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Q 1.After an increment of 16 % in the cost of a ma- number of votes policd is.
chine, if becomes Rs. 4900. Find the intial cost of , d pquko esa2 mEehnokj FksA8% ernkrkv ksausv i ukoksV
machine. ughaMkykAt hrusokysmEehnokj us48% oksVysd j nw l js
2 mEehnokj dks1100 oksVl sgjk fn; kA fdrusoksV Mkyus
; fn , d e' khu dh dher 16 % c<+t kusdsckn
3 okysFksA
4900 #- gkst krh gSrksi gysfdruh Fkk\ Q 8. In on election between two candidates. 10% of vot-
Q 2. A student required 36% marks to pass in an exami- ers did not cast their vote. 10% of the votes polled
nation. He scored 24% marks and failed by 18 marks. were found invalid. The wining candidate got 54%
Find the passing marks. of the valid votes and won by 1620 votes find the
, d fo| kFkhZdks, d i jh{kk esai kl gksusdsfy; s36% number of voters enrolled in an election.
vad dht : jr Fkhv kS j 24% v a
d ysd sv k; kAv kS
j oks18 , d pquko esa2 mEehnokj FksA10% yksxksausv i uk oksV
vad l sv uqÙkhZ
. kgksx; kArksmÙkhZ
.kvad fdrusFks\ ughafn; kAdqy Mkysx; soksV dk10% oksV v oSèkgksx; sA
Q 3. A student scored 3% marks and failed by 45 marks t hrusokysmEehnokj dksoS èk oksVdk 54% feyk v kS
j oks
Another student scred 42% marks and passed by 45 1620 oksV l st hr x; kAdqy fdrusoksV MkyusokysFksA
marks more than the passing marks. find the passing
Q 9. There were two candidates in an election 75% of
marks. voters cast their votes, out of which 2% of the votes
, d Nk=kus30% v a d i zkIr fd; sv kS j 45 v a
d l sv uqÙkhZ
.k were found invalid. A candidate got 9261 votes which
were 75% of total valid votes. Find the total number
gksx; kAnw
l jsfo| kFkhZus42% v a d i zkIr fd; sAmÙkhZ
. kgksus
of voters enrolled in that election.
l s45 v a
d T; knk FksArksmÙkhZ . kkgksusdsfy; sfdrusv a d
dh t : jr Fkh\ , d pquko esa2 mEehnokj FksA75% yksxksausv i uk oksV
Q 4. A student got 20% marks and failed by 30 marks ughafn; kA buesal s2% v oS
èkgksx; sA 1 mEehnokj dks
Another student got 32% marks and scored 42 marks 9261 oksV feysAt ksdq
y oS
èkoksVdk75% FkkAml pq uko
more than passing marks. Find the passing marks in esadq
y fdrusmEehnokj Fks\
an examination. Q 10.In an election between two candidates. 10% of vot-
, d cPPkk 20% v a d ysd sv k; k v kS
j 30 v a
d l sv uq ÙkhZ
.k ers did not cast their votes. 60 votes were found in-
valid. A candidate got 47% of votes and won by a
gksx; k v kS
j nw
l jk 32% ysd sv k; k v kS
j mÙkhZ
. kgksusl s42
majority of 308 votes. find the total number of votes
vad T; knk yk; kArksmÙkhZ
. kgksusdsfy; sfdrusv a d dh
t : jr Fkh\
, d pquko esa2 mEehnokj gS A10% yksxksausv i uk oksV
Q 5. There wwre two condidates in an election. One got
41% of total votes and lost by 5580 votes. Find the ughafn; kA60 oksV v oS
èkgksx; sAi gysmEehnokj dksdq y
total votes. oksV dk 47% oksVfeysAv kS j ml usnwl jsdks308 oksVksal s
gjk fn; kAdqy Mkysx; soksVksadh l a [ ; k fdruh gS
, d pquko esa2 mEehnokj FksA gkjusokysmEehnokj us
j oks5580 oksVksal sgkj x; kA Q 11.The income of A is 3% more than the income of B
41» oksV i zkIr fd; sA v kS
How much % B'S income less than A's?
dqy oksVl dh l a [ ; k fdruh Fkh\
A dh v k; B dh v k; l s30% T; knk gS
AB dhv k; A
Q 6. There were two condidates in an election. One got
55% of total valid votes and 20% of voteswere dh v k; l sfdrus% de gksxh\
invalled. If The total votes was 5500. How many valid Q 12.The income of A is 4% less than B'S income. How
votes did The other person get? much % is B'S income more than A'S?
, d pquko esa2 mEehnokj FksA1 mEehnokj usdq y oS èk A dh v k; B l s40% de gSrksB dh v k; A l sfdrus
oksVdk55% oksVi zkIr fd; kAv kS
j 20% oksV v oS
èkgksx; sA % T; knk gks
; fn dq
y oksV5500 gSrksnw l jsokysmEehnokj dksfdrus Q 13.The income of A is 40% more Than B'S income. B'S
oksVfeys\ income is 20% less than C'S income. Find the ratio
of income of A and C.
Q 7. There were two condidates in an election. 8% of
voters did not east their voter. The winnig candidate A dh v k; B l s40% T; knk gS
] B dh v k; C l s20%
secures 48% vote and wins by 1100 votes. The total de gS
ArksA v kS
j C dh v k; dk ratio D; k gksxk\
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 1

