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IJEPP 2018; 4 (3): 70-75 K.


ISSN: 2455-5533


Guest Editorial

Scientific Validation of Aphrodisiac & Fertility Promoting

Activity of Vajikarana Drugs of Ayurveda

K. Nishteswar
Ex-Professor & HOD, Dept. of Dravyaguna, IPGT&RA,Jamnagar


Vedas are the oldest recorded treasures of knowledge of every aspect of human life, written in a methodical and systemic
way. Ayurveda has been derived and developed from these vedas, mainly from Atharvaveda. Hence etymologically
“knowledge (science) of life” has been termed Ayurveda and not Ayurvijnana. According to Charaka, life is a
combination of many factors viz., body, senses, psyche and soul. Sushruta stressed that health is the product of
physiological equilibrium of all these factors. Based on the definition envisaged by Sushruta,World Healh Organization
(WHO) redefined health as the state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity.The scope of Ayurveda is twofold i.e.,to cure those who are inflicted with disease and to maintain health of the
healthy. For maintaining positive health Acharyas of Ayureda introduced two approaches namely
Rasayanatantra(Rejuvenation therapy) and Vajikaranatantra (science of fertility and virility).The use of vajikarana
medicines was advocated for two purposes- one to increase the sexual vigor and the other to increase fertility which is
achieved by their therapeutic effects on spermatogenesis. It is often interpreted that vajikaranatantra as science of
aphrodisiacs, but it is an improper statement since vajikarana therapy aims at promoting fertility. Significant research has
been carried out during past three decades on Rasayana drugs mentioned in ayurvedic texts and successfully produced
evidence about their effective antioxidant and immune-modulatory activities. In the case of vajikaranadrugs there is a
lack of scientific validation for their aphrodisiac and fertility promoting activities. Ayurvedic classics described certain
formulations (foods & drugs) and single drug recipes for promoting fertility and virility. It appears that medieval
ayurvedic works mainly concentrated in documenting aphrodisiac activity of vajikarana drugs, ignoring the fertility
promoting activity.Among several drugs the medicinal plants namely Kapikacchu,Gokshura, Vidari, Nagabala, Kushta,
Masha,Satavari,Jatiphala,Ahiphena,Bhanga,Aswagandha are attributed with Vrishya activity. Recent researches reported
aphrodisiac activity of Kapikacchu and Gokshura only and the fertility activity was not subjected to a thorough
scientific scrutiny. So there is a real necessity to produce evidence of the safety and efficacy of Vajikarana drugs.

*Corresponding author:
Pravin R. Joshi, MD,PGDMB,Ph.D,PD,D.Litt(H.C),
G.S.Gune Ayurveda college,Ahmednagar,Maharashtra. Email: [email protected]
Quick Response Code:

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IJEPP 2018; 4 (3): 70-75 K. Nishteswar

INTRODUCTION Artha (wealth) since she is begetter of offspring.

The real purpose of married life is to have children
The authors of Sarngadharasamhita and (apathya) through whom two out of four
Bhavaprakashasamhita defined that the drug purusharthas can be achieved. Married people with
which bestows horse like sexual power and makes more number of children commanded great respect
men virile with women as vajikarana. iThe drugs and sterile persons were looked down as useless
namely individuals. Hence one cannot find the
Kapikacchu,Nagabala,Aswagandha,Musali,Satavar contraceptive measures and antifertility drugs in
i,sarkara are mentioned as examples by classical ayurvedic works,documented during
sarngadhara and bhavamisra.iiVajikarana medicine 1000BC-8th AD. Before starting vajikarana therapy
is also called vrishya, which is derived from the it is mandatory to subject the individual to sodhana
word vrisha, meaning a stud bull. Therefore, therapy( purificatory procedures like
vrishya is that medicine which produces sexual emesis,purgation etc.)
vigor like that found in a stud bull. The term vaji
Vajikarana drugs:
is interpreted as horse as well as sukra, and horse is
considered as the representation of potent sexual Any substance which is madhura, snigdha, guru,
power. Susrutha has denoted a comprehensive jeevaniya and brmhaniya is referred as vrishya and
definition of Vajikarana and explained that any substance which imparts
Vajikaranatantra (Science of fertility and virility) pleasantness/stimulation to mind is also categorized
deals with conditions like under vrishya.ix Basing on these definition some
alpasukra(oligospermia),Dushtasukra(Qualitatively scholars interprete that vrishya drugs can be
defective sperms) and ksheenasukra(Azospermia) iii. administered to treat mental depression. Any drug
It is explicit that Susrtha presented vajikarana as which is madhura in rasa and vipaka with snigdha
medicine of fertility. Medieval ayurvedic texts and guru gunas/virya acts as vrishya.
proposed Vajikarana as science of aphrodisiacs and
concentrated about the management of klaibya( One of the formulations given by Charaka namely
impotence) and premature ejaculation (PME). “Vrishyaksheera yoga” contains five dasaimani
These ayurvedic classics never given any group of drugs . ie,. Sukrajanana, Jivaneeya,
importance to women’s sexual problems i.e., Brimhana, Balya and Sthanyajanana.x These five
frigidity. Adhamalla a commentator of groups may be useful to address Alpasukra
Sarngadharasamhita for the first time interpreted (oligospermia) and ksheenasukra (Azoospermia)
that Vajikara is useful to produce Harshana conditions, while sukrasodhana group may be
(sexual arousal ) in both the sexes.ivHe further useful to treat dushtasukra( vitiated sperm)
classified Vajikarana drugs into two groups i.e., condition. If the seminal analysis shows puscells
one to address premature ejaculation and abnormal forms (tail less etc.),it clearly
(sukrasthamhaka) and second one to increase indicates sukradushti and sukrasodhana group of
spermatopoeisis(viryavardhaka).vSukra is identified drugs should be considered in treatment.
as substance which circulates all over the body in
both the sexes. Modern integrated ayurvedic Satavari, yashtimadhu, Kapikacchu, Gokshura are
scholars interprete that sukra in a general sense as frequently employed in vajeekarana formulations
male and female sexual hormones and this by Charaka. Mentioning of Aswagandha only in
interpretation appears sensible. one formulation namely vajeekaranaghrita
indicates that it was not mostly preferred drug for
Eligibility criteria: vrishya purpose, Balya and Brimhaneeya activities
are attributed to it. But in later works it has
Charaka has laid down the eligibility criteria for occupied the place as one of the most reputed
receiving vajikaranatherapy.According to him a drugs. Aswagandhaghrita (prepared from
person who is having good control over sensory aswagandha, saindhavalavana and sarkara) as an
organs should receive vajikarana therapy. viThe external application over the penis helps to increase
statement that woman is kshetra(receipient for its size.xi
harsha( pleasure) clearly indicates vajeekarana
therapy is meant for men only. vii Woman is Dual combination of Aswagandha and
recognized as the abode of Dharma (virtue) and Vriddhadaru is suggested for both vrishya and

