Acerca Del Chabadguru

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What Is Shabd Guru?

Shabd means sound, Guru means teacher or knowledge that transforms you. The simplest meaning
of Shabd Guru is a special sound that is a teacher. The Shabd Guru employs the Naad, totally
balanced universal sound, to remove the constrictions and distortions of the ego.

The root structure of the words gives a deeper definition; the Shabd Guru transforms the
practitioner by removing the barriers erected by the needs of the ego. Shabd comes from Sha- and
–bd. Sha means the expression of the ego, the attachments we identify with. Bd means to cut
out/off or to eradicate.

The root meaning of Sha-bd is that which cuts the ego. It is not just any sound. It is not just a
sound of wisdom or a song of truth. It is a sound that cuts away the ego, which obstructs the truth
from you.

The second word in the phrase Shabd Guru is Guru. Gu means darkness or ignorance. Ru is light
and knowledge. Gur is a formula or instruction. A Guru, then, is that which gives a formula or
technique that transforms darkness into light, ignorance into knowledge.

A Guru is an active knowledge. It is not the intellectual knowledge that simply classifies or
analyzes. Guru changes you. Guru develops the capacity to see. It gives you procedural knowledge
that is in your cells and your subconscious, not just representational knowledge in your ideas.

"If you just remember that you are the student of Sat Nam, that your first word is Sat Nam, and
your last word is Sat Nam, that you belong to Sat Nam, then you won’t need anything else to
measure yourself by." ~ Yogi Bhajan

The ego is useful and even necessary for functioning. But when your actions are attached to the
ego as if it is your real nature and as if it defines your reality and scope, then you create pain,
unhappiness, and problems.

Your spiritual reality is that you are part of a vast creation. We do not need to create an Infinite
self. It already exists. We are all, in essence, a reality that vibrates and creates. That existence is
called Sat Nam. Sat is reality, truth or existence. Nam is the identity or creative name.

Affirmations and positive statements are helpful and good to use. Mantras are effective and
gradually create changes. But the Shabd Guru is unique. The patterns are a perfect weave of
rhythm, sound, tone, focus, and meaning. There is nothing as effective and universal as those
patterns to program the consciousness to be in alignment with the soul.

That may seem simple. But simple does not necessarily mean easy or without challenge. The
greatest challenge is the practitioner’s own subconscious. The Shabd provokes a release of stored
subconscious patterns of thinking and feeling. If, under the torrential flood of subconscious
feelings and thoughts, you persist in repeating the the Shabd Guru, then the new pattern establishes
itself. Your mind clears, and you awaken dormant inner capacities or enhance existing ones.

Origin of the Shabd Guru

The shabds, mantras, and music are recorded in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Some of the ten Sikh
Gurus – as well as that of the other enlightened men of many faiths – sang shabds that, through the
power of their actual sound current, merge the one who recites them into the Infinite, beyond the
limits of time and space. The Shabd Guru is one codification of the Naad. (Naad" in Punjabi
means "the cosmic sound" or "vibrations of the cosmos").

Each of these shabds has embedded in its sounds, rhythms, and words the Infinite identity they
share. They awaken the soul, clear the mind, and do not depend on any finite identity, ego, or

The Quantum Technology of the Shabad Guru

The impact of the Shabad Guru comes from its use of the technology of sound and rhythm. It is a
"quantum technology. Quantum because it manipulates the smallest particles of sound and energy
into effective combinations and patterns. It uses the quantum patterns like seeds that act as
blueprints for constructing larger patterns.

The techniques of the Shabad Guru are codified in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Every person can
use them to elevate themselves, to heal, to develop stamina, to increase intuition.

Because the reflex points are stimulated by the movements of the tongue, you get the maximum
benefit from the pattern of a Shabad by consciously repeating the sounds out loud. That is called
Jappa - conscious, conscientious recitation. Rotating the tongue over the 84 reflex points in the
pattern of the Shabad produces the maximum impact on the gross level of the neuro-endocrine

As the Shabad gets established in the nervous system and your subconscious, every cell of your
body will vibrate. That is called the state of Ajappa Jap - of repeating without repeating. In that
ideal state the resource released by the Shabad Guru is always available to you regardless of the
momentary focus of your attention on daily tasks. It is the result of great devotion, much practice
and mastery, or grace. You recite the Shabad in the beginning of the practice in order to clear the
mind, and attain an awareness.

When you reach a stage of mastery, you still recite the Shabad out loud because you have become
the Shabad and the Shabad has become you. There is a merger between the personal experience of
you and the impersonal experience of Infinity beyond you and within you. The core technique to
precisely vocalise the Shabad of the Shabad Guru is useful and true for the beginner and for the
most exalted master. The repetition of the Sutras of the Shabad Guru is a tool as timeless and
unconditional as the Shabad Guru itself.

The ancient seers and the Gurus have left us maps and tools to guide us into the territory we want
to explore. They also give us the clear warning not to confuse the maps for the actual territory.
They implore us to realise that no amount of study replaces the knowledge which comes through

The human body is analogous to a musical instrument. It is constructed with 72 strings. Each string
or "sur" acts like a meridian - it is a flow of the energy of life called prana. The inflow of cosmic
energy into the body cascades through the crown of the head, the "tenth gate," like a waterfall and
collects in seven pools or special vortices. Those pools are called chakras or energy centres.

The 72 strings are controlled by three central strings or channels. These are called the ida (left) and
pingala (right) the channels to either side of the spine, and the shushmana - the central channel up
the middle of the spine. The upper centres vibrate with the release of each independent thought.
The thoughts of the mind are released at a rate as high as a thousand per blink of an eye. These
vibrations or patterns of thought "pluck" those strings.

