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Black Start

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Electrical Black Start Philosophy

Project: FSO UOTE - 1


Contract number: 1403-CCN311998 Number of pages: 16

Z 17.06.2013 Final Document / Final Issue LAH RB CW

0 14.03.2013 Issued for Use LAH MM CW

A 03.08.12 Issue for IDC LAH MM SBI

Rev. Date Reason for issue Made by Checked Approved

16211 - KME - E - FD - 0004 Z

Project no. Origin Discipline Type Sequence no. Rev. no.

Client No._REV.: TP228-5050-PH-9004-Z

Sub-Vendor No._REV.:

© All rights reserved. This document is the property of Kongsberg Maritime, and is not to be reproduced or disclosed to any party
without the written consent of Kongsberg Maritime.
Kongsberg Maritime Engineering

Table of contents

1 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT................................................................................. 3

1.1 DOCUMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................. 3
1.2 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... 3
1.4 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... 4
2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 5
2.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................... 5
2.3 CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY – RULES & REGULATIONS ............................................ 5
2.4 STANDARDS ........................................................................................................... 6
3 POWER PLANT OVERVIW................................................................................ 7
3.1 MAIN POWER ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 EMERGENCY POWER .............................................................................................. 7
3.3 UPS POWER .......................................................................................................... 7
4 EQUIPMENT START REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... 8
4.1 EMERGENCY GENERATOR (03-G-5410) ................................................................ 8
4.2 UPS (UPS 5610A/B)............................................................................................. 8
4.3 ESSENTIAL GENERATORS (04-G-5410A/B/C) ....................................................... 9
5 STARTUP SEQUENCES .................................................................................... 10
5.1 POWER PLANT CONDITIONS ................................................................................ 10
5.2 ACTIONS AFTER FACILITY SHUTDOWN ................................................................ 10
5.3 PRIORITIES FOR RESTORATION OF POWER ........................................................... 11
5.4 SUPPLY AIR PURGE ............................................................................................. 11
5.5 STARTING SEQUENCES ........................................................................................ 12
5.5.1 Dead-Ship Start Up ..................................................................................... 12
5.5.2 Black-Out Restart ....................................................................................... 16

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1.1 Document history
Revision Description of Change
A Issue for IDC
0 Issue for Approval

1.2 References
No Doc No Description
1 I-ET- 4501.01-1350-960- General Technical Description
2 DR-ENGP-1.3 – R.1 Safety Philosophy
3 16211-KME-E-XJ-0001 Overall Main Single Line Diagram - Power
4 16211-KME-E-XJ-0002 Overall Main Single Line Diagram - Hull
5 16211-KME-I-FD-0004 ESD Shutdown Hierarchy
6 From TPOT Specification for Emergency diesel generator set
7 From TPOT Main Diesel Generator Engine Automatic Control
Panel (existing)

1.3 Abbreviations
Abbr. Description
AC Alternating Current
ACB Air Circuit Breaker
CCR Central Control Room
CER Central Equipment Room
CS Classification Society
DC Direct Current
DOL Direct On-Line
ECR Engine Control Room
EDG Emergency Diesel Generator
KME Kongsberg Maritime Engineering
MCCB Molded Case Circuit Breaker
O/R Override or Overridden
TER Telecom Equipment Room

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1.4 Definitions
For purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:
 Dead-ship or Black-out
A Dead-ship or Black-out refers to the total power outage on the FSO. Cause for
total main power outage can be attributed to failure of components such as
protection relay trip, activation of ESD-1, etc. (Black-out) or activation of ESD-
0 (Dead-ship) in the facility. The main difference between Black-out and Dead-
ship is that during Black-out the UPS System is still available while it is not
during a Dead-ship.
 Dead-ship Start-up
When ESD-0 is initiated, the facility will be in total power outage including the
UPS System. Re-instating the electrical system shall follow a dedicated
procedure termed as Dead-ship Start-up to allow the safe re-start of electrical
supply. All start-up procedures shall be manually initiated.
 Black-out Re-start
In case of the power outage other than ESD-0, the electrical UPS System is still
available for the immediate resumption of electrical supply. Start-up operation
shall be generally initiated through the PMS, assisted by Operation personnel.

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2.1 Purpose
This philosophy document is required in order to establish the strategies for restarting
the FSO from a state where main generation has shutdown or tripped on the FSO.
The emergency generator is used to initiate power-up after an ESD, followed by all the
electrical and safety systems being started in a prescribed manner. Crucially, Dead-Ship,
where battery backed systems have been discharged, should be contrasted with the more
common Black-Out Restart where some battery backed systems may still be available
e.g. emergency lighting, helideck lighting and facility marking.
It should be borne in mind that Dead-Ship is fundamentally different and should not be
confused with non-ESD situations where the emergency generators will act in
“STANDBY” mode and automatically power up the emergency generation upon loss of
main generation, and where battery back-up has prevented the loss of critical systems.

