Seminar Report On Automated Highway System: Mudit Srivastava 11610040 6 Semester, C-3

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Seminar Report


Submitted by
Mudit Srivastava
6th Semester, C-3

Under the guidance of

Mr. Ajay Prabhakar
Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology
Kurukshetra, Haryana.


Certified that the Seminar work entitled “Automated Highway

System” is a bona-fide work carried out in the sixth semester by
Mudit Srivastava in partial fulfilment for the award of
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering from National
Institute of Technology Kurukshetra during the academic year

Asst. Prof Ajay Prabhakar

(Seminar Coordinator)


I would like to express profound gratitude to Asst. Prof. Ajay

Prabhakar for his invaluable support, encouragement,
supervision and useful suggestions throughout the seminar work.
His moral support and continuous guidance enabled me to
complete my work successfully.
I am grateful for the cooperation and constant encouragement
from my honourable Head of Department, Dr. S.N. Sachdeva.
Last but not the least, I am thankful and indebted to all those
who helped me directly or indirectly in completion of this
seminar report.

Mudit Srivastava


 Introduction 7
 History 8
 Automated Highway System 10
 Major AHS Goals……………………………….. 10
 Methodology…………………………………….. 12
 The System Concept and Technologies 13
 The Concept Families…………………………… 13
 Current Technology……………………………... 14
 Control Design and AHS 14
 The Layer Theory………………………………... 15
 On-Board Vehicle Control System……………… 17
 Roadside Control System………………………... 17
 Potential Benefits 18
 Social And Institutional Challenges for AHS 19
 Unclear Social and Environmental Impacts…….. 19
 Congestion at Safety and Exit………………… 19
 Unclear impact on Land Use………………….. 20
 Safety………………………………………….. 20
 Equity…………………………………………. 20
 The Dilemma of Transition from Conventional
Highway to Automated Highway………………… 21
 Public Acceptance………………………………... 22
 Institutional Issues………………………………... 22
 Finance: Who will pay for AHS?........................ 22
 Organizational Issues…………………………... 23
 Liability Issues…………………………………. 24
 Vehicle Platooning 24
 Conclusion 27
 Bibliography 28


The Automated Highway System(AHS) concept defines a new

relationship between vehicles and the highway infrastructure. AHS
refers to a set of designated lanes on a limited access roadway where
specially equipped vehicles are operated under completely automatic
control. AHS uses vehicle and highway control technologies that shift
driving functions from the driver/operator to the vehicle.
Throttle , steering and braking are automatically controlled to provide
safer and more convenient travel. AHS also uses communication, sensor
and obstacle-detection technologies to recognize and react to external
infrastructure conditions. The vehicles and highway cooperate to
coordinate vehicle movement, and avoid obstacles and improve traffic
flow, improving safety and reducing congestion. In sum, the AHS
concept combines on-board vehicle intelligence with a range of
intelligent technologies installed onto existing highway infrastructure
and communication technologies that connect vehicles to highway

Traffic congestion is an ever increasing problem on the highways around
metropolitan areas. The effect of increased highway traffic include lost
productivity due to travel delays, increasing frequency and severity of accidents,
and risk to public health due to increase in pollution. The congestion can possibly
be relieved in a variety of ways such as building new highways, a mass transit
network, or a communication infrastructure so that need for travel is reduced. This
has prompted the development of a research program in Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS), whereby advances in control, communication, computing and sensor
technologies are used to assist driver decision in ways that will increase the safety
and the throughput of the existing highways. Automated Highway System (AHS)
are one of the potential solutions to this problem among various ITS alternatives.

