 II BGB, the claimant is obliged to mitigate his loss as
much as reasonably possible.99 So if, as a result of the injury, the claimant
works in another, but less well paid job, he can merely ask for the differ-
ence between his former and his current earnings. Likewise, the claimant
cannot recover the full amount of earnings he had earned before the acci-
dent if he is unemployed but does not look for or take up any available and
reasonable employment. The court must consider the circumstances of the
claimant, e.g., the family situation, the kind of injury, age, professional
training or the employment situation in general, in order to assess if and
to what extent the claimant is obliged to work. According to this rule, the
claimant can be obliged to change his profession and thus submit himself
to retraining, unless this would substantially worsen his professional and
social status.100 The decision on this point, however, is objectively reached
and it is not sufficient for the claimant alone to say that the alternative oc-
cupation falls below his professional standards and status. Furthermore,
the Federal Court has said that even a move to another town or city could
be reasonable in exceptional cases.101 If the claimant does not look for or
take up reasonable employment, the court will take into account what
the claimant hypothetically could have earned from such alternative em-
ployment. On the other hand, if the injured person has earnings from an
alternative employment, which he would not have been obliged to take
up, the court will not take them into account.102
The claimant has to prove that he would have continued to work in the
future and also show what he would have earned but for the injury. In
cases in which damages are to be awarded, the burden of proof is alleviated
by § 287 ZPO and § 252 sentence 2 BGB to the effect that the court has a
97 BGH 22 January 1980, NJW 1980, 1787. 98 For further information cf. pp. 189–92.
99 See GLT, pp. 905–7. 100 MünchKomm-BGB/Stein § 843 BGB no. 34.
101 BGH 3 July 1962, VersR 1962, 1100. 102 BGH 25 September 1973, VersR 1974, 142.
g e r m a n l aw 145
103 BGH 22 September 1992, VersR 1993, 55, 56; BGH 17 January 1995, NJW 1995, 1023,
104 BGH 20 April 1999, VersR 2000, 233, 234; BGH 24 January 1995, VersR 1995, 469, 470.
105 For a detailed account of German law in comparison to French law see Helge
Großerichter, Hypothetischer Geschehensverlauf und Schadensfeststellung (Beck, München,
2001); cf. p. 143.
106 BGH 22 September 1992, VersR 1993, 55, 56; BGH 17 January 1995, NJW 1995, 1023,
107 BGH 20 April 1999, VersR 2000, 233, 234; BGH 17 January 1995, NJW 1995, 1023, 1024;
see GLT, p. 909.
146 future pecuniary losses
As already stated, §§ 287 ZPO and 252 BGB are applicable and the court has
a discretion to evaluate the damage. Therefore, the problem is rarely the
calculation of earnings, but the conclusion as to what the victim would
have earned but for the injury. Generally, the court can assume that the
claimant would have earned as much as before if he was employed at
the time of injury. If the claimant was unemployed before the accident,
he must prove that he would have taken up a certain employment. If so, the
court would award the usual income that would result from such employ-
ment. In addition, the court must also consider the possible rise of wages
(or other income) in the future.109 In doing so, the court will normally re-
sort to collective labour agreements or the German civil service pay scale,
if applicable to the claimant’s hypothetical employment.110 Nevertheless,
if substantial and non-foreseeable facts should occur later on, and these
facts would reduce or increase the loss of earnings, the claimant and/or
the defendant can, under § 323 ZPO, ask for a judgment to modify the orig-
inal award for the future. As to the method of calculation in particular,
see pp. 138–9.
Particular problems
Promotion and substantially increased earnings in the future
In the case of a claimant who asserts that he would have been promoted
or had substantial earnings in the future, the court has to consider his
professional skills and his employment record in order to determine if this
is likely to have happened. In accordance with § 287 ZPO and § 252 sentence
2 BGB, promotion and increased earnings can be expected according to
the ordinary course of events and, therefore, are likely to happen for a
diligent person with a good professional record up to the moment of the
accident. On the other hand, the hypothetical prognosis may be negative
and this may well be inferred for a person with a poor employment record.
Nonetheless, even a less qualified claimant can also prove that he probably
could have had higher earnings by showing plausible facts for the alleged
course of events, e.g., his efforts to gain further job training111 which
108 BGH 23 January 1979, NJW 1979, 2142.
109 BGH 20 December 1960, BGHZ 34, 110, 118 ff.
110 MünchKomm-BGB/Stein § 843 BGB no. 15.
111 BGH 20 April 1999, VersR 2000, 233, 234; BGH 24 January 1995, VersR 1995, 469, 470.
g e r m a n l aw 147
he can pursue even after the accident. Even if the victim failed in his
efforts for further job training, the award for loss of earnings can include
increased earnings if it can be shown that he would have been successful
but for the injury.112
If a reliable prediction is not possible, the court will assume that the
claimant would have had average success in his profession but for the
injury.113 Thus, pay rises or promotions which can regularly be expected
in the occupation which the victim had chosen before the injury have
to be taken into account.114 Relevant provisions in collective agreements
or statutes (for public employees), which link the rise or promotion to
age or seniority, are thus used as guidelines by the courts.115 However,
in the absence of such guidelines, difficulties may arise. The court thus
cannot say that a claimant who was a professional football player would
not have earned money as a football team manager for an indefinite time
after his playing career had come to an end because such a change is un-
likely to have happened. To put it differently, the court cannot assume
that the claimant would not be successful at finding a permanent job as
team manager. Since the claimant is prevented from proving himself as
team manager due to the injury, and because the injury is caused by the
defendant, the court must assume that the claimant would have had at
least average success. However, the Federal Court stresses that the remain-
ing risks concerning the claimant’s professional course could, eventually,
justify proportional deductions if a reliable prediction cannot be made.116
112 BGH 20 April 1999, VersR 2000, 233, 234; BGH 24 January 1995, VersR 1995, 469, 470.
113 BGH 17 February 1998, VersR 1998, 770, 772.
114 BGH 2 April 1963, VersR 1963, 682.
115 BGH 20 March 1962, NJW 1962, 1054, 1055; BGH 28 April 1992, NJW-RR 1992, 1050.
116 BGH 20 April 1999, VersR 2000, 233, 234; BGH 17 February 1998, VersR 1998, 770, 772;
BGH 24 January 1995, VersR 1995, 469, 470.
117 BGH 5 July 1983, VI ZR 269/82 (unreported).
148 future pecuniary losses
a teacher and her grades had not been outstanding. In another decision
the Court of Appeal of Saarbrücken118 awarded compensation for a loss
of earnings on the basis that the claimant would have been a motor me-
chanic, although the claimant did not finish his job training. The court was
convinced that the claimant, who was injured at the age of sixteen, would
successfully have completed his apprenticeship as a motor mechanic. The
reason for this conclusion was evidence concerning the claimant’s career
aspirations, technical interests and skills and his performance in school.
However, if there is no indication at all for the hypothetical professional
development of the victim, it is then acceptable to take into account the
profession of the parents, brothers or sisters of the victim.119
But the younger the injured claimant the more uncertain is the hy-
pothetical course of events. For this reason German courts reject claims
(Leistungsklage) for the loss of earnings, if the plaintiff is not yet old enough
to embark upon a career.120 The victim, however, can ask for a declara-
tory judgment (Feststellungsklage) that at a later stage of his life he will be
entitled to damages for lost earnings, if such losses can be established.121
Self-employed persons
The Federal Court pointed out that the loss of earnings of a self-employed
person is to be based on the loss of profits from his business. His loss of
earnings cannot be simply calculated by means of the costs for an equiv-
alent substitute.122 The claimant must show his loss of profits by means
of the operating results in the past years from which the court can cal-
culate the loss as best it can.123 In doing so, it is recommended that the
claimant bring forward as much evidence as possible. This should include
the balances, profits and loss accounts (Gewinn- und Verlustmeldungen), in-
come tax assessment notices and tax returns (Einkommensteuerbescheide und
-erklärungen), advanced notification of purchase tax and purchase tax no-
tice within the crucial period of time (Umsatzsteuervoranmeldungen und -
bescheide für den maßgeblichen Zeitraum).124 It is not sufficient, if the claimant
only supplies the sales figures (Umsatzzahlen) of his business.125 In this re-
gard it is important to note that there is no fixed rule as to which period
of time is crucial to determine the future loss of earnings – this depends
on the circumstances of each case.
On the other hand, a self-employed person can recover the costs of a sub-
stitute (Ersatzkräfte), if he actually employs one. The employment of such
substitutes causes additional costs which reduce the profits. However,
the employment must be reasonable from an economic point of view.126
Given that the employment is reasonable, it is irrelevant whether or not
the claimant’s business operates less well with the substitute. But even if
the operating results achieved by the substitute are better, the court can
assume that the claimant would have done as well but for the injury.127
Therefore, the court does not apply the rule of Vorteilsausgleichung in such
If family members or friends take over the claimant’sjob without asking
for compensation, the claimant is entitled to demand the market price
for necessary substitutes (with regard to personal care, see pp. 156–7).
However, he can only recover the net sum, since his family or friends do
not have to pay taxes or social security contributions.128
Even if the self-employed person had not made any profits up until the
date of his injury, he could claim loss of earnings provided he can prove
that profits were likely to have occurred from business connections and
that these connections were broken up by the injury.129 To that end he
must deliver plausible facts, e.g., the establishment of business connec-
tions and expected orders likely to result from such connections. How-
ever, it will not be convincing if the claimant merely proves that he was
in touch with two companies, but received orders only for a few months
or days over a period of two years.130
124 Küppersbusch, Ersatzansprüche bei Personenschäden (7th edn, 2000), no. 97.
125 OLG Brandenburg 24 October 1995, OLGR 1996, 76, 77.
126 BGH 10 December 1996, NJW 1997, 941, 942.
127 BGH 10 December 1996, NJW 1997, 941, 942; BGH 31 March 1992, NJW-RR 1992, 852.
128 OLG Oldenburg 10 November 1992, NJW-RR 1993, 798.
129 BGH 3 March 1998, NJW 1998, 1634, 1636; BGH 6 July 1993, NJW 1993, 2673.
130 BGH 3 March 1998, NJW 1998, 1634, 1636.
150 future pecuniary losses
Female claimants
In the case of female claimants, two questions have to be distinguished.
The first is to decide whether a housewife suffers a loss of earnings
and if so, how is that to be calculated. Secondly, how should a court ap-
proach a claim by a woman who may either give up work altogether,
work part-time, or have breaks in her career, in order to bear and/or rear
her children? It should be noted that this traditional approach nowadays
strikes many as being sex-oriented discrimination. Even more commenta-
tors, however, would regard it as being substantially incorrect, for house-
work is not necessarily done by women (Germans prefer to speak of the
‘home-spouse’ = Hausgatte) and the statutory leave for the upbringing of
small children (Elternzeit) is, nowadays, available to both parents, even
cumulatively. This should not, however, obscure the fact that the like-
lihood of such events occurring is still much greater where females are
Housewife According to the original concept of the BGB, the wife had the
statutory duty to keep the house and to care for the children. If she was
injured, the husband lost her ‘service’ and could claim under § 845 BGB.
Under modern family law, the spouses are partners with equal rights;
housekeeping is not a service owed by one spouse to the other, but an
alternative and equivalent way of contributing to the family support:
§ 1360 sentence 2 BGB. Taking this as a starting point, the Federal Court
has found that housewives suffer a loss of earnings as well, which has
to be compensated according to § 842 BGB.131 A loss of earnings can be
claimed if the injured party cannot perform his or her domestic work
which is considered to be an economic value by which he or she is able
to fulfil his or her maintenance obligation towards the family. House-
hold chores are in this context an economic activity which is comparable
to any other gainful employment.132 Nevertheless, it has to be pointed
out that an injured homemaker cannot ask for damages, if the domestic
work is performed without a legal maintenance obligation, e.g., within a
131 BGH 25 September 1962, BGHZ 38, 55, 57; BGH 25 September 1973, NJW 1974, 41,
132 BGH 25 September 1962, BGHZ 38, 55, 57; BGH 25 September 1973, NJW 1974, 41, 42:
‘Nicht schon die Betätigung der Arbeitskraft als solche, sondern nur die für andere in
Erfüllung einer gesetzlich geschuldeten Unterhaltsverpflichtung geleistete
Haushaltstätigkeit ist eine der Erwerbstätigkeit vergleichbare, wirtschaftlich ins
Gewicht fallende Arbeitsleistung und stellt somit einen Erwerbsschaden dar’.
g e r m a n l aw 151
133 OLG Köln 11 March 1982, ZfS 1984, 132; against it OLG Karlsruhe 6 March 1992, DAR
1993, 391; the BGH has not ruled on this question yet but it stated that the loss of
earnings of a claimant who was injured before her marriage is realised at the time she
celebrates the marriage, since the partial destruction of her earning capacity
subsequently lowers her contribution to the maintenance of her family, BGH 25
September 1962, BGHZ 38, 55, 57; in another case the BGH held that the household
chores of a widow in a subsequent non-marital partnership was not to be seen as a
gainful employment or something comparable, BGH 19 June 1984, NJW 1984, 2520.
