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Exploring the interaction between Science teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and

pedagogical discontentment: An attempt to understand why science education

reform fails
Science Self-Efficacy in the Primary Classroom: Using
Mixed Methods to Investigate Sources of Self-Efficacy
First Online: 27 April 2017

Self-efficacy has been shown to influence student engagement, effort and performance as well as
course selection and future career choice. Extending our knowledge regarding the development
of self-efficacy has important implications for educators and for those concerned about the
international uptake of science careers. Previous research has identified four sources that may
contribute towards self-efficacy: mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion
and physiological/affective states. Very little research has been conducted within the school
environment that looks at the formation of these sources and yet early school experiences have
been posited to be a key factor in girls’ lack of engagement in post compulsory science
education. This paper investigates children’s self-efficacy beliefs in science and reports on
findings from mixed method research conducted with 182 children aged between 10 and
12 years. Classroom data were collected through focus groups, individual interviews and
surveys. Findings revealed that although girls and boys held similar levels of academic
performance in science, many girls underestimated their capability. The four sources of self-
efficacy identified by Bandura (1997) plus self-regulation as an additional source, were evident
in the children’s descriptions, with boys being more influenced by mastery experience and girls
by a combination of vicarious experience and physiological/affective states. Girl’s appraisal of
information appeared to operate through a heuristic process whereby girls disregarded salient
information such as teacher feedback in favour of reliance on social comparison. Contextual
factors were identified. Implications for science teachers are discussed.

Influence of Motivating Science Class, Family, and Peer

Models on Students’ Approaches to Learning Science: A
Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
First Online: 11 July 2018

 165Downloads
Classroom environment, family, and peers are important factors in influencing
students’ science learning. The primary aim of this study was to examine the effects of
three environmental factors related to science learning (motivating science class, family
models, and peer models) on students’ approaches to learning science (deep approach
and surface approach). The sample comprised 308 students in grades 8 and 9 from ten
secondary schools. Research instruments were Simpson-Troost Attitude
Questionnaire-Revised (STAQ-R) (Owen et al. 2008) and Approaches to Learning
Science (ALS) questionnaire (Lee et al. 2008). A structural equation modeling analysis
procedure indicated that motivating science class and family models were the strongest
predictors of students’ deep approaches to learning science. Further, family models
were found to have a significant direct and negative relationship with surface
approaches to learning science. The results also revealed that motivating science class
had a significant direct effect on peer models. In addition, other hypothesized
relationships were not statistically significant. Accordingly, motivating science class
and peer models had no significant association with surface approaches to learning
science. Also, peer models were found to have no significant association with deep
approaches to learning science. These pieces of evidence indicate that a motivating
science class and a family who have positive attitudes towards science and are
somewhat engaged with science may influence students to adopt deeper approaches to
learning science. The results also offer implications for science teaching and learning
and raise the potential role of science classroom, parents, and siblings in students’
approach to learning science.

Motivating science class Family models Peer models Approaches to learning science Structural
equation modeling

Appendix 1
Table 4

Questionnaire items on constructs of science learning environments and approaches to

learning science

Motivating science class

We learn about important things in science class


Our science classroom contains a lot of interesting equipment


We cover interesting topics in science class


We do a lot of fun activities in science class


I consider our science classroom attractive and comfortable


My science teacher makes good plans for us


Family models

FM1 My family watches science programs on TV

FM2 My mother likes science

FM3 My father likes science

FM4 My brothers and sisters like science

Peer models

PM1 My friends like science

PM2 My best friend likes science

PM3 My best friend in this class likes science

PM4 Most of my friends do well in science

Deep approach

DA1 I find that at times studying science makes me feel really happy and

DA2 I feel that science topics can be highly interesting once I get into them

DA4 I always greatly look forward to go to science class

DA5 I spend a lot of my free time finding out more about interesting topics
which were discussed in science class

DA6 I come to science class with questions in my mind that I want to be


DA7 I find that I continually go over my science class work in my mind even
whenever I am not in science class

DA8 I like to work on science topics by myself so that I can form my own
conclusions and feel satisfied

DA9 I try to relate what I have learned in science subjects to what I learn in
other subjects

I like constructing theories to fit odd things together when I am learning

DA10 science topics

I try to find the relationship between the contents of what I have learned in
DA11 science subjects

