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Fault Code: Associated Procedures Troubleshooting Steps

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Associated Procedures

Troubleshooting Steps

STEP 1. Check the fault codes.
STEP 1A. Read the fault codes. Fault Code 275, 449, 1117, or 2311
active or high inactive counts?
STEP 1B. Inspect for external fuel Fuel leaks present?
STEP 1C. Verify the rail fuel Fuel rail pressure +/- 43 bar [+/- 624
pressure sensor accuracy. psi]?
STEP 2. Check engine operation.
STEP 2A. Attempt to start the Engine start?
STEP 2B. Check the fuel supply. Adequate amount of fuel in the tank?
STEP 3. Check the low-pressure fuel
system. (Engine not running)
STEP 3A. Check the fuel lift pump Fuel lift pump pressure within
pressure. specifications?
STEP 3B. Measure the fuel gear Fuel gear pump pressure greater than
pump pressure. specifications?
STEP 4. Check the low-pressure fuel
system. (Engine running)
STEP 4A. Check for external fuel Any external fuel leaks?
STEP 4B. Check for air in the high- Air present in the fuel supply?
pressure pump fuel supply.
STEP 4C. Measure inlet restriction OEM inlet restriction above
at the OEM connection point. specification?
STEP 4D. Measure inlet restriction Gear pump inlet restriction above
at the gear pump inlet. specification?
STEP 4E. Measure pressure at the Fuel filter pressure above specification?
inlet to pressure-side fuel filter.

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STEP 4F. Measure pressure at the Fuel filter pressure drop above 138 kPa
outlet of the pressure-side fuel filter. [20 psi]?
STEP 5. Check the high-pressure fuel
STEP 5A. Measure the fuel pump Fuel pump head flow greater than 100
head flow. cc [3.4 oz] in 30 seconds of cranking?
STEP 5B. Check for excessive fuel Fuel injector leakage excessive?
return from the fuel injector drain
STEP 5C. Check for excessive fuel Fuel pump leakage excessive?
return from the high-pressure
STEP 5D. Check for excessive Rail fuel pressure relief valve leaking
leakage from the rail fuel pressure more than 30 drops per minute?
relief valve.
STEP 6. Verify the repair is complete.
STEP 6A. Disable the fault code. Fault Code 2215 becomes active during
loaded engine operation?
STEP 6B. Clear the inactive fault All fault codes cleared?

Guided Step 1 - Check the fault codes.

Guided Step 1A - Read the fault codes.


 Turn keyswitch ON.

 Connect INSITE™ electronic service

Read the fault codes.

 Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to

read the fault codes.

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Fault Code 275, 449, 1117, or 2311 active or Fault Code 275, 449, 1117, or 2311 is active
high inactive counts? or high inactive counts?
No Repair No Repair
Appropriate troubleshooting tree Go to 1B

Guided Step 1B - Inspect for external fuel leaks.


 Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check for external fuel leaks.

 Look for fuel leaking from loose fuel

fittings and damaged fuel lines, or
damaged components.
Fuel leaks present? Fuel leaks present?
Repair the fuel leak.

 Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,

QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 No Repair
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418: Refer to Procedure
006-024 in Section 6.
Go to 6A Go to 1C

Guided Step 1C - Verify the rail fuel pressure sensor accuracy.


 Turn keyswtich ON
 INSITE™ electronic service tool
 Monitor INSITE™ electronic service

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 Do not operate the engine.


Make sure the correct sensor part number is

installed in the high pressure fuel rail.

Monitor the fuel rail pressure.

 Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to

measure fuel rail pressure.
Fuel rail pressure 0 +/- 43 bar [0 +/- 624 psi]? Fuel rail pressure 0 +/- 43 bar [0 +/- 624 psi]?
Replace the rail fuel pressure sensor.
No Repair
 Refer to Procedure 019-115 in Section
Go to 2A Go to 6A

Guided Step 2 - Check engine operation.

Guided Step 2A - Check to see if the engine will start.


 Turn keyswitch ON.


Attempt to start the engine.

Engine start? Engine start?
No Repair No Repair
Go to 4A Go to 2B

Guided Step 2B - Check the fuel supply.

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 Turn keyswitch OFF.


Check the fuel tank for fuel.

Adequate amount of fuel in the tank? Adequate amount of fuel in the tank?
No Repair Fill the tank with fuel.
Go to 3A Go to 6A

Guided Step 3 - Check the low-pressure fuel system.

(Engine not running)

Guided Step 3A - Check the fuel lift pump pressure.


 Turn keyswitch ON.


Measure the fuel lift pump output


Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,

QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418: Refer to Procedure
005-045 in Section 5.

Fuel lift pump pressure within the Fuel lift pump pressure within the specifications
specifications outlined in Procedure 005- outlined in Procedure 005-045, in Section 5 of the
045, in Section 5 of the ISC, ISCe, ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, Bulletin
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, 4021418?
Bulletin 4021418?
Determine the cause of the low lift pump pressure.

