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The key takeaways are that blueprinting and roadmapping are important tools for enterprise architecture that help align business strategy with IT strategy and enable transformation towards a rationalized IT landscape.

Blueprinting is a tool that identifies the processes, stakeholders, and their relationships to support business capabilities at different architectural levels. It provides a visualization of the 'as-is' and 'to-be' enterprise architecture. Blueprinting helps organizations transform and standardize their complex IT landscapes.

Roadmapping provides visual representations of an organization's future vision and plans for its business capabilities, processes, applications, and technologies. It helps with strategic planning and scoping initiatives.

Blueprinting & Roadmapping

Enterprise Architecture
March 2018

Blueprinting & Roadmapping

Enterprise Architecture

Navigating the organization through the complex

environment of the business environment has become
more complicated.

Following the right road to success and keeping track of

your results requires a clear Blueprint and Roadmap.

Enterprise Architecture enables your journey to a better

enterprise-wide IT architecture by providing targets
and guidance along the wat on strategic choices, scope,
and design.
Blueprinting & Roadmapping – Enterprise Architecture

Background Our approach

As organizations become more complex The right blueprints and roadmaps create
every day, aligning departments with the potential to substantially improve strategy
company’s overall vision and strategy is execution, IT portfolio management, and
becoming more difficult. Especially on the individual project delivery. But the chances
level of IT, this demonstrates in the highly are that most organizations aren’t making
complex IT landscape, with many different the most of theirs.
applications and technologies of which is
not clear if and how they are related. This One of the main challenges for businesses
complexity of your architecture also effects is implementing the strategy in such a way
the overall efficiency and effectiveness of that allows you to exploit all the potential of
your IT. your Enterprise Architecture.

Therefore, many organizations opt to As Deloitte we can help you bridge

transform to a more rationalized IT between strategy development and
“75% of the CIO’s believe landscape, which is standardized with less the transformation execution to get the
applications and technologies and where maximum out of your resources.
that strategic alignment is interdependencies are clear.
a necessary IT capability.“ We first start by assessing, prioritizing
Enterprise Architecture enables this and communicating the focus areas
CIO Survey 2016-2017 transformation to a better enterprise wide through roadmaps which are based on
IT architecture by providing targets and your strategies and requirements. We help
guidance on strategic choices, scope and you steer, align and accelerate initiatives
design. Two of the most important stages towards the envisioned landscape.
in achieving the rationalized IT architecture
are Blueprinting and Roadmapping. Next we start the with Blueprinting, in
which we first break down the journeys
Blueprinting is a tool to identify actions and in turn construct high level choices.
of each stakeholder and the processes to Afterward, blueprints-as-is and blueprints-
support them for a service or business. as-be are constructed to show the
A blueprint provides businesses with the changes. Finally, a capability assessment is
visualization of the Enterprise Architecture performed on your Enterprise Architecture.
at conceptual, logical and physical level Here every business capability is defined
of an enterprise, showing concepts, their by a combination of process, organization,
elements, the components that implement technology and data, while being managed
the elements and their interrelationships. by a governance structure and supported
by the Enterprise Architecture.
Roadmapping, on the other hand, provides
visuals that represent the future vision
of facets of an organization and its IT
components. Roadmaps are an important
concept when we look at planning. Whether
that’s planning our applications, business
capabilities, processes or technology.
Blueprinting & Roadmapping – Enterprise Architecture

The implementation Our capabilities

Long term blueprints facilitate discussions Without a holistic overview of the The Deloitte
about how to implement the business
strategy and its potential impact.
Enterprise Architecture in an overly
complex business and IT landscape,
Translating strategy into a blueprint must managing and reducing (IT) costs becomes
start with business capabilities. Since an extremely difficult challenge. Successful strategy
changing the business means changing implementation requires a holistic
your capabilities as an enterprise, we pay Our objective is to provide assistance approach in which Blueprints and
attention especially the core abilities which during this process by drawing on both Roadmaps play a crucial role. As
act as your main drivers. our technical experience and our business Deloitte we can help you bridge
subject matter specialists. This enables between strategy development
Therefore, we create a business capability your team to defend technological and the transformation execution
blueprint which provides you a starting decisions on a verified accounting of what to get the maximum out of
point to scope and prioritize the required each decision means to your business. your resources.
At Deloitte, we help you create a holistic We carry an exhaustive consulting
By zooming in from the business capability framework and viewpoint which are based experience in building Blueprints
we provide a more granular view of the on our broad knowledge on Enterprise and Roadmaps for Enterprise
moving parts which must work together Architecture. Our exhaustive experience Architecture departments in many
to be effective. On this level the impact of in Enterprise Architecture consulting different markets, with national
the strategy should be determined and has helped improve client’s Enterprise and international clients in
initiatives defined which improve these Architecture departments worldwide. different sizes. The knowledge
working parts to strengthen the capability sources are international, which
as a whole. entails that the latest best
practices will be applied for your
A capability-based approach ensures that organization and specific needs.
the Enterprise Architecture Department
meets the business needs and enables We bring to bear operational
project acceleration and guidance on experience and insight from both
strategic choices, scope and design. business and technology
perspectives supported by leading
industry experience.

“Use Deloitte’s
exhaustive experience
in Enterprise
Architecture consulting
to improve Enterprise
Blueprinting & Roadmapping – Enterprise Architecture

Conclusion Contact us:

In sum Blueprints and Roadmaps are
essential components the alignment Andreas Boon
process of the Enterprise Architecture Manager
strategy execution with intended strategy Tel: +31 (0)88 288 7105
results. Mobile: +31 (0) 6 8333 9609
E-mail: [email protected]
The lack of these elements does not
only decrease the effectiveness of your Eric Onderdelinden
Enterprise Architecture, but also makes it Director
extremely difficult to manage. Tel: +31 (0)88 288 7884
Mobile: +31 (0)6 8333 9816
Our objective is to provide assistance E-mail: [email protected]
during this process by drawing on both
our technical experience and our business
subject matter specialists. This enables
your team to defend technology decisions
on a verified accounting of what each
decision means to your business.

“Architecture enables your journey to a

better enterprise-wide IT architecture
by providing targets and guidance along
the wat on strategic choices, scope,
and design.”

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© 2018 Deloitte The Netherlands

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