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Body-Composition Assessment Via Air-Displacement Plethysmography in Adults and Children: A Review

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Review Article

Body-composition assessment via air-displacement

plethysmography in adults and children: a review1–3
David A Fields, Michael I Goran, and Megan A McCrory

ABSTRACT Laboratory-based body-composition tech- ment plethysmography, which is known by the trade name BOD
niques include hydrostatic weighing (HW), dual-energy X-ray POD (Life Measurement, Inc, Concord, CA). Air-displacement
absorptiometry (DXA), measurement of total body water (TBW) plethysmography offers several advantages over established ref-
by isotope dilution, measurement of total body potassium, and erence methods, including a quick, comfortable, automated, non-
multicompartment models. Although these reference methods invasive, and safe measurement process, and accommodation of
are used routinely, each has inherent practical limitations. various subject types (eg, children, obese, elderly, and disabled
Whole-body air-displacement plethysmography is a new practi- persons). However, as with any new body-composition technol-
cal alternative to these more traditional body-composition meth- ogy, it is important to establish its validity, reliability, and practi-
ods. We reviewed the principal findings from studies published cality in various populations.
between December 1995 and August 2001 that compared the In this review, we summarize the principal findings from
BOD POD method (Life Measurement, Inc, Concord, CA) with studies published between December 1995 (the time at which
reference methods and summarized factors contributing to the the BOD POD was initially validated) and August 2001 that
different study findings. The average of the study means indi- compared the BOD POD with reference methods. Specifically,
cates that the BOD POD and HW agree within 1% body fat (BF) we compared in both adults and children the reliability and
for adults and children, whereas the BOD POD and DXA agree validity of the BOD POD with the reliability and validity of
within 1% BF for adults and 2% BF for children. Few studies established reference methods, ie, hydrostatic weighing (HW),
have compared the BOD POD with multicompartment models; dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and multicompart-
those that have suggest a similar average underestimation of ment [3-compartment (3C) and 4-compartment (4C)] models.
2–3% BF by both the BOD POD and HW. Individual varia- To fully comprehend the significance of the viability of the
tions between 2-compartment models compared with DXA and BOD POD today, it is necessary to gain an understanding of the
4-compartment models are partly attributable to deviations from history of the development of air-displacement plethysmogra-
the assumed chemical composition of the body. Wide variations phy. Therefore, we provided a brief description and historical
among study means, 4.0% to 1.9% BF for BOD POD  HW overview of air-displacement plethysmography in general and
and 3.0% to 1.7% BF for BOD POD  DXA, are likely due in of the BOD POD in particular and reviewed the operating prin-
part to differences in laboratory equipment, study design, and ciples of the BOD POD. Finally, we discuss the potential
subject characteristics and in some cases to failure to follow the applicability of air-displacement plethysmography for use in a
manufacturer’s recommended protocol. Wide intersubject varia- wide range of populations and summarize areas in need of fur-
tions between methods are partly attributed to technical precision ther research.
and biological error but to a large extent remain unexplained. On
the basis of this review, future research goals are suggested.
Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:453–67.
From the Department of Internal Medicine, the Center for Human Nutri-
KEY WORDS Body-composition methods, air-displacement tion, Washington University, St Louis (DAF); the Department of Preventive
plethysmography, hydrostatic weighing, dual-energy X-ray Medicine, the Institute for Preventive Research, the Keck School of Medicine,
absorptiometry, isotopic dilution, total body water, multicompartment the University of Southern California, Los Angeles (MIG); and the Energy
body-composition models, thoracic gas volume, residual lung Metabolism Laboratory, the Jean Mayer US Department of Agriculture
volume, review Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston (MAM).
The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the US Department of Agriculture.
Address reprint requests to MA McCrory, Energy Metabolism Laboratory,
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts Univer-
Air-displacement plethysmography has been used to measure sity, 711 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111-1524. E-mail: mmccrory@
human body composition for nearly a century, but was not devel- hnrc.tufts.edu.
oped into a viable system for routine use until the mid-1990s (1). Received June 12, 2001.
There is only one commercially available system for air-displace- Accepted for publication August 31, 2001.

Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:453–67. Printed in USA. © 2002 American Society for Clinical Nutrition 453

BACKGROUND AND BRIEF HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE up in the chamber during the 5-min test period. An infant plethys-
Plethysmography refers to the measurement of size, usually mograph developed by Taylor et al (10) used a 2-chambered,
volume. In addition to air-displacement plethysmography (1), dynamic, pressure-differential system. Pistons between the 2 cham-
there are several other techniques for measuring whole-body bers moved in concert and were controlled by a sinusoidal crank.
volume. These techniques include acoustic plethysmography A high-pass filter (controlled leak) was also incorporated, and
(2, 3), helium displacement (4, 5), photogrammetry (6), and more harmonic analysis was done to interpret the pressure signal.
recently, 3-dimensional photonic scanning (7) and sulfur hexa- Despite major improvements over previous systems, the results
fluoride dilution (8). However, this review is limited to a discus- from these newer systems were still not sufficiently accurate and
sion of air-displacement plethysmography. repeatable for routine human body-composition measurements.
In air-displacement plethysmography, the volume of an object
is measured indirectly by measuring the volume of air it dis-
places inside an enclosed chamber (plethysmograph). Thus, BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE BOD POD
human body volume is measured when a subject sits inside the In the mid-1990s, the BOD POD became the first commer-
chamber and displaces a volume of air equal to his or her body cially available air-displacement plethysmograph. The physical
volume. Body volume is calculated indirectly by subtracting the design and operating principles of this system are described in
volume of air remaining inside the chamber when the subject is detail elsewhere (1, 15) and are summarized here. The BOD
inside from the volume of air in the chamber when it is empty. POD system includes the BOD POD plethysmograph, electronic
The air inside the chamber is measured by applying relevant weighing scale, calibration weights and cylinder, computer, and
physical gas laws. Boyle’s Law states that at a constant temper- software. The BOD POD is functionally divided into 2 cham-
ature, volume (V) and pressure (P) are inversely related: bers: a test chamber (for the subject) and a reference chamber.
The internal volumes of these chambers are 450 and 300 L,
P1/P2 = V2/V1 (1) respectively. A diaphragm oscillates between the chambers, pro-
Therefore, when a constant temperature is maintained (isother- ducing sinusoidal volume perturbations that are equal in magni-
mal conditions), Boyle’s Law can be applied. Consequently, tude but opposite in sign. The perturbations result in very small
most early plethysmographs required temperature-controlled pressure changes within the chambers (± 1 cm water), which
surroundings and isothermal conditions within the test chamber. are monitored by transducers and analyzed for pressure at the
This presented burdensome requirements for testing conditions, frequency of oscillation (3 Hz). The ratio of the pressures is a
which restricted practical implementation of air-displacement measure of the test chamber volume. Unlike with early air-
plethysmography. As discussed later, this problem was not fully displacement plethysmographs, it is not necessary to conduct
resolved until systems were developed that do not require measurements under isothermal conditions in the BOD POD.
isothermal testing conditions (1, 9, 10). Instead, the air in the chambers is allowed to compress and
The principles of plethysmography were first applied to the expand adiabatically (ie, it freely gains and loses heat during
measurement of the body volume and composition of infants in compression and expansion). In this case, the BOD POD makes
the early 1900s (11, 12), but it was not until the 1960s that rela- use of Poisson’s Law, which describes the pressure-volume rela-
tively stable measurements were achieved (13, 14). However, tion under adiabatic conditions:
these systems required that ambient conditions be maintained con-
P1/P2 = (V2/V1) (2)
stant. Therefore, to deal with rapid fluctuations in temperature,
humidity, and pressure generated by humans inside the enclosed where  is the ratio of the specific heat of the gas at constant pres-
chamber, the measurement process by necessity included proce- sure to that of constant volume and is equal to 1.4 for air (16).
dures that were difficult and laborious and by modern standards Although body-volume measurements in the BOD POD occur
would be considered impractical and unacceptable. For example, under mostly adiabatic conditions, there is some volume of air
the infant plethysmograph developed by Friis-Hansen (13) needed maintained under isothermal conditions that must be taken into
to undergo a 1–2-h calibration procedure before each measure- account. The reason for this is that when there are small changes
ment, and the test procedure took an additional 2–3 h. The tech- in pressure, isothermal air volumes are compressed 40% more
nique also required that a plastic catheter be inserted through the than are adiabatic air volumes. The largest sources of isothermal
infant’s nose into the stomach to achieve a direct connection air are those contained in the lungs, near skin or hair, and in cloth-
between the air inside the infant and the air in the surroundings. ing. Isothermal air from clothing and hair on the head are mini-
Another example in which extreme measures were necessary is mized by having the subject wear a tight-fitting swimsuit and
the use of Gundlach and Visscher’s adult plethysmograph (14). swim cap. (The manufacturer of the BOD POD recommends the
This procedure required that the test chamber be filled with use of swimsuits and caps made from either Lycra (DuPont,
polyurethane foam to maintain isothermal conditions. In addition, Wilmington, DE) or other spandex-type material, for reasons dis-
the adult subject had to be wrapped in a goose-down blanket and cussed later.) The average amount of air in the lungs during nor-
was required to hold his or her breath for 10 s during the meas- mal tidal breathing, thoracic gas volume (VTG), is measured with
urement. Because of inconveniences such as these and various the procedure described below. Alternatively, VTG can be pre-
technologic difficulties, none of the early air-displacement dicted. Finally, the effect of isothermal air near the skin’s surface
plethysmographs were ever developed for common, everyday use. is estimated by calculating a surface area artifact (SAA). The
Later experimental air-displacement plethysmographs devel- SAA is automatically computed by the BOD POD’s software as
oped in the 1980s were more advanced technologically. Petty et al
SAA (L) = k (L/cm2)  BSA (cm2) (3)
(9) used a motor-driven pump and oscillating piston to create pres-
sure changes within their system designed for adults; they also where k is a constant (derived empirically by the manufacturer;
used advanced electronics and material to absorb moisture build- 1) and BSA is body surface area calculated from body weight

