Temática de Pais Mano Izquierda

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Aldo Pais was the first cello of the orchestra of La Fenice founded in 2007.

1. Esercizi per la forza e l’independencia delle dita (pag1):

• raise your fingers and dropped them with force on the string
2. Pizzicato a Percussione e Pizzicato con la mano sinistra (pag.7):
• Pizzicato a Percussione: preparatory exercises. Hit the string with the
chromatic fingers in the position necessary for each note.
• Pizzicato con la mano sinistra: to pinch the string from right to left with the
subsequent finger above to the real note.
• Exercises that mix bowing, percussion pizz. and left-hand pizz. (pag.8-9)

Exercises for strengthen and create independence in the fingers, establish the position: not
for beginners some are very uncomfortable.

3. Scales (pag 10)

• preparatory exercises. (pag. 10-11)
• 3 and 4 octaves scales fingering pattern: major, harmonic minor, melodic
• Scale with different fingering, scale in thumb position, two octaves one
• scales variants, chromatics, whole tone.
• Diatonic modal scales (pag.24)
• Some Arabian, Chinese, and Indian scales (pag.26)
4. Arpeggi (pag.27)
• arpeggio exercises and variations
5. Doppie corde nel manico (pag.35)
• 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th in double stops.
6. Allargamenti (pag 43)
• Double extension exercises, double stops with double extension
• Extensions in thumb position (pag.53)
7. Avvicinamenti di dita (pag.56)
• Exercises to anticipate the change shifting keeping one finger in the old
position while a new one is approaching to the next position.
• Avvicinamenti delle dita negli accordi (similar to guitar chord fingering)
8. Esercizi per la velocità e uguaglianza (pag. 58)
• Exercises for fingering speed and equality
9. Articolazione del pollice (pag.68)
• Movements and exercises to master the thumb
10. Armonici Naturalli (pag.76)
• Description of the natural harmonics sequence and its repetition
• Arpeggios using natural harmonics and real notes on a single string (pag.87)
11. Armonici Artifialli (pag.88)
• Description of the artificial harmonics
• Combination of natural and artificial harmonics (pag.94)
• Ecceziani: Trills in harmonics (pag.96)
12. Salti (pag.98)
• Shifting
• Shifting with mandatory intervals (3rd,4th,5th,6th, etc.)
13. Regole per I portamenti (pag. 105)
• Portamento: slide from a note or to a note but do not connect the two notes.
(different of glissando)
• Portamento with the same finger on two strings (pag.108)
14. Sostituzioni di dita (pag.109)
• Replacement of fingers exercises (pag.109)
15. Trillo (pag.110)
• Double trill (pag.114)
16. Ottave(pag.116)
• Octaves in thumb position
• 1 octave scale in parallel 8ves (pag.118)
• Trills and tremolos in octaves (pag.128)
17. Terze, Seste,Decime,Unisoni, quarte, quinte, settime
18. ¼ di tono and vibrato (pag.160)
• Indicate in the score by “+ ¼ di tono”, it could be doing just for short notes.
Based in the physic principle of chromatic half tones.

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