Domestic work is therefore not comparable with a gainful employment as long as the
claimant is not married or living in a registered partnership.
134 OLG Celle 12 November 1981, VersR 1983, 40.
135 Cf. Schulz-Borck and Hofmann, Schadensersatz bei Ausfall von Hausfrauen im Haushalt (5th
edn, 1997).
136 BGH 10 October 1989, NJW-RR 1990, 34. 137 BGH 10 October 1989, NJW-RR 1990, 34.
138 Directive 92/85/EC of 19 October 1992 [1992] OJ L348/1, 28 November 1992.
152 future pecuniary losses
to work because of her pregnancy, especially six weeks before and eight
weeks after the birth. Therefore, she would have had earnings during this
time. Pregnancy and birth are not facts which exclude earnings in this
Child care: the Federal Court has not yet ruled on this matter for the time
after birth, but the Court of Appeal of Zweibrücken140 has held that the
mother is entitled to claim compensation for loss of earnings, unless it
appears that she would not have been able to perform her paid work and
the child care cumulatively. Thus, it has to be asked if the claimant would
have had a break in her career in order to care for the child. According to
the court, the claimant must show that she would have handled employ-
ment and child care together, for instance by support of her family or by
sending the child to the Kindergarten. Today, the burden of proof might
have changed because more and more women manage to reconcile child
care and professional work, and the state provides more assistance in this
respect. But there is no recent court decision on this point.
Even if a female claimant has had a career break to raise a family, she
can still recover loss of earnings as a homemaker under the preconditions
stated above. The Federal Court141 has also decided that the victim could
recover the costs of a housekeeper as loss of earnings while she was study-
ing, as she was unable to combine child care and her studies, but she
would have managed both but for the injury.
144 For details see Staudinger/Schiemann (1998) § 252 BGB nos 50–52; Vorbemerkung zu §
249 BGB no. 61.
145 For a discussion of this notion see GLT, pp. 64 ff.
146 BGH 13 November 1973, NJW 1974, 143 ff.; BGH 8 February 1977, NJW 1977, 1283 ff.;
BGH 6 October 1988, VersR 1989, 94 ff.; BGH 15 November 1990, VersR 1991, 678 ff.
147 Cf. Karsten Schmidt, Gesellschaftsrecht (4th edn, 2002), § 40 III 4: ‘gesellschaftsfreundlicher
Durchgriff ’.
148 BGH 13 November 1973, NJW 1974, 134.
154 future pecuniary losses
and thus neither the company nor other partners can claim compensa-
tion.149 Therefore, the defendant has to make payments to the claimant
and not to the claimant’s company.
149 BGH 8 February 1977, NJW 1977, 1283 ff.; BGH 6 October 1988, VersR 1989, 94 ff.;
15 November 1990, VersR 1991, 678 ff. For a detailed discussion and critique see
Staudinger/Schiemann (1998), Vorb. vor § 249 BGB nos 59, 60 with further
150 RG 23 May 1935, RGZ 148, 68, 70/71; BGH 29 October 1957, NJW 1958, 627; BGH 15
December 1970, VersR 1971, 442, 444; MünchKomm-BGB/Stein (3rd edn, 1997), § 843
BGB no. 40.
151 BGH 13 January 1970, MDR 1970, 315. 152 BGH 19 May 1981, NJW 1982, 757, 758.
153 BGH 8 November 1977, VersR 1978, 149; OLG Stuttgart 30 January 1997, VersR 1998,
366; OLG Bremen 21 April 1998, NJW-RR 1999, 1115, 1116.
g e r m a n l aw 155
able to recover the full amount.154 Hence, the costs of care within the fam-
ily have to be compensated even if they are higher than institutional care,
because they are outweighed by personal and emotional benefits for the
injured.155 On the other hand, the tremendous costs of permanent total
care in an institution are no argument against full compensation, if such
an arrangement is chosen by the representative of the injured party and
is medically indicated.156
Family care
Principle If the care is performed by family members (spouse, parents, chil-
dren), it is normally free of charge vis-à-vis the victim, notwithstanding
the possibility that the care is based on a regular employment contract –
in this case the same rules apply as with regard to professional care. If the
family help is gratuitous, this does not preclude a compensation claim
by the victim. It is his special needs which justify the claim, not actual
expenses (see p. 154). The explanation for this rule is simple: the Federal
Court sees no reason why the altruistic help of family members should
relieve the wrongdoer of his liability. In addition, the court refers to the
principle underlying § 843 IV BGB: support by family members is not to be
deducted from the amount of damages which the wrongdoer has to pay
to the victim.158 It does not matter whether the family members would
have a profitable income but for the care-taking – the value of the care as
such has to be compensated, even if it is performed by a housewife or by
a retired or otherwise not gainfully employed person.159
How are the damages assessed in these cases? If there is a loss of earnings on the
part of the carer, this may be indicative of the value of the care, the market
154 OLG Bremen, ibid. 155 OLG Bremen 21 April 1998, NJW-RR 1999, 1115, 1116.
156 BGH 25 June 1996, NJW 1996, 2508; cf. OLG Bremen ibid.: monthly DM42,000
(= €22,000)!
157 BGH 10 November 1998, NJW 1999, 421, 422/3.
158 BGH 22 November 1988, NJW 1989, 766; see also BGH 8 November 1977, VersR 1978,
149, 150; BGH 24 November 1995, NJW 1996, 921; BGH 4 March 1997, NJW 1997, 1853;
BGH 8 June 1999, NJW 1999, 2819.
159 BGH 8 November 1977, VersR 1978, 149.
156 future pecuniary losses
value of the care being the upper limit. The market value is the decisive
standard for the assessment of damages in all cases: how much would the
victim have to pay for comparable care by professional persons?160
Restrictions and modifications The courts apply this standard, albeit with
some restrictions. The first concerns that part of the salary which is de-
ducted for tax and social security contributions: since a non-employed
family member does not have to pay these contributions, they are not
awarded by the courts.161 This has been criticised in the literature, because,
as a general principle, the amount of damages is not determined by the
actual expenses but by the special needs of the victim (see p. 154). The com-
pensation is to enable him to buy the necessary care ‘in the market’ – this
would include the gross payments to an employed carer.162 The Federal
Court has confirmed its position recently, but – at the same time – indi-
cated some doubts and allowed an exception to the net salary rule.163 In
that case, a severely injured daughter was cared for by her mother, a
housewife who was never in gainful employment. The statutory regula-
tion of care insurance, introduced in Germany as a new branch of the
social security system, tries to instigate home care instead of institutional
care, and therefore pays benefits for family members who provide the nec-
essary care which otherwise would have to be performed by professional
(and paid) staff.164 The payments made by the insurer to family care-takers
mirror the salary for gainful employment, including contributions to the
old age pension insurance (so the carer may acquire pension rights in his
own right). When it comes to the scope of tortious liability, the Federal
Court then argues in the usual way. The fact that the social security has a
statutory duty to pay the family carer should not relieve the tortfeasor of
his duty to compensate all the damages caused by him. The damage of the
daughter is her need of intensive care, and this need persists even if it is
(professionally) met by others. As a result, the defendant has to reimburse
all payments which the care insurer has made (and will have to make)
to the mother, including contributions to social security.165 It is unclear
whether this judgment could be regarded as a first step away from the
established net salary rule of the court.
160 BGH 15 October 1985, VersR 1986, 264; BGH 10 November 1998, VersR 1999, 252.
161 BGH 29 March 1988, NJW 1988, 1783, 1784; BGH 10 October 1989, NJW-RR 1990, 34;
BGH 24 April 1990, NJW-RR 1990, 962.
162 MünchKomm-BGB/Stein § 843 BGB no. 30.
163 BGH 10 November 1998, NJW 1999, 421.
164 § 3 S. 1 Nr. 1 a Sozialgesetzbuch VI (Rentenversicherung; Retirement Insurance Act);
§ 44 Sozialgesetzbuch XI (Pflegeversicherung; Geriatric Care Insurance Act).
165 For subrogation rights see chapter 4.
g e r m a n l aw 157
Care performed by the wrongdoer If the injury has been caused by a fam-
ily member (e.g., negligent supervision of a child), this relative may pro-
vide the necessary care later on.170 Although the wrongdoer may feel
himself under a moral duty to take over the care, there is no such duty
in German law. According to §§ 251 I, 843 BGB the victim has to be com-
pensated in money, the tortfeasor does not owe personal care. But such
an obligation may arise from family law.171 In any event, if the tortfeasor
166 OLG Hamm 17 August 1993, NJW-RR 1994, 415 (allowing, however, a special bonus for
the mother who had undergone special training to care for an injured child); OLG
Bremen 21 April 1998, NJW-RR 1999, 1115; see also BGH 22 November 1988, NJW 1989,
766, 767.
167 BGH 22 November 1988, NJW 1989, 766, 767 (cf. GLT, p. 909).
168 BGH 8 June 1999, NJW 1999, 2819, concerning destruction of the teeth by sugared
baby tea.
169 BGH 8 June 1999, NJW 1999, 2819, 2820. 170 Cf. Hunt v. Severs [1994] 2 AC 350.
171 OLG München 30 May 1995, NJW-RR 1995, 1239, quoting §§ 1601, 1610 II BGB in a case
where a mother has negligently caused the injury of her child.
158 future pecuniary losses
actually takes over the care, he or she fulfils the claim of the child for
proper care ‘in natura’ – there is no right of the child to obtain addi-
tional financial compensation.172 On the other hand, the carer cannot
charge a salary because, in one or the other way, he or she is liable to
provide adequate care and has chosen this alternative to meet his or her
A problem arises if others are liable as well. In the only case reported
in Germany, the negligent mother had taken out liability insurance and,
according to § 3 no. 2 Pflichtversicherungsgesetz, the injured child had a
claim against his mother and the insurance company as joint and several
debtors. In the internal relationship between the debtors, it is the insur-
ance company which has to carry the burden of compensation in the end
(§ 3 no. 9 Pflichtversicherungsgesetz). Since the mother has already satis-
fied the needs of her child for personal care in natura, the financial claim
of the child against both debtors switches by cessio legis to the mother
(§ 426 II BGB), who can then claim from the insurer an appropriate sum
for her care (see p. 152).
Is the victim bound to use the money he has received for adequate care,
or can he do with it as he likes?
In general
German law in this respect seems to be somewhat inconsistent. If a person
is injured, the tortfeasor owes in principle ‘restitutio in integro’: § 249 S. 1
BGB. Alternatively, the victim may ask for a sum of money in order to
organise the reparation himself: § 249 II 1 BGB. This applies to damage
to property as well as to personal injuries.173 But whether the victim is
then free to dispose of the money he receives is, according to the case
law, answered differently: in the case of damage to property, the owner may
take the money and leave his property, e.g., his car, unrepaired.174 This
rule has been implicitly confirmed by the latest statutory reform, which
now denies the claim of the owner with regard to the VAT (which is to be
paid only in case of actual repair), but thereby acknowledges the claim in
all other respects (§ 249 II 2 BGB).
In case of personal injury, a comparable freedom of disposition is denied
by the courts, because money paid for an operation or medical treatment
which is not performed would amount to non-pecuniary damage, which
175 BGH 14 January 1986, NJW 1986, 1538 = GLT, case no. 142; OLG Köln 19 May 1999, VersR
2000, 1021; Hermann Lange and Gottfried Schiemann, Schadensersatz (3rd edn, 2003)
§5 IV 6, pp. 228–30; cf. GLT, p. 908.
176 Condictio ob rem, § 812 I 2 Alt. 2 BGB, MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker (4th edn, 2000), § 249
BGB no. 355; Lange/Schiemann, n. 175 above, § 5 IV 6, pp. 228–30.
177 RG 23 May 1935, RGZ 148, 68, 70/71; RG 11 June 1936, RGZ 151, 298; BGH 15 December
1970, VersR 1971, 442, 444; KG 15 February 1982, VersR 1982, 978, 979;
Erman/Schiemann, BGB (10th edn, 2000), § 843 nos 11, 12.
178 For the dogmatic problems under German law, see GLT, pp. 546–7.
179 See GLT, p. 909.
180 Cf. Esser and Weyers, Schuldrecht (8th edn, 2000), II/2, p. 15; Karl Larenz, Schuldrecht
(14th edn, 1987), I, p. 536 no. 40.
181 Thiele AcP 167 (1967) 193, 221.
160 future pecuniary losses
close mutual bonds. The sums recovered are considered part of the family
budget which is not split up into individual claims. The distribution of
the money seems to be left to family autonomy.
