Graphs and Tables

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Teaching Week: Sep 16-20, 2019 Quarter SECOND

Sep 16 Anahaw 7:45-8:45 Sep 18 Anahaw 7:45-8:45 Sep 19 Anahaw 7:45-8:45 Sep 20 Anahaw 7:45-8:45
Sep 16 Lagundi 8:45-9:45 Sep 17 Lagundi 8:45-9:45 Sep 19 Lagundi 8:45-9:45 Sep 20 Lagundi 8:45-9:45
Sep 17 Oregano 12:15-1:15 Sep 18 Oregano 12:15-1:15 Sep 19 Oregano 12:15-1:15 Sep 20 Oregano 12:15-1:15
Daily Lesson Log in Sep 16 Maple 2:15-3:15 Sep 17 Maple 2:15-3:15 Sep 18 Maple 2:15-3:15 Sep 20 Maple 2:15-3:15

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature;
relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive
and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns
of idea development.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety
of effective paragraphs, appropriate grammatical signalsor expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN8G-IIe-9: Use appropriate EN8RC-IIf-11: Transcode EN8RC-IIf-11: Transcode EN8VC-IIa-17:Discern
Objectives grammatical signals or information from linear information from linear positiveand negativemessages
expressions suitable to each (Graphs and Tables) to non- (Graphs and Tables) to non- conveyedin a material viewed
pattern of idea development: linear texts and vice-versa. linear texts and vice-versa.
general to particular, claim
and counterclaim, problem-
solution, cause-effect, and
Using appropriate cause and Tables and Graphs Tables and Graphs Editorial Cartooning
effect grammatical signals
A. References
K to 12 Curriculum Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide K-12 Curriculum Guide pp.
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
(May, 2016) p. 181-182 (May, 2016) p. 179 (May, 2016) p. 179 177
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
https://www.superteacherwork analysing-and-interpreting- y/editorial-cartoons-
non-linear-text/ introduction
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recall of previous lesson. Recall of previous lesson. Recall of previous lesson. Recall of previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson
Task 1 Picture Talk Identify the different kinds of Allow the students to give their The students will name the
The teacher will show graphs shown on the board. prior knowledge on linear and following cartoon characters.
students different pictures. non-linear text.
Each group will be given a
picture and will describe them
in front of the class. One
representative from each
group will record answers in a
B. Establishing a purpose for the T-chart with one side
lesson dedicated to the reasons and
one side to the results. They
will be given 5 minutes to do
the activity.

Task 2 Card Game Activity! Board Activity: Group Activity Task 1: The teacher will ask
The students will be grouped The students will answer the The teachers will give different the students about their
into four and they will be following questions: linear texts and the students favourite anime or cartoon
given a card with phrases will transcode linear text to characters. The teacher will
written on it. They will find create tables and graphs. call volunteer students to
the missing words/ phrases describe the characters that
to complete the thought of they want.
the sentence. The first group
to finish will signal to sing 1. What is the largest number
their yell and will receive 2 on the vertical
talking chips each as a scale?___________2.What
reward for the activity. This pulse rate was recorded at 2
task is for five minutes. minutes?_____________3. A
C. Presenting examples/ Filipino because of rice pulse rate of 121 beats per
farmers said tariffication,
instances of the new lesson there are too and retailers
minute was recorded at how
many cheap no longer want many
rice imports in to buy from minutes?_____________4.Ho
the market local
producers. w many items are being
We lack bed because of the compared in the graph?
surge of cases
of dengue. _____________
Much of the so flooding is
country practically
experiences guaranteed.
heavy rains
and lots of
typhoons every
According to due to dengue
the DOH, 622 as of July 20
people have this year.
died What was the average height
in cm for Granny's Bloomers?
Over 1,000 as a result of _____________What was the
people are flooding and
dead or landslides in average height in cm for No
missing the past week, Fertilizer? _____________
according to
media reports.
These children so they can
work help their
Since there is a we need to
dengue have extra
outbreak, care on
As a result of many houses
the strong and trees lay in
typhoon, complete ruins.

