BIOLOGY 2 (Pedigree Analysis) A4
BIOLOGY 2 (Pedigree Analysis) A4
BIOLOGY 2 (Pedigree Analysis) A4
Male (unaffected)
1/2AA 1/2Aa
Affected male 1/2Aa 1/2aa
Consanguineous mating Dd Dd
Offspring 1/2Dd
Arrow points to proband 1/2dd
1/2males (Dd) affected,
1/2males and all females normal
SEX-LIMITED TRAIT Autosomal Autosomal X-Linked X-Linked
There are several possibilities for dominance, Dominant Recessive Dominant Recessive
but for this problem assume the trait is
dominant but only expressed in males. >Don’t Skip >Skip >Disease >Males
Generation. Generation. never are more
Affected outsider males are heterozygous; transfer affected.
unaffected males are homozygous normal >Affected >Unaffected from
Assume that outsider females are homozygous Parent can parents can father to >Disease
normal. have have son. never to
unaffected affected transfer
Dd dd children. children. >All from
daughters father to
>Affected of an son.
individuals affected.
has one copy
of a mutant
dd dd gene on a pair
of autosomal
X-Linked X-Linked
Dominant Recessive
¼ XDXd (affected)
¼ XdXd (normal)
¼ XDY (affected)
¼ XdY (normal)
LESSON 2: SEX LINKAGE AND • Colorblind individuals are normal
RECOMBINATION except that they could not distinguish
between red and green colors.
Content Standard
• The learners understand inheritance of
Sex Linked characters
Performance Standard
• The learners shall be able to:
- make a research paper/case
study/poster on transmission of a sex-
linked genetic disease
Learning Competency
• The learners shall be able to explain sex
related inheritance and recombination;
illustrate the transmission of sex-linked Misconception: Common misconception
characters; and distinguish sex-linked is that baldness occurs only in males.
traits from other sex-related traits Emphasize that baldness does happen in
(STEM_BIO11/12-IIIab-2) women, although the frequency is much
Specific Learning Outcomes lower and is therefore rare
• At the end of the lesson, the learners Relevant Vocabulary
will be able to: • I. Sex linked trait - The gene (pair) that
1. illustrate the transmission of an X- determines a character (e.g. hemophilia)
linked and a Y-linked character; is located on the sex chromosomes.
2. compute the probability of the • X-linked trait - A sex-linked trait is
occurrence of a sex-linked trait; and where the gene or allele for the trait is
3. Give examples of other sex-related found on the X chromosome
traits. • Color blindness. An X-linked recessive
COLOR BLIND TEST trait where a affected individual could
not distinguish red from green color
(red green color blindness
• Hemophilia. An X-linked recessive
trait where an affected individual
suffers from delayed blood clotting
during injuries because of the absence
of certain blood clotting factors
• Y-linked trait. A sex-linked trait where
the gene or allele for the trait is found
on the Y chromosome
• Hypertrichosis pinnae auris. A Y-
linked trait where affected males have
• Those that could see the figure are hair growing from their external ears
normal; those that cannot are X linked Dominant
colorblind. In most cases, the colorblind • X-Linked Dominant disorders are
males outnumber the colorblind caused by mutations in genes on the
females, colorblind females are rare. X Chromosome, one of the two sex
chromosomes in each cell.
• In females (who have two X ACTIVITY.
chromosomes), a mutation in one of the
two copies of the gene in each cell is • The last Emperor of Russia, Nicolas II,
sufficient to cause the disorder. In was married to Empress Alexandra, and
males (who have only one X they had five children, Olga, Tatiana,
chromosome), a mutation in the only Maria, Anastasia, and Alexis. Alexis
copy of the gene in each cell causes the was the only one who was afflicted with
disorder. In most cases, males hemophilia or the royal bleeding
experience more severe symptoms of disease; all other members were
the disorder than females. A normal.
characteristic of X-linked inheritance is – • Research on this medical
that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits condition and determine the
to their sons (no male-to-male mode of inheritance.
transmission). – • If only Prince Alexis was
afflicted with the disease,
X linked Recessive determine his genotype.
• X-Linked Recessive disorders are also – • What could be the genotypes of
caused by mutations in genes on the X the Emperor and Empress?
chromosome. In males (who have only • • Is it possible that each daughter could
one X chromosome), one altered copy have been a carrier? Explain.
of the gene in each cell is sufficient to
cause the condition. In females (who QUIZ
have two X chromosomes), a mutation 1. Genotype
would have to occur in both copies of 2. Pedigree
the gene to cause the disorder. Because 3. Fraternal Twins
it is unlikely that females will have two 4. Phenotype
5. Heterozygous
altered copies of this gene, males are
6. Proband
affected by X-linked recessive disorders 7. Phenotype
much more frequently than females. A 8. Outsider
characteristic of X-linked inheritance is 9. Identical Twins
that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits 10. Bonus
to their sons (no male-to-male 11. Dead
12. Unknown Sex
13. Affected Female
14. Female (unaffected)
Y-Linked Inheritance 15. Affected Male
• A condition is considered Y-Linked if 16. Male (unaffected)
the mutated gene that causes the 17. Mating
disorder is located on the Y 18. Consanguineous Mating
19. Offspring (Arrow points to proband)
Chromosome, one of the two sex
20. Bonus
chromosomes in each of a male's cells. Expected Expected
Because only males have a Y Cross Genotype/s Phenotype/s
chromosome, in Y-linked inheritance, a 21. DDxDd 50%DD, 100%
mutation can only be passed from father 50%Dd Dominant
to son. 22. DDxdd 100% Dd 100%
23. DdxDd 25% dd, 50% 75%
Dd, 25% DD Dominant,
24. Ddxdd 50% Dd, 50% 100 %
dd Dominant