The goal of an AHS design is to significantly increase Safety and highway capacity
without having to build new roads, by adding intelligence to both the vehicles and
the roadside. The human drives have no direct control over the vehicles in an AHS
as the automated highway system controls all the vehicles. Different concepts have
been proposed for designing AHS based on different sensing and communication
technology as well as distribution of intelligence between vehicle and roadside. At
one extreme lie proposals in which automated vehicles travelling on dedicated
lanes are individually controlled by a centralized controller similar to the way
trains are controlled. At the other extreme are proposals inspired by robotic and AI-
based approaches to the control of an autonomous vehicle navigating in an
unstructured and even hostile environment. In order to test and evaluate each
proposal and to compare them against each other, one can either build the actual
elements and test them on the vehicles and on the highway and on the vehicles, or
build a model of the elements and simulate the design. The first option is obviously
expensive, and due to limited sources like the length of the test highway and
number of equipped vehicles, very few AHS scenarios could be tested in this
manner. Also if the proposal involves changing the highway from its existing
condition (adding barriers, overpasses and underpasses), the cost of such
alternatives may prohibit the evaluation of such proposals. The second option is
less costly and can be used to model different strategies and configuration;
therefore, it has a much wider application domain. But one has to be careful in

developing models of vehicles and highways, and interpreting the simulation

The idea of automated driving dates back to almost 50 years ago when General
Motors (GM) presented a vision of “driverless” vehicle under automated
control at the 1939 World fairs in New York. In the 1950’s research by
industrial organizations conceptualized automated vehicles controlled by
mechanical systems and radio controls. After the first appearance of the
computers in the 1960’s, researchers began to consider the potential use of
computers to provide lateral and longitudinal control and traffic management.
The fully automated highway concept was initially examined by GM with
sponsorship from the US department of Transportation (DOT) in the late
1970’s. During these times, focus was laid on automated vehicles on a highway

as computers were not powerful enough to consider a complete fully automated
highway system.

Advances in the computing technologies, micro-electronics and sensors in the

1980’s provoked commercial interest in the technologies that might enhance driver
capability and perception and both private and public researchers examined
partially automated products and services. Among others, the University of
California Partners in Advanced Transport and Highways (PATH) has carried out
significant research and development in the field of highway automation since the
1980’s. As various transportation technologies emerged that could assist driving on
one hand and also traffic efficiency on the other, interest in fully automated driving
or integrated auto-highway technologies grew once again.

With the passage of the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transport Efficiency Act
(ISTEA), efforts were on early prototype development and testing of fully
automated vehicles and highways. This act prompted the US DOT to develop the
National Automated Highway System Research Programme (NAHSRP), whose
goal was to develop specifications for a fully automated highway system concept
that would support and stimulate the improvement of vehicle and highway

In 1994, the US Department of Transportation launched the National Highway
System Consortium (NAHSC). The consortium consisted of nine major categories
of organization including academia, federal, state, regional and local government
besides representatives from vehicle, highway, electronics and communications
industries. The consortium believed in expanding the program’s expertise and
resources, and maintained that the collaborative approach among the stakeholders
would be critical in building the common interest that would be required in the
early development and deployment of fully automated highway systems. Research
continues to this day though it is largely sketchy owing to the withdrawal of the
financial support for the National Automated Highway Systems Research
Programme (NAHSRP) by the US Department of Transportation in the year 1997.

Many studies conducted by the National Automated Highway Systems Consortium

(NAHSC) continue in partial way with a couple of federal programmes like the
Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) with more focus on a nearer-term horizon.


The Automated Highway System (AHS) concept defines a new relationship
between vehicles and the highway infrastructure. AHS refers to a set of designated
lanes on a limited access roadway where specially equipped vehicles are operated
under completely automatic control. AHS uses vehicle and highway control
technologies that shift driving functions from the driver/operator to the vehicle.
Throttle, steering, and braking are automatically controlled to provide safer and
more convenient travel. AHS also uses communication, sensor and obstacle-
detection technologies to recognize and react to external infrastructure conditions.
The vehicles and highway cooperate to coordinate vehicle movement, avoid
obstacles and improve traffic flow, improving safety and reducing congestion. In
sum, the AHS concept combines on-board vehicle intelligence with a range of
intelligent technologies installed onto existing highway infrastructure and
communication technologies that connect vehicles to highway infrastructure.

a) Major AHS Goals:

The AHS program is designed to influence how and when vehicle-highway

automation will be introduced. AHS deployments will be tailored to meet the needs

of public, commercial, transit, and individual travellers in rural and urban
communities. The major goals are to:

1. Improve safety by significantly reducing:

 Fatalities.