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

Q 14.An agent gets 5% commissinon on all sales up to Rs. Q 24.How much % will exceede in the area of a rectangle
10,000 and 4% commission on all sales exceeding if its length is increased by 23% and breadth is in-
this. of he gives Rs 31100 to his company after de- creased by 9%.
ducting his commission. Find his total sales?
, d v k; r dk {ks=ki Qy fdrus% c<+t k; sxk ; fn yEckbZ
, d , t sa
V dks10]000 #- dh foØh rd 5% deh'ku 23% v kS j pkSM+kbZ9% c<+ k nh t k; s\
feyrk gS Abl l sÅi j dh fcØh i j 4% deh'ku feyrk Q 25.If the price of milk is inereased by 35% by how much
gSA ; fn dqy fcØh i j deh'ku dkV dj da i uh dks a lady must reduced in her. consumption so that her
31100 #- nsr kgS
ArksKkr djksfd ml usdq
y fdrusfcØh expenditure increass only 8%.
dh\ nw/ dh dher esa35% dh of̀¼ gksusi j dksbZxzg.kh
Q 15.A salesman is allowed 5.5 % commission on the sale v i uh [ ki r esafdruh deh djsfd ml dk [ kpkZdsoy
by him and additional bonus of 0.5 % on sale over 8% c<+ sA
Rs 10,000. If its total earning is Rs. 1990, find the
Q 26.In a triangle, its altitude is inerreassed by 22% and
total sales made by him?
its base is decreased by 6%. Find the net effect on its
Q 16.A salesman is allowed 12 % commission on the sale
by him and additional bonus of 1 % on sale made
over Rs 15,000. If its total earning is Rs. 7650, find fdl hf=kHkq
t dhma
pkbZdks22% c<+ k fn; k v kjSv kèkkj esa
the total sales made by him? 6% dh deh dj nh rks{ks=ki Q
y i j dk i Q dZi M+ sxk\
Q 17.A salesman is allowed 7.5 % commission on the sale Q 27.The length of cuboid is increased by 12% and its
by him and additional bonus of 1.5 % on sale made breadth is increased by 25%. By how much % is de-
over Rs 12,000. If its total earning is Rs. 4185, find creased in its height so That the volume of cuboid
the total sales made by him? inereases only 4%.
Q 18.A salesman is allowed 9.25 % commission on the
, d ?kukHk dh yEckbZ12% c<+ k nh t krh gSv kS
j pkS
sale by him and additional bonus of 0.75 % on sale
made over Rs 20,000. If its total earning is Rs. 6170, 25% c<+ k nh t krh gS
Ama pkbZesafdruh dh deh djsfd
find the total sales made by him? v k; ru dsoy 4% c<+ sA
Q 19.A company gives 9 % commission to his salesman Q 28.A person spends 75% of his income. His income in-
upto the sale of Rs. 15000 and 7 % commission on creases 60% then his expenditure increases 70%. By
the sale more than Rs. 15000. If the sales deposited how much % of his saving will increase or decrease?
is Rs. 32250 after deducting his commission from
the sale, find the total sale.
, d v kneh v i uh v k; dk 75» [ kpZdjrk gS Aml dh
v k; 60» c<+t krh gS Aml dk [ kpkZ70» c<+t krk gS
Q 20.A company gives 8.5 % commission to his salesman
upto the sale of Rs. 20000 and 7.0 % commission on ml dh cpr fdrus» c<+t k; sxh; k ?kV t k; sxhA
the sale more than Rs. 20000. If the sales deposited Q 29.A person spends 80% of his income. If his income in-
is Rs. 42480 after deducting his commission from
2 1
the sale, find the total sale of the salesman. creases 16 % and his expenditure increased 37 % .
3 2
Q 21.A company allows 7 % commission on total sales
By how much % of his saving will increase or decrease?
but if the salesman is appointed on a fixed salary of
Rs. 3000 and 4 % commission on the sales more than , d v kneh v i uh income dk 80% [ kpZdjrk gS
A; fn
Rs. 10000, then in IInd condition the salesman gets
Rs. 800 more. Find the total sales made by the ml dh v k; 16 % c<+t krh gSv kS
j ml dk [ kpZ
salesman. 3

