CQ tv236 PDF
CQ tv236 PDF
CQ tv236 PDF
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Printed by Your Print Solution, Unit 5, Pilot Industrial Estate, High Wycombe, HP12 3AH, England. Telephone: 01494 372 800
Hon. Treasurer: Brian Summers, G8GQS CQ-TV Advertising: Trevor Brown, G8CJS
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- Chris, G1FEF
Note: This DVD is supplied on +R media only.
It’s that time again and this year we The Venue: minutes away
want to make the BiAGM just one part
of an exciting and stimulating ATV The ATV Convention will be hosted in h t t p : / / w w w. j a n e a u s t e n s - h o u s e -
2012 Convention. the new Everest Community Acadamy museum.org.uk/
which has a 150 seat lecture theatre and
The focus of the event will be a lecture open area for our use. The historic city of Winchester is 20
program with up to 7 talks on Saturday minutes away by train, Portsmouth
afternoon and Sunday. http://www.everest.hants.sch.uk/ historic dockyard and the New Forest
are less than 1 hour away by train or
The main themes of the talks will be In order to cover the costs for the car.
Digital ATV, in particular the Digilite weekend there will be a small charge
project, and how to get going on 70cms for attending the convention, £15 for Basingstoke has a very good modern
DATV with talks on aerials, pre-amps the 2 days when registering online and shopping centre
and power amps for DATV. £10 per day on the door.
There will be a BATC open forum panel Please note that attendance to the
discussion and the weekend will also BiAGM will be free. The Hampshire Transport Museum
Free tea and coffee will be available all http://www3.hants.gov.uk/milestones
• A number of live demos / group weekend and sandwiches, cakes and
presentations; fruit will be available for purchase at and a Ten Pin bowling alley and Ice
• The BATC 2012 BiAGM will be lunchtime. Rink:
held on Sunday morning;
• Specialist traders selling RF and Hotels / Convention dinner A special http://www.planetice.co.uk/arena/
video bits; BATC rate of £65 B&B (single) and Basingstoke
• The BATC shop; £75 (double) has been arranged at the
• BATC members table top sales; Apollo (4 star) hotel which is within 1 Other shopping is also available in
• A “test it and fix it” area where you mile of the convention venue Southampton (30 mins), Reading (20
can bring things to be tested on mins) and London is only 50 mins
professional test equipment. http://www.apollohotels.com away.
Remove the PIC chip and connect the will then need to attenuate it back down
three wires from the new PIC board to again at the input to the DigiLite board.
pads 3,6,7.The DC HT (Max 9 volt) Take your output connection from the second? If not, investigate the USB
connects to the tab at top right of the input side of the MMIC (see photo ) and com port on your Windows/ Control
picture. For the DigiLite board the remove any attenuation on the input to Panel/Hardware Devices to ensure
extra gain of the MMIC is not required the DigiLite board. The MMIC can be that the USB is being recognised by
so the output should be taken after the removed if preferred. I would leave it the PC.Check your settings on the DL
coupling capacitor on the input to the in as it can be used to provide a useful Config program and ensure the DL
MMIC. The full output might be useful 23cms signal source for other projects. Transmit program is finding the mpeg
for other projects. It would be best to If you need to increase the atttenuation file on your drive.
run the three wires in via feedthough on the DigiLite board input, try R27=56
capacitors, but keep the wires short as and R28 and R38=270 (about 20dB) THE BOARD: Assuming all the above
possible, I have used ribbon cable about modifying the Ultram VCO board check out ok and the led is good,
3 inches long without problems, so its you may have a problem with your
up to you. HELP! construction. There are lots of quite
MY DIGILITE DOES NOT WORK! close connections on the DL board
Thanks to Richard G8BYI for so a good magnifying bench lamp is
permission to use his circuit and The best approach to fault-finding is to essential. Check across the board for
software. check the separate areas of the DigiLite poorly soldered components. SMD
and follow the signal path in each area. components can be ‘askew’ and that
Download the latest version of the will allow short circuits to nearby parts.