and height with use of the formula by DuBois and DuBois (17). pressure allows calculation of VTG via proprietary methods (Life
The SAA is typically 1.0 L for average-sized adults; it is Measurement, Inc, personal communication, 2001).
negative because it represents the apparent negative volume pro- Two indicators are used to assess good compliance with the
duced by the isothermal air space near the skin’s surface. Note VTG procedure: the figure of merit and airway pressure. The fig-
that if the wrong height is entered into the BOD POD software, ure of merit is an index that estimates the degree of agreement
the calculation of %BF will be in error because of inappropriate between pressures measured inside the chamber and in the
estimates of SAA. For example, for a 70-kg average-sized per- breathing airway (after scaling and translation). A smaller merit
son, a 25-cm (10-in) error in height [168 cm (66 in) instead of value indicates better agreement. Situations that may lead to
193 cm (76 in)] will result in a miscalculation of SAA (via BSA) poor agreement in these pressure values include lack of a tight
and an error in body fatness of 0.5–0.7% BF. Thus, all of the lip seal around the tube, failure to wear a nose clip, significant
BOD POD results should be routinely screened to determine puffing of the cheeks, or contraction of the abdominal muscles.
whether any software data entry errors were made. Calculation of the figure of merit is discussed in detail by Demp-
The measurement of body volume involves 3 steps. The first ster and Aitkens (1). If the airway pressure is too high, it may
step is a standard 2-point calibration process: first with the cham- indicate closure of the glottis (ie, a Valsalva maneuver) or signi-
ber empty to establish baseline and then with a calibration cylin- ficant alveolar compression; both of these factors would result in
der (50 L) to establish range (duration: 50 s each). In the second falsely low VTG values. If the figure of merit is > 1.0 or the air-
step, the subject’s volume in the chamber is measured (duration: way pressure is ≥ 35 cm water, the manufacturer recommends
50 s). At this point, the measured body volume is “raw” (Vbraw), that the VTG value be rejected and the procedure be repeated.
ie, it has not been corrected for VTG and SAA. This step is then The BOD POD also allows for the prediction of VTG. This fea-
repeated to check for agreement. If these 2 Vbraw measurements ture is useful when it is necessary to test many subjects in a short
are within 0.2% or 150 mL, whichever is larger, they are aver- period of time. Predicted VTG was used in some studies when
aged. If the first 2 Vbraw measurements do not meet these crite- subjects were not able to satisfactorily perform the VTG measure-
ria, a third Vbraw determination is made and the 2 values that are ment procedure (19–21). The VTG prediction equations currently
closest and within the criteria for agreement are averaged. If used by the BOD POD (software version 1.69; Life Measure-
ambient conditions are relatively stable and the subject is breath- ment, Inc) are based on FRC predictions by Crapo et al (22) from
ing quietly in a relaxed fashion, it is common for the 2 Vbraw the heights and ages of subjects aged 17–91 y and include a fur-
measurements to agree within the predefined criteria. If the ther estimate for 50% of tidal volume. The accuracy of predicted
criteria are not met, the manufacturer suggests that the entire VTG and the effect of its use instead of measured VTG on body-
procedure be repeated, including the 2-point calibration step. composition measurements are discussed below. Body volume in
Situations that could cause nonagreement between individual the BOD POD is calculated with the following formula:
Vbraw measurements include changing environmental conditions,
Vbcorr (L) = Vbraw (L)  SAA (L) + 40% VTG (L) (4)
other environmental impositions (eg, pressure changes in the
room due to opening and closing doors or air drafts), or irregu- where Vb corr is the body volume corrected for SAA and V TG.
lar tidal breathing by the subject (eg, yawning, throat clearing, or As part of the test procedure, the subject is also weighed to the
breath-holding). In the third step, VTG is measured with the use nearest gram on the BOD POD’s electronic scale. The provided
of a procedure similar to that used in standard pulmonary calibration weights allow the operator to calibrate the scale peri-
plethysmography, sometimes called the panting maneuver by odically to ensure accuracy. Once body mass (M) and Vbcorr are
respiratory physiologists (18). known, the principles of densitometry are applied (23, 24). Body
In contrast with traditional pulmonary plethysmography in density (Db) is calculated as M/Vbcorr, and Db is then inserted into
which VTG is determined at end-tidal exhalation [ie, functional a standard formula for estimating %BF based on a 2-compartment
residual capacity (FRC)], the BOD POD measures VTG at midti- (2C) model, such as the models of Siri (24) or Brozek et al (25)
dal exhalation. This is done because it is necessary to correct for whites and of Schutte et al (26) or Wagner and Heyward (27)
Vbraw for the average amount of air in the lungs during normal for blacks. Alternatively, Db can be used in multicompartment
tidal breathing, which is reflected by taking the measurement at models (eg, 3C and 4C models) as discussed later.
midtidal exhalation. (A key assumption is that the subject is
breathing normally during both the Vbraw measurement and the
VTG measurement.) Thus, VTG values derived from the BOD POD RELIABILITY OF THE BOD POD
should be directly compared with VTG values derived from a pul- Reliability is a general term denoting repeatability or consis-
monary plethysmograph only after correction for this difference tency between ≥ 2 measurements. The reliability of the BOD POD
(eg, a difference of 50% of the tidal volume). The VTG meas- in different studies has been reflected by many statistical terms,
urement procedure begins with the subject breathing room air such as SD, CV, precision (see definition below), intraclass cor-
quietly through a disposable tube and antimicrobial filter while relation, and mean differences between tests. For the purposes of
wearing a nose clip. After a few normal tidal breaths, a shutter this review, we chose to limit the discussion of the BOD POD’s
valve in the airway closes, occluding it for 2 s. During occlu- reliability to only the most consistently reported statistics: SD,
sion, the subject makes 2 or 3 gentle quick puffs by alternately CV, and precision (defined as [(SD/n)/√d], where n is the sample
contracting and relaxing the diaphragm (ie, the panting maneu- size and d is the number of repeated measurements).
ver). This leads to small changes in the gas volume of the air-
ways, simultaneously with changes in body volume that are Inanimate objects
equal but opposite. These volume changes produce pressure The reliability of the BOD POD in measuring the body volume
changes that are monitored throughout the procedure. Compari- of inanimate objects is reported to be excellent. Twenty consecu-
son of the magnitudes of the changes in airway and chamber tive measurements of a 50.039-L aluminum cylinder resulted in a