Q 22.A company allows 8 % commission on total sales but 1

if the salesman is appointed on a fixed salary of Rs.
37 % c<+t krk gSrks ml dh cpr fdrus% c<+
4000 and 3 % commission on the sales more than Rs.
t k; sxh ; k ?kV t k; sxh\
10000, then in IInd condition the salesman gets Rs.
700 more. Find the total sales made by the salesman. Q 30.Due to a increment of 20% in the price of sugar a
person is able to buy 5 kg less for Rs. 600. Find the
Q 23.A company allows 11 % commission on total sales but
original and increased price of sugar.
if the salesman is appointed on a fixed salary of Rs.
8200 and 5 % commission on the sales more than Rs. phuh dh dher esa20% dh of̀¼ gksusi j , d v kneh
20000, then in IInd condition the salesman gets Rs. 1200 600 #- esa5 fdxzk phuh de [ kjhn i krk gS
A phuh dh
more. Find the total sales made by the salesman. v Hkh dh v kS
j i gysdh dher D; k gS

Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 2

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

Q 31.Due to a reduction of 10% in the price of milk a per- gq; sgksv kS j 248 nksuksafo"k; ksaesai kl gq
; sgks] rksdq
son is able to buy 6.2 l more for Rs 1116 find the fo| kFkhZ
; ksadh l a
[ ; k fdruh gS ?
reduced price of milk per litre ?
Q 38.In a class, 80% of students pass in maths exam and
/ dh dher esa10% dh deh gksusi j 1 vkneh Rs 70% of sutdents pass in English exam. 10% of stu-
1116 es
a6.2 yhVj nw
/ T; knkykrkgS
Av Hkhnw
/ fdrusRs. dents fail in Both subjects and if 144 students pass in
yhVj gS
\ Both subejects. dind the total number of sutents.