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IJEPP 2018; 4 (3): 70-75 K. Nishteswar

rasayana activity. It bestows strength and (Nakrareto vrishyanam) remained as myth due to
endurance in sex and relieves wrinkles of the skin lack of scientific validation. Modern scientific
and greying of hairsxii (Sarangadharasamhita). This community firmly hold the view that this claims as
claim of Sarangadhara requires a scientific false claims and opine that fail to extend
scrutiny. The powder of Satavari, Gokshura, therapeutic benefit to the patient population
Kapikacchubeeja, Gangeruki, Atibala and suffering from impotence and infertility.
Ikshurakabeeja is another powerful aphrodisiac
formulation suggested by Sarangadhara. Similarly Research studies:
Musalikanda, Guducisatwa, Kapikacchu,
There are in vitro and in vivo models for studying
Gokshura, Shalmali, Amalaki mixed with sugar,
Aphrodisiac activity. Methods included in the study
milk and ghee helps in increasing sexual vigour.xiii
include a) physical methods including mating
Essential list of Aphrodisiac drugs: behavior test such as mount latency] (ML),
intromission latency (IL), ejaculation latency (EL),
Bhavamishra prepared a list of drugs in the form of mounting frequency (MF), intromission
formulations by collecting together all powerful frequency(IF), ejaculation frequency(EF), post-
aphrodisiac drugs and claims it is best among many ejaculatory interval, index of libido, computed
aphrodisiac formulae. The drugs are - male sexual behavior parameters. Other tests are
test for libido, test for sexual potency, penile
Gokshura ( Tribulus terrestris Linn) microcirculation study, intracavernous
pressure(ICP), and biochemical methods such as
Ikshuraka (Asteracantha longifolia Nees)
determination of testicular and serum cholesterol,
Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera Dunal) hormonal determination, assay for neuronal nitric
acid synthase and androgen receptor protein .
Satavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.)
Research conducted at TBGRI, Trivandrum has
Musali ( Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.) revealed that the alcohol extract of Argeria nervosa
can enhance male sexual activity in normal
Vanaribeeja ( Mucuna prurita Hook) mice.xivAnother interesting observation from this
study was that alcohol extract of Argeria nervosa
Yashti ( Glyzirhiza glabra Linn)
altered sex ratio favoring males.
Nagabala (Sida veronicaefolia Lam.)
A number of phytomedicines have positive effects
Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) on spermatogenesis, sperm parameters (sperm
motility, count and viability); increasing Leydig
Gokshura processed in goat’s milk is claimed to be cell counts, seminiferous tubule diameters,
best for treating impotence. Some evidence has decreasing abnormal sperm and improving
been produced with a steroid saponin namely histopathological recovery and sexual stimulation
protodioscin present in Gokshura (Tribulus (erection, intromission and ejaculatory latency);
terrestris) for aphrodisiac activity in experimental increasing concentration andmotility of sperm in
animals. In clinical study the formulation of ejaculation volume
Gokshuradimodaka with certain modifications (
substituting Nagabala with Atibala) was evaluated CONCLUSION
in impotence due to Diabetes and moderate
A good number of single drug recipies and
activity was reported
formulations (eg. Vanarigutika , Akarakarbhadivati
A thorough clinical study with a larger sample is etc..) are mentioned in various Ayurvedic texts
needed to produce a significant evidence. Gosh written from 1000 BC to 18th AD. Certain
(1950) reported aphrodisiac activity of Kushta formulations are in vogue in current practice. So far
(Sausseria lappa) in his pharmacology book and no solid scientific validation is produced to support
explained it’s mode of action by its volatile oil the claim made with regard to aphrodisiac activity
excreted through genitourinary tract and irritation of Ayurvedic drugs.
caused by it may result in penial erection.
Charaka’s claim about semen of crocodile