Lost years
Under this heading, we refer to the problem addressed in Pickett v. British
Rail Engineering Ltd.190 There is no comparable discussion in Germany:
the interests of surviving relatives are taken care of with regard to lost
maintenance claims against the deceased (§ 844 II BGB); the expectation
of inheriting savings which the deceased would have accumulated but for
his death has – as far as we can see – never been considered a potential
head of damages: Germans would probably view this loss as a ‘risk of
Premature death, though, can influence compensation for the victim in
two respects. First, the non-pecuniary damages awarded to a severely injured
person (Schmerzensgeld) have been reduced by the BGH in proportion to the
reduced life expectancy: the damages are to compensate for suffering,
and the period of suffering is shortened by the imminent death.191 This
has been criticised by other courts and in the literature. According to
these views, the loss of years should be a criterion for awarding a higher
amount of non-pecuniary damages than usual.192 Other decisions seem
to steer a middle course: in cases of HIV infection, they grant annuity
payments because the remaining life expectancy is too uncertain to allow
the calculation of a lump sum payment. In this context the loss of years
works in the way mentioned above: shorter life means less compensation.
186 BGH 10 November 1964, NJW 1965, 102; BGH 18 February 1992, NJW-RR 1992, 792 ff.
187 OLG Hamm 17 March 1994, DAR 1994, 496, 498.
188 BGH 25 September 1973, NJW 1974, 41, 42; BGH 4 December 1984, NJW 1985, 735; BGH
18 February 1992, NJW-RR 1992, 792; OLG Karlsruhe 6 March 1992, DAR 1993, 391; OLG
Oldenburg 28 July 1992, VersR 1993, 1491; KG 15 February 1982, VersR 1982, 978, 979;
OLG Bremen 21 April 1998, NJW-RR 1999, 1115.
189 OLG Koblenz 7 October 1993, NJW-RR 1994, 1049, 1050. 190 [1980] AC 136.
191 BGH 16 December 1975, NJW 1976, 1147, 1149 (the victim had survived the accident
only for a short time); KG 26 February 1973, NJW 1974, 607, 608; OLG München
16 December 1969, VersR 1970, 643.
192 OLG Oldenburg 19 April 1994, VersR 1994, 1071, 1072; MünchKomm-BGB/Stein § 847
BGB no. 8, 31, 32; Staudinger/Schäfer § 847 BGB no. 82.
162 future pecuniary losses
But in calculating the monthly instalment, the courts tend to take into
account the reduced quality of life of the victim, who knows that his life
chances are severely impaired. Thus, the monthly payments have to be
calculated generously.193
Secondly, premature death influences the loss of earnings which is com-
pensated, as a matter of rule rather than of facts, by periodical payments
(§ 843 I BGB) which end at the time when the victim is likely to die. But
even in the case of compensation by a capital award (§ 843 III BGB), life
expectancy is an important factor of calculation. Consequently, loss of
earnings is a head of damages only as long as the victim lives; lost earn-
ings because of lost years are disregarded in German law.
Italian law
In addition to damage qualified as danno biologico (injury to health per se
including loss of amenity of life, aesthetic loss, social life, etc., discussed
in chapters 1 and 3) and danno morale (pain and suffering, in the sense
explained above), which are the headings of damage of Italian law which
correspond to non-pecuniary losses of the common law, the victim is also
entitled to be compensated for pecuniary loss suffered by him as a direct
consequence of his injuries. In Italian legal terminology this damage is
referred to as danno patrimoniale.
The term is a product of academic writing since the text of the Civil
Code, in the general rules governing damages from non-performance of
obligations (article 1223 ff.), refers simply to danno without any adjec-
tive. Only in tort law does the Code deal with ‘non-patrimonial’ damages,
which courts and academics refer to as danno morale. Two inferences fol-
low from the above. First, all losses not qualified as ‘non-patrimonial’ are
to be considered as ‘patrimonial’ (i.e., affecting the estate of the victim).
Secondly, danno morale is awarded only in tort cases, and it is considered
exceptional;194 non-performance of a contractual obligation cannot entail
danno morale.
Following the terminology of Roman law, the Italian law of danno pat-
rimoniale is divided into two general headings: damnum emergens (danno
193 OLG Hamburg 20 April 1990, NJW 1990, 2322, 2324; similar, but less clear BGH 30 April
1991, NJW 1991, 1948, 1951 (GLT, p. 45).
194 Subject to the very recent liberalising decisions of the Italian Supreme Court regarding
danno morale discussed in chapters 1 and 2.
i t a l i a n l aw 163
emergente), which means all expenses paid by the victim and lucrum cessans
(lucro cessante), which means lost profits. Roughly speaking, we can say that
the first head of loss comes close to the English concept of special damages/
past losses while the second head of loss is nearer the English concept of
general/future pecuniary losses. But the analogy is not complete. For danno
emergente can refer to real, though future, losses and not to failed gains
which would be part of what the English would then call general damages.
Italian (like English) judges may well be tempted to start their calcu-
lations with the first item of damages but, for the reasons given in the
previous chapter, this separation does not figure in their judgments. Re-
ferring, as they do, to the future, these kind of losses involve a degree of
speculation. The court must thus begin with the position of the victim at
the date of the trial, and then be guided in its evaluation of the future by
the evidence offered by the victim and by the reports usually prepared by
different types of experts (doctors, actuaries etc.).
The court often sets out to liquidate a life annuity. This will happen if it
has been requested by the claimant to do so or if it is considered as more
appropriate by the court itself. As already stated, however, lump sums
seem to be the rule. No control is exercised over the use which the claimant
will make of any sums awarded. In practice this means that awards made
to the claimant for, say, equipment or specialised care may subsequently
be diverted by him to other purposes with complete impunity.
The calculation of future losses makes reference to the pre-accident
earnings, and to the future possible earnings which the victim could ex-
pect, taking into account his training, education, abilities, choices and
the opportunities available to him. According to the circumstances, past
earnings can serve as the basis of the calculation, but the victim is allowed
to give evidence that in the future his earnings could be greater.
Method of calculation
Such calculations, inevitably, include a certain amount of speculation. In
order to work out what level of earnings the victim could have reached in
the future, courts use the same techniques connected with the multiplier-
multiplicand approach. No statute requests the courts to use this method;
but it has been in practice for many decades now.
In Italian case law, courts refer to this kind of calculation in terms of
an abstract concept, which looks at the victim as a worker as an employee
or self-employed person. This concept is called ‘specific working capacity’
(capacità lavorativa specifica). Before the invention of the head of loss named
danno biologico the courts, in order to give the victim greater compensation,
164 future pecuniary losses
also used another head of loss called ‘general working capacity’ (capacità
lavorativa generica) which has now been abandoned, being included in the
notion of danno biologico.
The term ‘work’ includes employment, self-employment, the activity of
entrepreneurs, as well as the activity of persons who do not receive regular
remuneration, such as housewives, pensioners, the unemployed, minors
and the like.
195 Cass. 28 April 1999, no. 4231, Resp. civ. e prev., 2000, 110.
196 Cass. 29 October 2001, no. 13409, Giust. civ. Mass., 2001, 1814.
i t a l i a n l aw 165
Categories of victims
As regards employees, proof must be given concerning the salary received.
This must include the tax returns and any other evidence suitable for
such a purpose. The reduction or loss of earnings is connected with the
prospective or actual working capability.
Income from employment includes all earnings relevant to the worker’s
remuneration, namely wages (or salary), production bonuses, additional
monthly payments as well as all reimbursements connected with the per-
formance of the working activity. If the victim has two occupations (as
There is a dispute in case law with regard to compensation for future
loss to housewives. Some judges deem that housewives are entitled only
to compensation of danno biologico;201 others have awarded for damages
arising from the loss of future employment.202 Yet a third group, have
198 Cass. 24 May 1993, no. 5832. 199 Cass. 13 October 1997, no. 9959.
200 Cass. 15 November 1993, no. 11271. 201 e.g., App. Milan, 19 October 1993.
202 Trib. Pisa, 16 January 1985.
i t a l i a n l aw 167
Pensioners are not entitled to compensation. But they can prove that they
have a residual specific working capacity or that they have an occupation
concurrent with their pension. In such case, compensation will be calcu-
lated in accordance with the above-mentioned rules.
In order to calculate the income from permanent incapacity of minors the
courts used to resort to forecasts that took into consideration, in a me-
chanical and class-oriented way, the father’s profession or employment,
while now other elements are taken into account such as age, social envi-
ronment, social life, as well as the aptitudes and talents of the child.
The circumstances of the case are decisive in order to establish the
quantum of compensation. For example, in a case concerning a young
girl who had completely lost her hair, it was specified that:
this serious impairment (affecting social life) implies, besides a psycho-physical
element in a strict sense, included in the scope of damage to health, an eco-
nomic element as well, connected with the negative influence that such impair-
ment has in the performance of activities ancillary to or integrating the normal
working activity, causing a reduction of the so-called competition capacity of the
Loss of opportunities
The prospects of income acquisition are referred to as ‘loss of opportuni-
ties’. Courts are in disagreement on their qualification, i.e., whether they
are actual damages or loss of profit, but it seems more appropriate to
think of this as a case of loss of profit, such as future prospects for career
206 Cass. 23 January 1995, no. 755. 207 Cass. 18 November 1999, no. 174.
208 These calculations are usually done by medical experts.
209 Cass. 12 July 2000, no. 9228. 210 Cass. 30 December 1993, no. 13013.
211 Article 2057.
i t a l i a n l aw 169
parties and the nature of the injury. In such a case, the judge shall order
suitable precautionary measures. There are two conditions to be satisfied:
the damage must arise from a personal injury and the injury must be
permanent. Temporary inabilities are not included in the application of
this rule even if they entail long periods of treatment and rehabilitation.
The annuity is considered as established for life. Temporary annuities
are not allowed. Unlike French and German law, the choice between lump
sum and annuity is left to the judge, who decides according to the condi-
tions of the parties. The matter is not seen as a question of which is the
best way of sanctioning the wrongdoer. The prime consideration is what
best helps the recovery of the injured party. In deciding this, the judge
takes into account the following factors: on the side of the victim, his
age, his position in society, his culture and his hobbies. On the side of the
debtor/defendant he scrutinises carefully his ability to pay the amount
awarded to the claimant by the court.
The future length of the victim’s life is calculated according to the aver-
age foreseeable life in abstracto, not in concreto, i.e., in connection with the
seriousness of the injury that has been suffered. The average life’s length
is nowadays estimated as being seventy-five years.
Life annuity ordered by the judge is governed by the same provisions
concerning the special contract of life annuity included in the Civil Code
(article 1872). It is an aleatory contract, and the annuity can be established
by the transfer of movable or immovable property or the assignment of
English law
Social security payments
General observations
In England, the recovery and deduction of benefits is governed by the
Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997. That came into force on
6 October 1997 and applies to all cases concluded after that date irrespec-
tive of when the litigation began, the accident occurred or the condition
complained of was contracted.
Major changes were instituted by the 1997 Act. First, general damages
for pain, suffering and loss of amenities are not subject to any deduction.
Secondly, loss of earnings, cost of care and damages for loss of mobility are
subject to recoupment of certain specified benefits particularly applicable
to each of those heads of damage.1 Thirdly, it is the defendant who is
liable to make the repayment to the Compensation Recovery Unit, not
the claimant. The full amount of all recoverable benefits must be paid
irrespective of whether they have been claimed by the claimant or not. It
is the responsibility of the defendants to obtain the relevant certificate
from the Unit and to pay what is due. The payment which is made to a
claimant must be, or is taken to be, net of repayable benefits. No interest
is payable on the benefits so recouped.
That is equally applicable to any interim payments of damages agreed
(or ordered to) be paid during the course of the proceedings. The defendant
must obtain the relevant certificate and make the payment to the Unit of
the sum recoverable by them up to the date on which the interim payment
172 coll ateral sources of revenue
is made. There is, however, a cut-off date which is five years from the date
of the accident or the first claim for the relevant benefit.
The defendant is bound to repay the full amount of the recoverable
benefit notwithstanding that, in consequence of a finding of contributory
negligence, he is not liable for 100 per cent of the recoverable damages.
Benefits which are deductible are set out in Schedule 2 to the Act. As ex-
plained above, certain types of benefit fall to be set against specific heads
of claim. In consequence, any judgment at trial must identify specifically
the amounts recovered in respect of care, loss of earnings and loss of mo-
bility. It matters not, however, whether the sums recovered are in respect
of past or future loss. If a settlement is being negotiated it may be worth-
while reducing the amount recovered under specified heads of damage
and loading others, if that can properly be done, in order to reduce the
recoupment. That is particularly the case where a degree of contributory
negligence has been accepted because, as set out above, recoupment is
still 100 per cent even though the claimant does not recover 100 per cent
of his damages.