The strings vibrate into 72,000 channels. Their vibration creates the shape and function of the
physical body, the emotional body and the mental body. Just as you stroke a string on an
instrument and it forms a shape in the air.

If you can vibrate a pattern in the central channel it will induce a synchronous pattern throughout
all the rest of the strings. To vibrate a Shabad in the central channel you must become still, bring
your full attention to the sound pattern and let go of your attachments by devotion or surrender. To
vibrate perfectly it requires a combination of Shakti and Bhakti.

Shakti is the power of precision and discipline in the repetition. It is the pure energy which
enforces all implementation without human tiredness. Bhakti is the feeling of surrender and
devotion; it is the devoted dedication which provides the energy to complete everything. It is form
and flow, sun and moon, rhythm and tone in perfect blend. That opens the intuitive knowledge of
the central channel.

The thousand thoughts released by the mind can distract you. They can pull you away from the
Shabad. But the rhythmic sound of the Shabad Guru engages and synchronizes the flow of
thoughts. This produces an active stillness, a shuniya, a zero-point in consciousness. In that
stillness you are like an instrument perfectly played in an orchestra. Your instrument merges into
the larger tune.

Another map for the mechanism and impact of the Shabad Guru traces the reflexes between tongue
and brain. The body is perfectly designed to use the Naad or rhythm of the Shabad Guru. There is a
connection between the movement of the tongue in the mouth and the chemistry and neuro-
transmitters in the brain. One end of this connection is an array of 84 reflex points on the upper
palate of the roof of the mouth.

The palate has two parts: hard and soft. The hard palate is located directly behind the teeth; the soft
palate is located on the roof of the mouth. 64 points (32 pairs) are located along a "U" on the hard
palate near the base of each tooth. 20 more points are in a ‘U" on the roof of the mouth. The exact
location varies in each person to conform to the unique shapes of the mouth.

The movement of each part of the tongue stimulates these meridian points. The points are like the
keyboard of a computer. The computer is located in the hypothalamus area of the brain. It receives
the impulses from the repetition of the patterns of sound in the Shabad. This is translated into
instructions that regulate chemical messengers that go to all vital areas of the brain and body.

The hypothalamus lies just below the thalamus in the midline of the brain. It is connected by blood
vessels to the pituitary gland - the master gland of the body. The hypothalamus is known to
regulate vital functions like hunger, drinking, body temperature and sleep. It also triggers the
regulation of moods, emotional behavior and sexuality.

The special patterns of the Shabad Guru stimulate the hypothalamus to change the chemistry of the
brain. This adjusts the functions of the endocrine system and the metabolism to create a neutral
balanced mind, and to strengthen the immune function. Many sophisticated states can be stabilized
in the mind using the Shabad Guru. It can conquer depression, enhance intelligence and intuition,
and open the power of compassion.

Another approach to understand the impact of the Shabad Guru is to follow the functional changes
in brain metabolism and the neuro-endocrine system.

Sikh researchers wondered if we could see some trace of such an effect using brain imaging
technology. Many years ago, we set up a pilot study at the University of Arizona using a P.E.T.
scan - Positron Emission Tomography.

They used an isotope of glucose to see changes in metabolism in different areas of the brain. They
took a baseline scan after a period of activity - walking and normal internal dialogue. A second
scan was taken in the same subject after a period of walking while using a basic Shabad Pattern,
i.e., 2 repetitions of the Panj Shabad followed by one repetition of the Guru Mantra Shabad: Sa Ta
Na Ma, Sa Ta Na Ma, Wha Hay Gu Ru.

The researchers expected little change with such a subtle variation in activity. The results showed a
powerful shift in the function of the left hemisphere to the right frontal and parietal regions. The
metabolic shift suggests a strong mood enhancement, countering any depression. The metabolic
drop in some regions of the left hemisphere corresponds to a lessening of inner critical voices. The
areas of the right frontal cortex suggest alertness and hypervigilence, which creates a readiness to
respond to unusual stimuli and to creative thoughts.

Some other areas seemed affected, like the anterior cingulated gyrus, but it will take further
research to map the changes completely. This was a small initial study to sample what we could
notice using this instrumentation. What is important about this study is that it is the first study to
show a significant brain shift from the use of the Shabad Guru. The brain can be shifted in specific
patterns by the use of Jappa (meditative, conscious repetition) with the Shabad Guru. It opens the
way to begin the exploration of the tongue, sound, shabad, neuro-chemical, brain connection.

These technological approaches and brain connections open the way to teaching a broad audience
about the benefits and use of the Shabad Guru. For some, devotion is the natural approach. For
others it is the immediate difference it makes in their lives. The explanations need to be practical
and accessible, so the Shabad Guru can be known as a quantum technology anyone can use.

Understanding the technological process of the Shabad Guru in this way invites its use to alleviate
many modern-day maladies. The Sikh Dharma International have investigated for over 25 years
the application of this technology in many social programs to end addiction, and a range of
psychological problems from anxiety, to depression, to sexual disturbances. In every area the
practice created change, alleviated symptoms and changed lifestyles. Just as the Gurus created
social change and provided food and education to change people's lives, the Shabad Guru
approached as a quantum technological process can be used to alleviate many personal and social

Affirmations and positive statements are helpful and good to use. Mantras are effective and
gradually create changes. But the Shabad Guru as captured in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is unique.
The patterns are a perfect weave of rhythm, sound, tone, focus and meaning. They act as
informational DNA for the spirit. There is nothing as effective and universal as those patterns.

Reprinted from Shabad Guru: Basis, Use and Impact of the Quantum Technology of the Shabad
Guru, by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, Ph.D.

Compiled by Mukhia Singh Sahib Dr. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. August 1995.,2

Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. The Aquarian Teacher: KRI International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
Textbook Level One Instructor. Third Edition. Kundalini Research Institute, 2005.

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