Hassan&Shazaib Research Paper
Hassan&Shazaib Research Paper
Hassan&Shazaib Research Paper
Web Operating Systems is one of the hottest topics in field of computer sciences. Within
last few years it gained a lot of popularity. As the name depicts web operating system is
something which works over web (World Wide Web) in general works depending on
internet and distributed computing. As we know that the current operating systems used by
us have some limitations. Whereas online operating system lemmatize those limitations to
a great extent. This paper represents a detailed explanation of a typical web based operating
systems. This paper covers all the main and basic components of a web operating system.
It discusses process, components, communication protocols, resources, Services and some
of its practical applications. Web Operating System includes mechanism for storage of
data, User authentication, Security, Remote process executions and resource management.
Web operating systems have some additional facilities and operations which have the
ability to force people to switch from simple operating systems to web operating systems.
With all its advantages and facilities there are some places which needs to be improved this
paper also puts light on all those issues and problems. Additionally the paper discusses the
flaws and problems with which the Web Operating System is still struggling.
3|June-July 2017
Research Paper “Web Operating System” Riphah International University Faisalabad
After this brief technical overview User can make new applications under the
now we are going to study the common monitoring of this module.
modules of Web Operating Systems. Administrator Interface
Common Modules Module:
In this section we will discuss the After Login this is the core module in
common modules used in Web Operating almost all the systems. In this module the
Systems. Their concept, technicalities, user have to first login to it. After the
way of implementation and other aspects. successful login the user have all the
We have tried to enlighten each module rights to operate the system according to
of WOS in this section. his/her requirements. This module
All the Web Operating Systems to includes overall design of the system
a great extent usually use almost same form here the user gets the right to control
modules these modules are important for the overall activities of the OS.
many reasons i.e. Security, Availability, Web Operating Systems give a
Reliability and other functionalities of large number of options within this
WOS. module like memory management,
The Login Module: Admin Permissions, data transferring,
The first and foremost important module data acquiring etc. The security of an OS
of any system is Security. Security means is also managed by this module from here
that user should feel free to use the the user can manage the login credentials
system. For this purpose every system has and also can take other security measures.
a Login module in it. In the same way So this module needs to be made extra
WOS also have this Module. secure and reliable for minimizing theft
Login basically means to collect and wrong activities.
necessary credentials from user and User Interface Module:
matching them with previously stored User Interface Module is another module
credentials by the same user. which played a great role in success of
In WOS user makes use of server Web Operating Systems.
database to store his/her credentials and Interface is main thing for
on every login the WOS access the server attracting the users. The users do not
database to determine the correctness of know neither they are interested in
credentials. This leads to a secure Login. knowing that what is going at backend
Application Manager they like and understand what they see. So
Module: making a beautiful and easy to understand
Application Manager Module is basically interface leads to Success of Web
a module which is under Admin. It is operating systems. This module allows
controlled and operated by admin. Every the user to perform different operations
application available in OS is managed by on to the system.
this manager. All the applications details, The Storage (Memory):
logs, prerequisites and operational The next module in the list is Storage
activities are controlled by this module. module. As Web Operating systems have
gained much popularity in last few years.
4|June-July 2017
Research Paper “Web Operating System” Riphah International University Faisalabad
5|June-July 2017
Research Paper “Web Operating System” Riphah International University Faisalabad
6|June-July 2017
Research Paper “Web Operating System” Riphah International University Faisalabad
Operating System by author much more. But there are also some
“Hesham Abusaimeh”. This work features which needs to be improved and
is done by a student of bachelor’s some work needs to be done on those
degree from faculty of Information features from making them more reliable
Technology Applied Science and vital. The providers should think
University Amman Jordan in April about the internet services because as
2014. long as the internet exists WOS will exist
In this journal the author have as soon as internet is gone. Another
described their work related to concern which needs to be consider with
Cloud Web Operating System. The strong hands is the trust building and
author have discussed working making the clients feel free to store their
principles, architecture and private and confidential data on the online
comparison of normal OS with OS. There have been many researches and
traditional OS. many designed prototypes to lessen the
5. Web Operating System by risk factor in WOS. After discussing
author A. Mufti, K. Salah. This WOS in detail we reach a point that WOS
work is done by students of King is not machine dependent but there are
Fahad University of Petroleum many machines which do not support
and Minerals. This paper WOS websites due to their hardware
configuration. So developers also needs
describes the complete details of
to design the OS websites in such a way
web operating systems Dhahran
that it is supported by every kind of
Saudi Arabia in August 2015. machine.
It describes the structure and Finally Web Operating System can
working criteria of the Web become the future of distributed
Operating Systems. It also computing but there are some
discusses the difficulties and improvements to be done and also some
issues in normal Web Operating concerns and issues which needs to be
Systems. solved with strong practical
Conclusion implementations and serious
Web Operating systems have the potential considerations.
to play an important role in distributed References
computing in near future. We know that [1]
these Systems are not capable enough to system.htm
replace the traditional OS at this time. “How Web Operating System Works”
There way of working their architecture Date visited- 08-07-2017
design is based on traditional OS but they [2]
cannot compete the traditional OS. But “Web Operating System”
there are some features which are very Date visited- 03-07-2017
attracting and useful to use which [3]
traditional OS doesn’t offer. These http://www.cs.montana.edu/~gumdelli/csci560/?q=node/7
features are Remote access, less “Web Operating System Architecture”
Date visited- 04-07-2017
dependency on hardware, easy access and
9|June-July 2017
Research Paper “Web Operating System” Riphah International University Faisalabad
“Advantages/Disadvantages of Web operating
Date visited- 02-07-2017
“Advantages/Disadvantages of Web operating
Date visited- 06-07-2017
“Concerns of clients on using Web operating
Date visited- 07-07-2017
“Service components and applications of Web
operating System”
Date visited- 28-06-2017
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