 Personal injury.

 Pain and suffering.

 Anxiety and stress of driving.

2. Save money and optimize investment by:

 Maximizing efficiency of the existing infrastructure investment.

 Integrating other ITS services and architecture to achieve smooth traffic

 Using available and near-term applied technology to avoid costs of
conventional highway build-out.
 Developing affordable equipment, vehicles, infrastructure, operations,
maintenance, and user fees.
 Closing the gap on predicted infrastructure needs.
 Using public/private partnerships for shared risk; using the National AHS
Consortium as a global focal point to influence foreign deployment efforts.
 Reducing fuel consumption and costs, maintenance, wear-and-tear, labor
costs, insurance costs, and property damage.

3. Improve accessibility and mobility by:

 Improving employee on-time performance, resulting in a more effective
work force.
 Facilitating "just-in-time" deliveries.

 Improving public transportation service, increasing customer access, and
expanding service levels, resulting in increased revenue, reduced costs, and
reduced accidents.
 Achieving a smooth traffic flow, reducing delays, travel times, travel time
variability, and driver stress.
 Making driving more accessible to less able drivers.

4. Improve environmental efficiencies by:

 Reducing emissions per vehicle-mile travelled.
 Providing a solid base for reliable, lower cost transit.
 Providing an efficient base for electric-powered vehicles and alternative fuel

5. Create jobs by:

 Providing a stronger national economy and increasing global


 Increasing jobs in research and development and in early ITS deployment.

 Facilitating technology transfer (e.g., from military to civilian use).

 Creating new U.S. automotive products and new technology-based industry

to compete in the international marketplace.

b) Methodology:

A driver electing to use such an automated highway might first pass through a
validation lane, similar to today's high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) or carpooling
lanes. The system would then determine if the car will function correctly in an
automated mode, establish its destination, and deduct any tolls from the driver's
credit account. Improperly operating vehicles would be diverted to manual lanes.
The driver would then steer into a merging area, and the car would be guided
through a gate onto an automated lane. An automatic control system would
coordinate the movement of newly entering and existing traffic. Once travelling in
automated mode, the driver could relax until the turnoff. The reverse process
would take the vehicle off the highway. At this point, the system would need to
check whether the driver could retake control, then take appropriate action if the
driver were asleep, sick, or even dead.

The alternative to this kind of dedicated lane system is a mixed traffic system, in
which automated and non-automated vehicles would share the roadway. This
approach requires more-extensive modifications to the highway infrastructure, but
would provide the biggest payoff in terms of capacity increase.

In fact, a spectrum of approaches can be envisioned for highway automation
systems in which the degree of each vehicle's autonomy varies. On one end of the
range would be fully independent or "free-agent" vehicles with their own
proximity sensors that would enable vehicles to stop safely even if the vehicle
ahead were to apply the brakes suddenly. In the middle would be vehicles that
could adapt to various levels of cooperation with other vehicles (platooning). At
the other end would be systems that rely to a lesser or greater degree on the
highway infrastructure for automated support. In general, however, most of the
technology would be installed in the car.


Concepts of Automated Highway System (AHS) can be classified into two groups,
partially automated systems and fully automated systems, depending on the extent
of the automation. Partially automated systems include notification and warning
systems, temporary emergency controls and continuous partial controls, which take
limited control of the vehicle in emergency situations. They automate certain
routine parts of driving but rely on manual control for most driving functions.
Fully automated driving would let drivers be totally disengaged from all driving

a) The Five Concept Families:

 Independent Vehicle Concept: This concept puts a smart vehicle in the

existing infrastructure. In-vehicle technology lets the vehicle operate
automatically with on-board sensors and computers. The vehicle can use
data from roadside systems but does not depend on infrastructure support.

 Cooperative Concept: This concept lets smart vehicles communicate with

each other, although not with the infrastructure. With on-board radar, vision,
and other sensors, these AHS-equipped vehicles will be able to communicate
with each other and coordinate their driving operations, thereby achieving
best throughput and safety.