Q 32.Due to a increment of 50% in the price of egg a per- , d class esa80% fo| kFkhZxf.kr esapass gq ; sA 70%
son is able to buy 4 egg larn for Rs. 24 find the cost english es
apass gq; sA10% nksuksaesafail gksx; sAvxj nksuksa
of per dozen egg? esa144 pass gq
; sgksrksdqy fo| kFkhZ; ksadhl a
[ ; k fdruhgS
vaMsdh dher esa50% dh of̀¼ gksusi j 24 #- esa4 ?
v .Msde v krsgS
A, d nt Z
u va
Msdh dher D; k gS \ Q 39.If the numerator of a fraetion be inereased by 15%
and its denominator be decreased by 5%, The
2 fracetion becomes 5/2. Find the fraction.
Q 33.Due to a incerment of 16 % in the price of banana,
fdl h fraction ds numerator esa20% dh of̀¼ rFkk
A person is able to buy 5 Bananna less for Rs 1. find
the how many bananas did a perosn able to buy in 5
denominator es
a5% dhdehdj nsrksoks gkst krh
Rs. 1 initially. 2
AfHkUu = ?
dsy sdsew
Y; esa16 % dh of̀¼ gksusi j 1 v kneh 1 Q 40.In a scholl there is a ration of boys and girls be 4 : 1. 75%
of Boys and 70% of girls got scholarship. Find the num-
#- esa5 dsy sde [ kjhn i krk gSrksv kneh 1 #- esai gys
ber of students that they did not get any scholarship.
fdrusdsy s[ kjhn i krk Fkk\
, d Ldwy esaB & G dk ratio 4 : 1 gS
AyM+d ksadk 75%
Q 34.A father givne 1% of his monthly income to his 2 sons. He
gives 80% of that amound to his elder son. From which he v kS
j yM+
fd; ksads70% dksscholarship fy; sa
A, slsfdrus
spends 80% of the amound that he acquires and his monthly cPpsagSft Ugsadq
N ughafeyrkA
saving remains Rs 20. Find the income of father. Q 41.A family consumer rice, Daal and wheat. The ratio
of its expenditure is 12 : 17 : 3 If the price of that
, d cki v i usnkscsVksadksekfl d v k; dk 1% nsrk gS
commodities increases by 20%, 30% and 50% re-
ft ruk nsrk gSml dk 80% cM+ scsVsdksfeyrk gSv kSj spectively. By how much expenditure will be
ml esal soks80% [ kpZdj nsrkgSrksml dhekfl d cpr inereased of that family.
20 #- jg t krh gS
Arkscki fdruk dekrk gS A
1 i fjokj esapkoy] nky] e[ kuh [ kkbZt kr h gS
Aft l d sa
Q 35.A solution contains 15% of salt, from which 30 kg of
[ kpsZdk v uqi kr 12%
17%3 gSA bu oLrq v ksad sewY; esa
water is removed. The quantity of salt remains 20%
20%, 30% v kS j 50% dh of̀¼ gkst krh gS Arksi fjokj
in that solution find the initial quantity of solution.
dk [ kpkZd qy fdr uk c<+t k; sxk\
, d ?kksy esa15» ued gS
Abl esal s30 fdxzk i kuh mM+
Q 42.The sum of income of A, B, C is Rs 72000. A spends
fn; kAv c ml esaued dh ek=kk 20% jg xbZ
Arksi zkjEHk 80 of his income. B spends 85% of his income and
esafdruk feJ.k FkkA spends 75% of his income. The ratio of their saving
Q 36.Fresh ruit contains 68% water and dry fruit contins is 8 : 9 : 20. Find the income of A.
20% water. How much dry fruit can be obtained form A, B,C dh v k; d k ; ksx Rs 72000 gS
AA, B, C v i uh
100 kg of frest fruits.
v k; dk 80%, 85% and 75% [ kpZd jr s gS A bud h
Fresh fruits contain es
a68% i kuh gS
Aand l [wksi Q
y esa cpr dk ratio 8:9:20 gS ArksA dh v k; fdr uh gS
20% i kuh gSrks 100 kg Fresh fruits l s fdruk dry Q 43.A number is divided into two parts. in such a way
fruits i z
kIr fd; k t k l drk gS
\ that 80% of first part exceeds 60% of second part by
Q 37.In a classs 70% of students pass in English Exam 3. 80% of second part exceeds 90% of first part by 6.
and 65% students pass in Maths exam of 27% of stu- Find the number.
dents fail in Both subjects and 248 students pass in
,d l a [ ; k gSnksHkkxksaesabl i zd kj ckaVk x; k gSfd
both subjects. Find the total number of students.
i gysHkkx dk 80%, nw l jsHkkx d k 60% l s3 v f/ d gS
, d class esa70% fo| kFkhZv axzst h esapass gksrsgSv kS j nwl jsHkkx d k 80% i gysHkkx ds90% l s6 v f/ d gS A
65% xf.kr esai kl gksrsgS
A; fn 27% fo| kFkhZnksuksaesafail rksog l a [ ; k crkb; sA
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 3

