UCM Question Bank 2 Marks
UCM Question Bank 2 Marks
UCM Question Bank 2 Marks
4. What are the various types of energy sources used in non-traditional machining
techniques?Give examples foreach.
Pneumatic pressure- AJM
Hydraulic pressure- WJM, USM, AWJM
Corrosion- CHM, CHB, PCM
High current density in electrolytes- ECM
High voltage- EDM (for sparking); IBM, EBM (ionizing); LBM
(creating avalanche in lazing medium); PAM (for ionizing the plasma gases)
6. Identifythemechanismofmaterialremoval,transfermediaandenergysourceforEDM.
Mechanism of material removal- Fusion of materials byarcs
Transfermedia - Electronstream
Energysource - Highvoltage
7. Identify the mechanism of material removal, transfer media and energy source forECM.
Mechanism of material removal- Iondisplacement
Transfermedia -Electrolyte
Energysource - Highcurrent
8. Identifythemechanismofmaterialremoval, transfermediaandenergysourceforEBM.
Mechanism of material removal-Vaporization
Transfermedia - Electronstream
Energysource - Highvoltage
9. Identifythemechanismofmaterialremoval,transfermediaandenergysourceforLBM.
Mechanism of material removal-Vaporization
Transfermedia - Amplified coherent lightradiation
Energysource - Highvoltage
10. Identify the mechanism of material removal, transfer media and energy sourcefor
PAM. Mechanism of material removal-Vaporization
Energysource - Highvoltage
11. Identify the mechanism of material removal, transfer media and energy sourcefor
USM. Mechanism of material removal-Erosion
Energysource - Hydraulicpressure
12. Identify the mechanism of material removal, transfer media and energy sourcefor
AJM. Mechanism of material removal-Erosion
Transfermedia - High velocityparticles
Energysource - Pneumaticpressure
13. Identify the mechanism of material removal, transfer media and energy sourcefor
WJM. Mechanism of material removal- Erosion
Energysource - Hydraulicpressure
6. Name the abrasive materials that are used for the AJM.
The common abrasives used for the AJM processare:
Sodium Bicarbonate
Abrasive Application
9. What is the effect of the grain size on the material removal rate (MRR) in theAJM?
Finer grain sizes are less irregular in shape, and hence, posses lesser cutting ability.
Moreover, finer grains tend to stick together and choke the nozzle. The most favourable grain
sizes range from 10 to 50m. Larger particle sizes remove the material faster.
10. What is the effect of jet velocity on the MRR inAJM?
The kinetic energy of the abrasive jet is utilised for metal removal by erosion. The jet velocity
is a function of the nozzle pressure, nozzle design, abrasive grain size and the mean
number of abrasives per unit volume of the carrier gas. In general with increase in the jet
velocity, the MRRincreases.
11. Define mixing ratio. What is the effect of mixing ratio on theMRR?
Mixing ratio is the ratio of the volume flow rate of the abrasive per unit time to the volume
flow rate of the carrier gas per unit time. A large value of mixing ratio should result in
higher rates of MRR but a large abrasive flow rate has been found to adversely influence
jet velocity and may sometimes even clog the nozzle.
12. What is the effect of the abrasive powder flow rate on the MRR inAJM?
Increasing the flow rate increases the removal rate because more abrasive particles are
available for cutting. However as the powder flow rate is increased, the mass fraction of
abrasive in the jet is also increasing. As the mass fraction increases, the abrasive
velocity decreases, thus reducing the removal rate.
13. What are common materials used for the nozzle inAJM?
Sapphire and tungsten carbide are the common materials for the nozzle.
