Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - in Uence, Dynamics, Trends
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - in Uence, Dynamics, Trends
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - in Uence, Dynamics, Trends
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1 author:
Zelenka Josef
University of Hradec Králové
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Josef Zelenka
finders etc.) offer huge amount of tourism appli- the implications for marketing and design: brand
cations. According to LAKE ([22], cited in [26]), building, relationship building, category building,
about 95% of the American web surfers use the cost reduction (see discussion in [5]), revenue
web to gather travel-related content, and about provision, and community design.
93% indicate that they visited tourism websites The trends of the tourism related web pages:
when planning their vacations. The tourism web - Personalisation - according to a nationa-
space has been very dynamic developed from lity, roles, users activities; an information
the quality and quantity point of view in the last and services access according to the
10 years. USAID presentation in 2006 [31] pre- users preferences.
sumes that „the Internet will account for 25% of - Intelligent search and results sorting-
travel purchases within the next five years.“ And logical sorting, logically determined full
from USAID presentation [31] once more about text search, semantic web, AI search sup-
the web pages penetration: „50% of German port.
tourists use the Internet to get information on de- - Growing interactivity - hypermedia, in-
stinations.“ What are typical/important subjects teractive maps, pseudo-virtual reality (3D
of research studies of the web space application presentation, space virtual models).
for tourism? - „Total“ information topicality - web ca-
The crucial tourism web pages‘ parameter is meras (cruises, destinations), information
their quality. DOOLIN - BURGESS - COOPER on the actual position of transportation
[8] studied New Zealand‘s tourism web pages vehicles, an immediate state of the dispos-
and presented an extended model of the Internet able service offer.
Commerce Adoption (eMICA). The model eMICA
describes the typical life cycle of the commercial 2. Marketing
web pages and the main development parameter
The best way to start thinking about the ICT use
is a growing interactivity (chat room, discussion
in tourism industry is to discuss tourism product
forum, multimedia, newsletters or updates by
characteristics and tourism marketing specifics.
email etc.) in three stages of development: pro-
Typical for tourism product is mainly their com-
motion - provision - processing.
plexity, unique capability to fit consumer needs,
The term „virtual tourist community“ was used
dependence on time and place, broad spectrum
by many authors but there has been no clear de-
of quality and price relations and dependence on
finition yet. The theoretical foundation of the con- cooperation and human factor. Every aspect of
cept of a virtual tourist community authors WANG the tourism product characteristics and tourism
- YU - FESENMAIER [32] is based upon the core marketing specifics is importantly influenced by
characteristics of the virtual communities and the ICT. How the ICT is changing tourism market
the fundamental needs of community members. and support/change tourism marketing:
They identified three dimensions of similarities - The ICT change the way the organizations
between the „classical“ community and the virtual distribute their tourism products in the mar-
community: space - cyberspace ([1], cited in [32]: ketplace [2], [5], [13].
„The cyberspace has geography, a nature, and - The ICT enable cooperation among many
a rule of human law. In the cyberspace the com- partners (typically tens partners - airlines
mon man and the information worker can search, companies, airlines alliances, hotel chains,
manipulate, create or control information directly; credit cards companies, or rent-a-car compa-
she/he can be entertained or trained, seek a so- nies) in the frame of frequent flyer/user pro-
litude or a company, win or lose the power...inde- grammes - the control of personnel account,
ed, she/he can ‚‘live‘‘ or ‚‘die‘‘ as she/he will“), automatic accounting, online informing of
symbolic dimension, and virtual dimension („com- consumers, programs promotion [12].
mon value systems, norms, rules, and the sense - Flexible and immediately accessible in-
of identity, commitment and association that also formation did born a broad acceptance
characterize various physical communities“, of the last minute offer in different forms
[32]). The authors from the point of view of the - tour operators/travel agencies packages,
members of the virtual tourist community discuss airlines waiting lists.
