Soal Pas Mts
Soal Pas Mts
Soal Pas Mts
Experience our brand new peaceful ambience Read the advertisement and answer question
decoration in luxurious band comfortable hotel 33 and 34!
room for affordable price Rujak Buah
Telephone : ( 0234) 611 850
Ingredients :
Fax : ( 0234 ) 339 387
Address : 1 cucumber, peeled
Plaza Ghani Timur, Jln. Sumuradem 78-79 Sukra ¼ cup brown sugar
Indramayu 1 mango, peeled and cubed
27. What is being advertised in the advertisement 3 tablespoons peanuts, fried
above? 1 papaya, cut ½ inch cubes
a. hotel b. house 1 hot chili peppers, seeded and sliced
c. decoration d. restaurant 1 apple tart, cut into ½ in cube
1 tablespoon tamarind , dissolved in ¼ cup
28. Where wpuld the above advertisement possibly
water and strained
a. police station b. recreation object pineapple, cut into ½ inch cubes ( could use
c. restaurant d. prison fresh or canned pineapple )
Read the advertisement and answer question Mix all the fruit together
29 and 30! Grind chilies and salt
Young Red Cross Association of SMP N 1 Add brown sugar
Patrol – Indramayu Add fried roasted peanuts and grind
To : All members completely
I order to celebrate our Independent day, We pour some tamarind liquid
are going to go camping at Ciremai Mountain.
Mix the sauce and fruits together
Camping site from 14 to 16 December 2015
serve chilled
The contribution is Rp.60.000.Those who
want to join the activity please contact Mr.
33. What should you do with the peanut before
Daniel or Mr. Ginanjar.
you grind them?
Registration will be opened starting from
th a. Peel them b. Roast them
5 December 2015
c. Pour the tamarind d. add brown sugar or
For further information, please contact the them
Aswati 34. What is the purpose of the procedure text
Chair person above?
29. Whom should you meet to register for the a. To inform about the deliciousness of Rujak Buah
program? b. To show easy it is to taste of Rujak Buah
a. The Chair person b. The committee c. To show the steps in making Rujak Buah
c. Mr. Daniel or Ginanjar d. Aswati d. To inform the material used to make Rujak Buah
37. What should we do after plugging the projector 42. What the purpose of the text?
into an AC wall outlet? a. To entertain the reader
a. Turn on the laptop and projector b. To describe Citarum River and its situation
b. Allow time for the two to fully load c. To tell the reader not to consume the Citarum
c. Take the video cable cord and connect the water
laptop and projector d. To retell about what had happened in
d. Activate the external video by pressing Fn Citarum River
and F4, F8, or F3 simultaneously
The following text is for question 43 to 46
The following text is for question 38 to 42 Have you ever heard about a distinction bridge in
Forty miles east of Jakarta, Indonesia, Malaysia? Here is the bridge, Langkawi Sky
Bridge is a 125 meters curved pedestrian cable-
Citarum River runs over186 miles from
stayed bridge, located at the Peak of Gunung Mat
Wayang Mountain to the Java Sea. The island’s Chinchang Mountain, on Pulau Langkawi, an
largest river supports more than 30 million island in the Langkawi archipelago in Kedai,
residents who rely on the water source for Malaysia. Completed in 2004, this suspended
agricultural, domestic, and personal use. bridge is located at the ‘end’ of a cable car ride
However, unregulated factory growth which begins at the Oriental Village at the foot
hill of the Machincang mountain range. The
since the area’s rapid industrialization in the
bridge is suspended from a 82 meter high single
1980s has choked the Citarum with both human pylon and hangs at about 100 meter above
and industrial waste. The river, now known as ground. It swings out over the landscape to give
one of the most polluted in the world, is visitors a unique spatial experience and
unrecognizable as part of the Parahyangan spectacular views. The 1.8 meters wide bridge has
region, over 200 textile factories line the river two triangular platforms that act as ‘ stops’ where
banks. The dyes and chemicals used in the you can admire the view and rest your feet.
Langkawi Sky Bridge ranks among the
world’s strangest suspension bridge and 47. The text gives us information about?
constructing it was not an easy feat. The entire a. The wonderful Borobudur temple
bridge, in all its elements had to be lifted to the b. The souvenirs to be bought
top of the mountain by helicopter and was later c. Nayla’s last day in Yogya
assembled to its current position. d. A comfortable hotel near Malioboro
43. How high is the bridge from the ground? 48. Who wrote the letter?
a. 125 meters b. 100 meter a. Customers b. Nayla
c. 80 meter d. 1.8 meter c. The hotel staff d. Thony
44. Helicopter was needed to build the bridge to … 49. How do the staff serve the customers of the
a. lift all elements to the top of the mountain hotel?
b. admire the view and rest your feet a. proudly c. badly
c. swing out over the landscape b. interestingly d. nicely
d. look around the bridge
Mr. and Mrs Hartono
45. Which statement is correct according to the Together with
texts? Mr. and Mrs. Abdullah
a. The bridge is located at the Valley of Gunung Warmly invite you to share a day of happiness
Mat Chinchangmountain at the marriage uniting
b. It swings out over the landscape to give visitor Our beloved children
an ordinary experience Wedding reception will be
c. The bridge has two triangular platform that act Sunday, January 13th , 2014 at the
as ‘stop’ MelatiHatelSumuradem
d. We can go through the mountain by a At 10 a.m – 2 pm.
helicopter Wedding matrimony will be held on Saturday,
January 12th – 2o14 at 09:00 a.m
46. Where can we admire the view and rest our At Mr, and Mrs. Abdullah’s sweet home
a. At the entire bridge
b. At the oriental Village at the foot hill 50. When will the wedding matrimony be held?
c. At the peak of the mountain a. January 12th 2014 c. at 11:00 am
d. At the two triangular platform that act as ‘stop’ b. January 13th 2014 d. at 2.00p.m
1. d. Are 11. A
2. b. does 12. C
3. a. sings 13. B
4. b. drinks 14. D
5. d. have 15. B
6. a. do not 16. C
7. c. studies 17. A
8. d. watch 18. B
19. D
9. d. is
20. B
10. a. everyday