software at THE DATA : Is the WinTv recording Wrong values are another possibility.
http://www.g8ajn.tv/dlother3.html onto your hard drive ok? Find the file
you have recorded and click on it to run VOLTAGES: The board draws about
The preset channels can be changed it as a mpeg2 video file. It should run 140mA at 12v in. Check the 3v,5v and
in software to suit other countries. An on your pc with your installed viewer 8v lines are ok. The pots R29/R30 (I &
alternative selection has now been program eg Windows Media Player. Q Bias) should have about 2.1v on their
programmed by Richard to suit the sliders, R16/R23 (I & Q Level) should
USA channels. There is no need to use THE USB INTERFACE : Is the LED have 4v on sliders. The modulator chip
the extra gain from the MMIC as you on the DigiLite(DL) winking once a IC4 should have 3.5 to 4 v on its out pin
11.The output leg of the MMIC should
have about 4v on it. Using a ‘scope to
see the waveforms from the serialiser
into the modulator section is difficult as
the data appears ‘jumbled &distorted’
but it should be very similar on the I
and Q lines.
List of suppliers
Farnell: FL88 flux, 15 ml pen, order
code 876732 @ £6.97 + VAT
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
CF=`ls /dev/disk/by-id | grep CF_Reader`
if [ “$CF” = “” ]
echo “No CF Card”
exit 1
CFDEV=`readlink -e “/dev/disk/by-id/$CF”`
echo $CFDEV
exit 0
ffmpeg -i “$1” -vf “format=gray,scale=501:376” -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt gray -threads 0 -y -f rawvideo ./video.tmp
ffmpeg -i “$1” -vn -f u16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 40500 -y ./audio.tmp
./mkcf ./video.tmp ./audio.tmp “$2”
Editorial Musings
I had a bit of space to fill, so here are some For the growing interest in DATV this Your club has around 800 members, and
fairly random tidbits of information that software looks interesting: is run by a small number of volunteers
may be of interested to some... who form the batc committee. Although
h t t p : / / w w w. v i v a d a t v. o r g / p a g e . there have been one or two new faces
If you haven’t come across Grant’s php?p=tutioune-en over the years, the committee is very
website yet, it is well worth a visit: simliar to how it was when I first came
Very comprehensive information from across the batc over 25 years ago!
http://www.qsl.net/zl1wtt your DVB-S PCI cards on received
signals and it’s free! I have been trying (in vain) to find
He has several articles of a constructional someone to help with the editors job,
nature as well as information on ATV in Graham sent me a link to a YouTube but it would be good to see some new
New Zealand. video he made of his Vidicon camera: faces on the committee and get some
fresh blood running through the clubs
Another one that always fascinates me h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / u s e r / veins! So if you have a bit of spare time
are the guys that launch balloons into cineprojectorman (and it doesn’t need to be much) why not
the stratosphere - for fun! Take a look at put yourself forward for a post on the
WB8ELK’s website: Watch right to the end to see the history committee, there are lots of things that
and a link to CQ-TV 33. need doing and the current committee
http://hiwaay.net/~bbrown/ would be glad of the help.
Another good source of ATV info is our
Fascinating stuff, the constructional very our website: Drop me a note if you are interested or
data on the telemetry system is worth a http://www.batc.org.uk/ have any questions as to what might be
read, even if you’re not interested in the It is continually evolving and has the involved and see if it is something you
balloons themselves. most up to date info on your club. can do to help your club.
by Trevor Brown, G8CJS The problem that held back Josue in the I think the pictures and captions tell it
original design was that it required a all, right down to the oscillator module
One of the best things about running the JTAG programmer. Josue describes this he extracted from a Japanese Cell
new on-line shop has been the increase on his website as something complicated phone.
in the BATC membership, delivering that is an essential component in the
that nice warm feeling that we are doing serialization of the digital signal from Links:
something right and the people you the parallel port of the PC.
come into contact with, who all have Josue OA5AZ
their ATV stories to tell, particularly in In 2006 thanks to the redesign of http://www.televisiondigitalamateur.