2.2 Reference documents

Design and engineering shall conform as a minimum requirement to the current edition
of the following in order of preference:
 Applicable laws and regulations of the country in which the system will be
operated. Note Brazil NR-10 requirement;
 End-customer specifications and requirements;
 Classification Society – Rules & Regulations;
 Applicable International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) publications.
Reference Title
NR-10 Security Systems and Services in Electricity

2.3 Classification Society – Rules & Regulations

ABS Class Notation:
+A1 FSO (Service at Campos Basin-Brazil)
The following ABS documents (latest revision) are applicable:
Reference Title
ABS – Rules Steel Vessels - Part 4 - Ch 8 - Section 3 – Electrical
ABS – Guide – Floating Production Installations
Publications 82
ABS – Guide – Facilities on Offshore Installations
Publications 63
ABS – Guide – Fac-E Facilities on Offshore Installations

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2.4 Standards
Reference Title
IEC 60050 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary
IEC 61892 Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations

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3.1 Main Power
The FSO UOTE main power plant is divided into two main systems topsides and hull.
The topside main power plant consists of 3 off new STX/Hyundai HFO/MDO gen-sets
and power distribution located in the power module installed on the vessel deck.
The hull power plant consists of 3 off existing Daihatsu/Hyundai HFO/MDO gen-sets
and power distribution located in the hull. The hull power plant is a combination of
existing generators/switchboard and switchboard extensions.

Figure 3.1 Power Plant

3.2 Emergency Power

The emergency power plant consists of a new Man/Leroy Somer emergency generator
and a new emergency switchboard. The emergency generator and the emergency
switchboard are located in the emergency generator room as per class rule.

3.3 UPS Power

The UPS power system consists of 2 off 60kVA 220V AC systems with 30 minutes
battery backup. The UPSs including batteries and UPS main distribution boards are
located in CER and ECR,

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4.1 Emergency Generator (03-G-5410)
The Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) is equipped with a dedicated local control
panel for monitoring and auto-start functions.
For starting reliability, the EDG is provided with 2x24Vdc Battery Banks charged by
two (2) dedicated Battery Chargers which are also located in the Emergency Generator
The primary starting method for the emergency diesel generator is electric start, while
the secondary starting method is hydraulic.
As per Classification requirement, under normal operating conditions, the Emergency
Generator will auto start on detection of ‘Dead Bus’ at ESB (ESB-5410), provided that
the EDG is in Auto mode and ESD-0 has not been activated. If the EDG auto-start fails,
it has to be started manually and controlled from its local control panel.
The minimum requirements for starting the EDG are given below:
1. Sufficient fuel in the Emergency Generator Day Tank;
2. Sufficient Lube oil and Coolant level;
3. At least one battery banks fully charged;
4. Supply air damper to Emergency Generator Room must be open;
5. ESD trip is locally overridden.
For detailed procedure for the safe starting of the EDG, refer to vendor’s operating

4.2 UPS (UPS 5610A/B)

After an ESD-0 initiation the battery isolation breakers (ISL-5610A/B) will be tripped
by the ESD system.
Since the UPS is tripped by the ESD and the ESD is powered by the UPS a deadlock
situation will occur. However, the isolation breaker is equipped with an override
function, to enable closure of the isolation breaker in case of a powerless ESD system.
The reset of the battery isolation breaker and operation of the override switch have to
take place when the emergency generator has started.
The minimum requirements for starting the UPS are given below:
1. Sufficient remaining battery capacity to operate the battery isolator override
switch, and power the under-voltage coil of the isolator switch;
2. Emergency generator in operation (to charge the UPS batteries).

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4.3 Essential Generators (04-G-5410A/B/C)

The Essential Diesel Generators are equipped with dedicated local control panels for
monitoring and start functions.
For starting reliability, the essential generators are provided with a 24V DC Battery
Banks charged by a dedicated Battery Charger. The battery charger is powered from the
emergency generator switchboard. The battery backed 24V DC system operates in
parallel with a rectifier powered from the 220V AC emergency distribution board.
Each DG is provided with an air starting motor for starting the diesel engine.
A synchronizer relay is provided in the essential switchboard (EL-5310A) for each
essential generator for auto-synchronizing the unit to the bus voltage. When selected to
Manual-Local/Remote, synchronizing is carried out by a Check Synchronizing Relay
within the Generator Synchronizing Panel.
For detailed procedure for the safe starting of the DGs, refer to vendor’s operating
The pre-requisites for starting the DGs are given below:
1. Sufficient fuel in the Essential Generator Diesel Oil Service Tank;
2. Sufficient Charge in the Main Air Reservoir, to start Essential Diesel Generators
3. One Diesel Oil Supply Pump is available;
4. Lube Oil Priming Pump is available;
5. Control Supply to all DG panels available;
6. Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) is running supplying power to the
Emergency SWBD ESB-5410.

