Gas Holdup Tool User Guide
Gas Holdup Tool User Guide
Gas Holdup Tool User Guide
Functional Description
The Gas Holdup Tool ™ (GHT) is used to provide an across wellbore holdup measurement in any flow regime and
at any well angle. This means that where there is stratified flow in deviated (and especially horizontal) wells that
using GHT data will result in a more accurate interpretation. The tool principally is a gas holdup tool as it responds
to electron density. Water and oil have similar electron densities and gas has a lower electron density. The tool is
run centralised and is best run in combination with other fluid identification tools.
Tool Dimensions
OD 1 11/16”, Length: 24.0”, Measure Point 4” from bottom of tool. Weight: 7.7 lbs.
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
Example Log
In this example from an inclined well the spinner tool shows a little apparent negative flow above the bottom
perforations which indicates hydrocarbon production. As a comparison in the same zone the density tool shows
water only. The gas holdup tool can detect the hydrocarbon production in this region. Temperature data and the
perforation position in the well indicate that this would be oil with minor liberated gas. Using calibration data for oil
and water allows us to use the GHT to quantify the oil holdup. Above the water contact, using calibration data for
gas and oil we can determine the gas holdup.
This log also shows the relative performance between the density, gas holdup and capacitance tool (scale
reversed). The capacitance tool also shows the hydrocarbon entry from the lowest perforations but the true holdup
would be hard to quantify. The pressure drop due to high flowrate can be seen above the top perforations. The
results given by a differential pressure density tool in this region would show too high a density.
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
The choice of source energy level is such that the tool measures only the fluid in the wellbore and not the
formation. This is because most of the gamma rays are absorbed by the casing and any that get through the
casing and are back scattered by the formation do not have enough residual energy to return to the detector.
Gas has a low electron density and thus a low level of back scattering. It also has low attenuation.
Water has a high electron density but as the salinity increases the increase in count rate due to the increase in
density is offset by a decrease in countrate due to greater photoelectric absorption. Consequently the tool is
virtually insensitive to salinity changes. Note that Calcium Bromide completion fluid has very high absorption and
thus negates the response of the tool.
Oil, in general, has a lower electron density than water and thus should give less backscatter but this is
compensated somewhat by lower photoelectric absorption which has the effect of raising the countrate. The
overall effect is to reduce the difference in frequency between oil and water which is typically in the 5% range
when compared to the difference between water and gas. Thus the tool can be considered as a ‘Gas Holdup Tool’.
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
From the response chart it can be seen that at small tubing sizes and high gas pressures, the difference between
oil and water, compared to water, can become significant.
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
The level of back scattering depends on the amount of wellbore fluid available to back scatter the gamma rays.
Thus the smaller the casing the lower the countrate and as casing size decreases the difference between oil/water
and gas is reduced, this has the effect of limiting the resolution. As can be seen the tool is very sensitive to casing
size and this must be corrected for when calculating gas holdup. It can also be observed that at the higher casing
sizes the response starts to become non linear at low gas holdup (high liquid holdup).
Effect of Pressure
Gas properties change with increasing pressure and temperature. As the density of gas increases with pressure
(and temperature) the level of back scattering changes – the greater the pressure the higher the level of back-
scattering. The Sondex acquisition / post processing software provides a PVT correction algorithm to reasonably
adjust for changes in gas properties from surface to downhole. At high pressures, the difference in frequency
between gas and oil and water is such that the tool cannot be considered to respond only to gas holdup. The
water/oil ratio will also affect the countrate. Thus the interpreter will have to determine the predominant liquid end
point when calculating gas holdup.
Response to eccentralisation
Tests have shown that the effect of eccentralisation is to lower the countrate. If a well is logged with the tool
eccentralised the results from the tool will be invalidated.
The tool is centralised in a 5 ½” calibration jig and calibrated in air and water. The countrates in air and water over
a 1 minute time frame should be averaged and recorded. Because of the rapid decay of the source the calibration
date should also be recorded. The air and water end points are used in the software calibration process and can
also be used to check on the correct tool response. In the 4.67” ID calibrator ratio between the count rate in air
and in water should be about 2.45.