some far away parts of the world. the original project made by French blogspot.com
amateurs F1FAU - F9ZG - F1GFF (see
Josue Zavala, OA5AZ, lives in Peru and links), The new design used a more Jean-François Fourcadier F4DAY
he is now a new member of batc. Josue available microcontroller-PIC16F628 http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv
was drawn to us by the DigiLite project and thanks to the excellent tutorial that .aspx?from=&to=en&a=http%3A%2F
but Josue is no stranger to DATV. He too has been published on the website of %2Fjf.fourcadier.pagesperso-orange.fr
read about Jean-François Fourcadier, Netonoff (see links) and the F1DUJ %2Ftelevision%2Fexciter%2Fexciter_
F4DAY and “ The Poor man’s digital (see links) He was able to implement e.htm
ATV transmitter” back in 2005. this redesign.
In Josue’s prototype, in the absence of F%2Fwww.netonoff.com%2Findex2-
the BFR96S, he replaces it by a BFG135 tutos-245.html
without changing the PCB The Up-Converter, the output of the
Local Oscillator is 900. 330 MHz, so F1DUJ
in the QPSK modulator 66.667 MHz h t t p : / / w w w. m i c r o s o f t t r a n s l a t o r.
is added to make 966.997 MHz ~ c o m / b v. a s p x ? f r o m = & t o = e n & a
967.0MHz. This frequency is only for =http%3A%2F%2Ff1duj.free.
the first test before migrating it to the fr%2Fdatv%2Fcreation_mire_
23 cm band. datv%2Fcreer_mire_datv.html
Josue’s digital test card with the banner The two prototype boards completed.
of the TT Micro S271 receiver
Left to Right:
Summerfun Contest
First of all my apologies for the delay in publishing the results of the
Summerfun contest.
Pos Call Locator QSOs Points Best DX QTH QRB
1 G6MNJ IO91SR 5 311 G8LES IO91LC 80
2 M0DTS/P IO94LK 3 300 G0EHV/P IO94ET 56
3 G0EHV/P IO94ET 3 164 M0DTS/P IO94LK 56
4 G1LPS IO94EQ 3 144 M0DTS/P IO94LK 47
Thanks to G3MCD for
23cm the pictures taken through
Pos Call Locator QSOs Points Best DX QTH QRB GB3NQ the photo below is
1 G1LPS IO94EQ 6 658 M0DTS/P IO94LI 53 of G4OCO
2 M0DTS/P IO94LK 3 600 G0EHV/P IO94ET 56
3 M0DTS/P IO94LI 2 538 G7AVU IO93OJ 108
4 G0EHV/P IO94ET 3 376 M0DTS/P IO94LK 56
5 G6MNJ IO91SR 2 368 G8LES IO91LC 80
13 cm
Pos Call Locator QSOs Points Best DX QTH QRB
1 G1LPS IO94EQ 3 855 M0DTS/P IO94LK 47
2 M0DTS/P IO94LK 1 470 G1LPS IO94EQ 47
3 G0BWC/P IO83RO 1 310 MW1FGQ IO83IG 62
3 cm
Pos Call Locator QSOs Points Best DX QTH QRB Contact
1 M0DTS/P IO94LI 1 540 G7AVU IO93OJ 108
2= M0DTS/P IO94LK 1 235 G1LPS IO94EQ 47 I can be contacted through
2= G1LPS IO94EQ 1 235 M0DTS/P IO94LK 47 e-mail ([email protected]),
or through my BFPO address:
And the combined scores: Wg Cdr D G Crump, Defence
Section, British Embassy Abu
Pos Call Locator 70 cm 23 cm 13 cm 3 cm Total Dhabi, BFPO 5413, London.
