Indera is a custom officer attached to the Customs Narcotic Unit. On 29th January 2016, while
on duty, he noticed a lorry that was parked at the custom’s gate pass of the immigration
Complex, Padang Besar. He then saw the lorry being driven to a spot and then it stopped. Supir
was the driver of the lorry and he was alone in the lorry. Supir then came out from the lorry
and proceeded towards the custom office. Indera proceeded towards the lorry and waited for
Supir to return to the lorry. When Supir returned, Indera instructed the lorry to be scanned at
the scanning machine that was being manned by another customs officer, Rosley. After the
lorry was scanned through the machine, Rosley found that the front portion of the lorry
contained some suspicious images. Thereafter, Indera informed Supir that he would inspect the
lorry. Next there were exchanges between Indera and Supir as the latter tried to talk Indera out
of inspecting the lorry. It was at this point, according to Indera, Supir admitted to him that he
was carrying ‘ganja’. After a thorough search of the lorry, Indera and Rosley found eight plastic
bags containing compressed slabs of dried leaves, suspected to be cannabis, which were hidden
in between the boxes in the cargo compartment. The contents of the eight bags were later
confirmed by the government chemist to be 57.074.47g of cannabis. Supir is charged for the
offence of trafficking in drugs, an offence under s. 39B(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.
As the defence counsel, what will be your argument that Supir’s statement to Indera that he
was carrying ‘ganja’ is inadmissible?
How will the prosecution reply and how will the learned judge decide?
Counsel for Supir (lorry driver) will argue that his statement to Indera that he was carrying
ganja must be excluded. Learned counsel will argue that the statement was inadmissible for the
reason that at the time it was uttered, no caution under S.37A of the DDA was administered,
despite the fact that Supir at that time under arrest.
S.111(2) Customs Act 1967 – any officer of customs may stop and examine any vehicle for the
purpose of ascertaining whether any uncustomed or prohibited goods are contained therein,
and the person in control or in charge of such vehicle shall if required so to do by such officer,
stop such vehicle and allow such officer to examine the same.