TEJ Exam Hall Ticket - HTM

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Main Building, II Fllor, AU College of Engineering(A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam - 530003

Telephone Nos: 0891-2575152, 2585152, Email: [email protected], website: www.iipe.ac.in

Semester Examinations AUTUMN, 2019-2020

Roll No. : 16CH10052

Department : Chemical Engineering
Course Name : Chemical Engineering

Sl# Date Day Time Sub No. Subject Name Invigilators's

1 27-11-2019 Wednesday 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM CH40001 Project Engineering &
2 28-11-2019 Thursday 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM CH40002 Transport Phenomenon
3 29-11-2019 Friday 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM BS40001 Process Safety
4 30-11-2019 Saturday 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM BS40002 Data Analytics and AI for
Process Industry
5 02-12-2019 Monday 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM CH40004 Advanced Separation

Signature of Student in full

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Professor in charge of Examinations Director
Instructions to students:
1.Students must be seated in the examination hall according to the seating arrangement.

2.Students will not be allowed to enter the examination hall after 15 minutes from the start of the

3.Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets (other than a non-programmable calculator) are strictly
prohibited inside the examination hall.

4.Loose papers, class notes, books etc. are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall.

5.Data books, codes, graph papers, relevant standard tables/charts or any other materials may be used
in the examination hall only when instructed by the invigilator.

6.Students should not leave the examination hall without submitting the answer-script to the

7.Students are not allowed to leave the examination hall at any time without the permission of the
invigilator. In any case, students will not be allowed to leave the hall during the first and last thirty
minutes of the examination.

8.Students must ensure that they have signed the attendance sheet.

9.The hall-ticket must be in the custody of the concerned student during the examination, and should be
produced when demanded by the invigilator or any other official of this institute.

10.Students must make sure that the invigilator signs the front side of this hall-ticket, the front page of
the answer-sheet, and the front page(s) of any extra sheet(s) obtained.

Signature of Student in full

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