The wellsite verifier is a steel sleeve which is used at the wellsite to ensure that that the tool is working correctly
and that the countrates have not changed between jobs. It is not used to adjust the software calibration values.
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
Gas properties are sensitive to pressure and temperature. This is accounted for when calculating gas holdup from
raw counts, however at high pressures the gas can have a significant density. Thus at high pressures and in small
casing sizes the difference between gas and liquid frequencies can be relatively small which affects the effective
resolution. Furthermore the type of liquid phase in the well becomes important.
Shut in well showing gas, oil and water. Scales are chosen to overlay in Gas and Water.
The log above is from a shut in well at a pressure of 5600 psia and in small diameter tubing. This means that there
is a reduced span from liquid to gas. The well fluids have separated into gas, oil and water with the gas having a
significant density of about 0.3 g/cc (there may be high CO2). As can be seen this means that the reading in gas is
not too far away from oil. The log also highlights the difference between oil and water. This shows that the GHT is
best used as a 2 phase tool. To compute gas holdup correctly the interpreter needs to state whether the heavy
phase is oil or water. In 3 phase flow the water oil ratio needs to be known. In an ideal situation the GHT tool
would give us gas holdup and we would then use density to calculate the remaining oil and water holdups.
However the calculated gas holdup is interdependent on the liquid end point, therefore caution must be used in 3
phase flow. The GHT response can be seen to be slightly different from density, as discussed, this is because there
is a lower photoelectric absorption compared to water resulting in a higher countrate. The change in the CWH tool
from gas to oil can also be observed.
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
When logging the Gas Holdup Tool in surface readout mode via the Warrior System, Gas holdup, Yg, is calculated
real time. When performing memory PLT the Sondex Memlog does not support the calculation of Yg during the
merging process. Thus Yg must be calculated after the job by post processing. The Sondex Gas Holdup Calculator,
GHTcalc, reads in a LAS file generated by Memlog or from the MIDAS warrior database, performs calculations, and
writes an output LAS file with additional columns of gas holdup, Yg, 1/Bg and Z factor. This LAS file may then be
read into log plotting programs for plotting. It is recommended that the original LAS data be archived in case the
data needs to be re-calculated using different correction parameters.
1) Read in the uncalibrated LAS file containing as a minimum Depth, Pressure, Temperature and Gas Holdup
Tool raw counts.
2) Select the LAS columns containing Pressure, Temperature and Gas Holdup Raw counts and the name of
the output gas holdup column (Yg). Check that the correct units for pressure and temperature are the
same as in the original .LAS file.
3) Enter the required correction parameters in the Pre-survey calibration, job details and gas PVT details
4) Check the clip values 0 to 1 window. This will prevent the calculation of gas holdup values below 0 and
above 1.
5) Press Generate Calculated LAS.
6) After the gas holdup data has been calculated, you will be prompted for the file name with which to save
the data. This should have a different name from the input data and needs no extension. If using Warrior
for log plotting, for easy merging the pass direction and number should be at the end of the name eg
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
Date of Calibration The date of the last calibration (required to correct for the short half life of
the source).
Calibration Pipe Air Count The average counts with the tool centralised in the calibration tube in air.
Calibration Pipe Water Count The average counts with the tool centralised in the calibration tube in
Calibration Pipe ID The ID of the calibration pipe (usually 4.67”).
Date of job Because the Co57 source for the tool has short half life, the countrate
decreases noticeably with time. Enter the data of the job to correct for the
countrate change since the last calibration.
Liquid Phase Oil or Water. If the well is 3 phase, enter which phases is dominant.
Oil API Enter the specific gravity of the oil or condensate in API units. This data
will be available from the client.
Gas Specific Gravity Enter the gas specific gravity at atmospheric pressure. This data will be
available from the client.
Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bg Enter 0 to calculate Bg from gas properties or enter 1/Bg if known. If the
logging interval has a wide range of pressure, it is better to let the
program calculate 1/Bg.
Real Gas Deviation Factor, Z Enter 0 to calculate Z from gas properties or enter Z if known. If the
logging interval has a wide range of pressure it is better to let the
program calculate Z.
