In-Service Pipeline Repair Guidelines

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In-service Pipeline Repair Guidelines

An Overview
Why In-service Pipeline Repair Guidelines?
 When a segment of a pipeline is found to be defective;
 01 option is replacing the defective segment.
 Costly option due to production loss.
 Another option is In-service repair is preferred without any
downtime. However it is most of the times;
 Risky and Unsafe
 This presentation will help participants in quick decision
making with available risks and unsafe conditions. Since, it
will be of generalized nature, therefore, it is not meant to
follow without proper engineering.
 Response to Anomaly and Defects
 Pipeline Repair Methods
 Repairs with reference to Defects
 Questions & Suggestions
Topic # 01:
Response to Anomaly and Defects
 Whenever a defect is discovered in a pipeline. We should see;
 Can be replaced or not. (Discuss onwards only in-service
 Is it leaking or not?
 Type of defect (crack like / indented / gouged).
 Metal loss (External / Internal) and type due to corrosion etc
 Defect on weld
 Circumferential or axial extent / Depth
 If the pipeline integrity is not effected much, only anti-rust
coating to be restored.
Topic # 02:
Pipeline Repair Methods
A. Defective repairs using Welding
1. Types of Repairs:
1. Online welding buildup
2. Reinforcement sleeve (Type A)
3. Pressure containing sleeve (Type B)
4. Patches and Half Soles
B. Defects repair using Clamps
1. Bolt on Clamps
2. Leak Clamps
C. Defects repair using Composite Material
1. Clock Spring / STOP IT etc.
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Welding)
A.2. Issues related to Welding In-service Pipeline
A. Online Weld built up (01 of 02)
 Not to be used on cracks or weld defects
 The first layer of fill passes is deposited using established heat input
limits to minimize the risk of burn-through.
 Temper bead welding. Depositing these passes in a buttering layer
manner maximizes tempering by subsequent passes within the first
 Higher heat input fill passes used for subsequent layers, if used, tend to
further temper the initial passes.
 Welder induced discontinuities are minimized by the use of small
diameter electrodes. These electrodes permit the welder to maintain a
low heat input level comfortably, minimizing the inherent risk of burn-
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Welding)
A.2. Issues related to Welding In-service Pipeline
A. Online Weld built up (02 of 02)
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Welding)
A.2. Issues related to Welding In-service Pipeline
B. Reinforcement sleeve (Type A) (01 of 02)
 Used to reinforce damaged area. (ASME PCC-2)
 Not pressure containing for external corrosion primarily and where
no further corrosion is expected. (ASME PCC-2)
 Consist of two parts. Longitudinal welded. No circumferential weld.
 Extended 2” beyond the defect. (ASME PCC-2)
 Thickness of sleeve >= two third of pipe thickness (ASME PCC-2)
 Cons (PRCI)
 Not for circumferential defects
 Not for Leaking defects
 Annular space between pipe and sleeve causes external corrosion.
Can be filled with some composite.
 Temporary Repair
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Welding)
A.2. Issues related to Welding In-service Pipeline
B. Reinforcement sleeve (Type A) (02 of 02)
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Welding)
A.2. Issues related to Welding In-service Pipeline
C. Pressure Containing Sleeve (Type B) (01 of 02)
 Repair leaks and circumferentially oriented defects. Ends welded to
carrier pipe. (Ref: ASME PCC-2)
 Thickness >= Carrier pipe. (Ref: ASME PCC-2)
 Weld efficiency 0.8. If 100% UT carried out then efficiency = 1.0 (Ref:
 Length > 4” with minimum 2” extend outside defect (PRCI)
 Distance between 2 sleeves > 0.5 x Pipe dia (PRCI)
 Supporting to be checked if sleeve length > 4 x NPS (PRCI)
 Sleeve on sleeve may be installed to protect against fillet weld failure.
(Not recommended by ASME PCC-2)
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Welding)
A.2. Issues related to Welding In-service Pipeline
C. Pressure Containing Sleeve (Type B) (02 of 02)
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Welding)
A.2. Issues related to Welding In-service Pipeline
D. Patches and Half Soles
 Patch size < ½ x NPS (Ref:API 570)
 Patch size length < 3m. (Ref: PRCI)
 Limited usage subject to: (Ref:API 570)
 SMYS of Pipe <= 40,000psi
 Localized repair
 FFS is acceptable
 Temporary Repair. (PRCI)
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Clamped)
B. Defects repair using Clamps
1. Bolt on Clamps / Mechanical Clamp
 Bolted with heavy clamping force.
 Full pipeline pressure.
 Sealed at ends with elastomer seals.
 The clamp is not always effective in preventing
the propagation of a crack in the pipe or
component. (ASME PCC-2).
 Can be welded at ends.
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Clamped)
B. Defects repair using Clamps
2. Leak Clamp (PRCI)
 For external corrosion pits (isolated pits)
 Threaded fitting with 180 screw used to force
neoprene cone into pit.
 Temporary.
 To be used only if,
 Rupture to surroundings not possible.
 Pressure reduced until permanent repair.
Topic # 02: Pipeline Repair Methods (Clamped)
C. Defects repair using Composite Material
1. Can be used on high risk or low risk applications. (ASME PCC-2)
2. Continuous fiber glass composite
3. Can be used for leaking and non-leaking defects subject to risk
4. Easier handling, low skill.
5. Can be used instead of Type A sleeve.
6. Temporary Repair as composite strength and stiffness diminish with
7. Generally good for two years of service. (PRCI)
8. Examples; Clock Spring®, STOP IT® etc.
Topic # 03: Repair technique with reference to defects