Pension losses
We have already considered, in chapter 4, what is recoverable by way of loss
of pension. Retirement pensions, disability pensions or ex gratia pensions
paid by an employer are not normally deductible.2 That rule is, however,
subject to two exceptions. The first relates to a lump sum payable to an
injured person of which part is attributable to the period after retire-
ment.3 The second exception relates to that part of the disability pension
which the claimant will receive during the period when his retirement
pension would normally have been payable.4
4 Smoker v. London Fire and Civil Defence Authority; Wood v. British Coal Corporation [1991] 2 AC
5 Browning v. War Office [1963] 1 QB 750.
6 Hussain v. New Taplow Paper Mills Ltd [1988] AC 514. 7 Hodgson v. Trapp [1989] AC 807.
174 coll ateral sources of revenue
not apply when the benevolence comes from the tortfeasor himself. So,
monies paid by an employer, who was the tortfeasor, out of benevolence
were to be taken into account.8
The claimant is entitled to interest on general damages for pain, suffering
and loss of amenity at 2 per cent per annum from the date of service of
the proceedings until judgment.10
In the case of special damages, the rule is that the claimant is entitled
to interest at one-half of the appropriate rate from the date of the accident
until trial. The appropriate rate is the rate of interest allowed on money in
court placed on special account. Interest is payable on the full amount of
special damages without making any deduction for recoupable benefits.11
In exceptional cases, such as where one party or the other has been guilty
of gross and culpable delay in bringing the matter to trial, the court may
increase or diminish the award of interest or alter the period for which it
is allowed.12
Limitation periods
It is beyond the scope of this book to deal with periods of limitation other
than in the barest outline.
The primary limitation period for cases involving personal injuries is
three years from the date on which the cause of action accrued or the date
of knowledge (if later) of the person injured.13 Thus, in the simplest case,
the claimant will have three years from the date of his accident or injury
in which to institute proceedings.
The date of knowledge is defined by section 14 of the Limitation Act
1980. It is the date on which the claimant first had knowledge:
(i) that the injury in question was significant; and
(ii) that the injury was attributable in whole or in part to the act or
omission which is alleged to constitute negligence, nuisance or breach
of duty; and
(iii) of the identity of the defendant; and
(iv) if it is alleged that the act or omission was that of a person other than
the defendant, the identity of that person and the additional facts
supporting the bringing of an action against the defendant. Knowledge
that any act or omission did or did not, as a matter of law, involve
negligence, nuisance or breach of duty is irrelevant.
his instituting proceedings for damages against a defendant who did not
dispute liability and was able to satisfy a judgment.14
An individual is not required to know what the specific act of negligence
was. So, e.g., a woman who knew that she had undergone a mastectomy
unnecessarily, because the lump was benign, had the knowledge required
to satisfy section 14.15
A person’s knowledge is deemed to include knowledge which he might
reasonably have been expected to acquire from facts observable or as-
certainable by him or from facts ascertainable by him with the help of
medical or other appropriate expert advice which it is reasonable for him
to request. If, however, he has taken all reasonable steps to obtain (and
act upon) that advice, such knowledge will not be imputed to him.16
If a defendant wishes to take a limitation defence he must specifically
plead it. The court is not entitled to take the point of its own motion.
Once a limitation defence has been raised, the burden of proving that
the claim was brought within the primary limitation period is upon the
claimant. However, the burden of proof in constructive knowledge under
section 14(3) as opposed to actual knowledge is upon the defendant.17
In the case of a person under a disability, the primary limitation period
does not begin to run until the claimant is free of that disability. Thus, in
the case of a child the primary limitation period is three years from the
date on which he attains his majority. In England that is his eighteenth
birthday. In the case of a person with a disability the limitation period
may never expire. However, once time has begun to run, it does not cease
to do so. If, therefore, a person becomes a patient after the date of an
accident, the primary limitation period remains three years. However, in
those particular circumstances the claimant may have a good case for
inviting the court to disapply the primary limitation period pursuant to
section 33 of the Limitation Act 1980, of which more below.
There are two exceptions to that rule. First, in the case of an intentional
tort, such as trespass to the person, the primary limitation period is six
years and there is no power to extend the period under section 33 of the
Limitation Act 1980.18 The second relates to claims brought under the
Consumer Protection Act 1987. In that Act, a claim may not be brought
14 Limitation Act 1980, s. 14(2). 15 Dobbie v. Medway Health Authority [1994] 1 WLR 1234.
16 Limitation Act 1980, s. 14(3). For a detailed exposition of this area of the law, see Nash v.
Eli Lilly & Co. [1993] 1 WLR 782.
17 Nash v. Eli Lilly & Co., n. 16 above.
18 Stubbings v. Webb [1993] AC 498. An attempt by the claimant to challenge this decision in
the ECHR failed. See Stubbings v. United Kingdom [1997] 1 FLR 105.
e n g l i s h l aw 177
more than ten years after the product is first supplied irrespective of the
date on which the claimant acquired knowledge or whether he is or was
under a disability.
As set out above, in cases not covered by the two exceptions dealt with
in the preceding paragraph the court may override the primary limitation
period.19 The court is only entitled to do this if it appears that it would
be equitable to allow an action to proceed having regard to the degree
to which the primary limitation period prejudices the claimant balanced
against the degree to which any decision which the court may make ex-
tending the limitation period would prejudice the defendant. Section 33(3)
sets out the specific circumstances as to which the court is required to have
regard in coming to that decision.20
The limitation period may also be extended in a case where any fact
relevant to the claimant’s right of action has been deliberately concealed
from him by the defendant.21
If the claimant dies prior to the expiration of the primary limitation
period the surviving cause of action for the benefit of his estate has to be
brought within either three years of the date of the death or three years
of the date of knowledge of the personal representative of the deceased.22
While the case is continuing the Court of Protection will monitor, and
must approve, any major expenditure on behalf of the patient. For ex-
ample, if an interim payment of sufficient size is obtained to enable a
property to be purchased for the patient and his family, the approval of
the purchase by the Master of the Court of Protection, or one of his officers,
is required.
Until very recently damages paid into the Court of Protection, at the
time of final settlement, were invested and overseen by the Public Trust
Office. As a result of its poor investment performance that role of the
Public Trust Office is now being abolished. The Court of Protection will
utilise outside assistance in relation to the investment strategy.
With the sanction and approval of the Court of Protection, private trusts
may be set up in order to invest and administer the damages. In such a
case the approval of the Court of Protection is sought for the terms of the
trust, the identity of the trustees and the proposed investment strategy.
That route is being used with increasing frequency because those advising
patients believe that they will be able to achieve better capital growth and
higher levels of income, if the damages are invested by a specialist outside
agency. Lower levels of Court of Protection fees are also payable where the
court is not itself administering the money.
Miscellaneous matters
In the Introduction we mentioned the possibility of damages reaching the
claimant in the form of structured settlements. Here is the place to refer
to this (relatively) new institution and explain it briefly.
In the ordinary or conventional case, the court assesses or calculates the
sum payable by the defendant to the claimant in respect of each head of
damage. The total award is then expressed as a single lump sum payable
within fourteen days of the judgment.
It is then a matter for the claimant, or the Court of Protection, to in-
vest his damages and spend both income and capital as he thinks fit. Of
course, with the vagaries of the investment market, capital can be lost.
Equally, less income may be received than is either necessary or desirable.
The damages can run out before, and sometimes long before, the injured
individual dies.
In an attempt to overcome that difficulty, structured settlements have
come into existence and, until the recent drop in annuity rates, were
extremely popular.
What is a structured settlement? It is the purchase, by the parties at the
time of settlement, of an annuity for the injured individual. The annuity
180 coll ateral sources of revenue
distinct advantages since he will be assured that future costs will be met
for the duration of his life and that he will not be dependent upon the
success of his investment. There does not appear to be any good reason
why such a regime should not work well. Both sides can take a degree of
comfort from them. A claimant and his family will know that there will
always be enough money to meet his needs. Insurers will know that they
will not overpay as they might if the claimant lived only for a short time
after the award of a lump sum. The legislation is not, however, yet in force.
The court has also used its case management powers to adjourn part of
a damages claim and direct that the claimant could return for a further
award of both special and general damages if they underwent additional
treatment in the future.24 The power to take that step has not been chal-
lenged in the Court of Appeal. It is likely to be used sparingly.
German law
Introductory observations
The guiding principle is that the injured is to be indemnified for his loss;
however, he must not make a profit from his injury. The victim must not
reap the benefits of double compensation.25 Consequently, if the victim’s
loss is compensated by persons other than the tortfeasor, he may not be
allowed to claim compensation from him as well. In order to prevent
a double compensation, the court must take the following points into
First, the court must consider, if benefits which the victim may re-
ceive due to his injury are deductible from the award under the rule of
‘Vorteilsausgleichung’. This is the case if the victim receives benefits because
of the injury: these benefits do not contradict the purpose of the obliga-
tion to pay damages and a deduction of the benefits from the award is
Secondly, if the victim is compensated by a third party e.g., an insurance
company, German law often provides for statutory subrogation rights.27
Accordingly, the victim’s rights are transferred to the third party ex lege
to the extent that he has indemnified the victim.28 A tort action of the
victim himself will then be dismissed by the court.29 Moreover, the sub-
rogation occurs at the moment of the accident and results in the vic-
tim automatically and immediately losing all control over the claim (or
part of the claim) which he may have,30 i.e., the victim can no longer dis-
pose of his claim. Therefore, claims settlement between the victim and
the tortfeasor or his insurer would be ineffective in respect of the ‘in-
nocent absentee’.31 Where statutory subrogation is not provided for, the
victim may be obliged to confer his claim against the tortfeasor on the
insurer or another institution which has already compensated him for his
28 See GLT, pp. 903, 904. 29 BGH 28 September 1999, NJW 1999, 3711, 3712.
30 See GLT, p. 903.
31 BGH 30 November 1955, BGHZ 19, 177, 181; BGH 12 December 1995, NJW 1996, 726,
727 ff.
32 ‘Conventional subrogation’, see GLT, p. 905; cf. p. 188. 33 Pickel, SGB X, § 116 no. 19.
g e r m a n l aw 183
insured under the health insurance scheme.34 In 1999, about 50.7 million
were covered by the retirement insurance scheme which is generally ap-
plied to employees.35 Furthermore, 36 million employees and 17 million
students and pupils were insured under the accidents at work insurance
scheme.36 In addition, services/payments of the public welfare institutions
(Sozialhilfeträger) or of the public employment agencies may also cause a
subrogation according to § 116 para. 1 and 10 SGB X.
Kind of damage
Subrogation occurs only when and insofar as the social security carrier
has actually indemnified the victim for losses for which the tortfeasor was
obliged to compensate. Two points are crucial in this context.
First, the purpose of the services and payments by the social security
have to be determined. This is important to know, since the subrogation is
limited to the type of loss for which the social security carrier has rendered
services or compensated the victim.38 Personal injuries often cause differ-
ent types of losses, as for instance the loss of earnings or maintenance, the
Amount of compensation
Even if a loss has been compensated by the social security carrier, the
victim keeps control over his claim insofar as these payments/services did
not fully cover this kind of loss.43
Family A subrogation does not occur if the wrongdoer is a family member
who lives with the victim and has not caused the injury deliberately (§ 116
VI SGB X). This exception has been enacted to safeguard family peace and
takes account of the fact that the family lives on a common budget.44
39 BGH 10 April 1979, VersR 1979, 640, 641; MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 449
(with many other examples in nos. 451–60).
40 BGH 22 September 1970, VersR 1970, 1053, 1054; MünchKomm/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 454.
41 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 461 with reference to BGH 23 March 1973, LM
RVO § 1542 no. 78.
42 BGH 4 March 1997, NJW 1997, 2175, 2176. 43 GLT, p. 910.
44 For details see MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB nos. 469–471.
g e r m a n l aw 185
Contributory negligence The social security carrier cannot recover the full
amount which has been paid if there has been contributory negligence
by the injured party (§ 116 para. 3 SGB X). The social security carrier can
claim from the wrongdoer only a proportional amount in these cases.45
For example: the victim had a loss of earnings amounting to €3,000 and
receives €1,400 from the social security carrier. The victim’s contributory
fault amounts to 50 per cent. As a result, the tortfeasor’s obligation to pay
damages is 50 per cent out of €3,000, which is €1,500. Hence, the social
security carrier can recover only the amount which it has paid to the victim
in relation to the tortfeasor’s fault. This is 50 per cent of €1,400 = €700.
Therefore, the victim can still claim €800 in his tort action against the
tortfeasor. As a result, the victim recovers €2,200 from the social security
carrier and the tortfeasor.46
paying for himself. Thus, the victim must first enforce his claims against
the tortfeasor before he is entitled to public funds or continues to receive
Pension losses
In general
The BGH held that a loss is not to be compensated until the loss actually
occurs.48 Hence, the wrongdoer need not compensate a loss of pension
until the victim has reached the age of retirement.
51 BGH 25 January 2000, NZV 2000, 252, 253; cf. also Hauck-Haines/Nehls, SGB X/3
§ 119 no. 25; Gerhard Küppersbusch, Ersatzansprüche bei Personenschäden, no. 574; but
see Bundestag, Bundestags-Drucksache 9/95, 29.