Gas Type Select non condensate for dry gas or condensate for gas that produces
condensate when reduced to atmospheric pressure and temperature.
Fraction CO2, H2S, N2 Enter the fraction of these gases in the gas if known. For example 5%
Carbon Dioxide would be entered as 0.05. Maximum 10% for the
correction algorithms used.
Critical Pressure Critical pressure is used to calculate Bg. If 0 has been entered in the Bg
windows the program will calculate critical pressure otherwise use charts
or calculations to obtain critical pressure and enter.
Critical Temperature Critical temperature is used to calculate Bg. If 0 has been entered in the
Bg windows, the program will calculate critical temperature, otherwise use
charts or calculations to obtain critical temperature and enter.
Tubing ID The GHT response is influenced by tubing ID. This response has been
characterised and corrections are made in the software. It is important to
enter the correct tubing ID. If the tubing ID changes over the logging
interval it will be necessary to divide the LAS file into 2 sections and
perform calculations for each tubing size before re-splicing.
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
Because it is a radioactive measurement, with spontaneous gamma ray emissions, there is a certain amount of
statistical noise. Users may prefer to filter or average data to get clearer interpretations.
The tool may be affected by radioactive scale so the gamma ray curve should be observed during interpretation
and ideally an X-Y caliper run. If the RA scale build up is thick, there will be less fluid available to backscatter
counts and the count rate will be seen to decrease. It is also useful if a completion schematic has been added to
the log in the depth track.
The tool is designed for 2 phase flow. The calculated output is gas holdup, Yg or Yl. The heavy phase holdup is
simply 1-Yg.
Because the calculated holdup relies on correlations, a check should be made to see if the results are valid. As the
response is approximately linear it may be possible to do a downhole (in situ) calibration provided that pressure
does not change significantly over the logging interval:
a) Read off the GHT frequency in the heavy phase (Yg = 0). This may be in the sump or below the fluid
contact in a shut in well.
b) Read off the GHT frequency in the light phase. This may be above the fluid contact in a shut in well.
Liquid holdup = 1 - Yg
Note that if there is a significant change in pressure between flowing and shut in, then the gas properties may
change sufficiently to invalidate this method. In this case, by using surface flowrates and Pressure-Volume-
Temperature relationships, downhole Yg in 100% flow may be calculated and then the tool calibrated against
100% flow.
For this case slope is: Holdup in 100% flow/(Freq 100% flow – Freq Liquid).
It is assumed that the response between oil and water is linear. Therefore in the absence of gas, in situ readings
may be taken in oil and water to make a calibration.
Oil holdup = 1 - Yw
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Gas Holdup Tool GHT
3 phase flow
When the casing size is large and the difference between the oil and water countrate is low compared to the gas
countrate, the tool can be used in 3 phase analysis to get Yg. With a knowledge of Yg and density it is possible to
calculate Yo and Yw.
Original Years
countrate, from Days from Required
kcps Shipping shipping Divider
70.0 0.0 0 1 6
35.0 0.7 271 8
17.5 1.5 542 4
8.8 2.2 813 2 Recommended maximum source life 2 years.
1 8
Required Divider
1 6
1 4
1 2
Required Divider
1 0
Memory GHT
0 500 1000
Days from shipping
Ultrawire tools have a high bandwidth and so the original countrate is output. Memory telemetry tools have an
8Khz bandwidth, therefore to keep the output frequency within the telemetry range the signal needs to be divided
down. For a new source the divider for memory telemetry is 16 and for surface readout 128. As the source ages,
the divider must be reduced so as to maintain a countrate high enough to maximise the resolution of the tool (see
the chart above). The tool manual details which links must be changed.
Other maintenance is routine ‘O’ ring changes. Do not store the tool next to a CCL as the life of the photomultiplier
may be reduced.
Kessler, C., and Frisch, G., 1995: ‘New Fullbore Production Logging Sensor Improves the Evaluation of Production
in Deviated and Horizontal Wells’. SPE 29815
Waid M.C., Madigan, W.P., Smith, H. D., Vasquez, R. B, 1996: ‘A New Production Logging Method for Fullbore Gas
Holdup Measurements in Cased Wells’. SPE 36562
December 2003
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