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Effective Multi-Tap Transformer

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Keysight Technologies

Effective Multi-tap Transformer

Measurement using a Scanner
and the 4263B LCR Meter

Application Note
With the progress of recent electronics equipment and digital networks, production amounts are
increasing of the transformers which contribute to equipment miniaturization, low power dissipation
and higher quality. Therefore, improvement of select estimate eficiency is required at the production
line or incoming inspection. Noticed recently, improvement of estimation eficiency is required for pulse
transformers which are used in LAN or ISDN digital networks, and for multi.-tap transformers with three
or more pole taps, such as switching power transformers. This application note shows an effective
multi-tap transformer measurement using a scanner and the 4263B LCR meter.

The 4263B Transformer Measurement Capability

The 4263B LCR meter is a low price instrument which mea- There are, however, the following limitations when using the
sures the fundamental parameters of LCR components with measurement connection.
speeds as fast as 25ms, at frequencies of 100, 120, 1k, 10k and
100kHz, In addition, with option 001, the 4263B measures turns – Only primary self-inductance and dc resistance of the
ratio (N), mutual inductance (M) and dc resistance (DCR) which transformer can be measured. For the secondary values, the
are required for transformer measurement. Figure 1 shows a transformer connections must be changed.
4263B simple block diagram for L, M, and DCR measurement.
– Turns ratio must be 0.9 or more (In the case of less than
For example, in the inductance-turns ratio (L-N) measurement, 0.9, the measurement is not performed due to saturation of
an ac voltage is applied at the Hcur terminal. Self-inductance internal circuitry).
value (L1) is calculated from the measured values of V1 and
I1. Turns ratio (N) is automatically obtained from the ratio The Keysight Technologies, Inc. 16060A transformer test fixture
of measured values V1 and V2 (discriminating the polarity can be used to overcome these limitations. By changing the
simultaneously). external switch of this fixture, connections to the transformer
are changed and thus both primary and secondary parameters
In the dc resistance (of L-DCR) measurement, the applied and turns ratio can easily be measured. Figure 2 shows the
voltage at the Hcur terminal is dc. Dc resistance value (DCR1) simple block diagram of the 16060A.
is calculated from the measured values V1 and I1.

Figure 1. The 4263B block diagram for L, M, and DCR measurement Figure 2. Keysight 16060A block diagram
03 | Keysight | Effective Multi-tap Transformer Measurement using a Scanner and the 4263B LCR Meter - Application Note

Multi-Tap Transformer Measurement Using a Scanner

Multi-tap transformers having two or more poles can be (B) System construction recommendations
measured with the 4263B and a scanner.
When constructing the system, the following points must be
considered to assure the measurements are as precise as can
(A) System coniguration be. (See figure 5)
Figure 3 shows the system configuration for measuring a
multi-tap transformer that has 4 taps. 1.Make measurement cables as short as possible. The
parasitic inductance and resistance of measurement cables
The 3488A switch/control unit with a 4 x 4 matrix switch make a large contribution to measurement error. For
module (Opt. 013) is used. Option 013 offers highly flexible recommendable length, conductive wire inductance value
switching, and any combination of 4 input channels may be must be 1/10 or less than the measured inductance value
connected to any combination of 4 output channels. Thus (similarly conductive wire resistance).
option 013 is suitable for testing the multi-tap transformer.
Figure 4 shows the hardware configuration of the 4 x 4 2. Configure into a shielded 2 terminal configuration, to
matrix switch module. prevent the influence of external noise or stray capacitance.

3. Connect the low terminals close to the transformer. In the

4263B transformer measurement, the primary and secondary
inductors’ low terminals of the transformer must be connected
together. Whenusing a scanner, these connections should
be close to the transformer under test. If connecting at a
far point from the transformer (for example, input point of
scanner module), low side wire resistance would contribute
to increase measurement error.

Figure 3. System configuration for multi-tap transformer

Figure 4. Option 013 4 x 4 matrix module Figure 5. System construction

04 | Keysight | Effective Multi-tap Transformer Measurement using a Scanner and the 4263B LCR Meter - Application Note

(C) Measurement procedure

All measurements of the multi-tap transformer,
self-inductance, dc resistance, and turns ratio, can
be measured with only one connection by using
the sample program shown at the end of this note
( for HP 9000 Series 300 Controller). Figure 6 show
the flow chart of the sample program.