TABLE 1 these studies, VTG was predicted rather than measured. In con-
Reliability of percentage body fat measured with the BOD POD in adults1 trast, lung volume at submersion was measured in conjunction
Number of with HW (JCK Wells, personal communication, 2001). This use
Reference n CV trials or days of a constant, albeit predicted, VTG value would tend to bias the
precision of the BOD POD toward a more consistent body-
Within day %
McCrory et al, 1995 (28) 16 1.7 ± 1.12 2 trials
volume measurement compared with when the precision of HW
Iwaoka et al, 1998 (8) 7 3.7 ± 4.3 2 trials is calculated with a measured and presumably variable lung vol-
Sardinha et al, 1998 (29) NR 3.33 2 trials ume. Future studies are needed to quantify the precision of the
Biaggi et al, 1999 (30) NR 2.3 ± 1.93 2 trials BOD POD when measured VTG values are used; this will provide
Miyatake et al, 1999 (31) 5 2.5 ± 0.8 2 trials a more direct comparison with the precision of HW.
Miyatake et al, 1999 (31) 5 4.5 ± 5.84 3 trials (different
operators) Children
Between day Reliability of percentage body fat
Nuñez et al, 1999 (20) 4 2.0 ± 0.1 4d The CV for repeated %BF measurements by the BOD POD
Miyatake et al, 1999 (31) 10 2.3 ± 0.9 3d
in children has not been reported. Using the precision statistic
Levenhagen et al, 1999 (32) NR 2.0 ± 2.13 7d
described above, Wells and Fuller (38) described the precision
NR, not reported. of 2 repeat measurements of %BF to be 0.83% for 11 boys
x ± SD.
3 (x–: 12.6%) and 0.99% for 16 girls (x–: 19.7%). Precision was not
Reported as unpublished observations in the discussion sections of
these articles.
related to body size because duplicate measurements in 30 men
Reduces to 2.7 ± 2.0% if one abnormal test result is discarded. and women with 18.0% and 27.5% BF, respectively, had similar
values for precision (0.99% and 0.76% BF).
Reliability of body volume
mean (± SD) volume of 50.027 ± 0.00127 L and a corresponding
CV of 0.025% (1). Results were similar when the experiment was Dewit et al (39) and Wells et al (7) reported the precision of
repeated on another day. In another study, repeated measurements body-volume measurements in children aged 7–14 y. Precision
over 4 d of smaller volumes ranging from 4.643 to 50.0 L resulted of Vbcorr was 0.07 and 0.08 L in the 2 studies, respectively,
in a mean CV of 0.67 ± 0.70% (20). which was just as good as or slightly better than the precision in
adults in the same studies (0.07 and 0.11 L, respectively).
Adults Therefore, the precision of body-volume measurements in chil-
Reliability of percentage body fat dren and adults was comparable in these 2 studies, despite the
Seven studies reported the reliability of %BF measured by the smaller body volumes of the children. Similar body-volume
BOD POD (8, 20, 28–32) as CVs; these values are shown in precision was reported in another study by the same research
Table 1. Reported mean within-subject CVs for %BF ranged group (38). It has been suggested that a relatively small ratio of
from 1.7% to 4.5% within a day and from 2.0% to 2.3% between chamber volume to subject volume would optimize the preci-
days. These CVs are within the range of those measured previ- sion of body-volume measurements (5, 9). For example,
ously by HW (8, 28, 33, 34) and DXA (35–37). In the 2 studies Gnaedinger et al (5) calculated a mean ratio of chamber volume
that examined the within-day repeatability of the BOD POD and to subject volume of 6:1 in their plethysmograph and suggested
HW in the same subjects, CVs did not differ significantly that a smaller ratio would have improved their data. Assuming a
between methods: 1.7% compared with 2.3% in the study by BOD POD test chamber volume of 450 L, the mean ratio of
McCrory et al (28) and 3.7% compared with 4.3% in the study chamber volume to subject volume can be calculated from data
by Iwaoka et al (8). Miyatake et al (31) reported similar mean provided by Dewit et al (39). Despite the larger ratio for chil-
CVs for tests conducted on the same day and on different days dren (14:1 for children compared with 8:1 for adults), the preci-
(over 3 d). They also reported a mean intertester CV of 4.5% sion of measurements in children and adults was similar. This
(3 different operators). Examination of the individual data finding indicates that within the range of body sizes studied thus
showed that this unexpectedly high CV was due to one abnormal far, the ratio of chamber volume to subject volume may be
test result in 1 of 5 subjects measured by 1 of 3 operators and irrelevant in the BOD POD.
may have been an anomaly. [Note that Wells and Fuller (38) sug-
gest routinely conducting 2 tests per subject, enabling detection
of infrequent rogue BOD POD results such as these.] Recalcula- VALIDITY OF THE BOD POD RELATIVE TO HW
tion of the mean CV without the abnormal test result gave a
mean intertester CV of 2.7%. Further studies in different popu- Summary of findings in adults
lations and with larger numbers of subjects are needed to deter- A summary of studies that compared body-composition meas-
mine usual values for within-day, between-day, and intertester CVs. urements by the BOD POD and HW in adults is shown in Table 2.
Most of these studies were conducted in young to middle-aged
Reliability of body volume
subjects (age range: 20–56 y), except for the study by Nuñez
Two groups of investigators examined the reliability of body- et al (20), which included subjects ≤ 86 y of age. BMI ranged
volume measurement by the BOD POD relative to that with HW from 17 to 40 across the different studies.
in adults. Dewit et al (39) and Wells et al (7) both reported that Mean group differences between the BOD POD and HW
the precision (defined above) of Vbcorr was better with the BOD measurements ranged from 4.0% to 1.9% BF; 5 of the 12 stud-
POD (0.07 and 0.11 L, respectively) than with HW (0.15 and ies showed no significant differences between the 2 methods
0.16 L, respectively). It is important to point out that in both of (7, 8, 19, 20, 28, 30, 32, 39–43). Of the 7 studies that did show

Summary of studies that compared percentage body fat (%BF) measurements made with the BOD POD or hydrostatic weighing (HW)1
Regression analysis4 Bland-Altman analysis
Number of 95% Limits Significant Significant
Reference subjects Sex Age2 BMI2 BOD POD  HW3 Slope R2 SEE of agreement trend sex effect
n y kg/m2 %BF
McCrory et al, 1995 (28) 68 M,F 20–56 18–36 0.3 ± 1.6 0.94 0.93 1.8 4.0, 3.4 No No
Iwaoka et al, 1998 (8) 7 M 31–44 22 ± 4 4.0 ± 3.15 0.786 0.82 NR 10.1, 2.2 No NA
Biaggi et al, 1999 (30) 47 M,F 19–48 NR 0.1 0.82 0.89 NR 6.1, 5.9 Upward Yes
Collins et al, 1999 (19)7 69 M 19 ± 1 NR 2.05 0.918 0.89 2.2 6.4, 2.5 No NA
Levenhagen et al, 1999 (32) 20 M,F 19–47 20–36 0.5 0.778 0.94 NR 6.7, 5.7 Upward Yes
Nuñez et al, 1999 (20)7 72 M,F 20–86 25 ± 4 0.1 NR 0.909 NR NR NR No
Dewit et al, 2000 (39)7 10 M,F 19–41 21 ± 2 3.3 ± 2.35 NR NR NR NR NR NR
Fields et al, 2000 (40) 67 F 18–55 17–34 1.2 ± 2.35 0.96 0.94 2.3 3.5, 5.8 No NA
Wagner et al, 2000 (41) 30 M 19–45 19–40 1.95 NR 0.849 NR NR No NA
Wells et al, 2000 (7)7 22 M,F 31 ± 8 22 ± 3 2.2 ± 3.35,10 NR NR NR NR NR NR
Millard-Stafford et al, 2001 (42) 50 M,F 25 ± 6 24 2.8 ± 4.15 0.766 0.789 NR 11.0, 5.4 Upward NR
Fields et al, 2001 (43) 43 F 19–54 17–37 0.2 ± 2.4 0.90 0.94 2.3 4.9, 5.1 No NA
Nuñez et al, 1999 (20)7 48 M,F 6–19 21 ± 4 1.2 NR8 0.839 NR NR NR NR
Dewit et al, 2000 (39)7 22 M,F 8–13 17 ± 2 0.8 ± 5.4 NR NR NR NR NR NR
Fields and Goran, 2000 (44)11 25 M,F 9–14 13–35 2.6 ± 3.45 0.86 0.87 3.3 4.4, 9.6 No No
Lockner et al, 2000 (21)7 54 M,F 10–18 NR 2.95 NR 0.72 NR NR NR NR
Wells et al, 2000 (7)7 10 NR 7–14 17 ± 2 0.6 ± 0.710 NR NR NR NR NR NR
All studies used Siri’s equation (24) to convert body density to %BF, with the following exceptions: reference 10 used Brozek et al’s equation (25), ref-
erences 30 and 32 used Schutte et al’s equation (26) in blacks, reference 41 used Schutte et al’s equation (26) and Wagner and Heyward’s equation (27) in
blacks, references 7 and 39 used the child-specific equation developed by Wells et al (45), and reference 44 used child-specific equations developed by
Lohman (46). NR, not reported; NA, not applicable.
Range, or –x ± SD when range was not reported.
Difference (x– or –x ± SD) in %BF between the 2 methods.
Prediction of %BF with HW from %BF measured with the BOD POD.
Significantly different from 0, P < 0.05.
Statistical comparison of the slope with 1.0 was not reported.
Some or all BOD POD tests were done by using predicted thoracic gas volume; Wells et al (7) used child-specific equations for predicting thoracic gas
volume in children.
Significantly different from 1.0, P < 0.05.
From regression analysis using body density rather than %BF.
Statistical significance not reported in the original articles; however, the P value = 0.008 for adults and 0.11 for children (JCK Wells, personal com-
munication, 2001).
Data for fat mass were originally reported, but were recomputed for this review in %BF units with the use of Siri’s equation (24) to facilitate compar-
ison with other studies.