 Infrastructure-Supported Concept: A smart infrastructure can greatly
improve the quality of AHS services and better integrate AHS with local
transportation networks. This concept envisions automated vehicles in
dedicated lanes using global information and two-way communication with
the smart infrastructure to support vehicle decision-making and operation.

 Infrastructure-Assisted Concept: In this concept, the automated roadside

system provides inter-vehicle coordination during entry, exit, merging, and
emergencies. This concept may provide the greatest throughput benefit; it
also may require the greatest civil infrastructure investment.

 Adaptable Concept: This concept acknowledges the fact that AHS

implementation will vary by locality. It envisions the development of a wide
range of compatible standards that leave as many of the specific architecture
decisions, solutions, and deployment progressions as possible to area

The National Automated Highway System Consortium (NAHSC) defined several

alternative AHS concepts, from cooperative to fully automated, depending on the
degree to which vehicles and infrastructure work together as listed above.

b) Current Technologies:
While current vehicles use new technologies mostly for safety or driver
convenience, e.g., air bags, antilock brakes, adaptive cruise control, power
steering, the vehicles on an AHS system would require much more new technology
that communicates with the roadway. In the simplest forms of AHS these would
focus on the detection of other vehicles and obstacles. Technologies that already do
this to some extent are beginning to be added to luxury vehicles or are sometimes
an option that can be selected by the consumer; e.g., collision warning systems.
Other technologies that would be precursors to the communications technologies in
an AHS system are also being introduced; these include navigation assistance
systems, traveler information systems, and vehicle locator systems. Their
acceptance in the market is taken as an indicator of eventual consumer acceptance
of the broader AHS concept.


The Control design of an Automated Highway system can be looked upon the basis
of a 5 layer theory which together comprise the two systems viz. the On-board
Vehicle System and the Roadside System. The control design is explained with the
aid of the figure 4.1:

a) The Five Layer Theory:

The physical layer comprises all the on-board vehicle controllers of the physical
components of a vehicle. These include the engine and transmission, brake and

steering control systems, as well as the different lateral and longitudinal vehicle
guidance and range sensors. The main function of the physical layer is to decouple
the longitudinal and lateral vehicle guidance control and to approximately linearize
the physical layer dynamics.

The regulation layer is responsible for the longitudinal and lateral guidance of the
vehicle, and the execution of the maneuvers ordered by the coordination layer. The
regulation layer must carry out two longitudinal control tasks. The first task is that
of a vehicle follower in a platoon and consists in maintaining a prescribed constant
spacing from the preceding vehicle. The second task is that of a platoon leader or
free agent and consists in safely and efficiently executing a maneuver commanded
by the coordination layer.

The coordination layer is responsible for selecting the activity that the vehicle
should attempt or continue to execute, in order to realize its currently assigned
activity plan. It communicates and coordinates its actions with its peers—the
coordination layers of neighbouring vehicles—and supervises and commands the
regulation layer to execute or abort maneuvers. It also communicates with the link
layer roadside control system, from which it periodically receives an updated
activity plan.

There is one link layer controller for each 0.5 to 5 km-long segment of the
highway, called a link. Its task is to control the traffic flow within the link so as to
attain its full capacity and minimize vehicle travel time and undesirable transient
phenomena, such as congestion. A link is itself subdivided in sections, one per
lane. A link receives and discharges traffic flow from and to neighbouring links, as
well as AHS entrances and exits. The controller measures aggregated vehicle
densities in each of the link’s sections. These densities are specific to vehicle type,
including origin and destination, and whether the vehicle is a platoon leader,
follower or is changing lanes. It broadcasts commands in the form of a specific
activity plan for each vehicle type and section, to the vehicle coordination layer

The link layer controller receives commands from the network layer in the form of
demands on the inlet traffic flows at the AHS entrances, and outlet flow constraints
at the AHS exits, as well as desired inlet-to-outlet traffic flow split ratios, in case a
vehicle can take more than one route to each the same destination, while travelling
in that highway link.