1 G1LPS IO94EQ 144 658 855 235 1892
2 M0DTS/P IO94LK 300 600 470 235 1605 Contest Calendar
3 M0DTS/P IO94LI 538 540 1078
4 G6MNJ IO91SR 311 368 679 1200 UTC 24 March 2012 -
5 G0EHV/P IO94ET 164 376 540 1200 UTC 25 March 2012 -
6 G0BWC/P IO83RO 310 310 BATC Repeater Contest
Section 1 - Transmitting
Place Call Points Locator QSO Repeaters
1 G3MCD 388 IO73OL 6 GB3NQ
2 G4OCO 324 IO70MK 4 GB3NQ
3 G0KTD 218 IO70OI 4 GB3NQ
TV Amateur 163
SSTV visualization on the iPad Searching the web for solutions I found
a hint on the Samsung TV “hotel mode”
With help of the app “SSTV” by Black which is activated by pressing the
Cat Systems the owner of an iPad, buttons MUTE - 1 - 1 - 9 - ENTER on
iPhone or iPod Touch is able to “decode” the remote control. Then you can de-
the Slow-Scan-TV audio signals from select the touch-button control panel at
an rf or vhf receiver and visualize it the TV set. Now the interference had
live on the display - even by acoustic gone totally - but some handy features
coupling of receiver loudspeaker and like looking up the program schedule
gadget microphone... too.
Close it down.
Configurations select
MPEG2 2.0MBit/sec
by Peter Blakeborough G3PYB bandwidth of 2MHz. With the user then What transmission frequency should
deciding how much of the bit rate to be we use?
A recommendation for frequencies used for error correction.
to use, plus hints and tips for DATV As mentioned above, we share the
operation in the 70cm band. For long haul contact with obstructed 70cms band with many amateur and
path the theory says a maximum other users. In addition there are local
70cm is a crowed band with a whole range Forward Error Correction (FEC) of ½ powerful transmissions in near by bands
of different services; we are secondary should be used. This takes a significant such as Tetra.
users and, additionally, there are some proportion of the bit rate from the video
geographical transmission limitations and audio services. Experience with There is no optimum frequency for all
in the UK. The old days of reduced local transmission into the Isle of Wight the users of the 70cm band, but after
bandwidth but fast scan analogue repeater GB3IV has shown we can use discussion with members of the RSGB
AM transmissions have disappeared, a reduced FEC of ¾ or even 7/8. The Spectrum Forum we have concluded
following the almost universal move to GB3IV repeater receiver has its FEC set that the centre of energy should be
23cm and FM modulation. to Auto enabling the user to use the best 437MHz with energy constrained as
FEC to suit the path. close to 2MHz as possible or less,
Moving to the digital environment, with minimum ERP for the task. The
the bit rate reduction through audio In the near future, MPEG 4 coding will allocation for amateur satellite is from
and video compression techniques, become more readily available as new 435 to 438MHz with the most active
plus the coding gain of 2 from QPSK satellite receivers are deployed with segments being between 435 and
2MS/s modulation allows a much tuners that lock to the transmission rate 436MHz and above 437.5MHz
reduced transmission bandwidth whilst down to 1MS/s. The rate of change
retaining good image quality. Horizontal over to DATV has been quite rapid It is unlikely that any repeater outputs
polarization will remain the norm. due the availability of low cost satellite will be cleared on 70cms - Even
receivers. We might soon expect to see applications for voice repeaters are
The current common practice is to use MPEG4 /H264 S2 receivers in regular presently embargoed. However in north
MPEG 2 coding and QPSK such that use. London DATV is regularly seen on
the transmission energy is close to a 437MHz into the GB3IV repeater on
The take up of the DigiLite transmitter the Isle of Wight some 70 Miles away
project has spurred a number of ATV over a heavily obstructed path.
groups to consider DATV only repeater
operation on 23cm. The same devices Simplex operation between stations will
can produce 2MS/s transmission on be the norm, and it useful to consider
70cm and we might expect to see what techniques will contribute to a
MPEG4/H264 coding allowing down to successful contact.
1MS/s in say 1.2MHz in the future.
Operating techniques.
A different aspect of
flying spot scanning was
the subject of the next
article, by Martin Salter,
which explained how
to modify scan circuits
to produce a telecine
system in which the film
moved continuously,
rather than the rapid
pull down system used