52 Cf. further § 170 I no. 2a SGB VI.
53 BGH 7 July 1998, NJW 1998, 3276, 3278; BGH 11 November 1975, NJW 1976, 326, 327.
54 Normally the employer must continue paying wages in accordance with the
Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz, but he can be obliged to do so also by employment contract
or collective agreement.
55 Cf. p. 188.
188 coll ateral sources of revenue
Services/payments from the employer
Generally, the employer has to continue to pay the wages and salaries of
his injured employees for a period of six weeks (§ 3 Entgeltfortzahlungs-
gesetz). For this reason, § 6 Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz provides for a sub-
rogation in favour of the employer to the extent that he has paid wages
according to § 3 Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz. This includes the employee’s
gross earnings and the employer’s part of the contributions to the so-
cial security insurance scheme. Likewise, § 87a Bundesbeamtengesetz or
§ 52 Beamtenrechtsrahmengesetz ensure a subrogation for the benefit of
the public authorities who have similar obligations towards their injured
public servants.
If the employer makes ex gratia payments although he is not under a
legal duty to pay wages to his injured employee, he can demand that the
employee cedes his claim to him. The BGH applied § 255 BGB analogously
and held that the employee was obliged to cede his claim to the employer,
if the employer had compensated his loss of earnings.58 However, the
employer cannot seek reimbursement for more than the gross earnings
including the employer’s contribution to the social security insurance
scheme, even if he voluntarily pays more to the injured employee.
We have already said that under § 116 SGB X the rights of the victim
are transferred to the social security carrier by operation of law at the
56 GLT, p. 911. If the early retirement pension did not aim at compensating the victim for
the consequences of the accident, but the purpose of the pension was to relieve pressure
from the labour market, a ‘Vorteilsausgleichung’ would not unreasonably relieve the
defendant, BGH 7 November 2000, NJW 2001, 1274, 1275.
57 BGH 7 May 1975, BGHZ 64, 260, 266 in a case in which the defendant’s insurer made the
58 BGH 22 June 1956, BGHZ 21, 112, 119; BGH 9 April 1964, BGHZ 41, 292, 294; BGH 23 May
1989, BGHZ 107, 325, 329.
g e r m a n l aw 189
moment of the accident. As a result, the victim cannot (fully) cede his
claim to the employer who makes ex gratia payments. The recovery claim
of the social security carrier has priority in this respect.
Insurance policies
There are various collateral sources of revenue in Germany, including pri-
vate life insurances or insurances against the consequences of accidents.59
The question whether benefits from such insurances have to be taken into
account in assessing the damages of the victim is not regulated by statute
in Germany.60 The principles developed by the courts are summarised un-
der the key-word ‘Vorteilsausgleichung’.61 The courts look at the legislative
intent of the rule which orders compensation and at the purpose of the
contribution of third parties – are they paid for the benefit of the victim
or to discharge the tortfeasor?62
With regard to private insurances, the following has to be distinguished:
if accident insurance is taken out by the victim, the claim of the victim
against the tortfeasor is transferred to the insurer when and insofar as he
pays the damages (§ 67 I Versicherungsvertragsgesetz: ‘cessio legis’). From
this it follows that the payments do not reduce the amount of damages the
tortfeasor has to pay.63 This rule does not apply, however, if the tortfeasor
is a family member (§ 67 II VVG), or if the insurance has been taken out
by the tortfeasor – in both cases it is the purpose of the insurance to give
relief to him.
Where § 67 VVG does not apply (e.g., life insurances), the de-
ductibility depends essentially upon the person who has taken out the
59 See Hein Kötz and Gerhard Wagner, Deliktsrecht (9th edn, 2001), nos. 211–26.
60 Note, however, § 843 IV BGB: maintenance payments by relatives have to be
61 See Christian von Bar, Gemeineuropäisches Deliktsrecht (1999), vol. II, p. 451 ff.
62 The arguments in particular are very much like those put forward by British courts, see
Basil Markesinis and Simon Deakin, Tort Law (5th edn, OUP, 2003), ch. 8.
63 Staudinger/Schiemann § 249 BGB no. 159.
190 coll ateral sources of revenue
Interest is payable on all damages as long as their object is the payment of
money. As there are no special provisions in the law of torts, the general
provisions of §§ 280 ff. BGB apply. Interest can thus be claimed for faulty
delay of payment.
The payment of damages is due at the time the damage occurs. Delay
of payment in principle requires the claimant to give a reminder, which
is, however, dispensable in certain legally defined cases (§ 286 BGB).
If the plaintiff claims the payment of money, he is at any rate entitled to
interest as from the time the suit is pending (§ 290 BGB). This also applies if
the claimant makes use of the possibility to leave the amount of damages
for non-pecuniary headings up to the discretion of the judge.68
The interest rate amounts to five points above the basis rate established
by the Central European Bank (§ 288 I BGB).
A higher rate may be claimed if the plaintiff proves that he had the
possibility and intention to invest the money more profitably or else
that he had to borrow money at a higher interest rate for the period
of the delay.69 The basis for the claim then is § 280 I BGB as the loss of
64 BGH 19 November 1955, BGHZ 19, 94, 99; BGH 17 November 1957, BGHZ 25, 322, 328;
BGH 7 January 1969, VersR 1969, 350, 351; BGH 13 July 1971, NJW 1971, 2069, 2070; BGH
19 December 1978, NJW 1979, 760.
65 OLG München 14 May 1959, VersR 1959, 957, 959; MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB
no. 248.
66 MünchKomm-BGB/Oetker § 249 BGB no. 248. 67 BGH 6 July 1955, BGHZ 18, 149, 165 ff.
68 BGH 5 January 1965, NJW 1965, 1376.
69 Palandt/Heinrichs (62nd edn, 2003), § 288 BGB nos. 4, 12 ff.
g e r m a n l aw 191
interest or the interest paid to the bank are a damage resulting from the
The claim is, however, not to be reduced if the creditor’s actual damage
falls short of the standard rate as in § 288 I BGB.70 For this claim, it is in
fact not even necessary for there to have been an actual loss or payment
of interest at all.71
Limitation periods
Basic rules
After the reform of the law of obligations, there is in general no special
period of limitation for tort claims. The general limitation period of three
years (§ 195 BGB) also applies to such claims.
According to § 199 I BGB, this general period begins at the end of the year
in which the claim came into existence and the creditor has or negligently
has not, any knowledge of it and of the person of the debtor.
For the existence of the claim, it is mandatory that the damage was
suffered by the claimant. At that moment, the limitation period begins
for all damages resulting from the tortious act, even if further damage
occurs only later.72 Knowledge of the claim in the sense of § 199 I BGB
means knowledge of all facts that are the basis of its existence. These facts
are essentially the violating act, the tortfeasor’s negligence, the damage
as such, as well as the fact that the claimant is himself affected by the
damage.73 It is, however, not required that the claimant is informed of
every detail or all circumstances. It is sufficient that there are reasonable
prospects for a civil action.74
An error in law does not prevent knowledge.75
Maximum periods
Additionally, maximum limitation periods are stated in § 199 II–IV BGB.
As for claims for damages, the maximum limitation period depends on
the kind of injury. § 199 II BGB states that claims for damages resulting
from a violation of either life, body, health or freedom, as do most claims
under tort law, are limited to thirty years from the date of the tortious
the injured party himself (at a time when he was still capable of acting
for himself), or by a court-appointed guardian (Betreuer) (§ 1896 BGB).
If the parents act for their child, they have great discretion over how to
invest a lump sum or other capital paid to the victim. According to § 1652
BGB, their investment decisions have to be economically reasonable e.g.,
the investment has to be safe, on the one hand, but also profitable on the
other hand.76 Within these broadly defined limits the parents are free to
act on behalf of the child. The family court has the power to intervene if
they disregard these limits (§§ 1666 I, II, 1667 BGB), but this power is used
only in cases of severe parental mismanagement.77 If the injured child is
paid an annuity instead of a lump sum, this will be treated like income
or maintenance of the child. It has to be used to meet the living expenses
and other needs of the child (§ 1649 BGB).
If the administrator is a guardian (for a child or a disabled adult), he is less
free than parents: He is bound by a statutory catalogue of the admissible
forms of investment (§§ 1806, 1807, 1908 i BGB), and even then he should
ask for court permission (§ 1810 BGB). He may, however, propose other
forms of investment, which have to be approved by the court (§ 1811 BGB).
Under no circumstances is the guardian entitled to use money received
by his ward for himself (§§ 1805, 1908 i; parents are in a slightly better
position: § 1649 II BGB).
The costs of property administration by third parties are part of the
‘damages’ which have to be paid by the wrongdoer, if the inability of the
victim to act for himself is the consequence of his injury (e.g., an adult
has become mentally disabled because of medical malpractice). If an al-
ready incapable person has been injured, however, the need for admin-
istration of his assets is not caused by the injury, and the costs are not
If parents are the administrators, they may not claim money for their
own expenditures (§ 1648 BGB). The costs and fees of guardians are regu-
lated in detail by a statute (§§ 1835–1836, 1908 i BGB).
These principles apply also when an injured child will never become
able to manage his own affairs: until the age of eighteen, he is cared for by
his parents according to the above-mentioned rules; afterwards, the court
has to appoint guardians for him (these might well be the parents who,
from now on, are subject to the law on guardians, but also entitled like
Italian law
Introductory observations
Under the Italian legal system as well, the guiding principle is that the
victim will recover damages for his loss (qualified in legal terms and
quantity). But since a balance has to be struck between the competing
interests of the two sides – injurer and injured – he cannot receive more
than that. As the Roman maxim put it ‘nemo locupletari potest aliena iactura’.
So the victim is a creditor who cannot ask from the debtor more than
is due according to law and must not end up by making a profit. This
means that double compensation is prohibited; and if another person,
besides the tortfeasor, performs this obligation, the victim cannot claim
compensation from the tortfeasor as well.
In the case of joint liability e.g., when the injury is caused by a minor,
and his parents are also liable,78 or by an employee, and the employer is
liable as well,79 the victim can sue the tortfeasor and the person jointly
liable with him. Of course, in such cases he will receive compensation only
once. In special cases (e.g., car accident insurance) the victim can use the
‘azione diretta’ – the direct action – against the insurer of the tortfeasor,
thus saving time and effort. The solution is, of course, well known to most
legal systems.
When the victim receives some profit from the accident, another prin-
ciple is usually applied, ‘compensatio lucri cum damno,’ so that the profit is
deducted from the recovery. But this rule is not always applied in cases
concerning damages for personal injury.
78 On the basis of art. 2048 cod. civ. 79 On the basis of art. 2049 cod. civ.
i t a l i a n l aw 195
Insurance policies
Private insurance may be connected with the consequences of the acci-
dents. According to EC Directives, insurance for car accidents is manda-
tory in Italy.82 As stated, the injured person is given a direct claim against
the insurer.83 He can receive only the maximum amount provided by the
insurance contract. If the injured party cannot obtain full compensation
from the insurance, he must ask for the difference from the tortfeasor.
If the tortfeasor is unknown, or if he is known but did not comply with
the mandatory rules concerning car insurance or, finally, if the insurance
company has gone bankrupt, the injured party can claim damages from
the Guarantee Fund for Car Accident Victims84 which does not provide
complete compensation for the victim, but just an indemnity which is
the subject of negotiation between the victim and the Fund.
The victim who could recover damages from the insurer of the tortfeasor
cannot claim damages also from the tortfeasor. All compensation received
by the insurer is deducted from the amount of damages the tortfeasor has
to pay.85
As to the insurer of the victim himself, there is not a uniform interpre-
tation of the principles of the law applied to the cases. This uncertainty
also applies to the judges of the Supreme Court, some of whom favour
the application of the principle ‘compensatio lucri cum damno’ (as in the
decision mentioned above). Others, however, believe that this principle
should not be applied so they allow the victim to ask his own insurer for
the compensation due for the accident.86
In Italian law the violation of personality rights (e.g., injury to personal
health) is considered a loss which results in a debt of ‘value’ (debito di
valore), which is converted into a debt of money only at the moment of the
liquidation of damages (‘debito di valuta’).87 Since it has been converted into
an obligation of money (pecuniary obligation, ‘obbligazione pecuniaria’),
article 1224 cod. civ. applies. Usually ‘legal interest’ is due, i.e., the rate
determined every year by the Treasury Department.
Limitation period
According to the Civil Code, the right to compensation for damages aris-
ing from unlawful acts lapses five years from the date on which the act
occurred.88 With respect to damages arising from the circulation of vehi-
cles of any kind, the right to compensation lapses in two years (article 2).
In products liability cases, according to the statute concerning this sub-
ject,89 the limitation period is three years. Different limitation periods are
connected with crimes, and for personal injury cases.