14. Why are masks used in AJM? Which material is used for fabrication ofmasks?
Masks are used to control over spray or to produce large holes and intricate detail
without having to move the nozzle and trace the shape. Masks can be fabricated from
rubber or metal, each having its advantage and disadvantage. While the rubber masks
are easy to fabricate, they give poor edge definition. The metal masks give much better
definition but erode faster
15. Mention the process capabilities (process characteristics) ofAJM
Intricate details can beproduced
Minimization oftaper
Thin-sectioned, brittle material, inaccessibleareas
Almost no surfacedamage
Low material removalrate
Stray cutting can occur and hence accuracy is notgood
Excessive taper on deep cuts may also be a disadvantage, although the amount of
taper can be reduced by tilting thenozzle
Short nozzle standoff when used forcutting
Possibility of abrasive particles becoming embedded in theworkpiece
Nozzle wear rate ishigh
Process tends to pollute theenvironment
18. What s the principle ofWJM?
If a jet of water is directed at a target in such a way that, on striking the surface, the high
velocity flow is virtually stopped, then most of the kinetic energy of the water is converted
into pressure energy. Erosion occurs when this pressure exceeds the strength of the
bond binding together the materials making up the target.
24. What are the process parameters that control the results achieved with WJM?
Pressure,nozzlediameter,traverserateandtheSOD,alldefinetheprocess.Ofthese, SOD is
the leastcritical.
27. What is the purpose of the accumulator inWJM?
Accumulator – also called as shock attenuator, is plumbed in parallel with the high-
pressure output of the intensifier – added to smooth the pressure spikes (pressure
variations from water compression can be reduced to ± 2.5%) that occur at the reversal of
the reciprocating stroke of the intensifier.
1. Describe the principle and working of a USM with a neat sketch. List the
advantages, limitations and applications of USM
2. Sketch and describe any two types of tool feed systems used inUSM
3. Explain the factors, which influence the metal removal rate in USM. Compare
USM with traditional abrasivemachining.
4. Explain the principle and equipment used for AJM with the help of neatsketch
.Mention the advantages, limitations and applications of AJM
5. Describe the effects of the following parameters on working accuracy and rate
of metal removal in AJM: Grain size; Jet velocity;Standoff
6. What is the principle of WJM? Describe the working of a WJM system with a
neat sketch.
7. Explain the process control features of WJM. Mention the applications,
advantages and limitations ofWJM.
Unit –4
Two Marks
2. What are the processing steps in
CHM? I. Preparing:precleaning
II. Masking : application of chemically resistant material (if selective etching isdesired)
III. Etch: dip or spray exposure to theetchant
IV. Remove Mask: strip remaining mask and clean
V. Finish: inspection and post processing
3. What is etchfactor?
Ratio of undercut to depth of cut
• Photoresist masks – materials that produce etchant resistant images by means of
10. What are the applications for CHM and photochemical machining(PCM)?
CHM is used extensively to etch preformed aerospace parts to obtain maximum strength to
weight ratios:
13. Please identify the principle of ECM. How does it differ fromelectroplating?
Principle of ECM - electrolysis. When a D.C potential is applied across two electrodes
separated by a small gap and an electrolyte is pumped through the small gap, the
constituents of the anode work piece material goes into the solution and not plate on the
cathode tool. Electroplating is the reverse of ECM where the cathode is plated by the
depleted metal from the anode.
14. What is Faraday’s firstlaw?
The amount of chemical changes produced by an electric current (or the amount of
substance deposited or dissolved) is proportional to the quantity of electricity passed.
16. Explain the parameters controlling the MRR in ECM. (Ref. P.N.Rao andBenedict)
MRR in ECM is primarily controlled by current density. When all other variables are held
constant, the tool penetration rate is directly proportional to the current density. Current
density is not only controlled by the amount of current but also by the size of the gap
between the tool and the workpiece.
Feed rate: a high feed rate results in a higher MRR. It also decreases the equilibrium
machining gap resulting in improvement of the surface finish and tolerancecontrol
The velocity and the electrolyte flow through the gap is also an important parameter
affecting the surface finish and removalrate
Surface finish – under certain conditions, ECM can produce surface finishes of the order of 0.4m
Accuracy – under ideal conditions and with properly designed tooling, ECM is capable of holding
tolerance of the order of 0.02mm and less.