Figure 6. Flow chart of sample program

05 | Keysight | Effective Multi-tap Transformer Measurement using a Scanner and the 4263B LCR Meter - Application Note

This program executes the open and short corrections

and displays each measured value of each tap of the
transformer. If turns ratio measurement cannot be
made due to the condition that turns ratio must be 0.9
or greater, the scanner will be automatically changed
and the measurements re-done. This program can be
modified to match other systems or conditions.

The following steps outline the program procedure:

Step 1. Run the program. The following message is

displayed on the controller’s display.

Selection (1) Measurement (2) Correction ? Figure 7. OPEN Condition

Type number and press RETURN key

At this point, select the measurement directly , or first

the measurement of correction data. To execute the
measurement, type 1 and press RETURN key on the
controller (Go to step 4). To measure the correction
data, type 2 and press RETURN key on the controller.

Step 2. If the measurement of correction data in step

1 was selected, the following message is
displayed on the controller’s display. The open
correction data of each channel of the scanner
(CH.0-CH.3) is now measured.

CH.0 Open measurement

Open test terminals of CH.0
Start open meas. (2) Skip CH.0 open meas?

Type number and press RETURN key

To measure the open correction data, set all channels

to the open condition as shown in figure 7. Then, type
1 and press RETURN key on the controller. Open
correction data of channel number 0 (CH.0) is acquired.
Continue to acquire data for channels 1 - 3.
06 | Keysight | Effective Multi-tap Transformer Measurement using a Scanner and the 4263B LCR Meter - Application Note

Step 3. After the open correction measurements are Self-inductance, dc resistance and turns ratio are measured by
completed, the following messages is displayed on scanning each tap of the multi-tap transformer.
the controller’s display. The short correction data of
each channel of the scanner (CH.0 - CH.3) is now N1: L[H]: 6.00928E-6 DCR [OHM]: .0134568726173 N: 1
measured. N2: L[H]: 2.392557E-5 DCR [OHM]: .0171348134407 N: 2.1304
N3: L[H]: 9.603832E-5 DCR [OHM]: .0230939715609 N: 4.0630
CH.0 Short measurement N4: L[H]: .00038334126 DCR [OHM]: .0250939715609 N: 8.0188
Short test terminals of CH.0
Start short meas. (2) Skip CH.0 short meas.? Do you want to continue to measure (1) yes (2) no

Type number and press RETURN key Step 5. If you want to repeat the measurement, type 1 and
press RETURN key on the controller. Or to end the
To measure the short correction data, set all channels to program, type 2 and press RETURN key on the controller.
short condition as shown in figure 8. Then, type 1 and
press the RETURN key on the controller. Short correction (D) Additional measurement error
data of channel number 0 (CH.0) is acquired. Continue to
acquire data for channels 1 - 3. The system configuration shown in figure 3, slightly increases
measurement errors, in comparison with measured values
Step 4. After the open/short correction data is acquired, the using the 16060A transformer test fixture. These errors
following message (same as in step 1) is displayed (supplemental characteristics) are the following using frequency:
on the controller’s display. 1 kHz, signal level: 1 Vrms, measurement time: Medium.

Selection (1) Measurement (2) Correction? Self-inductance: refer to figure 10

Type number and press RETURN key Dc resistance: refer to figure 11
Turns ratio: 0.02 % or less
To execute the measurement, connect the multi-tap transformer
under test to the scanner as shown in figure 9. Type 1 and press
the RETURN key on the controller.

Figure 8. SHORT Condition Figure 9. Connection of multi-tap transformer

07 | Keysight | Effective Multi-tap Transformer Measurement using a Scanner and the 4263B LCR Meter - Application Note

Appendix. Sample Program

Figure 10 . Self-Inductance additional error

Figure 11. Dc resistance additional error


By combining the 4263B (with Option 001) with a scanner,

the required parameters of a multi-tap transformer can be
measured with only one connection. Using this method
improves efficiency at the production line or incoming
08 | Keysight | Effective Multi-tap Transformer Measurement using a Scanner and the 4263B LCR Meter - Application Note

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This document was formerly known as Application Note 1224-5

This information is subject to change without notice.

© Keysight Technologies, 1992 - 2014
Published in USA, July 31, 2014

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