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Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL,

ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
No Repair
Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418: Refer to
Procedure 005-045 in Section 5.
Go to 3B Go to 6A

Guided Step 3B - Measure fuel gear pump pressure.


 Turn keyswitch ON.


Measure the gear pump pressure during


Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,

QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418: Refer to Procedure
005-025 in Section 5.

Fuel gear pump pressure greater than Fuel gear pump pressure greater than the
the specifications outlined in Procedure specifications outlined in Procedure 005-025, in
005-025, in Section 5 of the ISC, ISCe, Section 5 of the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3,
QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and Repair
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, Manual, Bulletin 4021418?
Bulletin 4021418?
Replace the fuel gear pump module.

Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL,

No Repair
ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418: Refer to
Procedure 005-025 in Section 5.
Go to 5A Go to 6A

Guided Step 4 - Check the low-pressure fuel system.

(Engine running)

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Guided Step 4A - Check for external fuel leak.


 Operate engine.

Check for external fuel leaks.

 Start the engine and allow it to idle.

 Inspect for external fuel leaks.
Any external fuel leaks? Aany external fuel leaks?
Repair all fuel leaks.

Reference Section 6 in the ISC, ISCe,

No Repair
QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, Bulletin
Go to 6A Go to 4B

Guided Step 4B - Check for air in the high-pressure pump fuel supply.


 Operate engine.

Check for air in the fuel.

Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,

QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418: Refer to Procedure
006-003 in Section 6.

Air present in the fuel supply? Air present in the fuel supply?

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 Locate and correct the cause of air
ingestion in the fuel supply system.
 Sources of air ingestion include
loose fuel filters, loose fuel line No Repair
fittings, loose or cracked fuel tank
stand pipes, or severe restrictions
in the fuel supply lines and filters.
Go to 6A Go to 4C

Guided Step 4C - Measure the inlet restriction at the OEM connection point.


 Engine running.

Measure the fuel inlet restriction.

 Use the procedure in the ISC,

ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4
and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418: SMALL | MEDIUM | LARGE

Refer to Procedure 006-020 in

Section 6.

If the engine will not start or the engine

starts and stalls, be sure fuel is primed
to the gear pump. This test is only valid
if the engine is running.
OEM inlet restriction above specification OEM inlet restriction above specification outlined
outlined in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and
ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting QSL9 Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
and Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418? Bulletin 4021418? Refer to Procedure 006-020 in
Refer to Procedure 006-020 in Section 6. Section 6.
A fuel restriction exists upstream of the
OEM connection point. Refer to the OEM No Repair
service manual.
Go to 6A Go to 4D

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Guided Step 4D - Measure the inlet restriction at the gear pump inlet.


 Turn keyswitch OFF.


Measure the fuel inlet restriction.

 Use the procedure in the ISC,

ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4
and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418.
Refer to Procedure 006-020 in
Section 6

If the engine will not start or the engine

starts and stalls, be sure fuel is primed
to the gear pump. This test is only valid
if the engine is running.
Gear pump inlet restriction above Gear pump inlet restriction above specification
specification outlined in the ISC, ISCe, outlined in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3,
QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and Repair
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, Manual, Bulletin 4021418? Refer to Procedure
Bulletin 4021418? Refer to Procedure 006-020 in Section 6.
006-020 in Section 6.
A restriction may exist between the OEM
connection and the gear pump inlet.

Inspect the ECM cooling plate check

valve as described in the ISC, ISCe,
No Repair
QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418.

Refer to Procedure 006-006 in Section 6.

Go to 6A Go to 4E

Guided Step 4E - Measure the pressure at the inlet to the pressure-side fuel

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 Turn keyswitch OFF.


Measure the pressure at the inlet to the

pressure-side fuel filter.

 Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,

QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418. Refer to Procedure
005-025 in Section 5.
Fuel filter pressure above specification Fuel filter pressure above specification
outlined in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, outlined in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL,
ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418? Refer to Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418? Refer to
Procedure 005-025 in Section 5. Procedure 005-025 in Section 5.
The gear pump pressure is low. The gear
pump is worn. Replace the gear pump. Use
Record the pressure at the inlet to the the procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL,
pressure-side fuel filter for use in the next ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
step. Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418.

Refer to Procedure 005-025 in Section 5.

Go to 4F Go to 6A

Guided Step 4F - Measure the pressure at the outlet of the pressure-side fuel


 Turn keyswitch ON.


Measure the pressure at the outlet of

the pressure-side fuel filter.

 Use the procedure in the ISC,

and QSL9 Troubleshooting and

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Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418:

Refer to Procedure 005-025 in
Section 5.
 Subtract the fuel filter outlet
pressure reading from the filter
inlet pressure reading recorded in
the previous step.
Fuel filter pressure drop above 138 kPa Fuel filter pressure drop above 138 kPa [20 psi]?
[20 psi]?
The fuel filter is plugged.

Replace the pressure-side fuel filter. Use

the procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3,
ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 No Repair
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418.

Refer to Procedure 006-015 in Section 6.

