Rigger III Cerification Test Study Guide

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Rigger Ill Certification Test STUDY GUIDE Training & Career Development RIGGER III CERTIFICATION STUDY GUIDE Le a TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Rigger Ill Tests .............. 1 Rigger Ill Testing Pattern ... 3 Purpose of the Study Guide 4 Duration and Contents of Test 5 WRITTEN TEST SECTION (Pretest) 6 Introduction 6 Sample Questions ............:00ceeeee eee 7 PERFORMANCE TEST SECTION ... ......0eeceee0 18 Introduction 0.2... .006ccseeeeeeeeeeeeeee 18 Task and Skills ..........0....00.0002005 - 18 Study Guide INTRODUCTION @ Purpose of the Rigger Ill Tests © Rigger Ill Certification Written Test/Pretest Description: A written test consisting of approxi- mately fifty (50) questions that cover safety, equipment identification and inspection, hitch arrangement identification and ca- pacity, crane hand signals. Who should apply: An employee/candidate with no rigging certification or with certification which has expired in excess of one (1) month. Purpose: To determine if the employee /candidate has the necessary theoretical rigging knowl- edge to the level of Rigger III. © Rigger Ill Certification Performance Test Description: The performance test provides indi- vidual assessment of each candidate's rig- ging abilities on different crane lifts. Candi- date is individually assessed on his skills. Purpose: To determine if an employee/candidate can demonstrate the knowledge and practi- cal skills to the level of a Rigger HI. Rigger Ill © Rigger II Recertification Test Description: The Rigger Ill recertification test will consist of a written and performance test. Who should apply: Anemployee/candidate should apply for recertification approximately one (1) month before the expiry date of his cer- tification. Purpose: To determine if the employee/candidate has retained the knowledge and practical skills to the level of Rigger III. Note: Line organizations are responsible for track- ing expiration dates and submitting candi- dates’ nominations with sufficient lead time to prevent a lapse in certification validity. Study Guide @ Rigger Ill Training/Certification Patterns CERTIFICATION SAUDI ARAMCO EMPLOYEE: LINE DIVISION NOMINATION CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE: SAUDI ARAMCO PROPONENT NOMINATION RIGGER Ili WRITTEN TEST (328030) PASS FAIL REMEDIAL TRAINING (328032) (80 HRS.) COURSE PREREQUISITE E38 M2B RIGGER Ill PERFORMANCE TEST (328031) PASS FAIL REMEDIAL TRAINING (328033) (80 HRS) COURSE PREREQUISITE E3B M2B FeO R EAL) RE-CERTIFICATION WRITTEN AND PERFORMANCE TEST 328099 ¢ Saudi Aramco, Saudi national employees only are eligible for remedial training. —— es 3 Rigger III INTRODUCTION ™@ Purpose of the Study Guide This study guide is designed to prepare you for the Rigger III written and performance tests. Spe- cifically, the study guide e Informs you of what topics and skills are covered on the tests. « Gives you practice on sample questions that are similar to (but not the same as) ques- tions you may be asked on the test. e Provides you with various sources of refer- ence. If you have any difficulty answering the sample questions, you should study the reference material to prepare for the tests. For any further information, contact the program supervisor of your area Job Skills Training Divi- sion. Northern Area: Supervisor, Metals Skills Training 673-1680 Central Area: Supervisor, Basic & Metals Skills 877-2707 Southern Area: Supervisor, Metals Skills Training 577-2514 Yanbu: Supervisor, Job Skills Training 397-4355 Study Guide ™ Duration and Contents of Test The Rigger III certification test consists of a writ- tenand a performance test. Successful completion of the written test qualifies the candidate for the performance test segment of the certification pro- cess. The Rigger III certification written test/ pretest is 2 hours duration and consists of approximately fifty (50) questions. The Rigger III certification performance test will be conducted over a period of three (3) working days with a group of four (4) candidates. During these three (3) days the candidate will be tested individually on rigging tasks. The Rigger Ill recertification test consists of botha written and performance test and will be con- ducted over a period of three (3) working days with a group of four (4) candidates. Rigger IIL WRITTEN TEST SECTION (Pre-test) Introduction In the certification written test (pre-test) you will be asked questions covering the following topics: Identify personal and work safety prac- tices Identify rigging equipment and its appli- cations Inspect rigging equipment Identify basic hitches Determine sling size Determine hitch capacity Identify crane