- E-business (broad meaning, not only pur- Different author studied different effects of
chasing, but promotion, too) via different the websites on consumer‘s behavior and con-
media/technologies is substituting traditi- sumer‘s cognitive functions - an influence on
onal personnel marketing. formation of destination mental map/imagery
- The ICT is a powerful tool for market study [13], a correspondence of consumer psycholo-
- neural networks are used for market seg- gical characteristics to the web sites behavior
mentation [2], usual tool is a software for [30]. FRÍAS - RODRÍGUEZ - CASTANEDA [13]
analyses of guest history/preferences on studied the influence of information processing
web pages. on formation of destination mental map/image
- The strengthen role of a brand: 80 percent when they compared process obtaining destina-
of the on-line customers prefer buying tion information solo from travel agency, or solo
from companies they already know [31]. from websites, or as a combination of both resou-
- the ICT using knowledge of other sciences rces. They concluded that destination image was
(economy, statistics, or mathematics) is worse when consumers used a travel agency and
able to model and forecast tourism de- websites together (reason - information overload
mands (see study below). on web, unsuitable website structure).
- Quality and accuracy of decision can be
effectively supported by marketing deci- 3. E-business
sion support systems, as described by
E-business provides new channels for the
WÖBER [36] for TourMIS in Austria.
tourism global marketing of products and ser-
- The increased efficiency/enables Yield
vices, and presents opportunities to create new
management, marketing strategy targeted
businesses providing information and other
on profit maximalisation through overboo-
knowledge-based intangible products. According
king, or market segmentation (American
to [31] e-tourism the leading B2C application is
Airlines: „selling the right seat to the right
with 40% share of all B2C e-commerce. The cur-
customer at the right time“).
rent tourism e-business trends and implications
are described in [10]; any described trends are
The ability to forecast tourism demand can
conflicting, opposite, parallel (opportunities and/
provide an important market advantage. SONG
or threads for business subject):
and LI [29] proposed a detailed study of different
- The ICT enables tourism service providers
approaches to achieve forecast of tourism de-
to interact directly with consumers, which
mands via modelling and forecasting. They analy- puts enormous pressure on traditional in-
sed published studies and articles on modelling termediaries (i.e. travel agencies and tour
and forecasting of tourism demands since 2000 operators). The extent to which intermedi-
and concluded that: aries are bypassed differs considerably
- Quantitative forecasting techniques can between various sub-sectors.
be divided in three categories: time-se- - The ICT solutions may also provide new on-
ries models, the econometric approach, line opportunities for traditional players and
and other methods including AI techni- newly emerging online intermediaries throu-
ques. gh securing their position on the market by
- New trends to further enhance forecast offering value-added online services.
accuracy include a combination of the - Market consolidation is driven by an or-
quantitative approaches and an integra- ganisation growth, mergers, acquisitions
tion of the quantitative and qualitative and strategic alliances. This can increase
approaches. in competitiveness on company level, but
- Future development: better calculation might lead to reduced competition in the
with seasonality, unexpected events, tou- tourism market in the long run.
rism destination life cycle analysis. - Growing offer and demand for dynamic
- According the authors „there is no single packages.
model that consistently outperforms other - E-Ticketing - usual at low-cost airlines,
models in all situations“. „traditional“ airlines (members of The Inter-
national Air Transport Association - IATA) • Main factors of concurrence ability are new
achieved a 100% penetration of e-ticketing distribution channels and tourism product
at the end of 2007; the process is comple- personification.
ted by bar-coded boarding passes. • Evident cooperation of the Internet, IDTV, and
mobile devices will further strengthen their
HO - LEE [19] identified and verified on the market position mainly because they will be
base of factor analyses five core components of able to offer multiplatform interface for the ac-
e-travel service quality: information quality, securi- cess of different customers in different places
ty (transaction‘s safety, privacy), website functio- and different time.
nality (easy navigation, easy access to webpage, • One from the main factors of differentiation on
or quick and easy to complete a transaction), the online target is accessibility of up-to-date,
customer relationships and responsiveness, and relevant and rich content information; that is
did find a high correlation among the five factors. difference of new and old one (e. g. GDS)
Each component sub-factor (see [19]:1441, tab. E-business cannels too.