a significant mean difference, the direction of the differences 12 studies ranged from 1.8% to 2.3% BF. These SEEs are in the
was inconsistent: 5 (7, 8, 19, 39, 42) showed a lower %BF with excellent to ideal range (≤ 2.5 %BF) according to Lohman (47).
the BOD POD than with HW and 2 (40, 41) showed the oppo- Bland-Altman limits of agreement (mean difference ± 2 SD
site. Note that the largest mean differences (4.0% and 3.3% ranges; 48) and results of trend analysis are also shown in Table 2.
BF) occurred in the 2 studies that had the fewest subjects In general, the limits of agreement indicated wide variations in
(n ≤ 10) (8, 39). Ethnicity did not contribute significantly to dif- agreement between the BOD POD and HW (range: 9–16% BF)
ferences between the 2 methods in the 2 studies that had a wide for individuals, even when group mean differences were small.
enough range of ethnicities to examine this possibility (20, 28);
however, the potential effects of ethnicity were not reported in Summary of findings in children
2 studies that included both whites and blacks (19, 42). Relatively few studies have compared the BOD POD with
In the 8 studies that reported regression analysis for the pre- HW in children (Table 2). Of the 5 studies that have (7, 20, 21,
diction of %BF measured by HW from %BF measured by the 39, 44), the age range of the children studied was 6–19 y. Two of
BOD POD, the slope of this relation ranged from 0.76 to 0.96; these studies (21, 44) reported that, on average, the BOD POD
the mean value was much lower than the desired value (1.00) in gave significantly different %BF measurements than did HW. As
4 of these studies (8, 30, 32, 42). Not all of the studies reported in the studies in adults, the results were in opposite directions
whether this slope differed significantly from 1.00; of those that (2.6 compared with 2.9% BF, respectively). The other 3 stud-
did (19, 28, 30, 32, 40, 43), only 2 studies (19, 30) had slopes ies (7, 20, 39) reported that %BF measured by the BOD POD
that differed significantly from 1.00, as indicated in Table 1. was somewhat higher than that measured by HW (0.6–1.2% BF),
%BF measured by the BOD POD explained 78–94% of the variance but not significantly so. The slope of the relation for the predic-
in %BF measured by HW, whereas the SEEs reported in 4 of the tion of %BF by HW from %BF by the BOD POD was 0.86,

which was not significantly different from 1.00 in the one study Effects of clothing. In some of the studies discussed, subjects
that reported the slope (44). In the 3 studies that reported R2 val- wore spandex-style shorts (rather than swimsuits, which are rec-
ues, the BOD POD explained between 72% and 87% of the vari- ommended by the manufacturer) while undergoing measurements
ation in HW (20, 21, 44). The only SEE available (3.3% BF) was with the BOD POD. This may have contributed to the relatively
from Fields and Goran (46), which was in the good (average) lower %BF values measured with the BOD POD than with HW
range (47). Finally, Bland-Altman limits of agreement calculated in some of the studies (19, 21). In other studies it is unclear what
from the study by Fields and Goran (44) were 4.4% to 9.6% type of clothing was worn during the test protocol. However, it is
BF, indicating large individual variations in the difference between known that excess clothing causes a significant underestimation
the BOD POD and HW. of body volume because air that comes in contact with cloth will
remain isothermal as pressure fluctuates. The more cloth that is
Potential reasons for differences between the BOD POD and worn, the larger the layer of isothermal air. Because isothermal
HW measurements air is 40% more compressible than is adiabatic air, body volume
Theoretically, the BOD POD and HW should give identical (Vbraw, and hence Vbcorr) is underestimated and, in turn, Db is
values for Db and %BF because both methods are based on the overestimated and %BF is underestimated. The effect of excess
principles of densitometry. Therefore, any differences between clothing on %BF measurements with the BOD POD was illus-
the 2 methods can be attributed to differences in either measured trated in a study by Fields et al (40). No significant difference in
body mass (if the same scale is not used for both methods) or %BF was found between women who wore a 1-piece or 2-piece
body volume. In turn, differences in body volume measured with swimsuit. However, %BF was 5% lower in women who wore a
the BOD POD can be attributed to variations in measurements of hospital gown than in women who wore either type of swimsuit.
Vbraw, SAA, or VTG, and differences in body volume measured Although this study illustrated that extreme deviations from the
with HW can be attributed to variations in body mass measured manufacturer’s recommended protocol (ie, wearing of loose
in water, residual lung volume (VR), or other types of lung vol- clothing) had significant effects on estimates of %BF with the
ume [eg, lung volume at submersion (7, 39)]. BOD POD, it did not address whether slight deviations from the
recommended protocol (ie, wearing of spandex-style shorts rather
Interlaboratory variation than a swimsuit) would result in acceptable %BF measurements.
Interlaboratory variation may be an important factor contribut- Until studies are conducted that confirm or deny that alternative
ing to the discrepant findings among studies in mean differences clothing is acceptable, it is suggested that the clothing protocol
between the BOD POD and HW. The extent to which different recommended by the manufacturer be rigorously followed.
BOD POD systems vary is not known, although it is hypothesized Effects of testing under nondry, nonresting conditions. In 2 stud-
that BOD POD systems may vary less than do HW systems ies (21, 32), the order in which the 2 methods were conducted was
because there are several variations of HW equipment and meth- randomized; therefore, in some cases the BOD POD measurements
ods (eg, different weighing scales and methods for measurement were made first and in others the HW measurements were made
of lung volume) but only one type of BOD POD system manu- first. However, neither of these studies reported whether the sub-
factured by one company. Although it is possible that the varia- jects were still wet when the BOD POD measurements were made
tion in mean differences in the previously mentioned adult stud- or how much time passed between the 2 tests. Tests with the BOD
ies was random, note that there are 4 pairs of studies, with each POD should be conducted only when the subjects are completely
of the 4 pairs being from a different laboratory but with each dry and in a rested state. Moisture on the body, in the hair, and in
study within a pair being from the same laboratory [(7) and (39), the swimsuit will artificially increase body weight. Furthermore, if
(30) and (32), (40) and (43), and (19) and (42)], and the results subjects are recovering from situations that elevate metabolism (eg,
within each of the study pairs are more similar than among the exercise or presence in a tank of warm water for 10–15 min as part
study pairs. For example, Dewit et al (39) and Wells et al (7) of the HW procedure), breathing patterns are likely to change over
reported large negative mean differences between the 2 methods time. In BOD POD testing, a key assumption is that breathing pat-
(3.3% and 2.2% BF, respectively), as did Collins et al (19) terns are similar during the Vbraw and VTG measurements; however,
and Millard-Stafford et al (42) (2.0% and 2.8% BF, respec- this will not be the case if subjects are recovering from a physical
tively). However, Biaggi et al (30) and Levenhagen et al (32) stress. This situation is somewhat analogous to HW when VR is
reported 2 of the smallest and slightly negative mean differences measured on land and it is assumed that the subject exhales to the
(0.1% and 0.5% BF, respectively) and Fields et al (40, 43) same end point both on land and in the water. In both cases, the
reported mean differences that were slightly positive, with one exact lung volume is not a concern, but the lung volume should be
value being close to 0 (1.2% and 0.2% BF, respectively). These the same during the HW and VR measurement procedures and, like-
similar findings within study pairs suggest that interlaboratory wise, during the Vbraw and VTG measurement procedures.
variation in protocol, test equipment, or both may contribute The effect of testing under nondry, nonresting conditions was
importantly to the variation in results observed among studies. To illustrated in a preliminary study (DA Fields, GR Hunter, unpub-
more fully understand the potential effect of interlaboratory vari- lished observations, 2000). When the BOD POD tests were con-
ation on measurements of %BF, a multicenter study in which the ducted 10–15 min after HW, BF was 2.3% lower than it was
same subjects are tested in different laboratories is needed. when measured before HW. In that study, subjects had dried with
a towel after HW but their hair and swimsuits were still damp
Test conditions
when the BOD POD measurements were made.
Measurements with the BOD POD should be made under
standard test conditions, ie, subjects should wear minimal but VTG prediction
skintight clothing [Lycra (DuPont) or other spandex-style swim- In some studies, predicted VTG was used when some subjects
suit and cap], be completely dry, and be in a resting state. could not adequately perform the panting maneuver to obtain