I try to relate new material to what I already know about the topic when I
DA12 am studying science

I can ask myself possibly to understand the subject matter I have learned
DA14 in science class

Surface approach

SA1 I am discouraged by a poor mark on science tests and worry about how I
will do on the next text

SA2 Even when I have studied hard for a science text, I worry that I may not be
able to do well on it

SA3 I worry that my performance in science class may not satisfy my teacher’s

SA5 I want to do well in science subjects so I can please my family and the

SA6 I see no point in learning science materials that are not likely to be on the

SA8 I generally will restrict my study to what is specially set as I think it is

unnecessary to do anything extra in learning science topic

SA9 I find that studying each topic in depth is not helpful or necessary when I
am learning science. There are too many examinations to pass and too
many subjects to be learned

I find the best way to pass science examinations is to try to remember the
SA10 answers to likely questions

Personalised recommendations
Differentiating the Sources of Taiwanese High School
Students’ Multidimensional Science Learning Self-
Efficacy: An Examination of Gender Differences
 Authors
 Authors and affiliations
 Tzung-Jin Lin
 Chin-Chung Tsai

The main purpose of this study was to investigate Taiwanese high school students’
multi-dimensional self-efficacy and its sources in the domain of science. Two
instruments, Sources of Science Learning Self-Efficacy (SSLSE) and Science Learning
Self-Efficacy (SLSE), were used. By means of correlation and regression analyses, the
relationships between students’ science learning self-efficacy and the sources of their
science learning self-efficacy were examined. The findings revealed that the four
sources of the students’ self-efficacy were found to play significant roles in their science
learning self-efficacy. By and large, Mastery Experience and Vicarious Experience were
found to be the two salient influencing sources. Several gender differences were also
revealed. For example, the female students regarded Social Persuasion as the most
influential source in the “Science Communication” dimension, while the male students
considered Vicarious Experience as the main efficacy source. Physiological and
Affective States, in particular, was a crucial antecedent of the female students’ various
SLSE dimensions, including “Conceptual Understanding,” “Higher-Order Cognitive
Skills,” and “Science Communication.” In addition, the variations between male and
female students’ responses to both instruments were also unraveled. The results
suggest that, first, the male students perceived themselves as having more mastery
experience, vicarious experience and social persuasion than their female counterparts.
Meanwhile, the female students experienced more negative emotional arousal than the
male students. Additionally, the male students were more self-efficacious than the
females in the five SLSE dimensions of “Conceptual Understanding,” “Higher-Order
Cognitive Skills,” “Practical Work,” “Everyday Application,” and “Science

Secondary school Self-efficacy Social-cognitive theory
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This study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, under
grant number 102-2511-S-011-002-MY3 and 103-2511-S-011-003-MY3.

Appendix: The finalized version of Sources of Science

Learning Self-Efficacy (SSLSE) instrument
Mastery Experience
1. 1.
I get excellent grades on science tests.
2. 2.
I have always been successful in science.
3. 3.
Even when I study very hard, I do poorly in science (Reversed item).
4. 4.
I got good grades in science on my last report card.
5. 5.
I do well on science assignments.
6. 6.
I do well on even the most difficult science assignments.

Vicarious Experience
1. 7.
Seeing adults do well in science pushes me to do better.
2. 8.
When I see how my science teacher solves a problem, I can picture myself solving the
problem in the same way.
3. 9.
My favorite teachers are usually science teachers.
4. 10.
People I look up to [like parents, friends, or teachers] are good at science.
5. 11.
When I see how another student solves a science problem, I can see myself solving the
problem in the same way.
6. 12.
Students who were similar to me did well on exams.
7. 13.
I feel confident when other kids in my class do well in science.
Social Persuasion
1. 14.
My science teachers have told me that I am good at learning science.
2. 15.
People have told me that I have a talent for science.
3. 16.
I have been praised for my ability in science.
4. 17.
My classmates like to work with me in science because they think I’m good at it.
5. 18.
My classmates said that I understand everything taught in classes.
6. 19.
I feel confident when my parents tell me I’m doing well in science.