5) can be operationally used for e-travel service • Potential of IDTV and mobile devices further in-
quality testing. crease the market penetration via E-business.
BUHALIS and LICATA [2] analysed position
and development trends of traditional electronic
tourism intermediaries (travel agents, tour oper-
4. Location Based Services
ators and incoming travel agencies supported by Location based services (LBS) have a very big
computer reservation systems, global distribution potential for tourism industry due to the:
systems - GDSs‘, and tour operators‘ videotext - Growth of wireless data transmission spe-
systems) and new electronic tourism intermedi- ed (HSCSD, GPRS, UMTS; [39]),
aries (according to [2] a wide range of organi- - technological progress of small intelligent
sations including suppliers - airlines, or hotels, and multifunction interfaces (mobile pho-
selling direct on the Internet by allowing users nes, PDA‘s - Personal Digital Assistants,
to directly access their reservation systems; web- [39]),
-based travel agents; the Internet portals and vor- - accurate positioning methods (combining
tals, and auction sites). Below there are authors‘ GPS, mobile phone technology, compasses),
conclusions about future market changes: - interconnection mobile devices to different
• GDS, tour operators and travel agencies will data and information application resources
move closer to customers. (e. g. GDS and CRS on web),
• Main role of GDS will be a data supplement - development of new transmission protocols,
for future E-business technologies - the Inter- accent on LBS personalisation [27], appro-
net, IDTV and mobile devices (mobile phones, priate transmission security (cryptology),
PDA‘s etc.). - and lowering LBS technology equipment
• Tourism product personification will play a key prices.
role for future success in the frame of E-bu-
siness which will depend on the partnership 5. Sustainable Tourism Develop-
with suppliers. ment
• GDS will possess or cooperate with the online
The sustainable tourism development is based
tour operators/travel agencies that will be one
on the appropriate development of tourism
of the possibilities of „cross“ sale of tourism
infrastructure, participation of local people, or
monitoring and managing of tourism flows. How
• Direct airline tickets sale via CRS of airline
can the ICT be helpful in sustainable tourism de-
companies will continue the growth which will
velopment support?
be supported through special offers, frequent
Static and dynamic models can be used for visi-
flyer (FF‘s) programs, CRM management.
tor‘s management optimalization, or prediction of
• Tour operators and travel agencies must adapt
visitors flows. Examples:
to a new situation, and in the frame of package
- MURDOCK [24] realized space and clim-
creators the role will be more online.
bers behaviour modelling which included
an access paths network, quality and diff- tourism industry. The typical applications are in
iculty of climber‘s paths, landscape resou- marketing and below the chosen examples are
rces, landscape complexity, visitors flows described.
data, results of psychological tests, and Authors CHIOUA - WAN - LEE [7] studied how
climber‘s preferences. The main modelling cognitive preferences affect consumers. They
target is to forecast measure of visitors compared virtual experience vs. brochures in the
management efficiency. advertisement of scenic spots and concluded
- DUMONT - GULINCK [9] developed a land- that there were two very different groups of con-
scape visitor‘s model which works with sumers: „visualizers (the consumers who prefer
several parameters: gateways to the area, visual information and the products that stress
exits from the area, visitor‘s targets, the area the visual) or verbalizers (the consumers who pre-
parts, push and pull factors, parts of paths, fer written or verbal information and products).“
connected roads, barriers. The model out- The visualizers prefer the virtual experience and
puts are compared with the GPS research, verbalizers traditionally prefer the printed brochu-
interviews, camera monitoring, photograph res. That effect was very strong. When there was
monitoring, season changes, photograph a combination of both presentation modes, better
comparison, landscape preferences stu- results were if the preferred way of presentation
dies, and walking preferred directions. was applied as second one.