As to the date from which the period begins, case law draws a distinc-
tion between injuries with permanent effects and injuries with temporary
effects. In the first case the period begins when the temporary effects have
The Civil Code distinguishes between suspension and interruption of
limitation periods.91 In tort law, for example, the limitation period is
suspended if the injury has been brought against a minor or a handicapped
person, and they lacked legal representatives. It is interrupted when the
creditor acknowledges the claim, or when the creditor begins any judicial
execution concerning the claim.
General observations
This monograph has been concerned with the law of damages in three
major European legal systems. In accordance with the proclaimed belief
of one of us,1 and in this instance also shared by all of its co-authors, this
study has targeted mainly (but not exclusively) judges and international
practitioners not only in order to inform them about an area of tort law of
growing international significance, but also in the belief that they are the
most important propagators of the comparative study of the law. Wider
reflections of a more speculative nature have, on the whole, thus been
restricted to the Introduction and the Conclusions; and they are concerned
with mainly two issues.
The first is how to present the law of one country to lawyers of another
in a way that makes sense to them. We have referred to this problem
as being one of ‘suitable packaging’. Readers must not be put off by a
term which could be seen in a pejorative light. The packaging does not
alter the product; it just makes it more saleable. National laws have their
own intrinsic value. The systems under comparison also have their own
long and very respectable history to support and explain their national
solutions. Last but by no means least, their lawyers have their own ways
of expressing their thoughts; and we are not here referring simply to
1 See, e.g., Basil Markesinis, Comparative Law in the Courtroom and the Classroom (Hart
Publishing 2003). In a similar vein, Foreign Law, and Comparative Methodology (1997) and
Always on the Same Path (Hart Publishing, 2001), both containing essays in comparative
private and public law, and explaining why judges rather than academics are,
potentially, the most important human resource for promoting the study of foreign law.
We italicise human for, naturally, impersonal phenomena, such as the current
globalisation of markets and business, are providing an even greater impetus for the
study of foreign law.
198 conclusions
special features of the grammar of each national language. But all these
‘individual’ or ‘peculiar’ characteristics also make them indigestible to
‘outsiders’ unless ‘served’ in an attractive way. That is where the issue
of packaging enters the scene; and it is one which raises interesting and
controversial methodological issues.
Our second concern has been to warn readers that if a concept or an
idea is, or appears to be, missing in one system it does not mean that the
practical concern behind it is not addressed in a different way. This theme
is interlinked with the previous one; and if successfully tackled, the two
themes together are meant to suggest to readers – judges, practitioners,
academics, students – ways of looking at foreign law in order to under-
stand it better.
Yet even here, the transnational litigation phenomenon – in our view
likely to increase and not decrease in the years to come – has not been
far from our minds. And that is why in this last chapter we have broad-
ened the brush-strokes to cover, where necessary, the picture in the USA.
Inevitably, and to the extent that these statements refer to the situation
‘in America’ (as an abbreviation for the law of fifty-one jurisdictions), they
are of a generalised nature. They also appear to go beyond the self-imposed
parameters of this book. Notwithstanding the above, we have added them
here for two reasons.
First is the fact that the gradual expansion of the American class ac-
tion so as to have ‘international effects’ is leading American courts and
American lawyers to enquire about foreign law. This is an important au-
dience for this book. The question, which our book tries to answer, is not
focused on what one could call the ‘substantive’ part of the (foreign) law
of tort – is there a ‘notion of a duty of care?’, ‘which theory of causation
do the German courts adopt?’ or ‘what alternatives do we have to the
tort system?’ – on which there is a fair amount of academic discussion,
but on the ‘remedial’ part of tort law which has not been well served by
academic literature. Here the questions, in their simplest form, are: ‘can
the claimant obtain damages for this or that heading of damage?’ (in this
book formulated in accordance with the Anglo-American taxonomy with-
out even pausing to ask the question if this is the same in other systems)
and, if so, ‘how much’?
In our view, and on the basis of the practical experience of two of the
authors of this study, an American court (or practitioner) is unlikely to ‘un-
derstand’ the foreign solution – English, German, Italian or any other –
simply by being told that, say, in Germany or Italy they do not recog-
nise punitive damages but in England they do; or that German law (like
g e n e r a l o b s e r va t i o n s 199
American law) also recognises strict liability for harm caused by defective
products. Such answers, correct at one level, are inadequate or even mis-
leading at another. For they fail to take into account a variety of other
factors which affect the final result and thus give rise to wrong impres-
sions for the ‘foreign’ lawyer who encounters them. Some of these factors
have been mentioned in the preceding narrative; others will be touched
upon in this conclusion; but they must be taken into account since they
help put the foreign law in its proper context.
The American-propelled internationalisation of tort law and practice is
thus one reason why we venture here into some of the features of that sys-
tem’s law even though otherwise it is not the main subject of our enquiry.
Once again, this represents an acknowledgement of the fact that this book
might prove ‘of use’ to American transnational litigation. ‘Use’ here is ital-
icised for we think it would be of little use to provide practitioners with
detailed lists of amounts of damages awarded for the loss of an eye, an
imploding breast – the Dow Corning terminology – or total blindness. Such
figures, even if they could be assembled accurately, would change over
time. The law of damages is a fast moving subject, so a snapshot of it is
only of a limited value. Instead, we thus chose to give our readers some
idea of levels of damages but set them in the national contexts and tried
to show how they are worked out, why they can be elusive, how they came
to be recognised and questions of that kind. For anyone who pauses to
think about these matters, this is a tall order. But that is the difference
between a monograph and a loose-leaf practitioner’s manual.
The second reason why we cannot allow American law to escape our
mind completely is of an even more academic nature. Simply put, it is
because we wish to lay the foundations for a future argument namely,
that English law – in some areas of the law but not in all – is moving
closer to the European systems and in many respects is refusing to es-
pouse American ideas and trends. This is a bold thesis to stomach.2 For
Continental European lawyers often believe English and American law
to be very similar; and English lawyers are romantically attached to the
belief that the famous ‘special relationship’ between the two countries is
still alive in the legal world as many believe it is in the political sphere. To
achieve this aim, we have to jump out of the main area of investigation
2 Perhaps less bold or surprising when one considers that European law has become so
much part of the domestic law of each EU member state. So, e.g., A v. National Blood
Authority [2001] 3 All ER 289, where Burton J looked at the Product Liability Directive
1985/374 directly rather than the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 1987. See
[2001] Lloyd’s Rep. Med. 187 at 190 col. 2.
200 conclusions
and invite the reader to reflect upon the American material against its
well-known, wider background. It is precisely because this background is
so well known that we feel we can refer to it without doing too much
injustice to American law in its full (nuanced, complex and sophisticated)
beauty. So what is this background which affects their tort law in practice
and also colours their view about our laws?
3 An illustration of this can be found in the domain of tortious liability for breach of
statutory duties imposed on the state or other state organs. At one level, the differences
between English and French law are thus substantial. At another level, however, these
differences may be attenuated. The greater willingness of French law to impose liability
may, in part, be explicable by the (apparently) lower levels of awards. On this, see Duncan
Fairgrieve, State Liability in Tort (OUP, 2003), passim.
the wider background 201
Continental European law and, on the other, American law.4 The Amer-
ican reader of this work must thus make allowances for the fact that
European awards are lower.
In our experience, differences (and similarities) of this kind do not (and
often cannot) emerge from the mere study of books. On the contrary,
they manifest themselves gradually as one gets a deeper appreciation of
how the foreign system works in practice. In short, what one needs to
do is to try to understand the law in action; and that does not come
easily except to those who have either lived abroad, studied abroad, done
business abroad or, better still, all three. This law-in-action approach thus
involves looking at other branches of the law besides tort law proper. The
way trials are conducted (i.e., with or without juries) is thus an issue of
paramount importance, as is the question ‘how is litigation financed?’:
through legal aid, insurance coverage, contingent fees or a combination
of some or all. These are factors which may not only affect the size of
awards but also ancillary rules relevant to the law of damages such as the
collateral source rule (as we explain briefly later on). More importantly
(and as already stated), they may make awards appear larger or smaller
than they really are; and in the law of transnational tort litigation one
must always try to avoid the danger of comparing ‘apples with oranges’.
To these ‘procedural’ factors one must add the decisive, persuasive or
partially significant role that other semi-official reports may play in the
commencing of a legal action and, therefore, in the likely award of dam-
ages at the end of the entire process. Because of lack of space, we offer here
one example drawn from our own experience; but others could easily be
In the Dow Corning international litigation, the impact of preliminary
reports prepared by medical officials of the government had a significant
outcome both at the level of national litigation and at the level of the final,
international settlement. In England, for instance,5 reports coming from
the Chief Medical Officer of the government, to the effect that silicone had
American. These nuances must not escape the attention of either the comparatist or the
6 This is not always the case. The persistent efforts of the government to promote the MMR
vaccine did not prevent the Legal Services Commission from granting public funding to
autistic children who claimed that their condition was due to the vaccine: Sayers v.
SmithKline Beecham plc [2002] EWHC 1280.
7 Forum shopping is limited, at least amongst European states, by the terms of the
Brussels Regulation or Convention. However, courts in almost every jurisdiction can
assess damages on the basis of the law of the country in which the claimant resides.
Thus, American courts have accepted jurisdiction to try a tort action but applied English
law to questions of quantum in a number of cases. That was, e.g., the decision of the
court in Florida trying claims arising from the explosion of a motor boat at a resort in St
Lucia. English claimants stayed actions in England and joined an action in Florida only
to find that their award was restricted to damages recoverable in England and at the
rates normally awarded in England.
8 Bowling v. Pfizer (Shiley Heart Valve Litigation) sub nom. Bowling v. Pfizer Inc. 143 F.R.D. 141
(S. D. Ohio 1992) and 159 F.R.D. 492 (S. D.Ohio 1994) and Dow Corning (Silicone Breast Implant
Litigation) sub nom. In Re Dow Corning 255 B.R. (Bankr E.D. Mich 2000).
the wider background 203
9 English courts are very much alive to this problem. In the case of a foreign resident
suing in England the court will be required to decide (where it is in issue) where the
claimant is likely to reside and what the rates are in that country for the cost of care,
housing etc. This can, however, work both ways. If a seriously injured claimant is a
patient and is likely to return to his or her native land, the cost of administering the
damages may be much higher than in England. That is the case, e.g., in South Africa.
10 The peculiarities of the national workmen’s compensation schemes is another factor
which must be taken into account, for the extent to which national schemes exclude
recourse to tort law can have a significant bearing on what the successful claimant can
204 conclusions
mundanely, the differences in the per capita income and the cost of living
of the various nations of the world.
At first blush this may seem an odd consideration to try and factor
into any internationally-flavoured class action settlement. After all, vic-
tims of defective products – usually pharmaceutical – or those affected by
transborder pollution (or other such torts) are suffering similar injuries
from the same product, often marketed under similar or identical con-
ditions. Why should the legal consequences of things going wrong lead
to a different legal treatment at the compensation phase of the process?
After all, humans are the same the world over; and are not ‘worth’ more in
some systems and less in others. But that is where different state wealth,
differing annual national incomes and the different purchasing power of
some currencies, enter the calculation.11
The questions advanced above, so obviously in favour of equal treatment
of plaintiffs the world over, are thus seriously weakened when one takes
into account national incomes and standards of living. For why should
a woman, literally on or below the poverty line in India, or Somalia, or
Nigeria, become a millionaire by the standards of her own country for
having received a defective heart valve designed in the USA by Shelley-
Borg or suffering from an ‘imploding’ silicon breast implant?12 And if
one were to remark that such examples are exaggerated if applied to
the poorest women of some of the world’s poorest countries, one can
retort that other toxic torts, such as the Bhopal incident in Northern
India approximately two decades ago, can raise essentially the same type
of questions and objections against equal treatment. And in between,
one can envisage a whole host of examples, involving claimants from
poor, moderately rich, to rich countries where incomes, earning capacity
and a variety of legal rules combine to produce much smaller awards. In
such cases, the arguments against equal compensation are less convincing
13 See above. True equality is to be found in meeting the needs of the individual, not in the
amount of the award. For example, a claimant should be compensated for loss of
earnings by an amount equal to what they would, on the balance of probabilities, have
been able to earn in the country in which they reside and not by a comparison with
what a similar individual might have earned in a different country.
14 It was attempted in the USA for the first time in Bowling v. Pfizer, Inc. 143 F.R.D. 141 (S. D.
Ohio 1992); Bowling v. Pfizer, Inc. 159 F.R.D. 492 (S. D. Ohio 1994). Two of the authors of
this book (Basil Markesinis and Augustus Ullstein) were members of the panel of experts
that helped design the formula which is described in detail by Professor Harold Luntz
(also a panel member) in his illuminating (and partly critical) article ‘Heart Valves, Class
Actions and Remedies: Lessons for Australia?’ in Nicholas Mullany (ed.), Torts in the
Nineties (1997), p. 72 ff. The principles were subsequently applied in In Re Dow Corning
Corporation 255 B.R. 445 (Bankr. E. D. Mich. 2000), a case in which the above-mentioned
three lawyers were, again, involved.