adults; only 69% of their study population adequately performed

the VTG measurement procedure in 3 trials. In contrast, Fields and
Goran (44), who studied children of a similar age range, obtained
VTG measurements in all of their subjects. Valid measurements, on
the basis of the standard merit and airway criteria, were obtained
in 80% of the children in ≤ 3 trials and in 20% of the children
in >3 trials. Two studies conducted in children aged 5–14 y (39, 45)
substituted child-specific prediction equations for FRC (50) and
tidal volume (51) to calculate child-specific VTG and body-compo-
sition measurements with the BOD POD. In these studies, neither
measured nor predicted VTG with the BOD POD was reported;
therefore, it is not possible to assess the utility of these child-spe-
cific prediction equations. However, Dewit et al (39) noted that
when the child-specific equations were used, rather than the adult
equations that were incorporated into the BOD POD’s software, the
FIGURE 1. Bland-Altman plot of sex-specific mean differences
mean difference in %BF (calculated as BOD POD  HW)
between percentage body fat (%BF) measured with the BOD POD (Life changed from 0.8% to 0.9% BF. This finding suggests that the
Measurement, Inc, Concord, CA) and with hydrostatic weighing (HW) use of the adult equations overpredicts VTG in children. This is
in men () and women () in individual studies (reference numbers in understandable because the BOD POD was originally designed for
parentheses). For reference 19, the subsample that was also tested by use in adults. Although usual errors in VTG have only a relatively
DXA was used. Only studies published from December 1995 to August small influence on %BF as discussed above, more work is needed
2001 that provided mean data for men and women separately were used. to improve both the VTG measurement process and the accuracy of
The relation between the difference between the 2 methods and the aver- VTG prediction in different populations.
age of the 2 methods was significant (r = 0.66, P = 0.014).
Subject sex
measured VTG (20, 21), whereas in others (7, 39) it was used rou- Whether the sex of the subject systematically affects the results
tinely simply to save time (JKC Wells, personal communication, obtained with the BOD POD or HW remains to be determined. This
2001). McCrory et al (49) reported no significant difference possibility was first raised by Biaggi et al (30), who reported a signi-
between mean predicted and measured VTG in 50 men and women ficant sex effect and found that the mean difference between the
aged 18–56 y (BMI: 19–35) with the use of software versions 1.50 BOD POD and HW was positive for females (1.0 ± 2.5% BF) and
and 1.53 (Life Measurement, Inc). Further findings indicated that negative for males (1.2 ± 3.1% BF). The same research group also
for 82% of the subjects, the use of predicted VTG resulted in a reported findings similar to those of Levenhagen et al (32). However,
value within ± 2% BF of that calculated with the use of measured an additional 2 studies that included both males and females and that
VTG. The difference between predicted and measured VTG was not examined whether there was a significant effect of sex on the differ-
related to the magnitude of V TG (MA McCrory, PA Molé, ence between %BF measured by HW and with the BOD POD found
TD Gomez, KG Dewey, EM Bernauer, unpublished observations, no effect of sex (20, 28). Additionally, the studies by Biaggi et al (30)
1998). In contrast with the results of the above study, 2 later stud- and Levenhagen et al (32) were the 2 of the only 3 studies to report
ies (software version not reported) showed that, on average, pre- a significant upward trend in the Bland-Altman plot (Table 2), indi-
dicted VTG was significantly higher than measured VTG, by 344 mL cating a negative difference between the BOD POD and HW meas-
in 69 collegiate football players (19) and by 190 mL in 37 children urements in leaner subjects and a positive difference in fatter sub-
aged 10–18 y (21). These findings suggest that the BOD POD’s jects. Millard-Stafford et al (42) also reported a significant upward
current method for prediction of VTG may not be valid for all pop- trend, but did not specifically test for a sex effect, possibly because
ulations and illustrate the need to report software versions used in of the relatively small number of females in their study (10 females
all studies to help determine whether different versions of soft- and 40 males). Because males tend to be leaner than females, it is
ware may be responsible for conflicting findings among studies. difficult to determine whether the significant effect of sex reported
Errors in VTG prediction generally have only a small effect on in the studies by Biaggi et al (30) and Levenhagen et al (32) were
%BF. As can be deduced from Equation 4, overestimation of due to an effect of sex per se or to body fatness. Examination of the
VTG results in overestimation of Vbcorr and, in turn, underesti- Bland-Altman plots from these studies showed little overlap in %BF
mation of Db and overestimation of %BF. However, because between men and women, although it would be possible in future
only 40% of VTG is incorporated into the equation to calculate studies to recruit men and women matched for %BF in an attempt
Vbcorr, the magnitude of the overestimation of VTG reported in to disentangle the separate influences of %BF and sex.
the above studies should only have caused a very small overes- To further examine the question of whether differences
timation of %BF (< 1.0%). Note that, in the studies by Collins et between the BOD POD and HW measurements are dependent on
al (19) and Lockner et al (21), %BF measured with the BOD the sex of the subject or on %BF, we plotted the sex-specific
POD was significantly lower (rather than higher as would be means in Bland-Altman fashion for studies in which mean dif-
caused by overprediction of VTG) than that by HW (Table 2). ferences were reported separately for males and females (8, 19,
This finding indicates that other factors (eg, clothing) may have 20, 28, 30, 32, 40, 41, 43) (Figure 1). An upward trend was seen
contributed to the observed differences between the BOD POD (r = 0.66, P = 0.014), with no overlap in mean %BF between
and HW measurements. males and females. Therefore, in this analysis, as in the individ-
The study by Lockner et al (21) indicates that some children ual studies, it is impossible to separate the confounding effects
may have more difficulty performing the VTG procedure than do of subject sex and %BF.

