DDD Definition and General Considerations
DDD Definition and General Considerations
DDD Definition and General Considerations
The DDD is a unit of measurement and does not necessarily reflect the recommended
or Prescribed Daily Dose. Therapeutic doses for individual patients and patient groups will
often differ from the DDD as they will be based on individual characteristics (such as age,
weight, ethnic differences, type and severity of disease) and pharmacokinetic considerations.
Only one DDD is assigned per ATC code and route of administration (e.g. oral
formulation). The DDD is nearly always a compromise based on a review of available
information including doses used in various countries when this information is available. The
DDD is sometimes a “dose” that is rarely if ever prescribed, because it might be an average of
two or more commonly used doses.
Drug utilization data presented in DDDs only give a rough estimate of consumption
and not an exact picture of actual use. DDDs provide a fixed unit of measurement
independent of price, currencies, package size and strength enabling the researcher to assess
trends in drug consumption and to perform comparisons between population groups.
The recommended maintenance dose (long term therapeutic dose) is usually preferred
when establishing the DDD. The initial dose may differ from the maintenance dose but
this is not reflected in the DDD. If the approved dose recommendation provides limited
information about maintenance dose, the DDD will usually be the average of the
maintenance dose range. Examples of interpretation of approved dose titration
o "Titrate up to a high dose if it is tolerated”: the high dose would normally be chosen
as the DDD.
o “Consider to increase the dose only if efficacy is not satisfactory with initial dose”:
the DDD would normallybe based on the initial dose.
For some groups of medicinal products specific principles for DDD assignment are
established (e.g. the DDDs for the selective serotonin agonists in the treatment of
migraine are based on the approved initial dose). These principles are given in the
guidelines for the relevant ATC groups.
The treatment dose is generally used. If, however, prophylaxis is the main indication, this
dose is used, e.g. for fluoride tablets (A01AA01) and some antimalarials.
A DDD is usually established according to the declared content (strength) of the product.
Various salts of a substance are usually not given different DDDs. Exceptions are
described in the guidelines for the relevant ATC groups. For example, the DDDs for
antimalarials are expressed as the base.
Different stereoisomeric forms are normally assigned separate DDDs and ATC codes.
The DDDs for stereoisomeric forms are described in the respective ATC groups.
Prodrugs, which have not been given a separate ATC code, are normally not given a
separate DDD.
The DDD is often identical for various dosage forms of the same drug. Different DDDs
can be established when the bioavailability is substantially different for various routes of
administration (e.g. oral and parenteral administration of morphine) or if the dosage forms
are used for different indications. When the use of parenteral formulations represents
only a minor fraction of the total use for a specific indication, these products have
normally not received a separate DDD even if the bioavailability of the oral form is
substantially different. This principle has not been strictly followed in recent years.
Parenteral antibacterials are for example mainly used in hospitals and often for more
severe infections than in primary care. The DDDs are frequently used as indicators for
antibacterial use in hospitals, and it has been decided that assigning different DDDs for
oral and parenteral formulations could be important in some cases to improve the
usefulness of the methodology in drug utilization monitoring and research.
Parenteral products with different routes of administration (e.g. i.v. and i.m.) have the
same DDD.
Example I:
Treatment with two products, each containing one active ingredient:
Product A: Tablets containing 20 mg of substance X (DDD = 20 mg)
Product B: Tablets containing 25 mg of substance Y (DDD = 25 mg)
The dosing schedule 1 tablet of A plus 1 tablet of B daily will be calculated as a consumption
of 2 DDDs.
Example II:
Treatment with a combination product containing two active ingredients:
Product C: Tablets containing 20 mg of substance X and 12.5 mg of substance Y. The DDD
of the combination products is assigned as 1 UD = 1 tablet.
The dosing schedule 1 tablet of C daily will be calculated as 1 DDD (even though it will be
equivalent to 1.5 DDD of the single active ingredients).
2. For combination products used for treatment of hypertension (i.e. ATC group
C02, C03, C07, C08 and C09), DDDs are based on the average number of dosing
intervals per day. This means that: 1 tablet is the DDD for combinations given
once daily, whereas 2 tablets is the DDD for combinations given twice daily and 3
tablets is the DDD for combinations given three times daily etc. This principle
means that the assigned DDDs may differ from the DDD assigned for the main
active ingredient (according to ATC code).
For all combination products where the DDD assigned deviates from the principles given
above, a list of DDDs are available on this website List of DDDs combined products.
Sursa: https://www.whocc.no/ddd/definition_and_general_considera/