15 Given the cost of defending mass action in the USA, the desire of American companies,
faced with class actions, to reach worldwide settlements is not, in our view, to be
underestimated. But we have injected a word of caution in our text, above, for in at
least one European country – Germany – considerable doubts have been voiced about
class actions. The Constitutional Court took this view in its judgment of 25 July 2003,
BVerfG NJW 2003, 2598.
206 conclusions
16 Since then, a new (Korean) Product Liability Act (in force since 1 July 2002) has expanded
manufacturers’ liability by introducing strict liability for defective products. This latest
change is reviewed in General Cologne Re, Special Report from Phi5/2001: see
17 The English courts under the CPR have moved towards mediation and ADR. They now
have the power to order a stay to enable the parties to mediate. That may be done of the
court’s own motion: CPR 26.4. Further, the Court of Appeal refused the successful party
their costs because they had refused to consider mediation (Dunnett v. Railtrack plc (in
railway administration) [2002] EWCA Civ 303; [2002] 1 WLR 2434).
18 Basil Markesinis, Comparative Law in the Courtroom and the Classroom (Hart Publishing,
more specific conclusions 207
will also mean that comparative law or methodology will have to move
away from legal history and Roman law and even trendy subjects such as
feminist or critical legal studies and get its teeth into the law in action
and its actual functions in practice. Such a re-orientation of the subject
should not cause concern to academic purists. For the exercise involved
is not just relevant; it is also intellectually stretching and, indeed, very
stimulating. In its need also to involve data from other disciplines such as
politics, economics, statistics etc., it will also fit in well with the prevailing
trend in the leading universities of the Western world to approach law in
an interdisciplinary manner.
The above general observations form part of the beliefs which under-
lie this book. But we have tried to flesh them out by providing solid,
legal evidence about the rules which shape the law of damages in three
major European legal systems. The aim thus is obvious: to facilitate the
theoretical and practical attempts to note and then study the areas of
divergence and convergence which can then be put to some kind of ap-
plied use. If the method (still, it must be admitted, in its infancy) remains
far from perfect, we submit this does not invalidate the basic assump-
tion that the major legal systems must be brought into some sort of
logical juxtaposition not for the sake of then grouping them into fam-
ilies, but for the sake of drawing practical conclusions in national reform,
harmonisation attempts and, finally, international litigation. The term
used earlier on – applied comparative law – captures, we think, this idea
has been said thus far and will be repeated in this chapter about American
The caveat is born of the obvious difficulty already alluded to and associ-
ated with the term of ‘convenience’ we have used, namely, American law.
In fact, there is no such thing as American law but a law of fifty states (or
fifty-one if we include the federal jurisdiction). One is not being pedantic
in reminding the readers of this well-known fact, for the differences in
awards between various states (and within various counties of the same
state) can be very significant indeed.19 This divergence may be caused by
the presence or absence of particular legal notions or institutions (e.g., no
punitive damages in Louisiana law), different rules about the collateral
source rule (emanating from statute or case law practice), and different
(and highly) complex ‘capping’statutes which can lay down highly varying
caps for damage flowing from different types of tortious situations (e.g.,
medical malpractice, car accidents etc.). Statistical information about jury
awards also reveals significant local variations which are not, necessarily,
attributable to rules of the kind mentioned above but which can often be
linked (tenuously?) to a variety of other, non-quantifiable (or even verifi-
able) factors such as local wealth, jury predilections, political affiliations.
The list is both endless and intriguing. The European victim who is con-
templating a legal action in the USA must bear these variations in mind.
And the American lawyer who might be tempted to describe European
awards as pitifully small should be aware of the fact that he must be
explicit in what he is comparing.
The wider and, for lack of a better term, ‘jurisprudential’ observation is
the one alluded to at the very beginning of this chapter, namely, that En-
glish law is increasingly diverging from American law20 and converging
with Continental European law. This not being a monograph about sub-
stantive law, it is not necessary to labour this point too much. Yet one
cannot help but note that in a wide spectrum of subjects – defamation,
privacy, patterns of federalism, employment law, protection against sex-
ual discrimination – this estrangement seems to be taking place. If this
thesis is arguable, it certainly gains further support by comparing Ameri-
can with European levels of damages.
Yet, it is the misfortune of lawyers – if few other professions – to see (or
force themselves to see) ‘the other side of the coin’ and in this case this
means that, once again, European lawyers must approach the issue of size
of American awards. For allowances must be made for (a) the absence of
social security coverage for medical necessities of all kinds; (b) a significant
reduction of the award itself, in order to cover the costs (or combined
costs) of litigation; and (c) the other background factors alluded to earlier
on in this book. In this context, one must also mention the often ignored
fact that the American awards that reach European audiences tend to be
the original jury awards which (because of their size) attract considerable
publicity. On the other hand, the fact that these awards are subsequently
reduced because of settlements, remittiturs,21 appeals and the like, rarely
receive much attention,22 even by the members of the (European) legal
profession. All that one can say is that we Europeans are different from
the Americans but, maybe, not that different when all these additional
but important elements are factored into our calculations.
Punitive damages
In terms of specifics, the single greatest difference between American
law on the one hand and European law (including English law) is the
prominence of the punitive element in American tort awards. Here, the
danger lies largely on the American side, who can be tempted to believe
that punitive awards are made in systems which theoretically at least
21 In the USA, despite the constitutionally protected status of jury trial, a widespread
practice exists which allows a trial judge the discretion to offer a claimant a smaller
amount than that offered by an (excessive) jury award. Remittiturs have survived
constitutional challenge, whereas the exact reverse – an additur, where the judge offers
the defendant a larger amount to that awarded by the jury – has been condemned by
the US Supreme Court as long ago as Dimick v. Schiedt, 293 U.S. 474 (1935).
22 The famous ‘Ford Pinto’ case which in Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Company, 119 Cal. App. 3d
757, 174 Cal. Rptr. 348 (1981) led to one of the highest awards of those times – US $125
million – was remitted to US $3.5 million! As the late Professor John Fleming observed:
‘The discrepancy by a factor of more than thirty illustrates the subjectivity of assessing
these damages’. John Fleming, The American Tort Process (OUP, 1988), p. 136.
210 conclusions
seem to sanction them in principle. This issue was hotly debated in the
Dow Corning litigation, especially as far as Australia is concerned, where it
was shown that such awards (though claimed) are very rarely made23 in
product liability cases.
The availability of punitive damages, combined with the contingent fee
system, in our view makes (parts) of the American legal profession fairly
aggressive in raising and pursuing such claims, arguably even in cases
where they may not be truly meritorious. But the ‘nuisance effect’ that
such claims can have on corporate defendants may well ‘force’ them to
settle, thus augmenting the trend (or the image) of large awards.24
A growing volume of empirical studies in the USA can substantiate some
of these observations while making others more questionable. But here
we raise some of these points not simply in order to reinforce observations
already made elsewhere, but also to lament the (relative) absence of such
empirical studies in the European area. This absence of this different and
we submit additional ‘tool’ may be particularly linked to the more ‘dog-
matic’ study of the law in Continental European universities, though it is
less easy to explain in Britain.
This difference is important not only if one compares and contrasts
‘American’ law on the one hand and ‘European’ law on the other but
also if one is comparing and contrasting English law, German law and
Italian law. Here the comparison is easy at a superficial level – England
recognises the heading, the other countries do not – but more difficult
at a more sophisticated level. For, first, one must decide to what extent
the ever-changing dicta of English judges reflect a tendency to restrict or
expand the availability of punitive damages. In addition, one must take
into account the fact that European systems – German and Italian in par-
ticular (but also French) – conceal a punitive element under a different
heading. So, if one disregards terminology for a moment, one can see
that from the German perspective, the ‘deterrent effect’ which has been
23 In fact only one case was found making such an award in a product liability setting.
24 It was the view of many defence lawyers in England that legal aid served to fuel the
same aggression. Certainly the absence of legal aid for personal injury cases and the
advent of conditional fees have led to a downturn in the number of claims. Defendants
are also becoming more aggressive in their approach to litigation. As Michael Spencer
QC said on behalf of SmithKline Beecham in the MMR litigation: ‘The days of
commencing wholly speculative litigation in the hope of forcing defendants to pay off
cases through a costs blackmail are, we say, over. The courts will be astute to ensure that
only properly viable cases are brought and will be quick to strike down cases which are
wholly speculative and brought without any evidentiary foundation’: Sayers v. SmithKline
Beecham plc [2002] EWHC 1280, 1st case management conference, 3 September 1999.
more specific conclusions 211
amount, which insurers would like to see set at lower levels and claimants
at higher ones. Prophesying the future is a hazardous activity; but we ven-
ture the thought that the chances of some Italian litigant challenging the
statute (or the new tables) on the grounds that they are incompatible with
articles 2 and 32 of the Italian Constitution (protection of health and per-
sonality) cannot be a fanciful possibility. This question of ‘levels’, by the
way, must not be seen as raising issues of tort law or constitutional law.
For, as we noted in passing in the Introduction, the question of damages
and thus insurance costs is also one in which the government has a strong
But the Italian experience on this point also underscores the point made
earlier in the Introduction about local allegiances. For history, not covered
in this book for reasons of space, shows how some local courts branched
out in their own, individual evaluation of these amounts under the influ-
ence of writings for their local law school. Here, then, we not only have
an instance of academic/judicial co-operation which is such a hallmark of
Continental European law and so absent, until recently, from English law;
we also have an excellent example of judicial deference to the academic
side of the legal profession. The Genovese and Pisa schools thus deserve
to be singled out for praise by us now as they were nearly a decade ago by
the Corte Costituzionale.27 This is mentioned not merely for its historical
significance but also because of the impact this tradition has had in the
writing of Italian law books. To put it differently, what was contributed
in this volume by our Italian colleague is not simply an accurate account
of Italian law but also an account recast for an Anglo-Saxon readership. If
properly done, this presentation of local law does not betray its substance
but merely transforms aspects of its appearance for the purposes of mak-
ing it accessible to interested foreign observers. How well it was done in
this book is not the real question. The question is: did it have to be done?
On this question none of us has any doubt that the answer is in the affirma-
tive. Those common lawyers who have happened to have glanced at Italian
works on the subject will agree with us that without such adaptations,
the presentation of Italian law to a non-Italian readership is extremely
difficult, if not impossible.
27 14 April 1995, no. 4255, 1955, Resp. civ.prev. 519 and note Ponzanelli.
more specific conclusions 213
28 English law rules in relation to whether collateral benefits fall to be deducted from
awards are too long and complicated to explain here. It is right to say, however, that
they are not entirely logical and need to be looked at on a case by case basis.
29 In Helfend v. Southern California Rapid Transit District, 2 Cal. 3d 1, 465 P.2d 61 (1970), the
Supreme Court of California did just that. It thus argued that: ‘Generally the jury is not
informed that plaintiff’s attorney will receive a large portion of the plaintiff’s recovery
in contingent fees or that personal injury damages are not taxable to the plaintiff and
are normally deductible by the defendant. Hence [the plaintiff] rarely actually receives
full compensation for his injuries as computed by the jury. The collateral source rule
partially serves to compensate for the attorney’s share and does not actually render
‘double recovery’ for the plaintiff’.
214 conclusions
30 Like all general statements, however, this must be qualified in at least one sense,
namely, that in Germany, as well, the largest amount of money – DM1.7 billion – was,
according to figures of insurance payments in the context of traffic accidents for the
year 1999, reserved for compensating pain and suffering. This must be contrasted with
DM300 million being paid for medical treatment. For further details see Hein Kötz and
Gerhard Wagner, Deliktsrecht (9th edn, 2001), no. 511.
more specific conclusions 215
is debatable or, at the very least, the idea of the damages being anything
more than a small conventional figure, seems to be unconvincing. The
outcome – compensation – becomes even less convincing if we realise
that these amounts can, in effect, duplicate the parents own claims for
pain and suffering. Yet, this risk is not, apparently, accounted for when
determining the award. The fact that little if any judicial guidance seems
to be given on this point might also suggest that the augmented size of
the award may reflect American realities i.e., that part of it will not end
up in the pocket of the parents but of their lawyers. But though there is
some evidence to suggest that this kind of ‘concealed’ calculation takes
place in other instances, e.g., the collateral source rule, we found none to
support our supposition in those cases which we were able to examine.
The objections against such awards reach a climax when one realises
that the viability at the time of the injury (rather than the live birth
requirement) can result in the never-born-alive foetus claiming money
(through whom? for what?) under one of the Survival Statutes (the Amer-
ican equivalents of the English Law Reform Act 1934). On this possibility
we feel no further comment is called for.
Though these illustrations come from the domain of fatal accident liti-
gation, which was not included in the purview of this monograph, they are
mentioned because they tie in well with the American claims for pain and
suffering and the rather open-ended nature of awards made under this
heading. Such tendencies are not to be found in Continental European
law – indeed, they are also absent from English law. In this sense, they
confirm once again our perception of the English position as being closer
philosophically – as well as de lega lata – to that of Continental Europe
than to the USA.