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Table :1 Scientific validation of certain drugs

Drug Extract Result

Asparagus racemosusxv Aqueous root Enhanced body weight Improvement in
extract Reproductive organ, sexual behavior
Penile erection
Mount frequency
Chlorophytum Aqueous root Significant enhancement of body Improvement in
borivilianumxvi extract weight and reproductive organs, sexual behavior
penile erection, MF
Significant reduction in ML, EL
and IL.
Crocus sativusxvii Aqueous extract Crocin and stigma extract shown Improvement in
stigma, crocin, significant improvement in MF, sexual behavior
safranal IF and reduction in ML,EL and
Curculigo orchioidesxviii Ethanolic extract Significant increase in Penile Improvement in
of rhizomes erection, mating performance, sexual behavior
MF, and increase of penile
erection index, and weight of
reproductive organs
Mucuna pruriensxix Ethanolic extract Increased MF, IF and EL Improvement in
Decreased mounting latency, IL, sexual behavior
Post ejaculatory interval,
intromission interval significantly
Clinical study – ameliorated psychological stress
Infertile men with and seminal plasma lipid
psychological peroxide levels along with
stress- evaluated improved sperm count and
with questionnaire motility.
and serum cortisol Treatment also restored the levels
level of superoxide dismutase (SOD),
GSH and ascorbic acid in
seminal plasma of infertile men
Myristicafragransxx Significant augmentation of Improvement in
sexual activity. Increased MF, IF sexual behavior
and EL. Decreased mounting
latency, IL, Post ejaculatory
interval, intromission interval
Ocimum gratissimumxxi Ethanolic extract Increase in MF, IF and IL Improvement in
Erection as well as aggregate of sexual behavior
penile reflexes,
Significant reduction in ML, Post
ejaculatory interval
Pedalium murexxxii Petroleum ether Increase in mating and mounting
extract behavior, body weight,
percentage of pregnancy, litter
size, sperm motility, increased
level of testosterone, germinal
cells and luminal spermatozoa
Tribulus terrestrisxxiii Increase in mating and mounting Improvement in

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IJEPP 2018; 4 (3): 70-75 K. Nishteswar

behavior sexual behavior

Increase in MF, IF and IL
Significant reduction in ML, Post
ejaculatory interval

Mimosa pudicaxxiv Ethanolic extract Significant sexual function

enhancing activity- increased
mounting and intromission
frequency( libido and potency
Gain in body weight and
reproductive organ weight-
testosterone activity

Withaniasomniferaxxv Clinical study in There was a 167% increase in

46 patients with sperm count
oligospremia – for 53% increase in semen volume
90 days 57% increase in sperm motility

2013, Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashana,
Varanasi; Chikithsasthana 2/1/ 4; p 390
i viii
Pt. Parasurama Sastri, Vidyasagar Editor Vd.Yadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,editor, Caraka
Sarngadhara samhita of Sarngadhara with Dipika Samhita of Agnivesha elaborated by Caraka
commentary of Adhamalla,Seventh edition 2008, and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda dipika
Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi; Prathama commentary by Cakrapanidatta, Edition reprint
khanda.4/14-15; p 38 2013, Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashana,
ii Varanasi, Chikithsasthana 2/1/ 51; p 392
Ibidem 1
iii ix
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Ram Acharya Kavyatirtha, editor, Susruta Samhita of Agnivesha elaborated by Caraka
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Commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya and the commentary by Cakrapanidatta, Edition reprint
Nyayachandrika Panjika of Sri Gayadasacharya on 2013, Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashana,
Nidanasthana, Sutrasthana, 1/8, Reprint edition Varanasi, Chikthsasthana 2/4/ 36; p 397
2004, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, Vd.Yadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,editor, Caraka
Varanasi, p 3. Samhita of Agnivesha elaborated by Caraka
iv and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda dipika
Ibidem 1 Dipika commentary of Adhamlla
v commentary by Cakrapanidatta, Edition reprint
Ibidem 1 Dipika commentary of Adhamalla
vi 2013, Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashana,
Vd.Yadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,editor, Caraka
Samhita of Agnivesha elaborated by Caraka Varanasi, Chikthsasthana 2/2/ 20; p 393
and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda dipika Pt. Parasurama Sastri, Vidyasagar Editor
commentary by Cakrapanidatta, Edition reprint Sarngadhara samhita of Sarngadhara with Dipika
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and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda dipika Sarngadhara samhita of Sarngadhara with Dipika
commentary by Cakrapanidatta, Edition reprint commentary of Adhamalla,Seventh edition 2008,

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