hand signals Identify types of cranes and their major parts The following section includes some sample ques- tions for each of the topics on which you will be tested. If you have difficulty answering the ques- tions, refer to the listed references. Study Guide SAMPLE QUESTIONS ™@ Personal and Work Safety Practices 1. When moving with a hand-held object, how should it be carried? (Circle the correct an- swer.) Close to the body Kept away from your clothes Under your arm On your shoulder aon Pp If you found a fire exit blocked by a wooden pallet would you? (Circle the correct answer.) Leave it. Move it at quitting time. Move it immediately. Ao sp Wait for someone else to move it. Rigger I M Identify Rigging Equipment 3. What is the name of the following rigging equipment? (Circle the correct answer.) Chain hoist Come-along, Hand-operated winch Plate clamp ao FP Wire rope clip Shackle Eye bolt Beam clamp Bese J echanics ii Unit 4: Prepare for Lifting/ = Moving Operations loss Study Guide ™@ Uses of Rigging Equipment What are the uses of the rigging equipment listed below? (Circle the correct answer.) 5. Abeam clamp is used for lifting steel plates connecting slings temporary overhead support lifting I beams aor p 6. Eye bolts are used for turnbuckles to be attached hooks to be attached slings to be attached Bo Pp ropes to be attached References _ : : _ POL Metal Mechanics IT Unit 4: Prepare for Lifting/ : _ Moving Operations Rigger III ™ Damage to Rigging Equipment What damage would you check for on the follow- ing rigging equipment? (Circle the correct an- swer.) 7. Asynthetic fiber sling: Broken stitches Cut wires Kinks Broken links Bog 8. Ashackle: Broken safety latch Distorted handle Cracked U-bolt Damaged threads ao op 1s 35 Study Guide ™ Identify Basic Hitches What is the name of the following hitch arrange- ment? (Circle the correct answer.) Double-wrap basket hitch Two-leg bridle hitch Single-choker hitch Double-wrap choker hitch ao 7 p Le References 7 POE Metal Mechanic Unita: Preparing for Lifting/_ Moving Operations — Rigger II eee Eee ee eR eeeeeeeeHe ECE ™@ Identify Hitch Required What is the best hitch arrangement for the load? (Circle the correct answer.) 10. Double-choker hitch Double-wrap choker hitch 2-leg bridle hitch Double-basket hitch a. b. c d. References 16 TONS POL Metal Mechanic II — Unita: P: eparing for Lifting/ Moving Operati iS | 138% Study Guide ™ Sling Size Requirements 11. Using the table for the 6 x 19 FC classification wire rope slings, what is the correct sling size for the load using a double choker hitch? i 4000 Ibs J | References : ‘ ‘ POL Metal Mechanic III Unit4: Preparing for Lifting/ : _ Moving Opera ions Rigger II @ Hitch Capacity Using sling tables, what is the capacity of the hitch shown? References : : POL — Metal Mechanic III Unit 4: Preparing for Lifting / _ Moving Operations 14 lyse Study Guide ™ Crane Hand Signals 12. What is the meaning of the hand signals shown? (Circle the correct answer.) 13. “POL Metal Mechanic Lil _. Unit 5: Using Cranes and Hoists a. Lower the load b. Lower the boom cc) c. Lower the load slowly d. Lower the whip line a. Stop b. Dog everything c. Emergency stop d. Swing the boom "ga ca : ; | References | 15 Rigger IIT ™@ Types of Cranes and their Parts 14. What type of crane is shown in the graphic? (Circle the correct answer.) Crawler crane b. Mobile lattice [Pel boom crane Si gt Tower crane d. Mobile hydraulic boom crane 2 i 15. Name the crane part indicated by the arrow? (Circle the correct answer.) a. Whip line b. Main hoist > c. Boom d. Counterweight ‘References PO) Metal Mechanic Ml Unit 5: Using Cranes and Hoists Study Guide 16. Name the crane part indicated by the arrow. (Circle the correct answer). a. Counter weight b. Main hoist c. Boom d. Outrigger References Rigger III PERFORMANCE TEST SECTION Introduction For the performance section of the Rigger III certi- fication, you will be required to perform two (2) of the rigging tasks listed below. Using the correct procedures and equipment, you will rig, lift, and move any of the following loads: ¢ valves * motors * pipe spools * pump/motor skid assembly * gear box * vessels Task Skills For the performance section of the Rigger Ill certi- fication, you will be required to perform the fol- lowing skills when given a load to lift: * Select the correct hitch arrangement. * Inspect and select the correct rigging equipment. * Attach the rigging equipment to crane and load correctly. * Lift and move the load using Saudi Aramco stan- dard crane hand signals. * Take all necessary safety precautions needed throughout the task. * When the load has been moved, remove, reinspect, and return all rigging equipment. 18

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