Mpi 810H
Mpi 810H
Mpi 810H
MPI-810H Specification
M/N: MPI-810H
Revision Index
REV. 053007 Adding index page and OVP description
REV. 051608 Adding derating curve.
REV. 092810 Updating the safety approval status.
REV. 032811 Updating the safety approval status.
REV. 072511 Updating the efficiency; Revising the operating temperature.
MPI-810H Specification 810H-072511
MPI-810H is a 120Watts forced air-cooling, five outputs switching power supply; and it’s designed
for General Purpose.
Proprietary Information 1 of 3
Magic Power Technology Co., Ltd.
MPI-810H Specification 810H-072511
Proprietary Information 2 of 3
Magic Power Technology Co., Ltd.
MPI-810H Specification 810H-072511
7.1 Dimensions
Dimensions are shown in mm as above. Tolerance specified is +/-0.4mm.
7.2 Connectors
TB1 --- AC input : Molex 5273-05A withdraws 2 pins or equivalent.
TB2 --- DC output : Molex 5273-14A or equivalent.
TB3 --- DC output : Molex 5045-03A
7.3 DC output pin assignment
TB2 Pin 1. +5V 6. GND 11. 3.3V
2. +5V 7. GND 12. 3.3V
3. +5V 8. GND 13. 3.3V
4. GND 9. +12V 14. -12V
5. GND 10. +12V
TB3 Pin 1. PS On/OFF 2. GND 3. +5Vsb
Proprietary Information 3 of 3
Magic Power Technology Co., Ltd.