Physiological and Affective States

1. 20.
Just being in science class makes me feel stressed and nervous.
2. 21.
I start to feel stressed out as soon as I begin my science work.
3. 22.
My mind goes blank and I am unable to think clearly when doing science work.
4. 23.
I get depressed when I think about learning science.
5. 24.
I am always anxious about science.
6. 25.
I often feel blue when I think about science.
7. 26.
I lose confidence when I feel sick when I do science.

The Effects of an Autonomy-Supportive Teaching

Intervention on Chinese Physics Students and their
 Authors
 Authors and affiliations
 Danhui Zhang
 Janette Bobis
 Xiaolu Wu
 Yiran Cui

First Online: 12 April 2018

Increasing student exposure to autonomy-supportive teaching approaches has been linked to
enhanced student intrinsic motivation to learn. However, such approaches are rare in mainland
Chinese science classrooms. An intervention-based study with quasi-experimental design and
mixed methods was conducted to explore the impact of a 9-month-long autonomy-supportive
teaching intervention on a physics teacher and 147 grade 8 students attending a middle school in
China. Data collected through questionnaires, interviews, and observations were analyzed to
elicit and track shifts in teacher practices and students’ perceptions of learning physics at pre-,
post-, and follow-up intervention phases. General linear modeling confirmed significant changes
in students’ perceptions of their learning environment over time in terms autonomy, satisfaction
of autonomy needs, and agentic engagement. Interview and observational data analyses
confirmed increased use of autonomy-supportive teaching behaviors and provided further
insights into teacher and students’ perceptions of the impact on student learning.

Personalised recommendations
Grade Level Differences in High School Students’
Conceptions of and Motives for Learning Science
 Authors
 Authors and affiliations
 Ya-Ling Wang
 Chin-Chung Tsai

First Online: 25 August 2017

 195Downloads
Students’ conceptions of learning science and their relations with motive for learning
may vary as the education level increases. This study aimed to compare the quantitative
patterns in students’ conceptions of learning science (COLS) and motives for learning
science (MLS) across grade levels by adopting two survey instruments. A total of 768
high school students were surveyed in Taiwan, including 204 eighth graders, 262 tenth
graders, and 302 12th graders. In the current research, memorizing, testing,
and calculating and practicing were categorized as reproductive conceptions of
learning science, while increase of knowledge, applying, understanding and seeing-in-
a-new-way were regarded as constructivist conceptions. The results of multivariate
analyses of variance (MANOVA) revealed that conceptions of learning science are more
constructivist as education level increases. Both tenth graders and 12th graders
endorsed understanding, seeing-in-a-new-way, and the constructivist COLS
composite more strongly than the eighth graders did. In addition, the results of
multigroup structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis indicated that the positive
relations between testing and reproductive COLS were stronger as the grade level
increased, while the negative relations between reproductive COLS and deep
motive were tighter with the increase in grade level.

Conceptions of learning science Motives for learning science Grade level differences
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This paper is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, under grant
number MOST 103-2511-S-011-003-MY3.

Appendix 1
Table 5

The COLS questionnaire

Factor 1: Memorizing (M), α = 0.89, mean = 2.93, S.D. = 0.85

M1 Learning science means memorizing the definitions, formulae, and laws found in a science

M2 Learning science means memorizing the important concepts found in a science textbook.

M3 Learning science means memorizing the proper nouns found in a science textbook that
can help solve the teacher’s questions.

M4 Learning science means remembering what the teacher lectures about in science class.

M5 Learning science means memorizing scientific symbols, scientific concepts, and facts.

M6 The way of learning science is the same as that of learning history and geography:
memorizing the contents in the textbook.

M7 When learning science, I have to memorize formulae and laws very well to prevent me
from forgetting them.

Factor 2: Testing (T), α = 0.91, mean = 2.80, S.D. = 0.96

T1 Learning science means getting high scores on examinations.

T2 I learn science so that I can do well on science-related tests.

T3 If there were no tests, I would not learn science.

T4 In fact, I can get along well without knowing many scientific facts.

T5 The major purpose of learning science is to get more familiar with test materials.

T6 I learn science mainly for tests.

T7 There is a close relationship between learning science and taking tests.

Factor 3: Calculating and practicing (CP), α = 0.88, mean = 2.99, S.D. = 0.88

CP 1 Learning science involves a series of calculations and problem-solving.

CP Learning science means constantly practicing calculations and problem solving.