19. What are the various tool materials that can be used effectively withECM?
Generally aluminium, copper, brass, titanium, cupro-nickel and stainless steel are used as
tool materials.
20. What factors should be considered in selecting the tool materials inECM?
High thermal and electricalconductivity
Good stiffness- Rigidity of the tool construction and material is important because the high pressure
can cause deflection of the tool
Easy machinability- particularly important if complex shaped tools arerequired
High corrosion resistance- to protect itself from the highly corrosive electrolytesolution
22. Enumerate some typical examples where ECM process can be effectivelyadopted.
Deep hole drilling havingL/D>20
Contouring operations in the die blocks
Through cutting and through cavities
24. What are the advantages of the ECMprocess?
Long toollife
Machines complicated shapes in singlepass
Machines any material hardness – independent of physical and mechanicalproperties
Good surfacefinish
Single largest use for ECG is in the manufacturing and remanufacturing of turbine
blades and vanes for aircraft turbineengines
Grinding of tungsten carbide toolinserts
Re-profiling worn locomotive traction motorgears
Burr-free sharpening of hypodermicneedles
Machining of fragile or very hard and tough material – honey comb, thin walled tubes and
High MRR’s when grinding hard, tough, stringy, work-hardenable or heat sensitive
28. Explain the difference between the ECG and conventionalgrinding?
In ECG, there is a grinding wheel similar to a conventional grinding wheel except that the
bonding material is electrically conductive.
Conventional grinding produces components with good surface finish and dimensional
tolerances but such components are also associated with burrs, comparatively large heat
affected zone (HAZ), and thermal residual stresses. These defects are not found in
electrochemically ground workpieces.
31. What is ECH? Identify itsapplications.
ECH is a process in which the metal removal capabilities of ECM are combined with the
accuracy capabilities of honing. The process consists of a rotating and reciprocating tool
inside a cylindrical component.
Applications: the process is easily adaptable to cylindrical parts for trueing the inside
Generally employed for far away located as well as inaccessible places where other deburring processes
are noteffective.
ECD process has been successfully applied in many different industries ranging from consumer appliances
and automotive to biomedical and aerospaceproducts
The automotive industry, a heavy user of ECD, employs this process for deburring and radiusing the cross-
holes incrankshafts.
Not only is ECD applicable to the high-volume environment of the automotive industry, but it is also
applicable to the automatedfactory.
34. ECD is same as ECM except much simple to use. Justify thestatement.
ECD is same as ECM except much simple to use because, there is no feed mechanism
needed for the ECD tool (the tool is held stationary). Moreover in ECD, the electrolyte
pressure, electrolyte flow, and current are all relatively low.
35. What are the functions served by the electrolyte in the ECMprocess?
Medium for current toflow
Takes away heatgenerated
Removes reactionproducts
Unit –3
Two Marks
2. What causes the material to be removed from the workpiece surface? (Or) How does the
dielectric assist in removing the material from theworkpiece?
Due to the inertia of the surrounding fluid, the pressure within the spark becomes quite large
and may possibly assist in “blasting” the molten material from the surface leaving a fairly flat
and shallow crater.
4. What is the use of dielectric in EDMprocess?
spark conductor that must ionize under an appliedvoltage
deionize the spark gap after the discharge hasoccurred
effective cooling medium(coolant)
carry the swarf particles away from the working gap (flushingmedium)
It should have sufficient and stable dielectric strength to serve as an insulation between the
tool and work till the breakdown voltage isreached
It should deionise rapidly after the spark discharge has takenplace
It should have low viscosity and good wetting capacity to provide an effective cooling
mechanism and remove the swarf particles from the machininggap
It should be chemically neutral so as not to attack the electrode, workpiece, table or thetank.
It should not emit any toxic vapours or have any unpleasantodour.
It should have high flash point so as to avoid any firehazards.
It should maintain its properties over a wide range of temperature, contamination by debris and
products ofdecomposition.