The above discussion, however, also shows that the courts may be us-
ing this amorphous heading of non-pecuniary damages to perform func-
tions other than compensation. The occasionally very substantial damages
awarded by American courts under headings such as loss of companion-
ship may thus owe their origins to the fact that in fatal accident claims
parents had no lost dependency that they could plausibly claim from the
tortfeasor for the death of their infant child. The feeling that such ‘injus-
tice’ could not be left without a remedy may lie behind some of the most
recent developments described briefly above.
Though European law has nothing comparable to show in the kind of
cases discussed above, European judges may also be taking advantage of
the amorphous nature of the heading in order to achieve other aims.
The discussions in Italian law about danno morale, its availability when no
more specific conclusions 217
crime was committed, and its extent, likewise seem to conceal judicial
preoccupation with Italian factors such as variation of awards depending
on the social status of the victim. The frequent reference in Italian aca-
demic and judicial literature that the amount of compensation is to be
left to the fair or equitable discretion of the judge only helps to facilitate
flexibility but, it could be argued, affects the transparency of the judicial
process. Still, points such as these can only be put tentatively for the sake
of further discussion and nothing more.
Danno morale as well as danno biologico (and, indeed, the German equiv-
alent of ‘Schmerzensgeld’) may also conceal the award of a sum of money
which in the common law might appear under a distinct heading. All of
which goes to show that an attempt to impose upon other legal systems
the taxonomy known to the common law can work up to a point but no
33 One of the most recent and thorough surveys on this elusive topic can be found in
Duncan Fairgrieve, State Liability in Tort (2003), esp. p. 218 ff.
218 conclusions
34 BGHZ 63, 295. But see OLG München 30 November 1984, VersR 1985, 868 (scar on the
face of a beautician) (see p. 70).
more specific conclusions 219
35 We stress ‘it seems’ for the facts are not fully and clearly stated – something which
marks out German from Anglo-American cases which have to consider facts in detail if
they are to perform the distinguishing function which is so central to the common law
process of deciding cases.
36 The American Tort Process (OUP, 1988), p. 111 ff.
37 Chin and Paterson, Deep Pockets, Empty Pockets: Who Wins in Cook County Jury Trials (Rand
Corp., 1985); Hensler, Vaiana, Kakalik and Peterson, Trends in Tort Litigation: The Story
Behind the Statistics (Rand Corp., 1987).
220 conclusions
38 It is disputed, however, whether the poverty of the defendant should set a barrier to
claims which otherwise would be successful (Sozialstaatsprinzip; see MünchKomm-BGB,
vor §§ 823 ff BGB no. 77). It is different at the ‘procedural level’ where rules regulating
execution of judgments preserve certain minimum assets of impecunious defendants in
order to allow them to survive financially. This, of course, is true of all systems.
more specific conclusions 221
First, as the reader of our Preface will recall, this was never one of our
stated aims. Nor could it be, given that this study focused on three coun-
tries only and, for a variety of technical (not doctrinal or philosophical)
reasons, left out many others, including the very important French legal
system. Proposals of the kind we have submitted can only be credibly for-
mulated by looking at all the legal systems concerned though, contrary
to what might be termed the ‘politically correct’ view, we do not believe
that all of them deserve the same degree of scrutiny.
Secondly, we are aware of course of the fact that many jurists from a
number of European countries are clamouring for unification or harmon-
isation. These ambitions range from the entire domain usually covered by
civil codes to the matter here in hand. Two of the countries whose lawyers
seem to be in the forefront of this movement – Germany and Italy – are
represented in this survey, while the sceptics are headed by England (and
the Netherlands, whose law is not included in this study). Yet, in writing
this small monograph we experienced at first hand the difficulties of even
presenting the three systems in a reasonably coherent and logical juxtapo-
sition and also noted in various parts of this book how awards can be made
under different guises, how they can differ, in some cases substantially,
and how their real value is actually determined only by taking additional
factors into account, such as, e.g., the cost of living and earning levels in
each country in question. Moreover, we noted how in Italy the measure
of awards, influencing as it does insurance payments and thus insurance
premiums, has attracted the attention of the government. Additionally,
we also noted in various parts of the book the unusual degree of variation
of awards, even for danno biologico. If that is the picture that emerges from
one country alone, how can one realistically talk – at this stage of the process of
European integration – of a unification movement with a realistic chance
of success? For a unification attempt that would try to push awards39 up
towards the highest currently available level in Europe would be costly,
just as any attempt to move them downwards towards the lowest figures
would be unacceptable to those countries (and their citizens) who would
be asked to give up existing rights. A compromise in the middle would,
we suspect, leave everyone unhappy while lacking any rational justifica-
tion. There is a time for everything; and, at present, we suggest that for
39 We are, of course, talking here about awards for non-pecuniary losses, for (a) these are
the ones which, logically it could be argued, should be the same across Europe and (b)
are less income/earnings related than the pecuniary losses. In our view, unification or
harmonisation attempts for this heading of damages are even further away.
222 conclusions
those who believe in Europe the first priority is to streamline the Euro-
pean Constitution, more threatened than ever by the enlargement of the
The above should not be taken to suggest that the differences between
the European legal systems – certainly the ones we have discussed in
this book – overshadow their similarities. On the contrary, we hope we
have shown that the similarities are notable and cover both basic general
principles and technical quantification rules.
Thus, on the first front we note indicatively that all three of our systems
accept compensation as the prime aim of the law of torts; make40 the car-
dinal distinction between pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages;41 dis-
tinguish, in principle, between (what English law calls) psychiatric injury
and mere mental pain or grief (and treat the former more sympathetically
than the latter); accept the position that the defendant’s characteristics
and (on the whole) his financial resources should not affect the measure
of the award; treat as unacceptable the a priori capping of awards for
negligently inflicted harm; and accept the heritability of pecuniary and
non-pecuniary loss damages. Many important, practical rules flow from
these commonly accepted wide principles, so the coincidence of views is
of great significance.
Similarities of great import can also be found at the level of techni-
cal rules concerning indemnification for tortiously inflicted harm. Thus,
to mention but a few, we note that our systems take the same sympa-
thetic view towards non-sentient victims (even though strict logic might
require no compensation); there is a growing convergence in practice on
the award of damages for bereavement (where English law made a move
towards the Continental solution of awarding damages for bereavement,
but Continental systems, on the whole, award small amounts42 under this
heading); all our systems acknowledge that non-pecuniary damages are,
40 Germany, as stated, providing a limited exception for damages which aim to provide
satisfaction rather than compensation.
41 Spain seems to depart from this (important) rule, at any rate in the area of traffic
accidents which generate the bulk of tort litigation.
42 France is not included in the scope of this book but one notes with interest that French
law, most generous in its definition of dependants liable to obtain compensation for the
death of a third person, makes awards which on average are almost indistinguishable in
size from the statutory amount given in English law. We have stressed, in this book and
elsewhere, the importance of qualifying the generosity of French substantive law by
reference to the low levels of awards made in some types of claims. On the whole, this is
true of individual awards for dommage morale. On the other hand, it is likely – but to our
knowledge not yet demonstrated by any survey – that the total amount of these awards
may be considerable.
more specific conclusions 223
43 This is broadly speaking true of English, French, German and Italian law but not so for
other (significantly less generous) systems such as the Dutch and the Austrian.
44 See n. 33 above at p. 222.
45 For present purposes, and for the reasons given earlier in this chapter, we include
France in this statement.
224 conclusions
Typology of injury according to current forensic medical doctrine:
Anatomic loss of the left hand ring finger ungual phalange
Outcome of partial meniscectomy performed in arthroscopy
Scars due to previous laparotomy for every 10 cm of length
Outcome of fracture of the right or left foot II, III, IV metatarsus
Age 20 40 60
226 appendix
Typology of injury according to the current forensic medical doctrine:
Loss of olfaction
Loss of taste
Anatomic loss of the two phalanges of the right ring finger
Complete monolaterar nasal stenosis
Articular relaxation of the knee due to non surgically treated ligamental lesions
Outcome of a kneecap breaking without anatomic losses
Outcome of the I metatarsus of the left or right foot fracture
Age 20 40 60
Typology of injury according to the current forensic medical doctrine:
Splenectomy (around 9%)
Post traumatic scapulohumeral periarthritis with muscular strength reduction
and slight limitation of the upper limb movements (around 9%)
Ankylosis of the radius-carpus articulation (wrist) in rectilinear extension with
movements of free prono-supination (around 9%)
Tight pseudarthrosis of the right radius (around 9%)
Outcome in exuberant callus of the combined shinbone-peroneal fracture with
slight deflection of the longitudinal axis and functional limitation, between 1/3
and 1/4, of the ankle movements (around 9%)
Occasional but documented fits of convulsions with epileptic
electroencephalographic changes in patient suitable for long-term anti-epilepsy
therapy (around 9%)
Age 20 40 60
index 229
damages defamation
cumulation, 35, 213 English law, 22
deductions. See deductions Italian law, 93
future losses. See future losses levels of awards, 17
law reform, 220–4 defendants, nature and wealth, 219–20
levels. See levels of awards delay
management. See financial management and interest, 175
national contexts, 200–7 Italian judicial proceedings, 28
non-pecuniary. See non-pecuniary payment of damages, 81, 190
damages Deliktsrecht, meaning, 5
past losses. See past losses disability pensions, 172–3
reports on, 201 discretion, judicial discretion, 65–7, 88, 94,
specificity, 217–19 142, 209
danno alla persona, 7 discrimination, gender discrimination, 150
danno biologico dispute resolution
assessment, 84–91 England, 206
and German law, 4 Germany, 203
judicial powers, 88 duty of care, 8, 20, 22, 54–8
levels of awards, 18–19
life and death, 89–90 earnings. See loss of earnings
meaning, 7 employers’ liability
methods of liquidation, 87–9 German law, 11
regional variations, 88 Italian law, 7, 15
statutory rules, 86–7 psychiatric injury of secondary victims,
danno contratuale, 5–6 56–8
danno extracontratuale, 5–8 vicarious liability, 46
danno imprevedible, 6 employment
danno ingiustio, 15 deduction of employment payments, 173,
danno morale 188–9
generally, 91–6 earnings. See loss of earnings
meaning, 6–7 loss of congenial employment, 58–9, 70,
quantification, 18, 94–6 85
danno non-patrimoniale, 83 promotions, 125, 146–7
See also non-pecuniary damages English law
danno patrimoniale assessment of damages, 9–10
assessment, 84 deductions, 171–4
calculation, 18 direction, 199–200
meaning, 83, 162–3 future losses, 116–38
death history, 8–10
close relatives, 81–2, 93 interest, 175
and danno biologico, 89–90 judicial proceedings, 26–7
early death of injured persons, 77–8 legal aid, 30, 210
deductions legal costs, 29–30
benevolent funds, 173–4 levels of awards, 16–17, 223–4
carers’ damages, 156 limitation periods, 46, 175–7
contributory negligence, 172, 185 non-pecuniary losses, 45–59
employers’ payments, 173, 188–9 past losses, 97–105
English law, 35, 171–4 payment methods, 36–42
German law, 181–90 persons under disability, 177–9
insurance payments, 174, 189–90, 195 social security, 33–5, 117, 171
Italian law, 194–6 structured settlements, 38, 179–81
local authority payments, 174 terminology, 2–3
loss of earnings, 123 tort law principles, 20–2
pensions, 172–3 and US law, 199–200, 208
social security payments, 35, 156, 171, See also specific subjects
182–6, 194–5 enrichment, 134, 141, 181, 194
time limits, 172 entertainment costs, 107
230 index
International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
René Provost
Remedies Against International Organisations
Basic Issues
Karel Wellens
Diversity and Self-Determination in International Law
Karen Knop
The Law of Internal Armed Conflict
Lindsay Moir
International Commercial Arbitration and African States
Amazu A. Asouzu
The Enforceability of Promises in European Contract Law
James Gordley
International Law in Antiquity
David J. Bederman
Guy Stessens
Good Faith in European Contract Law
Reinhard Zimmerman and Simon Whittaker
On Civil Procedure
J. A. Jolowicz
A Comparative Study
Maurizio Lupoi
The Right to Property in Commonwealth Constitutions
Tom Allen
International Organizations Before National Courts
August Reinisch
The Changing International Law of High Seas Fisheries
Francisco Orrego Vicua
Trade and the Environment
Damien Geradin
Unjust Enrichment
Hanoch Dagan
Religious Liberty and International Law in Europe
Malcolm D. Evans
Ethics and Authority in International Law
Alfred P. Rubin
Sovereignty Over Natural Resources
Nico Schrijver
The Polar Regions and the Development of International Law
Donald R. Rothwell
Fragmentation and the International Relations of Micro-States
Jorri Duursma
Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations
C. F. Amerasinghe