The task of the network layer is to control entering traffic and route traffic flow
within the network of highway links that constitute the AHS, in order to optimize
the capacity and average vehicle travel time of the AHS and minimize transient
congestion in any of its highway links.

b) On-board vehicle control system:

The overall on-board vehicle control system comprises the control systems for the
coordination, regulation, and physical layers. Its primary objective is to safely
control the vehicle while efficiently executing its activity plan. By ―safely‖ it is
meant that the vehicle should not collide under normal circumstances, in the
absence of major hardware malfunction. By ―efficiently‖ it is meant that the
vehicle should complete the maneuver in its activity plan in a manner that tends to
optimize the capacity and traffic flow of the AHS. This involves completing
maneuver, such as join, split or change lane in the minimum possible time, and
performing platoon follower and leader laws while maintaining as high a speed and
as small a distance from the preceding vehicle as practicable.

However, since the on-board vehicle control system does not have the overall AHS
capacity and traffic flow information, overall AHS optimality is not monitored or
guaranteed at this layer.

c) Roadside Control System:

The roadside control system’s primary objective is to optimize the capacity and
traffic flow of the overall AHS. The models used in the link layer involve
aggregated vehicle densities and traffic flows but not individual vehicles. Thus,
vehicle safety, as defined in Section3, cannot be monitored, much less enforced.

The roadside control system can control the network and link layers in ways that
tend to increase vehicle safety, such as maintaining sufficiently low aggregated
vehicle densities and decreasing the inlet traffic flow into links.

Researchers have attempted to estimate benefits that might accrue from the
implementation of automated highway systems. Table 2 summarizes potential
benefits. Many of the benefits shown in the table are fairly speculative; the systems
they would depend upon are not yet in existence and there is no clear evidence that
the system can produce the following benefits in reality.

It is anticipated that automated highway and related advanced vehicle control and
safety technologies would significantly reduce traffic congestion and enhance
safety in highway driving. This in turn would potentially cut travel time, and
therefore, driving would be more predictable and reliable. The Mobility 2000
report, sponsored by the Texas Transportation Institute, projected that collision
prevention systems could reduce accidents by 70 percent or 90 percent on fully
automated highways.

Research focused on collision prevention systems has estimated possible savings in

a relatively short period of time. For example, collision avoidance systems have

been estimated to have the potential to reduce annual loss of life on U.S. roads by
50 percent by 2020. In addition, preliminary National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration estimates show that rear-ends, lane-change, and roadway-departure
crash-avoidance systems have the potential to reduce crashes by one-sixth, or
about 1.2 million crashes a year.


The introduction of new technologies often creates social tensions. For instance,
although talking on the phone while walking. or driving is commonplace
nowadays, there are concerns about its safety, and debates continue over whether it
is rude to use a cell phone in public places such as restaurants or on a bus.
Similarly, mature technologies experienced social challenges when they were
introduced. The first automobiles were seen as rich people’s toys, and former
President Woodrow Wilson, then head of Princeton College, warned students about
showing off their vehicles before the townsfolk, who he presumed would never
have cars.

The programs to achieve the transportation improvement through new technologies

likewise face social and institutional challenges. For automated highway systems
the challenges include concerns about land use and environmental impacts, effects
on people’s mobility if they are unable to afford or use the new technologies,
effects on local government-owned transportation systems, and impacts on
financing systems. These impacts will be discussed here.

a) Unclear Social and Environmental Impacts:

One of the critical problems for the automated highway system development is that
the impact of AHS on society and environment is unclear yet. Studies necessarily
must be speculative since the system has not yet been implemented apart from the
San Diego demonstration project. The following topics are ones that have
generated considerable disagreement.

i. Congestion at Entry and Exit:

There is concern that if AHS are implemented the greater numbers of vehicles on
an automated highway could create bottlenecks at its entry and exit points as more
traffic reenters non-automated streets. This might offset most of the benefits of the
traffic flow improvement on the automated highways. The U.S. DOT
acknowledged that it was a serious concern to design an interchange that can
integrate with surrounding non-AHS roads to ease the problem.

ii. Unclear Impact on Land Use and Environment:

