Als Classroom Rules

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The out-of-school youth and adults are fully developed and productive, with sense of
responsibility, determination, patriotism and coached with Christian moral values.


Provide the learners access with the basic skills and development services: Thus, produce high
performing learners who are potential leaders in the community through the collaborative
efforts of ALS agents, facilitators, LGU and other stakeholders.



Admission Policy

ALS is open to any learner who wishes to enroll for Basic Literacy Program, Accreditation and
Equivalency (A & E) Program Elementary and Secondary Level.


The following requirements are to be met upon enrolling:

a. Present original birth certificate (PSA/NSO) and submit 3 photocopies.

b. Four (4) recent 1x1 ID Picture with nametag, example: DELA CRUZ, JUAN CASTRO
c. Present original report card and submit 1 photocopy

Admission Age Requirements:

Basic Literacy : no age limit

Accreditation and Equivalency – Elementary Level: at least 12 years old and above
Junior High School: at least 16 years old and above

School Attire:

Wear ALS T-shirt or prescribed uniform when attending learning sessions.

Wear decently, no short shorts, and spaghetti blouses for girls and no rugged or with holes
design pants and sleeveless shirt for boys.

1. Be aware of the policies and procedures imposed by ALS Alburquerque District.
2. Follow-up their children’s progress and provide encouragement and direction when
your child is given tasks or assignment.
3. Keep your children at home if he/she has symptoms or suffering from any
communicable disease.
4. Show interest in the progress of your children.
5. Give moral support to your children by attending school activities and other
competitions held outside the school.
6. Be aware of children’s excessive absences as it may affect their performance in school.
7. Discuss your criticism and concerns of the school with the ALS Implementers first and
not to other people not concerned or directly to the principal.
8. Do not stay inside the classroom or near the school building premises especially during
class hours.
9. Strictly no smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages inside the school premises.
10. Do not bring guns, knives and other sharp materials that may inflict pain to others.
11. No vandalism, no littering. Throw your garbage properly.


1. Attend Flag Raising Ceremony.

2. Wear the prescribed faculty uniform.
3. Inform the principal/immediate supervisor two days ahead for any necessary absences.
4. Employ effective classroom management skills in your classes.
5. Prepare weekly lesson log.
6. Inform the parents about the progress of their children.
7. Provide positive learning experiences and adequate supervision to the pupils entrusted
in their care.


1. Every learner is expected to abide with the policies and procedures of the Alternative
Learning System – Alburquerque District.
2. Attend flag raising and lowering ceremonies.
3. Avoid excessive tardiness and absences.
4. Observe proper safety precautions.

1. Only pupils and teachers are allowed to stay inside the classroom during class hours.
Parents and guardians are required to stay in waiting areas distant from classrooms
during class hours.
2. No one is allowed to interrupt classes except when there is an emergency case.
3. Close the faucet properly after using.
4. No cheating during tests and examinations.
5. Respect for the authority, teachers and other personnel.

6. Be punctual in coming to school.

7. Avoid shouting inside the classroom.
8. Do not say bad words.
9. No roaming around/playing in the classroom during class discussion.
10. Ask permission from your teacher before going out from the classroom.
11. No teasing/bullying.
12. Keep your things orderly.
13. Throw your trash in the garbage cans.
14. Always cooperate in the activities.
15. Avoid getting things of others.
16. Raise your right hand when you want to ask/answer a question.
17. Always keep the classroom clean and orderly.
18. Do not bring toys inside the classroom.
19. Do not play/use electronic gadget like cellphones, tablets, ipod while classes are
20. Be friendly at all times.


The following reasons are considered acceptable/excused for absences: illness, medical and
dental appointments, funerals, court appearances, participation in school competitions and
other DepEd Activities.


Absences other the above reasons shall be considered unexcused. Learners who incurred
unexcused absences shall suffer the academic consequences.

Learners who incurred unexcused absences shall be givne a chance to take major exams like the
monthly test and periodical tests.


Learners are required to clean their respective work area before leaving the classroom. It is
aimed to develop their value of orderliness, industry and discipline.


Remedial lessons shall be given to all pupils who failed to achieve mastery level in any
competencies as identified by the teacher. This schedule is included in the Class Program.


In compliance with DepED Order No. 13, s. 2019, the A & E certification process will be
expanded to include Portfolio Assessment and Project-based learning and assessment. Starting
June 2019 learners interested in seeking an A&E elementary or secondary equivalency

certification will be required to submit a presentation portfolio containing selected learning

outputs as evidence of mastery competencies from the six (6) learning strands of the new ALS K
to 12 BEC and a learning project, in addition to taking the A & E test. The weights between the
A & E Test and portfolio will be as follows:

80% - A& E Test

20% - Portfolio

Failure to comply Portfolio Requirements

Certificate of Completion shall not be issued unless the learner complies the portfolio
requirement, whereby, failure to comply, no certificate of completion and the learner is not
qualified to register and take the Accreditation and Equivalency Test effective SY 2019 –


School discipline aims to ensure orderliness and it allows everyone to feel safe within the
school campus. It prepares learners to assume important roles in their homes and the
community they belong.


1. Habitual tardiness
2. Habitual non-wearing of uniform.
3. Littering.
4. Vandalism/destroying school properties.
5. Cheating during exams.
6. Possession of cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, and deadly weapons.
7. Using vulgar words either written or spoken.
8. Bullying.
9. Tampering of report cards.
10. Forging signature.
11. Disregard of authority and use of disrespectful languages in addressing teachers and
other school personnel.


First Offense: Learner violators attention is called by the teacher for reprimand.
Second Offense: Conference with the School Principal
Third Offense or beyond: Parents are called for a conference with the learner, adviser and
Grave Offenses: The case may be referred to the Child Protection Committee for
counseling and other intervention. Then the learner violator may
be subject to suspension for not more than one (1) week with

community service. (This is after the offending child has received

counseling or other interventions)

During the period of suspension, the offending child and the

parents or guardians may be required to attend further seminars
and counseling.

Child Protection Committee shall be composed of the following:

1. Principal;
2. Guidance Counselor or Designate;
3. Representative of the PTA
4. Representative of the Teachers Association;
5. Representative from the NGO or Community Organization
6. Representative from the Barangay Local Officials

In all cases where the imposable penalty on the offending child is suspension, exclusion or
expulsion, the following minimum requirements of due process shall be complied with:

1) The child and the parents or guardians must be informed of the complaint in writing;
2) The child shall be given the opportunity to answer the complaint in writing, with the
assistance of the parents or guardians;
3) The decision of the school head must be in writing, stating the facts and the reasons for the
4) The decision of the school head may be appealed as provided in existing rules of the


Complaints of child abuse, violence, discrimination, exploitation, bullying, and other acts of
abuse under the Department Order No. 60 on Child Protection Policy shall be within the
exclusive jurisdiction of the Department, and shall not be brought for amicable settlement
before the Barangay, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations. Complaints for acts
committed by persons not under the jurisdiction of the Disciplinary Authority of the
Department shall be referred to the appropriate authorities.


We, _____________________________________________________,
the parents of ______________________________________,
Grade/Level___________ of the Alternative Learning System –
Alburquerque District, fully agree with that my son/daughter will be
held responsible for the compliance of the contents of the Handbook
and is liable to the disciplinary sanction, if he/she violates any of these

_________________________ _________________________
Signature of Father Over Printed Name Signature of Mother Over Printed Name

Signature of Learner Over Printed Name

Date: ____________________________________

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