Alva Studio Vs Winninger
Alva Studio Vs Winninger
Alva Studio Vs Winninger
It is undisputed that the Metropolitan and the museum of the person which owns the
Carnegie sculptures were in the public domain original work. Plaintiff alone is granted access to
for some time prior to plaintiff's copyright. these original works and to make reductions
Rodin's "Hand of God" was first placed on public directly from them in spite of their value and on
exhibit at the New Gallery in London, England, many occasions, their delicacy, because of its
in 1905. The sculptor died on November 17, reputation, skill, care and unique secret
1917. processes which do no harm to such original
It is hornbook that a new and original plan or
combination of existing materials in the public We find that the granting of approval by the
domain is sufficiently original to come within the Carnegie Institute's Department of Fine Arts,
copyright protection (Allegrini v. De Angelis, experts in the field, to be extremely persuasive
D.C., 59 F. Supp. 248, at page 250). However, that the plaintiff's copyrighted work is in itself a
to be entitled to copyright, the work must be work of art which bears the stamp of originality
original in the sense that the author has created and of skill.
it by his own skill, labor and judgment without
directly copying or evasively imitating the work Plaintiff has established that it has a valid
of another (Hoffman v. Le Traunik, D.C., 209 F. copyright in its work.
375). The plaintiff has the burden of establishing
these elements when demanding the We have then to determine whether the
preliminary injunction (ibid. at page 379). evidence of infringement is sufficient to support
the granting of injunctive relief.
Plaintiff has sustained this burden. Its
copyrighted work embodies and resulted from The test as to infringement of copyright is not
its skill and originality in producing an accurate the test of mere likeness, but the work claimed
scale reproduction of the original. In a work of to constitute the infringement must be a copy,
sculpture, this reduction requires far more than more or less servile, of the copyrighted work,
an abridgement of a written classic; great skill and not an original treatment of a subject open
and originality is called for when one seeks to alike to treatment by the copyright holder and
produce a scale reduction of a great work with others (Pellegrini v. Allegrini, D.C., 2 F.2d 610,
exactitude. at page 612).
It is undisputed that the original sculpture owned Where the principal elements of design of
by the Carnegie Institue is 37 inches and that plaintiff's copyrighted work and of defendant's
plaintiff's copyrighted work is 18½ inches. allegedly infringing article are taken, as a
common source, from an object in the public
The originality and distinction between the domain, mere resemblance will not justify a
plaintiff's work and the original also lies in the finding of infringement (Allegrini v. De Angelis,
treatment of the rear side of the base. The rear supra). Publication of identical works cannot be
side of the original base is open; that of the enjoined if it is the result of independent
plaintiff's work is closed. We find that this research (Aero Sales Co. v. Columbia Steel Co.,
difference when coupled with the skilled scaled D.C., 119 F.Supp. 693).
sculpture is itself creative.
*268 One work does not violate the copyright in
Alfred Wolkenberg, president of the plaintiff another simply because there is a similarity
corporation, states in his supporting affidavit between the two, if the similarity between the
that: two results from the fact that both deal with the
same subject or have the same source
"The quality of its reproductions are constantly (Affiliated Enterprises, Inc. v. Gruber, 1 Cir., 86
subject to the approval of the curatorial staffs of
F.2d 958, at page 961; Dorsey v. Old Surety Life actually copied the plaintiff's work (Caldwell-
Ins. Co., 10 Cir., 98 F.2d 872, 119 A.L.R. 1250). Clements, Inc. v. Cowan Publishing Corp., D.C.,
130 F.Supp. 326). Here there is convincing
Since both the Carnegie and Metropolitan works credible evidence to establish actual copying.
are in the public domain (and defendant Austin
claims that its piece is based upon the latter), We have carefully examined the exhibits
any mere copying from the Carnegie work is not presented in this motion and the photographs of
violative of plaintiff's copyright. the original Rodin sculptures. We are persuaded
by this examination and by the affidavit of Hugo
The privilege given to plaintiff by its agreement Robus, sculptor, submitted by the plaintiff that
with Carnegie was the complete access to the the defendant's product is a copy of plaintiff's
original and the use of the name of the Institute. work and that its copyright has been infringed.
We are also persuaded that plaintiff's work was
Plaintiff alleges in paragraph 16 of its complaint copied by sandpapering and smoothing down
that: many of the surfaces of plaintiff's work, slicing
off approximately 2 inches at the bottom of the
"* * * defendants have made and sold their base to reduce it to a 16 inch height, and then
aforesaid infringing copies of plaintiff's said etching in several features which had been
copyrighted work of art with the intent and rendered indistinct because of the sanding and
purpose of passing off their said copies as and smoothing; exactly as plaintiff alleges.
for plaintiff's authorized reproduction, and said
passing off has occurred and will continue to Defendant's, Austin Productions, Inc., unverified
occur unless enjoined by this Court." financial statement, as of June 30, 1959, affords
no assurance that it will be financially able to
However, the defendants have been advertising respond in damages in the event of plaintiff's
their marketed article as produced from the work probable success in this suit. We have no
on display at the Metropolitan, thereby incurring evidence of the defendant Winninger's worth.
the disfavor of that institution. We find that unless relief is granted plaintiff until
final judgment, it will sustain irreparable harm
To the underside of the pedestal of its sculpture, and damage.
the plaintiff has affixed a gold label bearing the
following legend: We conclude that plaintiff is entitled to the
injunctive relief now sought; let an order so
"Authentic copyrighted reproduction made from providing be settled on 5 days' notice.
the original at the Carnegie Institute Department
of Fine ArtsDetroit, Mich. By Alva Studios, Inc.
New York."