Black Start
Black Start
Black Start
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Kongsberg Maritime Engineering
Table of contents
1.2 References
No Doc No Description
1 I-ET- 4501.01-1350-960- General Technical Description
2 DR-ENGP-1.3 – R.1 Safety Philosophy
3 16211-KME-E-XJ-0001 Overall Main Single Line Diagram - Power
4 16211-KME-E-XJ-0002 Overall Main Single Line Diagram - Hull
5 16211-KME-I-FD-0004 ESD Shutdown Hierarchy
6 From TPOT Specification for Emergency diesel generator set
7 From TPOT Main Diesel Generator Engine Automatic Control
Panel (existing)
1.3 Abbreviations
Abbr. Description
AC Alternating Current
ACB Air Circuit Breaker
CCR Central Control Room
CER Central Equipment Room
CS Classification Society
DC Direct Current
DOL Direct On-Line
ECR Engine Control Room
EDG Emergency Diesel Generator
KME Kongsberg Maritime Engineering
MCCB Molded Case Circuit Breaker
O/R Override or Overridden
TER Telecom Equipment Room
1.4 Definitions
For purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:
Dead-ship or Black-out
A Dead-ship or Black-out refers to the total power outage on the FSO. Cause for
total main power outage can be attributed to failure of components such as
protection relay trip, activation of ESD-1, etc. (Black-out) or activation of ESD-
0 (Dead-ship) in the facility. The main difference between Black-out and Dead-
ship is that during Black-out the UPS System is still available while it is not
during a Dead-ship.
Dead-ship Start-up
When ESD-0 is initiated, the facility will be in total power outage including the
UPS System. Re-instating the electrical system shall follow a dedicated
procedure termed as Dead-ship Start-up to allow the safe re-start of electrical
supply. All start-up procedures shall be manually initiated.
Black-out Re-start
In case of the power outage other than ESD-0, the electrical UPS System is still
available for the immediate resumption of electrical supply. Start-up operation
shall be generally initiated through the PMS, assisted by Operation personnel.
2.1 Purpose
This philosophy document is required in order to establish the strategies for restarting
the FSO from a state where main generation has shutdown or tripped on the FSO.
The emergency generator is used to initiate power-up after an ESD, followed by all the
electrical and safety systems being started in a prescribed manner. Crucially, Dead-Ship,
where battery backed systems have been discharged, should be contrasted with the more
common Black-Out Restart where some battery backed systems may still be available
e.g. emergency lighting, helideck lighting and facility marking.
It should be borne in mind that Dead-Ship is fundamentally different and should not be
confused with non-ESD situations where the emergency generators will act in
“STANDBY” mode and automatically power up the emergency generation upon loss of
main generation, and where battery back-up has prevented the loss of critical systems.
2.4 Standards
Reference Title
IEC 60050 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary
IEC 61892 Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations
5.1 Power Plant Conditions
After an ESD-0 facility abandonment scenario, a complete shutdown of electrical power
generation including emergency generation and UPS will have occurred.
Note: Only in exceptional circumstances will any of the emergency generator starter
batteries have been discharged.
Some safety systems will be maintained operational for a time by their batteries.
However, most of the battery systems will discharge after a relatively short time and are
likely to be isolated to prevent battery deep discharge. The exceptions to this are the
batteries supplying power to the facility visible and audible navigation aids; which last
for a minimum of 96 hours.
After the ESD-0 event, all generator circuit-breakers will have tripped ‘open’ as a result
of either ESD trip or their under-voltage and under-frequency protection. All motor
starter and heater contactors will have opened by loss of voltage causing drop-out in LV
starters. The vast majority of LV circuit-breakers (MCCBs and MCBs) will, however,
remain in their last state prior to the loss of supply.
Some of these will need to be manually opened so that a planned restart-sequence can
be safely put into effect.
When the emergency generator is started and powers the 440V switchboard, the 220V
emergency switchboard is also powered up, and emergency lighting will be available on
the vessel.
When the first UPS has been started and powers the distribution boards, the ICSS ESD
and Fire & Gas should be powered-up, reloaded, and started up. For ESD the shut down
levels should be reset, to enable rest of the vessel including essential generators to start.
For the Fire & Gas system, fire dampers to be reset and opened.