- HENKENS ET AL (2006) presented and A multidimensional perceptual mapping used
discussed methods and outputs of the as a method of study of perception and prefe-
international project PROGRESS (PRO- rence attributes of the online travel agencies/
motion and Guidance for Recreation on gateways to the GDS authors KIM - KIM - HAN
Ecologically Sensitive Sites) which was [21]. They did find that most important feature
focused on the GIS use for visitors flows was find low fares, followed by security, easy
and visitors distribution modelling versus navigation and other services. The authors crea-
ecosystems distribution. ted the multidimensional perceptual maps of the
position of the different online travel agencies/
Very important is the monitoring ([23], [6] - an gateways to the GDS according to the chosen
overview of monitoring methods) and the evaluation perception attributes.
of tourism flows and impacts of tourism activities. GOVERS - GO - KUMAR [15] combined in
SHOVAL - ISAACSON [28] compared accuracy their „methods validation research“ the qualitati-
and operability of systems for tracking tourists - ve questionnaire methods (qualitative research),
land-based tracking, satellite navigation (GPS), and computerized content analysis technologies
hybrid systems. The question is how tracking me- (content analyses using artificial neural network
asurement change the tourist behaviour. Accurate software), the multidimensional destination men-
and reliable measurement of tourist flows (and tou- tal map model envisaged by Echtner and Ritchie
rist behaviour) is very important for the monitoring, ([11], cited in [15]; functional characteristics,
application of LAC (limits of acceptable changes) psychological characteristics, attributes; holistic
method or the method of carrying capacity, visitors‘ - imagery; unique; common) and a statistical
management, or the modelling of visiting. method after the quantitative representation of
The GIS was used for an overlap map of biological the qualitative research to measure a destination
zoning which was created on the bases of 17 spe- image. Methods combination seems to give valid
cies mapping, the mapping of tourism infrastructure results and is perspective for future research.
including up-to-date and planned routs and ad hoc PAN - FESENMAIER [26] implemented the
zoning (GOKHELASHVILI ET AL, [15]). cognitive approaches to the study of the online
information search in the frame of vacation plan-
6. Cognitive Science and Artificial ning process. The authors created a semantic
mental model of a vacation planner ([26]:fig.1,
Intelligence Approaches p.814), described a process of information
The cognitive science approaches are helpful search through the information search protocol
in growing amount of the ICT application in ([26]:817) and represented the process of infor-
mation search through the semantic map and and many non-predictable ways. The ICT pene-
evaluation diagram. They compared the semantic tration into the tourism sector will be supported
models of tourists and the information space for by novaday‘s development and establishment
San Diego. They concluded that: of new online technologies (web pages, WAP,
- Vacation planning on the web is a complex, mobile phones, PDA, IDTV, etc.), the growing ICT
dynamic, and contingent process (conclu- interactivity (hypermedia, interactive maps, GIS
sion as a confirmation of previous results, applications etc.), growing personalisation (e.
see e. g. [20], cited in [26]). g. sophisticated information search, presented
- Vacation planning on the Internet is an information structure on the base of user‘s prefe-
information intensive task which is often rences and behaviour), growing information trans-
beyond the searchers‘ processing capabi- mission speed, interconnection among different
lity and is an adaptive process that mostly IS in networks of „classical“ online and mobile
follows a contingent structure. online services (e. g. GDS, LBS, CRS), growing
- Each „virtual“ tourist appears to have a dis- security of E-business transactions (cryptology,
tinct semantic mental model regarding the biometry, communication protocols), and via
designated destination, navigating through other factors (e. g. social, economic). The chosen
the tourism information space in their uni- the ICT and cognitive approaches influence:
que paths accordingly. - The ICT support horizontal, vertical or
- On the other site there are commonalities diagonal integration of services providers
among „virtual“ tourists: they usually made [14].