There are concerns that commuters might live farther from the work place, because
an automated highway system promises to increase the accessibility of more
distant locations through higher freeway speeds. Therefore, it possibly encourages
urban sprawl and greater dependence on the automobile. The concern about land
use pattern and urban development raises also the serious question on the AHS’s
positive role regarding air quality, noise, etc. If more vehicles were accommodated
at faster speeds on a fully automated highway, vehicle emissions might increase
and degrade air quality, as AHS might encourage more Vehicle Mile Traveled
(VMT). This conflicting result may provoke the fundamental question of whether
or not automated highway system is much more efficient, comparing to traditional
highway or other transportation modes such as light rail and high-speed rail.

iii. Safety:

Some argue that it is uncertain how Automated Highway Systems impact on

overall highway safety, because the failure of a vehicle’s braking or steering
system could severely disrupt the highway traffic flow and cause a chain reaction
accident. In addition, there are remaining questions: What level of safety is
attainable and sustainable within a realistic cost? How much safety equipment can
be required and still achieve public acceptance? How efficient can the system be if
safety requirements are set at extremely high levels? The trade-offs between the
technology level, cost, and the safety level have not been addressed yet.

iv. Equity:

Since tremendous amounts of public funds could be spent to deploy an automated
highway system, social equity issues must be addressed. A key question is whether
it would be fair and politically feasible to dedicate travel lanes to automated
vehicles, and spend public funds, if many low-income motorists cannot afford
automated vehicles.

Studies have not addressed specific issues of whether and how state and federal
government might provide incentives to commercialize automated vehicles, how
the system should be financed (e.g. toll system/ other sources), and how equity
concerns could be reduced. There also may be different equity issues involved with
different vehicle users.

b) The Dilemma of Transition From Conventional Highway to

Automated Highway:

There has been a debate between those who favor an evolutionary deployment of
automated high systems and those who promote full-scale conversion of regional
highways to the system.

Some researchers involved in the National Automated Highway System Research

Program believed that a regional conversion strategy would be a more effective
way to implement a fully automated system. The argument is that the evolutionary
approach would be neither easy nor efficient since many drivers will not invest in
such basic technologies as adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping technologies. It
was recommended that at least one lane of a regional highway should be converted
to an AHS-equipped corridor so that initial users can fully benefit from the system.
In addition, to demonstrate the benefits, government vehicles and transit vehicles
would be converted first to automated vehicles.

Others argued for gradual implementation, believing that there would be

inadequate justification to convert or build highway lanes with full automation
with public funds if only a few vehicles, mostly owned by the affluent, would be
able to use the system in its initial years. This side also argued that even the vehicle
owners who can pay for automation technologies may not be willing to equip their
cars with this technology, if only one or a few corridors have highway lanes

equipped for AHS use. Thus, the suggestion was that, as an evolutionary approach,
focus should be placed on market penetration of near-term advanced vehicle
control and safety technologies.

After the U.S. DOT’s decision was made to withdraw from the National
Automated Highway System Research Program, AHS research has mostly
followed the evolutionary model. Today, many efforts are being made to develop
and commercialize the basic AHS-related technologies such as adaptive cruise
control and collision-warning features.

c) Public Acceptance:
For AHS to obtain public acceptance, it must be designed and implemented with
many complex human factors and operational reliability considerations. The
decision on which vehicle controls are automated and how these systems interface
with the driver will affect seriously system safety and the level of public
acceptance. In addition, the extent to which motorists would accept reduced
manual control of their vehicles of be willing to travel in automated vehicles at
close following distances, on narrower lanes, and at higher speeds is not clear yet.
Full automation of the nation’s road cannot be attained in a day, until a careful
review as to human response and system safety, and market analysis on potential
users can be successfully addressed. User fears, inertia, and distrust on new
technology are typically too strong to be eliminated without gradual and systematic
implementation strategies.

d) Institutional Issues:
The vision of deployment of local and regional automated highways requires the
public sector to consider the issue of institutionalization of automated highway
systems. Successful institutionalization would reduce potential political and
economic conflicts and would specify the roles and responsibilities of each public
and private actor. Key institutional issues include finance, regulation, and

i. Finance: Who Will Pay for AHS?