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

Q 44.In a village 60% families have 1 cow and, 30% fami- ; fn , d fHkUUk d sv a
' k esa15» d h of̀¼ v kS
j gj esa
lies have 1 buffalo and 15% families have both 1 8» d h of̀¼ v kS j gj esa8» d h d eh d h t k, ] r ks
cow and 1 Buffalo. If There is only 96 families in a
village. Find the number of parsons That they does 15
ml d k ekugkst kr k gS
A ew
y fHkUu D; k gS
not have any cow or buffalo. 16
, d xk¡o esa60% i fjokjksadsi kl 1 xk; gSv kS j 30% Q 50.Mr. X, a businessman, had income in the
year 1995 such that he earned a profit of
i fjokjksadsi kl 1 HkS
l gS
a A15% i fjokjksadsi kl 1 xk; 20% on his investiment in the business. In
v kjS1 HkSl nksuksagS
a A; fn xk¡o esad q
y 96 i fjokj gSAr ks the year 1996 his investment was less by
fd rusyksxksadsi kl xk; o HkS a
l dq N ughagSA Rs. 5000 but still had the same income (In-
come = Investment + profit) as that in 1995.
Q 45.In an examination, A secured 25% more makrs as Thus the percent profit earned in 1996 in-
much as B. B secured 10% less marks as much as C. creased by 26%. What was his investment
C secrued 25% more marks as much as D. If D se- in 1995?
cured 320 marks out of 500. How many maks did A , d O; ki kjh fe- , Dl d h o"kZ1995 esav k; ml d s
secures? O; ki kj d sfuos'k d s20» ykHk d scjkcj gq
, d i jh{kk esaA dksB dh v i s{kk 25% v f/ d v a
d esaml d sfuos'k 5000 #i ; sd e Fksi j ml d h v k;
feysAml esaB dksC dhv i s{kk 10% de v ad feysAC 1995 d h v k; d scjkcj gh Fkh ( v k; & fuos'k +
ykHk) Av r %1996 es26» y kHk d h of̀¼ gq bZ
Aml d k
dksD dh v i s{kk 25% v f/ d v ad feysA ; fn D dks 1995 esafuos'k fd r uk Fkk\
500 esal s320 v a
d feysgSr ksA dksfd rukv ad feys\ Q 51.A person gave 20% of his income to his
Q 46.There is a rebate of 15% if electric bills are elder son, 30% of the rema ining to the
paid in time. A man got a rebate of Rs. 54 by younger son and 10% of the balance he de-
paying the bill in time. His electric bill was: noted to a trust. He is left with Rs. 10080.
His income was?
fct yhdsfcy i j fu; r l e; dsHkhrj Hkq xrku djusi j
, d O; fDr v i uh v k; d k 20» v i uscM+ si q
=k d ks
15» Nw V nht krhgSArn~uq
l kj] ; fn fdl hO;fDr dksfu; r
nsrk gS
Ackd h cph gq bZv k; d k 30» v i usNksVsi q=k
l e; i j vi usfcy dkHkqxrku djusi j] 54 #i ; sdhNw V d ksnsrk gSv kS
j fi Q
j ckd h cph gq bZv k; d k 10»
feyhgks] rksml dk fct yhdk fcy fdrusdk Fkk\ , d VªLV d ks nku d j nsrk gS A v c ml d s i kl
Q 47.To an examination a candidate needs 40% 10080 #i ; scpr sgS A ml d h v k; D; k Fkh\
marks. All question carry equal marks. A candi-
date just passed by getting 10 answers correct Q 52.Difference of two number is 1660. If 6 %
by attempting 15 of the total questions. How 2
many questions are there in the examination? 1
of one number is 8 % of the other num-
fdl h v H; FkhZdks, d i jh{kk i kl djusdsfy, 40» 2
vad ksadh v ko' ; drk gksrhgS
Al Hkhi z'uksadsv a
a d l eku ber, the smaller number is :
gSAdksbZv H; FkhZdq
y i z'uksaesal s15 i z'uksadksi z;kl djus nksl a
[ ; kv ksad k v a
r j 1660 gS
A ; fn , d l a
[ ; kdk
i j 10 l gh mÙkj i zkIr dj i kl gksx; kAml i jh{kk esa 1
6 % nw
l jh l a
[ ; k d s 8 % d s cj kcj gS
] r ks
fdrusi z'u gS \ 2 2
Q 48.In a test consisting of 80 questions, a student NksVh l a
[ ; k gS
answered 75% of the first 60 questions correctly.
The percentage of the other questions she needs Q 53. A man had a certain amount with him. He
to answer correctly so that her score on the en- spent 25% of that to buy an article and 10%
tire examination be 80% is :
of the remaining on clothes. Then he do-
, d i jh{kk dq
y 80 i z'u gS
A, d fo| kFkhZi zFke 60 i z'uksa nated Rs 531.25. If he is left with Rs 8000
esa75» l ghcuk; kA' ks"kcpsi z'uksaesafdrusi zfr' kr l gh the amount he spent on the clothes is
i z'u djusgSft l l sfd i jh{kk esaml s80 i zfr' kr v a
, d O; fDr d si kl d q N j kf' k gS
A og ml j kf' k d k
i zkIr gksa
25» , d oLr q[ kj hnusesa[ kpZd j r k gSr Fkk ' ks"k
Q 49.If the numerator of a fraction be increased by
15% and its denominator be diminshed by 8%, j kf' k d k 10» d i M+
ksai j [ kpZd j r k gSAfi Qj og #-
531-25 nku d j nsrk gS A v c ; fn ml d s i kl #-
the value of the fraction is . Find the origi- 8000 ct sgSr ksml d s} kj k d i M+ ksai j [ kpZfd , x,
nal fraction. gS \+

Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 4

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

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