Go to 6A Go to 5A

Guided Step 5 - Check the high-pressure fuel system

Guided Step 5A - Measure the fuel pump head flow.


 Disconnect the high-pressure fuel

line from the rail.
 Clamp a hose to the end of the
fuel line.
 Route a hose from the test fitting
into a clean, graduated cylinder.

Crank the engine fo 30 seconds. SMALL | MEDIUM | LARGE

 Measure the fuel pump head flow.

Fuel pump head flow greater than 100 cc Fuel pump head flow greater than 100 cc [3.4 oz]

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[3.4 oz] in 30 seconds of cranking? in 30 seconds of cranking?

Replace the fuel pump head.

If ceramic debris is present from plunger damage,

replace the entire pump.
No Repair
Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL,
ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418. Refer to
Procedure 005-227 in Section 5.
Go to 5B Go to 6A

Guided Step 5B - Check for excessive fuel return from the fuel injector drain


 Turn keyswitch OFF.

 Use the procedure in the ISC,
ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4
and QSL9 Troubleshooting and
Repair Manual, Bulletin 4021418:
Refer to Procedure 006-026 in
Section 6.

Start the engine.

 Use INSITE™ electronic service

tool high-pressure test to raise the
fuel rail pressure.
 Measure the fuel leakage from the
fuel injector return line.

If the engine will not start, perform this

test while cranking the engine. Use the
procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3,
ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418. Refer to Procedure
006-026 in Section 6.
Fuel injector leakage excessive? Fuel injector leakage excessive?

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Isolate the injector high-pressure
connector(s) that are the cause of the
excessive leakage.

Tighten the loose high-pressure fuel

No Repair
Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,
QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418. Refer to Procedure
006-026 in Section 6.
Go to 6A Go to 5C

Guided Step 5C - Check for excessive fuel return from the high-pressure


 Turn keyswitch OFF.

 Install test fittings to measure the
fuel drain from the fuel pump
head. Use the procedure in the
ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3,
ISLe4 and QSL9 Troubleshooting
and Repair Manual, Bulletin
4021418: Refer to Procedure 005-
227 in Section 5.
 Route a hose from the test fitting
into a clean graduated cylinder.
 Operate engine. SMALL | MEDIUM | LARGE
 Connect INSITE™ electronic
service tool.

Start the engine.

 Use INSITE™ electronic service

tool high-pressure control relief
pressure test to raise the fuel rail
 Measure the fuel leakage from the
fuel pump head.

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If the engine will not start, perform this

test while cranking the engine. Use the
procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3,
ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418. Refer to Procedure
005-227 in Section 5.

Fuel pump leakage excessive? Fuel pump leakage excessive?

Replace the fuel pump head.

Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,

QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 No Repair
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418. Refer to Procedure
005-227 in Section 5.
Go to 6A Go to 5D

Guided Step 5D - Check for excessive fuel return from the rail fuel pressure
relief valve.


 Turn keyswitch OFF.

 Install test fittings to measure the
fuel drain from the rail fuel
pressure relief valve. Use the
procedure in the ISC, ISCe,
QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and
QSL9 Troubleshooting and Repair
Manual, Bulletin 4021418: Refer
to Procedure 006-061 in Section SMALL | MEDIUM | LARGE


Start the engine.

 Use INSITE™ electronic service

tool high-pressure control relief
pressure test to raise the fuel rail
 Measure the fuel leakage from the

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fuel rail pressure relief valve.

If the engine will not start, perform this

test while cranking the engine. Use the
procedure in the ISC, ISCe, QSC8.3,
ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418. Refer to Procedure
006-061 in Section 6.
Fail fuel pressure relief valve leaking Fail fuel pressure relief valve leaking more than 30
more than 30 drops per minute? drops per minute?
Replace the rail fuel pressure relief valve.

Use the procedure in the ISC, ISCe,

QSC8.3, ISL, ISLe3, ISLe4 and QSL9 No Repair
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual,
Bulletin 4021418. Refer to Procedure
006-061 in Section 6.
Go to 6A Go to 6A

Guided Step 6 - Verify the repair is complete.

Guided Step 6A - Disable the fault code.


 Operate engine.
 Connect INSITE™ electronic service

Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to clear

the fault code.

 Road test the engine.

 Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to
read the fault codes.
Fault Code 2215 become active during Fault Code 2215 become active during

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loaded engine operation? loaded engine operation?

Return to the troubleshooting steps or contact
a Cummins® Authorized Repair Location if all
No Repair
steps have been completed and checked
Go to 1A Go to 6B

Guided Step 6B - Clear the inactive fault codes.


Connect all components.

 Turn keyswitch ON.
 Connect INSITE™ electronic service

Clear the inactive fault codes.

 Use INSITE™ electronic service tool to

clear the inactive fault codes.
All fault codes cleared? All fault codes cleared?
No Repair Troubleshoot any remaining fault codes.
Repair complete Appropriate troubleshooting trees

Last Modified: 08-Feb-2011

Copyright © 2000-2009 Cummins Inc. All rights reserved.

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