U.S. DOT’s 1996 report identified several issues concerning the finance of
automated highways, but these issues have not been discussed actively since the

U.S. DOT withdrew its financial support for the long-term research on AHS. Yet, it
is worth summarizing the significant issues in the following:

 The main ways to cover automated highway system costs and the cost
 The priority to be given to investment in normal highways v/s. automated
 The rights and privileges that the operating entity can have.

A principal dilemma is that, given limited financial resources and a backlog of

needed investments in conventional traditional transportation projects, AHS
deployment is likely to be limited for the next decade or more, unless alternative
funding sources are found.

In many urban areas, maintenance alone absorbs the majority of available funds,
and transportation agencies are left with little funding to use on new projects of
any sort.
This suggests that either new funding source would need to be found or else the
benefits of AHS would have to be so convincing that transportation officials would
put AHS projects ahead of other desired transportation investments.

ii. Organizational Issues:

Many operational issues can arise in considering the role of state and local
government in building and operating highways. The AHS will include technically
complex components such as advanced electronic sensors, on-line computers and
software, and communication systems. Installation and maintenance of these
systems may present a significant challenge to the operators. Since AHS will
introduce an increased level of complexity for highway operations, the following
issues should be addressed:

 The ability of state and local transportation agencies to build, operate

and maintain the sophisticated networks of automated highway;
changes that might be needed in personnel hiring practices, pay scales,
 The capability of state and local jurisdictions to work together
effectively in planning and operating AHS.

 The regional institutional integration to support the efficient operation
of AHS.
 The training of technical staff to deal with the system.
 The structure of ownership of facility (public or private).
 Responsibility for standard-setting for new equipment and operations.

iii. Liability issues:

Presently, the primary burden of the cost of vehicle accidents rests with the drivers
and the owners of the vehicles, because most of highway collisions are due to
driver error. However, the increased automation resulting from the adoption of
certain automated highway technologies could shift liability to the developers and
operators of automated systems. Thus a major issue concerns the resolution of who
is to be responsible for accidents on automated highway systems: the non-driving
driver, the auto-highway authority, or the auto manufacturer.

The eight-vehicle platoon demonstration at the National Automated Highway
Systems Consortium Technical Feasibility Demonstration, held in San Diego from
August 7-10, 1997, shown in figure 7.1, successfully demonstrated the technical
feasibility of operating standard automobiles – Buick LeSabres– under precise
automatic control at close spacings, at highway speeds. Riders experienced real
travel in a fully automated AHS vehicle, and were shown that comfortable, high-
capacity, automated travel is technically feasible in the near future.

Since platooning enables vehicles to operate much closer together than is possible
under manual driving conditions, each lane can carry at least twice as much traffic
as it can today. This should make it possible to greatly reduce highway congestion.
Also, at close spacing aerodynamic drag is significantly reduced which can lead to
major reductions in fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. The high-
performance vehicle control system also increases the safety of highway travel,
reduces driving stress and tedium, and provides a very smooth ride.

At Demo ’97 , the eight vehicles of the PATH platoon travelled at a fixed
separation distance of 6.5 meters (21 feet) at all speeds up to full highway speed.
At this spacing, eight-vehicle platoons separated by a safe interplatoon gap of 60 m
(about 200 ft.) and travelling at 65 mph would represent a ―pipeline capacity of
about 5700 vehicles per hour. Reducing this by 25% to allow for the maneuvering
needed at entry and exit points corresponds to an effective throughput of about
4300 vehicles per lane per hour. Throughput under normal manual driving
conditions at this speed would be approximately 2000 vehicles per lane per hour.

Such short spacing between vehicles can produce a significant reduction in

aerodynamic drag for all of the vehicles (leader as well as followers). These drag
reductions are moderate at the 6.5-meter spacing of the Demo, but become more
dramatic at spacings of half that length. Wind-tunnel tests at the University of
Southern California have shown that the drag force can be cut in half when
vehicles operate at a separation of about half a vehicle length. Analyses at UC
Riverside have shown how that drag reduction translates into improvements of 20
to 25% in fuel economy and emissions reductions.