Biaggi et al (30) hypothesized that the sex effect observed in conditions; however, under postprandial conditions (even as long
their study may have been attributable to the greater amount of as 3 or 4 h after a meal; 19, 40, 43), the amount of intestinal gas
body hair on men than on women. Theoretically, excess body varies depending on the specific foods ingested (54, 55). Theo-
hair may reduce apparent body volume by increasing the retically, air-displacement plethysmography will at least par-
amount of isothermal air near the surface of the body as tially account for gas in the intestine during the measurement of
explained above. Thus, body volume may be underestimated if Vbraw (53, 56, 57), perhaps even as part of the measured VTG if
more isothermal air than usual is present next to the skin, the gas is located above the diaphragm (eg, in the esophagus).
remaining unaccounted for by the BOD POD’s SAA estimation. Preliminary results by McCrory et al (58) showed that immedi-
In fact, the effect of animal fur on air-displacement plethys- ately after ingestion of a carbonated soft drink (355 mL, or 12 oz),
mography measurements was shown in 1985 by Taylor et al (10), %BF increased by 2.6% when measured by HW but increased by
who found that the measured volume of rats was 15% lower by only 0.9% when measured with the BOD POD. A small increase
air-displacement plethysmography than by HW; volume was not in VTG was also noted after ingestion of the carbonated soft
underestimated in inanimate objects. drink, but there was no change in VR.
It is possible that body hair on humans does not routinely
influence the accuracy of body-volume measurements, except in Errors in VR compared with errors in VTG
subjects who have an unusually thick layer of body hair and that The largest contributor to HW variability is the error in meas-
the men in Biaggi et al’s study (30) were unusually hairy. To uring VR (59, 60). Depending on the measurement technique
definitively answer the question of whether body hair signifi- used, VR can vary by as much as 300 mL and consequently
cantly influences air-displacement plethysmography measure- affect %BF estimates by HW up to 4% (61). When VR is meas-
ments of body volume, a study is needed in which these meas- ured on land, errors in HW also arise when there is a mismatch
urements are conducted before and after the body is shaved. This between the amount of air exhaled on land relative to that in
was done to a limited extent in men (52). The men in the study water. Friedl et al (62) conducted HW measurements on 3 d in
grew beards for 3 wk and then the BOD POD measurements a single week. In one-half of the subjects, a learning effect on
were made before and after the beards were shaved. Although the maximal exhalation procedure under water was noted such
there were large individual variations, mean Vbraw was 157 mL that over time subjects exhaled a greater amount of air (and thus
lower and %BF was 0.9% lower after shaving. These findings had a higher mass in water). In contrast, a concomitant change
suggest that for men who have beards, an additional factor could in the VR measurements on land was not observed. This learning
be built into the BOD POD software to adjust for the small effect effect under water, but not on land, resulted in an average BF
of additional isothermal air associated with a beard. The findings measurement that was 1% lower on the third day than on the
further suggest that during longitudinal studies in which the first day in these subjects. It is possible that simultaneous deter-
BOD POD is used to measure body composition, men should mination of VR and body mass in water would have alleviated
either remain clean shaven or maintain the same amount of facial the mismatch observed in Friedl et al’s study (62); however, this
hair throughout the study. solution is controversial because some studies suggest that the
measurement of VR in water by gas dilution may be underesti-
Subject size
mated because of pulmonary gas trapping (63, 64). As can be
Lockner et al (21) reported that the difference between Db by seen by comparing Equations 4 and 5 and as discussed by
HW and the BOD POD in children was significantly related to McCrory et al (49), an error in VTG has less of an effect on meas-
height, body mass, and body surface area, with the largest dif- urements made with the BOD POD than an error in VR of the
ferences (calculated as BOD POD – HW) seen in the smallest same magnitude has on HW. However, the variability in VTG rel-
children. The suggestion that a smaller ratio of chamber volume ative to that in VR has not yet been reported. In addition, the
to subject volume would improve measurement precision (5, 9) validity of VTG measured with the BOD POD needs to be estab-
and the above-mentioned findings of Lockner et al suggest that lished. One way to do this is to compare VTG measurements
body-volume measurements with the BOD POD may be less made with the BOD POD with those made by standard pul-
accurate in smaller children than in larger children. However, as monary plethysmography (considered by pulmonary physiolo-
discussed above, there were other possible confounding factors gists as the gold standard method for measuring lung volume;
in Lockner et al’s study. Furthermore, the possibility that smaller 65–67), after correction for differences in tidal volume as dis-
(younger) children may have had more difficulty complying with cussed above.
the requirements of the HW procedure should not be overlooked.
Fasting compared with postprandial conditions
It is known that gas in the stomach or intestine that is not
accounted for leads to an underestimate of Db and an overesti- Summary of findings in adults
mate of %BF when measured by HW. This can be seen in the fol- Nine studies compared body-composition measurements by
lowing formula used to calculate Db by HW: DXA and the BOD POD in adults with BMIs ranging from 17 to
40 (19, 20, 29, 31, 32, 41–43, 68; Table 3). Most of these studies
Db = Mland/[(Mland – Mwater)/Dw]  VR  VGI (5)
were conducted in young to middle-aged subjects, but 2 of the
where Db is in kg/L, Mland is body mass on land in kg, Mwater is studies also included adults aged > 55 y). Mean differences between
body mass in water in kg, Dw is the temperature-specific water %BF measured by the BOD POD and DXA varied widely. The
density in kg/L, VR is in L, and VGI is gastrointestinal gas volume differences in %BF were significant in about one-half of the stud-
in L. Investigators often use an average estimate of 0.100 L (53) ies conducted: negative (range: 2.0% to 3.0%) in 4 of the stud-
for intestinal gas. This estimate may be appropriate under fasting ies (19, 29, 32, 42) and positive (1.7 %BF) in 1 of the studies (41).

Summary of studies that compared percentage body fat (%BF) measurements made with the BOD POD or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)1
Regression analysis4 Bland-Altman analysis
Number of 95% Limits Significant Significant
Reference subjects Sex Age2 BMI2 BOD POD DXA3 Slope R2 SEE of agreement trend sex effect
n y kg/m2 %BF
Sardinha et al, 1998 (29) 62 M 31–46 19–35 2.6 ± 2.65 NR 0.86 NR 2.6, 7.8 No NA
Levenhagen et al, 1999 (32) 20 M,F 19–47 20–36 3.0 ± 3.75 0.99 0.88 NR 4.4, 10.4 No No
Collins et al, 1999 (19)6 20 M 20 ± 1 NR 2.05 1.027 0.80 2.4 NR NR NA
Miyatake et al 1999 (31) 16 M,F 28 ± 7 21 ± 3 NR NR 0.83 NR NR NR NR
Nuñez et al, 1999 (20)6 72 M,F 20–86 25 ± 4 0.4 0.917 0.88 3.5 NR No No
Koda et al, 2000 (68) 721 M,F 40–79 23 ± 3 0.1 ± 3.8 NR 0.78–0.81 NR NR NR Yes
Wagner et al, 2000 (41)8 30 M 19–45 19–40 1.75 NR 0.86 2.8 NR NR NA
Fields et al, 2001 (43) 43 F 19–54 17–37 0.6 ± 3.4 1.10 0.91 3.4 6.1, 7.2 No NA
Millard-Stafford et al, 2001 (42) 50 M,F 25 ± 6 24 2.5 ± 3.75 NR NR 3.7 NR NR NR
Nuñez et al, 1999 (20)6 48 M,F 6–19 21 ± 4 0.1 0.867 0.81 4.0 NR Upward9 No
Fields and Goran, 2000 (44)10 25 M,F 9–14 13–35 3.9 ± 4.05 1.02 0.85 4.1 11.9, 4.1 No11 No11
Lockner et al, 2000 (21)6 54 M,F 10–18 NR 2.15 NR 0.88 3.4 NR NR NR
All studies used a DPX-L (Lunar, Madison, WI) to measure DXA except studies (29, 31, 68) in which a Hologic QDR 1500 or 4500 (Waltham, MA)
was used. All studies used Siri’s equation (24) to convert body density to %BF, with the following exceptions: references 31 and 68 used Brozek et al’s equa-
tion (25), reference 32 used Schutte et al’s equation (26) in blacks, reference 41 used Schutte et al’s equation and Wagner and Heyward’s equation (27) in
blacks, and reference 44 used child-specific equations developed by Lohman (46). NR, not reported; NA, not applicable.
Range, or –x ± SD when range was not reported.
Difference (x– or –x ± SD) between %BF between the 2 methods.
Prediction of %BF with DXA from %BF measured with the BOD POD.
Significantly different from 0, P < 0.05.
Some or all of the BOD POD tests were done with the use of predicted thoracic gas volume.
Statistical comparison of the slope with 1.0 was not reported.
Data were derived with the use of the equation of Wagner and Heyward (27) for the conversion of body density to %BF for blacks.
Nonsignificant trend.
Data for fat mass were originally reported, but were recomputed for this review in %BF units with the use of Siri’s equation (24) to facilitate compar-
ison with other studies.
DA Fields, MI Goran, unpublished observations, 2000.

One additional study with a substantial sample size of 721 and an %BF measured with the BOD POD accounted for 81–88% of the
overall mean difference in %BF of 0.1% reported a significant variance in %BF measured by DXA as indicated by the R2 value.
negative mean difference (1.3%) for females and a significant The SEEs ranged from 3.4% to 4.1% BF, which are noted as
positive mean difference (1.2%) for males (68). In 3 of the 4 stud- fairly good or good by Lohman (47). A wide range of individual
ies reporting regression analyses, prediction of %BF by DXA differences between the BOD POD and DXA measurements was
from %BF by the BOD POD resulted in slopes very close to 1.00, indicated by Bland-Altman analysis, with 95% limits of agree-
ranging between 0.99 and 1.02 (19, 32, 43); in the remaining ment of 11.9% and 4.1% BF (44). In addition, Nuñez et al (20)
study, the slope was somewhat lower, 0.91 (20). The amount of reported a nonsignificant upward trend in their Bland-Altman
shared variance between the 2 methods ranged from 78% to 91%, plot, but Fields and Goran (44) found no such trend.
whereas SEEs ranged from 2.4% to 3.5% BF [which were dis-
tributed among the good, very good, and excellent categories, as Potential reasons for differences between the BOD POD and
subjectively assessed by Lohman (47)]. The 95% limits of agree- DXA measurements
ment ranged from 10% to 15% in the 3 studies that reported Many of the issues discussed above that may have contributed
Bland-Altman analyses (29, 32, 43), indicating very large differ- to the differences between the BOD POD and HW measurements
ences between these 2 methods in some individuals. also pertain to the observed differences between the BOD POD
and DXA measurements, particularly the clothing worn during the
Summary of findings in children BOD POD test, the order in which the different body-composition
The 3 studies conducted in children that compared %BF tests were conducted, and the prediction of VTG. Other factors that
measurements made with the BOD POD and with DXA are also also may be at play include limitations in DXA and errors in the
summarized in Table 3 (20, 21, 44). The children in these stud- assumptions inherent to the 2C models of densitometry, which are
ies ranged in age from 6 to 19 y and all 3 studies included both used in the BOD POD to calculate %BF. These additional factors
boys and girls. In 2 of these studies (21, 44), a significant nega- and the potential sex effect on differences between the 2 methods
tive mean difference between the 2 methods was reported are discussed below.
(3.9% and 2.1% BF), but in the other study (20) there was
almost no difference (0.1% BF). The prediction of %BF with Limitations of the densitometric 2C model
DXA from %BF with the BOD POD produced a slope of 1.02 in The 2C model for converting Db to %BF divides the body into
one study (44), but a lesser slope of 0.86 in another study (20). components of fat mass and fat-free mass. Among the assumptions

