Chlor Alkali Brochure
Chlor Alkali Brochure
Chlor Alkali Brochure
02 Basic information
Chlorine (Cl2) ranks number 7 on the list of the most
Chlor-alkali process
By far the largest part – about 95% – of the chlorine pro
monly produced chemical substances. It is the duced globally is obtained via the chlor-alkali process. In
basis for the production of numerous intermediate sub this process, caustic and chlorine are created together in
stances, which, in turn, are important feedstock ma similar proportions via electrolysis of sodium (or potas
rials in the petroleum, aluminum, paper and pulp, sium) chloride brine.
or pharmaceutical industries. For instance, chlorine is
used in the production of an impressive 80% of drugs. There are three main methods used to create chlorine
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and isocyanates can be made as and caustic from brine:
a result of the generation of chlorine. • membrane cell process
• mercury cell process
Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) is another cru • diaphragm cell process
cial basic chemical which enables production of organic
chemical products, bleach, detergents, paper, cellulose In Europe, the top chlor-alkali producers are Germany,
products, and several other materials. followed by France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
Diagram of membrane cell technique for the production of chlorine. Source:
Layout by Alyson Lanciki, Metrohm Applikon B.V.printed by Metrohm AG, CH-9100 Herisau, Switzerland
Subject to change without prior notice
8.000.5251EN – 2018-01