accommodation choices first; tourists have - Frequent connection of tourist with their fri-
the intrinsically different semantic models ends and relatives change their perception
with comparison of the web space and the- of „on the way“ and „at home“ - according
re is a substantial difference in the used to [35] easy and frequent contact with
key words. friends and family members is associated
with a feeling of being simultaneously at
The systematic analyses of the use of tourism ‚‘home‘‘ (and continued participation in
knowledge in [19] is helpful in the defining of the pre-existing social networks) and at the
research approaches (quantitative and qualitative same time being ‚‘away‘‘.
methods as well), use knowledge in management, - Cost reduction - E-business (global concur-
marketing, or promoting innovation. rence, price comparison, lower distribution
Although we can find many cognitive science and promotion price etc.), introducing cus-
and AI approaches in tourism industry, the tomer self-service check-in solutions.
hospitality industry is far behind. HALLIN - MAR- - Growing security - transportation manage-
NBURG [17] on the bases of analyses of the ment, biometry passengers check, secure
existing knowledge management (KM) applica- cryptology transmissions, introduction
tions in the hospitality industry conclude that RFID for luggage handling [10]:7.
KM is especially relevant for building up a com-
petitive advantage in the hospitality industry (e. We can formulate the following ICT implemen-
g. knowledge sharing can improve employees‘ tation trends in tourism sector [10], [25], [34]:
knowledge of unique guests‘/customers‘ needs) - Low barriers to new market entrants (e. g.
but with the exception of some major hotel chains virtual travel agencies), which pose a threat
(e.g. the Accor and the Hilton) hospitality industry for traditional players.
is underdeveloped in practical use of KM applica- - Ongoing the ICT-based substitution of
tion in comparison with other sectors. services provided by traditional players.
- Online distribution channels strengthening
Conclusion the role of suppliers.
The ICT influences tourism industry in a growing - Consumers are becoming more directly
manner, both in the quantitative and qualitative involved in the production, compilation or
aspects, with their final individual consumers innovation of products and services (e. g.
and group‘s business users, in many dimensions dynamic packaging, direct market research
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Josef Zelenka
The ICT influences tourism industry in a growing manner, both in the quantitative and qualitative
aspects, with their final individual consumers and group‘s business users, in many dimensions
and many non-predictable ways. The ICT penetration into the tourism sector will be supported by
novaday‘s development and establishment of new online technologies (e. g. web pages, WAP,
mobile phones, PDA, IDTV), the growing ICT interactivity (e. g. hypermedia, interactive maps, GIS
applications), growing personalisation (sophisticated information search, presented information
structure on the base of user‘s preferences and behaviour etc.), the growing information transmis-
sion speed, interconnection among different IS in networks of „classical“ online and mobile online
services (e. g. GDS, LBS, CRS, GIS), the growing security of E-business transactions (cryptology,
biometry, protocols), and via other factors (e. g. social, economic). What will be dominant, are
the different forms of E-business (both B2C and B2B) characterised by growing personalisation,
interactivity, complexity and services concentration and at the same time usage simplification. In
last years, the dominant role of the web pages/Internet will be transformed into the role of one ac-
cording to the conditions used technology together with LBS and IDTV, and simultaneously these
technologies will cooperate.
New age of usage of the ICT in tourism will influence not only sophisticated presentation and on-
line technologies (web, LBS interfaces, IDTV) but also cognitive and AI applications (e. g. semantic
representations, knowledge and expert systems), space oriented applications (the GIS), intelligent
sorting and information search (which is very important for the exponentially growing information/
virtual space), or virtual reality applications. In the near future will have E-business in developed
countries more consumers than in the traditional personal trade. And of course, tourism marketing
will change itself more and more into the online form with many competition and business subjects‘
fusion consequences. On the other hand the ICT is an opportunity also for the small businesses (e.
g. pensions, small private museums, bed-and-breakfast, specialised restaurants).
Key Words: information and communication technology, tourism industry, E-business, marketing,
GDS, IDTV, LBS, PDA, knowledge system.