inherent to this model are that the densities of these 2 compo- underestimates) %BF at higher tissue thicknesses (73). Nonethe-
nents are 0.9 and 1.1 kg/L, respectively, and that these densities less, other potential contributors to variations in DXA should be
do not vary among individuals or populations (47). considered, as discussed below.
Although these numbers appear to be relatively accurate for
Limitations of DXA
the general population, it is known that the density of the fat-
free mass can differ substantially from 1.1 kg/L for particular Because DXA does not rely on the assumptions of a 2C model
groups of individuals, such as the elderly, children, and blacks (47). to provide estimates of body composition and because it does not
In individuals and groups in whom density deviates from these depend on subject performance, DXA is sometimes regarded as a
assumptions, body-composition estimates based on the 2C standard against which other methods can be validated. However,
model are in error; 2C models can be improved, however. For like most other methods for measuring body composition, DXA is
example, for children and adolescents, who have not yet matured also subject to errors (74–76). Compared with chemical analysis,
chemically and whose fat-free mass has a greater proportion of Jebb et al (75) reported that DXA underestimated the fat mass of
water and lesser proportion of mineral, Lohman (46) used aver- deboned pork shoulders by 5–8% on average, whereas others
age estimates for the water and mineral proportions of the fat- reported that DXA overestimated %BF in small animals by an
free mass to derive age- and sex-specific 2C equations. These average of 30% (77, 78). Furthermore, %BF, fat mass, fat-free
equations, applicable for persons aged 1–18 y, should improve mass, and bone mineral estimates have been shown to vary among
group estimates of %BF by densitometry (including both the brands (79–82), test modes [eg, pencil beam compared with fan
BOD POD and HW) and are preferable to the equations of Siri (24) beam (Hologic, Waltham, MA)] (83), and software versions (84),
or Brozek et al (25) for this age group. Data from Roemmich et al (69) and by tissue thickness (75, 85). Although the studies comparing
support the use of these equations. They showed that in young the BOD POD and DXA varied in each of these respects (Table 3),
adolescents, Lohman’s equations resulted in a mean %BF esti- no particular aspect of DXA can be singled out as a likely candi-
mate that was much closer to that derived by the gold standard date for the lack of agreement among these studies. However, the
4C model (discussed below) than was %BF calculated with Siri’s different machines, software brands, modes, and subject thick-
equation; however, individual errors were still high, as shown by nesses certainly contributed to the variability in the findings.
the Bland-Altman limits of agreement.
Subject sex
The density of fat-free mass is influenced in large part by bone
mineral because the density of bone is markedly higher than that of Of the 4 studies that compared the BOD POD and DXA meas-
other components of the fat-free mass. Koda et al (68), who stud- urements of %BF in men and women (20, 31, 32, 68), only the
ied men and women aged 40–79 y, reported that the difference study by Koda et al (68) reported a significant effect of sex on
between the BOD POD and DXA %BF measurements observed in the difference between the 2 methods. One possibility for the
their study was inversely associated with the bone mineral content discrepant findings among studies is that the influence of sex on
expressed as a percentage of the fat-free mass (BMC/%FFM) in differences between these methods exists only in older subjects
both sexes. In other words, the lower the BMC/%FFM, the more because Koda et al was one of only 2 studies that included older
positive the difference between the BOD POD and DXA %BF subjects. Although Nuñez et al (20) also studied older subjects,
measurements. Of note, there are previous reports that the inclusion of younger subjects as well in their study may have
BMC/%FFM is also inversely associated with differences between masked any potential effect of age in the older subjects. To bet-
HW and DXA measurements (70–72). The mean BMC/%FFM in ter understand whether potential differences between the 2 meth-
the study by Koda et al (68) was relatively low in both sexes [4.4% ods are sex specific, we performed Bland-Altman analysis on
compared with Brozek et al’s (25) estimate of 5.6% in a reference group means for studies that reported mean values separately for
man]; on the basis of this information, it can be predicted from the males and females (19, 20, 29, 32, 41, 43, 68). These data are
2C model that the BOD POD would overestimate %BF in both shown in Figure 2. There was an overall negative bias of 1.0%
males and females in this age group. However, mean %BF meas- BF (P = 0.10) and no trend for differences in %BF between the
ured with the BOD POD was significantly higher than that meas- BOD POD and DXA to vary by sex or with increasing %BF. The
ured with DXA only in males. Furthermore, a large proportion of underlying reasons for the upward trend shown in Figure 1 (BOD
both sexes had a lower %BF as measured with the BOD POD POD compared with HW) but not in Figure 2 (BOD POD com-
(25% of males and 68% of females). This suggests that other fac- pared with DXA) should be addressed in future studies.
tors in addition to a relatively low BMC/%FFM were responsible
for the differences in %BF measured with the BOD POD and
DXA. Koda et al (68) also reported that for both sexes, the differ- VALIDITY OF THE BOD POD RELATIVE TO
ences between the BOD POD and DXA measurements of %BF MULTICOMPARTMENT MODELS
(calculated as BOD POD – DXA) were positively associated It is thought that the most accurate body-composition measure-
with age, waist circumference, and sagittal diameter; ie, older ment, short of direct carcass analysis, can be obtained with the use
subjects and those with larger waist circumferences and sagittal of multicompartment models (86, 87). Multicompartment models
diameters had a more positive difference. However, multiple regres- are believed to give more accurate results than do the more tradi-
sion analysis was not used to determine whether either of these tional 2C models because they avoid assumptions about the den-
factors remained significant after accounting for BMC/%FFM. sity of the fat-free mass. With multicompartment models, the mul-
The authors hypothesized that DXA errors due to tissue thick- tiple compartments of the fat-free mass (mineral, bone, protein, and
ness may have been one reason behind the observed association water) are actually measured, allowing for calculation of the den-
between the differences between methods and the anthropomet- sity of fat-free mass, and the precision with which body composi-
ric measurements. Their hypothesis, however, is not supported tion can be estimated is increased (38, 62, 88, 89). Because of
by studies that indicate that DXA overestimates (rather than these advantages, the 4C model has been recommended as the new