Factors Deposited Type A Type B Fillet Bolted Composite

and weld Sleeve Sleeve Patches Clamps Sleeve
Defects metal

Leakage X X Yes with X Yes with X

vent vent
External Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pit < 0.8t Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pit>0.8t X X Yes X Yes X
Internal X Conditional Yes X Yes Conditional
Crack X X Yes X Yes X

Defect on Yes X Yes X Yes X

Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)
1. Issues related to Welding
Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)
 Burn through
 A burn-through occurs when the un-melted base material under
the weld pool loses the ability to contain the contents of the
pressure components or pipeline allowing the contents to be
 Hydrogen Cracking
 Hydrogen cracking occurs when tensile stresses are acting on the
weld, hydrogen is present in the weld and, when the weld
solidifies, the resultant weld microstructure is crack susceptible. If
any of the three conditions is eliminated or reduced below a
threshold level, then hydrogen cracking will not occur.
Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)
 Burn through Prevention (01 of 03)
 API-2201;
 WPS should be based on experience in performing welding
operations on similar piping or equipment, and / or be based on heat
transfer analysis.
 For wall thickness < 6.4mm. Minimize Heat Input with use of small
diameter electrodes of 2.4mm or less size.
 Minimum wall thickness >= 4.8mm (recommended)
 Thickness based on strength calc. + safety factor (usually 2.4mm)
 ASME PCC – 2
 Welding possible on 4.8mm or less with proper precautions (heat
input / low penetration and low dia electrode 2.4mm).
Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)
 Burn through Prevention (02 of 03)
 Pipeline Repair Manual (PRCI, USA)
 Inside surface temperature < 982 Deg C using Low Hydrogen
electrode. (Possible at thk > 6.4mm) with normal welding practices.
 Minimize Penetration of arc with low heat input, low hydrogen
 Experiments conducted at following conditions for Weld Deposit:
(A.G.A. PRC)
 Pressure = 54.4 bar

 Min thickness = 3.2mm

 Electrode = 2.4 mm or less (Heat Input < 0.59 KJ/mm), Low
 Temper bead.
Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)

Burn through Prevention (03 of 03)

Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)
 Hydrogen Cracking Prevention (01 of 03)
 It can be prevented by eliminating any of the 03 responsible
 Tensile stresses can always be assumed due to the shrinkage of
the weld upon cooling.
 Hydrogen, typically, cannot be eliminated but can be reduced by
using proper low hydrogen welding processes such as shielded
metal arc welding with EXX18 or EXX15 type electrodes.
 Crack-susceptible microstructures typically have high
microstructure hardness and are controlled by the carbon
equivalence of the material and the rate at which the weld cools.
Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)
 Hydrogen Cracking Prevention (02 of 03)
 The likelihood of developing microstructures susceptible to hydrogen
cracking can be high because in-service welds tend to have accelerated
cooling rates due to the ability of the pressure components or pipeline
contents to pull heat from the weld region.
 The chance of developing a crack-susceptible microstructure can be
reduced by using WPS that overcome the cooling effect of the pressure
components or pipeline contents or by altering the pressure
components or pipeline operating conditions during in-service welding.
It include using sufficiently high heat input levels or by using specific weld
deposition sequences.
 A low-hydrogen welding process and a welding procedure can reduce
the susceptibility of forming a crack-susceptible microstructure.
 The use of preheat is another technique that is commonly used to
reduce the susceptibility of forming a crack-susceptible microstructure.
Hydrogen Cracking Prevention (03 of 03)
Topic # 04:
Problems during Repairs (Welding)
 Successful application of in-service welding requires:
a balance between the probability of burn-through and
reducing the probability of hydrogen cracking.

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