7.How many sectors are in this

circle graph?
percentage of people in Shrub
Oak preferred chocolate ice
percentage of people in Shrub
Oak preferred butter pecan ice
cream? _____________10.If a
total of 50 people were
surveyed, then how many
people preferred vanilla ice
Task 3 Think It Through Discussion of group activity. Task 2: Discussion of the
Once the students have Let the students give their own Lesson The teacher will show
finished the task, they will definition of graphs and tables. an editorial cartoon to the
answer the following students and let them describe
questions: it. This will lead to the
1. How did you come up with discussion of an editorial
your answers? cartoon.
2. What do you think are the
keywords used for you to get
1-2.On two days, the same
the perfect match to
D. Discussing new concepts and number of students are late.
complete the thought of the
practicing new skills #1 Which days are
3. What is your own
_______3.How many students
definition of cause? effect?
are late on
____4.On which days are the
most students Discussion about cartoon and
late?____________________ editorial cartooning through a
__5.Howmany more students powerpoint presentation from
were late on Monday than using this link.
The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss things
cause and effect signal to consider in editorial
words. Then, she will give cartooning.
oral activities to know if The following questions will be
students understood the raised for more discussions of
lesson. After this, the 6. How many cyclists were the lessons.1.Why do you love
students will be allowed to from the USA?___________7. watching cartoons? 2.How will
create sentences using State the slowest time you describe the different
E. Discussing new concepts and cause and effect signal record.___________8. Who cartoon characters? 3.What
practicing new skills #2 words. was in the lead for this part of are the differences between
the race?___________9. If the cartoon characters and the
you are going to arrange the real ones?
order of the cyclist using their
last name, who will be the third
in the line?
How many countries were
presented in the
Task 4 Cause and Effect Graphs and charts are used to Discussion of the topic. Task 1: Match the following
Match! make information easier to words with their common
The students will answer the visualize. Humans are great at symbols.Write the letter on the
cause and effect match seeing patterns, but they space before the number.
activity. They will use cause struggle with raw numbers. _______1.Philippine
and effect signal words. Graphs and charts can show Government
trends and cycles. generation
_______3. peace
_______7. Wealth
F. Developing mastery
_______8. hindrances
_______10. slavery
a. chain bags
d.rising building
e. rising sun
f. big clock
g. Wave
h. baby,fetus
i. flag
j. skull/ crossbones
G. Finding practical applications The learners are asked to Allow them to interview Make an editorial cartoon
of concepts and skills in daily conduct an interview about the students about the allocation based on the editorial below.
living ages of the grade eight of their allowance for the Apply the tips in cartooning
1. The graphic organizer has an students from different week, the use of social media, discussed by your teacher.
appropriate title and labels.
sections. Their output will be in and awareness of dengue Your output will be graded
the form of graph and table. fever. Then, instruct students using the rubrics below the
2. The graphic organizer‘s lines, boxes, to create tables and graphs editorial.
and text are neat and legible. about it.

3. The information in the graphic

organizer is accurate.
4. The spelling, grammar, and
punctuation of the text on the graphic
organize are accurate.

5. The graphic organizer presents the

information in a manner that is easy to

6. The relationships presented in the

graphic organizer are correct and clear.

7. The form in which the graphic

organizer portrays the information is
appropriate to the relationships being

8. The graphic organizer demonstrates

an understanding of the topic, its
relationships & related concepts.

9. The graphic organizer fulfills all the


H. Making generalizations and Generalize the day’s The students will generalize Generalize the day’s Generalize the day’s
abstractions about the lesson discussion. the day’s discussion. discussion. discussion.

Directions: Read each Quiz 1-5 Quiz Items 1-5 Quiz Items 1-5
sentence below. Underline
once the cause and twice the
1. The little girl was sleepy
I. Evaluating learning
so she sat on her mother’s
2. The boy was hungry so
he planted corn.
3. The baby laughed
because she liked the toy.
4. He broke a class rule so
he had to write sentences on
the board.
5. I didn't bring my
because my dog ate it.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
in the evaluation Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
B. No. of learners who require Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
additional activities for remediation Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
who scored below 80% Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
No. of learners who have caught up Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
with the lesson. Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
D. No. of learners who continue to Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
require remediation Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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