CP I think that learning calculation or problem-solving will help me improve my performance

3 in science courses.

CP Learning science means knowing how to use the correct formulae when solving problems.

CP The way to learn science well is to constantly practice calculations and problem solving.

CP6 There is a close relationship between learning science, being good at calculations, and
constant practice.

Factor 4: Increasing one’s knowledge (IK), α = 0.92, mean = 3.92, S.D. = 0.74

IK 1 Learning science means acquiring more scientific knowledge.

IK 2 Learning science means acquiring knowledge that I did not know before.

IK 3 I am learning science when the teacher tells me scientific facts that I did not know before.

IK 4 Learning science helps me acquire more knowledge of natural phenomena or topics

related to biology.

IK 5 Learning science helps me acquire more facts about nature.

IK 6 I am learning science when I increase my knowledge of natural phenomena and topics

related to nature.

IK 7 Learning science means acquiring new knowledge.

Factor 5: Applying (A), α = 0.89, mean = 3.73, S.D. = 0.77

A1 The purpose of learning science is acquiring knowledge and skills to solve the problems
which happen in life.

A2 We learn science to improve the quality of our lives.

A3 Learning science means learning how to apply knowledge and skills I already know to
unknown problems.

A4 The purpose of learning science is learning how to apply methods I already know to
unknown problems.

A5 Learning science is to make our life more convenient.

A6 Learning science means solving or explaining unknown questions and phenomena.

Factor 5: Understanding (U), α = 0.89, mean = 3.87, S.D. = 0.75

U1 Learning science means understanding scientific knowledge.

U2 Learning science means understanding the connection between scientific concepts.

U4 Learning science makes me understand those phenomena or topics I cannot solve in the

U5 Learning science means increasing my knowledge.

U6 Learning science can help me understand more natural phenomena or topics related to

Factor 6: Seeing in a new way (S), α = 0.93, mean = 3.86, S.D. = 0.80

S1 Learning science means broadening my horizons.

S2 Learning science means finding a new way to view natural phenomena or topics related to

S3 Learning science means changing my way of viewing natural phenomena and topics
related to nature.

S4 Learning science means finding a better way to view natural phenomena or topics related
to nature.

S5 I can learn more ways about thinking about natural phenomena or topics related to nature
by learning science.
S6 I am able to explain things and events which happen in daily life in a more effective way
by learning science.

Appendix 2
Table 6

The MLS Questionnaire

Factor 1: Deep motive (DM), α = 0.91, mean = 2.90, S.D. = 0.76

DM1. I find that at times studying science makes me feel really happy and satisfied.

DM2. I feel that science topics can be highly interesting once I get into them.

DM3. I work hard at studying science because I find the material interesting.

DM4. I always greatly look forward to going to science class.

DM5. I spend a lot of my free time finding out more about interesting topics which were
discussed in science class.

DM6. I come to science class with questions in my mind that I want to be answered.

Factor 2: Surface motive (SM), α = 0.82, mean = 3.85, S.D. = 0.69

SM4. Regardless of whether I like it or not, getting good grades in science-related subjects can
help me find a desirable job in the future.

SM5. I want to get a good achievement in science so that I can get a better job in the future.

SM6. I want to do well in science subjects so I can please my family and the teacher.

Primary School Teachers’ Understanding of Science

Process Skills in Relation to Their Teaching
Qualifications and Teaching Experience
 Authors
 Authors and affiliations
 Edy H. M. Shahali
 Lilia Halim
 David F. Treagust
 Mihye Won
 A. L. Chandrasegaran

First Online: 19 November 2015

This study investigated the understanding of science process skills (SPS) of 329 science
teachers from 52 primary schools selected by random sampling. The understanding of
SPS was measured in terms of conceptual and operational aspects of SPS using an
instrument called the Science Process Skills Questionnaire (SPSQ) with a Cronbach’s
alpha reliability of 0.88. The findings showed that the teachers’ conceptual
understanding of SPS was much weaker than their practical application of SPS. The
teachers’ understanding of SPS differed by their teaching qualifications but not so
much by their teaching experience. Emphasis needs to be given to both conceptual and
operational understanding of SPS during pre-service and in-service teacher education
to enable science teachers to use the skills and implement inquiry-based lessons in

Science process skills Primary school science Primary science teachers
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