It should be economical and easilyavailable.
10. Please identify the characteristics of an electrode material in order to serve as a good
It should be a good conductor of electricity andheat
It should be easily machinable to any shape at a reasonablecost
It should produce efficient material removal rates from theworkpieces
It should resist the deformation during the erosionprocess
It should exhibit low electrode (tool) wearrates
It should be easily available in a variety ofshapes
13. How does the melting temperature of work material affect the MRR in EDM?
Work materials having higher melting temperature have lowerMRR’s.
18. Name the best electrode material for finish operations on a small die made of WC by the
Best electrode material for finish machining a small die made of WC – steel. Steel is used
because it can match the parting planes of the moulds in which half the mould is used as the
electrode and the other half is used as the workpiece.
19. Explain why tool shape in the EDM process should be complementary to the final form?
Since the arc is always struck at a point between the workpiece that is closest from
the tool (electrode), the complementary tool surface will be reproduced in theworkpiece.
20. What are the factors upon which the material removal rate and surface roughness
Increase in current or spark voltage increases MRR and produces higher surface roughness
Increase in spark frequency results in improved surface finish but the MRR can be maintained
Low inter electrode gap (IEG) results in lower MRR, higher surface finish and better accuracy
21. What are the design factors to be considered while selecting the machinetool?
Number of parts to be produced.
Size of work piece.
Size ofelectrode.
Depth ofcavity.
24. What is meant by Wire cutEDM?
The principle and working of an WEDM is similar to the EDM but instead of using a solid
electrode, a wire (about 0.05-0.30mm diameter) is used as an electrode in EDM.
25. What are salient features ofWEDM?
WEDM uses a small diameter wire as tool electrode, which produces a very narrow kerf in
the work. Because of this reason, very sharp corners can be easily produced.
27. What are the different types of the electrical circuits that are used for electro spark
R.C. Circuits
Rotary impulsegenerator
Pulse controlledcircuits
1. With the help of a neat sketch, explain the working of a spark erosionmachine.
2. What are the desirable properties of a dielectric fluid? Gives some examples for
dielectric fluids. Explain the functions of dielectricfluid.
3. What are the important process parameters that control the material removal rate in
EDM? Explain any fourfactors
4. Explain the process of wire cut EDM and list any two of its advantages, limitations
5. Explain the process of Electrical discharge grinding and list any two of its
advantages, limitations andapplications.
6. Explain the process of Electrical discharge wire cutting processes and list any two of
its advantages, limitations andapplications.
7. Explain the different types of power generator circuits inEDM.
Unit – 5
1. What is the principle ofEBM?
A stream of high-speed electrons impinges on the work surface whereby the kinetic energy,
transferred to the work material, produces intense heating. Depending on the intensity of the
heat thus generated, the material can melt or vaporize.
5. Compare EBM andLBM.
LBM does not require vacuum for operation
Power density (output in watts which can be concentrated upon an area, usually expressed in units of
W/mm ) are greater for laser thanEBM
The LBM cannot be deflected electrically, so that the movement of the beam with
respect to the workpiece must be carried out mechanically. Therefore, the LBM cannot
be controlled as accurately and machining tolerances are less, being in the order of
6. What isLASER?
LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
1. Describe, with the help of neat sketch, the principle and working of an EBMmachine
2. Describe, with the help of a sketch, the constructional features of a electron gun
used for generating an electron beam inEBM
3. Explain the different types of gun used inEBM.
4. Make a comparison between LBM and EBM processes on the basis of their working,
control of beam, applications andlimitations
5. Describe, with the help of a neat sketch, the working of a solid state laser beam
machine or Explain the process of LBM with a neat sketch or explain any one
method of producinglaser.
6. Explain the principle of PAM. Compare PAM with gas cutting. Discuss about PAM
7. Explain the process capabilities of EBM andPAM
8. Explain the Magnetic abrasive finishing and abrasive flow finishingprocesses.