HW 2C model differed significantly from those with the HW 4C

model. The highest %BF was found with the HW 4C model
(19.3% BF), followed by the BOD POD 4C and HW 2C models
(each 17.8% BF) and the BOD POD 2C model (15.0% BF). Both
the aqueous fraction of the body and Db were positive predictors
of the difference between the BOD POD and 4C model %BF
measurements (calculated as BOD POD – 4C), and the mineral
fraction of the body was a negative predictor. Limits of agree-
ment in Bland-Altman analysis were 6.1% to 3.1% BF for
individual differences between measurements made with the
BOD POD 4C and HW 4C models; females tended to have pos-
itive differences and males tended to have negative differences.
Nevertheless, whether subject sex per se was a significant pre-
dictor of this difference independent of %BF was not ascertained
because of the small proportion of females studied and the mini-
mal overlap in %BF between the sexes. Any potential influence
FIGURE 2. Bland-Altman plot of sex-specific mean differences of ethnicity also was not reported.
between percentage body fat (%BF) measured with the BOD POD (Life
Measurement, Inc, Concord, CA) and with dual-energy X-ray absorp- The BOD POD compared with the 3C model
tiometry (DXA) in men () and women () in individual studies (refer- Collins et al (19) compared %BF measured with the BOD
ence numbers in parentheses). Only studies published from December POD [using the Siri (24) equation] with that calculated with a 3C
1995 to August 2001 that provided mean data for men and women sepa-
density-mineral model in a subset (n = 20) of their original
rately were used. The relation between the difference between the 2 meth-
69 subjects in whom the BOD POD was compared with HW
ods and the average of the 2 methods was not significant.
(Table 2). The 3C density-mineral model was originally pro-
posed by Lohman (47) in 1992 and later modified by Modlesky
gold standard against which other techniques should be validated et al (94) in 1996. In this case, %BF was calculated with the use
(47, 87). Three studies in adults (19, 42, 43) and one study in chil- of body mineral (derived from the bone mineral content meas-
dren (44) used a multicompartment model to validate the BOD ured by DXA) and Db from HW. Although the group mean dif-
POD. These studies are discussed below. ference was small (a difference of 1.8% BF between the BOD
POD and the 3C model) and the SEE from the regression analy-
Summary of findings in adults sis was excellent (2.4% BF) per Lohman (47), the regression
The BOD POD compared with the 4C model equation showed poor agreement between the BOD POD and the
Fields et al (43) studied young to middle-aged women with the 3C model (slope = 0.65, R2 = 0.64). No Bland-Altman analyses
use of the 4C model of Baumgartner et al (87) as the standard were presented. One reason for these relatively poor results may
against which to compare the BOD POD. In this model, Db was be that Db derived from HW was used in the 3C model rather
assessed with the BOD POD, TBW by isotopic dilution, and the than Db derived from the BOD POD. Although the advantage of
bone mineral content by DXA. %BF from the BOD POD was cal- this is that it allows an independent assessment of the BOD POD
culated by using the 2C model of Siri (24). Although the mean dif- and the 3C model, it may have confounded the comparison
ference between methods was significant (BOD POD  4C because BF measurements were 2.4% lower (and thus Db was
model = 2.2% BF), the R2 value was high (0.95) and the SEE of higher) with the BOD POD than with HW in this subgroup. (As
2.3% BF was excellent (47). Furthermore, the 95% CI around the discussed earlier, this difference between the 2 methods may
mean difference was relatively narrow in comparison with the wider have been influenced by several factors.). It is also important to
CIs found when the BOD POD was compared with either HW or note that DXA measurements were not evaluated against the 3C
DXA in other studies, as summarized in Tables 2 and 3, ranging model; therefore, it is not known whether the BOD POD per-
from 6.8% to 2.2% BF. Also of interest, the BOD POD and HW formed better or worse than DXA in this population when eval-
performed similarly when both were evaluated against a 4C model. uated in comparison with the 3C model.
As in other studies that compared the 2C densitometric model
obtained from HW with a 4C model (87, 90–92), the study by Fields Summary of findings in children
et al (43) found that the aqueous and mineral fractions of the fat-free In the only study published thus far in which the 4C model
mass were positively and negatively associated, respectively, with was used in children (aged 9–14 y), Fields and Goran (44) eval-
the difference in %BF calculated as BOD POD  4C model. uated the BOD POD and other methods. They used the 4C model
More recently, Millard-Stafford et al (42) assessed %BF with the of Lohman (46), which incorporates Db derived with the BOD
BOD POD and HW with Siri’s (24) 2C model and a 4C model POD, TBW measured by isotopic dilution, and bone mineral
(93) in 50 young men and women of mixed ethnicity (35 white, measured with DXA. The age-adjusted 2C models of Lohman
15 black). Calculations of %BF with the 4C model were deter- (46) were used to calculate %BF from Db measured with the
mined with the use of Db derived from the BOD POD and from HW. BOD POD, which was compared with %BF calculated with the
%BF determined with the BOD POD differed significantly from use of the 4C model. Although the R2 value was relatively high
that determined with HW when the 2C model was used, and both (0.90) and the SEE low (3.2% BF), the BOD POD significantly
values differed significantly from their respective 4C models. That underestimated %BF; there was a difference in %BF of 2.7%
is, the results with the BOD POD 2C model differed significantly between the 2 methods. However, HW also underestimated %BF
from those with the BOD POD 4C model, and the results from the by an even larger amount (difference of 3.9% BF). Additionally,

the methods, indicating that differences between methods for

individuals can be quite large. These individual differences are
attributable to both the combined imprecision of the 2 methods
being compared and to disagreement between the methods.
Compared with 4C models, based on a few studies (42, 43, 44),
the BOD POD underestimates %BF by 2–3 % in adults and
children (Figure 3); a recent study (42) showed that HW under-
estimates %BF by a similar amount. Therefore, differences
between the BOD POD and 4C model are partly explained by
limitations in the assumption of the 2C models rather than to
limitations in the BOD POD per se. Further support for this idea
comes from several studies, which showed that variations
between both the BOD POD and HW 2C models and respective
4C models are associated with deviations from the assumed
chemical composition of the body (42, 43, 87, 90, 91). Errors in
the 2C model are also partly responsible for the observed within-
subject differences between the BOD POD and DXA, but errors
in DXA itself, as discussed previously, are also responsible.
Other than the limitations of the 2C model, reasons for the dif-
ferences among individuals within a study and the discrepancies
among study means remain largely unknown, as illustrated by
within-subject comparisons between the BOD POD and HW.
Because both of these methods are based on a 2C model, they are
subject to the same errors when converting Db to %BF if the
same 2C model is used for each conversion. Differences in
results among studies and individuals are attributable to several
factors, including differences in laboratory equipment, study
design, subject characteristics, and in some cases a failure to fol-
low the manufacturer’s recommended protocol. To a large extent,
the individual differences remain unexplained and future studies
should be aimed at explaining these differences.
Other goals for future research include a comparison of sev-
eral reference methods within a single study with the best avail-
FIGURE 3. Mean (± SEM) differences between percentage body fat able gold standard (either a multicomponent model or chemical
(%BF) measured with the BOD POD (Life Measurement, Inc, Concord, analysis). This was done in one study (44), but other studies
CA) and with 4-compartment (4C) models, hydrostatic weighing (HW), have largely focused on rigorous comparisons of the BOD POD
and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Only studies published with a reference method but no such rigorous comparison of the
from December 1995 to August 2001 that provided mean data for men other methods with a reference method in the same subjects. In
and women separately were used. Reference numbers in parentheses.
addition, whether there is a systematic effect of sex, indepen-
dent of %BF, on differences between methods should be
in other analyses of the 4 methods studied (BOD POD, HW, explored by matching men and women for %BF and for other
DXA, and TBW), including residual plot examination, the BOD factors that could influence differences between methods. Other
POD was the only method that showed no significant tendency potential contributors to differences between methods include
to underestimate %BF at a lower fatness and to underestimate errors in HW and DXA, and studies of the BOD POD should
%BF at higher fatness. Thus, in these children, the BOD POD include investigation of these errors. A multilaboratory valida-
emerged as the single best method to evaluate %BF in compari- tion study would help determine whether some of the differ-
son with the gold standard estimate provided by the 4C model. ences among the study findings can be attributed to differences
between laboratory equipment. Studies of different population
groups—including children, older adults, and obese subjects—
CRITICAL EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS STUDIES AND and systematic investigations of differences among methods by
SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ethnicity are also needed. Additionally, information on the relia-
As shown in Figure 3, the average mean differences in %BF bility and validity of VTG measurements, the validity of VTG pre-
between the BOD POD and HW were < 1% in adults and chil- diction, and factors affecting VTG are necessary as are ways to
dren, whereas the differences in %BF between the BOD POD improve VTG measurements.
and DXA were < 1% in adults and 2% in children. However, it is Because the BOD POD is designed to measure body volume,
important to note that the latter difference was based on the investigators are encouraged in future studies to include data on
results of only 3 studies, the findings of which varied consider- body volume in addition to %BF (or Db). The software versions
ably. Taken together, the studies summarized in Tables 2 and 3 used with all equipment should be reported, including the BOD
show that on average the methods agreed quite well, but there POD and other computerized equipment such as VR measuring
were large variations among study means. Also, the data in these devices and DXA. Regarding study design, ≥ 30 subjects should be
tables show that there were wide limits of agreement between included in the studies (more if different population groups are

Subjective ratings of various aspects of body-composition measurements with the BOD POD compared with reference methods1
Cost 4 1 4–5 3 2–5
Time required to perform a single measurement 5 1 3 4–5 2
Equipment maintenance 4 1 2 5 1
Subject friendliness 5 1 2 5 4
User friendliness 5 2 3 3 3
Ability to accommodate a wide range of subject types3 4 3 1 3 5
Subject safety 5 3 4 3 5
The ratings are based on a scoring system of 1 to 5, where 1 represents “least favorable” and 5 represents “most favorable.” HW, hydrostatic weighing,
including measurement of residual lung volume; DXA, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (fan or pencil beam); TBW, total body water measured by isotope
dilution, including analysis by mass spectrometry or infrared spectrophotometry.
Life Measurement Inc, Concord, CA.
Children and subjects who are extremely obese, very tall, elderly, pregnant, or disabled, or who have musculoskeletal limitations.

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