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5.1 Power Plant Conditions
After an ESD-0 facility abandonment scenario, a complete shutdown of electrical power
generation including emergency generation and UPS will have occurred.
Note: Only in exceptional circumstances will any of the emergency generator starter
batteries have been discharged.
Some safety systems will be maintained operational for a time by their batteries.
However, most of the battery systems will discharge after a relatively short time and are
likely to be isolated to prevent battery deep discharge. The exceptions to this are the
batteries supplying power to the facility visible and audible navigation aids; which last
for a minimum of 96 hours.
After the ESD-0 event, all generator circuit-breakers will have tripped ‘open’ as a result
of either ESD trip or their under-voltage and under-frequency protection. All motor
starter and heater contactors will have opened by loss of voltage causing drop-out in LV
starters. The vast majority of LV circuit-breakers (MCCBs and MCBs) will, however,
remain in their last state prior to the loss of supply.
Some of these will need to be manually opened so that a planned restart-sequence can
be safely put into effect.

5.2 Actions after Facility Shutdown

A thorough examination of the electrical network will need to be carried out to
eliminate the possibility that any part of the network has been damaged by the action
which caused the black-out. If damage is found, the affected equipment shall either be
repaired if possible, or else must be fully isolated and locked off.
If the black-out had been manual initiation of the total platform shutdown pushbutton,
an ESD-0 complete electrical shutdown would have resulted, which would inhibit the
emergency generators from starting.
If approval for facility restart is issued, confirmation must first be deduced that it is safe
to start-up the emergency generator. The generator enclosure would require purge
ventilation and a manual check with hand held gas detectors to confirm that no pockets
of natural gas or condensate were present.
Relevant fire and gas trip actions would need to be overridden to prevent the generation
‘start-up inhibit’. For this to happen, DC power would need to be made available either
from existing batteries or temporary power supplies brought onto the facility for this
purpose. This would allow the electrical system to be re-energised in accordance with
the black-start sequence, preventing danger from prematurely started systems
potentially causing an ignition.

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5.3 Priorities for Restoration of Power

If the event which caused the blackout did not result in an immediate evacuation of the
crew, and it is established that the facility restart could be a lengthy process, evacuation
of all non-key personnel may be required, as all life-support systems will have shut
down. Either a small black-start crew should be left aboard, or after a full evacuation the
black-start crew would be re-inserted and supplied from an adjacent support ship, to
attempt to restart the FSO.
After it has been confirmed that pockets of natural gas or condensate are not present,
and physical inspection for structural damage, the broad priorities for restoration of
electrical supplies are as follows:
 Perform overrides (if necessary) so that key systems can be brought back on line
by manual initiation;
 Organize a manual fire watch;
 Manually start up the emergency generating sets to provide power for the air
purge ventilation systems, emergency lighting systems, radio room, control
room, crane auxiliaries, basic life support, battery chargers for UPSs, re-boot the
ICSS, PMS, start an air compressor and provide AC and DC supplies for the
safety and the communications systems;
 Start seawater pump to provide cooling for the compressor and first essential
 Run up the first essential generator auxiliaries;
 Start up and synchronise the first essential generating set and start to run up the
vessel loads.

5.4 Supply Air Purge

It is possible that natural gas, condensate or smoke may be present inside the FSO after
an ESD. In such circumstances air purge will be essential before any non-Ex electrical
or electronic equipment can be re-energised. However, under black-start conditions the
main power supplies to the HVAC switchboard and control panel would have been
isolated, either manually or by their own protection, and all the fire dampers would have
closed automatically.
The appropriate fire dampers which supply air to the emergency generator and the fire
pump rooms would therefore need to be manually opened using bottled gas and a
manual purge conducted if required until the spaces had been confirmed gas free.
After the emergency power had been restored one of the first items to be energized
would be the emergency air compressor, which is required to charge the instrument air
receiver. Upon restoration of instrument air pressure, the HVAC dampers could then be
correctly reset, and after confirmation of emergency power being available at the
relevant HVAC MCCs (subject to natural gas being confirmed not present at the air
handling units, fresh air inlets, MCC and control equipment), the purge could begin.

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5.5 Starting Sequences

5.5.1 Dead-Ship Start Up
During initial start-up (Dead-Ship or after ESD-0), Emergency and Essential Diesel
Generators have to be started manually from their respective local control panels and
manually closed onto their respective Switchboards. The sequence will be as follows:

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Kongsberg Maritime Engineering Emergency Generator Start

When the emergency generator is started and powers the 440V switchboard, the 220V
emergency switchboard is also powered up, and emergency lighting will be available on
the vessel.

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Kongsberg Maritime Engineering UPS Start

When the first UPS has been started and powers the distribution boards, the ICSS ESD
and Fire & Gas should be powered-up, reloaded, and started up. For ESD the shut down
levels should be reset, to enable rest of the vessel including essential generators to start.
For the Fire & Gas system, fire dampers to be reset and opened.

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5.5.2 Black-Out Restart

Upon detection of under-voltage on the Emergency Switchboard (ESB) via the Dead-
Bus relay, the EDG will automatically start and connect to the ESB and stabilize the
power supply to 440 V / 60 Hz as per sequence shown below:

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