The tight coordination of vehicle maneuvering is achieved by combining range

information from forward-looking radar with information from a radio
communication system that provides vehicle speed and acceleration updates 50
times per second. This means that the vehicles can respond to changes in the
motions of the vehicles ahead of them much more quickly than human drivers. As
a result, the space between the vehicles is so close to constant that variations are

imperceptible to the driver and passengers, producing the illusion of a mechanical
coupling between the vehicles.
The vehicle-vehicle communication capability is used to coordinate maneuvering.
These maneuvers include lane changing, in which a vehicle safely coordinates its
lane change with adjacent vehicles, so that they do not try to occupy the same
place at the same time, and platoon join and split maneuvers — decreasing the
space between vehicles to form a platoon and increasing the space to separate from
a platoon.

Tight coordination among vehicles also facilitates responses to malfunctions,

enabling all vehicles in a platoon to learn about a malfunction within a fraction of a
second, so that they can respond accordingly. The vehicles are equipped with
malfunction management software, to automatically implement such corrective
actions as increasing the separation between vehicles while warning the drivers.
The control system has also been designed with careful attention to passenger ride
quality. Both the lateral (steering) and longitudinal (speed and spacing) control
systems have been designed, tested, and proven to have higher performance than
even highly skilled human drivers. The lateral control system keeps the vehicle to
within a few inches of the lane center under virtually all conditions, which is much
more accurate than human drivers’ steering. The longitudinal control system
maintains speed and spacing accuracy that exceeds that of all but virtuoso race-car

The accuracy and fast response of the longitudinal control system provides a
reassuring, smooth ride. Although some people are initially startled by the
―tailgating aspect of vehicle following at close separations, most of them quickly
adapt and develop a sense of comfort and security because of the constantly
maintained separation.


Automated Highway Systems brings major transportation benefits in terms of

safety, efficiency, affordability and usability, and environment in order to achieve
its development goals.

A key feature of the control design architecture is the separation of the various
control functions into distinct layers with well-defined interfaces. Each layer is
then designed with its own model that is suited to the functions for which it is
responsible. The models at the various layers are different not only in terms of their

formal structure (ranging from differential equations to state machines to static
graphs), but also in the entities that have a role in them.
The AHS is a complex large-scale control system, whose design required advances
in sensor, actuator, and communication technologies (not discussed here) and in
techniques of control system synthesis and analysis. It is a measure of the
advanced state of the art that these techniques have reached a stage that they could
be successfully used in the AHS project.

Though it has been said so, the reasons why many federal programs like the
National Automated Highway System Research Program (NAHSRP) failed was
that the program was trapped in technology-optimism. Several U.S. DOT reports
on AHS show that there are no technical and non-technical showstoppers.
However, legal, institutional, and societal challenges just as critical as technical
issues. Moreover, these institutional and societal issues cannot be settled in one
day, because they are much to do with people’s perception, behavior, consensus
and social changes based on those.

 Cheon, Sanghyun, ―An Overview of Automated Highway systems (AHS)
and the social and the institutional challenges that they face.” Link:

 Horowitz, Roberto and Varaiya, Pravin, ―Control Design of an Automated

Highway System” – Proceeds of the IEEE, Volume 88, No.7, pp-913 – 925,
July 2000.

 Congress, Nita. ―Smart Road, Smart Car: The Automated Highway

System‖. Public Roads Online. Autumn 1996. Pg.4, 5 & 7. Link:

 National Automated Highway System Research Program: A Review. TRB

Special Report 253.Transportation Research Board, National Research
Council. National Academy Press. Washington, D.C. 1998. pg.15, 32 & 37.

 National Automated Highway System Consortium, ―Technical Feasibility
Demonstration – Vehicle Platooning‖ 1997. Pg 1-4.

 Lay, Rodney K., Gene M. McHale, and William B. Stevens. The U.S. DOT
Status Report on the Automated Highway Systems Program. Working Note
95W0000093. Mtretek Systems, Center for Telecommunications and
Advanced Technology. McLean, Virginia. July 1996. Pg.8-2.


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